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依据国家标准对茂名滨海地区有旅游开发价值的旅游资源进行了分类,将其共划分为8主类、21亚类、40基本类型。评价结果表明,列为优良级旅游资源、普通级旅游资源各有4处。根据茂名滨海地区旅游资源具有浓厚的地方特色、资源丰富且品位高、开发价值大、各种类型旅游资源组合优势突出、旅游资源普遍保护好等优点,提出了8项海洋文化旅游项目,以对滨海旅游资源进行深层次的开发,逐步把茂名滨海地区建成滨海旅游资源开发示范区,带动全省滨海旅游业向高层次、多内容、具有海洋特色的方向发展。  相似文献   

广西滨海的3个城市北海、防城港、钦州,有着良好的区位优势和丰富的旅游资源,其中北海银滩被列为国家级旅游度假区。近年来,北海周边及其它两个城市相继开发了不少旅游项目,旅游业发展较快。但与广西其它城市及我国其它滨海地区相比,广西滨海旅游业没有发展到它应有的高度。本文在分析广西滨海旅游市场的优势、现状及成因的基础上,从产品开发和宣传促销两个方面提出了一些新的思路。  相似文献   

济南千佛山地区早古生代地层发育良好,形成了大量地质遗迹资源,具有非常重要的地质意义和旅游价值。前人对该地区的研究少有从地质遗迹方面进行详细介绍。通过多次实地考察对该地区地质遗迹资源进行了系统分类,特别是对该地区发育的沉积构造现象进行了详细观察,最后对千佛山地区的地质遗迹资源从地质意义和旅游价值方面进行了评价。  相似文献   

南丹县旅游资源丰富、类型多、档次高、具有开发潜力.该文分析介绍了南丹旅游资源的特色,以及开发、保护现状,并提出了进一步开发南丹旅游资源的建议.  相似文献   

围子山省级自然保护区位于山东省烟台市莱山区,区内地质遗迹丰富,本文将保护区内的地质遗迹资源分为基础地质、地貌景观及地质灾害3个大类、6个类,8个亚类。对各类地质遗迹特征进行分析,并从科学性、稀有性、完整性、美学性、保存程度、可保护性等6个方面对区内地质遗迹资源进行定性评价,结果表明,围子山自然保护区内丰富的地质遗迹资源科学性、完整性、美学性较好,具有较高的科研、科普、美学及旅游开发价值,是普及地学知识的理想之地。  相似文献   

国土资源的丰富程度和开发管理水平的高低,对社会经济发展具有重大决定作用.广西是中西部省区中唯一沿海、沿边、沿江的省区,其国土资源的基本状况是:山多地少,人均耕地低于全国平均水平;矿产资源种类多,锰、锡等30多种矿产储量居国内前列;海洋空间资源、港口资源、生物资源、矿产资源、旅游资源丰富.如能充分发挥广西的区位优势、资源特色,广西在西部大开发中将大有作为.  相似文献   

海洋文化产业作为新的产业形态是目前一些临海国家或区域发展的经济热点。拥有丰富海洋文化资源且以良好的海洋经济发展作为依托,厦门海洋文化产业发展初显成效,但过于依赖滨海旅游业、海洋文化产业人才匮乏等问题制约了厦门海洋文化产业的发展。研究认为厦门海洋文化产业今后的发展应从打造闽台海洋文化人文旅游线路、发展厦门新兴海洋文化产业、提高厦门海洋文化产业附加值、培养本土海洋文化产业人才等4个方面需求突破。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋世纪,发展海洋经济是时代面临的机遇和挑战.实施滨海开发带动战略是海盐县委、县政府提出的"十二五"时期的重点发展战略,要充分挖掘海洋资源优势和潜力,强化滨海开发带动,促进港口与城市,临港产业与腹地经济、岸线资源与陆域资源的联动发展,切实把滨海新区打造成为海盐经济发展新的增长极和转型发展的重要支持点.  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸滨海湿地作为环渤海滨海湿地的一部分,具有海洋与河口交互性、海陆过渡性和生态脆弱性等特点,湿地面积广阔、资源丰富,是东北亚环西太平洋鸟类迁徙的重要“中转站”及越冬、栖息和繁殖地。湿地总面积为1150.079km^2,湿地维管束植物区系包括维管束植物53科144属217种。近年来,在对滨海湿地的开发中,虾池、盐田等人工湿地面积不断扩大,造成自然湿地面积减小、植被退化、地貌和水文条件改变、生物多样性下降,改变了原始的滨海湿地自然景观,破坏了珍稀鸟类的生存环境。  相似文献   

浙江省丹霞地貌比较发育,具有丰富的旅游资源.本文在考察浙江中西部地区比较典型的丹霞地貌、旅游资源的基础上,分析了丹霞地貌的特征和旅游资源及其开发现状.  相似文献   

 景观感知对旅游地规划设计具有基础性作用,但人文旅游地内部的景观感知空间分异至今没有微观尺度上的研究方法出现。本文提出了景观视角分组基础上的景观语义特征点抽象方法,并建立了单文化景观和多文化景观语义感知度计算模型,以解决人文类型旅游地内部景观感知的强度空间分异计算问题。利用数字高程模型,在清西陵旅游地实现了文化景观语义感知度的实证研究:以中国传统的皇家陵寝选址文化及其表征的封建等级体系为语义准则,提取了4个代表性陵墓文化景观不同景观视角下的78个特征点,并赋予不同景观视角及每个特征点相应权重系数;利用视域分析、叠置分析等方法计算得到旅游地景观文化感知度;尝试利用感知度计算结果对现有观光线路进行观景点语义挖掘并设计了优化方案。论文为人文地理学景观感知定量化表达提供了思路,为旅游地规划、景观与线路设计等提供了技术途径。  相似文献   

澳门是以博彩业而闻名的旅游城市,但它也拥有独特的地质旅游资源。如以岩洞、大石蛋为主的岩体景观和以红树林为主的海岸景观等。澳门地质旅游资源是构造、岩浆、海岸侵蚀等多种地质作用的产物,因而不仅具有观赏性,还具有科学考察意义。今后,应主要开发黑沙湾、红树林海岸及多种山地,造就山海岩林融为一体的天涯海角旅游胜地。  相似文献   

1 Introduction As a special kind of tourism, glacier tourism is popular to tourists all over the world owing to its meeting tourists’ needs for seeking after freshness, difference, surprise and risk. Differing from conventional tourism, glacier tour- ism has its special characters while there is little literature on it. It is of great significance to study its characters and seek after the harmonious development in exploitation and protection of glacier tourism resources. Glacier tourism refe…  相似文献   

广西森林旅游资源多达 816 .7万hm2 ,景点 2 80个 ,内容丰富 ,前景广阔 ,加强广西森林旅游资源特色的开发 ,有利于促进广西旅游业可持续发展 ,有利于经济、社会、环境效益的提高及人们的文化素质和生活质量的提高。  相似文献   

~~STUDY OF RURAL TOURISM IN TURPAN ,CHINA@KEYIM Parhad$Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, P. R. China; The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. ChinaBRAMWELL B, LANE B,…  相似文献   

Based on Hagget's theory of spatial structure,researches on the nodes and field of tourist origins to Huang-cheng Village in Shanxi Province of China have been explored.Nodal hierarchy structure of tourist origins is analyzed with cluster analysis and the gravity model.And field of tourist origins is analyzed with attraction radius index(R)and geography concentration index(G).In the field analysis,R and G of Huangcheng Village are compared with Xidi Village that is a world heritage located in Huangshan City of Anhui Province in China.According to comparison of loca-tions of two areas,influential factors for field area of Huangcheng Village are identified.It is concluded that:1)cluster analysis and gravity model can be complementary methods to each other for nodal hierarchy structure analysis of tour-ist origins;and 2)as far as location is concerned,the weak intensity effect of tourism resources in the tourist region is a major cause for explaining why tourist origins to Huangcheng Village are mainly its neighboring areas.Moreover,it is suggested that the regional effect of tourist resources should be regarded as a component of destination attractiveness when applying gravity model.  相似文献   

Mountain protected areas are characterized by high biodiversity, which makes it a great challenge for managers to maintain a balance between their use and the stability of natural ecosystems. Maintaining that balance is particularly difficult in areas with high tourism pressure. The expected volume of tourist traffic should be considered at the planning stage of the tourist infrastructure development process. Insufficient capacity of tourist infrastructure can lead to environmental degradation, which is hard, or at times impossible, to repair. In our research, we identified patterns of tourist footpath and road functioning in an environmentally protected area with high volumes of tourist traffic. Data from geomorphologic mapping was analyzed in order to identify tourist footpath and road structures in the Tatra National Park(TNP). Fieldwork was conducted in several stages between 1995 and 2019. Orthophotomaps from the years 1977, 2009, 2017 and 2019 were used to identify and compare degraded zones along selected tourist footpaths. Degraded zones were defined as areas surrounding a footpath or tourist road with a mean width larger than or equal to 10 meters, with heavily damaged or completely removed vegetation and exposed, weathered cover, where geomorphic processes that would not take place under normal conditions are readily observable. The examined tourist footpaths and roads vary in terms of their morphometric parameters. Research has shown important differences between mean and maximum footpath width as well as maximum incision depth for the forest zone versus the subalpine and alpine zones. A lack of differences in these parameters was noted between the alpine and subalpine zones. Research has shown that an increase in the surface area of degraded zones found adjacent to tourist footpaths occurred in all the studied geo-ecological zones in the study period. However, the largest increase occurred atop wide ridgelines found in the alpine zone. Degraded zones may be an indication of exceeding the tourist carrying capacity of a mountain tourist area. Mass tourism in TNP contributes to the formation of degraded zones adjacent to footpaths, whose continuous evolution may lead to irreversible changes in local relief.  相似文献   

论地质旅游资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地质旅游资源是自然旅游资源的核心,以成因、物质基础、空间分布为基础,结合其形态特征、社会经济特征等因素对地质旅游资源进行了初步分类,并探讨了地质旅游的特色及发展前景.  相似文献   

Studies on land loss in Tuvalu reveal the following findings. Although both sea level rise and coastal erosion can cause land loss in the tropic Pacific oceanic islands, their mechanisms are different. When sea level rises, the low elevation coastal zone submerges and the erosion datum plane rises, the beach process progresses normally as always, resulting in no beach sediment coarsening. When the sea level is stable, coastal erosion removes finer sediment from reef flat, beach and land, resulting in beach sediment coarsening. The human-induced coastal erosion in the tropic Pacific oceanic islands has the following features. 1) Erosion occurs or intensifies immediately after inappropriate human activities. 2) It occurs near the places having human activities and places related to the above places in sediment supply. 3) It often occurs on original prograding or stable coasts (on lagoon coasts for atolls) because there are more coastal engineering projects and other human activities on such coasts. 4) It is chronic, covering a long period of time. The coastal geological events in Tuvalu islands do not accord with the features resulted from sea level rise but do accord with the features resulted from coastal erosion, particularly from human-induced erosion. The land loss in Tuvalu is mainly caused by inappropriate human activities including coastal engineering and aggregate mining, and partly caused by cyclones. Moreover, all recent measurements (satellite altimetry,thermosteric sea level data and tide observations) so far have not been able to verify any sea level rise around Tuvalu islands.  相似文献   

江苏沿海地区土地利用生态价值测算评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏沿海地区生态价值的测算评价对于区域土地合理利用、优化配置具有重要的指导意义。根据江苏沿海地区土地利用和生态服务特征构建了江苏沿海地区耕地、城镇工矿用地、林地和沿海滩涂4个主要地类的生态价值体系以及综合当量因子法、价值量评价法、市场价值法、专家评估法、生产成本法和偿付意愿法等的生态价值测算方法模型,基于土地利用数据、播种面积、产出值、单产价格、降雨量以及废水、废气及烟(粉)尘排放量等数据测算了2011年江苏沿海地区现状土地利用生态价值。结果表明,江苏沿海地区耕地的生态价值均值为6178.95元/hm2、城镇工矿用地的生态价值为-5163.26元/hm2、林地的生态价值为16 438.42元/hm2、沿海滩涂的生态价值为8125.53元/hm2;连云港市、南通市、盐城市的耕地、林地、沿海滩涂都产生了正向的生态价值,共计104.55、4.56、23.28亿元,而这3个城市的建设用地造成了一定的生态价值损失,共计-28.53亿元。  相似文献   

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