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胶州湾双壳类壳体中的Ca,Mg,Mn,Sr元素组成及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨影响双壳类元素组成的可能因素,从胶州湾沿岸不同取样点采集黄海近海常见的菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphilippinarum)、褶牡蛎(Oystrea denselamellosa)和紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis),分别测量了3种壳体的矿物物相类型和壳体中的Ca,Mg,Mn,Sr元素组成。研究表明:3种壳体分别属于文石质、方解石质和混合质壳;Ca,Mn元素含量在菲律宾蛤仔、褶牡蛎和紫贻贝壳体中没有差别,而Mg元素含量在菲律宾蛤仔壳体中含量较低,在褶牡蛎壳体和紫贻贝壳体中含量较高,Sr元素恰好与Mg元素相反。双壳类壳体中元素组成主要受壳体矿物物相类型的制约,而与水体环境要素之间的关系弱。  相似文献   

菲律宾蛤仔壳体和湿重生长率及影响因素浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取3组不同年龄段菲律宾蛤仔进行了为期1 a的养殖观测试验,定期观测贝壳的宽度、高度、厚度和湿重,构建了菲律宾壳体生长曲线.研究发现,菲律宾蛤仔壳体生长率曲线在5月中旬和10月底出现峰值,即春季和秋季快速生长期;个体湿重生长率也出现春、秋快速生长期,其峰值长于或滞后于贝壳生长率的峰值;菲律宾蛤仔壳体和湿重的生长与环境温度、贝壳年龄、繁殖活动和饵料供应密切相关,春-夏季(水温17~22 ℃)为壳体在研究海域生长的最适宜季节.  相似文献   

砷是具有类金属特性的污染物,不同赋存形态的砷毒性差异极大,海洋贝类由于其生活习性易于富集高浓度的砷,本研究以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)为对象,探讨其在亚砷酸盐(arsenite,AsⅢ)和砷酸盐(arsenate,AsⅤ)暴露14天后的生物富集和转化规律。结果表明,菲律宾蛤仔对砷的积累量随海水中无机砷浓度的升高而逐渐增加。但菲律宾蛤仔鳃组织对砷的生物利用度很低,10μg/L暴露组菲律宾蛤仔鳃组织对砷的积累量与对照组相比无显著差异。菲律宾蛤仔对三价砷的生物利用度高于五价砷,且砷更易于在菲律宾蛤仔肝胰腺中积累。菲律宾蛤仔组织中无机砷转化过程主要包括As(Ⅲ)氧化,As(Ⅴ)还原和甲基转化。在对照组和各暴露组有机砷砷甜菜碱(As B)和二甲基胂酸(dimethylarsinic acid,DMA)是主要赋存形态,一甲基胂酸(monomethylarsonic acid,MMA)在100μg/LAs(Ⅴ)暴露处理后含量显著下降,表明在无机砷的限速转化反应中MMA可以较快地代谢或转化为其他赋存形态。无机砷在菲律宾蛤仔鳃组织中主要转化为DMA,肝胰腺中主要转化为As B。以上研究结果为阐明菲律宾蛤仔的生物富集和转化机制提供了重要依据,同时也可为贝类安全养殖和食用提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩具有包裹结构和孔洞结构,并且含有丰富的生物遗迹。利用电子探针对位于不同结构单元(包裹结构和基质)的自生碳酸盐矿物和钙质生物壳体进行了Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca分析,结果显示:自生碳酸盐矿物Mg/Ca变化范围为0.50~39.19mmol/mol,平均为12.50mmol/mol,Sr/Ca变化范围为0.06~2.90mmol/mol,平均为0.53mmol/mol;钙质生物壳体Mg/Ca变化范围为1.14~84.57mmol/mol,平均为24.57mmol/mol,Sr/Ca变化范围为0.77~1.84mmol/mol,平均为1.08mmol/mol。Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca的关系显示自生碳酸盐矿物均具有低到中等的Mg/Ca、低Sr/Ca的特征,没有明显分组现象;但是钙质生物壳体却根据其在岩石中的结构位置呈现明显的分组现象,基质钙质生物壳体具有高Mg/Ca、中等Sr/Ca的特征,包裹的钙质生物壳体具有低Mg/Ca、中等Sr/Ca的特征。根据碳酸盐矿物和钙质生物壳体的Mg/Ca特征,认为基质钙质生物壳体是在甲烷渗漏环境下钙化的,无机碳酸盐矿物的出现影响了其Mg/Ca;而包裹的钙质生物壳体是在非甲烷渗漏环境下钙化的,由于生物扰动、灌洗等作用以包裹团块的形式保存在碳酸盐岩中。依据Sr/Ca在成岩过程中的变化特点推测最初形成的基质钙质生物壳体可能具有较现在高的Sr/Ca。研究结果在甲烷渗漏信息地球化学指标提取方面具有一定意义。  相似文献   

为了解TYR基因与蛤仔免疫的关系,本实验利用荧光定量PCR技术研究了菲律宾蛤仔五个群体(白蛤、白斑马蛤、斑马蛤、养殖和野生群体)的鳃组织和肝胰腺组织在LPS胁迫下TYR基因在不同时间(0 h、3 h、12 h、24 h、48 h)的表达特性。结果表明,在LPS注射后鳃组织中TYR6基因表达水平在白蛤和白斑马蛤3 h、6 h、12 h,野生蛤仔3 h,斑马蛤3 h、6 h,养殖群体6 h、12 h显著上调(P<0.05),3h野生蛤仔和斑马蛤达到峰值, 6 h白蛤、白斑马蛤、养殖群体达到峰值(P<0.05);在肝胰腺中,养殖群体和白斑马蛤6 h,白蛤6 h、24 h,野生群体24 h,斑马蛤3 h显著上调, 3 h野生蛤仔和斑马蛤达到峰值,6h养殖群体、白蛤、白斑马达到峰值(P<0.05);鳃组织中TYR10基因表达水平在白蛤、野生群体和白斑马蛤3 h,养殖群体3 h、6 h,斑马蛤3 h、12 h显著上调(P<0.05),肝胰腺组织中TYR10基因表达水平在白蛤3 h,野生群体3 h、6 h、12 h,斑马蛤、养殖群体6 h显著上调(P<0.05),推测T...  相似文献   

热带海洋珊瑚Sr/Ca、Mg/Ca温度计的研究及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
珊瑚以其独特的生物学及生态学特性成为研究热带海洋环境的重要信息载体。阐明了珊瑚微量元素Sr/Ca、Mg/Ca温度计的建立基础、测定方法、研究成果、环境意义、争论问题及进一步研究的设想。多种海表温度计的对比研究,为现代和古海洋环境的重建、探索气候的变率与特征事件(冷暖、旱涝、ENSO等)的关联以及为预测未来气候变化的趋势提供科学的判据。  相似文献   

对海南岛南岸三亚湾海水2008~2009年周间隔取样,用全谱直读等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)分析方法对其Sr、Mg、Ca的含量m(Sr)、m(Mg)、m(Ca)进行了测定。结果显示,m(Sr)/m(Ca)=8.558×10-3~9.227×10-3、m(Mg)/m(Ca)=4.924~5.403,与全球各大洋和主要珊瑚礁区有明显的高异常偏差,而且在春末夏初和秋末冬初两个过渡期,三亚湾海水m(Sr)/m(Ca)波动幅度比m(Mg)/m(Ca)相对较大,且体现了一定的差异性。在此基础上,结合海水的m(Sr)/m(Ca)、m(Mg)/m(Ca)在时间和地域空间上的变化对珊瑚温度计标定的影响,对不同站点建立的珊瑚m(Sr)/m(Ca)温度计进行了重新校正,并与分配系数法对比分析,我们认为利用珊瑚的m(Sr)/m(Ca)、m(Mg)/m(Ca)重建古海水表面温度(SST)记录时必须综合考虑包括海水微量元素比值变化在内的各种影响因素对温度计标定的干扰,为进一步了解气候环境演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文对海南岛南岸三亚湾2008~2009年海水的周间隔取样,用全谱直读等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)分析方法对其Sr/Ca、Mg/Ca比值进行了测定。结果显示其比值(Sr/Ca=8.558~9.227mmol/mol,Mg/Ca=4.924~5.403 mol/mol)与全球各大洋和主要珊瑚礁区有明显地高异常偏差,而且在春末夏初和秋末冬初两个过渡期,三亚湾海水Sr/Ca比值波动幅度比Mg/Ca相对较大,且体现了一定的差异性。在此基础上,结合海水的Sr/Ca、Mg/Ca比值在时间和地域空间上的变化对珊瑚温度计标定的影响,及对不同站点建立的珊瑚Sr/Ca温度计进行了重新校正,并与分配系数法对比分析,我们认为利用珊瑚的Sr/Ca、Mg/Ca比值重建古SST记录时必须综合考虑包括海水微量元素比值变化在内的各种影响因素对温度计标定的干扰。  相似文献   

A method for the determination by atomic absorption spectrophotometry of six major inorganic components of the organic particulate matter in seawater is described. Particles were formed by shaking aliquots of filtered seawater. The yield of aggregates varied greatly in replicate samples. The major factors in the variability of the analyses are the high and variable filter blank values for the elements of interest.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the potential use of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios as a paleothermometer in the shell carbonate of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, we grew juvenile mussels (~15 mm shell height; <2 years old) collected from Maine, USA, in controlled environments for 4 months. The four-by-three factorial design consisted of four circulating temperature baths (7, 11, 15 and 19°C), and three salinity ranges (23, 28, and 32). During the experiment, water Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca molar ratios were monitored weekly, and showed little variation across all salinity and temperature ranges. Data from sampled shells including all salinity treatments yielded relatively poor relationships between shell elemental chemistry and water temperatures. However, if only the low salinity treatment data (23) are used, the relationships between shell elemental chemistry and water temperature improve moderately. Based on the data presented here, it may be possible to use Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios from the shell carbonate of juvenile M. edulis to reconstruct paleotemperatures in estuarine settings (salinity below 24) with a corresponding RMSE (root mean squared error; 95% confidence interval) of ±2.4°C and ±2.8°C, respectively. In order for this methodology to be statistically meaningful, water temperature changes must be rather large, as the errors associated with using Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios from the shell material of M. edulis are substantial. Further work is required to determine if the findings presented here can be duplicated, and if the potential salinity effect is pervasive.  相似文献   

Micro-scale distributions of trace and minor elements in, for example, coral skeletons are crucial as geochemical tracers of past environmental conditions, because they have the inherent advantage of accounting for confounding diagenetic and physiological effects. To extract reproducible paleoceanographic records from coral skeletons, a selective measurement of specific ultrastructures at high spatial resolution is required. Compared to warm-water reef-building corals, such data are limited in cold-water corals and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the latter have to date not been examined by means of micro-X-ray fluorescence. This technique was used for micrometer-scale imaging of P, Mg, Sr, O, and Fe intensities (counts per unit time) in a fossil specimen (as yet unknown age) of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum sp. from surface sediments of the NW Pacific. Cross plots confirmed that the micro-XRF signals were associated with corresponding trends in elemental concentration (ppm). Two major structural components of the septum—centers of calcification (COCs) and the surrounding fibrous aragonite portion—differed in composition. The COCs were characterized by higher intensities of P and Mg (650 and 220 counts per 5 s, respectively), and lower intensities of Sr (2,800) and O (580; corresponding values for the fibrous aragonite are 370, 180, 3,300 and 620 counts per 5 s, respectively). Oxygen intensity values were mostly homogeneous, but slightly lower in COCs and substantially higher in a well-defined patch in the fibrous aragonite. The mostly homogeneous P signals in the fibrous aragonite confirm the utility of this structural component and of coral septa in general for tracer studies of oceanic P. Nevertheless, spot occurrences of elevated P (>950 counts per 5 s) spanning tens of micrometers in specific parts of the fibrous region of the septum would cause overestimates of oceanic P, and should evidently not be overlooked in future research. The distribution of Fe showed no correlation with P, indicating no significant contamination in the form of P-bearing diagenetic ferromanganese precipitates. Such hotspots plausibly reflect the presence of other mineral phases, such as crystalline hydroxylapatite inclusions or contamination with organic material. The P signal intensity was positively correlated with Mg (r=0.553, p<0.001), and negatively with Sr (r=–0.489, p<0.001) and O (r=–0.311, p<0.001). There was no discernible evidence of control by water temperature in the Sr distribution pattern. These findings establish micro-X-ray fluorescence as a highly suitable pre-screening tool in cold-water coral sclerochronology, which can serve to refine sampling strategies without sample damage, and complement other micrometer-scale spatial distribution analyses of elements (notably, Ca) based on well-known approaches involving micro-milling, electron microprobes, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and laser ablation.  相似文献   

现行黄河口冲淤特征和作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1976年10月至1988年9月连续13年的黄河口滨海区的水深测量资料,运用水文学和数学方法进行规范化处理,采用计算机技术定量计算出冲淤量,给出冲淤的等厚度图。并分析黄河口淤积中心的变化与入海位置的关系及其冲淤特征和作用机制  相似文献   

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