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中国地区极端事件预估研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
简要介绍了极端气候事件预估的基本方法,概述了东亚和中国地区关于气候和极端气候事件预估研究的进展。针对极端事件变化预估研究中的重要问题,如高分辨率、长时间尺度的区域气候变化模拟和预估,高时空分辨率的网格化观测资料,除温室效应外的土地利用和气溶胶的作用,使用合理方法进行多模式结果的集合,以及统计降尺度方法的应用等,进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用区域气候模式RegCM4的逐日气温和降水资料,预估1.5℃和2.0℃升温情景下,东北地区平均气候和极端气候事件的变化。结果表明:RCP4.5排放情景下,模式预计在2030年和2044年左右稳定达到1.5℃和2.0℃升温;两种升温情景下,东北地区气温、积温、生长季长度均呈增加趋势,且增幅随着升温阈值的升高而增加;1.5℃升温情景下,年平均气温增幅为1.19℃,年平均降水距平百分率增幅为5.78%,积温增加247.1℃·d,生长季长度延长7.0 d;2.0℃升温情景下气温、积温、生长季长度增幅较1.5℃升温情景下显著,但是年和四季降水普遍减少,年降水距平百分率减小1.96%。两种升温情景下,极端高温事件显著增加,极端低温事件显著减少,极端降水事件普遍增加。霜冻日数、结冰日数均呈显著减少趋势,热浪持续指数呈显著增加趋势;未来东北地区降水极端性增强,不仅单次降水过程的量级增大,极端降水过程的量级也明显增大,随着升温阈值的增大,极端降水的强度也逐渐增大。  相似文献   

基于18个CMIP5模式在RCP情景下的模拟结果,综合分析了全球升温1.5~4℃阈值下亚洲地区平均温度和降水以及极端温度和降水的变化,并着重对比了1.5℃与2℃升温阈值下的异同。结果表明:相比工业化前,在全球升温1.5℃、2℃、3℃和4℃阈值下,亚洲区域平均温度将分别升高2.3℃、3.0℃、4.6℃和6.0℃,高纬度地区的响应大于中低纬地区;降水分别增加4.4%、5.8%、10.2%和13.0%,存在明显的区域差异。极热天气将增加,极冷天气将减少;极端降水量的变率将会加大。与2℃升温阈值相比:1.5℃阈值下亚洲平均温度的上升幅度将降低0.5~1.0℃以上,大部分地区的降水增幅减少5%~20%,但西亚和南亚西部的降水则偏多10%~15%;极端高温的增温幅度在亚洲地区均匀下降,而极端低温的增温幅度在亚洲中高纬地区降低显著;亚洲大部分地区极端降水的增加幅度减弱,但在西亚会增强。全球升温1.5℃和2℃时,亚洲发生非常热天气的概率相比基准期(1861-1900年)均将增加1倍以上,发生极热天气的概率普遍增加10%;发生极端强降水的概率增加10%。  相似文献   

周佰铨  翟盘茂 《气象》2023,(3):257-266
人类活动造成的气候变化已经影响到全球每个地区的极端天气气候和水文事件。全球变暖的任何额外增量都会伴随极端事件更大的变化,如果没有全球性的碳中和行动,极端高温事件的增多增强以及极端冷事件的减少减弱趋势将贯穿整个21世纪,强降水以及一些地区的农业和生态干旱的强度和发生频率也会显著增加。当代的儿童和后代在未来更容易受到气候变化和相关极端事件风险的影响,即使是在相对于工业化以前的1.5℃温升水平下,到21世纪末遭受的极端天气气候和水文事件的数量仍将增加近4倍。针对日益严峻的气候变化与极端事件灾害风险,亟须积极推进“双碳”行动,并大力减少甲烷等其他温室气体的排放。同时,亟须做好防灾减灾相关政策与措施的制定,推进极端事件监测与早期预警系统及恢复力建设,加强对复合极端事件与小概率高影响事件的预防,保障未来几代人的福祉安康和可持续发展。  相似文献   

1.5和2℃升温阈值下中国温度和降水变化的预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CMIP5耦合气候模式模拟结果对1.5和2℃升温阈值时中国温度和降水变化的分析表明,1.5℃升温阈值时,中国年平均升温由南向北加强且在青藏高原地区有所放大,季节尺度上升温的空间分布与其类似,就区域平均而言,RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均气温分别升高1.83、1.75和1.88℃,气温的季节变幅以冬季升高最为显著;除华南和西南地区外中国大部分地区年平均降水量增多,降水的季节差异明显,以夏季降水的分布模态与年平均降水量的分布最为相似,区域平均的年降水量分别增加5.03%、2.82%和3.27%,季节尺度上以冬季降水增幅最大。2℃升温阈值时,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均温度的空间分布与1.5℃升温阈值基本一致,中国年平均气温分别升高2.49和2.54℃,季节尺度上气温的变化以秋、冬季增幅最大;中国范围内年平均降水量基本表现为增多趋势,其中,西北和长江中下游部分地区表现为明显的季节差异,区域平均的年降水量分别增加6.26%和5.86%。与1.5℃升温阈值相比较,2℃升温阈值时中国年平均温度在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下分别升高0.74和0.76℃,降水则分别增加3.44%和2.59%,空间上温度升高以东北、西北和青藏高原最为显著,降水则在东北、华北、青藏高原和华南地区增加最为明显。   相似文献   

与IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)相比,在第六次评估报告(AR6)评估中,观测的极端天气气候事件变化证据,特别是归因于人为影响的证据加强。人类活动造成的气候变化已影响到全球每个区域的许多极端天气气候事件。随着未来全球变暖进一步加剧,预估极端热事件、强降水、农业生态干旱的强度和频次以及强台风(飓风)比例等将增加,越罕见的极端天气气候事件,其发生频率的增长百分比越大。这些结论再次凸显了应对气候变化和极端天气气候事件的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

对我国极端高温事件阈值的探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国1951-2008年逐日最高气温资料集,进行缺测资料的恢复整理,得到较完整的1961-2008年224站逐日最高气温资料集.在此基础上,采用两种基于正态分布的传统阈值计算的方法(方法1,方法2)和该文提出的基于实际样本频率分布的阈值计算方法(方法3),对我国高温阈值的确定进行比较研究.结果表明:该文提出根据最高...  相似文献   

近45a来,太原平川和山区年平均气温为明显上升趋势,夜间增温是太原气候变暖的一个重要特征。1986年、1993年分别为山区和平川年平均气温转折年份,山区从1985年开始冬季平均气温发生突变。近45a来,太原年降水量呈减少趋势,主要是夏、秋季降水减少造成。在气候变暖的背景下,太原平川和山区年暴雨日数变化平稳,高温和春旱发生频次在增加,山区夏旱也呈缓慢增加趋势;太原山区霜期明显缩短,初霜在推迟,终霜在提前。  相似文献   

为了解气候增暖情况下,无锡地区极端最高和最低气温的气候特征,用阈值检测方法对无锡市1959-2007年的日最高气温、日最低气温进行了研究,分析了极端事件的发生规律,得出主要结论:(1)从年代际看,不论是日最高气温或日最低气温,2001-2007年偏高事件最多,偏低事件最少.(2)最低气温从1980s初开始稳定上升.(3)在3、5、7、12月比较容易出现异常的气温.月内异常气温出现次数多少主要与季节更替和天气系统的转换有关.(4)日最低气温不论冬春夏秋,都是明显升高.日最高气温冬、春、秋季呈升高趋势,而夏季震荡加大.即在夏季,日最高气温偏高的事件增多,日最高气温偏低的事件也增多.  相似文献   

基于最新一代CMIP6全球气候模式模拟的历史和未来SSPs排放情景下的逐日降水数据和高分辨率逐日格点观测数据,采用泰勒图和分位数映射法评估订正模式性能,计算并分析SSP2—4.5和SSP5—8.5情景下福建省21世纪近期(2021—2040年)、中期(2051—2070年)和末期(2081—2100年)8个极端降水指数的变化。结果表明:在参照期(1991—2010年)经过分位数映射法偏差订正后,各极端降水指数模式模拟与观测更加接近,其空间相关系数、均方根误差和标准差的模拟性能都大幅提升。21世纪各个阶段,福建省年累积降水量(Prcptot)、极端暴雨日数(R50mm)均多于参照期,且越到后期、高排放情景下增幅越大。大于10 mm的降水日数(R10mm)和极端大雨日数(R20mm)则是增减各异,R10mm表现为福建东北部减少、其他大部分地区增加,R20mm表现为SSP2—4.5情景下21世纪近期福建西北部减少、而其他情景和时段均增加。表征降水强度的最大1 d降水量(Rx1day)、最大连续5 d降水量(Rx5day)和日降水强度指数(SDⅡ)在未来全部增加,且沿海地区增幅高于内陆地区。持...  相似文献   

Daily precipitation for 1960–2011 and maximum/minimum temperature extremes for 1960–2008 recorded at 549 stations in China are utilized to investigate climate extreme variations.A set of indices is derived and analyzed with a main focus on the trends and variabilities of daily extreme occurrences.Results show significant increases in daily extreme warm temperatures and decreases in daily extreme cold temperatures,defined as the number of days in which daily maximum temperature(Tmax)and daily minimum temperature(Tmin)are greater than the 90th percentile and less than the10th percentile,respectively.Generally,the trend magnitudes are larger in indices derived from Tmin than those from Tmax.Trends of percentile-based precipitation indices show distinct spatial patterns with increases in heavy precipitation events,defined as the top 95th percentile of daily precipitation,in western and northeastern China and in the low reaches of the Yangtze River basin region,and slight decreases in other areas.Light precipitation,defined as the tail of the5th percentile of daily precipitation,however,decreases in most areas.The annual maximum consecutive dry days(CDD)show an increasing trend in southern China and the middle-low reach of the Yellow River basin,while the annual maximum consecutive wet days(CWD)displays a downtrend over most regions except western China.These indices vary significantly with regions and seasons.Overall,occurrences of extreme events in China are more frequent,particularly the night time extreme temperature,and landmasses in China become warmer and wetter.  相似文献   

中国极端气候变化观测研究回顾与展望   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
评述、总结了近年有关中国极端气候变化的观测研究成果,讨论了尚未解决的科学问题和今后应重点加强的工作方向。已有研究表明,1951年以来中国大陆地区极端气候事件频率和强度发生了一定变化,但不同类型和不同区域极端气候变化存在明显差异。从全国范围看,与异常偏冷相关的极端事件如寒潮、冷夜和冷昼天数、霜冻日数等,显著减少减弱,偏冷的气候极值减轻;与异常偏暖相关的暖夜、暖昼日数明显增多,暖夜日数增多尤其明显,但高温事件频数和偏热的气候极值未见显著长期趋势;全国平均暴雨和极端强降水事件频率和强度有所增长,特别是长江中下游和东南地区、西部特别是西北地区有较明显增长,而华北、东北中南部和西南部分地区减少减弱;多数地区小雨频数明显下降,偏轻和偏强降水的强度似有增加;全国遭受气象干旱的范围呈较明显增加趋势,其中华北和东北地区增加更为显著;登陆和影响我国的热带气旋、台风频数有所下降,其造成的降水总量有较明显减少;北方地区的沙尘暴事件从总体上看有显著减少减弱趋势;我国东部部分地区夏季雷暴发生频率也存在较明显下降趋势。现有工作表明,在涉及极端气候变化研究的资料处理和分析方法方面还有改进余地。观测资料的非均一性,以及观测环境改变和城市化对地面气候要素变化趋势的影响偏差,需要进行深入评价和客观订正。此外,目前对于区域极端气候变化的综合分析还较薄弱,在极端气候变化机理的研究方面有待加强。  相似文献   

We evaluate the capacity of a regional climate model to represent observed extreme temperature and precipitation events and also examine the impact of increased resolution, in an effort to identify added value in this respect. Two climate simulations of western Canada (WCan) were conducted with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (version 4) at 15 (CRCM15) and 45?km (CRCM45) horizontal resolution driven at the lateral boundaries by data from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-year Reanalysis (ERA-40) for the period 1973–1995. The simulations were evaluated using the spline-interpolated dataset ANUSPLIN, a daily observational gridded surface temperature and precipitation product with a nominal resolution of approximately 10?km. We examine a range of climate extremes, comprising the 10th and 90th percentiles of daily maximum (TX) and minimum (TN) temperatures, the 90th percentile of daily precipitation (PR90), and the 27 core Climate Daily Extremes (CLIMDEX) indices.

Both simulations exhibit cold biases compared with observations over WCan, with the bias exacerbated at higher resolution, suggesting little added value for temperature overall. There are instances, however, of regional improvement in the spatial pattern of temperature extremes at the higher resolution of CRCM15 (e.g., the CLIMDEX index for the annual number of days when TX?>?25°C). The high-resolution simulations also reveal similarly localized features in precipitation (e.g., rain shadows) that are not resolved at the 45?km resolution. With regard to precipitation extremes, although both simulations generally display wet biases, CRCM15 features a reduced bias in PR90 in all seasons except winter. This improvement occurs despite the fact that spatial and interannual variability of PR90 in CRCM15 is significantly overestimated relative to both CRCM45 and ANUSPLIN. We posit that these characteristics are the result of demonstrable differences between corresponding topographical datasets used in the gridded observations and CRCM, the resulting errors propagated to physical variables tied to elevation and the beneficial effect of subsequent spatial averaging. Because topographical input is often discordant between simulations and gridded observations, it is argued that a limited form of spatial averaging may contribute added value beyond that which has already been noted in previous studies with respect to small-scale climate variability.  相似文献   

The atmospheric water holding capacity will increase with temperature according to Clausius-Clapeyron scaling and affects precipitation.The rates of change in future precipitation extremes are quantified with changes in surface air temperature.Precipitation extremes in China are determined for the 21st century in six simulations using a regional climate model,RegCM4,and 17 global climate models that participated in CMIP5.First,we assess the performance of the CMIP5 models and RCM runs in their simulation of extreme precipitation for the current period(RF:1982-2001).The CMIP5 models and RCM results can capture the spatial variations of precipitation extremes,as well as those based on observations:OBS and XPP.Precipitation extremes over four subregions in China are predicted to increase in the mid-future(MF:2039-58)and far-future(FF:2079-98)relative to those for the RF period based on both the CMIP5 ensemble mean and RCM ensemble mean.The secular trends in the extremes of the CMIP5 models are predicted to increase from 2008 to 2058,and the RCM results show higher interannual variability relative to that of the CMIP5 models.Then,we quantify the increasing rates of change in precipitation extremes in the MF and FF periods in the subregions of China with the changes in surface air temperature.Finally,based on the water vapor equation,changes in precipitation extremes in China for the MF and FF periods are found to correlate positively with changes in the atmospheric vertical wind multiplied by changes in surface specific humidity(significant at the p<0.1 level).  相似文献   

Future changes in the 50-yr return level for temperature and precipitation extremes over mainland China are investigated based on a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble for RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The following indices are analyzed:TXx and TNn(the annual maximum and minimum of daily maximum and minimum surface temperature), RX5 day(the annual maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation) and CDD(maximum annual number of consecutive dry days). After first validating the model performance, future changes in the 50-yr return values and return periods for these indices are investigated along with the inter-model spread. Multi-model median changes show an increase in the 50-yr return values of TXx and a decrease for TNn, more specifically, by the end of the 21 st century under RCP8.5, the present day 50-yr return period of warm events is reduced to 1.2 yr, while extreme cold events over the country are projected to essentially disappear.A general increase in RX5 day 50-yr return values is found in the future. By the end of the 21 st century under RCP8.5, events of the present RX5 day 50-yr return period are projected to reduce to 10 yr over most of China. Changes in CDD-50 show a dipole pattern over China, with a decrease in the values and longer return periods in the north, and vice versa in the south. Our study also highlights the need for further improvements in the representation of extreme events in climate models to assess the future risks and engineering design related to large-scale infrastructure in China.  相似文献   

应用基于GEV(Generalized Extreme Value)分布的平稳/非平稳极值概率模型,拟合中国区域489站自建站至2013年极端最高、最低温度和日最大降水量的年极值序列,并导出极值的重现水平及其变率随重现期和时间变化的一般表达式。着重分析了气候极值的"常态"(重现期为2年)与"极端态"(重现期为50年)的变化趋势及其线性变率的空间格局。详细探讨了极值的常态与极端态变化趋势相反的原因以及可能的影响。结果表明,极端最高温度在东部季风区普遍适用平稳模型;在其他地区更适用非平稳模型,其常态和极端态都以增温为主。极端最低温度在全国范围内普遍适用非平稳模型,其常态和极端态也都以增温为主,但在东北局部地区极端态呈现与常态相反的降温趋势。日最大降水量则在全国范围内普遍适用平稳模型。当GEV分布的尺度参数随时间变化时,与极值的常态相比,极端态的变率范围要大得多,并可能导致两者的变率异号的情形;尤其是当气候极值的常态日趋平缓而极端态却日益极端时,可能导致更为剧烈的灾害性天气。  相似文献   

We evaluate the capacity of a regional climate model to simulate the statistics of extreme events, and also examine the effect of differing horizontal resolution, at the scale of individual hydrological basins in the topographically complex province of British Columbia, Canada. Two climate simulations of western Canada (WCan) were conducted with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (version 4) at 15 (CRCM15) and 45?km (CRCM45) horizontal resolution driven at the lateral boundaries by global reanalysis over the period 1973–1995. The simulations were evaluated with ANUSPLIN, a daily observational gridded surface temperature and precipitation product and with meteorological data recorded at 28 stations within the upper Peace, Nechako, and upper Columbia River basins. In this work, we focus largely on a comparison of the skill of each model configuration in simulating the 90th percentile of daily precipitation (PR90). The companion paper describes the results for a wider range of temperature and precipitation extremes over the entire WCan domain.

Over all three watersheds, both simulations exhibit cold biases compared with observations, with the bias exacerbated at higher resolution. Although both simulations generally display wet biases in median precipitation, CRCM15 features a reduced bias in PR90 in all three basins in summer and throughout the year in the upper Columbia River basin. However, the higher resolution model is inferior to CRCM45 with respect to rarer heavy precipitation events and also displays high spatial variability and lower spatial correlations with ANUSPLIN compared with the coarser resolution model. A reduction in the range of PR90 biases over the upper Columbia basin is noted when the 15?km results are averaged to the 45?km grid. This improvement is partly attributable to the averaging of errors between different elevation data used in the gridded observations and CRCM, but the sensitivity of CRCM15 to resolved topography is also clear from spatial maps of seasonal extremes. At the station scale, modest but systematic reductions in the bias of PR90 relative to ANUSPLIN are again found when the CRCM15 results are averaged to the 45?km grid. Furthermore, the annual cycle of inter-station spatial variance in the upper Columbia River basin is well reproduced by CRCM15 but not by ANUSPLIN or CRCM45. The former result highlights the beneficial effect of spatial averaging of small-scale climate variability, whereas the latter is evidently a demonstration of the added value at high resolution vis-à-vis the improved simulation of precipitation at the resolution limit of the model.  相似文献   

Recent trends in seasonal cycles in China are analyzed, based on a homogenized dataset of daily temperatures at 541 stations during the period 1960–2008. Several indices are defined for describing the key features of a seasonal cycle, including local winter/summer (LW/LS) periods and local spring/autumn phase (LSP/LAP). The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition method is applied to determine the indices for each year. The LW period was found to have shortened by 2–6 d (10 yr)-1, mainly due to an earlier end to winter conditions, with the LW mean temperature having increased by 0.2°C–0.4°C (10 yr)?1, over almost all of China. Records of the most severe climate extremes changed less than more typical winter conditions did. The LS period was found to have lengthened by 2–4 d (10 yr)?1, due to progressively earlier onsets and delayed end dates of the locally defined hot period. The LS mean temperature increased by 0.1°C–0.2°C (10 yr)-1 in most of China, except for a region in southern China centered on the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In contrast to the winter cases, the warming trend in summer was more prominent in the most extreme records than in those of more typical summer conditions. The LSP was found to have advanced significantly by about 2 d (10 yr)-1 in most of China. Changes in the autumn phase were less prominent. Relatively rapid changes happened in the 1980s for most of the regional mean indices dealing with winter and in the 1990s for those dealing with summer.  相似文献   

极端天气和气候事件的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
自1950年以来的观测证据表明,有些极端天气和气候事件已经发生了变化。全球尺度上,人为影响可能已经导致极端日最低和最高温度升高;由于平均海平面上升,人类活动可能已对沿海极端高水位事件的增加产生了影响;具有中等信度的是,人为影响已导致全球强降水增加;由于热带气旋历史记录的不确定性、缺乏对热带气旋与气候变化之间关联的物理机制的完整认识及热带气旋自然变率的程度,将可检测到的热带气旋活动变化归因于人为影响仅具有低信度。将单一的极端事件变化归因于人为气候变化具有挑战性。对极端事件变化预估的信度取决于事件的类型、区域和季节、观测资料的数量和质量、基本物理过程的认知水平及模式对其模拟的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于MIROC/WRF嵌套模式的中国气候变化预估   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
开展了基于全球模式MIROC嵌套区域气候模式WRF的动力降尺度模拟试验,预估了IPCC SRES A1B排放情景下中国21世纪中期(2041~2060年)和末期(2081~2100年)的气候变化。21世纪中期:全国大部分区域年平均地表气温(下文简称气温)上升2~4°C,升温幅度较大的是在北方地区和青藏高原。年平均降水在华南和东北大部基本没有增加,甚至有所减少,在西北及长江和黄河的中下游地区有所增加。气温的标准差总体上是北方大于南方,全国的大值区位于青藏高原,表明北方地区和青藏高原的气温年际变率较大。降水年际变率较大的是华北和西北地区。21世纪末期:全国大部分区域升温在4°C以上,升温幅度较大的依然是北方地区和青藏高原。其中,青藏高原大部升温超过7°C。从季节来看,春季和冬季升温要多于夏季和秋季。降水整体上是增加的,在南方部分地区有所减少,特别是在西南地区和青藏高原的南部。气温年际变率依然是北方大于南方,全国的大值区同样位于青藏高原。华北和西北还是降水年际变率较大的地区。  相似文献   

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