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A multiplexX-ray image analyser is described. It consists in a time-modulated coded aperture associated with a solid state detector. The system combines the high efficiency and good spectral resolution of solid state spectrometers with the spatial resolution of the coded aperture (200 ).The device can be installed at the focus of a grazing incidence telescope to make images and spectra of faint astronomicalX-ray sources.  相似文献   

The multi-frequency light curves of BL Lacertae during 1997.5 – 1999.5 have been modeled by four outbursts,each having a 3-stage evolution in the (S m,νm) plane with distinct rising–plateau–decaying phases.It is shown that the observed light curves can be well fitted for the eight frequencies from 350GHz to 4.8GHz.The main characteristics of the model-fitting are: (1) the outbursts are found to have very flat spectra with an optically thin spectral index α (defined as Sν∝ν-α) of about 0.15.This is consisten...  相似文献   

A series of telescopes having approximately a 30° half opening angle and responding to neutrons in the energy range 50 MeV to 350 MeV has been flown to the top of the atmosphere on balloons released from an equatorial launching site at Kampala, Uganda, between 1967 and 1969. The aim of the experiment was to attempt to detect solar neutrons during periods of enhanced solar activity. No neutrons of solar origin were detected, but an upper limit of the order of 30 neutrons m–2 s–1 at the Earth has been placed on the continuous solar neutron flux in the above energy range, and a limit of four photons m–2 s–1 has also been placed on the corresponding -ray flux above 80 MeV. Limits have likewise been placed on the total emission from various flares. For a 1B flare the values were 23 × 104 neutrons m–2 and 6 × 104 photons m–2.  相似文献   

We describe a design for a compact cooled spectrograph which incorporates two cameras and two collimators to achieve high throughput from 0.8 to 2.5m. The spectrograph utilizes multiple NICMOS 3 arrays, specially mounted to minimize their separation in the spectral dimension. This accommodates the broad wavelength range while providing extensive coverage in the spatial dimension.  相似文献   

The search for radio spectral lines from Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e) was conducted using the 45-m telescope of Nobeyama Radio Observatory. The frequency ranges of 44.0–46.0 and 47.5–49.5 GHz were surveyed down to ΔTA1 (rms) = 20–30 mK, with a beam size of ~35 arc sec. Upper limits have been established for spectral lines of atomic hydrogen, CS, OCS, SO2, H2CO, CH3OH, HCCCCCN, HCOOCH3, CH3OCH3, and CH3CH2CN. The J = 5?4 line from HCCCN in the vibrational ground state possibly has been detected but not confirmed. The suggested total amount of HCCCN in the coma is consistent with the possible picture that HCCCN is the main parent molecule of CN.  相似文献   

Literal characterizations are developed for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a system of linear time-invariant equations which describes the attitude motion of flexible spacecraft in terms of hybrid coordinates. The eigenproblem is shown to reduce to that of a symmetric and positive definite matrix of lower dimension. For the zero damping case, both analytical and minimax characterization methods prove to be useful in localizing the eigenvalues, and eigenvectors for systems of large dimension are obtained explicitly in terms of a 3×1 matrix whose elements are available from a system of three algebraic equations provided.  相似文献   

In the case of ground-based telescopes equipped with adaptive optics systems, the point spread function (PSF) is only poorly known or completely unknown. Moreover, an accurate modeling of the PSF is in general not available. Therefore in several imaging situations the so-called blind deconvolution methods, aiming at estimating both the scientific target and the PSF from the detected image, can be useful. A blind deconvolution problem is severely ill-posed and, in order to reduce the extremely large number of possible solutions, it is necessary to introduce sensible constraints on both the scientific target and the PSF.In a previous paper we proposed a sound mathematical approach based on a suitable inexact alternating minimization strategy for minimizing the generalized Kullback–Leibler divergence, assuring global convergence. In the framework of this method we showed that an important constraint on the PSF is the upper bound which can be derived from the knowledge of its Strehl ratio. The efficacy of the approach was demonstrated by means of numerical simulations.In this paper, besides improving the previous approach by the use of a further constraint on the unknown scientific target, we extend it to the case of multiple images of the same target obtained with different PSFs. The main application we have in mind is to Fizeau interferometry. As it is known this is a special feature of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Of the two expected interferometers for LBT, one, LINC-NIRVANA, is forthcoming while the other, LBTI, is already operating and has provided the first Fizeau images, demonstrating the possibility of reaching the resolution of a 22.8 m telescope. Therefore the extension of our blind method to this imaging modality seems to be timely.The method is applied to realistic simulations of imaging both by single mirrors and Fizeau interferometers. Successes and failures of the method in the imaging of stellar fields are demonstrated in simple cases. These preliminary results look promising at least in specific situations. The IDL code of the proposed method is available on request and will be included in the forthcoming version of the Software Package AIRY (v.6.1).  相似文献   

A broadband spectrometer for decimeter and microwave radio bursts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Observations of solar microwave bursts with high temporal and spectral resolution have shown interesting fine structures (FSs) of short duration and small bandwidth which are usually superimposed on the smooth continuum. These FSs are very intense (up to 1015 K) and show sometimes a high degree of circular polarization (up to 100%). They are believed to be generated by electron cyclotron maser emission (ECME) in magnetic loops. Another type are the microwave type III bursts, which are drifting microwave FSs, and are probably the signatures of travelling electron beams in the solar atmosphere. The exact emission mechanisms for these phenomena, in particular the source configuration, the plasma parameters and the distribution of radiating electrons are not clear. For a detailed study of these problems new observations of intensity and polarization with high resolution in time and in frequency in decimeter and microwave wavebands are essential. In order to investigate these features in greater detail, spectrometers with high temporal and spectral resolution are being developed by the solar radio astronomy community of China (Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO), Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YAO), and Nanjing University (NJU)). The frequency range from 0.7 to about 12 GHz is covered by about five spectrometers in frequency ranges of 0.7–1.4 GHz, 1–2 GHz, 2.4–3.6 GHz, 4.9–7.3 GHz, and 8–12 GHz, respectively. The radiospectrometers will form a combined type of swept-frequency and multi-channel receivers. The main characteristics of the solar radio spectrometers are: frequency resolution: 1–10 MHz; temporal resolution: 1–10 ms; sensitivity: better than 2% of the quiet-Sun level. We pay special attention to the sensitivity and the accuracy of polarization. Now, the 1–2 GHz radiospectrometer is being set up. The full system will be set up in 3–4 years.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   

We developed a series of balloon experiments parachuting a 1:1 scale mock-up of the Huygens probe from an altitude just over to simulate at planetary scale the final part of the descent of the probe through Titan's lower atmosphere. The terrestrial atmosphere represents a natural laboratory where most of the physical parameters meet quite well the bulk condition of Titan's environment, in terms of atmosphere composition, pressure and mean density ranges, though the temperature range will be far higher.The probe mock-up consists of spares of the HASI sensor packages, housekeeping sensors and other dedicated sensors, and also incorporates the Huygens Surface Science Package (SSP) Tilt sensor and a modified version of the Beagle 2 UV sensor, for a total of 77 acquired sensor channels, sampled during ascent, drift and descent phase.An integrated data acquisition and instrument control system, simulating the HASI data-processing unit (DPU), has been developed, based on PC architecture and soft-real-time application. Sensor channels were sampled at the nominal HASI data rates, with a maximum rate of . Software has been developed for data acquisition, onboard storage and telemetry transmission satisfying all requests for real-time monitoring, diagnostic and redundancy.The mock-up of the Huygens probe mission was successfully launched for the second time (first launch in summer 2001, see Gaborit et al., 2001) with a stratospheric balloon from the Italian Space Agency Base “Luigi Broglio” in Sicily on May 30, 2002, and recovered with all sensors still operational. The probe was lifted to an altitude of and released to perform a parachuted descent lasting , to simulate the Huygens mission at Titan. Preliminary aerodynamic study of the probe has focused upon the achievement of a descent velocity profile reproducing the expected profile of Huygens probe descent into Titan.We present here the results of this experiment discussing their relevance in the analysis of the data which will be obtained during the Huygens mission at Titan.  相似文献   

The Chinese Space Station Telescope(CSST)spectroscopic survey aims to deliver high-quality low-resolution(R>200)slitless spectra for hundreds of millions of targets down to a limiting magnitude of about 21 mag,distributed within a large survey area(17500 deg2)and covering a wide wavelength range(255-1000 nm by three bands GU,GV,and GI).As slitless spectroscopy precludes the usage of wavelength calibration lamps,wavelength calibration is one of the most challenging issues in the reduction of slitless spectra,yet it plays a key role in measuring precise radial velocities of stars and redshifts of galaxies.In this work,we propose a star-based method that can monitor and correct for possible errors in the CSST wavelength calibration using normal scientific observations,taking advantage of the facts that(ⅰ)there are about ten million stars with reliable radial velocities now available thanks to spectroscopic surveys like LAMOST,(ⅱ)the large field of view of CSST enables efficient observations of such stars in a short period of time,and(ⅲ)radial velocities of such stars can be reliably measured using only a narrow segment of CSST spectra.We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve a wavelength calibration precision of a few km s-1 for the GU band,and about 10 to 20 kms-1 for the GV and GI bands,with only a few hundred velocity standard stars.Implementations of the method to other surveys are also discussed.  相似文献   

Around the world, several scientific projects share the interest of a global network of small Cherenkov telescopes for monitoring observations of the brightest blazars??the DWARF network. A small, ground based, imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope of last generation is intended to be installed and operated in Romania as a component of the DWARF network. To prepare the construction of the observatory, two support projects have been initiated. Within the framework of these projects, we have assessed a number of possible sites where to settle the observatory. In this paper we submit a brief report on the general characteristics of the best four sites selected after the local infrastructure, the nearby facilities and the social impact criteria have been applied.  相似文献   

The contribution to European astronomy of Milutin Milanković is analyzed. A crater on the far side of the Moon, a crater on Mars, and asteroid 1605 are named after this most distinguished Serbian astronomer. He explained the phenomenon of the ice ages by an astronomical theory. Milanković elucidated also the history of the Earth's climate as well as that of planet Mars, and in addition he was the author of the mathematical theory of climate and of the Earth's polar motion. He did important contributions to celestial mechanics and the history of astronomy, and was a great popularizator of science. At the orthodox church council in 1923 in Istanbul, he submitted a proposal concerning the reform of the calendar, elaborated by him and by Maksim Trpković, providing for a more exact calendar than the Gregorian one. The calendar of Milanković is now used by some orthodox churches, such as the Greek and Romanian ones.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo program is written to compare several methods of analysis in the conventional right ascension scan, which are often used in searching for -ray point source in ultra high energy astronomy. The simulation is based on the zenith angle acceptance and the angular resolution of HEGRA array. Ten equatorial maps, each of more than 169,000 events, have been simulated. The excess-deficit distribution is found to be more compact when the background was extrapolated from region with the same acceptance as the source region. The results of the present study suggest that an off-source region should be at least six times greater than on-source window. The precision attained for a real signal from a point source is dependent on the source's bin size chosen. A window of 3°×3° or more would maximize the statistical significance of a signal for an angular resolution of 0.8°.  相似文献   

The Solar X-ray Spectrometer (SOXS) mission onboard GSAT-2 Indian Spacecraft was launched on 08 May 2003 using GSLV-D2 rocket by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). SOXS aims to study solar flares, which are the most violent and energetic phenomena in the solar system, in the energy range of 4–56 keV with high spectral and temporal resolution. SOXS employs state-of-the-art semiconductor devices, viz., Si-Pin and CZT detectors to achieve sub-keV energy resolution requirements. In this paper, we present an overview of data acquisition, control, communication and computation of low energy payload of the SOXS mission.  相似文献   

Lin  R. P.  Curtis  D. W.  Primbsch  J. H.  Harvey  P. R.  Levedahl  W. K.  Smith  D. M.  Pelling  R. M.  Duttweiler  F.  Hurley  K. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):333-345

We describe a balloon payload designed to study the processes of energy release, particle acceleration, and heating of the active corona, in hard X-ray microflares and normal flares. An array of liquid nitrogen-cooled germanium detectors together with large area phoswich scintillation detectors provide the highest sensitivity (∼500 cm2) and energy resolution (≤0.7 keV) ever achieved for solar hard X-ray (∼15–600 keV) measurements. These detectors were flown in February 1987 from Australia on a long duration RAdiation COntrolled balloON (RACOON) flight (LDBF) which provided 12 days of observations before cutdown in Brazil. The payload includes solar cells for power, pointing and navigation sensors, a microprocessor controlled data system with VCR tape storage, and transmitters for GOES and ARGOS spacecraft. This successful flight illustrates the potential of LDBF's for solar flare studies.


We describe a balloon payload designed to study the processes of energy release, particle acceleration, and heating of the active corona, in hard X-ray microflares and normal flares. An array of liquid nitrogen-cooled germanium detectors together with large area phoswich scintillation detectors provide the highest sensitivity (500 cm2) and energy resolution (0.7 keV) ever achieved for solar hard X-ray (15–600 keV) measurements. These detectors were flown in February 1987 from Australia on a long duration RAdiation COntrolled balloON (RACOON) flight (LDBF) which provided 12 days of observations before cutdown in Brazil. The payload includes solar cells for power, pointing and navigation sensors, a microprocessor controlled data system with VCR tape storage, and transmitters for GOES and ARGOS spacecraft. This successful flight illustrates the potential of LDBF's for solar flare studies.Also Physics Department.Presently at Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720.  相似文献   

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