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Direct correlation have been observed between certain trace element and hydrocarbon anomalies in the near subsurface soils of Vindhyan basin, India. This relationship with hydrocarbon is very useful in hydrocarbon exploration. 52 soil samples from Vindhyan basin were collected from a depth of 2.5m. All the soil samples were analyzed for light hydrocarbon, isotope and trace element concentrations. The adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbon analyses show the presence of methane (8–328 ppb), ethane (0–27 ppb) and propane (0–11 ppb) respectively and these values indicate the presence of hydrocarbon micro-seepage in the study area. The carbon isotopic values determined for methane and ethane for these soil samples are (?26.41 to ?47.70 ‰ PDB) and (?20.07 to ?35.30 ‰ PDB) respectively and they are thermogenic in nature. The trace element concentrations of nickel (33–220 ppm), vanadium (72–226 ppm), copper (20–131 ppm), chromium (94–205 ppm), zinc (66–561 ppm) and cobalt (9–39 ppm) have higher than the normal concentrations in soils. Trace element concentrations are used to plot with the data obtained from light gaseous hydrocarbon concentrations and carbon isotopic values of soil samples of the Vindhyan basin. Trace element anomalies have been observed around the hydrocarbon anomalies in the study area.  相似文献   

在油气化探中,传统观点认为断层是优势通道,烃类沿断层渗漏形成的化探异常将偏离实际油气藏位置在近地表的垂向投影,这引起了地质界对化探技术预测地下油气藏的质疑.针对上述质疑,以断块油气藏的简化地质模型为基础,研制实验装置,开展断块油气藏烃类通过盖层及上覆地层垂向微渗漏模拟实验,研究了地下断层对烃类垂向微渗漏的影响.结果表明,受断层控制的油气藏,断层不是烃类微渗漏的唯一优势通道,油藏上覆盖层及地层中广泛发育的裂隙或微裂隙系统等都是决定地表化探异常分布的重要因素,烃类垂向微渗漏是客观存的;断层是否是微渗漏的优势通道,取决于断层的封闭性;另外实验结果也证实了圈定油气靶区的最好采样方法是高密度的网格采样.  相似文献   

Chelate-extractable iron and manganese concentrations in soils over and around the Bell Creek oil field suggest that compared to low average background values, there are moderate amounts of these elements directly over the production area and higher concentrations distributed in an aureole pattern around the periphery of the field. Adsorbed and organically bound iron and manganese appear to be readily taken up by plants resulting in anomalously high levels of these elements in leaves and needles over the oil field and suggesting correlation with corresponding low concentrations in soils. Iron and manganese appear to have bypassed the soil formation process where, under normal oxidizing conditions, they would have ultimately precipitated as insoluble oxides and hydroxides.  相似文献   

遥感油气勘探技术具有经济、安全等优势,有很大的应用潜力。针对烃类微渗漏造成地表热异常、红层褪色、低价铁富集以及黏土化等现象,利用TM数据来提取异常信息。文章在研究贵州黔西遥感地质解译的基础上,结合遥感信息探测油气模式,对贵州黔西地区的油气远景区进行了预测。  相似文献   

为了研究水合物轻烃微渗漏对近地表微生物群落的影响作用,采用二代测序技术,对木里冻土区见水合物钻孔DK1、DK9和无水合物孔DK6附近土壤中的微生物群落进行了研究.相对于无水合物钻孔DK6,水合物钻孔的微生物群落结构发生了改变,尤其是烃氧化微生物在水合物钻孔具有明显的数量优势;水合物钻孔DK1以烷烃氧化菌为优势烃氧化菌群,水合物钻孔DK9以甲烷氧化菌为优势烃氧化菌群,这与DK1和DK9的水合物气体组分差异表现一致,无水合物钻孔DK9则无明显优势烃氧化菌群.以丁醇为唯一碳源的选择培养也得到了一批常见的烃氧化菌,这些可培养烃氧化菌可用于水合物相关烃类微渗漏的指示.上述以烃氧化菌群为代表的微生物群落及可培养烃氧化菌对木里天然气水合物响应特征的研究说明了基于轻烃微渗漏模型的微生物勘探技术应用于木里天然气水合物勘探具有可行性.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to define the geo-microbial signatures along with trace metals, and to investigate whether the geo-microbial anomalies have correlation with trace metal anomalies in Ahmedabad block of Cambay basin. The surface geochemical techniques are based on seepage of light hydrocarbon gases from the oil and gas pools to the shallow surface and can bring up near-surface oxidation reduction zones that favor the development of a diverse array of chemical and mineralogical changes. The paper reports the role of hydrocarbon microseepage in surface alterations of trace metal concentrations and hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria and its interrelationship. For the purpose a total of 90 soil samples are collected in grid pattern of 2 x 2 km interval. The paper reports the chemical alterations associated with trace metals in soils that are related to hydrocarbon microseepages above some of the major oil and gas fields of this petroliferous region. The concentrations of V (0 to149 ppm), Cr (2 to 192 ppm), Cu (4 to 171 ppm), Se (98 to 440 ppm), Zn (56 to 1215 ppm) are obtained. It is observed that the concentrations of trace elements are tremendously increased when they are compared with their normal concentrations in soils. In this study the hydrocarbon oxidizing bacterial counts ranged between 1.0 x 103 and 1.59 x 106 cfu/g of soil sample respectively. The attempt has made for the first time, which revealed good correlation as both these anomalies are found as apical in relation. Integrated studies between trace elements and hydrocarbon oxidizing bacterial anomalies showed positive correlation with existing oil and gas wells in the study area.  相似文献   

Methane microseepage is the result of natural gas migration from subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations to the Earth’s surface, and it is quite common in commercial petroleum fields. While the role of microseepage as a pathfinder in petroleum exploration has been known for about 80 a, its significance as an atmospheric CH4 source has only recently been studied, and flux data are currently available only in the USA and Europe. With the aim of increasing the global data-set and better understanding flux magnitudes and variabilities, microseepage is now being extensively studied in China. A static flux chamber method was recently applied to study microseepage emissions into the atmosphere in four different sectors of the Yakela condensed gas field in Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China, and specifically in: (a) a faulted sector, across the Luntai fault systems; (b) an oil–water interface sector, at the northern margin of the field; (c) an oil–gas interface sector, in the middle of the field; (d) an external area, outside the northern gas field boundaries. The results show that positive CH4 fluxes are pervasive in all sectors and therefore, only part of the CH4 migrating from the deep oil–gas reservoirs is consumed in the soil by methanotrophic oxidation. The intensity of gas seepage seems to be controlled by subsurface geologic settings and lateral variabilities of natural gas pressure in the condensed gas field. The highest CH4 fluxes, up to ∼14 mg m−2 d−1 (mean of 7.55 mg m−2 d−1) with higher spatial variability (standard deviation, σ: 2.58 mg m−2 d−1), occur in the Luntai fault sector. Merhane flux was lower in the oil–water area (mean of 0.53 mg m−2 d−1) and the external area (mean of 1.55 mg m−2 d−1), and at the intermediate level in the gas–oil sector (mean of 2.89 mg m−2 d−1). These values are consistent with microseepage data reported for petroleum basins in the USA and Europe. The build-up of methane concentration in the flux chambers is always coupled with an enrichment of 13C, from δ13C1 of −46‰ to −42.5‰ (VPDB), which demonstrates that seeping methane is thermogenic, as that occurring in the deep Yakela reservoir. Daily variations of microseepage are very low, with minima in the afternoon, corresponding to higher soil temperature (and higher methanotrophic consumption), and maxima in the early morning (when soil temperatures are lowest). A preliminary and rough estimate of the total amount of CH4 exhaled from the Yakela field is in the order of 102 tonnes a−1.  相似文献   

杨进  刘兆平 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):217-221
为了说明天然场激发极化法的应用效果,选取了一多金属矿区为试验区。在该区同时进行了常规的中梯激发极化法和大地电磁测深法测量。资料分析对比研究表明,大地电磁的相对视频散率异常和中梯激发极化异常在异常的范围和幅度上都吻合得很好。研究结果说明,天然场激发极化法在一定条件下进行多金属矿勘探是有效的。  相似文献   


Here we present new data from a systematic Sr, Nd, O, C isotope and geochemical study of kimberlites of Devonian age Mirny field that are located in the southernmost part of the Siberian diamondiferous province. Major and trace element compositions of the Mirny field kimberlites show a significant compositional variability both between pipes and within one diatreme. They are enriched in incompatible trace elements with La/Yb ratios in the range of (65–300). Initial Nd isotope ratios calculated back to the time of the Mirny field kimberlite emplacement (t = 360 ma) are depleted relative to the chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR) model being 4 up to 6 ɛNd(t) units, suggesting an asthenospheric source for incompatible elements in kimberlites. Initial Sr isotope ratios are significantly variable, being in the range 0.70387–0.70845, indicating a complex source history and a strong influence of post-magmatic alteration. Four samples have almost identical initial Nd and Sr isotope compositions that are similar to the prevalent mantle (PREMA) reservoir. We propose that the source of the proto-kimberlite melt of the Mirny field kimberlites is the same as that for the majority of ocean island basalts (OIB). The source of the Mirny field kimberlites must possess three main features: It should be enriched with incompatible elements, be depleted in the major elements (Si, Al, Fe and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (REE) and it should retain the asthenospheric Nd isotope composition. A two-stage model of kimberlite melt formation can fulfil those requirements. The intrusion of small bodies of this proto-kimberlite melt into lithospheric mantle forms a veined heterogeneously enriched source through fractional crystallization and metasomatism of adjacent peridotites. Re-melting of this source shortly after it was metasomatically enriched produced the kimberlite melt. The chemistry, mineralogy and diamond grade of each particular kimberlite are strongly dependent on the character of the heterogeneous source part from which they melted and ascended.


陕西省略阳县杨家坝多金属矿区成矿作用地球化学示踪   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以陕西省略阳县杨家坝多金属矿区为例,通过对该矿区岩(矿)石和各类脉体的岩相学、稀土和微量元素及流体包裹体地球化学示踪发现,多金属中重晶石的形成及硅化、碳酸盐化、滑石化、纤闪石化、绢云母化和绿泥石化和透闪石岩的含氟浅闪石及隐晶硅质玻璃和微晶硅质,这表明与成矿蚀变有关的热液流体是一种不同于一般地壳流体的富硅、钛、铁、碱质和挥发份,并具备熔体性质的成矿流体。各类样品的稀土元素配分模式明显富集LREE,在Ce、Eu、Yb异常的组合上也各具特征。LREE富集是地幔流体作用的显著特征之一;矿石和脉体的负Ce、正Eu和负Yb异常以及流体包裹体中H2O-C6H6成分,是高温还原地幔流体的重要标志;正Ce和负Eu异常的出现,以及Ce、Eu、Yb异常的减弱和消失则是壳幔混染叠加改造的显示。综合研究表明:矿区成矿过程可能统一受制于秦岭地区碰撞造山背景下具高温还原性质的地幔流体作用,且由此引发壳幔强烈混染的叠加改造作用在成矿过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

徐智涛  孙景贵  任亮  刘阳 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):65-66
永新金矿是一座新发现的产在韧性剪切带中大型金矿床,目前正在勘探之中,研究程度较低;近期我们在对矿区地表和钻孔编录,在矿床地质、流体包裹体基础上,开展了与成矿密切相关的闪长玢岩的成岩年代学及岩石地球化学研究,以期为判断成岩成矿动力学背景提供科学依据。  相似文献   

邱振|  王清晨 《地质科学》2011,46(01):52-67
通过对桂西地区南丹龙王坡11件上二叠统硅质岩样品和平果四塘6件上二叠统硅质岩样品的主量和微量元素分析研究,并结合已发表的崇左东攀剖面大隆组的硅质岩地球化学数据,认为桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩为生物成因,形成于受陆源碎屑影响的大陆边缘沉积环境,其沉积水体为氧化条件。研究区内硅质岩的TOC为0.10%~0.19%,平均为0.15%,与扬子北缘硅质岩(TOC可达18%)相比明显偏低,基本不发育烃源岩。对两地区晚二叠世时期生产力水平和沉积水体的氧化还原条件的对比研究表明,氧化的沉积水体是限制桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩成为烃源岩的主控因素。  相似文献   

邱振  王清晨 《地质科学》2011,46(1):52-67
通过对桂西地区南丹龙王坡11件上二叠统硅质岩样品和平果四塘6件上二叠统硅质岩样品的主量和微量元素分析研究,并结合已发表的崇左东攀部面大隆组的硅质岩地球化学数据,认为桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩为生物成因,形成于受陆源碎屑影响的大陆边缘沉积环境,其沉积水体为氧化条件.研究区内硅质岩的TOC为0.10%~0.19%,平均为0.1...  相似文献   

Recently,a large-scale Ordovician oil and gas pool has been discovered in Xinken,north of the Tarim Basin,and it has strongly heterogeneous reservoirs and complicated fluid distribution.Through analyzing oil,gas and water samples collected from this area,in combination of field production and testing data,this study reveals that the Xinken oil pool contains dominantly normal oil characterized by low viscosity,low sulphur,and high wax.It has a low content of natural gas,which presents typical characteristics of wet gas and is oil-associated gas.Oil-gas correlation shows that the oil was from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks and the charge and accumulation of oil and gas took place in the Late Hercynian Period.Controlled by paleogeomorphology,sedimentary facies,ancient karstification,faults,and other factors in the Caledonian Period,the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs are dominated by dissolved pores,cavities and fractures.The reservoir body of fractures and cavities is distributed in the shape of strip and laminate along faults and excellent reservoirs are mostly in the range of 70–100 m below the top of the Yijianfang Formation.As a whole,the Xinken oil pool is a fracture-cavity pool controlled by interbedded karst reservoirs and is a complex composed of stacked karst fractures and cavities of various sizes.It contains oil in large areas horizontally,which is quasi-laminated in distribution,and the accumulation of oil and gas is controlled by the distribution and development degree of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs.The study shows that this area has abundant resources and a great exploration potential for oil and gas.  相似文献   

刘运黎  汤玉平 《地质通报》2007,26(4):483-491
在前人认识的基础上,依据近年来的勘探成果,对六盘山烃源岩进行了评价分析,发现目前较明确的3套主要烃源岩中,白垩系下统的乃家河组、马东山组和李洼峡组源岩在盆地内分布较广,除北部埋藏较浅的区域未成熟外,大部分已趋于成熟。石炭系也是重要的源岩,由于埋藏较深,后期改造作用大,应以找气为勘查目标。三叠系烃源岩成熟度较好,但分布范围局限,勘探潜力受到影响。盆地的诸多油气显示及地面油气异常响应特征,充分证实了该盆地具有烃类的生成、运移和聚集的过程。整个盆地的油气地球化学异常响应特征明显,油气苗显示丰富,分布广泛。地球化学勘探测量发现了盆地内有3个近东西向展布的油气地球化学异常区带。根据三维荧光光谱图,对油气属性进行了判别,均表现为轻质油的地球化学特性。  相似文献   

运用多孔介质渗流理论和构造应力场驱动油气运移的流固耦合分析方法对柴达木盆地西部的构造应力场及流体运移势进行了数值模拟,揭示盆地西部油气运聚的规律是:①区域主要构造格架或构造体系控制了构造压力低值区的展布,二级构造压力低值区的边界为近南北和北北东向;②由浅层向深层,构造压力低值区的范围有逐渐扩大的趋势;③盆地西南部油区棋盘格式构造的结点为构造压力低值区;④不同构造层油气流矢量聚集区往往都是构造压力的低值区和油气聚集的有利部位。  相似文献   

运用多孔介质渗流理论和构造应力场驱动油气运移的流固耦合分析方法对柴达木盆地西部的构造应力场及流体运移势进行了数值模拟,揭示盆地西部油气运聚的规律是:①区域主要构造格架或构造体系控制了构造压力低值区的展布,二级构造压力低值区的边界为近南北和北北东向;②由浅层向深层,构造压力低值区的范围有逐渐扩大的趋势;③盆地西南部油区棋盘格式构造的结点为构造压力低值区;④不同构造层油气流矢量聚集区往往都是构造压力的低值区和油气聚集的有利部位.  相似文献   

High gas production from the Dashtak formation of Tabnak hydrocarbon field in Fars province, Iran, indicates the presence of natural fractured reservoir whose production potential is dominated by the structural fracture. The connectivity of fractured media depends upon the power?Claw exponent and the fracture density. Fracture pattern traces obtained from the outcrops of producing formations of six different stations in Tabnak hydrocarbon field. 2D fracture network maps of Tabnak hydrocarbon field have been analyzed from their scaling properties. The fractal analysis of fracture intensity showed heterogeneous multi-fractal structure characterized by generalized dimensions. Distribution of fracture lengths exhibits power?Claw behavior with specific exponent. Scaling laws serve to make extrapolations and to study the fracture connectivity related to scale. Fracture distribution model and reservoir productivity can be estimated, which are of great interest in decision making to optimize gas production.  相似文献   

The distributions of steroid and triterpenoid hydrocarbons in crude oils and sedimentary rock extracts can be routinely determined by the direct injection of the sample into a gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The mass spectrometer is operated at a resolution of about 2500 (10% valley), and only the ion intensities at selected accurate mass values, diagnostic of the structural types of interest, are monitored throughout the analysis. The distributions, so obtained, find application in the assessment of the source and thermal maturity of crude oil accumulations in the subsurface. This technique eliminates chromatographic separation steps and combines two analyses in one. Thus, more geological samples and reference mixtures may be analyzed in a given time.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格大气田天然气成藏地球化学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏里格大气田位于鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡西北部,属于典型的低渗砂岩气田。对天然气组分和同位素组成研究表明,苏里格大气田上古生界天然气以干气为主、湿气为辅,甲烷含量为82.729%~98.407%,干燥系数为84.7%~98.8%,δ13C1值为-36‰~-30‰,δ13C2值为-26‰~-21‰,属于高成熟度的煤成气;气田范围内各井区天然气组分和碳同位素组成变化较小,暗示其来源和成藏过程的一致性。根据储层流体包裹体镜下观察、包裹体均一温度、含烃包裹体丰度、颗粒荧光定量(QGF)、包裹体激光拉曼分析,苏里格大气田上古生界储层发育盐水包裹体、气体包裹体、液态烃包裹体、CO2包裹体等不同类型流体包裹体,主要产于石英次生加大边、微裂隙及胶结物中;包裹体均一温度分布呈连续的单峰态,分布范围为80~180℃,主峰温度为100~145℃;上古生界砂岩储层样品的含烃包裹体丰度不高(多为1%~5%),QGF强度较低(1~10pc)。研究认为,苏里格大气田天然气充注可能是一个连续的过程,主要经历了一期成藏,其主要成藏期为晚侏罗世-早白垩世。通过生气动力学与碳同位素动力学的研究表明,苏里格大气田天然气主要来源于苏里格地区及周缘的石炭-二叠系煤系烃源岩,为近源充注、累积聚气成藏。  相似文献   

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