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A comprehensive monitoring programme focusing on bedload transport behaviour was conducted at a large gravel‐bed river. Innovative monitoring strategies were developed during five years of preconstruction observations accompanying a restoration project. A bedload basket sampler was used to perform 55 cross‐sectional measurements, which cover the entire water discharge spectrum from a 200‐year flood event in 2013 to a rare low flow event. The monitoring activities provide essential knowledge regarding bedload transport processes in large rivers. We have identified the initiation of motion under low flow conditions and a decrease in the rate of bedload discharge with increasing water discharge around bankfull conditions. Bedload flux strongly increases again during high flood events when the entire inundation area is flooded. No bedload hysteresis was observed. The effective discharge for bedload transport was determined to be near mean flow conditions, which is therefore at a lower flow discharge than expected. A numerical sediment transport model was able to reproduce the measured sediment transport patterns. The unique dataset enables the characterisation of bedload transport patterns in a large and regulated gravel‐bed river, evaluation of modern river engineering measures on the Danube, and, as a pilot project has recently been under construction, is able to address ongoing river bed incision, unsatisfactory ecological conditions for the adjacent national park and insufficient water depths for inland navigation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coarse bedload transport dynamics are investigated utilizing hydrodynamic and sediment transport data obtained in an extensively instrumented study reach located in Squaw Creek, Montana, USA. During 1991 and 1992, a number of discrete bedload transport events associated with the daily rise and fall in stream discharge were investigated. Data show that initiation of sediment transport was accompanied by a reduction in bed roughness and by changes in bulk hydraulic parameters. For larger discharges, coarser fractions of the bed material mobilized, and bedload transport rates and average hydraulic parameters stabilized. As discharge reduced, mobile coarse particles became less frequent and deposited fine particles were removed, resulting in an increase in bed roughness. These observations are attributed to the downstream translation of bar sediments during the passage of a hydrograph. Bedload pulses were aperiodic but spatially variable. Flow turbulence and velocity profile data obtained during low flows allowed comparison between average bed shear stress and apparent bed roughness estimates obtained using different approaches. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unsteady bedload transport was measured in two c. 5 m wide anabranches of a gravel‐bed braided stream draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, during the 1998 and 1999 melt seasons. Bedload was directly sampled using 152 mm square Helley–Smith type samplers deployed from a portable measuring bridge, and independent transport rate estimates for the coarser size fractions were obtained from the dispersion of magnetically tagged tracer pebbles. Bedload transport time series show pulsing behaviour under both marginal (1998) and partial (1999) transport regimes. There are generally weak correlations between transport rates and shear stresses determined from velocity data recorded at the measuring bridge. Characteristic parameters of the bedload grain‐size distributions (D50, D84) are weakly correlated with transport rates. Analysis of full bedload grain‐size distributions reveals greater structure, with a tendency for transport to become less size selective at higher transport rates. The bedload time series show autoregressive behaviour but are dif?cult to distinguish by this method. State–space plots, and associated measures of time‐series separation, reveal the structure of the time series more clearly. The measured pulses have distinctly different time‐series characteristics from those modelled using a one‐dimensional sediment routing model in which bed shear stress and grain size are varied randomly. These results suggest a mechanism of pulse generation based on irregular low‐amplitude bedforms, that may be generated in‐channel or may represent the advection of material supplied by bank erosion events. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While clay and silt matrices of gravel‐bed rivers have received attention from ecologists concerned variously with the deteriorating environments of benthic and hyporheic organisms, their impact on sediment entrainment and transport has been explored less. A recent increase of such a matrix in the bed of Nahal Eshtemoa, an ephemeral river of the northern Negev, has more than doubled the boundary shear stress needed to initiate bedload, from 7 N m‐2* = 0.027) during the flash floods of 1991–2001 to 15 N m‐2* = 0.059) during those of 2008–2009. The relation between bedload flux and boundary shear stress continues to be well‐defined, but it is displaced. The matrix now contains a significant amount of silt and clay size material. The reasons for the increased entrainment threshold of bedload are explored. Large‐scale laser scanning of the dry bed reveals a reduction in grain‐scale morphological roughness, while artificial in situ tests of matrix integrity indicate considerable cohesion. The implications for adopting bed material sampling strategies that account for matrix development are assessed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphic effect of introducing a gravel augmentation totaling 520 m3 into a gravel‐bed stream during a dam‐controlled flood in May of 2015 was monitored with bedload transport measurements, an array of seismometers, and repeated topographic surveys. Half of the augmented gravel was injected into the flow with front‐end loaders on the rising limb of the flood and the other half was injected on the first day of the peak. Virtually all of the gravel transported past the injection point was deposited within about 7 to 10 channel widths of the injection point. Most of the injected gravel deposited along the left bank of the river whereas the right half of the channel bed was dominated by scour. The downstream third of the depositional area consisted of a small dune field that developed prior to the second gravel injection and subsequently migrated about one channel width downstream. A second depositional front was observed upstream from the gravel injection point, where a delta‐like wedge of bed material developed in the first hours of the flow release and changed little over the remainder of the release. These two depositional areas represent small‐scale bed‐material storage reservoirs with the potential to accumulate and periodically release packets of bed material. Interactions with such storage reservoirs are hypothesized to cause large bed‐material pulses to disperse by fragmenting into multiple smaller pulses. As a refinement to the conceptual model that views sediment pulse evolution in terms of dispersion and translation, the concept of pulse fragmentation has practical implications for gravel management. It implies that gravel augmentations can produce morphologic changes at locations that are separated from the augmentation point by arbitrarily long reaches, and it highlights the dependence of pulse propagation rates on the nature and distribution of the bed‐material storage reservoirs in the channel system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized nowadays that there are at least two different phases of bedload sediment transport in gravel‐bed rivers. However, the transition between these phases is still poorly or subjectively defined, especially at bends in rivers, where cross‐stream sediment transport can strongly influence changes in the texture of the transported sediment. In this paper, we use piecewise models to identify objectively, at two points in the cross‐section of a river bend, the discharge at which the transition between bedload transport phases occurs. Piecewise models were applied to a new bedload data set collected during a wide range of discharges while analysing the associated changes in sediment texture. Results allowed the identification of two well‐differentiated phases of sediment transport (phase I and phase II), with a breakpoint located around bankfull discharge. Associated with each phase there was a change in bedload texture. In phase I there was non‐dominance in the transport of fine or coarse fractions at a particular sampling point; but in phase II bedload texture was strongly linked to the position of the sampling point across the channel. In this phase, fine particles tended to be transported to the inner bank, while coarse sizes were transferred throughout the middle parts of the channel. Moreover, bedload texture at the inner sampling point became bimodal while the transport of pebble‐sized particles was increasing in the central parts of the river channel. It is suggested that this general pattern may be related both to secondary currents, which transfer finer particles from the outer to the inner bank, and to the progressive dismantling of the riverbed surface layer. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The benefits of three simple modifications to the design of a Birkbeck bedload slot‐sampling system that has been continuously operating in Nahal Eshtemoa, Israel, since the early 1990s are demonstrated. The modifications include the deployment of a removable slot cover which delays the accumulation of sediment, so allowing sampling at late stages of a flood and, in conjunction with other samplers, extending the period of sampling during a flood wave; inclusion of a slot the size of which is adjustable so that that the probability of sampling the largest clast sizes in transit as bedload can be increased post‐installation, once knowledge is gained about the bedload grain‐size distribution; and a sampler side‐wall door that allows stratification and textural changes within the accumulated bedload to be identified, so promoting intelligent sampling of the deposit for grain‐size determination. Results from seven flash‐floods are presented and discussed, with recommendations for bedload monitoring, particularly in rivers where sediment flux is high and dynamic sediment records are inevitably short because of instrumental limitations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Indirect, passive approaches for monitoring coarse bedload transport could allow cheaper, safer, higher‐resolution, longer‐term data that revolutionises bedload understanding and informs river management. Here, insights provided by seismic impact plates in a downstream reach of a flashy gravel‐bed river (River Avon, Devon, UK) are explored in the context of plate performance. Monitoring of a centrally‐situated plate (IP1) during an extremely wet 12‐month period demonstrated that impacts were related to discharge as a measure of transport potential (R2 = 0.38) but that factors other than transport limitations are important. Analysis of discrete flow events revealed consistent rising‐limb and falling‐limb impact spikes biased toward the latter for larger events. Such patterns may result from disruption of the upstream armour layer (rising limb) and supply enhancements related to both upstream mass bank failures and/or flood routing of non‐local sediment sources (falling limb). Installation of additional impact plates indicated that plate IP1 was indeed dominantly related to instantaneous discharge, that a three‐plate lateral array somewhat better explained impact variability (R2 = 0.49), and that the bedload track shifts laterally with discharge. Aggregating event‐total IP1 impacts against volumetric discharge further increases explanation as intra‐event and stochastic bedload factors are subsumed but left 26% unexplained variance related to the unsampled bedload mass, inter‐event supply differences, and attributes of plate performance. Annualising the data created an impact‐based 'effective discharge’ for this extremely wet year that was closer to morphological bar‐full in magnitude than bankfull, but the preceding results imply this outcome is related as much to supply limitations as transport limitations. Overall, passive approaches offer a liberating prospect for bedload monitoring, capable of producing insights only achievable through high resolution, extended time periods. Such results could potentially inform threshold conditions and geomorphological effectiveness of flows for future river management strategies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between mean and turbulent flow variables and the movement of individual particles in a gravel‐bed river. The experimental design implemented in the Eaton‐North River (Québec, Canada) is based on the simultaneous observations at a high temporal resolution of both particle movements as bedload using an underwater video camera and of the streamwise and vertical flow velocity components using a vertical array of three electromagnetic current meters (ECMs). The frequency and distance of displacement of particles larger than 20 mm that were sliding or rolling on the bed were measured from a 10 minutes long film. Mean and turbulent flow properties obtained for periods without sediment transport are compared to those when particles were sliding and rolling. When particles are sliding, weak differences are present for the mean streamwise velocity and normal vertical stresses. Instantaneous Reynolds shear stresses are significantly lower for sliding events which was not expected but could be explained by the important dominance of Quadrant 3 events (inward interactions). When particles are rolling, only the vertical normal stresses show a weak difference from those observed in the absence of transport but they tend to occur when Quadrant 2 (ejections) dominate the flow field. For both sliding and rolling particles, vertical and/or streamwise fluid accelerations show high magnitude values when compared to periods without transport. For sliding particles, streamwise acceleration is mostly negative and combines most of the time with a positive vertical acceleration. For rolling particles, streamwise and vertical acceleration are predominantly of opposite sign. These results suggest that fluid acceleration or deceleration in the streamwise and vertical directions is affecting the pressure field around particles. In this study, fluid acceleration seems to play a more important role than Reynolds shear stress or normal stresses for bedload movements. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In gravel‐bed rivers with well‐de?ned pool–bar morphology, the path length of transported bed particles must be, at least during ‘channel‐forming’ ?ows, equal to the length scale of the morphology. This is the basis for some methods for estimating bed material transport rates. However, previous data, especially from ?eld tests, are often strongly positively skewed with mean much shorter than the pool–bar spacing. One possible explanation is that positively skewed distributions occur only in channels lacking distinct pool–bar topography or only at lower discharges in pool–bar channels. A series of ?ume experiments using ?uorescent tracers was used to measure path length distributions in low‐sinuosity meandering channels to assess the relation with channel morphology and ?ow conditions. At channel‐forming ?ows, 55 to 75 per cent of the tracer grains were deposited on the ?rst point bar downstream of the point of tracer input, with 15 per cent passing beyond the ?rst bar. Path length distributions are symmetrical with mean equal to the pool–bar spacing and can be described with a Cauchy distribution. In some cases there was a secondary mode close to the point of tracer introduction; this bimodal distribution ?ts a combined gamma–Cauchy distribution. Only when discharge was reduced below the channel‐forming ?ow were frequency distributions unimodal and positively skewed with no relation to the pool–bar spacing. Thus, path length distributions become more symmetrical, and mean path length increases to coincide with pool–bar spacing, as ?ow approaches channel‐forming conditions. This is a substantial modi?cation of existing models of particle transfer in gravel‐bed rivers. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artificially straight river channels tend to be unstable, and ultimately develop into river meanders through bank erosion and point‐bar deposition. In this paper account is taken of the effects of riparian and floodplain vegetation on bank strength, floodplain flow resistance, shear stress partitioning, and bedload transport. This is incorporated into an existing 2D hydrodynamic‐morphological model. By applying the new model to an initially straight and single‐threaded channel, the way that its planform and cross‐sectional geometry evolve for different hydraulic and floodplain vegetation conditions is demonstrated. The results show the formation and upstream migration of gravel bars, confluence scouring and the development of meandering and braiding channel patterns. In cases where the channel becomes unstable, the instability grows out of bar formation. The resulting braiding patterns are similar to analytical results. The formation of a transition configuration requires a strong influence from vegetation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field data are essential in evaluating the adequacy of predictive equations for sediment transport. Each dataset based on the sediment transport rates and other relevant information gives an increased understanding and improved quantification of different factors influencing the sediment transport regime in the specific environment. Data collected for 33 sites on 31 mountain streams and rivers in Central Idaho have enabled the analysis of sediment transport characteristics in streams and rivers with different geological, topographic, morphological, hydrological, hydraulic, and sedimentological characteristics. All of these streams and rivers have armored, poorly sorted bed material with the median particle size of surface layer coarser than the subsurface layer. The fact that the largest particles in the bedload samples did not exceed the median particle size of the bed surface material indicates that the armor layer is stable for the observed flow discharges (generally bankfull or less, and in some cases two times higher than bankfull discharge). The bedload transport is size‐selective. The transport rates are generally low, since sediment supply is less than the ability of flow to move the sediment for one range of flow discharges, or, the hydraulic ability of the stream is insufficient for entrainment of the coarse bed material. Detailed analyses of bedload transport rates, bedload and bed material characteristics were performed for each site. The obtained results and conclusions are used to identify different influences on bedload transport rates in analyzed gravel‐bed rivers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Differences in the transport rate and size of bedload exist for varying levels of flow in coarse‐grained channels. For gravel‐bed rivers, at least two phases of bedload transport, with notably differing qualities, have been described in the literature. Phase I consists primarily of sand and small gravel moving at relatively low rates over a stable channel surface. Transport rates during Phase II are considerably greater than Phase I and more coarse grains are moved, including material from both the channel surface and subsurface. Transition from Phase I to Phase II indicates initiation and transport of grains comprising the coarse surface layer common in steep mountain channels. While the existence of different phases of transport is generally acknowledged, the threshold between them is often poorly defined. We present the results of the application of a piecewise regression analysis to data on bedload transport collected at 12 gravel‐bed channels in Colorado and Wyoming, USA. The piecewise regression recognizes the existence of different linear relationships over different ranges of discharge. The inflection, where the fitted functions intersect, is interpreted as the point of transition from Phase I to Phase II transport; this is termed breakpoint. A comparison of grain sizes moved during the two phases shows that coarse gravel is rarely trapped in the samplers during Phase I transport, indicating negligible movement of grains in this size range. Gravel larger than about D16 of the channel surface is more consistently trapped during Phase II transport. The persistence of coarse gravel in bedload samples provides good evidence that conditions suitable for coarse grain transport have been reached, even though the size of the sediment approaches the size limits of the sampler (76 mm in all cases). A relative breakpoint (Rbr) was defined by the ratio between the discharge at the breakpoint and the 1·5‐year flow (a surrogate for bankfull discharge) expressed as a percentage. The median value of Rbr was about 80 percent, suggesting that Phase II begins at about 80 percent of the bankfull discharge, though the observed values of Rbr ranged from about 60 to 100 percent. Variation in this value appears to be independent of drainage area, median grain size, sorting of bed materials, and channel gradient, at least for the range of parameters measured in 12 gravel‐bed channels. Published in 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The papers in this special issue reflect several of the major themes and topics from the 7th International Workshop on Gravel‐Bed Rivers. The papers focus primarily on aspects of bed material transport in gravel‐bed rivers and larger scale morpho‐dynamics. Research in gravel‐bed rivers is increasingly integrating processes over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales by combining field observation, lab experimentation, numerical modeling and theory testing in a range of river types, aided by new technological developments in particle tracking, computational modeling and high resolution spatial data. This is leading to greater understanding of the processes leading to distinctive morpho‐dynamics of river types and a more reliable basis for river management. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report on bedload transport observations using piezoelectric bedload impact sensors (PBIS), an indirect method of estimating the volume of bedload transport of coarse sediment. The PBIS device registers vibrations produced by bedload (particle diameter >~20 mm) and records the signal as a sum of the number of impulses per time. Sediment transport at the Erlenbach stream has been continuously monitored with a PBIS array starting in 1986. The sensor array spans the width of an entire cross‐section and is mounted flush with the surface of a check dam immediately upstream of a sediment retention basin. We compare PBIS data with long‐term sedimentation records obtained from repeated surveys of material stored in the sediment retention basin, with artificial sediment input under controlled conditions in the field, and also with laboratory experiments. The rate of bedload transport is proportional to the number of impacts on the sensor per unit time. The reliability of the calibration relationship increases with the length of the observation period, e.g. for higher numbers of impacts and larger bedload volumes. Sediment volumes for individual flood events estimated with the PBIS method are in agreement with volumes estimated using an independent empirical method based on the effective runoff volume of water, the peak water discharge, and the critical discharge for the onset of sediment transport. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intensive field monitoring of a reach of upland gravel‐bed river illustrates the temporal and spatial variability of in‐channel sedimentation. Over the six‐year monitoring period, the mean bed level in the channel has risen by 0·17 m with a maximum bed level rise of 0·5 m noted at one location over a five month winter period. These rapid levels of aggradation have a profound impact on the number and duration of overbank flows with flood frequency increasing on average 2·6 times and overbank flow time increasing by 12·8 hours. This work raises the profile of coarse sediment transfer in the design and operation of river management, specifically engineering schemes. It emphasizes the need for the implementation of strategic monitoring programmes before engineering work occurs to identify zones where aggradation is likely to be problematic. Exploration of the sediment supply and transfer system can explain patterns of channel sedimentation. The complex spatial, seasonal and annual variability in sediment supply and transfer raise uncertainties into the system's response to potential changes in climate and land‐use. Thus, there is a demand for schemes that monitor coarse sediment transfer and channel response. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Random walk models of fluvial sediment transport recognize that grains move intermittently, with short duration steps separated by rests that are comparatively long. These models are built upon the probability distributions of the step length and the resting time. Motivated by these models, tracer experiments have attempted to measure directly the steps and rests of sediment grains in natural streams. This paper describes results from a large tracer experiment designed to test stochastic transport models. We used passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags to label 893 coarse gravel clasts and placed them in Halfmoon Creek, a small alpine stream near Leadville, Colorado, USA. The PIT tags allow us to locate and identify tracers without picking them up or digging them out of the streambed. They also enable us to find a very high percentage of our rocks, 98% after three years and 96% after the fourth year. We use the annual tracer displacement to test two stochastic transport models, the Einstein–Hubbell–Sayre (EHS) model and the Yang–Sayre gamma‐exponential model (GEM). We find that the GEM is a better fit to the observations, particularly for slower moving tracers and suggest that the strength of the GEM is that the gamma distribution of step lengths approximates a compound Poisson distribution. Published in 2012. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique 10‐year tracer dataset from a small gravel‐bed stream to examine bed mobility and sediment dispersion over long timescales and at a range of spatial scales. Seasonal tracer data that captured multiple mobilizing events was examined, while the effects of morphology on bed mobility and sediment dispersion were captured at three spatial scales: within morphological units (unit scale), between morphological units (reach scale) and between reaches with different channel morphologies (channel scale). This was achieved by analyzing both reach‐average mobility and travel distance data, as well as the development of ‘mobility maps’ that capture the spatial variability in tracer mobility within the channel. The tracer data suggest that sediment transport in East Creek remains near critical the majority of the time, with only rare large events resulting in high mobility rates and grain travel distances large enough to move sediment past dominant bedforms. While a variable capturing both the magnitude and frequency of flow events within a season yielded a better predictor to sediment mobility and dispersion than peak discharge alone, the distribution of events of different magnitude within the season played a large role in determining tracer mobility rates and travel distances. The effects of morphology differed depending on the analysis scale, demonstrating the importance of scale, and therefore study design, when examining the effect of morphology on sediment transport. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article deals with the following two questions. Are acoustic measurements in running waters appropriate for a highly resolved investigation of the bedload transport? Which characterizations of the bedload regarding mass and shape are possible via the acoustic signals? The signals were recorded by means of data recorders (Tascam Inc. DAP1 Portable Data Recorder) and hydrophones (International Transducer Corp. ITC‐4001 A). The ITC‐4001 is a shallow water omnidirectional transducer containing a flexural disc transducer utilizing Channelite‐5400 ceramics mounted in a rugged corrosion‐resistant housing. These hydrophones were screwed onto the bottom side of stainless steel plates, serving as a contact surface for the bedload in motion above them. After more than 100 series of tests in the laboratory, which indicated the basic relations between the dimension, shape and weight of the bedload and the resulting signal, field tests of the measuring system were conducted. By artificially produced flood waves in the small brooks Riverisbach, Olewiger Bach and by a winter flood wave in the River Moselle, it is possible to elaborate similar structures of the signal course of the bedload movement. The highest transport rates can be observed at the beginning of the increasing limbs and behind the peaks of the waves. At the beginning of the waves, the increasing transport power of the water and the loose material can be considered as the cause for this result. The high stream velocity behind the wave peaks explains the increase in the bedload transport so that material from the channel beds is unfastened and will be mobilized. The characterization of the bedload regarding the shape and mass is still limited regarding the field measurements and could be solved only for homogeneous grain sizes and single stones under laboratory conditions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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