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In order to investigate the characteristics of water wave induced liquefaction in highly saturated sand in vertical direction, a one-dimensional model of highly saturated sand to water pressure oscillation is presented based on the two-phase continuous media theory. The development of the effective stresses and the liquefaction thickness are analyzed. It is shown that water pressure oscillating loading affects liquefaction severely and the developing rate of liquefaction increases with the decreasing of the sand strength or the increasing of the loading strength. It is shown also that there is obvious phase lag in the sand column. If the sand permeability is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain rise sharply at which the smallest permeability occurs. This solution may explain why the fracture occurs in the sand column in some conditions.  相似文献   

One of the important design considerations for marine structures situated on sand deposits is the potential for instability caused by the development of excess pore pressure as a result of wave loading. A build-up of excess pore pressure may lead to initial liquefaction. The current practice of liquefaction analysis in marine deposits neglects the effects of structures over seabed deposits. However, analyses both in terrestrial and marine deposits have shown that the presence of a structure, depending on the nature of the structure and initial soil conditions, may decrease or increase the liquefaction potential of underlying deposits. In the present study, a wave-induced liquefaction analysis is carried out using mechanisms similar to earthquake-induced liquefaction. The liquefaction potential is first evaluated using wave-induced liquefaction analysis methods for a free field. Then by applying a structure force on the underlying sand deposits, the effect of the structure on the liquefaction potential is evaluated. Results showed that depending on the initial density of the sand deposits and different structures, water depths and wave characteristics, the presence of a structure may increase or decrease the liquefaction potential of the underlying sand deposits.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of pipe-soil interaction under cyclic wave actions is of pronounced importance for the stability analysis of submarine pipelines in sandy seabed. This paper presents a plane-strain numerical study on such a problem using a finite element program DBLEAVES, which incorporates an elasto-plastic soil model that is capable of capturing the cyclic mobility behavior of sandy soils under cyclic loadings. A detailed validation against analytical solution and model test results was provided to demonstrate the robustness of the present numerical model to mimic both pre- and post-liquefaction behavior of sands, before an extensive parametric study was introduced. It was found that the accumulation of excess pore pressure in the vicinity and far field of a pipeline was strongly affected by the existence of it, with an influential range of about two pipe diameters. The influences of wave and seabed properties (e.g. relative densities) on the uplift response of pipelines were then investigated, based on which an explicit model was developed to quantify the degradation effect of waves on the uplift bearing capacity of pipelines against thermally-induced buckling.  相似文献   

Cnoidal wave theory is appropriate to periodic wave progressing in water whose depth is less than 1/10 wavelength. However, the cnoidal wave theory has not been widely applied in practical engineering because the formula for wave profile involves Jacobian elliptic function. In this paper, a cnoidal wave-seabed system is modeled and discussed in detail. The seabed is treated as porous medium and characterized by Biot's partly dynamic equations (up model). A simple and useful calculating technique for Jacobian elliptic function is presented. Upon specification of water depth, wave height and wave period, Taylor's expression and precise integration method are used to estimate Jacobian elliptic function and cnoidal wave pressure. Based on the numerical results, the effects of cnoidal wave and seabed characteristics, such as water depth, wave height, wave period, permeability, elastic modulus, and degree of saturation, on the cnoidal wave-induced excess pore pressure and liquefaction phenomenon are studied.  相似文献   

A 1-g model experimental study was conducted to investigate the accumulated rotations and unloading stiffness of bucket foundations in saturated loose sand. One-way horizontal cyclic loading was applied to model bucket foundations with embedment ratios 0.5 and 1.0. Up to 104 cycles of loading were applied at a frequency of 0.2 Hz varying load amplitudes. The accumulated rotation of the bucket foundations increased with the number of cycles and the load amplitudes. Empirical equations were proposed to describe the accumulated rotation of the foundations. The unloading stiffness of foundations increased with the number of cycles but decreased with an increase in load amplitude. The initial unloading stiffness of L/D = 1.0 (L is skirt length; D is foundation diameter) was approximately twice that of L/D = 0.5. Excess pore water pressure difference of 50% was observed between L/D = 0.5 and 1.0. The suction and static capacity of the bucket increased with increase of bucket embedment ratio with a difference of 69.5% and 73.6% respectively between L/D = 0.5 and 1.0.  相似文献   

I~crIOWIn the coastal area, especially at the sandy seashore, wave and nearshore current are the major factors which affect sediment transPOrt and the motyhChdynamics.The numerical models of predicting the beach evolution can be classified intO the medi~term and long-term models according to their space and time scales (De Briend et al., 1993;Watanabe, 1990; Watanabe et al., 1986; Tao, 1996). In the medium-term model the effects ofwave, nearshore current and sediment transport are conside…  相似文献   

D.-S. Jeng  H. Zhang   《Ocean Engineering》2005,32(16):1950-1967
The evaluation of the wave-induced liquefaction potential is particularly important for coastal engineers involved in the design of marine structures. Most previous investigations of the wave-induced liquefaction have been limited to two-dimensional non-breaking waves. In this paper, the integrated three-dimensional poro-elastic model for the wave-seabed interaction proposed by [Zhang, H., Jeng, D.-S., 2005. An integrated three-dimensional model of wave-induced pore pressure and effective stresses in a porous seabed: I. A sloping seabed. Ocean Engineering 32(5/6), 701–729.] is further extended to simulate the seabed liquefaction potential with breaking wave loading. Based on the parametric study, we conclude: (1) the liquefaction depth due to breaking waves is smaller than that of due to non-breaking waves; (2) the degree of saturation significantly affects the wave-induced liquefaction depth, and no liquefaction occurs in full saturated seabed, and (3) soil permeability does not only significantly affect the pore pressure, but also the shear stresses distribution.  相似文献   

An artificial sand wave on the Dutch shoreface of the North Sea has been studied in conditions with relatively strong tidal currents in the range of 0.5 to 1 m/s and sediments in the medium sand size range of 0.2 to 0.5 mm. The sand wave is perpendicular to the tidal current and has a maximum height and length of the order of 5 m and 1 km, respectively. The sand wave is dynamically active and shows migration rates of the order of a few metres per year. A numerical morphodynamic model (DELFT3D model) has been used to simulate the morphological behaviour of the sand wave in the North Sea. This model approach is based on the numerical solution of the three-dimensional shallow water equations in combination with a surface wave propagation model (wind waves) and the advection–diffusion equation for the sediment particles with online bed updating after each time step. The model results show that the sand wave grows in the case of dominant bed-load transport (weak tidal currents; relatively coarse sediment; small roughness height; low waves) and that the sand wave decays in the case of dominant suspended transport (strong currents, relatively fine sediment, large roughness height; storm waves).  相似文献   

T. C. Lee  C. P. Tsai  D. S. Jeng   《Ocean Engineering》2002,29(12):1577-1601
In the past few decades, considerable efforts have been devoted to the phenomenon of wave-seabed interaction. However, conventional investigations for determining wave characteristics have been focused on the wave nonlinearity. On the other hand, most previous works have been only concerned with the seabed response under the wave pressure, which was obtained from the assumption of a rigid seabed. In this paper, the inertia forces and employing a complex wave number are considered in the whole problem. Based on Biot’s poro-elastic theory, the problem of wave-seabed interaction is first treated analytically for a homogeneous bed of finite thickness and a new wave dispersion relationship is also obtained, in which the soil characteristics are included. The numerical results indicate that the effects of soil parameters significantly affect the wave characteristics (such as the damping of water wave, wave length and wave pressure). Furthermore, the effects of inertia forces on the wave-induced seabed response cannot always be ignored under certain combination of wave and soil conditions.  相似文献   

近岸波、流作用下结构物附近海岸演变的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张海文  陶建华 《海洋学报》2000,22(1):117-124
针对与砂质海岸在波浪作用下的演变有关的波浪、近岸流及输沙问题进行了系统的研究,并对结构物附近海岸演变进行了数值模拟。考虑了波浪折射-绕射及波浪破碎的综合作用,在近岸流场的模拟中用沿水深积分形成的K方程模型确定涡粘系数。计算岸滩地形变化时,综合波浪、近岸流作用的底沙和悬沙输沙率,并考虑波浪对泥沙作用的影响。模型对防波堤和近岸沉船附近地形变化进行了模拟,效果良好。  相似文献   

徐啸 《台湾海峡》1992,11(1):22-27
本文应用改进的Dobson法计算了厦门港波浪传播变形状况,结果表明,在外海东南向波浪作用下,胡里山以东,鸡屿至嵩屿附近部分岸线处为波射线集中区,波高较大;而嵩鼓、厦鼓水道及九龙江口南岸为波射线分散区,波高较小。  相似文献   

In this work, a theoretical analysis of the dynamic response of a poro-elastic soil to the action of long water waves is conducted. For some combinations of the physical parameters of the soil and the water waves, the vertical stress tends towards zero at a certain unknown depth in the soil, as measured from the top of that medium. Under this condition, the liquefaction of the soil is imminent, at which time the excess pore pressure is essentially equal to the overburden soil pressure. Physical problems of this type have been widely studied in the specialized literature. However, most major studies have focused on solving the governing equations together with a liquefaction criterion. Here, the maximum momentary liquefaction depth induced by long water waves is considered as part of the problem, which is treated as an eigenvalue problem. To solve this problem, the governing equations are written in dimensionless form. The theoretical results show that for long waves, the horizontal displacements are smaller in magnitude than the vertical displacements, and when the wavelength or wave period increases, the maximum liquefaction also increases. Analytical solutions for the excess pore pressure and the horizontal and vertical displacements are obtained. The analytical results for the pore pressure are found to be very close to the analytical results reported in the specialized literature.  相似文献   

Unfluidized soil responses of a silty seabed to monochromatic waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A flume experimental study on unfluidized responses of a silty bed (d50=0.05 mm) to monochromatic water waves had shown that pore pressure variations were generally poro-elastic in the bulk body and displayed two other characteristic features not found in previous laboratory sand tests. They were an immediately fluidized thin surface layer induced by wave stresses inside the seabed's boundary layer and a porous skeleton with internally suspended sediments due to channeled flow motions. The analyses verified that on soils beneath the measurement points, both features resulted in relatively small-step pore pressure build-ups, while the former played a primary role. Besides, laboratory observations confirmed that there were some near-bed sediment suspensions during wave actions resulting in a flat bed form over a silty bed compared to small-scaled ripples over a sandy bed with no clearly identified suspended sediments. These characteristic silt responses suggest that sediment transport is critically associated with the internal soil responses and some field-observed sediment suspensions near above sandy beaches can further be approached in the laboratory by utilizing fine-grained soils.  相似文献   


The behavior of loose anisotropically consolidated calcareous sand obtained from an island in the South China Sea was investigated under undrained monotonic and cyclic loading in a hollow cylinder torsional apparatus. The tests were conducted on specimens which consolidated under various initial effective confining pressures and consolidation stress ratios. The monotonic test results show that the failure and phase transformation line are essentially independent of the consolidation conditions, while the initial contractive tendency of the specimens decreases with an increasing consolidation stress ratio. During monotonic loading of the anisotropically consolidated specimens, a same major principal stress direction is observed at the constant stress ratio lines up to the phase transformation line, irrespective of initial effective confining pressure. The cyclic strength of the sand increases with an increasing consolidation stress ratio. Moreover, a pronounced stress dependence is observed in the sand with higher consolidation stress ratio. During cyclic loading, the generated excess pore water pressure presents considerable fluctuations. The normalized terminal excess pore water pressure is described as a function of consolidation stress ratio. The tests show that the particle shape, rather than particle crushing, plays an important role in the monotonic and cyclic behaviors of the calcareous sand.  相似文献   

长江口沙波统计特征及输移规律   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用多波束测深系统对长江口南港、北槽、横沙通道和北港水下地貌进行测量,对沙波波高、波长、迎流倾角、背流倾角、水深和沉积物特征进行统计,并根据流速、沉积物粒径及水深估算其潮周期内净位移。结果表明:长江口沙波基本都为大型沙波,且沙波大小与其所在区域沉积物粒径呈正比关系;长江口各个区域沙波的对称性不同,涨、落潮优势流越明显,则沙波对称性越差,净位移越大;沙波对称性能反映此区域水动力强弱及潮周期内沙波净位移大小。  相似文献   

本文在时域非线性数值波浪水槽中,研究了不同风速条件下极端波浪的特性。采用推板造波的方式生成非线性波浪,基于Jeffrey遮蔽理论将风压项引入自由面动力学边界条件来模拟风压作用,通过高阶边界元法和混合欧拉-拉格朗日时间步进法来求解初边值问题。通过与已发表的聚焦波群实验结果对比验证了该数值模型的准确性,并研究了风压对极端波浪的最大波高、聚焦位置的偏移和波浪谱的演变等波浪性质的影响。本文进一步在数值波浪水槽中引入均匀水流,来模拟风生流对波浪演变的影响。结果表明,风压的存在会少量增大极端波浪的最大波高,波浪的聚焦和解焦过程伴随着明显的能量传递,并且风生流进一步导致了波浪聚焦位置的偏移。  相似文献   

Compared to conventional reservoirs, pore structure and diagenetic alterations of unconventional tight sand oil reservoirs are highly heterogeneous. The Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation is a major tight-oil-bearing formation in the Ordos Basin, providing an opportunity to study the factors that control reservoir heterogeneity and the heterogeneity of oil accumulation in tight oil sandstones.The Chang 8 tight oil sandstone in the study area is comprised of fine-to medium-grained, moderately to well-sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. The reservoir quality is extremely heterogeneous due to large heterogeneities in the depositional facies, pore structures and diagenetic alterations. Small throat size is believed to be responsible for the ultra-low permeability in tight oil reservoirs. Most reservoirs with good reservoir quality, larger pore-throat size, lower pore-throat radius ratio and well pore connectivity were deposited in high-energy environments, such as distributary channels and mouth bars. For a given depositional facies, reservoir quality varies with the bedding structures. Massive- or parallel-bedded sandstones are more favorable for the development of porosity and permeability sweet zones for oil charging and accumulation than cross-bedded sandstones.Authigenic chlorite rim cementation and dissolution of unstable detrital grains are two major diagenetic processes that preserve porosity and permeability sweet zones in oil-bearing intervals. Nevertheless, chlorite rims cannot effectively preserve porosity-permeability when the chlorite content is greater than a threshold value of 7%, and compaction played a minor role in porosity destruction in the situation. Intensive cementation of pore-lining chlorites significantly reduces reservoir permeability by obstructing the pore-throats and reducing their connectivity. Stratigraphically, sandstones within 1 m from adjacent sandstone-mudstone contacts are usually tightly cemented (carbonate cement > 10%) with low porosity and permeability (lower than 10% and 0.1 mD, respectively). The carbonate cement most likely originates from external sources, probably derived from the surrounding mudstone. Most late carbonate cements filled the previously dissolved intra-feldspar pores and the residual intergranular pores, and finally formed the tight reservoirs.The petrophysical properties significantly control the fluid flow capability and the oil charging/accumulation capability of the Chang 8 tight sandstones. Oil layers usually have oil saturation greater than 40%. A pore-throat radius of less than 0.4 μm is not effective for producible oil to flow, and the cut off of porosity and permeability for the net pay are 7% and 0.1 mD, respectively.  相似文献   

利用在南海东沙群岛北部至西北海域为工程目的所采集的海底地形测量、底质取样、海底底流测量资料,以及以往的区域地质、地球物理资料,采用沉积学、构造学和海洋水动力学综合研究方法,对该区海底沙波形成及稳定性进行了综合分析。认为该区海底沙波是在目前水动力环境下所形成,为今生,海底表层沉积物为晚更新世地层受到冲刷改造的再沉积。沙波形成主要受潮流底流的水动力作用控制,并与构造抬升有关。沙波具有一定的活动性,主要由SE向NW方向移动,且活动性逐渐减弱。北区段海底沙波稳定,中区段海底沙波较稳定,它们对海底工程建设不会造成影响;而南区段海底沙波较为活动,当沙波发生较大规模移动时,对海底工程建设会造成一定影响。  相似文献   

The influences of the three types of reanalysis wind fields on the simulation of three typhoon waves occurred in2015 in offshore China were numerically investigated. The typhoon wave model was based on the simulating waves nearshore model(SWAN), in which the wind fields for driving waves were derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) Re-Analysis-Interim(ERA-interim), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction climate forecast system version 2(CFSv2) and cr...  相似文献   

甘雨  马小川  阎军 《海洋学报》2019,41(4):42-52
海底沙波具有显著的活动性并能够对海底工程设施造成潜在威胁,因此对海底沙波活动性的评估一直以来受到广泛关注。目前大多数研究者仍利用平面剖面对比来分析海底沙波的迁移特征。然而,该方法难以全面高效地获取海底沙波二维平面迁移矢量。本文基于2007年和2009年的高分辨率多波束测深数据,详细阐述了空间互相关方法在分析北部湾东南海域海底沙波迁移规律中的应用过程。利用实测数据进行对比分析,获得了研究区海底沙波的活动特征,并进一步讨论了空间互相关算法中不同参数的选取对结果的影响。结果显示,利用空间互相关分析方法能够有效获取海底沙波二维迁移矢量,获得的海底沙波迁移速率和迁移方向与前人研究成果吻合,表明了该方法的可行性和可靠性。但在对实际DTM数据进行空间互相关分析时,需根据海底沙波形态、数据质量等因素选取合适的参数及矢量获取方法。本研究实验了一种确定海底沙波迁移规律的新方法,该方法将有效提升获得海底地形变化规律的效率和准确度,可获得更加精细的海底地形动力过程。  相似文献   

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