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Here we used the VLF signal data received by the DEMETER satellite, transmitted from various ground VLF transmitters which are located around China, to study the changes in the signal to noise ratio (SNR) before and after the Wenchuan earthquake, which had a magnitude of 8.0. We also found that the SNRs of different frequency signals decreased significantly over the epicenter region before the earthquake, and reverted to their original levels after the earthquake. This phenomenon may be related to the earthquake. Special Foundation of Basic Research from Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB08Z08), National Key Technology R & D Program (Grant No. 2008BAC35B01)  相似文献   

This paper is related to study of the ion density recorded by the low altitude satellite DEMETER. It will present ionospheric perturbations observed during large seismic events. As the ionosphere is highly variable, the paper will show a statistical analysis performed on the plasma parameters during night time. An algorithm has been implemented to detect crests and troughs in the data before world-wide earthquakes. The earthquakes have been classified depending on their magnitude, depth, and location (land, below the sea, close to a coast). Due to the orbit, DEMETER returns above the same area every day (once during day time, once during night time) but not at the same distance of a given epicenter. Then, for each earthquake, data have been checked until 15 days before the shock when the distance between the trace of the orbit and the epicenter is less than 1 500 km. The results of the statistical analysis are presented as functions of various parameters. A comparison is done with two other databases where, on one hand, the location of the epicenters has been randomly modified, and on the other hand, the longitude of the epicenters has been shifted. Results show that the number and the intensity of the ionospheric perturbations are larger prior to earthquakes than prior to random events, and that the perturbations increase with the magnitude.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a joint analysis of ground-based and satellite observations of very low-frequency and low-frequency (VLF/LF) signals during periods of strong seismic activity in the region of Kuril Islands and Japan in 2004–2010. Ground and satellite data was processed using a method based on the difference between the real signal in nighttime and that of a model. The results of the analysis show a good correlation between ground-based and satellite data for several cases of strong (M  6.8) earthquakes.  相似文献   

An overall consistent scheme is presented of using VLF transmitter signal spectral broadening observed on a satellite as a detection means of seismic activity. This includes the mechanisms for formation of small-scale plasma density irregularities, and generation of quasi-electrostatic lower hybrid resonance waves due to the scattering of transmitter signal from small-scale plasma irregularities. Both points are discussed in detail on quantitative level.  相似文献   

The French micro-satellite DEMETER (Detection of Electromagnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) was launched on June 29, 2004. The orbit of DEMETER is polar, circular with an altitude of 710 km. The main scientific objective of this mission is to study the ionospheric perturbations, which may be linked to seismic activity. To achieve this, the payload of DEMETER allows the measurement of some important plasma parameters (ion composition, electron density, temperature and energetic particles). This paper presents examples of electron and ion density irregularities simultaneously observed for three earthquakes that occurred in the mid-latitude region. The DEMETER in situ measurements show the presence of electron and ion density irregularities near the epicenter of these earthquakes. These perturbations were recorded by the ISL (Langmuir Probe) and IAP (thermal plasma analyzer) experiments onboard DEMETER. The repetitiveness of the perturbations close to the epicenters is shown for these three events.  相似文献   

基于法国DEMETER卫星等离子体分析仪和Langmuir探针观测到的原位等离子体参量, 研究了参量随纬度变化、 空间插值、 空间差值、 滑动中值、 相关性分析等5种异常提取方法, 并将这些方法应用于2006年1月—2010年4月期间国内6.0级以上、 国外部分7.0级以上29次地震的震例分析中. 由于等离子体参量具有一定的相关性, 因此对于震中附近的轨道数据大于等于2个参量出现异常时, 本研究才将其视为震前异常. 通过研究发现, 29次地震中有15次出现电离层原位等离子体参量的震前异常, 异常时间大约为1—7天, 震中东西两个方向均可能出现异常, 但异常区域多偏向磁赤道.  相似文献   

The specific features of a method for radiosounding the lower ionosphere over earthquake epicenters using LF electromagnetic signals of thunderstorm sources (atmospherics) have been considered. The effects of shallow-focus earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 4.0 and their precursors manifest themselves in amplitude characteristics of atmospherics. It has been assumed that variations in the signal characteristics are related to disturbances in the lower ionosphere. According to the results of azimuthal scanning, cross-sectional dimensions of disturbed regions, as a rule, correspond to the dimensions of the first two Fresnel zones for signals at a frequency of 10 kHz. Azimuthal scanning also indicated that the positions of disturbed regions during and before earthquakes could have a certain dynamics and differ from the projection onto the earthquake epicenter. The ratio of the amplitudes of electric and magnetic signal components, in the variations of which seismic effects before earthquakes can also be observed, has been considered. An analysis of the ratio makes it possible to increase the probability of predicting earthquakes when using the characteristics of the electromagnetic signals of lightning discharges as an additional method of complex monitoring of disturbances in the lower ionosphere caused by seismic processes.  相似文献   

Observations of the Langmuir Probe Instrument(ISL,Instrument Sonde de Langmuir) onboard the DEMETER satellite during four years from 2006 to 2009 were used to analyze the tempo-spatial variations of electron density(Ne) and temperature(Te) in the ionosphere.Twenty four research bins with each covering an area with 10° in longitude and 2° in latitude were selected to study the spatial distributions of Ne and Te.The results indicate that both Ne and Te have strong annual variations in the topside ionosphere at 660 km altitude.The semiannual anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry which are usually well known as the features of F-layer also exist in the topside ionosphere at low-and mid-latitudes.The yearly variation of Ne is opposite to the peak electron density of the F2-layer(NmF2) at higher latitudes in daytime and both are similar in nighttime.Also the yearly variations of Te at low-latitude are contrary to that at 600 km in daytime and similar in nighttime.An interesting feature of nighttime Te at low-latitude is an obvious annual variation in the northern hemisphere and semiannual variation in the southern hemisphere.The yearly variations of Te in daytime have negative and positive correlation with Ne at mid-and high-latitudes,respectively.Both Ne and Te in the neighborhood bins at the same latitude have a high correlation.In ionospheric events analyzing,this information may help to understand the characteristics of the variation and to distinguish the reliable abnormality from the normal background map.  相似文献   

Results of studying the ionospheric response to solar flares, obtained based on the incoherent scatter radar observations of the GPS signals and as a result of the model simulations, are presented. The method, based on the effect of partial “shadowing” of the atmosphere by the globe, has been used to analyze the GPS data. This method made it possible to estimate the value of a change in the electron content in the upper ionosphere during the solar flare of July 14, 2000. It has been shown that a flare can cause a decrease in the electron content at heights of the upper ionosphere (h > 300 km) according to the GPS data. Similar effects in the formation of a negative disturbance in the ionospheric F region were also observed during the solar flares of May 21 and 23, 1967, at the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar. The mechanism by which negative disturbances are formed in the upper ionosphere during solar flares has been studied based on the theoretical model of the ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling. It has been shown that an intense ejection of O+ ions into the above located plasmasphere under the action of a sharp increase in the ion production rate and the thermal expansion of the ionospheric plasma cause the formation of a negative disturbance in the electron concentration in the upper ionosphere.  相似文献   

In this study, the variations of average amplitude of the very-low-frequency (VLF) signal thunderstorm origin propagating over areas of strong (magnitude >5) earthquakes are considered. Despite the non-stationary state of thunderstorms, a decrease in the amplitude of its VLF signals was usually detected 3–6 days before an earthquake, with subsequent recovery on the day of the event. The effect is similar to the attenuation of the signal amplitude of low-frequency radio stations that is observed for several days before the occurrence of an earthquake. These influences of earthquakes on thunderstorm VLF signals are recorded along different paths (different azimuths and different distances to the earthquake epicenter). The probability that an earthquake of strong magnitude will induce changes in the thunderstorm VLF signal is 60–70%.  相似文献   

陈恩平  陆洪  张学民 《地震学报》2013,35(4):512-519
分析了DEMETER卫星上测量的极低频(ELF, 3—30 Hz)和超低频(SLF, 30—300 Hz)水平磁场. 其统计变化规律与地面上实测的此频段大气噪声变化规律一致, 并且数值差异也符合电波传播规律, 说明卫星上监测的电磁场来源于地面. 同时对DEMETER卫星上测量的ELF和SLF归一化波阻抗进行了深入地分析, 由电子密度与离子密度计算出的归一化波阻抗与由实测电磁场计算出的归一化波阻抗均有差异. 现有观测资料并不完全“自洽”, 尚有问题需深入研究.  相似文献   

A radon concentration measurement survey was carried out in Ecuador using the SSNTD technique. The data analysis shows a definite radon anomaly prior to March 6, 1987;M=6.9 earthquake. Anomalies found before October 18 and October 28th mild earthquakes in 1986 could be correlated with these events. Other anomalies that we cannot correlate with any geophysical event were also found.  相似文献   

利用法国DEMETER卫星观测的电离层电磁数据,分析了2007年11月14日智利7.9级地震前10天内的电磁信号记录,结果发现在震前1周内,低频电磁扰动开始在比较宽的纬度范围内增强,震前3天异常信号幅度达到最大,并在低纬度地区尤其突出.以5天为间隔,比较分析了多参量的空间图像,发现在震前5天异常幅度和范围扩大,震中位于异常区域的边缘地带.分析认为,这次地震前的异常信号与孕震区电磁辐射信号增多及空间加热扰动有关.  相似文献   

Time variations in the amplitude and phase of signals of the Russian telecommunication station (the frequency is 25 kHz) on the Arkhangelsk—Kharkov path with a length of about 1600 km on the day of the August 1, 2008 solar eclipse (SE) and on the adjacent days are analyzed. Two types of effects are detected. An increase of the signal amplitude by approximately 32% in comparison with the background days and the 2.1 μs time shift of the signal during 2—2.5 h is referred to the first type. Changes in the spectral composition of the quasiperiodic disturbances in the ionosphere presented the second type of the effects. For spectral analysis of the quasiperiodic variations in the amplitude and phase of the radio signal, the window Fourier transform, adaptive Fourier transform, and wavelet transformation were applied simultaneously. In the period of SE and after it, oscillations with periods of 10—15 min (according to the amplitude data) and also about 10 and 18 min (according to the phase data) were intensified. Based on radio signal characteristics, the parameters of ionospheric disturbances are estimated.  相似文献   

The long-term data during seven years from January 2001 to December 2007, as observed by the Pacific VLF/LF network consisting of several Japanese stations and one station in Kamchatka, are extensively utilized to perform a statistical correlation study between the lower ionospheric perturbations as detected by subionospheric propagation and earthquakes (EQs). In this paper, we adopt a physical parameter, the maximum seismicity intensity observed (I) to define the strength of an EQ unlike the previously and conventionally used EQ magnitude and depth, which is a combined effect of EQ magnitude and depth, together with the Earth’s surface information and geological condition around the EQ epicenter. After considering EQs only take place on the land because of the use of seismicity and by using the superimposed epoch analysis, it is found for the larger EQs with I from 5 to 7 (we feel serious trembling and we expect serious damage) that the most important VLF/LF parameter, trend (nighttime average amplitude), shows a definite decrease about 10 days before the EQ by exceeding 2σ (σ: standard deviation) criterion; the dispersion shows a maximum about 10 days before the EQ but not exceeding 2σ line and finally the nighttime fluctuation shows an enhancement about 10 days before the EQ (with exceeding the 2σ level). A definite statistical correlation is confirmed between the ionospheric perturbations and I when I is strong enough in a range from 5 to 7. Whereas, there is no significant correlation between the two when I is in a range from 3 to 4. Finally, together with the corresponding results for EQs in the sea, but close to the land, these results are discussed in the light of lithosphere–ionosphere coupling mechanism.  相似文献   


频率在3~30 kHz的甚低频(VLF,Very Low Frequency)波具有较小的传播损耗和较高的趋肤深度,可以在地球-低电离层波导中实现长距离传输,广泛应用于航海导航、对潜通信等领域,且在电离层遥测方面具有十分重要的意义.基于武汉大学自主研发的VLF接收机在武汉接收的NWC(North West Cape)台站信号,本文通过分析2018年4月23日—2020年7月22日的观测数据研究了日出期间NWC信号的幅度响应及其特点和规律.结果表明NWC信号日出期间的幅度响应主要包括两种极小值结构:2个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2)的Type Ⅰ结构和3个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2、SR3)的Type Ⅱ结构.在以SR1出现时间为时间零点进行时序叠加分析后发现,Type Ⅰ结构比Type Ⅱ具有更强的规律性和稳定性.在Type Ⅰ结构下,SR2出现时间的波动范围、平均值、标准差分别为43~65 min、54.2 min、4.4 min,而在Type Ⅱ结构下,SR2和SR3出现时间的波动范围分别为48~93 min、80~120 min,平均值分别为64.7 min、96.4 min,标准差分别为10.2 min、11.7 min.在27个月的观测期内,3—7月份Type Ⅰ结构的出现概率100%,未出现Type Ⅱ结构,而在1—2月和8—12月Type Ⅰ结构出现的概率明显下降,最低降至1月份的20.7%,而Type Ⅱ在1月、2月、11月的出现概率均高于70%.按春秋分交替变化(周期1和周期2)的统计结果,在周期1内Type Ⅰ和Type Ⅱ结构出现的概率分别为91.5%、8.5%,而在周期2内Type Ⅰ结构出现的概率降至41.9%,Type Ⅱ结构出现概率则升至58.1%,这表示观测期间内Type Ⅱ结构主要出现在秋冬季,春夏季发生概率较低.


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