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Denudation rates of small tributary valleys in the upper Rhone valley of the Swiss Central Alps vary by more than an order of magnitude within a very small distance (tens of kilometers). Morphometric data indicate two distinct erosion processes operate in these steep mountain valleys. We determined the rates of these processes using cosmogenic beryllium‐10 (10Be) in pooled soil and stream sediment samples. Denudation in deep, glacially scoured valleys is characterized by rapid, non‐uniform processes, such as debris flows and rock falls. In these steep valleys denudation rates are 760–2100 mm kyr?1. In those basins which show minimal previous glacial modification denudation rates are low with 60–560 mm kyr?1. The denudation rate in each basin represents a binary mixture between the rapid, non‐uniform processes, and soil creep. The soil production rate measured with cosmogenic 10Be in soil samples averages at 60 mm kyr?1. Mixing calculations suggest that the debris flows and rock falls are occurring at rates up to 3000–7000 mm kyr?1. These very high rates occur in the absence of baselevel lowering, since the tributaries drain into the Rhone trunk stream up‐stream of a knickzone. The flux‐weighted spatial average of denudation rates for the upper Rhone valley is 1400 mm kyr?1, which is similar to rock uplift rates determined in this area from leveling. The pace and location of erosion processes are determined by the oscillation between a glacial and a non‐glacial state, preventing the landscape from reaching equilibrium. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we use isochron‐burial dating to date the Swiss Deckenschotter, the oldest Quaternary deposits of the northern Alpine Foreland. Concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in individual clasts from a single stratigraphic horizon can be used to calculate an isochron‐burial age based on an assumed initial ratio and the measured 26Al/10Be ratio. We suggest that, owing to deep and repeated glacial erosion, the initial isochron ratio of glacial landscapes at the time of burial varies between 6.75 and 8.4. Analysis of 22 clasts of different lithology, shape, and size from one 0.5 m thick gravel bed at Siglistorf (Canton Aargau) indicates low nuclide concentrations: <20 000 10Be atoms/g and <150 000 26Al atoms/g. Using an 26Al/10Be ratio of 7.6 (arithmetical mean of 6.75 and 8.4), we calculate a mean isochron‐burial age of 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. This age points to an average bedrock incision rate between 0.13 and 0.17 mm/a. Age data from the Irchel, Stadlerberg, and Siglistorf sites show that the Higher Swiss Deckenschotter was deposited between 2.5 and 1.3 Ma. Our results indicate that isochron‐burial dating can be successfully applied to glaciofluvial sediments despite very low cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mesas are ubiquitous landforms in arid and semiarid regions and are often characterized by horizontal stratified erodible rocks capped by more resistant strata. The accepted conceptual model for mesa evolution and degradation considers reduction in the width of the mesa flat‐top plateau due to cliff retreat but ignores possible denudation of the mesa flat‐top and the rates and mechanism of erosion. In this study we examine mesas in the northeastern hyperarid Negev Desert where they appear in various sizes and morphologies and represent different stages of mesa evolution. The variety of mesas within a single climatic zone allows examination of the process of mesa evolution through time. Two of the four sites examined are characterized by a relatively wide (200–230 m) flat‐top and a thick caprock whereas the other two are characterized by a much narrower remnant flat‐top (several meters) and thinner caprock. We use the concentration of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be for: (a) determining the chronology of the various geomorphic features associated with the mesa; and (b) understanding geomorphic processes forming the mesa. The 10Be data, combined with field observations, suggest a correlation between the width of flat‐top mesa and the denudation and cliff retreat rates. Our results demonstrate that: (a) cliff retreat rates decrease with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa; (b) vertical denudation rates increase with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa below a critical value (~60 m, for the Negev Desert); (c) the reduction in the width of the flat‐top mesa is driven mainly by cliff retreat accompanied by extremely slow vertical denudation rate which can persist for a very long time (>106 Ma); and (d) when the width of the mesa decreases below a certain threshold, its rate of denudation increases dramatically and mesa degradation is completed in a short time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although beryllium‐10 (10Be) concentrations in stream sediments provide useful synoptic views of catchment‐wide erosion rates, little is known on the relative contributions of different sediment supply mechanisms to the acquisition of their initial signature in the headwaters. Here we address this issue by conducting a 10Be‐budget of detrital materials that characterize the morphogenetic domains representative of high‐altitude environments of the European Alps. We focus on the Etages catchment, located in the Ecrins‐Pelvoux massif (southeast France), and illustrate how in situ 10Be concentrations can be used for tracing the origin of the sand fraction from the bedload in the trunk stream. The landscape of the Etages catchment is characterized by a geomorphic transient state, high topographic gradients, and a large variety of modern geomorphic domains ranging from glacial environments to scarcely vegetated alluvial plains. Beryllium‐10 concentrations measured in the Etages catchment vary from ~1 × 104 to 4.5 × 105 atoms per gram quartz, while displaying consistent 10Be signatures within each representative morphogenetic unit. We show that the basic requirements for inferring catchment‐wide denudation from 10Be concentration measurements are not satisfied in this small, dynamic catchment. However, the distinct 10Be signature observed for the geomorphic domains can be used as a tracer. We suggest that a terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) budget approach provides a valuable tool for the tracing of material origin in basins where the ‘let nature do the averaging’ principles may be violated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tangra Yum Co graben is one of the active structures that accommodate the east‐west extension of the southern Tibetan Plateau and hosts one of the largest Tibetan lakes, which experienced lake‐level changes of ~200 m during the Holocene. In this study, cosmogenic 10Be is employed to: (1) quantify catchment‐wide denudation rates in fault‐bounded mountain ranges adjacent to the Tangra Yum Co graben; (2) date palaeo‐shorelines related to the Holocene lake‐level decline; and (3) determine the age of glacial advances in this region. The fault‐bounded, non‐glaciated mountain range north of Tangra Yum Co – and presumably most other areas around the lake – erode at low rates of 10–70 mm/ka. Owing to the slow erosion of the landscape, the sediments delivered to Tangra Yum Co have high 10Be concentrations. As a consequence, accurate exposure dating of sediment‐covered terraces and beach ridges is difficult, because the pre‐depositional 10Be concentration may exceed the post‐depositional 10Be concentration from which exposure ages are calculated. This difficulty is illustrated by a rather inaccurate 10Be exposure age of 2.3 ± 1.4 ka (i.e. an error of 60%) for a terrace that is located 67 m above the lake. Nevertheless, the age is consistent with luminescence ages for a series of beach ridges and provides further evidence for the decline of the lake level in the late Holocene. At Tangra Yum Co exposure dating of beach ridges via 10Be depth profiles is not feasible, because the pre‐depositional 10Be component in these landforms varies with depth, which violates a basic assumption of this approach. 10Be ages for boulders from two moraines are much older than the early Holocene lake‐level highstand, indicating that melting of glaciers in the mountain ranges adjacent to Tangra Yum Co has not contributed significantly to the lake‐level highstand in the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inner gorges often result from the propagation of erosional waves related to glacial/interglacial climate shifts. However, only few studies have quantified the modern erosional response to this glacial conditioning. Here, we report in situ 10Be data from the 64 km2 Entlen catchment (Swiss Alps). This basin hosts a 7 km long central inner gorge with two tributaries that are >100 m‐deeply incised into thick glacial till and bedrock. The 10Be concentrations measured at the downstream end of the gorge yield a catchment‐wide erosion rate of 0.42 ± 0.04 mm yr‐1, while erosion rates are consistently lower upstream of the inner gorge, ranging from 0.14 ± 0.01 mm yr‐1 to 0.23 ± 0.02 mm yr‐1. However, 10Be‐based sediment budget calculations yield rates of ~1.3 mm yr‐1 for the inner gorge of the trunk stream. Likewise, in the two incised tributary reaches, erosion rates are ~2.0 mm yr‐1 and ~1.9 mm yr‐1. Moreover, at the erosional front of the gorge, we measured bedrock incision rates ranging from ~2.5 mm yr‐1 to ~3.8 mm yr‐1. These rates, however, are too low to infer a post‐glacial age (15–20 ka) for the gorge initiation. This would require erosion rates that are between 2 and 6 times higher than present‐day estimates. However, the downcutting into unconsolidated glacial till favored high erosion rates through knickzone propagation immediately after the retreat of the LGM glaciers, and subsequent hillslope relaxation led to a progressive decrease in erosion rates. This hypothesis of a two‐ to sixfold decrease in erosion rates does not conflict with the 10Be‐based erosion rate budgets, because the modern erosional time scale recorded by 10Be cover the past 2–3 ka only. These results point to the acceleration of Holocene erosion in response to the glacial overprint of the landscape. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29(13) 2004, 1707. In the semi‐arid Arroyo Chavez basin of New Mexico, a 2·28 km2 sub‐basin of the Rio Puerco, we contrasted short‐term rates (3 years) of sediment yield measured with sediment traps and dams with long‐term, geologic rates (~10 000 years) of sediment production measured using 10Be. Examination of erosion rates at different time‐scales provides the opportunity to contrast the human impact on erosion with background or geologic rates of sediment production. Arroyo Chavez is grazed and we were interested in whether differences in erosion rates observed at the two time‐scales are due to grazing. The geologic rate of sediment production, 0·27 kg m?2 a?1 is similar to the modern sediment yields measured for geomorphic surfaces including colluvial slopes, gently sloping hillslopes, and the mesa top which ranged from 0·12 to 1·03 kg m?2 a?1. The differences between modern sediment yield and geologic rates of sediment production were most noticeable for the alluvial valley ?oor, which had modern sediment yields as high as 3·35 kg m?2 a?1. The hydraulic state of the arroyo determines whether the alluvial valley ?oor is aggrading or degrading. Arroyo Chavez is incised and the alluvial valley ?oor is gullied and piped and is a source of sediment. The alluvial valley ?oor is also the portion of the basin most modi?ed by human disturbance including grazing and gas pipeline activity, both of which serve to increase erosion rates. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The processes involved in the development of high‐altitude, low‐relief areas (HLAs) are still poorly understood. Although cosmogenic nuclides have provided insights into the evolution of HLAs interpreted as paleo‐surfaces, most studies focus on estimating how slowly they erode and thereby their relative stability. To understand actual development processes of HLAs, we applied several techniques of cosmogenic nuclides in the Daegwanryeong Plateau, a well‐known HLA in the Korean Peninsula. Our denudation data from strath terraces, riverine sediments, soils, and tors provide the following conclusions: (1) bedrock incision rate in the plateau (~127 m Myr?1) is controlled by the incision rate of the western part of the Korean Peninsula, and is similar to the catchment‐wide denudation rate of the plateau (~93 m Myr?1); (2) the soil production function we observed shows weak depth dependency that may result from highly weathered bedrock coupled with frequent frost action driven by alpine climate; (3) a discrepancy between the soil production and catchment‐wide denudation rates implies morphological disequilibrium in the plateau; (4) the tors once regarded as fossil landforms of the Tertiary do not reflect Tertiary processes; and (5) when compared with those of global paleo‐surfaces (<20 m Myr?1), our rapid denudation rates suggest that the plateau cannot have maintained its probable initial paleo landscape, and thus is not a paleo‐surface. Our data contribute to understanding the surface processes of actively eroding upland landscapes as well as call into question conventional interpretations of supposed paleo‐surfaces around the world. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fallout radionuclides (FRNs) 137Cs and 210Pb are well established as tracers of surface and sub‐surface soil erosion contributing sediment to river systems. However, without additional information, it has not been possible to distinguish sub‐surface soil erosion sources. Here, we use the FRN 7Be (half‐life 53 days) in combination with 137Cs and excess 210Pb to trace the form of erosion contributing sediment in three large river catchments in eastern Australia; the Logan River (area 3700 km2), Bowen River (9400 km2) and Mitchell River (4700 km2). We show that the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be can discriminate horizontally aligned sub‐surface erosion sources (rilled and scalded hillslopes and the floors of incised drainage lines and gully ‘badland’ areas) from vertical erosion sources (channel banks and gully walls). Specifically, sub‐surface sources of sediment eroded during high rainfall and high river flow events have been distinguished by the ability of rainfall‐derived 7Be to label horizontal soil surfaces, but not vertical. Our results indicate that in the two northern catchments, erosion of horizontal sub‐surface soil sources contributed almost as much fine river sediment as vertical channel banks, and several times the contribution of hillslope topsoils. This result improves on source discrimination provided previously and indicates that in some areas erosion of hillslope soils may contribute significantly to sediment yield, but not as topsoil loss. We find that in north‐eastern Australia, scalded areas on hillslopes and incising drainage lines may be sediment sources of comparable importance to vertical channel banks. Previous studies have used the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be to estimate soils losses at the hillslope scale. Here, we show that with timely and judicious sampling of soil and sediment during and immediately after high flow events 7Be measurements can augment fallout 137Cs and 210Pb to provide important erosion source information over large catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil depth and soil production are highly complicated phenomena, generated from a complex interaction of physical, biological and chemical processes. It has, nevertheless, become increasingly clear that soil formation rates are closely related to chemical weathering rates. Somewhat paradoxically, it is likewise becoming apparent that such biogeochemical reactions as slowly transform rock to soil are limited by physical processes, such as flowing water and the formation of fractures. We have formulated a theoretical approach that relates soil formation rates to chemical weathering rates, and those, likewise, to solute transport rates. For such a theoretical framework to be relevant, the solute transport rates cannot equal those of the flowing water, as is the case in Gaussian solute transport. Rather, solute transport must be slowed in accordance with heavy‐tailed solute arrival time distributions. The inference is that the traditional advection–dispersion equation formulation for solute transport is inadequate in the typically heterogeneous geological media that weather to form soils. Here we examine the implications of this soil production model on the assumption of the approach to steady state. Particularly at slow erosion rates we find that many soil columns are not in equilibrium. This tendency may be accentuated in dry climates. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscapes in areas of active uplift and erosion can only remain soil‐mantled if the local production of soil equals or exceeds the local erosion rate. The soil production rate varies with soil depth, hence local variation in soil depth may provide clues about spatial variation in erosion rates. If uplift and the consequent erosion rates are sufficiently uniform in space and time, then there will be tendency toward equilibrium landforms shaped by the erosional processes. Soil mantle thickness would adjust such that soil production matched the erosion. Previous work in the Oregon Coast Range suggested that there may be a tendency locally toward equilibrium between hillslope erosion and sediment yield. Here results from a new methodology based on cosmogenic radionuclide accumulation in bedrock minerals at the base of the soil column are reported. We quantify how soil production varies with soil thickness in the southern Oregon Coast Range and explore further the issue of landscape equilibrium. Apparent soil production is determined to be an inverse exponential function of soil depth, with a maximum inferred production rate of 268 m Ma?1 occurring under zero soil depth. This rate depends, however, on the degree of weathering of the underlying bedrock. The stochastic and large‐scale nature of soil production by biogenic processes leads to large temporal and spatial variations in soil depth; the spatial variation of soil depth neither supports nor rejects equilibrium morphology. Our observed catchment‐averaged erosion rate of 117 m Ma?1 is, however, similar to that estimated for the region by others, and to soil production rates under thin and intermediate soils typical for the steep ridges. We suggest that portions of the Oregon Coast Range may be eroding at roughly the same rate, but that local competition between drainage networks and episodic erosional events leads to landforms that are out of equilibrium locally and have a spatially varying soil mantle. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two principal groups of processes shape mass fluxes from and into a soil: vertical profile development and lateral soil redistribution. Periods having predominantly progressive soil forming processes (soil profile development) alternate with periods having predominantly regressive processes (erosion). As a result, short-term soil redistribution – years to decades – can differ substantially from long-term soil redistribution; i.e. centuries to millennia. However, the quantification of these processes is difficult and consequently their rates are poorly understood. To assess the competing roles of erosion and deposition we determined short- and long-term soil redistribution rates in a formerly glaciated area of the Uckermark, northeast Germany. We compared short-term erosion or accumulation rates using plutonium-239 and -240 (239+240Pu) and long-term rates using both in situ and meteoric cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be). Three characteristic process domains have been analysed in detail: a flat landscape position having no erosion/deposition, an erosion-dominated mid-slope, and a deposition-dominated lower-slope site. We show that the short-term mass erosion and accumulation rates are about one order of magnitude higher than long-term redistribution rates. Both, in situ and meteoric 10Be provide comparable results. Depth functions, and therefore not only an average value of the topsoil, give the most meaningful rates. The long-term soil redistribution rates were in the range of −2.1 t ha-1 yr-1 (erosion) and +0.26 t ha-1 yr-1 (accumulation) whereas the short-term erosion rates indicated strong erosion of up to 25 t ha-1 yr-1 and accumulation of 7.6 t ha-1 yr-1. Our multi-isotope method identifies periods of erosion and deposition, confirming the ‘time-split approach’ of distinct different phases (progressive/regressive) in soil evolution. With such an approach, temporally-changing processes can be disentangled, which allows the identification of both the dimensions of and the increase in soil erosion due to human influence. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Serra do Mar escarpment, located along the southeastern coast of Brazil, is a high‐elevation passive margin escarpment. This escarpment evolved from the denudation of granites, migmatites and gneisses. The granites outcrop in the form of a ridge along the escarpment crest, due to its differential erosion (‘sugarloaf’ hills) from the surrounding lithologies. Several studies suggest that the passive margin escarpments are actively retreating toward the interior of the continent. However, no prior study has calculated the long‐term denudation rates of Serra do Mar to test this hypothesis. In this study, we measured the in situ‐produced 10Be concentration in fluvial sediments to quantify the catchment‐wide long‐term denudation rates of the Serra do Mar escarpment in southern Brazil. We sampled the fluvial sediments from ten watersheds that drain both sides of the escarpment. The average long‐term denudation rate of the oceanic side is between 2.1‐ and 2.6‐fold higher than the rate of the continental side: 26.04 ± 1.88 mm ka‐1 (integrating over between 15.8 ka‐1 and 46.6 ka‐1) and 11.10 ± 0.37 mm ka‐1 (integrating over between 52.9 ka‐1 and 85.4 ka‐1), respectively. These rates indicate that the coastal base level is controlling the escarpment retreat toward the continental high lands, which is consistent with observations made at other high‐elevation passive margins around the globe. The results also demonstrate the differential erosion along the Serra do Mar escarpment in southern Brazil during the Quaternary, where drainages over granites had lower average denudation rates in comparison with those over migmatites and gneisses. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the ocean‐facing catchments have been eroded more intensely than those facing the continent. The results also reveal that drainage over the granites decreases the average denudation rates of the ocean‐facing catchments and the ‘sugarloaf’ hills therefore are natural barriers that slowly retreat once they are exhumed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 20 May 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake in central Australia generated a 21 km surface rupture with 0.1 to 1 m vertical displacements across a low-relief landscape. No paleo-scarps or potentially analogous topographic features are evident in pre-earthquake Worldview-1 and Worldview-2 satellite data. Two excavations across the surface rupture expose near-surface fault geometry and mixed aeolian-sheetwash sediment faulted only in the 2016 earthquake. A 10.6 ± 0.4 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age of sheetwash sediment provides a minimum estimate for the period of quiescence prior to 2016 rupture. Seven cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) bedrock erosion rates are derived for samples < 5 km distance from the surface rupture on the hanging-wall and foot-wall, and three from samples 19 to 50 km from the surface rupture. No distinction is found between fault proximal rates (1.3 ± 0.1 to 2.6 ± 0.2 m Myr−1) and distal samples (1.4 ± 0.1 to 2.3 ± 0.2 m Myr−1). The thickness of rock fragments (2–5 cm) coseismically displaced in the Petermann earthquake perturbs the steady-state bedrock erosion rate by only 1 to 3%, less than the erosion rate uncertainty estimated for each sample (7–12%). Using 10Be erosion rates and scarp height measurements we estimate approximately 0.5 to 1 Myr of differential erosion is required to return to pre-earthquake topography. By inference any pre-2016 fault-related topography likely required a similar time for removal. We conclude that the Petermann earthquake was the first on this fault in the last ca. 0.5–1 Myr. Extrapolating single nuclide erosion rates across this timescale introduces large uncertainties, and we cannot resolve whether 2016 represents the first ever surface rupture on this fault, or a > 1 Myr interseismic period. Either option reinforces the importance of including distributed earthquake sources in fault displacement and seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

Present erosion in mountainous areas of Western Europe causes land management problems, particularly for areas located downstream of erosion zones. Except for transalpine roads and ski resorts, economic activities no longer require as much space as they did in the past. Therefore, natural reforestation has provided signi?cant protection for alpine hillslopes during the 20th century. However, extreme ?oods continue to cause severe damage in intra‐alpine valleys, as well as in piedmont and surrounding plains, making the study of present water erosion phenomena very important. Many studies have investigated the processes and factors of water erosion on slopes at both the catchment and plot scales. They have focused on rock fragmentation and transportation in different ?elds, the spatial and temporal explanatory variables, the consequences downstream (?ooding, sedimentation, river bed evolution) and the impact of ?oods. In the French Alps, present erosion has been studied in a variety of outcrops, with several recent studies conducted in ?elds such as marls, clayey deposits, molasses and moraines. These kinds of outcrops are found throughout the alpine massif, including an area of special interest on the great Jurassic black marl outcrop where badlands are frequently observable. Geomorphologists and hydrologists have been particularly interested in the strong erosion processes in marls, seeking to determine the main patterns and the impact of spatial and temporal factors on soil loss quantities. The main climatic factors of rock disaggregation were found to be the freeze–thaw and wet–dry cycles, which destroy rock cohesion, and the splash effect of rain. The principal site variables are vegetation cover, exposure and dip–slope angle. Erosion rates are two or three orders of magnitude higher on bare soils than on pastures; northern aspect slopes suffer two to four times as much soil loss as southern aspect slopes. Finally, the angle formed by the slope and the dip also determines different behaviours: erosion rates are higher when slope and dip are perpendicular than when they are parallel. The transportation agents are mostly debris ?ows and runoff caused by intense precipitation. Annual erosion depth in the marls is generally assumed to be substantial, up to 10 mm. The high value can be explained by the severity of the climatic conditions and the brittleness of the lithology, which results in numerous fractures. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of various hillslope processes through Quaternary glacial–interglacial cycles in the mid‐latitudes is not yet well constrained. Based on a unique set of topographic and soil thickness data in the Ardennes (Belgium), we combine the new CLICHE model of climate‐dependent hillslope evolution with an inversion algorithm in order to get deeper insight into the ways and timing of hillslope dynamics under one such climatic cycle. We simulate the evolution of a synthetic hill reproducing the slope, curvature, and contributing area distributions of the hillslopes of a ~ 2500 km2 real area under a simple two‐stage 120‐kyr‐long climatic scenario with linear transitions between cold and warm stages. The inversion method samples a misfit function in the model parameter space, based on estimates of the fit of topographic derivative distributions in classes of soil thickness and of the relative frequencies of the predicted soil thickness classes. Though the inversion results show remarkable convergence patterns for most parameters, no unique solution emerges. We obtain five clusters of good fits, whose centroids are taken as acceptable model solutions. Based on the predicted time series of average denudation rate and soil thickness, plus snapshots of the soil distribution at characteristic times, we discuss these solutions and, comparing them with independent data not involved in the misfit function, we identify the most realistic scenario. Beyond providing first‐order estimates of several parameters that compare well with published data, our results show that denudation rates increase dramatically for a short time at both warm–cold and cold–warm transitions, when the mean annual temperature passes through the [0, ?5 °C] range. We also point to the overwhelming importance of solifluction in shaping hillslopes and transporting soil, and the role of depth‐dependent creep (including frost creep) throughout the climatic cycle, whereas the contributions of simple creep and overland flow are minor. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that four-times ice age happened during the Quaternary epoch on the Tibetan Plateau. However, the research on the chronology of the four-times ice age is far from enough. The Shaluli Mountain on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau is an ideal place for plaeo-glacier study, because there are abundant Quaternary glacial remains there. This paper discusses the ages of the Quaternary glaciations, based on the exposure dating of roche moutonnée, moraines and gla- cial erosion surfaces using in situ cosmogenic isotopes 10Be. It is found that the exposure age of the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is 15 ka, corresponding to Stage 2 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope, suggesting that the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is formed in the last glacial maximum. The expo- sure age of glacial erosion surface at Laolinkou is 130―160 ka, corresponding to Stage 6 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. The oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at 421―766 kaBP, corre- sponding to Stages 12―18 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. In accordance with the climate charac- teristic of stages 12,14,16 and 18 reflected by the deep-sea oxygen isotope, polar ice cores and loess sequence, the oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at stage 12 or stage 16, the latter is more possible.  相似文献   

Field‐ and laboratory‐scale rainfall simulation experiments were carried out in an investigation of the temporal variability of erosion processes on interrill areas, and the effects of such variation upon sediment size characteristics. Poorly aggregated sandy soils from the semi‐arid environment of Senegal, West Africa, were used on both a 40 m2 field plot and a 0·25 m2 laboratory plot; rainfall intensity for all experiments was 70 mm h?1 with a duration of 1 to 2 hours. Time‐series measurements were made of the quantity and the size distribution of eroded material: these permitted an estimate of the changing temporal balance between the main erosion processes (splash and wash). Results from both spatial scales showed a similar temporal pattern of runoff generation and sediment concentration. For both spatial scales, the dominant erosional process was detachment by raindrops; this resulted in a dynamic evolution of the soil surface under raindrop impact, with the rapid formation of a sieving crust followed by an erosion crust. However, a clear difference was observed between the two scales regarding the size of particles detached by both splash and wash. While all measured values were lower than the mean weight diameter (MWD) value of the original soil (mean 0·32 mm), demonstrating the size‐selective nature of wash and splash processes, the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the field scale ranged from 0·08 to 0·16 mm and from 0·12 to 0·30 mm respectively, whereas the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the laboratory scale ranged from 0·13 to 0·29 mm and from 0·21 to 0·32 mm respectively. Thus only at the field scale were the soil particles detached by splash notably coarser than those transported by wash. This suggests a transport‐limited erosion process at the field scale. Differences were also observed between the dynamics of the soil loss by wash at the two scales, since results showed wider scatter in the field compared to the laboratory experiments. This scatter is probably related to the change in soil surface characteristics due to the size‐selectivity of the erosion processes at this spatial scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Páramo soils store high amounts of organic carbon. However, the effects of climate change and changes in land cover and use (LC/LU) in this high‐elevation tropical ecosystem may cause a decrease in their carbon storage capacity. Therefore, better understanding of the factors influencing the Páramo soils' carbon storage and export is urgently needed. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the differences in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content in the soil water of four LC/LU types (tussock grass, natural forest, pine plantations, and pasture) and the factors controlling its variability in the Quinuas Ecohydrological Observatory in south Ecuador. Weekly measurements of soil water DOC concentrations, meteorological variables, soil water content, and temperature from various depths and slope positions were monitored within the soils' organic and mineral horizons between October 2014 and January 2017. These data were used to generate regression trees and random forest statistical models to identify the factors controlling soil water DOC concentrations. From high to low concentrations, natural forest depict the highest DOC concentrations followed by pasture, tussock grass, and pine forest. For all LC/LU types, DOC concentrations increase with decreasing soil moisture. Our results also show that LC/LU is the most important predictor of soil water DOC concentrations, followed by sampling depth and soil moisture. Interestingly, atmospheric variables and antecedent evapotranspiration and precipitation conditions show only little influence on DOC concentrations during the monitoring period. Our findings provide unique information that can help improve the management of soil and water resources in the Páramo and other peat dominated ecosystems elsewhere.  相似文献   

Soils in mountainous areas are often polygenetic, developed in slope covers that relate to glacial and periglacial activities of the Pleistocene and Holocene and reflect climatic variations. Landscape development during the Holocene may have been influenced by erosion/solifluction that often started after the Holocene climatic optimum. To trace back soil evolution and its timing, we applied a multi‐methodological approach. This approach helped us to outline scenario of soil transformation. According to our results, some aeolian input must have occurred in the late Pleistocene. During that time and the early Holocene, the soils most likely had features of Cryosols or Leptosols. Physico‐chemical and mineralogical analyses have indicated that the material was denudated (between late Boreal to the Atlantic) from the ridge and upper‐slope positions forming a colluvium at mid‐slope positions. Later, during the Sub‐Boreal, mass wasting of the remains of silt material deposited at the end of the Pleistocene age on the ridge top seems to have occurred. In addition, the cool and moist conditions caused the deposition of a colluvium at the lower‐slope positions. The next phase was characterized by the transformation of Leptosols/Cambisols into Podzols at upper‐slope or shoulder positions and to Albic Cambisols at mid‐slope positions. During the Sub‐Boreal period, Stagnosols started to form at the lower part of the slope catena. Overall, the highest erosion rates were calculated at the upper‐slope position and the lowest rates at mid‐slope sites. Berylium‐10 (10Be) data showed that the Bs, BC/C were covered during the Holocene by a colluvium with a different geological composition which complicated the calculation of erosion or accumulation rates. The interpretation of erosion and accumulation rates in such multi‐layered materials may, therefore, be hampered. However, the multi‐methodological reconstruction we applied shed light on the soil and landscape evolution of the eastern Karkonosze Mountains. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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