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The Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) concept is composed of a TSSM orbiter provided by NASA that would carry two Titan in situ elements provided by ESA: the montgolfière and the probe/lake lander. One overarching goal of TSSM is to explore in situ the atmosphere and surface of Titan. The mission has been prioritized as the second Outer Planets Flagship Mission, the first one being the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). TSSM would launch around 2023–2025 arriving at Saturn 9 years later followed by a 4-year science mission in the Saturn system. Following delivery of the in situ elements to Titan, the TSSM orbiter would explore the Saturn system via a 2-year tour that includes Enceladus and Titan flybys before entering into a dedicated orbit around Titan. The Titan montgolfière aerial vehicle under consideration will circumnavigate Titan at a latitude of ~20° and at altitudes of ~10 km for a minimum of 6 months. The probe/lake lander will descend through Titan’s atmosphere and land on the liquid surface of Kraken Mare (~75° north latitude). As for any planetary space science mission, and based on the Cassini–Huygens experience, Earth-based observations will be synergistic and enable scientific optimization of the return of such a mission. Some specific examples of how this can be achieved (through VLBI and Doppler tracking, continuous monitoring of atmospheric and surface features, and Direct-to-Earth transmission) are described in this paper.  相似文献   

TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Experimental Astronomy》2009,23(3):893-946
TandEM was proposed as an L-class (large) mission in response to ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 Call, and accepted for further studies, with the goal of exploring Titan and Enceladus. The mission concept is to perform in situ investigations of two worlds tied together by location and properties, whose remarkable natures have been partly revealed by the ongoing Cassini–Huygens mission. These bodies still hold mysteries requiring a complete exploration using a variety of vehicles and instruments. TandEM is an ambitious mission because its targets are two of the most exciting and challenging bodies in the Solar System. It is designed to build on but exceed the scientific and technological accomplishments of the Cassini–Huygens mission, exploring Titan and Enceladus in ways that are not currently possible (full close-up and in situ coverage over long periods of time). In the current mission architecture, TandEM proposes to deliver two medium-sized spacecraft to the Saturnian system. One spacecraft would be an orbiter with a large host of instruments which would perform several Enceladus flybys and deliver penetrators to its surface before going into a dedicated orbit around Titan alone, while the other spacecraft would carry the Titan in situ investigation components, i.e. a hot-air balloon (Montgolfière) and possibly several landing probes to be delivered through the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper we will summarize some of the most important results of the Cassini mission concerning the satellites of Saturn. The Cassini Mission was launched in October 1997 on a Titan IV-Centaur rocket from Cape Canaveral. Cassini mission was always at risk of cancelation during its development but was saved many times thanks to the great international involvement. The Cassini mission is in fact a NASA-ESA-ASI project. The main effort was made by NASA, which provided the launch facilities, the integration and several instruments; ESA provided the Huygens probe while ASI some of the key elements of the mission such as the high-gain antenna, most of the radio system and important instruments of the Orbiter, such as the Cassini Radar and the visual channel of the VIMS experiment. ASI contributed also to the development of HASI experiment on Huygens probe. The Cassini mission was the first case in which the Italian planetology community was directly involved, developing state of the art hardware for a NASA mission. Given the long duration of the mission, the complexity of the payload onboard the Cassini Orbiter and the amount of data gathered on the satellites of Saturn, it would be impossible to describe all the new discoveries made, therefore we will describe only some selected, paramount examples showing how Cassini’s data confirmed and extended ground-based observations. In particular we will describe the achievements obtained for the satellites Phoebe, Enceladus and Titan. We will also put these examples in the perspective of the overall evolution of the system, stressing out why the selected satellites are representative of the overall evolution of the Saturn system. Cassini is also an example of how powerful could be the coordination between ground-based and space observations. In fact coordinated ground-based observations of Titan were performed at the time of Huygens atmospheric probe mission at Titan on 14 January 2005, connecting the in situ observations by the probe with the general view provided by ground-based measurements. Different telescopes operating at different wavelengths were used, including radio telescopes (up to 17-tracking of the Huygens signal at 2040 MHz), eight large optical observatories studying the atmosphere and surface of Titan, and high-resolution infrared spectroscopy used to observe radiation emitted during the Huygens Probe entry (Witasse et al. J. Geophys. Res. 111:E07S01, 2006).  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):1877-1885
Cassini/Huygens, a flagship mission to explore the rings, atmosphere, magnetic field, and moons that make up the Saturn system, is a joint endeavor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the European Space Agency, and Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Comprising two spacecraft—a Saturn orbiter built by NASA and a Titan entry/descent probe built by the European Space Agency—Cassini/Huygens was launched in October 1997. The Huygens probe parachuted to the surface of Titan in January 2005. During the descent, six science instruments provided in situ measurements of Titan's atmosphere, clouds, and winds, and photographed Titan's surface. To correctly interpret and correlate results from the probe science experiments, and to provide a reference set of data for ground-truth calibration of orbiter remote sensing measurements, an accurate reconstruction of the probe entry and descent trajectory and surface landing location is necessary. The Huygens Descent Trajectory Working Group was chartered in 1996 as a subgroup of the Huygens Science Working Team to develop and implement an organizational framework and retrieval methodologies for the probe descent trajectory reconstruction from the entry altitude of 1270 km to the surface using navigation data, and engineering and science data acquired by the instruments on the Huygens Probe. This paper presents an overview of the Descent Trajectory Working Group, including the history, rationale, goals and objectives, organizational framework, rules and procedures, and implementation.  相似文献   

Many atmospheric measurement systems, such as the sounding instruments on Voyager, gather atmospheric information in the form of temperature versus pressure level. In these terms, there is considerable consistency among the mean atmospheric profiles of the outer planets Jupiter through Neptune, including Titan. On a given planet or on Titan, the range of variability of temperature versus pressure level due to seasonal, latitudinal, and diurnal variations is also not large. However, many engineering needs for atmospheric models relate not to temperature versus pressure level but atmospheric density versus geometric altitude. This need is especially true for design and analysis of aerocapture systems. Drag force available for aerocapture is directly proportional to atmospheric density. Available aerocapture “corridor width” (allowable range of atmospheric entry angle) also depends on height rate of change of atmospheric density, as characterized by density scale height. Characteristics of hydrostatics and the gas law equation mean that relatively small systematic differences in temperature versus pressure profiles can integrate at high altitudes to very large differences in density versus altitude profiles. Thus, a given periapsis density required to accomplish successful aerocapture can occur at substantially different altitudes (∼150-300 km) on the various outer planets, and significantly different density scale heights (∼20-50 km) can occur at these periapsis altitudes. This paper will illustrate these effects and discuss implications for improvements in atmospheric measurements to yield significant impact on design of aerocapture systems for future missions to Titan and the outer planets. Relatively small-scale atmospheric perturbations, such as gravity waves, tides, and other atmospheric variations can also have significant effect on design details for aerocapture guidance and control systems. This paper will discuss benefits that would result from improved understanding of Titan and outer planetary atmospheric perturbation characteristics. Details of recent engineering-level atmospheric models for Titan and Neptune will be presented, and effects of present and future levels of atmospheric uncertainty and variability characteristics will be examined.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft will arrive at Saturn in 2004 carrying the Huygens probe. The beginning of the Cassini tour at Saturn has been redesigned to achieve a different relative orbiter/probe geometry in order to compensate for the probe relay receiver design flaw that was discovered during tests in February 2000. This paper presents a numerical simulation of the Huygens atmospheric entry and descent trajectory and the Cassini flyby trajectory during the probe mission. A variety of parameters that are crucial for the probe system and its scientific payload have been calculated and analyzed together with an assessment of their uncertainties. Furthermore the orbiter/probe relay link was simulated in order to assess any potential data loss on the basis of an analytical model of the actual Huygens receiver onboard the Cassini spacecraft. The redesigned Cassini/Huygens mission satisfies all science and engineering requirements and assures the best possible radio link for the entire nominal mission duration.  相似文献   

The Cassini–Huygens mission, comprising the NASA Saturn Orbiter and the ESA Huygens Probe, arrived at Saturn in late June 2004. The Huygens probe descended under parachute in Titan’s atmosphere on 14 January 2005, 3 weeks after separation from the Orbiter. We discuss here the breakthroughs that the Huygens probe, in conjunction with the Cassini spacecraft, brought to Titan science. We review the achievements ESA’s Huygens probe put forward and the context in which it operated. The findings include new localized information on several aspects of Titan science: the atmospheric structure and chemical composition; the aerosols distribution and content; the surface morphology and composition at the probe’s landing site; the winds, the electrical properties, and the implications on the origin and evolution of the satellite.  相似文献   

We analyze the variability of the ambient magnetospheric field along Titan's orbit at 20.3 Saturn radii. However, while our preceding study (Simon et al., 2010) focused on Cassini magnetometer observations from the 62 Titan flybys (TA-T62) between October 2004 and October 2009, the present work discusses magnetic field data that were collected near Titan's orbit when the moon was far away. In analogy to the observations during TA-T62, the magnetospheric fields detected during these 79 “virtual” Titan flybys are strongly affected by the presence of Saturn's bowl-shaped and highly dynamic magnetodisk current sheet. We therefore provide a systematic classification of the magnetic field observations as magnetodisk current sheet or lobe-type scenarios. Among the 141 (62 real+79 virtual) crossings of Titan's orbit between July 2004 and December 2009, only 17 encounters (9 real+8 virtual) took place within quiet, magnetodisk lobe-type fields. During another 50 encounters (21 real+29 virtual), rapid transitions between current sheet and lobe fields were observed around the moon's orbital plane. Most of the encounters (54=22 real+32 virtual) occurred when Titan's orbit was embedded in highly distorted current sheet fields, thereby invalidating the frequently applied idealized picture of Titan interacting with a homogeneous and stationary magnetospheric background field. The locations of real and virtual Titan flybys are correlated to each other. Each of the 62 real Titan flybys possesses at least one virtual counterpart that occurred shortly before or after the real encounter and at nearly the same orbital position. A systematic comparison between Cassini magnetometer observations from the real Titan flybys and their virtual companions suggests that there is no clear evidence of Titan exerting a significant level of control on the vertical oscillatory motion of the magnetodisk near its orbit.  相似文献   

A two body, patched conic analysis is presented for a planetary capture mode in which a gravity assist by an existing natural satellite of the planet aids in the capture. An analytical condition sufficient for capture is developed and applied for the following planet/satellite systems: Earth/Moon, Jupiter/Ganymede, Jupiter/Callisto, Saturn/Titan and Neptune/Triton. Co-planar, circular planetary orbits are assumed. Three sources of bodies to be captured are considered: spacecraft launched from Earth, bodies entering the solar system from interstellar space, and bodies already in orbit around the Sun. Results show that the Neptune/Triton system has the most capability for satellite aided capture of those studied. It can easily capture bodies entering the Solar System from interstellar space. Its ability to capture spacecraft launched from Earth is marginal and can only be decided with better definition of physical properties. None of the other systems can capture bodies from these two sources, but all can capture bodies already in orbit around the Sun under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

Cassini/Huygens is a joint National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/European Space Agency (ESA)/Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) mission on its way to explore the Saturnian system. The ESA Huygens Probe is scheduled to be released from the Orbiter on 25 December 2004 and enter the atmosphere of Titan on 14 January 2005. Probe delivery to Titan, arbitrarily defined to occur at a reference altitude of 1270 km above the surface of Titan, is the responsibility of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). ESA is then responsible for safely delivering the probe from the reference altitude to the surface. The task of reconstructing the probe trajectory and attitude from the entry point to the surface has been assigned to the Huygens Descent Trajectory Working Group (DTWG), a subgroup of the Huygens Science Working Team. The DTWG will use data provided by the Huygens Probe engineering subsystems and selected data sets acquired by the scientific payload. To correctly interpret and correlate results from the probe science experiments and to provide a reference set of data for possible “ground-truthing” Orbiter remote sensing measurements, it is essential that the trajectory reconstruction be performed as early as possible in the post-flight data analysis phase. The reconstruction of the Huygens entry and descent trajectory will be based primarily on the probe entry state vector provided by the Cassini Navigation Team, and measurements of acceleration, pressure, and temperature made by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI). Other data sets contributing to the entry and descent trajectory reconstruction include the mean molecular weight of the atmosphere measured by the probe Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) in the upper atmosphere and the Surface Science Package (SSP) speed of sound measurement in the lower atmosphere, accelerations measured by the Central and Radial Accelerometer Sensor Units (CASU/RASU), and the probe altitude by the two probe radar altimeters during the latter stages of the descent. In the last several hundred meters, the altitude determination will be constrained by measurements from the SSP acoustic sounder. Other instruments contributing data to the entry and descent trajectory and attitude determination include measurements of the zonal wind drift by the Doppler Wind Experiment (DWE), and probe zonal and meridional drift and probe attitude by the Descent Imager and Spectral Radiometer (DISR). In this paper, the need for and the methods by which the Huygens Probe entry and descent trajectory will be reconstructed are reviewed.  相似文献   

Models of Titan ionospheric chemistry have shown that ion densities depend strongly on the neutral composition. The turbulent diffusion transport conditions, as modeled by eddy coefficients, can spectacularly affect the uncertainty on predicted neutral densities. In order to evaluate the error budget on ion densities predicted by photochemical models, we perform uncertainty propagation of neutral densities by Monte Carlo sampling and assess their sensitivity to two turbulent diffusion profiles, corresponding to the extreme profiles at high altitudes described in the literature. A strong sensitivity of the ion density uncertainties to transport is observed, generally more important than to ion–molecule reaction parameters themselves. This highlights the necessity to constrain eddy diffusion profiles for Titan ionosphere, which should progressively be done thanks to the present and future measurements of the orbiter Cassini.  相似文献   

Satellite-aided capture is a mission design concept used to reduce the delta-v required to capture into a planetary orbit. The technique employs close flybys of a massive moon to reduce the energy of the planet-centered orbit. A sequence of close flybys of two or more of the Galilean moons of Jupiter may further decrease the delta-v cost of Jupiter orbit insertion. A Ganymede-Io sequence can save 207 m/s of delta-v over a single Io flyby. A phase angle analysis based on the Laplace resonance is used to find triple-satellite-aided capture sequences involving Io, Europa, and Ganymede. Additionally, the near-resonance of Callisto and Ganymede is used to find triple-satellite-aided capture sequences involving Callisto, Ganymede, and another moon. A combination of these techniques is used to find quadruple-satellite-aided capture sequences that involve gravity-assists of all four Galilean moons. These sequences can save a significant amount of delta-v and have the potential to benefit both NASA’s Jupiter Europa orbiter mission and ESA’s Jupiter Ganymede orbiter mission.  相似文献   

We analyze the variability of the ambient magnetic field near Titan during Cassini encounters TA-T62 (October 2004-October 2009). Cassini magnetometer (MAG) data show that the moon's magnetic environment is strongly affected by its proximity to Saturn's warped and highly dynamic magnetodisk. In the nightside sector of Saturn's magnetosphere, the magnetic field near Titan is controlled by intense vertical flapping motions of the magnetodisk current sheet, alternately exposing the moon to radially stretched lobe-type fields and to more dipolar, but highly distorted current sheet fields. In southern summer, when most of the Cassini encounters took place, the magnetodisk current sheet was on average located above Titan's orbital plane. However, around equinox in August 2009, the distortions of Titan's magnetic environment due to the rapidly moving current sheet reached a maximum, thus suggesting that the equilibrium position of the sheet at that time was significantly closer to the moon's orbital plane. In the dayside magnetosphere, the formation of the magnetodisk lobes is partially suppressed due to the proximity of the magnetopause. Therefore, during most encounters that took place near noon, Titan was embedded in highly distorted current sheet fields. Within the framework of this study, we not only provide a systematic classification of all Titan flybys between October 2004 and October 2009 as lobe-type or current sheet scenarios, but we also calculate the magnetospheric background field near Titan's orbit whenever possible. Our results show that so far, there is not a single Cassini flyby that matches the frequently applied picture of Titan's plasma interaction from the pre-Cassini era (background field homogeneous, stationary and perpendicular to the moon's orbital plane). The time scales upon which the ambient magnetospheric field close to Titan undergoes significant changes range between only a few minutes and up to several hours. The implications for the development of numerical models for Titan's local plasma interaction are discussed as well.  相似文献   

The Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, on the NASA Cassini Saturn orbiter, has been acquiring thermal emission spectra from the atmosphere of Titan since orbit insertion in 2004. Observation sequences for measuring stratospheric temperatures have been obtained using both a nadir mapping mode and a limb viewing mode. The limb observations give better vertical resolution, and give information from higher altitudes, while the nadir observations provide more complete longitude coverage. Because the scale height of Titan's atmosphere is large enough so that emission from a grazing ray is influenced by horizontal temperature variations in the atmosphere, we have developed a two-dimensional temperature retrieval algorithm for reducing the limb spectra, which solves simultaneously for meridional and vertical temperature variations. The analyzed nadir mapping data have sampled nearly all longitudes at latitudes from about 90° S to 60° N, providing temperatures between pressure levels of about 5 to 0.2 mbar. The limb data covers latitudes between about 75° S and 85° N, and yields temperatures between about 1 and 0.005 mbar, at a small number of longitudes. The retrieved temperatures are consistent with early results from nadir observations [Flasar, F.M., and 44 colleagues, 2005. Science 308, 975-978] between 0.5 and 5 mbar where both results are valid, with the warmest temperatures at the equator, and much stronger meridional temperature gradients in the northern (winter) hemisphere than in the southern. At higher altitudes not probed by nadir viewing, the limb data reveal that the stratopause is nearly 20 K warmer in the northern polar regions than at the equator and southern hemisphere, and that the altitude of the stratopause shifts from ≈0.1 mbar (300 km) near the equator to 0.01 mbar (400 km) poleward of about 40° N. When the gradient wind equation is used to construct a zonal mean wind, the reversal in sign of the temperature leads to capping of the winter westerly flow. The core of the resulting jet is about 190 m s−1 in magnitude, spans between 30° N and 60° N, and peaks near 0.1 mbar. Estimates of the radiative heating associated with the radiative disequilibrium lead to a meridional overturning timescale of about three Earth years.  相似文献   

European Venus Explorer (EVE): an in-situ mission to Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission was proposed to the European Space Agency in 2007, as an M-class mission under the Cosmic Vision Programme. Although it has not been chosen in the 2007 selection round for programmatic reasons, the EVE mission may serve as a useful reference point for future missions, so it is described here. It consists of one balloon platform floating at an altitude of 50–60 km, one descent probe provided by Russia, and an orbiter with a polar orbit which will relay data from the balloon and descent probe, and perform science observations. The balloon type preferred for scientific goals is one which oscillates in altitude through the cloud deck. To achieve this flight profile, the balloon envelope contains a phase change fluid, which results in a flight profile which oscillates in height. The nominal balloon lifetime is 7 days—enough for one full circumnavigation of the planet. The descent probe’s fall through the atmosphere takes 60 min, followed by 30 min of operation on the surface. The key measurement objectives of EVE are: (1) in situ measurement from the balloon of noble gas abundances and stable isotope ratios, to study the record of the evolution of Venus; (2) in situ balloon-borne measurement of cloud particle and gas composition, and their spatial variation, to understand the complex cloud-level chemistry; (3) in situ measurements of environmental parameters and winds (from tracking of the balloon) for one rotation around the planet, to understand atmospheric dynamics and radiative balance in this crucial region. The portfolio of key measurements is complemented by the Russian descent probe, which enables the investigation of the deep atmosphere and surface.  相似文献   

We show that, when a natural satellite like Titan is invisible (e.g., due to an opaque atmosphere) its planetary orbit and its mass can be determined by tracking a spacecraft in close flybys. This is an important problem in the Cassini mission to the Saturnian system, which will be greatly improved by a good astrometric model for all its main components; in particular, an accuracy of a few hundred meters for the orbit of Titan is necessary to allow a measurement of its moment of inertia. The orbit of the spacecraft is the union of elliptical arcs, joined by short hyperbolic transitions: a problem of singular perturbation theory, whose solution leads to a matching condition between the inner hyperbolic orbit and the elliptical orbital elements. Since the inner elements are given in terms of the relative position and velocity of the spacecraft, accurate Doppler measurements in both regions can provide a satisfactory determination of Titan's position and velocity, hence of its Keplerian elements. The errors in this determination are discussed on the basis of the expected Allan deviation of the Doppler method; it is found that the driving errors are those in the elliptical arcs; the fractional errors in Titan's orbital elements are expected to be 10–7. It is also possible to measure the mass of the satellite; however, when the eccentricity e of the flybys is large, the mass and a scaling transformation are highly correlated and the fractional error in the mass is expected to be e times worse.  相似文献   

L. Trafton 《Icarus》1984,58(2):312-324
Triton's seasons differ materially from those of Pluto owing to four important differences in the governing physics: First, the obliquity of Triton is significantly less than Pluto's obliquity. Second, Triton's inclined orbit precesses rapidly about Neptune so that a complicated seasonal variation in the latitude of the Sun occurs for Triton. Third, Neptune's orbit is much more circular than Pluto's orbit so that the sunlight intercepted by Triton's disk does not vary seasonally. Finally, Triton's atmosphere cannot be saturated at the lower latitudes so that the mass of the atmosphere is controlled by the temperature of the high-latitude ices or liquids (polar caps), as for CO2 on Mars. The consequences of Triton's entire surface being covered with volatile substances have been examined. It is found that the circularity of Neptune's orbit then implies that Triton would have hardly any seasonal variation at all in surface temperature or atmospheric bulk, in spite of the complicated precessional effects of Triton's orbit. The only seasonal effect would be the migration of surface ices and liquids. This scenario is ruled out because it implies a column CH4 abundance much higher than that observed and because it quickly depletes the lower latitudes of volatiles. It is concluded that Triton's most volatile surface substances are probably relegated to latitudes higher than 35° and probably form polar caps. The temperature of the polar caps should be nearly equal, even during midwinter/midsummer when the insolation of the summer pole is greatest. If the summer pole completely sublimates during one of the “major” summers, Triton's atmosphere may begin to freeze out over the winter caps. It is therefore expected that Triton's atmosphere undergoes large and complex seasonal variations. Triton is currently approaching a “maximum southern summer”, and over the remainder of this century, a dramatic increase in CH4 abundance above the current upper limit of 1 m-Am may be witnessed.  相似文献   

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