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We analyse the external field generated by a uniform distribution of magnetic susceptibility contained in an oblate spheroidal shell when it is magnetized by an internal magnetic field of arbitrary complexity. The situation is more relevant to the Earth than that of a spherical shell considered by Runcorn (1975a ) (in the context of lunar magnetism), because of the larger flattening of the Earth than that of the Moon. We find that, to first order in the susceptibility, each internal harmonic in a spheroidal harmonic expansion of the magnetic potential generates just one non-vanishing external field coefficient, unlike in the spherical case when all harmonics vanish identically. The field generated is proportional to the susceptibility, thickness of the shell and square of the Earth's eccentricity, and hence it appears that this field amplification mechanism will be very ineffective for the Earth.  相似文献   

基于非结构三角形网格的FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)海洋数值模式,对白令海峡及其邻近海域的潮汐、潮能进行数值模拟研究。模拟结果同验潮站和实测海流资料符合良好,较好地反映了白令海峡及其邻近海域的潮汐、潮流分布特征和运动状况。根据计算结果绘制了主要分潮的同潮图和潮流椭圆图,对该海域潮汐潮流特征进行了系统分析。结果表明,白令海陆架区、白令海峡和楚科奇海主要以M2分潮为主,而在诺顿湾海域以K1分潮为主,M2分潮潮流在白令海陆架东南部及阿纳德尔湾较强,K1分潮潮流在诺顿湾潮流达到最大值。在此基础上,对其潮汐能的传播与耗散进行分析,结果发现研究海域潮能通量较小,主要分潮在研究海域潮能耗散总量约为751 MW,M2潮能耗散占该总量的52%,K1潮能耗散占38%,潮能进入白令海陆架后,M2分潮主要在圣劳伦斯岛以南陆架区耗散,K1分潮主要在诺顿湾海区耗散。  相似文献   

互花米草盐沼潮沟地貌特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
互花米草是我国从国外引进的能在淤泥质潮滩的高潮带下部和中潮带上部生长的禾木科植物,由于其植株高大、群落盖度高、根系发达等生物学特性,其对潮流动力特征有显著的影响。本文通过对江苏省东台市笆斗垦区外互花米草盐沼地的潮沟形态调查,发现互花米草盐沼潮沟具有以下一些特征:潮沟密度大,可达50km/km2以上;潮沟的宽深比小,大多在8以下;沿岸堤发育,且多呈不对称状;一级主潮沟与主潮沟接头处普遍呈逆弧形;盐沼外侧边缘发育有明显的陡坎冲沟。分析认为这些特征主要与互花米草发达的根系和致密的植株等生物学特性有关,发达的根系增加了盐沼滩面的稳定性,而互花米草高大的植株增加了对潮水运动的阻力,提高了滩面落潮水的归槽水位,改变了潮流的泥沙沉积地点和涨、落潮流的流向,从而形成比较特别的互花米草盐沼潮沟特征。  相似文献   

We present expressions in a spherical harmonic framework for the gravitational potential of discrete point, surface, and volume mass elements located at any depth within a sphere. Through analysis of the spherical harmonic spectrum, insight is gained into the properties of the potentials arising from a variety of mass distributions. A point mass at the surface of a sphere displays the richest harmonic spectrum in all degrees; spectra become increasingly reddened as the source mass is distributed through larger elements of area or volume, or is located at greater depths below the surface of the reference sphere. The spectra of dipolar distributions, useful in representing compensated masses, are depressed, especially in the low harmonic degrees, relative to the spectra of monopole elements.  相似文献   

中国南极中山站位于南极拉斯曼丘陵地区(λ=76°22′E,φ=69°22′S),1991年3月至1993年2月,用LacosteET型重力仪,在这个地区进行了为期近两年的观测,取得了600多天的有效资料,经调和分析和流变模型、海潮负荷改正后得到:δo1=1.2253±0.0031,Δφo1=0.73°±0.14°;δm2=1.0785±0.0045,Δφm2=-3.55°±0.29°从资料分析的精度来看,观测资料是比较好的;但由于海潮负荷改正缺少附近海域的资料,会对最终结果造成较大的影响  相似文献   

Summary. The pole tide is the response of the ocean to incremental centrifugal forces associated with the Chandler wobble. The tide has a potentially important effect on the period and damping of the wobble, but it is at present not well constrained by observations. Here, we construct both analytical and numerical models for the pole tide. The analytical models consider the tide first in a global ocean and then in an enclosed basin on a beta-plane. The results are found to approach equilibrium linearly with decreasing frequency and inversely with increasing basin depth. The numerical models solve Laplace's tidal equations over the world's oceans using realistic continental boundaries and bottom topography. The results indicate that the effects of the non-equilibrium portion of the deep ocean tide on the Chandler wobble period and damping are negligible.  相似文献   

德国是中国在欧洲最大的贸易伙伴,研究中德双边贸易潜力对中德及时调整对外贸易战略、推进"一带一路"建设具有十分重要的理论价值与现实意义。首先利用双边贸易数据和贸易结合度指数分析中德双边贸易现状,继而用2014年37个主要国家的贸易数据,从两国GDP、人均GDP、两国首都之间距离、是否加入WTO和是否加入APEC五方面,运用EViews软件建立贸易引力模型对中德贸易发展潜力进行预测,得出以下结论:中德双边贸易规模较大,增长速度较快,贸易逐渐深化;中德商品结构有较强的互补性;德国对中国的贸易结合度正由弱变强,中国对德国的贸易结合度有减弱趋势;中德双边贸易潜力值在波动中增大,且大于1.2,属于"潜力再造型",贸易潜力已经得到充分发挥,上升空间狭小。  相似文献   

We investigate forward models of the gravitational potential spectrum generated by ensembles of discrete sources of anomalous mass, having radial distributions with different statistical properties. Models with a random distribution of point source locations throughout the volume of the mantle produce spectra similar to that of the Earth only when the (absolute) source magnitudes increase strongly with depth, at least as d 1.5. The effects of the geographic (latitude-longitude) distribution of source locations are generally unimportant in determining the general degree dependence of the potential spectrum. The dimensions of the sources are also of secondary importance, at least up to an angular diameter of about 40, i.e., continent-sized. Sources of this size confined to the upper mantle do not appear capable of producing the degree dependence of the observed geopotential spectrum; the low harmonics (2-4) in particular appear to require lower mantle sources of considerable strength. Further, at least some of these deep sources must be largely monopolar in nature, (i.e., uncompensated) due to the stronger depth attenuation of dipole (compensated) sources. Because topography on the core-mantle boundary must be either isostatically or dynamically compensated, it may contribute little strength to the observed potential spectrum.  相似文献   

Lunar and solar tidal components in the occurrence of earthquakes in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. A method for the determination of lunar and solar daily components of earthquakes is proposed. Its application to the most intense earthquakes with epicentres in Italy (from 1900 to 1983) provides for the first time large and significant lunar and solar tidal terms. The absence of significant results from the analysis of 9157 world-wide large shocks processed according to the proposed method and to routine spherical harmonic techniques indicates that the Italian earthquakes are locally tidally triggered.  相似文献   

Analysis of potential field data in the wavelet domain   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Various Green's functions occurring in Poisson potential field theory can be used to construct non-orthogonal, non-compact, continuous wavelets. Such a construction leads to relations between the horizontal derivatives of geophysical field measurements at all heights, and the wavelet transform of the zero height field. The resulting theory lends itself to a number of applications in the processing of potential field data. Some simple, synthetic examples in two dimensions illustrate one inversion approach based upon the maxima of the wavelet transform (multiscale edges). These examples are presented to illustrate, by way of explicit demonstration, the information content of the multiscale edges. We do not suggest that the methods used in these examples be taken literally as a practical algorithm or inversion technique. Rather, we feel that the real thrust of the method is towards physically based, spatially local filtering of geophysical data images using Green's function wavelets, or compact approximations thereto. To illustrate our first steps in this direction, we present some preliminary results of a 3-D analysis of an aeromagnetic survey.  相似文献   

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