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凹顶藻属(Laurencia)属于红藻门,真红藻纲,仙菜目,松节藻科,凹顶藻亚科。本属是松节藻科种类最多的少数几个属之一,目前世界上已知约85种左右,多生于热带、亚热带和温带海域。本属的种类变异很大,在分类上被认为是很困难的一个属。 本文对我国西沙群岛产的凹顶藻属进行了分类研究,除因标本数量过少或因缺乏必要的生殖器官,有待将来调查采集补充标本后再行研究外,经鉴定共有下列11种,隶于两个亚属和6个组。  相似文献   

福建省气候温暖、潮湿,境内多山,溪河纵横,沟渠塘堰密布,动植物种类繁多,双星藻科植物种类也很丰富。1964—1976年,福建师范大学生物系对福建省双星藻科植物进行了广泛的调查。1977年我们对该科藻类进行了分类研究,共鉴定约90种,其中发现一些新的种类。本文报导了11新种,1新变种,分属于:双星藻属(Zygnema)3种;拟双星藻属(Zygnemopsis)1种,转板藻属(Mougeotia)1种,膝接藻属(Zygogonium)1种及1变  相似文献   

西沙群岛和南沙群岛、中沙群岛、东沙群岛一样,历来就是中国领土的一部分,我们坚决支持我国政府一再声明的这一严正立场。 西沙群岛红藻的研究始于樊恭炬和王永川(1974)发表的“我国西沙群岛海藻的研究I.殖丝藻属”。文中把世界上分布较广的暖水性海藻Liagora farinosa Lamx移至一新建立的殖丝藻属,名为Ganonema farinose (Lamx.) Fan et Wang.1975年,樊恭炬等在同一题目的第二篇“Ⅱ.海索面科(红藻门)的一些新种及新纪录”中报告了以下各种: 中国粉枝藻 Liagora sinensis Fan, Wang et Pan 鼓苞粉枝藻 L. setchellii Yamada 纤细粉枝藻 L. filiformis Fan et Li 单轴殖丝藻 Ganonema pinnatiramosa ( Yamada) Fan et Wang 疣枝果丝藻 Trichogloeopsis hawaiiana Abbott et Doty 1976年,张峻甫和夏邦美在“中国江蓠属海藻的分类研究”一文中报告了西沙群岛产的弓江蓠Gracilaria artcuata Zanard.和凤尾菜G. eucheumoides Harv.两种经济海藻。 根据上述三个报告,连同记载在待刊稿上的17种,西沙群岛的红藻迄今所知者共有25种。 中国科学院海洋研究所曾于1957、1958、1975和1976年先后四次派出调查队到我国西沙群岛进行海藻调查,采集了大量标本。为了弄清这一岛群的资源情况、海藻种类和区系组成性质并进而探讨与邻近地区海藻区系的亲缘关系等。我们正在对部分红藻进行研究,所得结果将陆续整理发表。 本文报告了下列六种红藻,其中的三种为西沙群岛的新纪录,包括一种为我国新纪录。一种系新种,绝大部分为罕见的红藻。  相似文献   

李宏基 《海洋科学》1988,12(2):69-71
石花菜在分类上属红藻门(Rhodophyta)真红藻纲(Protoflorideae)石花菜目(Geliceeales)石花菜科(Gelidiaceae)石花菜属(Gelidium)。 由于石花菜体内含有大量的胶质,是制作琼胶的良好原料,故为海藻中的重要种类。近几年来,我国采用石花菜人工筏式养成获得成功,为海藻养殖业增加了新的种类。  相似文献   

我们在对我国西沙群岛海藻的研究过程中,发现有两号标本,根据其形态构造,其地位应属于真红藻纲红皮藻目节荚藻科的腹枝藻属(Gastroclonium)或腔炼藻属(Coeloseira)。腹枝藻属是 Ktzing 在1843年建立的。本属的主要特征为藻体具一中实的主干,上生中空并有横隔膜的小枝,小枝由一些缢缩成节的节片组成;囊果中心有一大的融合胞,胞周围附有大的果孢子;四分孢子体具四分孢子囊,有时有多孢子囊。1940年,Hollenberg  相似文献   

条斑紫菜藻红蛋白的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藻红蛋白存在于红藻、蓝藻与隐藻中。自Kützing(1843)首先从红藻中提出藻红蛋白以来,通过长期的研究,对这类色蛋白的种类、分布、结构和功能都有了更深入的了解。 红藻和蓝藻的藻红蛋白有三种:C-藻红蛋白,B-藻红蛋白和R-藻红蛋白。此外,在隐藻中另有三种隐藻藻红蛋白。条斑紫菜(Porphyrayezoensis)的藻红蛋白属于R-藻红蛋白。 藻红蛋白是光合作用的集光色素,它能高效率地吸收光能并将激发能传递给叶绿素a。  相似文献   

根据编写《中国海藻志》的需要, 在我国海藻学前辈们的一些工作积累的基础上,我们结合近几十年来国际上胶毛藻目海藻研究进展及其变动情况,并查阅部分相关文献,对中国黄渤海绿藻门胶毛藻目(Chaetophorales, Chlorophyta)海藻进行了初步的分类学探讨。目前, 中国黄、渤海区此目包含1科(胶毛藻科Chaetophoraceae Greville), 3属:内枝藻属Entocladia Reinke、帕氏藻属Pringsheimiella H?hnel及笠帽藻属(新拟)Ulvella P. L. Crouan et H. M. Crouan,3种,即内枝藻Entocladia virid is Reinke、盾形帕氏藻Pringsheim iella scutata (Reinke) H?hnel ex Marchew ianka及盘形笠帽藻(新拟)Ulvella lens P. L. Crouan et H.M. Crouan,其中,第2第3种为中国的新记录种。  相似文献   

根据Feldmann(1938)的评述,管枝藻目的系统分类研究工作始于Schmitz(1879),他首先创建了“group” Siphonocladaceae(发表名为Siphonocladiaceae)。又据Egerod(1952)的研究,Schmitz的“group”事实上只是一个科,Feldmann(1938),Fritsch(1947)及其他人把管枝藻目的创建者归诸Schmitz是错误的。Schmitz在此科中收容了法囊藻(Valonia),肋叶藻(Anadyomene),小网藻(Microdictyon),刚毛藻(Cladophora),硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha),黑孢藻(Pithophora),气球藻(Botrydium)和暂定的网叶藻(Struvea)以及他的新属管枝藻(Siphonocladus)。De Toni(1889)将Schmitz的管枝藻科的各属分散在Order Confervoideae的刚毛藻科的刚毛藻亚科(Cladophoreae)、绵枝藻亚科(Spongocladieae)、小网藻亚科(Microdictyeae)、肋叶藻亚科(Anadyomene)和法囊藻亚科(Valonieae)中。Blackman and Tansley(1902)简历管藻目时下分管藻亚目(Siphoneae)包括无分隔的种类和管枝藻亚目(Siphonocladeae)包括分隔的种类;后者由孢根藻科(Gomontiaceae),刚毛藻科(Cladophoraceae),环藻科(Sphaeropleaceae)和法囊藻科(Valoniaceae)等四个科组成。  相似文献   

中国近海首次发现的内寄生多毛类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内寄生多毛类大都属矶沙蚕目Eunicida花索沙蚕科Arabellidae,迄今全世界只报道了5属10种,其寄主绝大部分是多毛类(裂虫科Syllidae、矶沙蚕科Eunicidae、欧努菲虫科Onuphidae、海稚虫科Spionidae和蛰龙介科Terebellidae),只有一种寄生在螠虫类Echiu-roidea体内。内寄生多毛类大多数只有一个寄主,少数可寄生在2种或5种以上的多毛类  相似文献   

本文继续报告了我国西沙群岛产的十种红藻,其中的光辉软毛藻[Wrangelia argus(Mont.) Mont.],粗枝软毛藻[W. tagoi (Okam.) Okam. et Segawa]和猩红斜网藻(Vanvoorstia coccinea J. Ag.)等三种为我国新记录;多孢毡藻(Haloplegma polyspora sp. nov.)为一新种;粗枝软毛藻和球枝藻[Tolypiocladia glomerulata (Ag.) Schmitz]的四分孢子囊以及猩红斜网藻的精子囊均为首次记述。此外,通过对国内外产的一些软毛藻属种类的研究对分类依据的皮层概念进行了讨论,并在此基础上根据皮层的特征建议把软毛藻属分作三个组。  相似文献   

关于我国广东省西沙群岛的绿藻类,已报道了26种,其中20种隶属于管枝藻目,6种隶属于管藻目。所报道的种类虽然不多,但是,有8种是新种,占已报导种类的30%,比例相当大,可见这个地区海产绿藻类是相当丰富的。 本文所报导的14种,都是这个地区的新记录,其中7种是我国的新记录,包括一个新种——中华绿毛藻(Chlorodesmis sinensis sp.now.),其他我国的新记录是:锯叶蕨藻(Caulerpa brachypus Harvey),瘤枝藻(Tydemania expeditions Weber-van Bosse),卵形松藻(Codium ovale Zanardini),密岛仙掌藻(Halimeda micronesica Yamada),棒形伞藻(Acetabularia clavata Yamada),梨形伞藻(A. tsengiana Egerod)。此外,还有在我国已有报导而在西沙群岛是首次记录的绿藻:针叶蕨藻(Caulerpa sertularioides (Gmelin)Howe),杉叶蕨藻(C. tarifolia (vahl.)C.Ag.),齿形蕨藻(C. serrulata (Forssk.) J.Ag. emend Boerg.)绒毛蕨藻(C. webbiana Mont.),小钙扇藻(Udotea javensis (Mont.) A.et E.S.Gepp)环蠕藻(Neomeris annulata Dickie),小伞藻(Acetabularia m?bii Solms-Laubach)。  相似文献   

珊瑚藻科都是海生藻类,其细胞壁中含有大量的碳酸钙,外形犹如动物珊瑚,分枝或不分枝,还有些呈片状或块状。紧贴在基质上,故有珊瑚藻之称。珊瑚藻科通常分两个亚科:藻体的直立部分分节,即钙化的节间(intergenicula)和不钙化的节(genicula)接连相间的,属于有节珊瑚藻亚科(Corallinoideae);藻体不分节而全面钙化,紧贴生长在基质上,有的种类其藻体表面并具各式各样甚至是分枝状的突起的,属于无节珊瑚藻亚科(Melo besioideae)。 由于珊瑚藻类的藻体内含有大量的钙质,同其他的红藻相比较,在进行其形态研究和种类鉴定的工作中就必然会遇到一些额外的困难,需要多作些处理,也即是说,首先需要用各种含酸的去钙剂溶解掉其藻体内的钙质,而后才能进行组织观察或切片,并作出比较正确的种类鉴定。正由于存在着这些困难,早期的藻类学家多偏于根据珊瑚藻的外部形态特征来鉴定其种类。这当然是很不够的,以致造成了珊瑚藻类在分类学研究上的混乱现象。 藻类研究工作者们过去对我国的珊瑚藻类还没有进行过比较系统的研究。通过近几年的调查,我们更加感到这项研究工作是很有现实意义的。我们发现在一些海区,例如山东黄县一带所产的药用海浮石竟全都是块状珊瑚藻类。另外,根据近两年来中国科学院海洋研究所的同志赴我国西沙群岛进行实地调查,带回来的丰富资料完全证实了我们过去的推断,在我国南海诸岛珊瑚礁的造礁过程中除了动物珊瑚外,还有一些珊瑚藻,特别是皮壳状的珊瑚藻类确实是起了相当重要的作用的一一在一些珊瑚环礁迎浪一面的礁缘上,这些珊瑚藻繁生特盛,形成了所谓“藻脊”(algal-ridge)。这同Taylor在马绍尔群岛以及 Womersley和Bailey在所罗门群岛所发现并描述的情况基本上是一致的。本文所用的材料就是中国科学院海洋研究所1956-1958年,特别是近两年来先后在我国西沙群岛进行调查时采获的珊瑚藻标本所鉴定的一部分种类。鉴定工作还在进行中,有关的研究结果今后将陆续发表。  相似文献   

Joonmo Choung 《Ocean Engineering》2009,36(15-16):1164-1174
Smooth and notched round specimens and smooth flat specimens are prepared from two steels, API-2W50 and DnV-DH32TM. From incremental tensile tests for smooth specimens, average true stress–logarithmic true strain curves are obtained. By using Bridgman's formula for round specimens and Choung's formula for flat specimens, average true stress is rectified. Then, tensile tests for notched specimens with various notch radiuses are carried out and damage tests are performed to identify material parameters of the damage mechanics model. Three yield models are taken into account: a shear fracture model based on a von Mises's yield function, a linear damage mechanics model based on Lemaitre's law of damage evolution, and a porous plasticity model based on Gurson's yield function. While the shear fracture model can forecast the tested plastic deformation path including final fracture for smooth specimens, it unrealistically estimates that the hydrostatic stress at the necking section largely contributes the plastic behaviors for notched specimens. The linear damage mechanics model assumes linear relationship between the damage value and plastic strain, and fails to accurately estimate the test results. The porous plasticity model presents very good agreement with experimental results regardless of the notch radiuses as long as material parameters are reasonably chosen.  相似文献   


The effect of microstructure on shear strength of saturated marine clays was investigated by conducting a series of consolidated-drained (CD), consolidated-undrained (CU) triaxial shear tests and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests on undisturbed and reconstitute specimens. The valuable findings from the experimental study are follows: (1) The shear strength of undisturbed specimens is lower than that of corresponding reconstituted specimens due to larger void ratio at the same confining pressure. However, undisturbed specimens have higher strength than reconstituted specimens when their void ratios are the same. (2) The main reason for the lower shear strength of reconstituted specimens with the same void ratio as undisturbed specimens is that more volume of inter-aggregate pores exists in the reconstituted specimens according to the MIP test results. And the difference in shear strength between undisturbed and reconstituted specimens is mainly caused by the difference in soil fabric. (3) The shear test results dealt with a reference void ratio, as a fabric index, show that there is a unique linear relation between strength and void ratio at failure to the reference void ratio. Moreover, the linear relation is suitable for other marine clays from the literature. Therefore, the reference void ratio can be used as a soil fabric index to normalize the strength characteristics of marine soft clays.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a series of Ko-consolidated compression and extension triaxial tests on specimens from undisturbed samples of Hong Kong Marine Deposits (HKMD). To investigate the strain-rate effects, a total of seven Ko-consolidated triaxial tests were conducted including four compression tests and three extension tests. After Ko-consolidation, the triaxial test specimens were sheared at step-changed axial strain rates under three different confining pressures of 50 kPa, 150 kPa, and 400 kPa, respectively. The step-changed strain rates were applied in the following order: +2%/h, +0.2%/h, +20%/h, -2%/h (unloading) and +2%/h (reloading) for the four compression tests and -2%/h, -0.2%/h, -20%/h, +2%/h (unloading) and -2%/h (reloading) for the three extension tests. The results are reported and analyzed in the paper. The results show that the strain rate effects, the stress-strain characteristics, and the effective stress paths of the specimens for tests in a compression state are different from those for tests in an extension stage. One order of magnitude increase in axial strain rate causes an average 8.6% increase in undrained shear strength for compression tests and a 12.1% increase for extension tests. It is also found that the failure mode of the specimens in compression is different from that in extension. The stress-strain behavior of specimens shows strain-softening and a clear shear band in compression tests, but strain-hardening without any clear shear band in extension tests for the same absolute value of axial strain.  相似文献   

海绵的幼虫都营浮游生活,成体海绵则都营附着生活。本文仅讨论附着在码头、船舶和浮标等长期置于水下的物体上的;所谓污着性附着生物中的海绵。 我国海域包括热带、亚热带和温带,附着生物中的海绵种类很多。本文所用材料仅采自青岛、厦门、东山、香港、雷州、榆林、涠洲岛、白龙尾和西沙群岛,除作者采集的以外,还有国家海洋局第三海洋研究所委托鉴定的标本。许多标本严重损伤,有的采集不完整或仅有几个碎片,给鉴定工作带来许多困难。经作者整理,已鉴定27种,隶属于钙质海绵和寻常海绵两个纲的13科17属,其中有5个新种,除日本毛壶外,其余21种都是我国海域的首次记录。本文对有关各种作了观察和描述,并对一些相近的属和种作了概要的讨论。  相似文献   

Replicate sediment samples were obtained from 3 closely spaced stations in the Kaplan East (KE) area of the abyssal eastern Equatorial Pacific (∼15°N, 119°W; ∼4100 m water depth), just below the carbonate compensation depth. At each site, 2 (Stns 827, 838) or 3 (Stn 824) complete cores (57 mm i.d.) were subsampled using 2–3 cut-off syringes of 6.6 cm3 cross-sectional area. The 0–1 cm sediment layers (>32 μm fraction) of these 20 subsamples together yielded 12,513 small, rose-Bengal stained benthic foraminifera dominated by agglutinated taxa, most of them morphologically simple monothalamous types or komokiaceans. Almost two-thirds (65%) of specimens were either obvious fragments, mainly of komokiaceans and tubular foraminifera, or single chambers or small groups of chambers believed to be fragments of very fragile komokiaceans. The remaining 4438 specimens (35%) were considered to be complete individuals. Most (78%) of these complete tests were indeterminate agglutinated spheres (termed ‘psammosphaerids’) that constituted 27.6% of all specimens (complete plus fragments). Complete individuals that could be assigned to either described or undescribed species accounted for 983 specimens (22% of complete tests=7.6% of all specimens); only 26 specimens (0.59% of complete individuals) were calcareous and these had invariably lost their tests through dissolution. Some groups exhibited considerable spatial heterogeneity. For example, 45% of the 3455 indeterminate psammosphaerids and 45% of the 3087 Komokiacean-like chambers occurred in single subcores. A total of 252 morphospecies was recognised; 168 were represented by complete individuals and 84 by fragments. There are clear differences between these Pacific assemblages and those from other oceans; in particular, psammosphaerids and isolated komokiacean chambers appear to be much more prevalent in the Pacific compared to the Atlantic Ocean. Some morphospecies present in Kaplan samples are known from the Atlantic but many are not. Such species may either (1) be ubiquitous but undersampled because they are rare or (2) have geographically patterned distributions. Without further sampling, there is no way to distinguish between these 2 possibilities. Fossilisable tests represent a very small component of the KE assemblage. Many of the delicate, monothalamous species that have little fossilisation potential, including the komokiaceans, accumulate stercomata (waste pellets) and may consume organic material and bacteria associated with sediment. Because of their enormous abundance at abyssal depths, these poorly known taxa probably play a substantial role in carbon cycling over vast areas of the Pacific seafloor.  相似文献   

Correlation, multiple regression, and path analyses were used to investigate the relationships between body weight and three other morphological traits in juvenile Japanese sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus . We measured live body weight (BW), body length (BL), numbers of papillae (NP), and numbers of tube feet (NF) at 60, 80, 100, and 130 days post-hatching (dph). We calculated path correlation coefficients, correlation indices ( R 2 ), and coefficients of determination with BW as the dependent variable and the other morphological traits as independent variables. The coefficient of variation for BW was high across all age groups, and all measured morphological traits were significantly correlated ( P < 0.01). BL had the greatest direct eff ect on BW across all age groups (60 dph, 0.526;80 dph, 0.404;100 dph, 0.620;and 130 dph, 0.681), while NF had the greatest indirect eff ect on BW across all age groups (60 dph, 0.528;80 dph, 0.452;100 dph, 0.666;and 130 dph, 0.603). Regression analyses between morphological traits and BW indicated that R 2 was greater than 0.85 only in the 100-dph specimens. The indirect eff ects of the other measured morphological traits on BW were age-dependent. The optimal regression equations, as determined with stepwise regression, were, for 60-dph specimens: BW 60 =10 (-3.04+0.092BL+0.014NP+0.014NF)( R 2 =0.632);for 80-dph specimens: BW 80 =10 (- 3.035+0.056BL+0.017NP+0.02NF)( R 2 =0.686);for 100-dph specimens: BW 100 =10 (- 3.742+0.069BL+0. 633 · lg (NP)+0. 464 · lg (NF))( R 2 =0.893);and for 130-dph specimens: BW 130 =10 (- 2.472+0.065BL+0.012NP)( R 2 =0.774). Our work clarified the correlation between various morphological traits and body weight of a commercially-important sea cucumber species ( A . japonicus ). Our predictive models for body weight might be useful for the aquaculture and selective breeding of A . japonicus . These models might also provide theoretical support for the indirect selection of traits that are difficult to select directly.  相似文献   

本文报道了在黄海首次发现的多毛类3种小型砂问海女虫(其中有两个是亚种),对其形态、地理分布进行了描述.  相似文献   

东海大陆架沉积物中的放射虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用海洋沉积物中放射虫的研究资料来判別海底地层和解决与海洋学有关的问題, 系探索海洋资源的手段之一。近年来,一些国家对世界大洋的调查研究工作进展很快,目前,除北冰洋外;几乎对各大洋的大部分海域都进行了钻探取样。其中,用放射虫沉积岩样结合地层学进行分析划带的工作已有很大进展。东海大陆架范围辽阔,资源丰富,亟待开发利用,但对其海底情况过去了解较少。为配合当前渔场调查和海底矿产资源的探测,对海底沉积物及有关方面进行调查研究是急需的。本文就东海大陆架部分地区(东经121°30′-127°,北纬26°30′-32°30′;图1)海底沉积物中的放射虫进行研究整理、以供作海洋开发的基础资料。  相似文献   

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