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五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石富有机质页岩是中国目前最成功和最重要的页岩气勘探目标.由于缺乏镜质体,该地层的成熟度一直存在争议.以雪峰山西侧北缘富含笔石的五峰组-龙马溪组页岩为例,采用笔石表皮体反射率来表征其成熟度特征.该套页岩笔石含量丰富,以非粒状笔石表皮体为主,其具有二轴晶光性特征,最大反射率(GRmax)和双反射率之间表现出正相关关系,成熟度越高的笔石表皮体表现出更强的各向异性.同时,该套地层中也含有丰富的沥青颗粒,其随机反射率与笔石表皮体的最大和随机反射率也呈现了正相关性,其各向异性更弱,但其成因复杂,且颗粒细小,测定较困难,因此,相对而言,作为热成熟指标,笔石表皮体反射率更占优势.雪峰山西侧北缘五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石页岩的成熟度较高,EqVRo值均为3.10%以上,达到了过成熟阶段,是页岩气勘探的有利区.   相似文献   

前人对笔石的研究主要用于地层划分和沉积环境分析,对笔石与页岩气之间的关系研究甚少。充分利用取心井岩心分析资料、钻井地质资料、实验分析资料和测录井资料,结合不同沉积环境的笔石类型,将JYDA-E井奥陶系五峰组分成4个笔石带(WF1-WF4)、志留系龙马溪组划成6个笔石带(LM1-LM7,LM2缺失),其中WF2-LM4的TOC含量高、有机孔隙发育,属于页岩气有利开发层段。研究发现:笔石的演化和有机质的富集具有相同的沉积环境;笔石的丰度和TOC、有机孔隙度以及气测全烃含量具有正相关关系,笔石的演化对页岩有机质丰度、有机孔的形成具有一定贡献,并在一定程度上影响其含气性,属于页岩气储层评价的一项重要指标。四川盆地五峰组-龙马溪组页岩气形成和笔石的形成演化存在成因上的关联,这对页岩气储层研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国南方奥陶纪-志留纪之交广泛沉积了以五峰组和龙马溪组为代表的笔石页岩。基于对重庆巫溪地区五峰组-龙马溪组底部页岩段中近400件页岩样品中笔石丰度的统计及100件页岩样品有机碳含量(TOC,%)的分析测试结果,选择其中23件不同笔石丰度与TOC的页岩样品开展页岩中笔石体与围岩(非笔石体部分)TOC的对比实验,并结合能谱分析测试结果,探讨笔石与有机质富集的关系。初步研究认为:①五峰组-龙马溪组页岩中笔石体的C、O等元素含量较高,其TOC明显高于围岩,是页岩有机质的贡献者之一;②五峰组-龙马溪组页岩全岩TOC与笔石丰度及笔石体TOC相关性均较差,而与围岩TOC相关性较好,这指示着页岩中笔石丰度对有机质富集影响较小。  相似文献   

应用反射率十字图解研究了中国部分地区下古生界地层中动物有机碎屑笔石的光学各向异性。研究结果表明 ,在成熟度较低时 ,笔石呈现双光轴中性特征 ,即Rmax-Rint≈Rint-Rmin;随成熟度的增加 ,笔石具有明显的双光轴负光性特征 ,即Rmax-Rint相似文献   

上奥陶统五峰组-下志留统龙马溪组海相页岩是四川盆地下古生界主要的烃源岩和页岩气勘探目标,有机质成熟度不仅是油气生成评价的关键,也是页岩品质评价的重要指标之一.下古生界页岩有机质成熟度一直以来是有机岩石学研究的难点与热点问题.由于下古生界缺乏镜质体,先前的研究多是采用沥青反射率转换为等效镜质体反射率的方法,并且由于沥青的局限性和不确定性,使得五峰-龙马溪组页岩的成熟度缺乏统一的认识和系统研究.通过采集四川盆地及其周缘的岩心和露头样品,系统分析了页岩有机显微组分光学反射率特征.结果表明笔石和固体沥青是最主要的两类有机显微组分.根据固体沥青的显微结构形态和光性特征,将固体沥青大体上分为两类:(1)颗粒状-棱角状的充填在孔隙和微裂缝中高反射率焦沥青;(2)以细小不规则表面的有机质颗粒大量分散于粘土矿物基质中的低反射率基质固体沥青.焦沥青与笔石随机反射率均可以表征下古生界页岩有机质成熟度.但焦沥青反射率略低于笔石反射率,并且随着成熟度的增高,笔石反射率的增速大于焦沥青,各向异性也显著增强.相对于固体沥青反射率,笔石随机反射率分布更为集中,更适合作为含笔石页岩有机质成熟度指标.但是笔石反射率与等效镜质体反射率在过成熟阶段的换算关系需要进一步研究.   相似文献   

运用镜质组反射率、袍子体荧光参数、生物标志物参数详细研究了三塘湖盆地中生界烃源岩的有机质热演化特征及演化阶段。研究表明镜质组反射率是该区有机质热汪化最可靠听成熟度参数,孢子体荧光参数是重要的热演化指标,生物标志物参数是有效的热演化指标。三塘湖盆地有机质总体热演化水平较低,且在横向和纵向上存在明显的差异。该区的有机质热演化具有明显的阶段性,运用成熟度参数将其划分为未成熟和成熟两个阶段。  相似文献   

岑超  阮娟  刘理湘 《江苏地质》2023,47(2):113-121
为准确掌握江苏五峰—高家边组页岩气基础地质条件,在宁镇地区汤山—仑山复背斜南翼高家边组命名地实施页岩气参数井苏页1井,井深1 203.37 m,全孔取芯。苏页1井钻遇高家边组中下部五峰组、汤头组,为完整揭露五峰—高家边组底部富有机质页岩的典型钻孔。基于243个厘米-分米级采样间隔的TOC(总有机碳)数据,建立了五峰—高家边组下部TOC标准柱状图。根据TOC划分的页岩分段与笔石带对应良好,共分7个页岩段,包括4个优质富有机质页岩段,其中WF4—LM3优质页岩段品质最好,为宁镇地区的典型代表。苏页1井Ro介于2.47%~2.91%之间,平均值为2.62%,总体处于过成熟早-中期生干气阶段,干酪根类型为Ⅰ型。五峰—高家边组优质、富有机质页岩呈2层式,真厚度约为22.4 m。页岩气勘探潜力最好的WF4—LM3优质页岩段真厚度为8.6 m,应视为主要产气页岩小层和未来水平井钻进层段。不同页岩段的沉积速率不同,说明有机质含量与物源输入作用关系密切。  相似文献   

通过流体包裹体的透射光和荧光镜下观察、包裹体均一温度测定,对南堡凹陷下古生界碳酸盐岩流体包裹体特征及油气成藏期进行了研究。结果表明:南堡凹陷下古生界碳酸盐岩储层流体包裹体较为发育,主要在碳酸盐岩脉中沿愈合裂缝呈带状分布,烃类包裹体在荧光下呈黄白色--蓝白色,说明研究区油气成熟度相对较高;由包裹体均一温度实测结果可知,该区包裹体均一温度具有明显的双峰特征,峰值分别为70℃~80℃和130℃~140℃;结合埋藏史和热演化史进行综合研究,认为研究区下古生界碳酸盐岩储层主要经历了两期油气充注,第一期为25~22 Ma(东营末期—馆陶早期),第二期为8~5 Ma(明化镇中期)。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地二叠系下石盒子组盒8段储集砂体为研究对象,在众多前人研究成果的基础上,综合研究了盆地内下石盒子组盒8段沉积演化过程中储集砂体发育特征,主要表现为:岩石类型多样,包括含砾粗砂岩、中粒砂岩、细粒砂岩等;成因复杂:包括冲积扇砂体、河流砂体、辫状河三角洲砂体等;分布广泛:具有广覆式大面积分布特征。在上述基础上,系统深入分析了控制盒8大面积砂体分布的关键因素,主要包括:强物源、多物源供给是基础,多水系发育是前提,平缓古地貌是背景,高流速河流是动力。其中,强物源、多物源不仅为盆地内提供了丰富碎屑物质,而且控制着盆地内不同区域储集砂体的岩性特征;多水系发育为形成大面积砂体分布提供了条件,发源于物源区向盆地内搬运陆源碎屑物质的六条水浅流急的辫状河道在盆地中部汇合交叉控制着单层砂体厚度及其连片性。平缓古地貌控制着多河道发育和长距离搬运过程中河道摆动、迁移频繁,并相互叠置交叉。高流速河流控制着平缓古地形上发育的多河道不断交叉、复合。并定量计算了盒8段储集砂体沉积时的地形古坡度,平均坡降为1.10m·km-1,平均坡度为0.063°;古河流水体平均流速为8.31m·s-1。进而,结合盆地内钻井实际建立了下石盒子组盒8段独具特色的"强物源供给的缓坡浅水辫状河三角洲沉积模式"。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, Texaco has used the transmittance color index (TCI) of amorphous kerogen as an indicator of kerogen thermal maturation. The technique simply involves the direct measurement of a white-light spectrum as it is transmitted through a particle of amorphous organic matter (AOM). In brief, TCI values are obtained by the analysis of white light originating from a 100-W 6-V tungsten lamp attached to a photometric microscope. The assignment of particular TCI values is based on the increasing curvature of spectra with increasing maturity. TCI curves shift from an average wavelength around 580 nm for samples of immature, amorphous kerogen (i.e., material with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 0.20%) to about 660 nm for samples containing very dark brown to some black particulate material (i.e., kerogen with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 2.15%). The range of TCI values covers all zones of petroleum generation and preservation. In our opinion, TCI can provide as accurate a basis for maturation interpretations as is available from vitrinite reflectance (or from the mean random reflectance of some zooclasts, such as graptolites and chitinozoans), or the widely used visual estimate the thermal alteration index (TAI) or the similarly determined conodont color index (CAI). TCI is probably most useful, however, in those situations where the rocks to be examined have not yet reached the semianthricite coalification stage (≈2.0% vitrinite reflectance).  相似文献   

华北地区上古生代煤系有机质热演化与二次生烃探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据实测和收集整理华北地区各区块约2000余个镜质组反射率R的分析数据,结合前人研究成果,本文较为系统地阐述了华北地区上古生代煤系有机质的热演化特征与成烃演化阶段性,探讨了其二次生烃条件,并初步确定了华北地区二次生烃的分布范围。  相似文献   

High maturity oil and gas are usually generated after primary oil expulsion from source rocks, especially from oil prone type I/II kerogen. However, the detailed impacts of oil expulsion, or retention in source rock on further thermal degradation of kerogen at the high maturity stage remain unknown. In the present study, we collected an Ordovician Pingliang shale sample containing type II kerogen. The kerogens, which had previously generated and expelled oil and those which had not, were prepared and pyrolyzed in a closed system, to observe oil expulsion or oil retention effects on later oil and gas generation from kerogen. The results show that oil expulsion and retention strongly impacts on further oil and gas generation in terms of both the amount and composition in the high maturity stage. Gas production will be reduced by 50% when the expulsion coefficient reaches 58%, and gas from oil-expelled kerogen (less oil retained) is much drier than that from fresh kerogen. The oil expulsion also causes n-alkanes and gas compounds to have heavier carbon isotopic compositions at high maturity stages. The enrichment of 13C in n-alkanes and gas hydrocarbons are 1‰ and 4–6‰ respectively, compared to fresh kerogen. Oil expulsion may act as open system opposite to the oil retention that influences the data pattern in crossplots of δ13C2–δ13C3 versus C2/C3, δ13C2–δ13C3 versus δ13C1 and δ13C1–δ13C2 versus ln(C1/C2), which are widely used for identification of gas from kerogen cracking or oil cracking. These results suggest that the reserve estimation and gas/source correlation in deep burial basins should consider the proportion of oil retention to oil expulsion the source rocks have experienced.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部坳陷的英雄岭地区古近系下干柴沟组上段(E23)页岩油获勘探重大突破。下干柴沟组上段沉积时期属于典型的咸化湖盆,通过岩芯观察和X射线衍射全岩、地球化学、储层物性分析,发现在此环境下形成的页岩及页岩油具有明显的特性:① 页岩以碳酸盐岩矿物为主,岩性以纹层状云灰岩和层状灰云岩为主;② 烃源岩具有低TOC、高转化率的特点,游离烃含量高,具有明显的石油“超越效应”,而且页岩的含油性和生烃潜量与碳酸盐矿物含量呈正相关性;③ 储层表现为特低孔、特低渗的特点,黏土矿物类型以伊利石和伊蒙混层为主,有利于页岩油的稳产和高产;④ 地层压力系数高,能量充足,原油轻质组分多、气油比高。柴西坳陷E23页岩层系厚度大、面积广,为了评价其资源潜力,将柴西坳陷划分为小梁山、英雄岭、扎哈泉和茫崖4个凹陷,首先应用成因法计算资源量,然后用体积法、容积法和类比法验证其结果的可靠性,最终用德尔菲法确定页岩油总的资源量为69×108 t。本文研究成果具有重要的意义:① 明确了咸化湖盆页岩油独特的地质特征,指出富油层系的岩性组合;② 提出了计算吸附烃的计算公式,提供了一套切实可行的页岩油资源量的评估方法;③ 资源量的落实证实了柴西坳陷具有可观的页岩油资源潜力,坚定了勘探信心;④ 多因素综合划定的I类有利区带面积为2460 km2,指出了下一步勘探的现实领域。  相似文献   

冯琳  徐建中  翟立翔 《冰川冻土》2021,43(3):874-884
冰尘是冰川消融区表面黑色或棕色的球状聚合体,是冰川表面微生物的主要聚集区,同时含有丰富的溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM),在冰川物质能量平衡、生物地球化学循环特别是碳循环中发挥着重要作用.在冰川消融期,受环境条件和微生物活动水平等方面的影响,冰川表面DOM的含量是动态变化的.为了...  相似文献   

The development of a qualifying system for reflectance analysis has been the scope of a working group within the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) since 1999, when J. Koch presented a system to qualify vitrinite particles according to their size, proximity to bright components and homogeneity of the surface. After some years of work aimed at improving the classification system using photomicrographs, it was decided to run a round robin exercise on microscopy samples. The classification system tested consists of three qualifiers ranging from excellent to low quality vitrinites with an additional option for unsuitable vitrinites. This paper reports on the results obtained by 22 analysts who were asked to measure random reflectance readings on vitrinite particles assigning to each reading a qualifier. Four samples containing different organic matter types and a variety of vitrinite occurrences have been analysed. Results indicated that the reflectance of particles classified as excellent, good or poor compared to the total average reflectance did not show trends to be systematically lower or higher for the four samples analysed. The differences in reflectance between the qualifiers for any given sample were lower than the scatter of vitrinite reflectance among participants. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained in determining the reflectance of vitrinite in the four samples analysed. This was so for samples having abundant and easy to identify vitrinites (higher plant-derived organic matter) as well as for samples with scarce and difficult to identify particles (samples with dominant marine-derived organic matter). The highest discrepancies were found for the organic-rich oil shales where the selection of the vitrinite population to measure proved to be particularly difficult. Special instructions should be provided for the analysis of this sort of samples. The certainty of identification of the vitrinite associated with the vitrinite reflectance values reported has been assessed through a reliability index which takes into account the number of readings and the coefficient of variation. The same statistical approach as that followed in the ICCP vitrinite reflectance accreditation program for single seam coals has been used for data evaluation. The results indicated low to medium dispersion for 17 out of 22 participants. This, combined with data from other sets of comparative analyses over a long period, is considered an encouraging result for the establishment of an accreditation program on vitrinite reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter.  相似文献   

以柴达木盆地英西地区古近系下干柴沟组上段(E2-3xg2)为例,基于岩心、薄片、扫描电镜、测录井、X衍射及物性分析,探讨湖平面升降对混积型碳酸盐储集层形成及其分布的控制。英西地区E2-3xg2整体为咸化背景下的湖相混合沉积,内部由多种结构类型的湖平面升降沉积旋回在纵向叠置而成,并伴随岩石结构产状及矿物组分的周期性变化。区内储集层类型多样,以混积型碳酸盐岩为主,各类储集层的纵向演化及物性分布与单个湖平面升降旋回具有良好的耦合关系,自下而上构成原生晶间微孔-溶扩晶间微孔-充填残余溶孔的孔隙组合,储集层物性具有向上变好的趋势。各类储集层的形成机理与空间分布受湖平面升降旋回控制,白云石晶间微孔型储集层形成于湖退早-中期,与准同生白云石化作用相关,物性一般,分布广泛;溶扩晶间微孔型和溶孔型储集层形成于湖退晚期,与地貌高部位的短暂暴露溶蚀相关,储渗性能优异,局部发育。  相似文献   

为了解莺歌海盆地深部热流体主要类型,研究热流体特征,判断热流体活动范围,分析热流体对储层成岩-孔隙演化的影响,通过铸体薄片、扫描电镜、黏土矿物X射线衍射、物性、电子探针、包裹体均一温度、稳定同位素等分析测试手段,结合前人研究成果,对盆内LDX区中新统黄流组储层进行分析。结果表明,受构造热事件影响及深大断裂控制,在超压驱动下,热流体活动范围主要为3 900 m以下的黄流组中下部,以CO2热流体为主,H2S热流体次之。热流体影响下储层具有自生黏土矿物转化速率加快、镜质体反射率突变、地层水矿化度降低、包裹体均一温度大于正常地层最高温度、热液成因矿物发育等特点。将黄流组储层分为超压储层(黄流组中上部)及热超压储层(黄流组中下部)两类。其中,超压储层成岩作用阶段达中成岩A2亚期,压实及溶蚀作用较弱,胶结作用较强,孔隙演化经历了压实减孔、压实与胶结减孔、胶结减孔与有机酸溶蚀增孔3个过程,孔隙度从38.8%减少到现今的7.6%;热超压储层成岩作用阶段达中成岩B期,压实及溶蚀作用较强,胶结作用较弱,孔隙演化经历了压实减孔、压实与胶结减孔、胶结减孔与有机酸溶蚀增孔、胶结减孔与有机酸及无机酸溶蚀增孔4个过程,孔隙度从38.1%减少到现今的9.2%。有利储层主要发育在黄流组中下部黄二段的热超压储层中。  相似文献   

A novel method for analyzing the effects that stratigraphic layers and joints have on spring locations is presented, with specific relevance for the southern Sacramento Mountains, south central New Mexico, USA. Bedrock in this heavily vegetated mountain block is mostly covered by alluvium and soil, making direct field observations difficult, and necessitating alternative methods. Elevations of a mapped geologic contact are used to produce a three-dimensional stratigraphic surface. A histogram of spring stratigraphic positions, calculated from this surface, indicates zones of preferential groundwater flow. Field measurements are combined with GIS analyses to quantify joint control on spring locations within stream valleys, and these results are compared to traditional lineament analysis. Stream valleys are parallel to joints observed in the field, and joint-parallel segments selected from digital elevation model (DEM)-mapped streams are up to 900 m in length. The abundance of springs throughout the study area decreases logarithmically with distance from these joint-parallel stream segments. Springs are more than twice as abundant within 25 m of joint-parallel stream segments compared with manually mapped lineaments from air-photos. Higher correlation with spring locations and significant time reduction by using GIS to select joint-parallel streams for lineament interpretation indicate that the method provides a good alternative to manual lineament analysis.  相似文献   

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