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In order to better understand what controls carbonate weathering rates, we report results from the Jura Mountains (East France), an area exclusively composed of carbonate rocks. This region presents an altitude gradient increasing from 250 m to 1300 m. Ov…  相似文献   

In this study, natural and artificial radionuclide activity concentrations in surface soils of Kücük Menderes Basin have been measured using gamma spectroscopy. The soil samples were collected from agricultural lands in the Kücük Menderes Basin in Turkey. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in the soils were found to be range of 12.63 ± 2.28–72.51 ± 11.23, 11.45 ± 2.4–58.12 ± 4.76, 234.8 ± 14.85–1058.52 ± 24 Bq kg?1 dw and 2.31 ± 0.18–7.75 ± 1.14 Bq kg?1, respectively. The natural gamma radioactivity of the terrestrial radionuclides in soil samples and the gamma absorbed dose rate, the annual effective dose equivalent, the radium equivalent activity, the external hazard index, were calculated and compared with the international recommended values.  相似文献   

Geological surveys were carried out in the Miocene deposits at the place known as “En Solé” east of the village Courrendlin (Delémont Basin, Canton of Jura, Switzerland). This resulted in the discovery of new Miocene small mammal assemblages. The association of the rodents Megacricetodon aff. collongensis and Melissiodon sp. allows to biochronostratigraphically correlate for the first time the so-called “Rote Mergel des Mont Chaibeux” representing the lower part of the Montchaibeux Member of the Bois de Raube Formation to the regional M. collongensisKeramidomys interval zone (MN 4; early Miocene).  相似文献   

New brachiopods (Dimerelloidea, Rhynchonellida) from Lower Jurassic (?lower Hettangian) hemipelagic sediments of the Swiss National Park in south-eastern Engadine are described: Sulcirostra doesseggeri sp. nov. and Carapezzia engadinensis sp. nov. Sulcirostra doesseggeri is externally similar to S. fuggeri (Frauscher 1883), a dubious species, that could not be included in a comparative study, because relevant samples no longer exist. A single specimen was tentatively assigned to Sulcirostra ?zitteli (Böse 1894) by comparison of its external morphology with S. zitteli from the type locality. The partly silicified brachiopods are associated with sponge spicules, radiolarians and crinoid ossicles. Macrofossils are rare: dictyid sponges, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, shark teeth and scales of an actinopterygian fish. The Lower Jurassic sediments (Alpisella beds, a basal member of the Allgäu Formation) preserving the brachiopods belong to the Ortler nappe (Upper Austroalpine nappes). The exact age of the Alpisella beds is not known, as index fossils are lacking. Their stratigraphic position above the Rhaetian Kössen Formation and below the ammonite-dated Trupchun beds suggests a very Early Jurassic, probably early Hettangian age for the new brachiopod fauna. The new species of Sulcirostra and Carapezzia are confined to a very small geographic area, a peculiarity also observed in other Early Jurassic dimerelloid brachiopods. These brachiopods presumably adapted to current-dominated submarine highs, where their shells could not accumulate, except when trapped in submarine cavities or re-deposited in submarine fans. Transport by turbidity currents is suggested for the Early Jurassic dimerelloids from the Engadine. Problems with the generic definition of Sulcirostra and the higher rank classification of Carapezzia are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to better understand what controls carbonate weathering rates, we report results from the Jura Mountains (East France), an area exclusively composed of carbonate rocks. This region presents an altitude gradient increasing from 250 m to 1300 m. Over the basin, this gradient generates climatic contrasts of 5℃ and a runoff three times higher in altitude. This place offers a good opportunity for understanding the controlling factors of carbonate weathering. Contrary to thermodynamic calculations that predict the highest concentrations at low temperature, we observe that carbonate dissolution is two times higher at low elevation than in the mountains. This observation can only be explained by a variation in soil pCO2. In order to better constrain the observed variation in cation contents (principally Ca and Mg) of rivers, we used the ASPECTS ecological model (Rasse et al., 2001). Based on both hourly climatic data, vegetation type and soil type, ASPECTS may reconstruct pCO2 in soil.  相似文献   

The UK is a country with limited direct experience of natural disasters. Whilst landslide losses are not negligible and fatalities are rare, accounts are under-reported. Financial losses from landslides are poorly understood but likely to be considerably in excess of £10 million per year. As a result, a strategic management framework has evolved based upon small, low-impact events punctuated by occasional larger events or larger landslides affecting urban areas. We present an overview of the different landslide management mechanisms in the UK and discuss them in context of cases studies to explore their effectiveness. We conclude with three issues that may have implications for landslide management in the UK and other low-risk countries. Firstly, the evidence base by which landslide hazards and risks are measured is insufficient and limitations in existing information need to be better understood. Secondly, existing guidance on strategic and responsive management needs to be assessed for its fitness for purpose. Thirdly, we encourage debate about the importance of near misses.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers are known for their heterogeneity and irregular complex flow patterns which make them more difficult to model and demand specific modeling approaches. This paper presents one such approach which is based on a conceptual model. The model was applied in a karst area of the catchment of Rižana spring (200 km2). It is based on the MIKE SHE code and incorporates the main hydrological processes and geological features of the karst aquifer (diffuse and concentrated infiltration, allogenic recharge, quick and slow groundwater flow, shifting groundwater divides and groundwater outflow from the catchment area). Modeling of evapotranspiration and flow in the upper part of the unsaturated zone is more detailed. For the modeling of groundwater flow in the karst aquifer, a conceptual model was applied which uses drainage function for the simulation of groundwater flow through large conduits (karst channels and large fissures). The model was calibrated and validated against the observed Rižana spring discharge which represents a measured response of the aquifer. The results of validation show that the model is able to adequately simulate temporal evolution of the spring discharge, measured by Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (0.82) as well as overall water balance.  相似文献   

Modern society is said to have restructured in reaction to contemporary hazards with the aim of improving its management of risk. This implies that pre-industrial societies were somehow fundamentally different. In this paper, we challenge that hypothesis by examining the ways in which risks associated with environmental hazards were managed and mitigated during the Middle Ages (defined here as the period from 1000 to 1550 AD). Beginning with a review of the many case studies of rapid onset disasters across Europe, we draw upon both historical and archaeological evidence and architectural assessments of structural damage for what is a pre-instrumental period. Building upon this, the second part of the paper explores individual outlooks on risk, emphasising the diversity of popular belief and the central importance of Christianity in framing attitudes. Despite their religious perspectives, we find that medieval communities were not helpless in the face of serious environmental hazards. We argue instead that the response of society to these threats was frequently complex, considered and, at times, surprisingly modern.  相似文献   

Railway alignments through the Canadian Cordillera are constantly exposed to slope instabilities. Proactive mitigation strategies have been in place for a few decades now, and instability record keeping has been recognized as an important aspect of them. Such a proactive strategy has enhanced the industry’s capacity to manage slope risks, and some sections have been recognized as critical due to the frequency of instabilities. At these locations, quantification of the risks becomes necessary. Risk analysis requires knowledge of some variables for which statistical data are scarce or not available, and elicitation of subjective probabilities is needed. A limitation of such approaches lies in the uncertainty associated to those elicited probabilities. In this paper, a quantitative risk analysis is presented for a section of railway across the Canadian Cordillera. The analysis focused on the risk to life of the freight train crews working along this section. Upper and lower bounds were elicited to cope with the uncertainties associated with this approach. A Monte Carlo simulation technique was then applied to obtain the probability distribution of the estimated risks. The risk probability distribution suggests that the risk to life of the crews is below previously published evaluation criteria and within acceptable levels. The risk assessment approach proposed focuses on providing a measure of the uncertainty associated with the estimated risk and is capable of handling distributions that cover more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Subansiri?CRanganadi Doab (confluence country), located in Lakhimpur district, Assam, is one of the worst flood-affected areas in Brahmaputra valley. The Doab is well populated, and land around these rivers is extensively used for cultivation. As means of flood protection, embankments were constructed in the 1950s along the banks of both the rivers. On the other hand, these rivers are dynamic in terms of banklines and other forms of channel changes. Progressive migration of bankline, due to erosion, results in loss of cultivable land. Moreover, it causes breaches in the embankments increasing the severity of flood in the Doab. This paper attempts to study the changes in the banklines of two major rivers in the floodplains of the Subansiri?CRanganadi Doab during 1997?C2009 in the context of the riverine hazards it brings to the floodplain dwellers. The shift of the banklines in Subansiri?CRanganadi Doab, downstream of North Lakhimpur, has been estimated using IRS LISS imageries of 1997 and 2009 in GIS environment. The river Subansiri during the study period has migrated westward and has widened substantially resulting in erosion of an area of ~19.137?km2. For Ranganadi, the total area that has been eroded due to channel changes is ~0.897?km2. The channel changes are mainly due to concave bank erosion associated with high stages of flow. Channel widening in Subansiri and Ranganadi in the study area during the decades of 1990s and 2000 has led to frequent breaches in the embankments. Lateral erosion and inundation due to embankment failure are the most dominant facets of riverine hazards in the study area as these lead to loss of livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate geomorphic changes in formulating flood management programmes.  相似文献   

 The giant Mercosul aquifer system consists of Triassic-Jurassic eolian-fluvio-lacustrine sandstones confined by Cretaceous basalt flows, and it covers about 1,195,500 km2 (461,583 miles2) in South America. The aquifer system encompasses all of the Paraná Basin and part of the Chaco-Paraná Basin and is one of the world's largest. The eolian Botucatu Sandstone and its equivalents form an important part of this system. Maps of structure, thickness of overlying rocks, and water temperature, and a potentiometric map, all based on 322 wells, define hydrogeologic characteristics and provide the basis for establishing guidelines for the long-term equilibrium use of this important multinational aquifer system. The Mercosul aquifer system is divided into two domains – the larger and better understood Paraná Basin and the smaller and less well understood Chaco-Paraná Basin. Most of the northern part of the Paraná Basin has axially-directed groundwater flow, whereas the southern part of the aquifer discharges mostly to the southwest into the Corrientes Province of Argentina, with negligible discharge into the Atlantic Ocean. The Mercosul aquifer system is conservatively estimated to have been flushed at least 180 times since deposition. Various factors are responsible for this flushing, including appreciable rainfall since the end of the Cretaceous Period, probable uplift of the basins' borders in Late Cretaceous time, simple basin geometry, long-term riverine and groundwater flow to the southwest (ancestral and present Paraná River Systems), and stable cratonic setting. Key hydraulic properties of the Mercosul aquifer system are compared to those of the eolian Jurassic Navajo-Nugget System of the western United States. The results demonstrate the importance of tectonics and climate on the evolution of sub-continental aquifer systems. Received, September 1997 / Revised, December 1998 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

This study investigates the post-magmatic reequilibration of Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons in the Central Aar Granite, Aar Massif, Central Alps. A post-magmatic, preAlpine hydrothermal alteration caused rehomogenization of Sr isotopes in local subsystems of the granites by subsolidus reactions mainly involving k-feldspar. The size of these rehomogenized subsystems is dependent on rock mineralogy and chemistry. Interference between sample size, size of the rehomogenized subsystem and undisturbed magmatic system size yields a series of Rb-Sr wholerock ages intermediate between an Upper Carboniferous intrusion age and the age of a hypothetical Triassic/Liassic alteration event. The microscopic reaction textures as well as the Rb-Sr age systematics of this hydrothermal event can be distinguished from Alpine metamorphic effects.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt postmagmatisch reequilibrierte Rb-Sr-Gesamtgesteinsalter aus dem Zentralen Aaregranit (Aarmassiv, Zentralalpen) vor. Eine postmagmatische, voralpine Hydrothermalüberprägung verursachte eine Sr-Isotopenhomogenisierung in lokalen Subsystemen des Granits, die sich vor allem in Subsolidus-Reaktionen von Kalifeldspat äußert. Die Größe dieser Subsysteme hängt von der Gesteinsmineralogie und -chemie ab. Zwischenwirkungen zwischen Probengröße, der Größe dieser rehomogenisierten Subsysteme und den ungestörten Systemen führen zu Rb-Sr-Gesamtgesteinsaltern, die zwischen der oberkarbonischen Intrusion und einer hypothetischen triasisch-liasischen Hydrothermal-Überprägung liegen. Die mikroskopischen Reaktionsgefüge und die Systematik der hydrothermal zurückgesetzten Rb-SrGesamtgesteinsalter können von den Auswirkungen der alpinen Metamorphose unterschieden werden.

Résumé Ce travail présente des âges Rb-Sr sur roche totale du Granite de l'Aar (massif de l'Aar, Alpes Centrales), qui ont été rééquilibrés en phase post-magmatique. Une altération hydrothermale pré-alpine et post-magmatique est la cause de l'homogénéisation des isotopes du Sr dans des subsystèmes locaux du granite. Ces altérations se manifestent surtout par des réactions sub-solidus du feldspath potassique. La taille de ces subsystèmes dépend de la minéralogie et de la composition chimique de la roche. Les influences conjugées de la taille des échantillons, de celle du subsystème réhomogénéisé et de celle du système magmatique non perturbé sont à l'origine de l'obtention d'âges intermédiaires entre celui de l'intrusion, datée du Carbonifère supérieur, et celui d'une altération hydrothermale hypothétique à la limite Trias/Lias. Les textures microscopiques et la systématique des âges Rb-Sr rajeunis peuvent être distinguées des effets du métamorphisme alpin.

Aar (Aaremassiv), , -. , - , - . . , , -. .

Despite a recent increase in the number of vulnerability analyses there has been relatively little discussion of vulnerability assessment of social–environment system, especially when they face multiple hazards. In this study, we developed an applicable and convenient method to assess vulnerability of social–environment system at a regional scale. Vulnerability is quantified by measuring three critical elements (i.e. hazards, sensitivity, and resilience) through some key variables. The results showed that vulnerability is high in Miaofeng Mountain in Mengtougou District, the hills of Pinggu County and the riparian zones of the lower courses of the Beiyun and Yongding Rivers; but low in the city of Beijing and the southwestern part of the Fangshan District. Areas of very high, high, medium, and low-vulnerability account for 6.19, 25.48, 33.06, and 35.27% of the total area, respectively. The degree of vulnerability decreases in a northwest direction in mountainous areas and declines from watercourses to riparian zones along a lateral direction in the plain. Some adaptive strategies are also proposed.  相似文献   

For good management of groundwater resources, and to comply with European and national regulations, a detailed understanding of an aquifer’s hydraulic setting is required. In order to better characterize a sandy aquifer that is affected by diffuse pollution (Brévilles spring catchment, Val d’Oise, France), and to quantify the transfer time in the saturated zone, a multi-tracer test involving a new technique, the ‘finite volume point dilution method’, has been performed in natural flow conditions. In November 2005, injections of four different tracers took place in four piezometers involving different locations and depths in the aquifer. Recovery of the tracers was observed at two different places near the aquifer outlet. A particularly long and unusual monitoring exercise (27 months) demonstrated the existence of several different velocities within the sandy layer, which seems to be linked to the decrease of hydraulic conductivity with depth. The new insight and parameter quantification brought by interpretation of these tests contribute to a better characterization of the saturated zone. The particularly long-term monitoring exercise also gives new information to understand and forecast the trend and persistence of groundwater contamination by pesticides in the catchment.  相似文献   

Land-use planners have a critical role to play in building vibrant, sustainable and hazard resilient communities in New Zealand. The policy and legal setting for natural hazards planning provides a solid foundation for good practice. But there are many examples of ‘bad practice’ that result in unnecessary risks and, in some cases, exposure to repeat events and potentially devastating impacts. Much, therefore, remains to be done to improve hazards planning policy and practice in New Zealand. This article explores the questions: What role does land-use planning play in managing hazard risks in New Zealand; and what needs to be done to reduce hazard risks and build community resilience? The article starts by describing the milieu within which natural hazards planning takes place. It goes onto outline the stakeholders and institutional and legal setting for natural hazards planning in New Zealand, including barriers to realising the potential of natural hazards planning. This synthesis reveals a number of ‘burning issues’, including the need to: (a) Improve understanding about the nature of hazards; (b) Prioritise risk avoidance (reduction) measures; (c) Provide national guidance for communities exposed to repeat events and address the relocation issue and (d) Mainstream climate change adaptation. Each ‘burning issue’ is discussed, and priority actions are recommended to realise the potential of land-use planning to reduce natural hazard risks and build community resilience in New Zealand. Ultimately, the challenge is to develop a cooperative hazards governance approach that is founded on coordinated policies, laws and institutions, cooperative professional practice and collaborative communities.  相似文献   

A 1D numerical model is constructed to investigate the impact of sedimentation and sea level changes on transport of Cl? in the aquifer–aquitard system in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. The model simulates the evolution of the vertical Cl? concentration profiles during the Holocene. Sedimentation is modeled as a moving boundary problem. Chloride concentration profiles are reconstructed for nine boreholes, covering a wide area of the PRD, from northwest to southeast. Satisfactory agreement is obtained between simulated and measured Cl? concentration profiles. Diffusion solely is adequate to reproduce the vertical Cl? concentration profiles, which indicates that diffusion is the regionally dominant vertical transport mechanism across the aquitards in the PRD. The estimated effective diffusion coefficients of the aquitards range from 2.0?×?10–11 to 2.0?×?10–10 m2/s. The effective diffusion coefficients of the aquifers range from 3.0?×?10–11 to 4.0?×?10–10 m2/s. Advective transport tends to underestimate Cl? concentrations in the aquitard and overestimate Cl? concentrations in the basal aquifer. The results of this study will help understand the mechanisms of solute transport in the PRD and other deltas with similar geological and hydrogeological characteristics.  相似文献   

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