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Measurements of temperature and velocity microstructure near and downstream of a shallow seamount are used to compare fossil turbulence versus non-fossil turbulence models for the evolution of turbulence microstructure patches in the stratified ocean. According to non-fossil oceanic turbulence models, all overturn length scales LT of the microstructure grow and collapse in constant proportion to each other and to the turbulence energy (Oboukov) scale LO and the inertial buoyancy (Ozmidov) scale of the patches; that is, with LTrms ≈1.2LR and viscous dissipation rate 0*. According to the Gibson fossil turbulence model, all microstructure originates from completely active turbulence with 0 ≈ 3LT2N3(≈ 280*) and LT/√6 ≈ LTrms, but this rapidly decays into a more persistent active-fossil state with 0F ≈ 30vN2, where N is the buoyancy frequency and v is the kinematic viscosity and, without further energy supply, finally reaches a completely fossil turbulence hydrodynamic state of internal wave motions, with F. The last turbulence eddies, with F, vanish at a buoyant-inertial-viscous (fossil Kolmogorov) scale LKF that is much smaller than the remnant overturn scales LT for large 0/F ratios. These density, temperature, and salinity overturns with LT ≈ 0.6 LR0 0.6 LR persist as turbulence fossils (by retaining the memory of o) and collapse very slowly. In the near wake below the summit depth of Ampere seamount, a much larger proportion of completely active turbulence patches was found than is usually found in the ocean interior away from sources. Dissipation rates and turbulence activity coefficients of microstructure patches were found to decrease downstream, suggesting that the active turbulence indicated by the patches with AT 1 was caused by the presence of the seamount as a turbulence source. Therefore, the turbulence and mixing processes of ocean layers far away from turbulence sources probably have been undersampled by microstructure data sets lacking any AT 1 patches. This is because large fractions of the mixing and viscous dissipation of the patches occur in short-lived active turbulence regimes that are too brief to be detected. Consequently, large underestimates of the true space-time average turbulence fluxes and turbulence and scalar dissipation rates may result if non-fossil turbulence models are assumed in ocean microstructure data interpretation.  相似文献   

The aerodynamic drag coefficient (CD) is conjectured to change (or remains almost uniform) with the horizontal wind speed (U) over a flexible (or fixed) surface element, which is represented with the surface roughness (z0). This conjecture is tested for the near neutral atmospheric turbulence (i.e. when surface stability z/L is almost equal to 0, where z is the measurement height and L is Obukhov length) of monsoon and winter season at an on-slope and a ridge-top site in the Indian Himalaya, wherein the ridge-top site is associated with a higher degree of sensitivity to the roughness element and terrain attributes. This hypothesis is successfully verified for two conditions, (i) the monsoon period observations of ridge-top site are found to have higher z0 due to vegetative growth than the winter period for flows having similar terrain signature, and (ii) the monsoon and winter period observations of on-slope site are noted to have similar z0 for flows having signature of steep terrain. Subsequently, constants (i.e. a and b) of the power-law relationships between CD and U (i.e. CD = aUb), as a function of z0, are optimized. It is noted that the relationship between CD and U has higher sensitivity towards the terrain slope than the vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The structure-function parametersC T 2 andC v 2 of temperature and velocity, respectively, from the 1973 Minnesota experiments and from large-eddy and direct numerical simulations show a smooth transition from M–O similarity to the local scaling hypothesized by Nieuwstadt for the outer regions of the stable boundary layer. Under that hypothesis, turbulence statistics aloft depend on the local vertical fluxes of momentum and temperature, so these results suggest that remote-sensing measurements ofC T 2 andC v 2 could be used to infer vertical profiles of those fluxes. We argue that the sensitivity of the fluxes to unsteadiness, baroclinity, terrain slope, and breaking gravity waves precludes the universality of the vertical profiles of structure-function parameters in the stable PBL. We find that theC T 2 profile is particularly sensitive to these effects, which is consistent with observations that it varies considerably from case to case.  相似文献   

Turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer(NBL) is still not well characterized, especially over complex underlying surfaces. Herein, gradient tower data and eddy covariance data collected by the Beijing 325-m tower were used to better understand the differentiating characteristics of turbulence regimes and vertical turbulence structure of urban the NBL. As for heights above the urban canopy layer(UCL), the relationship between turbulence velocity scale(VTKE) and wind speed(V) was con...  相似文献   

Although the bulk aerodynamic transfer coefficients for sensible (C H ) and latent (C E ) heat over snow and sea ice surfaces are necessary for accurately modeling the surface energy budget, they have been measured rarely. This paper, therefore, presents a theoretical model that predicts neutral-stability values of C H and C E as functions of the wind speed and a surface roughness parameter. The crux of the model is establishing the interfacial sublayer profiles of the scalars, temperature and water vapor, over aerodynamically smooth and rough surfaces on the basis of a surface-renewal model in which turbulent eddies continually scour the surface, transferring scalar contaminants across the interface by molecular diffusion. Matching these interfacial sublayer profiles with the semi-logarithmic inertial sublayer profiles yields the roughness lengths for temperature and water vapor. When coupled with a model for the drag coefficient over snow and sea ice based on actual measurements, these roughness lengths lead to the transfer coefficients. C E is always a few percent larger than CH. Both decrease monotonically with increasing wind speed for speeds above 1 m s–1, and both increase at all wind speeds as the surface gets rougher. Both, nevertheless, are almost always between 1.0 × 10–3 and 1.5 × 10–3.  相似文献   

From sodar measurements gathered during the Voves experiment (France, summer 1977), the variations of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 were studied in the morning planetary boundary layer. Dimensionless profiles of C T 2 are consistent with the mixed-layer scaling of Kaimal et al. (1976); however, for z < 0,5 z i, the decrease of C T 2 as z 4/3 should be weighted according to Frisch and Ochs (1975).When the final breakup of the nocturnal inversion is achieved, the variations of the maximum of the C T 2 profile are in good agreement with those predicted by Wyngaard and Le Mone (1980). Discrepancies are observed mainly when the mixed layer is shallow and mechanical turbulence is important compared with buoyancy-driven turbulence.  相似文献   

A radar equation which can be applied to any bistatic acoustic sounder is derived. The equation reduces to the expression normally used for the special case of the monostatic sounder. Numerical results using this equation are given for specific acoustic sounders, including the relative contributions to the scattering from the temperature and velocity parameters (C T 2 and C V 2), the effect of wind speed on the scattered intensity and the measurement of horizontal wind velocity.Now with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Portsmouth Polytechnic, Anglesea Road, Portsmouth PO1 3DJ.  相似文献   

An analysis was performed of the turbulent data obtained from Yucheng experimental station in the Shandong Province in 1984. [t is shown that at variant wind speed, the spectra of streamwise velocity remain similar and the intensity of wind fluctuations is proportional to wind speed in the downwind area of shelter belt. Therefore, we may decide the similarity of wind fluctuations by a speed scale and a length scale which is not correlated with stability, σu /V0 = F(X / H). The -5/3 power range of temperature spectra extends to lower frequency. The variation of ratio σ0 /T. with stability becomes σ0 / T . = C(X / H)( - Z / L)-1/3 . There is not such an extension of -5 / 3 power range in the humidity spectra.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the boundary layer over complex terrain (Lannemezan - lat.: 43.7° N and, long.: 0.7 ° E) are analyzed for various scales, using measurements obtained during the COCAGNE Experiment. In this first part, the dynamic characteristics of the flow are studied with respect to atmospheric stability and the relief at small (~20 km) and medium scales (~100 km). These relief scales depend on the topographical profile of the Lannemezan Plateau along the dominant axis of the wind (E-W) and the Pyrénées Mountains located at the south of the experimental site. The terrain heterogeneities have a standard deviation of ~48 m and a wavelength of ~2 km.The averaged vertical profiles of wind speed and direction over the heterogeneous terrain are analyzed. The decrease of wind speed within the boundary layer is greater than over flat terrain (WANGARA Experiment). However, a comparison between ETTEX (complex terrain) and COCAGNE vertical wind speed profiles shows good agreement during unstable conditions. In contrast, during neutral conditions a more rapid increase with normalized height is found with COCAGNE than with ETTEX and WANGARA data. The vertical profiles of wind direction reveal an influence of the Pyrénées Mountains on the wind flow. The wind rotation in the BL is determined by the geostrophic wind direction-Pyrénées axis angle (negative deviation) as the geostrophic wind is connected with the Mountain axis.When the geostrophic wind does not interact with the Pyrénées axis, the mean and turbulent wind flow characteristics (drag coefficient C D, friction velocity u *) depend on the topography of the plateau. When the wind speed is strong (>6 m s -1), an internal boundary layer is generated from the leading edge of the Plateau.  相似文献   

The effect of topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on turbulence intensities in the unstably stratified surface layer have been parameterized using observations obtained from a three-dimensional sonic anemometer installed at 8 m height above the ground at the Seoul National University (SNU) campus site in Korea for the years 1999–2001. Winds obtained from the sonic anemometer are analyzed according to the mean wind direction, since the topographical slope angle changes significantly along the azimuthal direction. The effects of the topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on surface-layer turbulence intensity are examined with these data. It is found that both the friction velocity and the variance for each component of wind normalized by the mean wind speed decrease with increase of the topographical slope angle, having a maximum decreasing rate at very unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the normalized friction velocity (u * /U) is found to be much larger than that of the turbulence intensity of each wind component due to the reduction of wind shear with increase in slope angle under unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the w component of turbulence intensity (σ w /U) is the smallest over the downslope surface whereas that of the u component (σ u /U) has a minimum over the upslope surface. Consequently, σ w /u * has a maximum increasing rate with increase in slope angle for the downslope wind, whereas σ u /u * has its maximum for the upslope wind. The sloping terrain is found to reduce both the friction velocity and turbulence intensity compared with those on a flat surface. However, the reduction of the friction velocity over the sloping terrain is larger than that of the turbulence intensity, thereby enhancing the turbulence intensity normalized by the friction velocity over sloping terrain compared with that over a flat surface.  相似文献   

The forcing mechanisms for Antarctic coastal polynyas and the thermodynamic effects of existing polynyas are studied by means of an air-sea-ice interaction experiment in the Weddell Sea in October and November 1986.Coastal polynyas develop in close relationship to the ice motion and form most rapidly with offshore ice motion. Narrow polynyas occur frequently on the lee side of headlands and with strong curvature of the coastline. From the momentum balance of drifting sea ice, a forcing diagram is constructed, which relates ice motion to the surface-layer wind vector v z and to the geostrophic ocean current vector c g . In agreement with the data, wind forcing dominates when the wind speed at a height of 3 m exceeds the geostrophic current velocity by a factor of at least 33. This condition within the ocean regime of the Antarctic coastal current usually is fulfilled for wind speeds above 5 m/s at a height of 3 m.Based on a nonlinear parameter estimation technique, optimum parameters for free ice drift are calculated. Including a drift dependent geostrophic current in the ice/water drag yields a maximum of explained variance (91%) of ice velocity.The turbulent heat exchange between sea ice and polynya surfaces is derived from surface-layer wind and temperature data, from temperature changes of the air mass along its trajectory and from an application of the resistance laws for the atmospheric PBL. The turbulent heat flux averaged over all randomly distributed observations in coastal polynyas is 143 W/m2. This value is significantly different over pack ice and shelf ice surfaces, where downward fluxes prevail. The large variances of turbulent fluxes can be explained by variable wind speeds and air temperatures. The heat fluxes are also affected by cloud feedback processes and vary in time due to the formation of new ice at the polynya surface.Maximum turbulent fluxes of more than 400 W/m2 result from strong winds and low air temperatures. The heat exchange is similarly intense in a narrow zone close to the ice front, when under weak wind conditions, a local circulation develops and cold air associated with strong surface inversions over the shelf ice is heated above the open water.  相似文献   

A spectral approach is applied to shear-induced turbulence in stratified layers. A system of spectral equations for stationary balance of turbulent energy and temperature variances was deduced in the vicinity of the local shear scale LU = (ε/UZ3)1/2. At wavenumbers between the inertial-convective (k−5/3) and wak turbulence (k−3) subranges, additional narrow spectral intervals—‘production’ subranges—may appear (E k−1, ET k−2). The upper boundary of these subranges is determined as LU, and the lower boundaries as LR (ε/UZN2)1/2(χ/TZ2). It is shown that the scale LU is a unique spectral scale that is uniform up to a constant value for every hydrophysical field. It appears that the spectral scale LU is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh for the active turbulence model. Therefore, if turbulent patches are generated in a background of permanent mean shear, a linear relation between temperature and mass diffusivities exists. In spectral terms, the fossil turbulence model corresponds to the regime of the Boldgiano-Obukhov buoyancy subrange (E k−11/5, ET k−7/5). During decay the buoyancy subrange is expanded to lower and higher wavenumbers. At lower wavenumbers the buoyancy subrange is bounded by L** = 3(χ1/2/N1/2TZ), which is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh. In such a transition regime only, when the viscous dissipation rate is removed from the set of main turbulence parameters, the Thorpe scale does not correlate with the buoyancy scale LN ε1/2/N3/2 and fossil turbulence is realized. Oceanic turbulence measurements in the equatorial Pacific near Baker Island confirm the main ideas of the active and fossil turbulence models.  相似文献   

High frequency measurements of wind velocity and temperature were made during the Ocean Storms Project in November 1987. The dissipation method was applied to the resulting time series in order to determine friction velocities,u *, and the characteristic temperature scale,t *, at 1-min intervals. These values were then compared to the 1-min mean wind speed and air-sea temperature differences to determine relationships for the drag coefficient (C d ) and Stanton number (C h ). The drag coefficient was comparable to other values reported in the literature, although the variation with wind speed was greater than reported by other investigators. An examination of the residual time series indicated a systematic low frequency periodicity of about 2-hr duration which was attributed to a fluctuating wind interacting with the surface gravity wave field. The temperature fluctuations did not produce meaningful estimates ofC h for stable conditions. For unstable conditions, a value of 1.09±0.02×10–3 was found.  相似文献   

Nine profiles of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 and the standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations ( w) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) were obtained with a monostatic Doppler sodar during the second intensive field campaign of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment in 1987. The results were analyzed by using local similarity theory. Local similarity curves depend on four parameters: the height of the mixed layer (z i ), the depth of the interfacial layer (), and the temperature fluxes at the top of the mixed layer (Q i ) and the surface (Q o). Values of these parameters were inferred from sodar data by using the similarity curve for C T 2 and observations at three points in its profile. The effects of entrainment processes on the profiles of C T 2 and wnear the top of the CBL appeared to be described well by local similarity theory. Inferred estimates of surface temperature flux, however, were underestimated in comparison to fluxes measured by eddy correlation. The measured values of wappeared to be slightly smaller than estimates based on available parmeterizations. These discrepancies might have been caused by experimental error or, more likely, by the distortion of turbulence structure above the site by flow over the nonuniform terrain at the observation site.  相似文献   

The Langevin equation is used to derive the Markov equation for the vertical velocity of a fluid particle moving in turbulent flow. It is shown that if the Eulerian velocity variance wE is not constant with height, there is an associated vertical pressure gradient which appears as a force-like term in the Markov equation. The correct form of the Markov equation is: w(t + t) = aw(t) + b wE + (1 – a)T L ( wE 2)/z, where w(t) is the vertical velocity at time t, a random number from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance, T L the Lagrangian integral time scale for vertical velocity, a = exp(–t/T L), and b = (1 – a 2)1/2. This equation can be used for inhomogeneous turbulence in which the mean wind speed, wE and T L vary with height. A two-dimensional numerical simulation shows that when this equation is used, an initially uniform distribution of tracer remains uniform.  相似文献   

The friction velocity (u*) and the sensible heat flux density (H) determined with a displaced-beam small aperture scintillometer (DBSAS) and a hot-film eddy correlation system are compared. Random errors in the DBSAS are relatively small, compared to scatter found with two eddy-correlation systems. Assuming that the hot-film system yields the true fluxes, theDBSAS appears to overestimate u* when u* is less than 0.2 m s-1 and to underestimate u* at high wind speeds. This implies that the DBSAS measurements of theinner scale length of turbulence, l0, a direct measure for the dissipation rate of kinetic turbulent energy, are biased. Possible causes for these results are discussedin detail. A correction procedure is presented to account for effects of random noise and of so-called inactive turbulence or sensor vibrations. The errors in u* cause errors in the DBSAS measurements of the structure parameter of temperature CT 2. The derived H appears to be less sensitive to errors in l0 and CT 2, because errors in these quantities tend to cancel out.  相似文献   

For 390 ten-minute samples of turbulent flux, made with a trivane above a lake, the vertical alignment is determined within 0.1 ° through azimuth-dependent averaging. One degree of instrumental misalignment is found to produce an average tilt error of 9 ± 4% for momentum flux, and 4 ± 2% for heat flux. The tilt error in the vertical momentum flux depends mainly ons u/u*, and cannot be much diminished with impunity by high-pass pre-filtering of the turbulence signals. The effects of rain on trivane measurements of vertical velocity are shown to be negligible at high wind speeds, and adaptable to correction in any case.The normalized vertical velocity variance,s w/u*, appears to be proportional to the square root ofz/L for unstable stratification. For a wind speed range of 2 to 15 m s–1, the eddy correlation stresses measured at 4- and 8-m heights can be reasonably well estimated by using a constant drag coefficientC d=1.3 X 10-3, while cup anemometer profile measurements give an overestimate of eddy stress at high wind speeds. A good stress estimate is also obtained from the elevation variance; it is suggested that trivane measurement of this variance might be made from a mobile platform, e.g., a moderately stabilized spar buoy.  相似文献   

Turbulent fluctuations in CO2 concentrations over a paddy field are measured by a fastresponse device with an open sensing path. This IR device coupled with a sonic anemometer constitutes an eddy correlation instrument to measure CO2 fluxes. Three experiments were conducted in the surface layer over paddy 90 cm high. The stability (z – d)/L ranged from -0.14 to 0.20, where L denotes the Monin-Obukhov length.CO2 power spectra show the range of applicability of the -2/3 power law to be between f = 0.2 and f = 2, where f is the frequency normalized by wind speed and height. The cospectral estimate between CO2 and vertical component of wind speed ranging from f = 0.005 to f = 2 shows a peak at about f = 0.15 under near-neutral stratification.Hourly means of CO2 flux measured by the eddy correlation method increase with intensity of net radiation. The maximum value of downward flux of CO2 rises to 0.6 mg cm-2 hr-1 over the paddy field at the stage of ear emergence.Some turbulence statistics relating to the CO2 transport are evaluated: the correlation coefficient between CO2 and vertical velocity is about -0.3, and that between CO2 and humidity attains -0.7 ~ -0.8 under unstable stratification; nondimensional gradients c for CO2 and m for wind speed are 0.89 and 0.99, respectively.  相似文献   

The deviation of the sea surface temperature from the water temperature below is calculated as a function of the heat flow through the air-sea interface, using wind tunnel determinations of the effective thermal diffusivity in a boundary layer. The influence ofQ, shortwave radiation, andH, latent and sensible heat transfer plus effective back radiation, and U, wind speed, can be described by:T 0T w =C 1 ·H/U +C 2 ·Q/U. The calculated coefficients vary slightly with reference depth, Tables II and III. They are in good agreement with independent observations.On leave at Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon in 1969–70.  相似文献   

The comparison of C infT sup2 estimates in the atmospheric boundary layer, from spectral and differential temperature (T) measurements, is discussed. Measurements of C infT sup2 using these two methods are compared and the differences between the two are shown to be due to low-frequency enhancement of the T spectrum. Possible explanations for this effect are considered and attention is drawn to the significance of the resulting errors in boundary-layer turbulence measurements.Now at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Portsmouth Polytechnic, Anglesea Road, Portsmouth, U.K.Now at Department of Meteorology, University of Athens, Greece.  相似文献   

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