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Research into global hot spots of dust emission has focused on exposed fine‐grained sediments in palaeo‐ or ephemeral dryland lake basins including Etosha (Namibia) and Makgadikgadi (Botswana) in southern Africa. Namibia's western ephemeral river valleys are also known to produce dust but have remained largely overlooked as a regionally significant source. Nutrient enrichment of valley sediments and proximity to the South Atlantic suggests aeolian dust could play an important role in ocean fertilization. The fertility of valley dust is dependent on fluvial sediments originating in the upper catchments on the Southern African Central Plateau. In this study we investigate climate, geology, vegetation and land use variability and how these may influence the nitrogen, phosphorus and iron availability in the catchments. We intensely sampled the Huab, Kuiseb and Tsauchab river systems to map the spatial distribution of nutrients from upper catchments to river termini. Samples were analysed for the bioavailable fractions of iron, nitrogen and phosphorus as well as total nitrogen and phosphorus. Results show that the lower valley reaches are sources of aeolian dust enriched in nutrients. Nitrogen levels correlate with precipitation and vegetation levels and phosphorus levels with geology. However, differences in upper catchment sediment nutrient levels were not representative of downstream nutrient differences between valleys. Rather, it is the hydrological and geomorphological processes of the ephemeral river systems that are key for producing the enriched sediments in the lower reaches. We demonstrate that the ephemeral river valleys of western Namibia are an extensive and enriched source of mineral dust that could play a critical role in marine productivity of the southern Atlantic. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been little work to date into the controls on slope‐to‐channel fine sediment connectivity in alpine environments largely ice‐free for most of the Holocene. Characterization of these controls can be expected to result in better understanding of how landscapes “relax” from such perturbations as climate shock. We monitored fine sediment mobilization on a slope segment hydrologically connected to a stream in the largely ice‐free 8·3 km2 Hoophorn Valley, New Zealand. Gerlach traps were installed in ephemeral slope channels to trap surficial material mobilized during rainfall events. Channel sediment flux was measured using turbidimeters above and below the connected slope, and hysteresis patterns in discharge‐suspended sediment concentrations were used to determine sediment sources. Over the 96 day measurement period, sediment mobilization from the slope segment was limited to rainfall events, with increasingly larger particles trapped as event magnitude increased. Less than 1% of the mass of particles collected during these events was fine sediment. During this period, 714 t of suspended sediment was transported through the lower gauging station, 60% of it during rainfall events. Channel sediment transfer patterns during these events were dominated by clockwise hysteresis, interpreted as remobilization of nearby in‐channel sources, further suggesting limited input of fine sediment from slopes in the lower valley. Strong counterclockwise hysteresis, representing input of fine sediment from slope segments, was restricted to the largest storm event (JD2 2009) when surfaces in the upper basin were activated. The results indicate that the slopes of the lower Hoophorn catchment are no longer functioning as sources of fine sediment, but rather as sources of coarse material, with flux rates controlled by the intensity and duration of rainfall events. Although speculative, these findings suggest a shift to a coarse sediment dominated slope‐to‐channel transfer system as the influence of pre‐Holocene glacial erosion declines. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological investigations in the Russian Altai Mountains provide evidence for the extent and timing of Late Quaternary glaciations and aeolian sediments. Infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IR-OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating of aeolian sediments from the central part of the Russian Altai were carried out on silty and sandy sediments that cover fluvial and glacio-fluvial terraces. Most samples from loess, loess-like sediments and sandy loess taken from different terrace sequences within the Altai Mountains provide IRSL ages suggesting a main aeolian deposition period between 25 and 15 ka. These data are consistent with those from the adjacent Mongolian Altai. Sand and silt layers within moraines yielded IRSL age estimates between 22 and 19 ka and correlate to the ice margins of the Last Glacial Maximum. Aeolian dune sands overlying or neighbouring the loess-like sediments and the fluvial terraces at some places provide evidence for Late Glacial (around 15 ka) and Early Holocene (around 9 ka) aeolian activity. The youngest sand sheets gave deposition ages of about 1.5 ka. These sediments covered graves and are related to overgrazing. They provide evidence for the significant human impact on the environment. Fluvial sediments, including silt and sandy gravel intermingled with charcoal, yielded contradicting radiocarbon and luminescence ages. IRSL age estimates obtained for the silty layers range from 19 to 18 ka and are significantly older than the radiocarbon ages, which gave sub-recent ages between 1170 and 910 BP. These data indicate fluvial sedimentation of debris and mudflows in a period of deforestation and strong soil erosion related to mining activities during the 9th and 10th century.  相似文献   

The summit plateau of The Storr (719 m) in northern Skye is mantled by a sheet of aeolian sediment up to 2·9 m thick, covering an area of 33 000 m2 with a volume of 41 000 m3. The deposits are of massive, poorly sorted sand with significant components of silt and fine gravel, and contain clasts up to 109 mm in length. The thickness and coarseness of the deposits decline westwards and northwards away from the highest cliffs, implying that the sediment comprises particles dislodged from rockwalls and blown upwards in an accelerating vertical or near-vertical airflow, settling through a lower-velocity flow onto the plateau surface where they are trapped by vegetation. Radiocarbon dating of soils buried under and within the deposits suggests that accumulation began after 7·2–6·9 calendar ka BP but before 5·6–5·3 calendar ka BP , and was probably initiated by exposure of the present rockwall by a massive landslide at c. 6·5 ± 0·5 calendar ka BP . Pollen analyses of buried organic horizons suggest that a vegetation mat dominated by grasses and sedges was present throughout the period of sediment deposition. Sediment accumulation over much of the plateau averaged 10–20 mm per century throughout the late Holocene, but reached c. 60 mm per century in the area of the thickest deposits. The volume of the deposits implies the removal of 420–480 mm of rock (averaged over the face) during the late Holocene, and suggests that small-scale granular disaggregation and release of small clasts constitute a major component of rockwall retreat under present conditions. The origin of the Storr deposits suggests that plateau-top aeolian sediments on other Scottish mountains accumulated in a similar way, but have been eroded and redeposited on lee slopes following breakage of vegetation cover. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A one-day field investigation on an unvegetated backbeach documents the importance of surface sediment drying to aeolian transport. Surface sediments were well sorted fine sand. Moisture content of samples taken in the moist areas on the backbeach varied from 2·9 to 9·2 per cent. Lack of dry sediment inhibited transport prior to 08:50. By 09:10 conspicuous streamers of dry sand moved across the moist surface. Barchan-shaped bedforms, 30 to 40 mm high and composed of dry sand (moisture content <0·10 per cent), formed where sand streamers converged. The surface composed of dry sand increased from 5 per cent of the area of the backbeach at 09:50 to 90 per cent by 12:50 Mean wind speeds were beetween 5·6 and 8·6 m s−1 at 6 m above the backbeach. Corresponding shear velocities were always above the entrainment threshold for dry sand and below the threshold for the moist sand on the backbeach. Measured rates of sand trapped (by vertical cylindrical traps) increased during the day relative to calculated rates. The measured rate of sand trapped on the moist foreshore was higher than the rate trapped on the backbeach during the same interval, indicating that the moist foreshore (moisture content 18 per cent) was an efficient transport surface for sediment delivered from the dry portion of the beach upwind. Measured rates of sand trapped show no clear relationship to shear velocities unless time-dependent surface moisture content is considered. Results document conditions that describe transport across moist surfaces in terms of four stages including: (1) entrainment of moist sediment from a moist surface; (2) in situ drying of surface grains from a moist surface followed by transport across the surface; (3) entrainment and transport of dry sediment from bedforms that have accumulated on the moist surface; and (4) entrainment of sand from a dry upwind source and transport across a moist downwind surface. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In arid zones, many active aeolian dunes terminate at ephemeral and perennial desert rivers. The desert rivers show very high rates of sediment transport that cause deleterious downstream effects on the river system and ecology. High sediment loading has been attributed to severe water erosion of sparsely covered watersheds during infrequent but heavy rainfall. Although aeolian erosion is known to lead to high rates of wind‐blown sand transport, direct confirmation of whether the aeolian processes accelerate or inhibit fluvial sediment loss is lacking. Here, we show that an aeolian‐fluvial cycling process is responsible for the high rate of suspended sediment transport in a Sudalaer ephemeral desert channel in the Ordos Plateau of China. Frequent aeolian processes, but low frequency (once every 3 years on average) flooding, occur in this region. Wind‐blown saltating grains appeared to be unable to cross the desert channel because of interruption of channel‐induced recirculating air flow, and therefore tended to settle in the channel during the windy seasons, leading to channel narrowing. During flooding, this narrowed channel was found to yield a threefold increase in suspended sediment loading and a 3.4‐fold increase in the weight percentage of the 0.08–0.2 mm sediment fraction on 18 July 2012. Loss of stored aeolian sand due to channel erosion accounted for about half of the total sediment yield in this watershed. These findings show that aeolian processes play an essential role in accelerating the sediment yield from a watershed characterized by aeolian‐fluvial interplay and also suggest that the drier the region and the greater the aeolian process, the more the aeolian process contributes to fluvial sediment yield. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the late Quaternary landscape evolution in the Chifeng region of Inner Mongolia, China, its relations to the history of the Pleistocene‐Holocene loess accumulation, erosion and redeposition, and their impact on human occupation. Based on 57 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of loess sediments, fluvial sand and floodplain deposits accumulated on the hill slopes and floodplains, we conclude that during most of the Pleistocene period the region was blanketed by a thick layer of aeolian loess, as well as by alluvial and fluvial deposits. The loess section is divided into two main units that are separated by unconformity. The OSL ages at the top of the lower reddish loess unit yielded an approximate age of 193 ka, roughly corresponding to the transition from MIS 7 to 6, though they could be older. The upper gray loess unit accumulated during the upper Pleistocene glacial phase (MIS 4–3) at a mean accumulation rate of 0·22 m/ka. Parallel to the loess accumulation on top of the hilly topography, active fans were operating during MIS 4–2 at the outlet of large gullies surrounding the major valley at a mean accumulation rate of 0·24 m/ka. This co‐accumulation indicates that gullies have been a long‐term geomorphic feature at the margins of the Gobi Desert since at least the middle Pleistocene. During the Holocene, the erosion of the Pleistocene loess on the hills led to the burial of the valley floors by the redeposited sediments at a rate that decreases from 3·2 m/ka near the hills to 1–0·4 m/ka1 in the central part of the Chifeng Valley. This rapid accumulation and the frequent shifts of the courses of the river prevented the construction of permanent settlements in the valley floors, a situation which changed only with improved man‐made control of the local rivers from the tenth century AD. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary stratigraphy of a 50 km2 catchment on the south-eastern highlands of Australia reveals processes and history of denudation, and helps resolve a long-standing debate about factors controlling episodic valley aggradation and degradation during Holocene times. Valley sedimentation occurred when swampy vegetation fully colonized valley floors and obliterated all channels, promoting aggradation for periods of several thousand years, with most incoming sediment being trapped in swampy meadows. Much of the sediment was reworked from late Pleistocene alluvial fan and valley fill deposits, and primary hillslope erosion was minor during the Holocene. Differing sedimentation patterns between the Late Pleistocene, Holocene and Post-European settlement periods reflect regional changes in sediment supply and transport capacity as a result of major environmental change. Within the Holocene, however, valley fill stratigraphy is controlled by massive, episodic gully erosion terminating aggradation. Gully initiation appears to be controlled more by thresholds of incision into vegetated valley floors than by changes to sediment supply. Whether the thresholds are exceeded because of climatic change, autonomous change or extreme events cannot yet be determined. Overall, the Holocene history represents continuing complex response to events of the Late Pleistocene, and does not support the K-cycle concept, which has strongly influenced late Quaternary geomorphology in Australia.  相似文献   

Sediment distribution is investigated applying grain size analysis to 279 surface samples from the transitional zone between high mountains (Qilian Shan) and their arid forelands (Hexi Corridor) in north‐western China. Six main sediment types were classified. Medium scale (103 m) geomorphological setting is carefully considered as it may play an important role concerning sediment supply and availability. A tripartite distribution of sedimentological landscape units along the mountain to foreland transition is evident. Aeolian sediments (e.g. loess and dune sands) are widespread. They are used to identify aeolian transport pathways. The mU/fS‐ratio (5–11 µm/48–70 µm) among primary loess opposes the two grain size fractions being most sensitive to varying accumulation conditions. The first fraction is attributed to long‐distance transport in high suspension clouds whereas the latter represents local transport in saltation mode. The ratio shows strong correlation with elevation (R2 = 0.77). Thus, it indicates a relatively higher far‐traveled dust supply in mountainous areas (>3000 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) compared to the foreland. The contribution of westerlies to high mountain loess deposits is considered likely. Hereby, the influence of the geomorphological setting on grain size composition of aeolian sediments becomes apparent: the contribution from distant dust sources is ubiquitous in the study area. However, the far‐distance contribution may be reduced by the availability of fine sand provided in low topography settings. Plain foreland areas support fine sand deflation from supplying river beds, allowing the formation of sandy loess in foreland areas and intramontane basins. In contrast, high mountain topography inhibits strong sand deflation into loess deposits. Eastern parts of the Hexi Corridor show higher aeolian sand occurrence. In contrast, the western parts are dominated by gravel gobi surfaces. This is attributed to higher sand supply in eastern parts provided by the Badain Jaran Desert and fluvial storages as sand sources. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factors influencing sediment transport and storage within the 156·6 km2 drainage basin of Pancho Rico Creek (PRC), and sediment transport from the PRC drainage basin to its c. 11 000 km2 mainstem drainage (Salinas River) are investigated. Numeric age estimates are determined by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on quartz grains from three sediment samples collected from a ‘quaternary terrace a (Qta)’ PRC terrace/PRC‐tributary fan sequence, which consists dominantly of debris flow deposits overlying fluvial sediments. OSL dating results, morphometric analyses of topography, and field results indicate that the stormy climate of the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition caused intense debris‐flow erosion of PRC‐tributary valleys. However, during that time, the PRC channel was backfilled by Qta sediment, which indicates that there was insufficient discharge in PRC to transport the sediment load produced by tributary‐valley denudation. Locally, Salinas Valley alluvial stratigraphy lacks any record of hillslope erosion occurring during the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition, in that the alluvial fan formed where PRC enters the Salinas Valley lacks lobes correlative to Qta. This indicates that sediment stripped from PRC tributaries was mostly trapped in Pancho Rico Valley despite the relatively moist climate of the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition. Incision into Qta did not occur until PRC enlarged its drainage basin by c. 50% through capture of the upper part of San Lorenzo Creek, which occurred some time after the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition. During the relatively dry Holocene, PRC incision through Qta and into bedrock, as well as delivery of sediment to the San Ardo Fan, were facilitated by the discharge increase associated with stream‐capture. The influence of multiple mechanisms on sediment storage and transport in the Pancho Rico Valley‐Salinas Valley system exemplifies the complexity that (in some instances) must be recognized in order to correctly interpret terrestrial sedimentary sequences in tectonically active areas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Hulunbuir dune field (HLB) is situated near the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and vulnerable to climate change. The aeolian sand–paleosol sequences of this region are crucial for understanding the past landform processes in response to climate change, but not yet understood well due to chronological controversies. Here, we presented 20 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from five aeolian sand–paleosol profiles in the HLB, and reconstructed the aeolian landform processes since 18 ka. The findings of this study suggested that the HLB was probably dominated by mobile dunes before 18 ka, as 10 out of 11 aeolian samples were dated to 18–12 ka. Two strong sandy paleosol layers were found and dated to ∼9 ka and 5–0.5 ka, indicating that strong in situ pedogenic process on the accumulative sand could occur during the Holocene. The OSL ages of samples near the top of three profiles were >9.5 ka, indicating two possible surface processes. First, the land surface was stable since 9.5 ka after stabilization, with no accumulation or erosion. Alternatively, the surface could have been erosive with the eroded sediments feeding downwind active dunes. The latter explanation is consistent with the current local landforms, which has widespread blowout pits, indicators of strong wind erosion. We emphasized that the OSL age of a sand layer sample in fossil dunes implied the onset of mobile dune stabilization, not the age of dune activity, as previously stated.  相似文献   

Controls on sand ramp formation in southern Namibia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Sand ramps have the potential to provide rich palaeoenvironmental information in dryland regions where proxy records are typically scarce. However, current knowledge of the geomorphic controls and processes of sand ramp formation is limited. This study provides a data‐rich examination of the key factors controlling sand ramp formation. The location and morphology of 75 sand ramps in southern Namibia are examined. The sediments and chronologies of 10 sand ramps are studied in detail using 51 OSL dates and 83 grain‐size and LOI samples. Heavy mineral assemblages are used to determine the provenance of 10 samples and OSL sensitivity is used to explore geomorphic processes of eight samples. Sand ramp morphology can be grouped into one of four classes of increasing size and complexity and is closely linked to the available accommodation space. Heavy mineral assemblages indicate local sediment sources and all 75 studied sand ramps are within 4 km of a large ephemeral river channel or within 5.5 km of a dune field. Therefore, accommodation space and sediment supply are identified as the primary controls of sand ramp formation. Sedimentology and OSL sensitivity suggest a complex interplay of aeolian, fluvial and colluvial processes contribute to sand ramp formation with large variability observed between ramps. Three of the ten dated sand ramps have been present in the Namibian landscape for >100 ka. Eight sand ramps show episodic deposition between >75–12 ka and five show evidence of surface reworking over the past 2 ka. Environmental sensitivity is probably linked to the size and availability of the accommodation space. Therefore, individual sand ramps are expected to reflect local environmental conditions, recording when an abundant sediment supply coincided with available accommodation space, while a regional analysis of multiple sand ramps with chronometric data offers the potential to identify larger scale palaeoenvironmental controls of sediment supply. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the source and provenance of sediments deposited in a large floodplain sink during extreme floods in the Lockyer Creek catchment, Australia, in 2011 and 2013. We place the sediment source patterns in context of the longer-term record to determine whether coarse-grained sediment sources (i.e., very fine sand to very coarse sand) and the spatio-temporal pattern of (dis)connectivity have changed over time. We do this by matching the geochemical properties and age structure of a sediment profile located in a downstream floodplain sink to the elemental composition of source sediments. One hundred and fifty-seven sediment samples from 20 sites across the catchment are analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to compare the elemental ratio composition of the downstream floodplain sink to its source materials. We use Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating to determine the age structure of the sediments in the floodplain sink. The northern tributaries and parts of the Lockyer River trunk stream are the primary sources of coarse sediment. These areas are connected (coupled) to the lower trunk stream and floodplain sediment sink. Southern tributaries are largely disconnected (decoupled) and supply little sediment to the floodplain sediment sink. This pattern of sediment source contribution has remained similar over the last 6.8 ka at least. Sediment sources as observed in the 2011 flood have predominated over the mid-late Holocene whilst those in the 2013 flood are rare.  相似文献   

Resetting of sediments mobilised by the LGM ice-sheet in southern Norway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Former geological field investigations in the Rondane area, east-central southern Norway, have proposed that the maximum Fennoscandian ice-sheet coverage occurred during the Late Weichselian Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca. 20 ka) and that subsequent glaciofluvial sediments were first deposited in the early Holocene (after 10 ka). However, recent field investigations with ages from three internally consistent quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age series show an apparent deglaciation of northern Rondane in the period 20.0–13.8 ka. We examine here the possibility that these ages are too old because the sediment was not completely zeroed prior to deposition. Our investigations of incomplete bleaching use modern analogues, small aliquots, and single grains of quartz. First, the symmetric shape of small aliquot equivalent dose distributions suggests that the sediment was probably well bleached at deposition. This is supported by 5 modern analogue equivalent doses (De) of 0.6 Gy, 1.5% of the typical De from the deglaciation sediments. Finally, from single grain studies on three samples, we conclude that there is no evidence for poor bleaching in these samples; thus the weighted mean gives the best estimates of De, and these are completely consistent with both large and small aliquot estimates for these samples. These comparisons between large aliquots, modern analogues, small aliquots and single-grain analyses help to validate the OSL ages and confirm the complete resetting of these sediments prior to deposition.  相似文献   

Monitoring of dust deposition at several stations on Crete over a three year period has shown that the present-day depositional flux is of the order of 10-100 gm−2 yr−1. Most of the dust deposition takes place during a few annual dust [events] which typically last for 1-3 days. Dust haze episodes are usually associated with southerly or southwesterly winds which transport fine sediment from North Africa. Dust is raised by a wide variety of meteorological conditions which generate strong near-surface winds in the source areas, but major long-range transport events are often associated with cold fronts linked to the passage of deep mid-latitude depressions during winter and spring. Dust haze frequency and deposition rates are highest in western Crete and decrease towards the east, suggesting that transport from Tunisia and neighbouring parts of North Africa is particularly important. The measured rate of dust deposition is well below the minimum level required for loess formation. Deposits which have previously been identified as loess are shown to be uncemented marine marls of Tertiary age. Laboratory analysis of red soils, surface sediments, and bedrock samples has confirmed that many of the soils contain an important aeolian dust component, but it is concluded that a more important source of soil parent material is provided by weathering of local rocks. Many of the soils contain significant amounts of quartz sand which cannot have been transported across the sea from North Africa. Reworking of weathered material and deposited dust is extensive, and is accomplished by both aeolian and fluvial processes. Tectonically-controlled depressions in the mountains and parts of the coastal lowlands have acted as long-term sinks in which a thickness of several metres of sediment and soil has accumulated during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Many urban rivers receive significant inputs of metal‐contaminated sediments from their catchments. Restoration of urban rivers often creates increased slack water areas and in‐channel vegetation growth where these metal‐contaminated sediments may accumulate. Quantifying the accumulation and retention of these sediments by in‐channel vegetation in urban rivers is of importance in terms of the planning and management of urban river restoration schemes and compliance with the Water Framework Directive. This paper investigates sediment properties at four sites across three rivers within Greater London to assess the degree to which contaminated sediments are being retained. Within paired restored and unrestored reaches at each site, four different bed sediment patch types (exposed unvegetated gravel, sand, and silt/clay (termed ‘fine’) sediments, and in‐channel vegetated sediments) were sampled and analysed for a range of metals and sediment characteristics. Many samples were found to exceed Environment Agency guidelines for copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) and Dutch Intervention Values for Cu and Zn. At all sites, sediments accumulating around in‐channel vegetation were similar in calibre and composition to exposed unvegetated fine sediments. Both bed sediment types contained high concentrations of pseudo‐total and acetic acid extractable metal concentrations, potentially due to elevated organic matter and silt/clay content, as these are important sorbtion phases for metals. This implies that the changed sediment supply and hydraulic conditions associated with river restoration may lead to enhanced retention of contaminated fine sediments, particularly around emergent plants, frequently leading to the development of submerged and emergent landforms and potential river channel adjustments. High pseudo‐total metal concentrations were also found in gravel bed sediments, probably associated with iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxyhydroxides and discrete anthropogenic metal‐rich particles. These results highlight the importance of understanding the potential effects of urban river restoration upon sediment availability and channel hydraulics and consequent impacts upon sediment contaminant dynamics and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have analysed a series of surface samples from the alpine glaciers of Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica for their geochemical composition. This was done to better establish the role of glaciochemical variation on the chemical composition of meltwater streams emanating from the glaciers. The chemistry of the snow and ice changes with proximity to the ocean and with elevation of the glacier surface. The aeolian transport of dry valley dust, as indicated by both chemical and particulate matter variations, is a major process affecting the overall glacier chemistry and the chemistry of the meltwaters. Streams originating on the western edges of the glaciers are more impacted by the aeolian input as they are in the direct path of the major regional wind direction. Our data strongly suggest that the variation in stream geochemistry in Taylor Valley is a result in part of the differences in chemical composition of glacier melt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program Site 658 lies under the North African summer dust plume, and ought to be an ideal target for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, since the main clastic input is far-travelled Saharan dust. However, OSL ages for coarse silt-sized quartz (40–63 μm) are systematically lower than independent age estimates when dose rates are calculated using a model which assumes detrital 238U, 232Th and 40K and excess 230Th and 231Pa. Ages which are in good agreement with independent age control are obtained from the coarse silt samples when a correction for authigenic uranium uptake is incorporated into the dose rate model. Authigenic uranium uptake occurs under reducing conditions, which are common at the sediment–water interface, and some degree of authigenic uranium correction may be required for most marine sediments. Using this revised dose rate model, ages produced using fine silt-sized quartz (4–11 μm) are up to 100% older than both independent and coarse silt ages. In addition, the fine silt ages show a consistent pattern of age decrease with depth over 1.5 m of core. 230Th data from Site 658 indicate that this site receives 3 times more sediment laterally than vertically. It is concluded that the fine silt at Site 658 contains a substantial reworked component, making it unsuitable for dating. Conversely the coarse silt fraction, which settles through water at ∼40 times the rate of fine silt, appears to be derived from dust input over the site at the time of deposition. Since prominent nepheloid (cloudy) layers occur in various deep ocean basins, and the material suspended in these layers often consists of reworked fine silt-sized sediments, coarser material should be dated where possible.  相似文献   

A reliable estimation of sediment transport in gravel‐bed streams is important for various practical engineering and biological studies (e.g., channel stability design, bed degradation/aggradation, restoration of spawning habitat). In the present work, we report original laboratory experiments investigating the transport of gravel particles at low bed shear stresses. The laboratory tests were conducted under unsteady flow conditions inducing low bed shear stresses, with detailed monitoring of the bed topography using a laser scanner. Effects of bed surface arrangements were documented by testing loose and packed bed configurations. Effects of fine sediments were examined by testing beds with sand, artificial fine sand or cohesive silt infiltrated in the gravel matrix. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that the transport of gravel particles depends upon the bed arrangement, the bed material properties (e.g., size and shape, consolidation index, permeability) and the concentration of fine sediments within the surface layer of moving grains. This concentration is directly related to the distribution of fine particles within the gravel matrix (i.e., bottom‐up infiltration or bridging) and their transport mode (i.e., bedload or suspended load). Compared to loose beds, the mobility of gravel is reduced for packed beds and for beds clogged from the bottom up with cohesive fine sediments; in both cases, the bed shear stress for gravel entrainment increases by about 12%. On the other hand, the mobility of gravel increases significantly (bed shear stress for particle motion decreasing up to 40%) for beds clogged at the surface by non‐cohesive sand particles. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution of grain size parameters along 11 km stretch of the beach sediments between Karikal and Nagore,reveals that the mean grain size exhibits a marked decreasing trend on either side of the mouth of the Tirumalairajanar River which flow from west to east.The sediments are mainly of medium to coarse grained,moderately sorted,near-symmetrical skewed to fine skewed and leptokurtic to mesokurtic in nature.Interrelationship of various parameters shows bimodal nature of sediments having dominance of medium to coarse sand.The major part of the sediment fall in a coarse to fine grained category(sand and silt).Based on the CM(Coarser one percentile value in micron) pattern,the sediment fall in rolling and suspension field.These factors includes the sediments discharged from the river mixes with offshore sediments and with the sediments eroded from a source rock.The effect of wave sorting, and the northward drifting of sediments by littoral current are understandable.Results indicate that the Tirumalairajanar River is the most important source for modern sediments in the study area.The agitation by waves is an important sorting mechanism in the study area,and the net sediment transport in the study area is northward.The findings are based on the grain sizes and also corroborated by shortterm observations of the beach sediment dynamics and transport during the monsoon and summer seasons between Karaikal and Nagore region.  相似文献   

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