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Tsuyoshi  Nohara  Hidemi  Tanaka  Kunio  Watanabe  Noboru  Furukawa  Akira  Takami 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):537-545
Abstract   The spatial hydrogeological and structural character of the active Mozumi-Sukenobu Fault (MSF) was investigated along a survey tunnel excavated through the MSF in the Kamioka Mine, central Japan. Major groundwater conduits on both sides of the MSF are recognized. One is considered to be a subvertical conduit between the tunnel and the surface, and the other is estimated to be a major reservoir of old meteoric water alongside the MSF. Our studies indicate that part of the MSF is a sub-vertical continuous barrier that obstructs younger meteoric water observed in the south-eastern part of the Active Fault Survey Tunnel (AFST) and water recharge to the rock mass intersected by the north-western part of the AFST. The MSF might be a continuous barrier resulting in the storage of a large quantity of older groundwater to the northwest. The observations and results of in situ hydraulic tests indicate that the major reservoir is not the fault breccia associated with the northeast–southwest trending faults of the MSF, but the zone in which blocks of fractured rocks occur beside high angle faults corresponding to X shears whose tectonic stress field coincides with the present regional stress field and antithetic Riedel shears of the MSF. The results from borehole investigations in the AFST indicate that secondary porosity is developed in the major reservoir due to the destruction of filling minerals and fracture development beside these shears. The increase in hydraulic conductivity is not directly related to increased density of fractures around the MSF. Development of secondary porosity could cause the increase in hydraulic conductivity around the MSF. Our results suggest that minor conduits of the fracture network are sporadically distributed in the sedimentary rocks around the MSF in the AFST.  相似文献   

利用北京昌平南口地区的地震活动性、震源参数与介质特性等对南口山前断裂进行断层分段,结果表明该断层各段的地震学特征差异明显,与地质学手段所得到的部分结果是一致的  相似文献   

东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北部一条重要的NWW向边界断裂。 玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。 根据野外考察结果认为玛曲断裂全新世以来活动强烈, 主要表现为左旋走滑运动, 并伴有正倾滑运动性质。 断错地貌特征明显, 断裂过玛曲县城以后, 沿黑河南岸穿过若尔盖草地向东, 直至岷山北端求吉附近。 通过两处断错地貌的全站仪器实测和测年资料讨论了玛曲断裂新活动特征和全新世滑动速率, 玛曲断裂全新世早期以来的平均水平滑动速率为6.29~5.71 mm/a, 全新世晚期以来的平均水平滑动速率为4.19~4.03 mm/a。  相似文献   

涂道尊 《内陆地震》1989,3(4):348-355
利用地震活动参数和空间分布特点,划分出断裂的活动段。分析现今强烈活动断裂及其强烈活动段的地震动态,圈定地震空区(地段),确定中期危险地点。  相似文献   

As the most import fault of the Late Pleistocene in the Lhasa area,the Nalinlaka fault is a left-lateral thrust fault,striking NWW,dipping SSW with a high dip angle,and extending over 33km.According to studies on the latest strata on the Nalinlaka fault zone,this fault zone has been obviously active since the Late Pleistocene and the movement left behind some geomorphologic phenomena on the earth's surface,especially at the sites of the gully west of Cijiaolin and around Xiecun village.For example,some rivers,ridges and terraces are displaced,forming beheaded gullies and fault escarps.The horizontal displacements since the Late Pleistocene at the above two places are 54m ~ 87m,20m ~ 67m,respectively.Based on studies on the 4 trenches along the fault using the progressive constraining method,we conclude that there might have been 5 paleoearthquake events along the Nalinlaka fault since 70ka B.P.,the ages of each paleoearthquake are 68.53,54.40, 41.23,21.96,9.86ka B.P.,and the average recurrence interval is 14.67ka.Because of the limits of trenches and earthquake events exposed by each trench,no single trench completely revealed all 5 events.There may therefore be some errors in determining the upper and lower limits of some events in this article.  相似文献   

A seismic gap on the Anninghe fault in western Sichuan,China   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Through integrated analyses of time-varying patterns of regional seismicity, occurrence background of strong and large historical earthquakes along active faults, and temporal-spatial distribution of accu- rately relocated hypocenters of modern small earthquakes, this paper analyzes and discusses the im- plication of a 30-year-lasting seismic quiescence in the region along and surrounding the Anninghe and Zemuhe faults in western Sichuan, China. It suggests that the seismic quiescence for ML≥4.0 events has been lasting in the studied region since January, 1977, along with the formation and evaluation of a seismic gap of the second kind, the Anninghe seismic gap. The Anninghe seismic gap has the background of a seismic gap of the first kind along the Anninghe fault, and has resulted from evident fault-locking and strain-accumulating along the fault during the last 30 years. Now, two fault sections either without or with less small earthquakes exist along the Anninghe fault within the An- ninghe seismic gap. They indicate two linked and locked fault-sections, the northern Mianning section and the Mianning-Xichang section with lengths of 65 km and 75 km and elapsed time from the latest large earthquakes of 527 and 471 years, respectively. Along the Anninghe fault, characteristics of both the background of the first kind seismic gap and the seismicity patterns of the second seismic gap, as well as the hypocenter depth distribution of modern small earthquakes are comparable, respectively, to those appearing before the M=8.1 Hoh Xil earthquake of 2001 and to those emerging in the 20 years before the M=7.1 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of 1989, suggesting that the Anninghe seismic gap is tending to become mature, and hence its mid- to long-term potential of large earthquakes should be noticeable. The probable maximum magnitudes of the potential earthquakes are estimated to be as large as 7.4 for both the two locked sections of the Anninghe fault.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONKazkeaertefaultzoneabout 1 0 0kilometerslong (Fig .1 ) ,istheeasternlimbofthelatestdefor mationbeltofthenorthernmarginofPamirs (ChenJie ,etal,1 997) .Manymoderatelystrongearth quakesoccurredalongthiszone (FengXianyue ,etal,1 987) .ThelateQuaternarydeformation…  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段深部结构与反射地震特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9特大地震发生在龙门山断裂带,龙门山断裂带深部结构的复杂性制约了地震的破裂过程.通过对研究区区域地质、汶川地震前后采集的地震反射剖面等研究,在对龙门山北段汶川地震断裂带的深部结构和反射地震特征进行了分析的基础上,探讨了它对地表破裂过程的制约.研究结果表明,在地震剖面上,断裂带表现为能量破碎、联系性差;频率剖面上显示整体剖面频率在5~45 Hz,断裂带呈现频率低(15~26 Hz)等特征.龙门山北段映秀—北川断裂在10 km以上是一条倾向北西的高角度走滑兼逆冲性质的断裂,倾角50°~70°.它分割了西侧的轿子顶杂岩和东侧的唐王寨推覆体,错断了早期形成的逆冲岩片,从南到北总位移量由大变小.它高角度的几何形态约束了断裂以走滑为主兼逆冲分量的运动性质,降低了地表滑移量,影响了地震破裂过程以及余震沿断裂带两侧分布的特性.


通过分析影响地震属性的岩石物理特性及其在地震响应上的特征,获得地震波传播过程中地震振幅、层速度与裂缝层密度、泊松比、纵横波速度、孔隙度、压力的关系。同时,结合地震属性的分析技术,利用地震正演模拟的方法提高地震勘探数据解释结果精确度和可信度,为高分辨率的活断层地震勘探研究提供更为可靠的方法手段,提高了地震数据的处理解释精度。  相似文献   

To understand the crustal electric structure of the Puga geothermal field located in the Ladakh Himalayas, wide band (1000 Hz–0.001 Hz) magnetotelluric (MT) study have been carried out in the Puga area. Thirty-five MT sites were occupied with site spacing varying from 0.4 to 1 km. The measurements were carried out along three profiles oriented in east–west direction. After the preliminary analysis, the MT data were subjected to decomposition techniques. The one-dimensional inversion of the effective impedance data and the two-dimensional inversion of the TE (transverse electric) and TM (transverse magnetic) data confirm the presence of low resistive (5–25 Ω m) near surface region of 200–300 m thick in the anomalous geothermal part of the area related to the shallow geothermal reservoir. Additionally, the present study delineated an anomalous conductive zone (resistivity less than 10 Ω m) at a depth of about 2 km which is possibly related to the geothermal source in the area. A highly resistive basement layer separates the surface low resistive region and anomalous conductive part. The estimated minimum temperature at the top of conductive part is about 250 °C. The significance of the deeper conductive zone and its relation to the geothermal anomaly in the area is discussed.  相似文献   

山西大同盆地恒山北缘断裂全新世古地震活动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野外调查表明 ,恒山北缘断裂断错了恒山北侧的洪积扇和恒山冲沟沟口的Ⅰ级阶地。地层测年资料表明 ,恒山北缘洪积扇中部、后缘以及恒山冲沟沟口Ⅰ级阶地的表层由距今约 5 2 0 0~ 6 80 0a的地层组成。位于恒山山前开挖的何庄及牛槽峪探槽揭示恒山北缘断裂在全新世早期以来曾发生过 3次古地震事件。这 3次古地震事件分别发生在 2 2 6 0± 190aBP~ 4 370±15 0aBP、接近 5 6 2 8± 15 0aBP和 80 83± 2 5 0aBP~ 84 30± 72 0aBP。 3次古地震事件的间隔为 2 313a及2 6 2 8a ,平均 2 4 71a。古地震事件的同震垂直位移为 1 0~ 3 0m。由于该断裂最新活动的离逝时间已超过全新世时期的古地震间隔 ,今后该断裂具备发生强震的可能 ,需加强观测。  相似文献   

本文利用在龙门山断裂带周边布设的57个台站自2008年11月至2009年11月为期一年的垂直分量连续地震环境噪声数据,通过短周期地震环境噪声成像方法,获得了龙门山断裂带中北段地壳25 km深度范围的S波精细速度结构.结果表明: (1)龙门山断裂带周边区域10 km以上的速度结构与地表断裂的分布形态具有良好的一致性,速度结构控制了龙门山主要断层的深部延展特征;在15 km及以下深度,S波速度结构呈现沿龙门山和沿岷山隆起走向的交叉构造格局,由此造成的速度结构差异可能影响了汶川地震的破裂过程; (2)速度结构随深度的分布特征为龙门山断裂带主要断层的深部延伸形态给出了良好的约束,结果进一步确认了龙门山断裂中段的高角度铲型断裂构造特征; (3)研究区的南端发现了龙门山断裂下方20 km以下深度具有与松潘地块中地壳低速层相关的低速结构的迹象,这可能是汶川地震破裂带南段22 km左右深度存在脆韧转换带的一个证据.研究结果显示出密集台阵和短周期环境噪声成像方法在地壳浅部精细结构和断层探测研究中具有巨大潜力.  相似文献   

松辽盆地南部十屋断陷构造特征研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
十屋断陷位于松辽盆地东南隆起区南端,是一个断坳叠置型复合盆地,下部为西断东超单断箕状盆地,地层由西向东部斜坡区逐层超覆.本文通过对700多平方公里三维地震资料的解释成果研究认为,十屋断陷的构造特征呈 “三隆两凹”特征,三隆分别为:中央构造带、秦家屯-艾家构造带和皮家构造带;而其间由两个凹带(十屋深凹区、小宽深凹区)所分割.十屋断陷深层油气主要聚集在这三个构造带上.三个构造带的产生原因与基底断层密切相关.营城组末期和登娄库组末期的构造运动对油气的早期生成和聚集都起到至关重要的作用,在这两期形成的局部构造都是油气聚集的重要场所.  相似文献   

汶川和芦山地震之间地震空区综合研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了探索汶川与芦山地震之间的地震空区的深部结构,探讨该地区的物质运移方式及动力学模式,评价区域断层的地震活动性,本研究小组于2015年5月至今共开展了2期共约3年的地震观测.前期得到的主要结论包括:(1)地震空区两端应力状态差异显著,且存在沿断裂带的横向应力差;(2)接收函数分析发现一个平行于马尔康断裂的Moho面上隆,泊松比较高的条带状结构从地震空区延伸到龙日坝断裂,可能是下地壳撕裂和部分熔融的结果;(3)地震空区以下,上地壳速度相对偏低,在下地壳存在明显的部分熔融体,这可能是地震能量不能积累的原因之一;(4)地震空区完整性震级Mc=0.2以上的地震的活动性仍然很低;基于密集的监测台阵(约70台地震计)的走时定位也初步显示了龙门山断裂带的地震空区段仍然很平静,但是其东边的断裂带(包括大邑断裂等以及一些隐伏断裂)上地震活动比较活跃.判断这些断裂可能是该区域应力积累的主要断裂,值得进一步关注;(5)提出了地震空区产生的机制:空区北东-南西两端水平应力差导致空区地壳的撕裂,地幔物质上涌,产生部分熔融,空区地壳抬升以塑性形变为主,穿过空区段的龙门山断裂带地震活动性低,地表地形较平滑.  相似文献   

蔚广盆地南缘断裂带唐山口段山前断层活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔚广盆地是山西地堑系北端京西北盆岭构造区内的一个半地堑盆地,蔚广盆地南缘断裂带为控制该盆地形成的边界断裂。该断裂带位于唐山口段的山前断裂在冲洪积扇体上形成了线性特征显著的断层陡坎。横跨断层陡坎开挖的探槽表明该条山前断裂属于全新世活动断裂,探槽揭示了2条活动断层以及相应的3次古地震事件。在距今约9ka时其中一条断层首次活动,之后在距今约7.3ka时该条断层再次活动并引发了另一条断层的形成与同步活动。最后它们又发生了第三次活动,而最新一次活动的时间由于相应地表沉积的缺失而无法获得。这3次古地震事件的累积垂直位错约为8.1m。估算出整条山前断裂的平均复发周期约为1.7ka、平均滑动速率约为1.6mm/a。此外还依据经验公式估算出了各次古地震的参考震级。  相似文献   

Seismic gap method is one of the effective earthquake prediction methods using seismicity patterns. However, this method has some limitations and uncertainty when using it singly in predicting earthquakes. This paper puts forward the prediction method using the dynamic seismicity pattern with dynamic implications. This method considers the formation and evolution of the seismic gap on the basis of plate movement and structural characteristics. Through analysis of 26 cases of earthquakes of MS≥5.0 occurring in East China and South China, this paper obtains the relationship between the main shock with seismic gap and active fault's location, as well as the relationship between the seismic gap and location and strike of active faults. Meanwhile, this paper provides a dynamic explanation of the differences in the formation and evolution patterns of the seismic gap between the two regions, thus providing the physical basis for and reducing the uncertainty of predicting earthquakes using the seismic gap method.  相似文献   

以山西大同大学场地为例,叙述了高密度电阻率法在活动断裂探测中的应用情况,指出,在断层埋深较浅的地区,高密度电阻率法结合探槽开挖对评价活动断裂是行之有效的。  相似文献   

The concentration of H2 in soil gases has been measured weekly at five stations on the Atotsugawa and Ushikubi faults in northern central Main Island, Japan, since 1981 in search of possible relationship with earthquakes. The observed H2 concentration varies from lower than 1 ppm to 7.8% in time and place. When a large earthquake (M: 7.7, epicenter distance: 486 km) occurred on 26 May 1983, an outstanding discharge of H2 was observed at all five stations, preseismically at three of them, and coseismically at the other two. Simultaneous H2 emission was also observed at some stations in seven other occasions. These periods of unusual H2 discharge nearly coincided with occurrences of major earthquakes in Japan, but not of local minor earthquakes along the Atotsugawa fault. This fault, being a deep fracture zone, may be sensitive to large-scale crustal stress changes which incidentally cause the major earthquakes. Increased H2 may be produced by rock fracture caused by the increased stresses on the fault and by the earthquakes themselves. Local minor earthquakes along Atotsugawa fault with magnitude lower than 3 may be unable to cause sufficient rock fracture to produce significant H2.  相似文献   

We examined the whole strong earthquake recurrence behaviors of two fault zones along the Kefallinia Transform, Ionian Sea, Greece, using seismological data and statistical methods. Our data include 29 events with %M%>5^5 for the period 1636~2003. We found different recurrence behaviors for the Kefallinia Fault Zone (clustering and time-predictable recurrence behaviors) and the Lefkada Fault Zone (near random and non-slip-predictable or non-time-predictable recurrence nature). The different modes may be attributed to: (a) segment interaction along-strike (Kefallinia) by static triggering and (b) the influence of fault systems to the north and east on the recurrence on Lefkada. Within the active periods, earthquake recurrence intervals are distributed in a more dispersed fashion, and can be fitted well by a Weibull distribution. In contrast, the distribution of the quiet periods is relatively less dispersed and difficult to describe by suitable probability functions.  相似文献   

交城断裂为太原盆地西界的主控边界断裂,为查明交城断裂在这一地区的确切位置和地裂缝与交城断裂的关系,采用地震地质调查和人工地震勘探对在此范围内交城断裂的具体位置和地层错断情况进行了详细研究。结果表明,交城断裂交城县城段并不是位于基岩隆起区与盆地倾斜平原的分界处,而是位于距该分界东南约200 m处。交城县城西北侧的地裂缝与地震勘探在这一带所探查到的交城断裂的位置相当吻合,由此可以推断地裂缝的产生与交城断裂有关,属构造地裂缝。指出,在进行活动断裂附近的城市规划或重大工程建设时应对“山根”的倒退现象予以高度重视。  相似文献   

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