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Particle dynamics are investigated experimentally in supercritical high‐speed open channel flow over a fixed planar bed of low relative roughness height simulating flows in high‐gradient non‐alluvial mountain streams and hydraulic structures. Non‐dimensional equations were developed for transport mode, particle velocity, hop length and hop height accounting for a wide range of literature data encompassing sub‐ and supercritical flow conditions as well as planar and alluvial bed configurations. Particles were dominantly transported in saltation and particle trajectories on planar beds were rather flat and long compared with alluvial bed data due to (1) increased lift forces by spinning motion, (2) strongly downward directed secondary currents, and (3) a planar flume bed where variation in particle reflection and damping effects were minor. The analysis of particle saltation trajectories revealed that the rising and falling limbs were almost symmetrical contradicting alluvial bed data. Furthermore, no or negligible effect of particle size and shape on particle dynamics were found. Implications of experimental findings for mechanistic saltation‐abrasion models are briefly discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed with rain of uniform drop size (2·7 mm, 5·1 mm) impacting flows over non‐cohesive beds of uniform sized sand (0·11–0·9 mm) and coal (0·2–0·9 mm) particles with flow velocities (20 mm s?1, 40 mm s?1) that were insufficient for the flow to entrain the particles without the aid of raindrop impact. Measurement of particle travel distance under rain made up of 2·7 mm drops confirmed a theoretical relationship between settling velocity and the distance particles travel after being disturbed by drop impact. Although, in theory, a relationship between settling velocity and particle travel distance exists, settling velocity by itself was unable to account for the effect of changes in both particle size and density on sediment discharge from beds of uniform non‐cohesive material. Particle density was also a factor. Further study of how particle characteristics influence sediment discharge will aid modelling of the impact of the soil in process‐based models of erosion by rain‐impacted flow. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structured gravel river beds clearly exert a major influence on bed stability. Indexing structural stability by field measurements of bed strength neglects the processes operating to entrain and transport bed material in different parts of each structure. This study takes a morphological approach to interpreting the critical processes, using particle tracing to determine the movement of individual cluster particles over a range of flood event magnitudes and durations. The experiment was carried out on the River South Tyne, UK; it uses flow hydrographs measured nearby and also benefits from previous studies of historical development, channel morphology and sediment transport at the same site. More than 30 clusters were monitored over a seven‐month period during which clusters occupied 7–16 per cent of the bed. Threshold flows delimiting three apparently contrasting bed sediment process regimes for cluster particles are tentatively set at 100 m3 s?1 and 183 m3 s?1; durations of flow at these levels are critical for cluster development, rather than flow peak values. Wake particles are transported most easily. Flow straightening in the wandering channel planform reduces the stability of clusters, since mechanical strength is markedly reduced by this change of direction. The overall area covered by clusters between significant transport events varies little, implying a dynamic equilibrium condition. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the launch of the high‐speed train project in California, the seismic risk is a crucial concern to the stakeholders. To investigate the seismic behavior of future California High‐Speed Rail (CHSR) bridge structures, a 3D nonlinear finite‐element model of a CHSR prototype bridge is developed. Soil‐structure and track‐structure interactions are accounted for in this comprehensive numerical model used to simulate the seismic response of the bridge and track system. This paper focuses on examining potential benefits and possible drawbacks of the a priori promising application of seismic isolation in CHSR bridges. Nonlinear time history analyses are performed for this prototype bridge subjected to two bidirectional horizontal historical earthquake ground motions each scaled to two different seismic hazard levels. The effect of seismic isolation on the seismic performance of the bridge is investigated through a detailed comparison of the seismic response of the bridge with and without seismic isolation. It is found that seismic isolation significantly reduces the deck acceleration and the force demand in the bridge substructure (i.e., piers and foundations), especially for high‐intensity earthquakes. However, seismic isolation increases the deck displacement (relative to the pile cap) and the stresses in the rails. These findings imply that seismic isolation can be promisingly applied to CHSR bridges with due consideration of balancing its beneficial and detrimental effects through using appropriate isolators design. The optimum seismic isolator properties can be sought by solving a performance‐based optimum seismic design problem using the nonlinear finite‐element model presented herein. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response of the semi‐alluvial clay‐bed Watts Creek is assessed subject to climate change. Climate impacts are expected to have regional variability, and few studies have assessed the impacts of future climate in a small urban watershed. The 21‐km2 watershed located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is highly urbanized (68%) and agricultural (20%) with limited forest cover (12%). Continuous simulations were performed using the SWMHYMO lumped hydrologic modelling platform for the open water year, excluding spring freshet (April 1 to October 31). A shear stress exceedance and stream power erosion routine was added to the platform to calculate erosion potential. To account for uncertainty in the collected data, 9 different field datasets were used to calibrate the model, each leading to a distinct set of calibrated parameter values. The difference between the datasets lies in the choice of the rating curves and calibration period. The 2041–2080 precipitation outputs of the 4th version of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CanRCM4) ran under representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 at the MacDonald Cartier International Airport were downscaled using quantile matching and then used as input to the continuous hydrologic model. For each set of calibrated parameters, a cumulative effective work index based on the reach‐averaged shear stress was calculated for Watts Creek using both the historic (1967–2007) and projected future (2041–2080) flows, using a bed material critical shear stress for entrainment of 3.7 Pa. These results suggest an increase of 75% (respectively 139%) under RCP4.5 (respectively RCP8.5) in cumulative effective work index compared with historic conditions for the average measured bed strength. The work index increase is driven by an increased occurrence of above‐threshold events and, more importantly, by the increased frequency of large events. The predicted flow regime under climate change would significantly alter the erosion potential and stability of Watts Creek.  相似文献   

In gravel‐bed rivers, the microtopography of the bed is known to exert a significant influence on the generation of turbulent flow structures that owe their origin to fluid shear generated near the bed. Although field and laboratory measurements have indicated that flows over gravel beds contain a range of coherent flow structures, the kinematic and dynamic properties of these structures are still poorly understood. This paper describes a new experimental methodology to quantify simultaneously both the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of coherent flow structures based upon combined planar laser‐induced fluorescence and particle imaging velocimetry (PLIF‐PIV). The results confirm that the primary generative mechanism of coherent flow structures is at the bed, where merging hairpin vortices form around bed clasts and generate larger‐scale fluid motions that advect downstream. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Indirect, passive approaches for monitoring coarse bedload transport could allow cheaper, safer, higher‐resolution, longer‐term data that revolutionises bedload understanding and informs river management. Here, insights provided by seismic impact plates in a downstream reach of a flashy gravel‐bed river (River Avon, Devon, UK) are explored in the context of plate performance. Monitoring of a centrally‐situated plate (IP1) during an extremely wet 12‐month period demonstrated that impacts were related to discharge as a measure of transport potential (R2 = 0.38) but that factors other than transport limitations are important. Analysis of discrete flow events revealed consistent rising‐limb and falling‐limb impact spikes biased toward the latter for larger events. Such patterns may result from disruption of the upstream armour layer (rising limb) and supply enhancements related to both upstream mass bank failures and/or flood routing of non‐local sediment sources (falling limb). Installation of additional impact plates indicated that plate IP1 was indeed dominantly related to instantaneous discharge, that a three‐plate lateral array somewhat better explained impact variability (R2 = 0.49), and that the bedload track shifts laterally with discharge. Aggregating event‐total IP1 impacts against volumetric discharge further increases explanation as intra‐event and stochastic bedload factors are subsumed but left 26% unexplained variance related to the unsampled bedload mass, inter‐event supply differences, and attributes of plate performance. Annualising the data created an impact‐based 'effective discharge’ for this extremely wet year that was closer to morphological bar‐full in magnitude than bankfull, but the preceding results imply this outcome is related as much to supply limitations as transport limitations. Overall, passive approaches offer a liberating prospect for bedload monitoring, capable of producing insights only achievable through high resolution, extended time periods. Such results could potentially inform threshold conditions and geomorphological effectiveness of flows for future river management strategies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of the topographic evolution of the proposed post‐mining rehabilitated landform for the ERA Ranger Mine, showed that for the unvegetated and unripped case, the landform at 1000 years would be dissected by localized erosion valleys (maximum depth = 7·6 m) with fans (maximum depth = 14·8 m) at the outlet of the valleys. Valley form simulated by SIBERIA has been recognized in nature. This indicates that SIBERIA models natural processes efficiently. For the vegetated and ripped case, reduced valley development (maximum 1000 year depth = 2·4m) and deposition (maximum 1000 year depth = 4·8m) occurred in similar locations as for the unvegetated and unripped case (i.e. on steep batter slopes and in the central depression areas of the landform). For the vegetated and ripped condition, simulated maximum valley depth in the capping over the tailings containment structure was c. 2·2 m. By modelling valley incision, decisions can be made on the depth of tailings cover required to prevent tailings from being exposed to the environment within a certain time frame. A reduction in thickness of 1 m of capping material over tailings equates to c. 1 000 000 Mm3 over a 1 km2 tailings dam area. This represents a saving of c. $1 500 000 in earthworks alone. Incorporation of SIBERIA simulations in the design process may result in cost reduction while improving confidence in environmental protection mechanisms. Copyright 2000 © Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, Commonwealth of Australia.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of various hillslope processes through Quaternary glacial–interglacial cycles in the mid‐latitudes is not yet well constrained. Based on a unique set of topographic and soil thickness data in the Ardennes (Belgium), we combine the new CLICHE model of climate‐dependent hillslope evolution with an inversion algorithm in order to get deeper insight into the ways and timing of hillslope dynamics under one such climatic cycle. We simulate the evolution of a synthetic hill reproducing the slope, curvature, and contributing area distributions of the hillslopes of a ~ 2500 km2 real area under a simple two‐stage 120‐kyr‐long climatic scenario with linear transitions between cold and warm stages. The inversion method samples a misfit function in the model parameter space, based on estimates of the fit of topographic derivative distributions in classes of soil thickness and of the relative frequencies of the predicted soil thickness classes. Though the inversion results show remarkable convergence patterns for most parameters, no unique solution emerges. We obtain five clusters of good fits, whose centroids are taken as acceptable model solutions. Based on the predicted time series of average denudation rate and soil thickness, plus snapshots of the soil distribution at characteristic times, we discuss these solutions and, comparing them with independent data not involved in the misfit function, we identify the most realistic scenario. Beyond providing first‐order estimates of several parameters that compare well with published data, our results show that denudation rates increase dramatically for a short time at both warm–cold and cold–warm transitions, when the mean annual temperature passes through the [0, ?5 °C] range. We also point to the overwhelming importance of solifluction in shaping hillslopes and transporting soil, and the role of depth‐dependent creep (including frost creep) throughout the climatic cycle, whereas the contributions of simple creep and overland flow are minor. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The experimental results of using a hybrid platform to mitigate vibration of a batch of high‐tech equipment installed in a building subject to nearby traffic‐induced ground motion have been presented and discussed in the companion paper. Based on the identified dynamic properties of both the building and the platform, this paper first establishes an analytical model for hybrid control of the building‐platform system subject to ground motion in terms of the absolute co‐ordinate to facilitate the absolute velocity feedback control strategy used in the experiment. The traffic‐induced ground motion used in the experiment is then employed as input to the analytical model to compute the dynamic response of the building‐platform system. The computed results are compared with the measured results, and the comparison is found to be satisfactory. Based on the verified analytical model, coupling effects between the building and platform are then investigated. A parametric study is finally conducted to further assess the performance of both passive and hybrid platforms at microvibration level. The analytical study shows that the dynamic interaction between the building and platform should be taken into consideration. The hybrid control is effective in reducing both velocity response and drift of the platform/high‐tech equipment at microvibration level with reasonable control force. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of meandering river floodplains is predominantly controlled by the interplay between overbank sedimentation and channel migration. The resulting spatial heterogeneity in floodplain deposits leads to variability in bank erodibility, which in turn influences channel migration and planform development. Despite the potential significance of these feedbacks, few studies have quantified their impact upon channel evolution and floodplain construction in dynamic settings (e.g. locations characterized by rapid channel migration and high rates of overbank sedimentation). This study employs a combination of field observations, geographic information system (GIS) analysis of satellite imagery and numerical modelling to investigate these issues along a 375 km reach of the Rio Beni in the Bolivian Amazon. Results demonstrate that the occurrence of clay‐rich floodplain deposits promotes a significant reduction in channel migration rates and distinctive styles of channel evolution, including channel straightening and immobilization of bend apices leading to channel narrowing. Clay bodies act as stable locations limiting the propagation of planform disturbances in both upstream and downstream directions, and operate as ‘hinge’ points, around which the channel migrates. Spatial variations in the erodibility of clay‐rich floodplain material also promote large‐scale (10–50 km) differences in channel sinuosity and migration, although these variables are also likely to be influenced by channel gradient and tectonic effects that are difficult to quantify. Numerical model results suggest that spatial heterogeneity in bank erodibility, driven by variable bank composition, may force a substantial (c. 30%) reduction in average channel sinuosity, compared to situations in which bank strength is spatially homogeneous. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Distributed physically based erosion and phosphorus (P) transport models, run by the overland flow model described in Taskinen and Bruen (2006. Hydrological Processes 20 : this issue), are described. In the erosion model, the additional components to the basic model were the outflow of the particles by infiltration and a new model component, i.e. deposition when rainfall stops. Two ways of calculating the shielding factor due to the flow depth were compared. The P transport model had both dissolved P (DP) and particulate P (PP) components. The processes included in the DP model were desorption from the soil surface, advection, storage in the overland flow and infiltration. The PP model accounted for advection, storage in the flow, infiltration, detachment from the soil surface by flow and rainfall and deposition both when transport capacity of suspended solids (SS) is exceeded and when rainfall ceases. When the models were developed and validated in small agricultural fields of cohesive soil types in southern Finland, comparisons were made between corresponding processes and the significance of added components were estimated in order to find out whether increased model complexity improves the model performance. The sedigraphs were found to follow the dynamics of rainfall, emphasizing the importance of the rainfall splash component. The basic model was too slow to react to changes in rainfall and flow rates, but infiltration and deposition that acts during the cessation in rainfall improved the model significantly by enabling the modelled SS to fall sharply enough. The shielding effect of flow depth from the splash detachment was found to play a significant role. Transport capacity should also be included in erosion models when they are applied to cohesive soils. In this study, the Yalin method worked well. A strong correlation was obvious between the measured SS and total P concentrations, indicating that the main form of P in runoff is PP. This emphasizes the importance of a good sediment transport model in P transport modelling. The submodel used for DP desorption from the soil surface produced plausible results without any calibration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the Mississippi River plays a major role in fulfilling various water demands in North America, accurate prediction of river flow and sediment transport in the basin is crucial for undertaking both short‐term emergency measures and long‐term management efforts. To this effect, the present study investigates the predictability of river flow and suspended sediment transport in the basin. As most of the existing approaches that link water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load possess certain limitations (absence of consensus on linkages), this study employs an approach that presents predictions of a variable based on history of the variable alone. The approach, based on non‐linear determinism, involves: (1) reconstruction of single‐dimensional series in multi‐dimensional phase‐space for representing the underlying dynamics; and (2) use of the local approximation technique for prediction. For implementation, river flow and suspended sediment transport variables observed at the St. Louis (Missouri) station are studied. Specifically, daily water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load data are analysed for their predictability and range, by making predictions from one day to ten days ahead. The results lead to the following conclusions: (1) extremely good one‐day ahead predictions are possible for all the series; (2) prediction accuracy decreases with increasing lead time for all the series, but the decrease is much more significant for suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load; and (3) the number of mechanisms dominantly governing the dynamics is three for each of the series. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are seldom considered in models of mire hydrology. We investigated the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity on groundwater flow in bog peat using a steady‐state groundwater model. In five model simulations, four sets of K data were used. The first set comprised measured K values from an anisotropic and heterogeneous bog peat. These data were aggregated to produce the following simplified data sets: an isotropic and heterogeneous distribution of K; an isotropic and homogeneous distribution; and an anisotropic and homogeneous distribution. We demonstrate that, where anisotropy and heterogeneity exist, groundwater flow in bog peat is complex. Fine‐scale variations in K have the potential to influence patterns and rates of groundwater flow. However, for our data at least, it is heterogeneity and not anisotropy that has the greater influence on producing complex patterns of groundwater flow. We also demonstrate that patterns and rates of groundwater flow are simplified and reduced when measured K values are aggregated to create a more uniform distribution of K. For example, when measured K values are aggregated to produce isotropy and homogeneity, the rate of modelled seepage is reduced by 28%. We also show that when measured K values are used, the presence of a drainage ditch can increase seepage through a modelled cross‐section. Our work has implications for the accurate interpretation of hydraulic head data obtained from peat soils, and also the understanding of the effect of drainage ditches on patterns and rates of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important expenditure in water and energy balances, especially on cold and high‐altitude land surfaces. Daily ET of the upper reach of the Shule River Basin was estimated using Landsat 5 TM data and the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model. Based on observations made at the Suli station, the algorithms of land surface temperature and soil heat flux in SEBAL were modified. Land surface temperature was retrieved and compared with ground truth via three methods: the radiative transfer equation method, the mono‐window algorithm, and the single‐channel method. We selected the best of these methods, mono‐window algorithm, for estimating ET. The average error of daily ET estimated by the modified SEBAL model and measured by the eddy covariance system was 16.4%, with a root‐mean‐square error of 0.52 mm d?1. The estimated ET means were 3.09, 2.48, and 1.48 mm d?1 on June 9 (DOY 160), June 25 (DOY 176), and July 27 (DOY 208) of the year 2010, respectively. The average estimated ET on the glacier surface of all days was more than 3 mm d?1, a measurement that is difficult to capture in‐situ and has rarely been reported. This study will improve the understanding of water balance in cold, high‐altitude regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to provide comparative quantitative examinations on the capabilities of two‐dimensional horizontal and pseudo‐three‐dimensional (3D) modelling approaches for simulating spatial and temporal variability of the flow and salinity in Lake Urmia, Iran. The water quality in the lake has been an environmentally important subject partly because this shallow hypersaline aquatic ecosystem is considered to be one of the largest natural habitats of a unique multicellular organism, Artemia urmiana. This brine shrimp is the major food source for many of the protected and rare shorebirds that visit the lake. A. urmiana can grow and survive in certain ranges of salinity, and their disappearance could lead to an alteration of existing equilibria. The lake has also experienced considerable man‐made changes during the past three decades. A newly built crossing embankment almost divided the lake into two northern and southern halves. A relatively small opening of 1.25 km in the new embankment provides water connections between the two halves. As a result, the flow and salinity regimes have been significantly changed. This might have had adverse serious impacts on the lake ecosystem. In the current study, the two‐dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic model has been found to provide reasonable predictions for the flow regime in the lake, whereas its salinity predictions have not been consistent with the field observations. The pseudo‐3D model has produced results fairly close to the salinity measurements and its temporal and spatial variations. The pseudo‐3D model has been used for evaluating the embankment effects on the lake hydrodynamics and on the salinity conditions. The effectiveness of introducing a different number or length of openings in the embankment for restoring the pre‐embankment conditions has also been examined. These remedy options have been found not to offer substantial improvements to the lake's existing ecosystem. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal variations in CO2 and CH4 concentrations in streamwater and adjacent soils were studied at three sites on Brocky Burn, a headwater stream draining a peatland catchment in upland Britain. Concentrations of both gases in the soil atmosphere were significantly higher in peat and riparian soils than in mineral soils. Peat and riparian soil CO2 concentrations varied seasonally, showing a positive correlation with air and soil temperature. Streamwater CO2 concentrations at the upper sampling site, which mostly drained deep peats, varied from 2·8 to 9·8 mg l?1 (2·5 to 11·9 times atmospheric saturation) and decreased markedly downstream. Temperature‐related seasonal variations in peat and riparian soil CO2 were reflected in the stream at the upper site, where 77% of biweekly variation was explained by an autoregressive model based on: (i) a negative log‐linear relationship with stream flow; (ii) a positive linear relationship with soil CO2 concentrations in the shallow riparian wells; and (iii) a negative linear relationship with soil CO2 concentrations in the shallow peat wells, with a significant 2‐week lag term. These relationships changed markedly downstream, with an apparent decrease in the soil–stream linkage and a switch to a positive relationship between stream flow and stream CO2. Streamwater CH4 concentrations also declined sharply downstream, but were much lower (<0·01 to 0·12 mg l?1) than those of CO2 and showed no seasonal variation, nor any relationship with soil atmospheric CH4 concentrations. However, stream CH4 was significantly correlated with stream flow at the upper site, which explained 57% of biweekly variations in dissolved concentrations. We conclude that stream CO2 can be a useful integrative measure of whole catchment respiration, but only at sites where the soil–stream linkage is strong. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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