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高守亭  周玉淑 《暴雨灾害》2019,40(5):431-439



我国南方MCC的涡度、水汽和热量收支平衡   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
康凤琴  肖稳安 《高原气象》2001,20(3):333-339
采用合成分析方法 ,将我国南方中尺度对流复合体的生命史划分为 7个子阶段 ,详细探讨MCC演变过程中的涡度、水汽和热量收支平衡演变特征 ,着重分析了中小尺度系统在MCC过程中的作用。结果表明 :( 1)在MCC过程中 ,中γ尺度和中 β尺度系统活动是引起涡度不平衡的重要原因。( 2 )在MCC初始阶段有中小尺度对流系统消耗MCC的水汽、热量而积极活动 ,造成MCC的视热汇、视水汽汇。成熟阶段的源区域表明有中小尺度系统的活动造成MCC的视热源、视水汽源 ,这是MCC具有长生命史的原因。MCC后期 ,中小尺度对流系统活动造成的视水汽汇和视热汇 ,与有利的大尺度天气条件的逐渐消亡 ,使MCC渐渐消失。 ( 3 )MCC的形成和启动受大尺度环境场的控制 ;一旦MCC开始活动 ,对流层低层、中层的中尺度对流系统活动对MCC的发展与持续过程有十分重要的作用 ;在MCC前期 ,中小尺度对流活动消耗MCC的总能量而启动 ;在成熟阶段中小尺度对流活动释放总能量造成了MCC的长生命史 ;MCC后期 ,大形势发生改变 (如位势不稳定度的变化等 ) ,积云对流活动和(或 )中尺度对流活动的作用与大尺度形势趋势一致 ,致使MCC消亡。 ( 4 )在MCC前期 ,潜热释放是主要加热因子 ;而后对流垂直输送水汽和热量的作用比对流凝结加热的作用大。  相似文献   

The vorticity, eddy kinetic energy, and helicity budgets were calculated to study the variations of a long-lived tropical mesoscale vortex that occurred over Hainan during the period 05?C09 October 2010. The main results are as follows: the vortex was mainly located at middle to lower levels of the troposphere, and among different levels, the dominant factors responsible for the variations of the vortex were different. Intense convergence at the lower troposphere dominated the formation and longevity of the vortex. The vertical transport of positive vorticity which was closely related to the convective activities was conducive to the formation and maintenance of the vortex. The barotropic energy conversion was favorable for the formation of the vortex, while the baroclinic energy conversion accelerated its attenuation. Background circulations were favorable for the longevity of the vortex, and interactions with other synoptic systems were important to its variations. The variation of helicity was closely related to the vortex, and the maintenance of positive helicity was another favorable factor for the longevity of the vortex.  相似文献   

华南暴雨中尺度对流系统的形成及湿位涡分析   总被引:48,自引:11,他引:37  
利用MM5模式对发生在1998年5月23~24日华南暴雨和中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,简称MCS)模拟的模式输出资料,根据湿位涡守恒原理和倾斜涡度发展理论分析了暴雨和MCS形成和发展的原因.结果表明,暴雨和MCS发生在倾斜湿等熵面具有弱对流稳定性的下陷区,沿湿等熵面下滑的冷空气与倾斜上升并具有较强对流有效位能的暖湿空气在下陷区会合的过程中经历了对流稳定性减小的过程,导致暴雨和MCS发生发展区域有气旋性的涡旋发展.对流发展区域的上空满足条件对称不稳定发生的条件,MCS中上升气流呈倾斜状态.由于湿等熵面倾斜,在暴雨和MCS的发展过程中,水平风垂直切变和湿斜压度的增大也有利于涡旋的发展,使暴雨和MCS得以维持.最后,给出了华南地区湿等熵面上暴雨和MCS发生发展的一个物理概念模型.  相似文献   

一次大范围强对流天气的中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江吉喜 《气象》1993,19(9):35-39
运用1小时间隔的数字红外云图和常规气象资料,分析了1992年4月20-22日造成我国中南部地区一次较大范围强风雹天气中的中尺度对流系统活动,展示了卫星资料与常规气象资料相结合,中尺度天气分析和临近预报中的潜力。  相似文献   

A series of three-dimensional, cloud-resolving numerical simulations are performed to examine a slowpropagating, quasi-two-dimensional convective system in a weakly sheared environment during the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (TRMM-LBA) field campaign. The focus is on the kinematics and thermodynamics, organization mechanisms, and dynamical effects of low-level shear, ice microphysics and tropospheric humidity. The control simulation, which is initialized with the observed sounding and includes full microphysics, successfully replicates many observed features of the convective system, such as the linear structure, spatial orientation, life cycle, and sluggish translation. The system at the mature stage displays a line-normal structure similar to that associated with squalltype convective systems, but the corresponding mesoscale circulation and thermodynamic modification are much weaker. Ice-phase microphysical processes are not necessary to the formation of the convective system, but they play a non-trivial role in the late evolution stage. In contrast, the low-level shear, albeit shallow and weak, is critical to the realistic realization of the convective line. The tropospheric moisture above the planetary boundary layer has an important impact on the behavior of convective organization. In particular, a dry layer in the lower troposphere significantly suppresses convective development and inhibits the generation of organized convection even though the convective available potential energy is substantial. The free-atmosphere humidity has received little attention in previous studies of organized convection and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

华南雷暴大风天气的环境条件分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨新林  孙建华  鲁蓉  张弦 《气象》2017,43(7):769-780
利用中国气象局提供的观测资料研究了2010—2014年华南雷暴大风和普通雷暴的空间分布特征,并将华南春夏两季雷暴大风和普通雷暴的大尺度环境条件进行对比。结果表明:研究的华南区域08—20时(北京时)夏季雷暴大风略多于春季,而普通雷暴夏季样本数约为春季的3.6倍,雷暴大风主要发生在粤西到珠江三角洲地区。相比于普通雷暴,雷暴大风天气发生的环境条件具有更强的条件性不稳定,斜压性和动力强迫更强。春季雷暴大风发生时环境中的大气可降水量和中高层湿度均比普通雷暴更大,而夏季反之。华南春季雷暴动力条件明显优于夏季,而夏季热力强迫的作用大于春季。  相似文献   

Central East China is an area where both intense hourly precipitation(IHP) events and mesoscale convection systems(MCSs) occur frequently in the warm seasons. Based on mosaics of composite Doppler radar reflectivity and hourly precipitation data during the warm seasons(May to September) from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2011, the contribution of MCSs to IHP events exceeding 20 mm h~(-1) over central East China was evaluated. An MCS was defined as a continuous or quasicontinuous band of 40d BZ reflectivity that extended for at least 100 km in at least one direction and lasted for at least 3h. It was found that the contribution of MCSs to IHP events was 45% on average over central East China. The largest contribution,more than 80%, was observed along the lower reaches of the Yellow River and in the Yangtze River–Huaihe River valleys.These regions were the source regions of MCSs, or along the frequent tracks of MCSs. There were two daily peaks in the numbers of IHP events: one in the late afternoon and one in the early morning. These peaks were more pronounced in July than in other months. MCSs contributed more to the early-morning IHP event peaks than to the late-afternoon peaks. The contributions of MCSs to IHP events with different intensities exhibited no significant difference, which fluctuated around 50% on average over central East China.  相似文献   

华东飑线过程中的地面中尺度物理特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文利用华东中尺度天气试验资料和雷达回波,分析了9例强飑线过程中逐时地面物理量场的变化。提出中尺度散度场的配置及变化与中尺度强对流天气有十分密切的关系,而中尺度扰动辐合强度演变与锋前暖区内的中尺度扰动风场汇合线有关,这些关系往往能预示中尺度强对流天气的出现和发展。有时,在飑线发展的过程中具有中尺度重力波特征。  相似文献   

贵州南部一次突发性大暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用地面加密观测资料、贵州自动站雨量资料、FY-2C卫星红外辐射亮度温度(tbb)资料等,对2006年6月12日夜间贵州南部突发性大暴雨过程进行了中尺度分析.结果表明:具有类似于MCC(Mesoscale Convective Complex)特征的中尺度对流云团的发生发展及其缓慢东移是造成此次大暴雨的直接原因.对流层中低层大量的水汽输送和对流有效位能的积累为大暴雨的形成提供了有利的环境条件,中高层弱冷空气入侵使偏南暖湿气流被迫抬升、地面中尺度低压和辐合线的形成是暴雨发生的可能触发机制.中尺度天气系统具有低层辐合、高层辐散的高、低空配置,暴雨区南、北两侧的正、反垂直环流构成了中尺度次级环流圈的垂直结构特征.  相似文献   

A strong cyclonic wind perturbation generated in the northern South China Sea (SCS) moved northward quickly and developed into a mesoscale vortex in southwest Guangdong Province, and then merged with a southward-moving shear line from mid latitudes in the period of 21-22 May 2006, during which three strong mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) formed and brought about torrential rain or even cloudburst in South China. With the 1° ×1° NCEP (National Centers for Environment Prediction) reanalysis data and the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) mesoscale model, a numerical simulation, a potential vorticity inversion analysis, and some sensitivity experiments are carried out to reveal the formation mechanism of this rainfall event. In the meantime, conventional observations, satellite images, and the WRF model outputs are also utilized to perform a preliminary dynamic and thermodynamic diagnostic analysis of the rainstorm systems. It is found that the torrential rain occurred in favorable synoptic conditions such as warm and moist environment, low lifting condensation level, and high convective instability. The moisture transport by strong southerly winds associated with the rapid northward advance of the cyclonic wind perturbation over the northern SCS provided the warm and moist condition for the formation of the excessive rain. Under the dynamic steering of a southwesterly flow ahead of a north trough and that on the southwest side of the West Pacific subtropical high, the mesoscale vortex (or the cyclonic wind perturbation), after its genesis, moved northward and brought about enormous rain in most parts of Guangdong Province through providing certain lifting forcing for the triggering of mesoscale convection. During the development of the mesoscale vortex, heavy rainfall was to a certain extent enhanced by the mesoscale topography of the Yunwu Mountain in Guangdong. The effect of the Yunwu Mountain is found to vary under different prevailing wind directions and intensities. The location o  相似文献   

During the Heavy Rainfall Experiment in South China (HUAMEX) of 1998, a record heavy rainfall event occurred in the delta of the Pearl River during the 24 hours from 1200 UTC 8 June to 1200 UTC 9 June, 1998, and a 24-hour precipitation maximum of 574 mm was reported in Hong Kong. In this paper, some mesoscale characteristics of this heavy rainfall event are studied using data from satellites, Doppler radar, wind profilers, and automatic meteorological stations collected during HUAMEX. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) During this heavy rainfall event, there existed a favorable large-scale environment, that included a front with weak baroclinity in the heavy rain area and with an upward motion branch ahead of the front. (2) Unlike most extratropical or subtropical systems, the closed low in the geopotential height field does not exited. The obvious feature was that a southerly branch trough in the westerlies existed and Hong Kong was located ahead of the trough. (3) The rainfall areas were located in the warm sector ahead of the front, rather than in the frontal zone, which is one of the characteristics of heavy rainfalls during the pre-rainy season of South China. A southerly warm and moist current contributed to the heavy rainfall formation, including the transportation of rich water vapor and the creation of strong horizontal wind convergence. (4) The observations show that the heavy rainfall in Hong Kong was directly caused by a series of meso β systems rather than a mesoscale convective complex (MCC). These meso β systems moved with the steering current in the lower-mid troposphere, their life cycles were 3-6 hours, and their horizontal sizes were 10-100 km. (5) The disturbances in the lower and mid troposphere, especially that in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) were very shallow. However, they are a possible trigger mechanism for the occurrence and development of the mesoscale convective systems and related heavy rainfalls. Finally, a conceptual model of the heav  相似文献   

利用WRF模式对2009年6月发生在西南地区的一次中尺度对流复合体(Me-soscale Convective Complex,MCC)天气过程进行了数值模拟,结合HYSPLIT拉格朗日轨迹分析,研究了此次强对流天气调控下的对流层向平流层输送(Troposphere-to-Strat-osphere transport...  相似文献   

曾勇  杨莲梅 《暴雨灾害》2020,38(1):41-51, 182

利用常规观测、风云卫星、多普勒天气雷达、CMORPH卫星降水量融合资料和NCEP/NCAR(0.25°×0.25°)再分析资料,对2016年6月16-17日新疆西部一次罕见暴雨过程进行中尺度分析。结果表明:(1)该暴雨过程具有累计雨量大、暴雨强度强、局地日雨量破极值、短时强降水范围广等特点。暴雨区位于200 hPa高空西南急流出口区左侧、500 hPa偏南气流及700 hPa切变线附近。较强的CAPEK指数对该暴雨有很好的指示意义。(2)该暴雨过程发生在低层辐合、高层辐散、低层较湿的有利背景下。强正涡度、强辐合和强上升运动不断将水汽和能量向上输送,为暴雨的产生提供有利的环境条件。(3)中亚地区中尺度雨团在发展演变过程中,逐渐形成西南-东北向带状多中心雨带,中心依次到达伊犁北部沿山地区,和原有的中尺度雨团共同作用,造成暴雨天气过程。中尺度对流云团不断产生于中亚地区,在东移过程中不断发展加强依次到达暴雨区,致使暴雨区不断产生短时强降水。(4)暴雨过程两个时段的中尺度对流系统存在明显差异,第一时段主要为孤立中尺度对流系统,造成伊宁博尔博松站成为暴雨中心并出现最强短时强降水的直接系统是风场特征明显的中γ尺度对流单体并在暴雨区维持少动。第二时段为CR达50 dBz、DVIL达4 g·m-3,长度达70 km、宽度达10km且呈准南北态的线状中尺度对流系统,其在向东移动过程中造成多站依次出现短时强降水天气。


利用常规气象观测、地面加密自动站和多普勒天气雷达资料,结合WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)模式模拟资料,对2015年6月26—28日长江中下游的一次梅雨锋暴雨过程中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,MCS)的组织特征和对流触发条件进行分析。结果表明:1)暴雨过程线状MCS在发展初期表现为东西向雨带不断的"后部建立"以及随后对流单体的"列车效应";在发展成熟期,对流单体向东北—西南向发展,形成多个近乎平行的东北—西南向短雨带。呈现2种尺度的对流组织方式:新生对流单体沿着单个雨带向东北方向的"列车效应"和短雨带沿着线状M CS向东平流的"列车带"效应。2)低空急流的持续加强为对流的发生发展提供了条件性不稳定和对流有效位能,偏南暖湿气流在向东北推进的过程中,在风速辐合处被强迫抬升至自由对流高度,释放不稳定能量,触发对流。3)对流雨带内近地面向南的冷出流与低层西南暖湿气流的持续交汇和相互作用有利于新单体生成发展,使雨带得以维持。  相似文献   

周仲岛 《暴雨灾害》2020,29(2):109-116

从1987年开始,台湾暴雨研究进入一个新纪元,由早期定性描述分析进入定量计算与模拟,其中包括新观测设施的建设与数值天气预报系统的建立。近年来,随着全球气候变暖,台湾极端降雨事件有所增加,其中不少极端降雨事件是由非台风暴雨所致,往往给当地社会经济和人民生命财产造成严重影响,这就迫切需要不断提高强降雨定量预报业务水平。本文通过对近30 a台湾在非台风暴雨研究发展方面取得的主要进展的回顾,重点介绍了台湾气象部门为了提高强降雨定量预报业务水平所做出的努力,同时对未来台湾非台风暴雨研究规划与方向作了简要介绍。


一次冷锋南侧对流性暴雨诊断分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹洁  吴静  曹晓岗  陈云辉 《气象》2009,35(11):39-47
利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP资料、卫星、雷达和地面加密观测等资料,对2008年5月27-28日江西北部一次冷锋南侧(冷锋前)对流性暴雨过程进行天气动力学诊断分析和中尺度分析.结果表明:(1)对流性暴雨出现在冷锋前的主要原因是:各层槽线位置近于垂直,锋面陡峭,并出现前倾槽结构;冷锋前低层暖湿气流异常强盛,下暖湿上干冷使对流不稳定能量增强;当冷锋移近、气旋波发展东移和低空急流加强,触发了冷锋前对流不稳定能量释放.(2)本次暴雨具有明显中小尺度特征,共有4个β中尺度对流系统沿地面冷锋南侧发展东移,850 hPa的中尺度辐合线、地面中低压和中尺度辐合线、云顶亮温低值区、强回波区及雷达速度图上逆风区等均揭示中小尺度扰动系统存在,且中小尺度扰动系统与暴雨雨团对应很好.  相似文献   

利用2013—2017年6—8月FY-2E和FY-2G地球静止卫星相当黑体温度(Black Body Temperature,TBB)资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对我国夏季东北冷涡下东北地区MCS的分布和活动特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1) MCS的活动具有明显的月际变化和日变化特征,6月对流活动最活跃。MCS的主要移向是东、东北和东南,平均移动距离3.99个经纬距。(2) MCS成熟时刻的面积、偏心率和生命史均小于江淮地区以及中国中东部,云顶高度低于江淮地区,整个生命史表现出发展快消亡慢的特征,与江淮地区相反。(3)基于MCS的定义得到的Z标准,对2016—2017年的MCS作了统计分析并与J标准统计得到的MCS进行对比,得出,两种定义下的MCS环境场特征基本一致,主要表现为MCS多生成于500 hPa槽前和槽后,对流层高层MCS位于双急流之间靠近北支急流的辐散区,南侧急流高度在200 hPa,北侧的急流高度在250 hPa。低层,位于低空急流左侧,低涡南侧、东南侧,有较强的水汽和动量输送。槽前生成的MCS南侧中层存在垂直反环流向MCS输送干暖空气与位涡,槽后生成的MCS两侧均有大值位涡向其输送,同时北侧冷干空气的输送使锋区及上升运动加强,更有利于MCS的形成。(4)两种标准下的MCS造成的降水明显不同,在统计强降水方面Z标准要优于J标准。由于Z标准空间与时间尺度较小,统计得到的MCS较多;但同时会遗漏部分相对弱的MCS。  相似文献   


2021年8月7—8日,四川盆地中东部出现大暴雨、局地特大暴雨,是重庆2021年度社会影响最大的一次暴雨过程。采用多源观测及ERA5再分析资料,对此次大暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:大暴雨发生在低槽移入四川盆地诱发暖性西南低涡背景下,具有显著的阶段性、跳跃性和极端性特征。大暴雨先后形成于西南低涡中心东南部、西南低涡东侧和西南低涡南侧暖湿的边界层辐合线附近。各阶段大暴雨均由移动缓慢、维持时间达3~6 h的β中尺度对流系统影响形成,暖湿不稳定和弱垂直风切变为β中尺度对流系统的形成提供了有利的环境条件。涡度分析表明,西南低涡的发展主要源于低空辐合及垂直涡度输送效应,但暴雨区的正涡度发展与西南低涡并不完全相同,水平涡度倾侧效应较为显著。第一阶段暴雨区正涡度主要源于对流层中低层西南低涡中心附近显著的低空辐合、涡度垂直输送及水平涡度倾侧效应;第二阶段和第三阶段暴雨区正涡度主要源于边界层辐合及边界层以上的水平涡度倾侧效应,边界层辐合触发暖湿大气中的中尺度对流活动促进了第二阶段和第三阶段大暴雨的形成。


The multi-scale weather systems associated with a mei-yu front and the corresponding heavy precipitation during a particular heavy rainfall event that occurred on 4 5 July 2003 in east China were successfully simulated through rainfall assimilation using the PSU/NCAR non-hydrostatic, mesoscale, numerical model (MM5) and its four-dimensional, variational, data assimilation (4DVAR) system. For this case, the improvement of the process via the 4DVAR rainfall assimilation into the simulation of mesoscale precipitation systems is investigated. With the rainfall assimilation, the convection is triggered at the right location and time, and the evolution and spatial distribution of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are also more correctly simulated. Through the interactions between MCSs and the weather systems at different scales, including the low-level jet and mei-yu front, the simulation of the entire mei-yu weather system is significantly improved, both during the data assimilation window and the subsequent 12-h period. The results suggest that the rainfall assimilation first provides positive impact at the convective scale and the influences are then propagated upscale to the meso- and sub-synoptic scales.
Through a set of sensitive experiments designed to evaluate the impact of different initial variables on the simulation of mei-yu heavy rainfall, it was found that the moisture field and meridional wind had the strongest effect during the convection initialization stage, however, after the convection was fully triggered, all of the variables at the initial condition seemed to have comparable importance.  相似文献   

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