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Recently, a tachyonic field was presented as a dark energy model to represent the present acceleration of the Universe. In this paper, we consider a mixture of tachyonic fluid with a perfect fluid. For this purpose we consider barotropic fluid and Generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG). We present a particular form of the scale factor. We solve the equations of motion to get exact solutions of the density, tachyonic potential and the tachyonic field. We introduce a coupling term to show that the interaction decays with time. We also show that the nature of the potentials vary, so the interaction term reduces the potential in both cases.  相似文献   

We re-formulate the 3+1 GRMHD equations for the Schwarzschild black hole in a Veselago medium. Linear perturbation in rotating (non-magnetized and magnetized) plasma is introduced and their Fourier analysis is considered. We discuss wave properties with the help of wave vector, refractive index and change in refractive index in the form of graphs. It is concluded that some waves move away from the event horizon in this unusual medium. We conclude that for the rotating non-magnetized plasma, our results confirm the presence of Veselago medium while the rotating magnetized plasma does not provide any evidence for this medium.  相似文献   

Recently, some papers in the literature have shown that, from a bimetric theory of gravity, it is possible to produce massive gravitational waves which generate a longitudinal component in a particular polarization of the wave. After a review of previous works, in this paper the longitudinal response function of interferometers for this particular polarization of the wave is computed in two different gauges, showing the gauge invariance, and in its full frequency dependence, with specific application to the Virgo and LIGO interferometers.  相似文献   

Vishniac instability has been theoretically studied in supernova remnants where it is supposed to explain the fragmentation of the interstellar medium. However its role is not fully demonstrated in these astrophysical objects. Conditions and assumptions required for the instability growth are explained in detail in the present paper. In addition the HYDRO-MUSCL hydrodynamic code has been used to simulate this instability in order to compare the numerical growth rate with the Vishniac analytical solution.  相似文献   

We study the simple periodic orbits of a particle that is subject to the gravitational action of the much bigger primary bodies which form a regular polygonal configuration of (ν+1) bodies when ν=8. We investigate the distribution of the characteristic curves of the families and their evolution in the phase space of the initial conditions, we describe various types of simple periodic orbits and we study their linear stability. Plots and tables illustrate the obtained material and reveal many interesting aspects regarding particle dynamics in such a multi-body system.  相似文献   

Small black holes which can be located in the Earth interior are proposed as sources of correlated short-time variation of gravitational field (gravitoimpulses) and-radiation in (-background variation) due to the Hawking effect. We estimate the intensity and spectrum of photon radiation for black holes with masses of 108–1016 g and consider possibility registration of them after absorption in terrestrial matter or in air in the correlation with gravitoimpulses. Restrictions of short-time gravitational field variation by means existing devices give possible range of black hole masses of the order of 1014 g which produce high penetrative-radiation with energies more than 100 MeV and detectable gravitoimpulses at distances several kilometers.  相似文献   

The effect of the Σ-meson well depth on the gravitational redshift is examined within the framework of relativistic mean field theory for the baryon octet system. It is found that, for a stable neutron star, the gravitational redshift increases with the central energy density increase or with the mass increase but decreases as the radius increases. Considering a change of US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} from −30 MeV to 30 MeV, for a stable neutron star the gravitational redshift near to the maximum mass increases. In addition, it is also found that the growth of the US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} makes the gravitational redshift as a function of M max /R increase, the higher the US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} the less the change in the gravitational redshift.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider radiation (thermal) instability in a weakly ionized plasma with continuous ionization and recombination. The situation can be visualized in the case of envelopes of planetary nebulae, which are envelopes of ionized plasmas surrounding red giant stars. Various observations report continuous photoionization of these plasmas by the highly energetic streams of photons emanating from the parent star. Recently, it has been shown that thermal instability can be a probable candidate in such plasmas for the existence of small scale structures (viz., striations) whose kinematic age is much smaller than that of the parent nebula. We therefore report a systematic study of these plasmas with photoionization and determine the instability domain. We have shown that the continuous ionization and recombination may lead to modification of the underlying instability, which may limit the size of the small structures that are believed to form from these instabilities, and may thus provide an explanation of the physical processes responsible for the existence of these structures. We further show that in many cases the system bifurcates to an ovserstable (growing wave) state from a condensation instability (monotonic) and vice versa.  相似文献   

We investigate electromagnetic buoyancy instabilities of the electron-ion plasma with the heat flux based on not the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, but using the multicomponent plasma approach when the momentum equations are solved for each species. We consider a geometry in which the background magnetic field, gravity, and stratification are directed along one axis. The nonzero background electron thermal flux is taken into account. Collisions between electrons and ions are included in the momentum equations. No simplifications usual for the one-fluid MHD-approach in studying these instabilities are used. We derive a simple dispersion relation, which shows that the thermal flux perturbation generally stabilizes an instability for the geometry under consideration. This result contradicts to conclusion obtained in the MHD-approach. We show that the reason of this contradiction is the simplified assumptions used in the MHD analysis of buoyancy instabilities and the role of the longitudinal electric field perturbation which is not captured by the ideal MHD equations. Our dispersion relation also shows that the medium with the electron thermal flux can be unstable, if the temperature gradients of ions and electrons have the opposite signs. The results obtained can be applied to the weakly collisional magnetized plasma objects in laboratory and astrophysics.  相似文献   

The author considers a problem of Lyapunov's stability of relative equilibria of a flexible nonstretchable thread attached to the satellite moving in a circular Keplerian orbit in the first approximation. When it is in the position of relative equilibrium, the thread is known to be situated either along the radius vector of the orbit (the radial equilibrium) or along the circular orbit (the tangential equilibrium) and in each case the thread can be in a folded state. The author shows that folded radial equilibria of the thread are always unstable while tangential ones are unstable if the thread is sufficiently short in comparison with the radius of the orbit. The generalized Chetaev functional has been constructed to prove the instability.  相似文献   

We study the parametric evolution of the regions where three-dimensional motions of a charged particle are allowed in the combined electromagnetic field produced by two rotating magnetic stars. We discuss the changes in the topology of the zero-velocity surfaces, as well as in the trapping regions of the particle motion for various values of the dipoles’ magnetic moments.  相似文献   

By means of spectral analysis, oscillations have been detected in many-year time series of deviations in the duration of days from the standard that cannot be explained within the framework of existing gravitational theory. The solution of the problem of the origin and structure of these oscillations is associated with the essence of the phenomena taking place inside the Earth and the mechanisms of energy transfer by external fields and the Sun. The effect of the Sun on the Earth’s rotation also leads to the formation of a unified cyclic background, resulting in correlated oscillations in all shells of the Earth, as well as in its atmosphere and its nucleus. Ground magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun play the leading role in the abovementioned unified cyclic process. The results of spectral autoregressive and wavelet analyses of experimental data concerning deviations in the duration of days from the standard in the years 1832–2006, ground geomagnetic field intensities in 1832–2006, and the mean magnetic field of the Sun during the period from 1975 to 2005 have been discussed in this paper to reveal and compare correlating oscillations. To analyze a short-period (31-yr-long) series of daily data on the mean magnetic field of the Sun, the results of wavelet transformations (the Morlet wavelet) of the detected amplitude of a burst envelope with a carrier frequency of 13 cycles/yr have been obtained.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent interest in phantom fields as candidates for the dark energy component, we investigate the consequences of the phantom field when is minimally coupled to gravity. In particular, the necessary (but insufficient) conditions for the acceleration and superacceleration of the universe are obtained when the non-minimal coupling term is taken into account. Furthermore, the necessary condition for the cosmic acceleration is derived when the phantom field is non-minimally coupled to gravity and baryonic matter is included.  相似文献   

We consider the secular effect of outgassing torques on the rotation of a comet nucleus. An averaging method is applied to obtain evolutionary equations which allow us to study the long-term variations in the nucleus spin state. Since the spin axis direction of 19P/Borrelly’s nucleus is close to the line of apsides direction, a simplified version of these equations can be written to analytically study the most important qualitative effects. In particular, a correlation between the drift of the rotation axis direction and the possible spin up/spin down of the nucleus is revealed.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

We simulate the evolution of supernova remnants(SNRs) in a strong magnetic field. Usually,supernovae explode in a normal interstellar medium with magnetic field of no more than 50 μG, which has been well studied. However, the surrounding magnetic field will be much stronger in some situations, such as in a galactic center. Therefore, we try to explore these situations. The simulations show that a strong magnetic field of 1 mG will align the motion of ejecta in a way similar to a jet. The ejecta propagating perpendicularly to the magnetic field will be reflected and generate a strong reverse shock. When the reverse shock converges in the explosion center, it will more or less flow along the central magnetic field. Finally,most of the ejecta will propagate parallel to the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Dikpati and Choudhuri (1994, 1995) developed a model for the poleward migration of the weak diffuse magnetic field on the Sun's surface. This field was identified with the poloidal component produced by the solar dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, and its evolution was studied by considering the effects of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. The earlier model is extended in this paper by incorporating the flux from, the decay of tilted active regions near the solar surface as an additional source of the poloidal field. This extended model can now explain various low-latitude features in the time-latitude diagram of the weak diffuse fields. These low-latitude features could not be accounted for in the earlier model, which was very successful in modeling the behavior at high latitudes. The time-latitude diagrams show that regions of a particular polarity often have tongues of opposite polarity. Such tongues can be produced in the theoretical model by incorporating fluctuations in the source term arising out of the decaying active regions.  相似文献   

Observations show that small-amplitude prominence oscillations are usually damped after a few periods. This phenomenon has been theoretically investigated in terms of non-ideal magnetoacoustic waves, non-adiabatic effects being the best candidates to explain the damping in the case of slow modes. We study the attenuation of non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a slab prominence embedded in the coronal medium. We assume an equilibrium configuration with a transverse magnetic field to the slab axis and investigate wave damping by thermal conduction and radiative losses. The magnetohydrodynamic equations are considered in their linearised form and terms representing thermal conduction, radiation and heating are included in the energy equation. The differential equations that govern linear slow and fast modes are numerically solved to obtain the complex oscillatory frequency and the corresponding eigenfunctions. We find that coronal thermal conduction and radiative losses from the prominence plasma reveal as the most relevant damping mechanisms. Both mechanisms govern together the attenuation of hybrid modes, whereas prominence radiation is responsible for the damping of internal modes and coronal conduction essentially dominates the attenuation of external modes. In addition, the energy transfer between the prominence and the corona caused by thermal conduction has a noticeable effect on the wave stability, radiative losses from the prominence plasma being of paramount importance for the thermal stability of fast modes. We conclude that slow modes are efficiently damped, with damping times compatible with observations. On the contrary, fast modes are less attenuated by non-adiabatic effects and their damping times are several orders of magnitude larger than those observed. The presence of the corona causes a decrease of the damping times with respect to those of an isolated prominence slab, but its effect is still insufficient to obtain damping times of the order of the period in the case of fast modes.  相似文献   

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