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安强  龙天渝  刘春静  雷雨  李哲 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):717-722
为研究紊流水体中藻类的垂向分布特性,依据三峡水库次级河流回水段的水动力状况,自行设计了水流实验装置,选取次级河流回水区水华高发时段的气候状况和营养盐水平为实验条件,研究了雷诺数对蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻垂向分布的影响以及雷诺数对不同水深处藻类的悬浮和聚集行为的作用.研究结果表明:在水温为20℃、光照强度为5000 lx的富营养水体中,当断面平均流速在0~0.005 m/s、雷诺数在0~1750时,蓝藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;而当断面平均流速在0.1~0.5 m/s、雷诺数在35000~175000时,硅藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;与蓝藻和硅藻相比,绿藻适宜的雷诺数范围更宽,当断面平均流速在0~0.05 m/s、雷诺数在0~17500时,绝大部分的绿藻都能悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton assemblages from tropical (Goa) and temperate (UK) locations were exposed to a 28 day dark period, followed by a period of re-exposure to light. During this time phytoplankton survival and changes in nutrient concentrations were mapped. The tropical plankton water samples showed high nutrient levels after the dark period which were utilised by cells during the re-exposure period. UK experiments looked at the effect of three different water types on population recovery after the 28 day dark period, and differences due to seasonal effects.The population growth observed during the re-exposure period in the tropical population was comparable to that of the temperate population. Water type affected recovery and of the three tested media fresh seawater promoted the highest levels of growth. Seasonality had a significant influence on species survival. Understanding the effects of all these factors can aid the development of effective risk assessments in ballast water management.  相似文献   

As harmful algal blooms (HABs) have expanded in size and become more frequent, there have been increased efforts to predict when and why blooms occur, as well as to identify the ecological factors that limit their formation. Here we report the results of a laboratory experiment in which we examined how the establishment and proliferation of Microcystis aeruginosa, a common HAB species, was influenced by competition with resident green algae. We hypothesized that competition with green algae would reduce the final biomass of M. aeruginosa, and that the effects of competition would be most pronounced in communities of high species richness and when nutrients are scarce. We found that competition with green algae did, in fact, consistently reduce the final biomass of M. aeruginosa. The effects of competition were more pronounced in species-rich than in species-poor communities, but this was only true when nutrients were abundant. When nutrients were scarce, resident diversity did not matter because competition with any resident species was sufficient to limit the growth of M. aeruginosa. Our results confirm that biotic interactions with phytoplankton are important in limiting the establishment and proliferation of HAB species like M. aeruginosa. But our work goes on to suggest that, under some nutrient conditions, diverse communities of resident phytoplankton can be more resistant to proliferation of cyanobacteria that can cause HABs.  相似文献   

Nodularia spumigena periodically proliferates to cause toxic algal blooms with some aquatic animals enduring and consuming high densities of the blue green algae or toxic lysis. N. spumigena contains toxic compounds such as nodularin and lipopolysaccharides. This current work investigates physiological effects of exposure from bloom conditions of N. spumigena cells and a post-bloom lysis. Biochemical and antioxidative biomarkers were comparatively studied over an acute 3-day exposure. In general, a post-bloom N. spumigena lysis caused opposite physiological responses to bloom densities of N. spumigena. Specifically, increases in glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and decreases in glutathione S-transferase (GST) were observed from the N. spumigena lysis. In contrast, N. spumigena cell densities decreased GSH and increased GST and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in mussels. Findings also suggest that at different stages of a toxic bloom, exposure may result in toxic stress to specific organs in the mussel.  相似文献   

基于新的末次冰期冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型,利用有限元算法模拟了盛冰期以来东亚相对海平面的变化,并与观测数据进行比较分析.研究表明,早期相对海平面上升由盛冰期后全球冰盖消融控制,后期的变化则由地壳黏性均衡调整控制;每个时期的结果均具有显著的区域性差异,与地壳均衡作用及远场均衡效应的区域性差异有关;模拟的不确定性主要来自冰盖消融模型差异的影响,量级在观测误差范围内.此外,利用本文的GIA模拟结果,对东亚海岸历史相对海平面观测进行改正,揭示了华南全新世以来不同阶段的地壳垂直运动,其中3—8 kaBP地壳以较稳定的速率(1~4 mm/a)下沉,之后则以较小速率下降或隆升,推测可能与东南部菲律宾板块的俯冲有关;揭示近千年来粤东海岸和珠江三角洲地壳垂直运动有长期隆升趋势,而近三十年的观测结果则显示下沉,推测该差异与人类活动导致的沉降有关.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1422-1446
The coastal areas of the Southern North Sea (SNS) experience eutrophication problems resulting from freshwater nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs from rivers. In particular, massive blooms of Phaeocystis colonies occur in Belgian waters. In this region, water masses result from the mixing of Western Channel (WCH) waters transported through the Straits of Dover with nutrient-rich freshwater from the Scheldt, the Rhine and Meuse, the Seine, the Thames and other smaller rivers. However, the relative contribution of the WCH and each river to the inorganic nutrient pool and the impact on the phytoplankton community structure (diatoms and Phaeocystis) are not known. In order to effectively manage the eutrophication problems, it is necessary to know: (i) the relative contribution of the WCH and of each river impacting the region and (ii) the relative effect of a N and/or P nutrient reduction on the Phaeocystis blooms. To answer these questions, sensitivity tests (1% nutrient reduction) and nutrient reduction scenarios (50% nutrient reduction) have been performed with a three-dimensional (3D) coupled physical–biogeochemical model (MIRO&CO-3D).MIRO&CO-3D results from the coupling of the COHERENS 3D hydrodynamic model with the ecological model MIRO. The model has been set up for the region between 48.5°N, 4°W and 52.5°N, 4.5°E and run to simulate the annual cycle of carbon, inorganic and organic nutrients, phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis), bacteria and zooplankton (microzooplankton and copepods) in the SNS under realistic forcing (meteorology and river inputs) for the period 1991–2003. The relative contribution of the WCH waters and of the different rivers on the inorganic nutrient pool available for phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis) growth is assessed by decreasing by 1% the nutrient (dissolved inorganic nitrogen, DIN and inorganic phosphate, PO4) inputs from the WCH and from, respectively, the Scheldt (and smaller Belgian rivers), the Rhine/Meuse and the Seine (and smaller French rivers) [sensitivity tests]. The relative role of N and P reduction on the diatoms/Phaeocystis distribution is further explored by simulations with 50% reduction of the total (inorganic and organic) N and total P river inputs [nutrient reduction scenarios]. These scenarios allow assessing the impact of the expected 50% reduction of river nutrient inputs resulting from the implementation of nutrient reduction policy.Results of the sensitivity tests suggest that the impact of a 1% reduction of river nutrient inputs on surface nutrients (DIN and PO4) over the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) area is similar for the Seine and the Scheldt, which are in turn greater than for the Rhine. However, a hypothetical 1% reduction of nutrient input from the WCH boundary would have a higher impact than for the Scheldt. The impact of nutrient reduction is higher for DIN than for PO4 whatever the river (contrary to the WCH). DIN is more sensitive to riverine nutrient reduction because the rivers are over enriched in DIN compared to PO4. The sensitivity tests suggest also that a PO4 river input reduction would result in a N:P increase and a DIN river input reduction would result in a N:P decrease but that a combined (PO4 and DIN) input reduction would reduce the N:P ratio at sea.From 50% nutrient reduction scenarios, model results suggest that a total P reduction would induce a significant decrease of diatoms and a small (coast) to negligible (offshore) decrease of Phaeocystis biomass. On the contrary, a total N reduction would induce a significant decrease of Phaeocystis biomass and a moderate increase of diatoms. When N and P river input reductions are combined, the model predicts a significant decrease of Phaeocystis biomass in Belgian waters and a significant decrease of diatom biomass in the coastal waters and a small increase offshore. A future management plan aiming at Phaeocystis reduction should thus prioritise N reduction.  相似文献   

文章以甘肃黑方台灌区黄土滑坡区黄土为研究对象,开展了滑坡区盐分调查及水土化学特征分析,进行了不同易溶盐含量及不同含水率条件下的重塑黄土三轴固结不排水剪切试验,探讨盐分及含水率对黄土强度的影响。结果表明:滑坡区土样中易溶盐含量范围为0.15%~4.55%,易溶盐主要是以Na2SO4和NaCl为主;水化学分析显示灌溉水入渗及溶滤台塬黄土中的可溶盐,经优势通道在坡脚以泉点渗出等方式排泄并富集;试样抗剪强度随易溶盐含量的增加而提高,随含水率的增加而降低;不同易溶盐及含水率条件下,抗剪强度参数黏聚力变化范围为4.2~57.1 kPa,内摩擦角变化范围为23.1°~33.5°,黏聚力对易溶盐及含水率的变化更敏感。  相似文献   

夏季短期调水对太湖贡湖湾湖区水质及藻类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贡湖湾作为"引江济太"工程长江来水进入太湖的第一站,湖湾水体生态环境的变化是对调水工程净水效果的最好响应,因此本文针对贡湖湾一次夏季短期调水展开调查研究,分别取2013年7月24日(调水前)和2013年8月18日(短期调水后)两次监测水样的水体理化指标和浮游藻类群落数据进行了对比分析,并对浮游藻类群落与环境因子做了相关性分析.结果表明:受来水影响,短期调水后监测区水体的p H略有下降,溶解氧、浊度、硝态氮、总氮、总磷以及高锰酸盐指数等水体理化指标浓度均较调水前有所升高;其中受调水影响最为显著的区域为望虞河的入湖口区、湾心区.两次监测调水前后湖区水体优势藻种属未发生变化,仍以微囊藻为主,但蓝藻种属比例有所下降,绿藻和硅藻等种属比例则有所上升.望虞河入湖口区和贡湖湾湾心区的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数受调水的影响升高.同时,浮游藻类群落结构与受水水体理化参数的冗余分析结果表明,此次监测的短期调水后,太湖贡湖湾监测湖区水体p H、溶解氧、硝态氮、总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数等环境因子与浮游藻类的群落分布呈显著相关,是影响受水水体中藻类群落的主要环境因子.  相似文献   

The validity of categorizing the diatoms and dinoflagellates reported in the literature as non-indigenous phytoplankton in the European Seas was investigated. Species that are synonymous are often included as separate species (Gessnerium mochimaensis=Alexandrium monilatum, Gymnodinium nagasakiense=Karenia mikimotoi, Pleurosigma simonsenii=P. planctonicum), while other species names are synonyms of cosmopolitan taxa (Prorocentrum redfieldii=P. triestinum, Pseliodinium vaubanii=Gyrodinium falcatum, Gonyaulax grindleyi=Protoceratium reticulatum, Asterionella japonica=Asterionellopsis glacialis). Epithets of an exotic etymology (i.e. japonica, sinensis, indica) imply that a cosmopolitan species may be non-indigenous, and several taxa are even considered as non-indigenous in their type locality (Alexandrium tamarense and A. pseudogoniaulax). The records of Alexandrium monilatum, A. leei and Corethron criophilum are doubtful. Cold or warm-water species expand their geographical ranges or increase their abundances to detectable levels during cooling (Coscinodiscus wailesii) or warming periods (Chaetoceros coarctatus, Proboscia indica, Pyrodinium bahamense). These are a few examples of marginal dispersal associated with climatic events instead of species introductions from remote areas. The number of non-indigenous phytoplankton species in European Seas has thus been excessively inflated.  相似文献   

An increasing number of seismological studies indicate that slabs of subducted lithosphere penetrate the Earth's lower mantle below some island arcs but are deflected, or, rather, laid down, in the transition zone below others. Recent numerical simulations of mantle flow also advocate a hybrid form of mantle convection, with intermittent layering. We present a multi-disciplinary analysis of slab morphology and mantle dynamics in which we account explicitly for the history of subduction below specific island arcs in an attempt to understand what controls lateral variations in slab morphology and penetration depth. Central in our discussion are the Izu-Bonin and Mariana subduction zones. We argue that the differences in the tectonic evolution of these subduction zones—in particular the amount and rate of trench migration—can explain why the slab of subducted oceanic lithosphere seems to be (at least temporarily) stagnant in the Earth's transition zone below the Izu-Bonin arc but penetrates into the lower mantle below the Mariana arc. We briefly speculate on the applicability of our model of the temporal and spatial evolution of slab morphology to other subduction zones. Although further investigation is necessary, our tentative model shows the potential for interpreting seismic images of slab structure by accounting for the plate-tectonic history of the subduction zones involved. We therefore hope that the ideas outlined here will stimulate and direct new research initiatives.  相似文献   

硅藻与色素在古环境演化研究中的意义——以固城湖为例   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
根据固圾湖GS1孔沉积物中硅藻的丰度与组合、色素的含量与有关参数,并结合孢粉、有机碳等分析数据,较详细地讨论了从晚冰期到全新世中期(15.3 ̄6.0kaB.P.)固城湖地区古气候古环境演化的过程。同时尝试把硅藻与色素的结合作为度量湖泊古初始生产力的有效性,以及识别沉积记录有关人类活动的可能性。文中还专门论述了全新世纪初期海相硅藻出现的层位特点与背景,并与太湖作了比较,这一现象对重新认识长江三角洲地  相似文献   

The effect of peat on crust strength was investigated using ten soils with organic matter levels ranging from 1-50 to 18-23 per cent. As peat content increased, the crust strength reduced. This occurred in spite of the inability of peat to increase the stability of soil aggregates. Peat reduced crust strength by acting as a mulch on the soil surface, thereby reducing breakdown of soil aggregates. Peat also formed a source of weakness on the soil, reducing crust formation. Using a factorial experiment involving a further seven soils with different levels of peat treatment, exposed to four rainfall durations and with two aggregate sizes, crust strength was described in terms of the direct effects and the interactions of these factors. Most of the crust strength values reduced with increasing peat content. For each soil, crust strength increased significantly with increasing rainfall duration. Crust strength was greater for the smaller aggregate size. The most significant interactions affecting crust strength were between soil and aggregate size, rainfall duration and aggregate size, and soil and rainfall duration in that order. These interactions were used to describe the effect of organic matter in form of peat on crust strength. For each soil and aggregate size, polynomial relationships were established to relate crust strength to total kinetic energy of rainfall.  相似文献   

蓝藻对太湖底泥反硝化过程的影响和机理分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过模拟实验,研究了因自然或人工沉降的太湖蓝藻在厌氧条件下作为碳源对底泥微生物反硝化脱氮的促进作用.通过对底泥总氮、化合态氮素、挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)、COD、电位和pH等指标的监测,发现藻体中大量的生物可降解碳素在厌氧消解后产生挥发性脂肪酸等一些可供反硝化菌直接利用的小分子物质,2×藻组VFAs含量可达2232.96μl/L,1×藻组可达1263.36μl/L,最高可达42.1%,为对照组(无添加蓝藻)的2.43倍,从而促进了硝态氮和亚硝态氮还原成N2和N2O的过程,提高氮素的去除率.但底泥中沉降蓝藻需要一定的降解时间,前4天添加冷冻干蓝藻粉的处理组COD降解率较低,电位处于正值,体系中产生硝态氮,随后COD持续降低,添加2×藻组COD最大去除率为42.08%,1×藻组为32.93%,对照组仅为14.46%,表明藻细胞中的碳素已开始被利用.本研究表明沉降蓝藻细胞能够为底泥中的反硝化过程提供可利用碳源,并深入揭示了沉降蓝藻作为碳源促进底泥反硝化过程的机理和对底泥中C、N的影响,为在湖泊治理中降低氮素的内源污染提供了新的科学依据.  相似文献   

基于微震特性的相对震级技术研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着非常规气藏的开采开发, 微地震监测成为压裂效果评估的关键技术.四川盆地非常规油气藏开采开发处于早期, 井网密度极低导致在压裂井附近难以找到匹配深井作为观测井, 而地面、浅井等替代观测方式面临无法有效探测微地震信号的风险.微地震事件能量弱和辐射的方向性使得观测方位预判及有效监测距离的评估成为微地震监测成败的关键因素.本文提出一种基于压裂微地震能量辐射模式和地层传播特征的相对震级计算技术, 模拟微地震事件能量辐射模式及在地层传播过程中的动力学特征, 达到评估微地震相对震级与检波器方位、地层传播距离的非线性关系的目的.通过理论分析和实际微地震监测资料验证, 该方法能有效地解决微地震监测最佳观测方位的优选和有效传播距离的评估问题.  相似文献   

The karst mountain areas of Southwest China contain barren farmland soils and suffer from nutritional and water deficiencies that affect crop productivity. Hence,it is imperative to apply suitable fertilizers to restore soil fertility and maintain crop yield. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of mineral-organic fertilizer(MOF)made of potassic rock and organic waste on the growth of crops. For this purpose, green Chinese cabbage grown using three different fertilization methods including MOF,inorganic fertilizer(IF), and a control was evaluated. We determined soil water content, agronomic characteristics,and biomass of green Chinese cabbage in different treatments. Furthermore, surface runoff from the pot experiments and soil leachate from pot experiments were collected to determine water temperature, pH, and cation and anion concentrations. The results demonstrate thatMOF can improve the soil water-holding capacity of soil,and the basic agronomic characteristics of the cabbage treated with MOF were superior to those with IF. Using MOF can promote the increase in cabbage biomass.Additionally, the concentration of inorganic carbon(largely in the form of HCO_3^-) in surface runoff water treated by MOF was higher than the other treatments, establishing carbon sequestration potential. This work provides a novel and environmentally friendly fertilization pattern in karst areas, which will improve crop yield and also increase the carbon sequestration potential of crops.  相似文献   

为明晰不同流速水平对三峡支流回水区库湾藻类原位生长的影响,本文采用可调速的环形实验槽,选择三峡水库不同运行状态(低水位、高水位),对三峡澎溪河高阳平湖库湾藻类生物量(用叶绿素a浓度表示)变化特征进行原位受控实验.通过流速在0(对照)、0.1、0.2和0.3 m/s的实验发现,夏季低水位阶段澎溪河水域光热充足,但流速升高(0.2m/s)对藻类原位比生长速率具有一定影响.大体上,高阳平湖水域藻类原位比生长速率与流速水平呈对数关系.冬季高水位运行期间,流速的升高将可能在一定程度上促进水柱扰动,成为维持藻类在上层水体受光生长、避免下沉的主要因素.该时期,采用调节流速、流量的方法抑制藻类生长的难度相对较大.  相似文献   

A mature male shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, was captured with a three-strand twisted natural fiber rope wrapped around the body causing deep abrasions, scoliosis of the back, and undernourishment. Fifty-two pelagic peduculate barnacles from four species were found fouling on the rope. Assuming larval settlement occurred following entanglement, barnacle growth-rate data suggest the rope had been around the shark for at least 150 days. However, the onset of severe scoliosis (likely linked to the increased constriction of the rope with growth and the added drag induced by biofouling) indicates that this rope may have been in place much longer. Following removal of the rope, a pop-up satellite archival tag was attached to the shark to assess post-release health. The resulting 54 days of tag deployment data show that despite its injuries, the shark survived, and following an initial stress period, exhibited movement patterns characteristic of healthy makos.  相似文献   

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