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1 IntroductionThe El Ni’o atmospheric physics oscillation is anabnormal phenomenon involved in the tropical Pacificocean- atmosphere interactions. Studies on the El Ni(ophenomenon are very attractive (Lin et al., 2000; Linet al., 2001, 2002; Wang, 2001; Feng et al., 2001;Feng et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2002; Wei and Chen,2003; Xie et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2002; Pu et al.,2003; Gu et al., 2004; Yu and Liu, 2004). Lin and Mo(2004), Mo and Lin (2004) and Mo et al. (2004) alsostudied a s…  相似文献   

对虾成熟卵子的激活都是由海水引起的,海水的刺激引起成熟的卵母细胞发生皮层反应,完成减数分裂,这一过程同有无精子的作用无关(Clark et al.,1977,1980; Lynn et al.,1991; Pillai et al.,1987)。在对锐脊单肢虾(Sicyonia ingentis)的卵子激活研究中发现,其成熟卵子无论受精与否在接触海水以后均具有相同的激活过程,受精卵和未受精卵的皮层反应及减数分裂的恢复没有区别,而海水中刺激卵子发生皮层反应直接因子是Mg2+而不是Ca2+。在无Mg2+人工海水中,锐脊单肢虾的卵子不能激活;而在无Ca2+人工海水中,卵子则可正常激活(Pillai et al.,1987; Lindsay et al.,1992a)。Mg2+对锯额长臂虾(Palaemon serratus)卵子减数分裂的形响的研究表明,锯额长臂虾卵子减数分裂的恢复必须有Mg2+参与,而Ca2+则是非必须的;胞外Mg2+可以诱导卵子的皮层反应,并使卵膜外的微绒毛消失;胞外Mg2+的增加可使卵子内部游离Ca2+浓度发生变化,从而诱导卵子的激活(Goudeau et al.,1986,1991,1996)。 根据前人的报道,胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白抑制剂对对虾精子的顶体反应、卵子的激活都具有明显的影响(Lynn et al.,1987; Griffin et al.,1990; Lindsay et al.,1992b; Chen et al.,1994)。Lynn等(1987)报道褐对虾(Penaeus aztecus)的卵胶前体(jelly procusor)含有约70%-75%的蛋白质及25%-30%的多糖,胰蛋白酶对于人工分离的卵胶前体具有明显的降解作用,胰蛋白酶抑制剂可以抑制卵子在海水中的激活,Griffin等(1990)的研究发现,锐脊单肢虾的卵子内含有类胰蛋白酶的物质,解剖性成熟雌虾获得的卵子置入海水摇匀,上清液-卵水(egg water)可以诱导取自雌虾纳精囊内的精子发生顶体反应,胰蛋白酶也可以诱导对虾精子的顶体反应,而胰蛋白酶抑制剂则完全可以抑制对虾精子在人工海水中发生顶体反应时顶体丝的形成。Lindsay等(1992b)的研究也得出了类似的结果,并对卵水和胰蛋白酶不同浓度及不同作用时间下对对虾精子顶体反应的诱导作用进行比较研究。Chen等(1994)对锐脊单肢虾精子的提取物进行生化分析发现,精子内部也有类胰蛋白酶的物质,并通过免疫电镜技术将其进行定位,精子的提取物可以降解分离的卵黄膜。 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(Laser scanning confocal microscope)在海洋动物的受精及发育生物学的研究中已有一些报道(Sardet et al.,1992; Stricker et al.,1992; Shen et al.,1993; Jaffe, et al.,1994; Malinda, et al.,1994)。而在对虾的受精及发育生物学方面应用还比较少,只有锐脊单肢虾的卵子激活及早期发育的研究上有一些报道(Hertzler et al., 1992, 1994: Lindsay et al.,1992a)。 海水中的离子成分是影响卵子激活的关键因子,而胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶抑制剂对对虾受精也有着很大影响,这两方面的工作在国内、外中国对虾的受精生物学研究中均未见报道。 作者对上述两类理化因子对中国对虾卵子激活的影响进行研究,并使用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜对中国对虾卵子受胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶抑制剂的作用而发生的形态变化进行研究,初步分析了造成异常卵裂的原因。  相似文献   

1IntroductionTunicates(Chordata:Thaliacea)are large pe-lagic gelatinous zooplankton.They can be used as in-dicator species for ocean currents and water bodies(Chen et al.,1980;Chen et al.,1988;Lin,1988,1990;Lin and Zhang,1993;Thompson,1948).They also play…  相似文献   

I~IOXWith regard tO the 5,tudy on the planktonic copeal distributions in the Kuroshio waters ofthe East China Sea and its adjacent areas, a great ~nt of reSearch work has been made by somescholars at home (He and Yang, 1990; Meng et al., 1990; He, 1990; Liu et al., 1991; He etal., 1992; He et al., 1994). HOwever, the most of them were made in a single season, and it isabet about in the research of the various aspects of species comPOSition, abundance distributionand ecological characte…  相似文献   

非线性随机海浪模型的一种新形式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以反映随机海浪非线性的波面高度分布高阶矩为参量,提出一种新形式的非线性随机海浪模型,在三阶近似下具体导出其波面高度的表达工和推导出二阶谱。本文模式为Longuet-Hggins模式的另一种新的数学表示。  相似文献   

I~IOXThe alkaline phOSPhataSe (AP) has been more and more studied following the study of thephosphorus limitation (Suttle and Harrision, 1988; Hu et al., 1989; Huang et al., 1996). PeOple used to take dissolved inorganic phOSphorus (DIP) level and uptake rate by algae as phosphOrus limitation indicators (Vera and Petterson 1992; Huang and HOng, 1994). But recent resultsindicate that diSSOlved organic phosphorus (DOP) and particulate organic phOSphorus (PP) couldalso be utilized b…  相似文献   

1Introduction Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria(AAPB) are facultative heterotrophs that can utilizelight for photosynthesis. These unique-functioningbacteria are widely distributed in marine environ-ments, such as coastal waters (Shiba et al., 1991…  相似文献   

南大洋在全球气候系统中起着重要的作用,对世界大洋水团的形成有重要的影响。在世界大洋中,约有55%-60%的海水特性应当归结于南大洋的物理过程。目前,南大洋的研究已得到各国海洋学者的日益关注,进展较大。但是,对于地处印度洋扇形区的普里兹湾海区的观测和研究则相对较少,其结果的差别甚大。例如底层水形成问题,有些研究者认为这一海区的底层水主要来源于威德尔海和罗斯海,本区内对底层水的贡献即使有,也是非常小的(Smith et al.,1984; Mantyla et al.,1995)。而有些研究者则从观测资料中找到了底层水有可能形成的迹象。就目前研究的结果来看,有些年份,如1982年(Middleton et al.,1989),1987年(Woehler et al.,1988),1991年(乐肯堂等,1996)均发现了异常高盐的陆架水,它有可能与深层水混合而形成底层水。对于该海区的环流特别是深层环流迄今为止也是知之甚少。大多数研究是基于动力高度的计算结果( Grigor yev,1967;Smith et al.,1984,1993;Middleton et al.,1989),但他们给出的环流型式相互之间差异很大。这些差异的存在,虽然确有年际变化等因素,但也不能排除研究方法本身的局限。该海区地形复杂(图1),海冰有显著的季节变化和年际变化(Allison et al.,1993,1994),使得该海区的物理海洋状况非常复杂。南极地区由于环境恶劣,海洋观测集中在夏季,并且资料的连续性较差,因而使传统的研究方法受到很大限制。为了充分发挥有限的实测资料的作用,采用合理的动力学和热力学模式并利用数值方法求解模式方程,不失为一种有效的研究途径。迄今为止,这一海区的数值研究还很少,考虑热力学作用的模式则尚未见诸报道。本文将利用最新的资料和模式,并在模式中同时考虑动力学和热力学的作用,用以研究普里兹湾海区的环流与海冰的动力学和热力学过程。以往的研究发现、等密面分析是研究普里兹湾海区混合与环流的有效方法(乐肯堂等,1997),我们将采用国际上新近发展起来的一种基于等密面的数值计算模式,研究普里兹湾海区环流和海冰的季节变化。这一工作将有助于进一步解决该海区南极底层水的形成问题,因而对于深入认识该海区在南大洋环流系统以至全球气候系统中的作用有重要意义。  相似文献   

异枝凹顶藻Laurencia intermedia Yamada广泛地分布于东亚西太平洋沿岸的中国、朝鲜半岛(Nam et al. , 1984)及日本(Yoshida et al. , 1998)。在东南亚的菲律宾(Silva et al., 1987),太平洋的斐济岛(NYeurt et al., 1996),东非、印度次大陆及印度洋的斯里兰卡、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚及Réunion (Silva et al., 1996),以及西非的利比里亚、象牙海岸及加纳(Law son et al., 1987)等地均有报道。 Howe(1934)最早报道了中国的异枝凹顶藻。1962年,曾呈奎、张峻甫在“黄海西部沿岸海藻区系的温度性质”一文中也提到了该藻。1983年, 曾呈奎等在《Common seaweeds of China》中报道了黄海沿岸的异枝凹顶藻。1983年, 杭金欣等在《浙江海藻原色图谱》报道了浙江嵊山、渔山和南凫岛的异枝凹顶藻。1988年,张峻甫等也再次对该藻进行了报道。2000年,黄淑芳报道了台湾的异枝凹顶藻。  相似文献   

We assess the influence of changes in the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of elevations on a rough sea surface that were observed in field conditions on the accuracy of the recovery of the sea-surface level along the satellite trace. For different values of a significant height of surface waves, we obtain numerical estimates for the bias in relief recovery due to the simultaneous variation in skewness and kurtosis. It is shown that, with a decrease in kurtosis, the effect of skewness changes on the accuracy of altimetry measurements of the level increases. We note the limitations of the Gram-Charlier model in simulating the radar waveforms return from the sea surface.  相似文献   

The development of a model for the second-order bistatic high-frequency (HF) radar cross section on an ocean surface patch remote from the transmitter and receiver is addressed. A new approach is taken that allows a direct comparison with existing monostatic cross sections for finite regions of the ocean surface. The derivation starts with a general expression for the bistatically received second-order electric field in which the scattering surface is assumed to be of small height and slope. The source field is taken to be that of a vertically polarized dipole, and it is assumed that the ocean surface can be described, as is usually done, by a Fourier series in which the coefficients are zero-mean Gaussian random variables. Subsequently, a bistatic cross section of the surface, normalized to patch area, is derived. The result is verified by the following two means: 1) the complete form of the bistatic HF radar cross section in backscattering case is shown to contain an earlier monostatic result that has, itself, been used extensively in radio oceanography applications; and 2) the bistatic electromagnetic coupling coefficient is shown to reduce exactly to the monostatic result when backscattering geometry is imposed. The model is also depicted and discussed based on simulated data  相似文献   

利用实测和实验室数据分析了未破碎变浅海浪波面高度分布三阶矩(或波面偏度)相对于Hs/d的空间演化,利用本文的经验关系,在二阶近似下,给出了以Hs/d为参量的非线性波面表示模式,并推导了功率谱、二阶谱以及波面高度分布函数等特征量.文中还讨论了波面偏度和峰度的相关关系.  相似文献   

针对现行业务运行的宙达高度计风速反演算法从考虑0~20 m/s的缺陷,提出了vc算法(Vandemark-Chapron Algorithm)与Young算法联合反演高度计海曲风速的方法,通过对Jason-1资料的统计试验,确定了后向散射截面临界点,当高度计后向散射截面大于等于该临界点时采用VC算法反演风速,反之采用Y...  相似文献   

A physical radar cross-section model for a wind-driven sea with swell   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new spectrum model for the ocean surface is proposed. We determine the two unknown parameters in this spectrum by fitting it to radar observations. We find that this spectrum combined with two-scale scattering theory can predict much of the observed dependence of the radar cross section on radar frequency, polarization, angle of incidence, and wind velocity at incidence angles in the0deg-70degrange. The spectrum model is combined with a model for swell to examine the effect of swell on the radar cross section. We find that the effect of swell is significant for low radar frequencies (Lband) and near normal incidence but can be nearly eliminated by using higher frequencies (K_{u}band) and large angles of incidence (approx 50deg).  相似文献   

The effect of sea surface waves longer than Bragg components on the backscattering of centimeter electromagnetic radiation is studied on the basis of data on direct field measurements of sea-surface slopes. A situation in which waves with wavelengths greater than 10 cm are longer than the Bragg components is considered. The increase in the backscattering cross section that is due to the presence of long waves is numerically estimated for sounding at horizontal and vertical polarization. Nonlinear effects in the field of surface waves result in the departure of the distribution of sea-surface slopes from a Gaussian distribution and lead to a change in the backscattering cross section. At a sounding angle of 35°, this change may reach 15% with respect to the cross section calculated for a Gaussian surface.  相似文献   

Backscattering of centimeter electromagnetic waves during nadir probing of the sea surface is considered in an approximation of the Kirchoff method and a two-scale model of the scattering surface. A model of the effective reflection coefficient is developed under the assumption of the specified roughness spectrum model, and the coefficients for Ku (0.021 m), C (0.055 m), and S (0.09 m) bands are calculated. The dependence of the backscattering cross section on the wind speed, wind fetch, and the height of the swell are numerically investigated. The proximity of the numerical estimates and the experimental data is demonstrated. The dependence of the difference of two cross sections on the wind speed or on one of the backscattering cross sections is analyzed in dual-frequency measurements. It is shown that the numerical model made it possible to describe the nonmonotonic behavior of the difference cross section for the Ku-C and Ku-S pairs for the first time. The developed effective reflection coefficient model made it possible to predict in the numerical experiment the behavior of the difference cross section of a new frequency pair (C and S) for which in situ measurements have not yet been performed.  相似文献   

A nonlinear model for nonbreaking shoaling random waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AnonlinearmodelfornonbreakingshoalingrandomwavesLiuXin'an,HuangPeiji,ChenXueying,HuZejian(ReceivedOctober15,1996,acceptedAugu...  相似文献   

On the oceanographic platform of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, we performedin situ investigations of surface waves based on the analysis of the fluctuations of radar signals at a wavelength of 1.2 cm. We analyzed both the traditional modulation transfer function used to describe variations of the scattering cross section for the scales of surface waves and the correlation of mean variations of the level of radar signals with the group structure of waving. This is of interest for applications in medium-resolution radar systems (−200–500m) recording the group structure of waving in the process of its smoothing. The experimental estimations of the amplitude of variations of radar signals caused by the group structure of waving are in good agreement with numerical results obtained with the help of a two-scale model of scattering of radar signals by the sea surface. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

海洋微波散射模型相比于以经验统计建立的地球物理模式函数具有不受特定微波频率限制的优势。组合布拉格散射模型和几何光学模型形成了复合雷达后向散射模型。利用南海北部气象浮标2014年海面风速风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与RADARSAT-2卫星C波段SAR、HY-2A卫星Ku波段微波散射计的海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(?0.22±1.88) dB (SAR)、(0.33±2.71) dB (散射计VV极化)和(?1.35±2.88) dB (散射计HH极化);以美国浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标2011年10月1日至2014年9月30日共3年的海面风速、风向实测值作为散射模型输入,分别比较了复合雷达后向散射模型与Jason-2、HY-2A卫星Ku波段高度计海面后向散射系数,偏差分别为(1.01±1.15) dB和(1.12±1.29) dB。中等入射角和垂直入射下的卫星传感器后向散射系数观测值与复合雷达后向散射模型模拟值比较,具有不同的偏差,但具有相同的海面风速检验精度,均方根误差小于1.71 m/s。结果表明,复合雷达后向散射模型可模拟计算星载SAR、散射计和高度计观测条件下的海面雷达后向散射系数,且与CMOD5、NSCAT-2、高度计业务化海面风速反演的地球物理模式函数的计算结果具有一致性;复合雷达后向散射模型可用于微波遥感器的定标与检验、海面雷达后向散射的模拟。  相似文献   

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