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Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) photogrammetry is now used widely to study a range of earth surface processes and landforms, and is fast becoming a core tool in fluvial geomorphology. SfM photogrammetry allows extraction of topographic information and orthophotos from aerial imagery. However, one field where it is not yet widely used is that of river restoration. The characterisation of physical habitat conditions pre‐ and post‐restoration is critical for assessing project success, and SfM can be used easily and effectively for this purpose. In this paper we outline a workflow model for the application of SfM photogrammetry to collect topographic data, develop surface models and assess geomorphic change resulting from river restoration actions. We illustrate the application of the model to a river restoration project in the NW of England, to show how SfM techniques have been used to assess whether the project is achieving its geomorphic objectives. We outline the details of each stage of the workflow, which extend from preliminary decision‐making related to the establishment of a ground control network, through fish‐eye lens camera testing and calibration, to final image analysis for the creation of facies maps, the extraction of point clouds, and the development of digital elevation models (DEMs) and channel roughness maps. The workflow enabled us to confidently identify geomorphic changes occurring in the river channel over time, as well as assess spatial variation in erosion and aggradation. Critical to the assessment of change was the high number of ground control points and the application of a minimum level of detection threshold used to assess uncertainties in the topographic models. We suggest that these two things are especially important for river restoration applications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In arid zones, many active aeolian dunes terminate at ephemeral and perennial desert rivers. The desert rivers show very high rates of sediment transport that cause deleterious downstream effects on the river system and ecology. High sediment loading has been attributed to severe water erosion of sparsely covered watersheds during infrequent but heavy rainfall. Although aeolian erosion is known to lead to high rates of wind‐blown sand transport, direct confirmation of whether the aeolian processes accelerate or inhibit fluvial sediment loss is lacking. Here, we show that an aeolian‐fluvial cycling process is responsible for the high rate of suspended sediment transport in a Sudalaer ephemeral desert channel in the Ordos Plateau of China. Frequent aeolian processes, but low frequency (once every 3 years on average) flooding, occur in this region. Wind‐blown saltating grains appeared to be unable to cross the desert channel because of interruption of channel‐induced recirculating air flow, and therefore tended to settle in the channel during the windy seasons, leading to channel narrowing. During flooding, this narrowed channel was found to yield a threefold increase in suspended sediment loading and a 3.4‐fold increase in the weight percentage of the 0.08–0.2 mm sediment fraction on 18 July 2012. Loss of stored aeolian sand due to channel erosion accounted for about half of the total sediment yield in this watershed. These findings show that aeolian processes play an essential role in accelerating the sediment yield from a watershed characterized by aeolian‐fluvial interplay and also suggest that the drier the region and the greater the aeolian process, the more the aeolian process contributes to fluvial sediment yield. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the twenty‐first century, fluvial geomorphologists are ideally placed to use their science in an applied manner, and provide guidance on environmental issues of concern. Understanding the impact of floods and droughts, land use and climate change, water use, etc. on river forms, processes and evolution requires that we understand interactions between water, sediment and vegetation, and how climate and anthropogenic impacts shape those interactions. More frequently, fluvial geomorphologists are asked to provide answers to a range of river issues, make forecasts about how systems might adjust in the future, and work with managers to implement strategies on‐the‐ground. To some, the field of fluvial geomorphology is underprepared for this task as several principles of landscape form, process and evolution are yet to be fully explored. Others however, see that geomorphologists have a suite of principles and tools at their disposal, and sufficient understanding to make forecasts about future river adjustments with some level of confidence. One concept that has been lost in recent years, but should lie at the heart of such analyses is that of river sensitivity. In this paper I draw on foundation literature to review the concept of river sensitivity. I provide examples that demonstrate how this concept could be reshaped and used for analyses at landform, reach and catchment scales. At the landform scale, morphological sensitivity is a function of textural and geometric sensitivity. At the reach scale, analyses consider inherent behavioural and change sensitivity. At the catchment scale river response and recovery are a function of locational, transmission and filter sensitivity. I then discuss how some temporal concepts can be used to consider how sensitivity in itself adjusts over time. Finally, I discuss future challenges for analysis of river sensitivity and consider how it could be used to improve geomorphological forecasting for use in river management. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers act as ‘jerky conveyor belts’ that transmit fluxes of flow and sediment downstream. This transmission of fluxes can be highly variable within a drainage basin resulting in either abrupt or gradational sediment (dis)connectivity patterns and processes. This study assesses sediment (dis)connectivity across a basin as a means to understand the locational, transmission and filter sensitivity properties of a fluvial system. Drawing upon the case study of Richmond River Catchment, New South Wales, Australia we use the concepts of effective catchment area and buffers, along with graph theory and an empirical sediment transport model CASCADE (Catchment Sediment Connectivity and Delivery), to assess (1) the degree to which modelled sediment cascades along the river network are connected or disconnected (2) how the position, pattern and configuration of (dis)connection facilitates or restricts geomorphic adjustment in different parts of a catchment, and (3) use the findings as a basis to explain the locational-transmission-filter sensitivity of the catchment. We use this analysis to segregate supply limited and transport limited reaches and identify various controls on sediment dynamics: in-stream sediment storage units, junctions between different geomorphic river types, tributary confluences and sediment storage units within partly confined floodplain units. Such analysis lays the foundation for network scale identification of potential hotspots of geomorphic adjustment.  相似文献   

Process dynamics in fluvial‐based dryland environments are highly complex with fluvial, aeolian, and alluvial processes all contributing to landscape change. When anthropogenic activities such as dam‐building affect fluvial processes, the complexity in local response can be further increased by flood‐ and sediment‐limiting flows. Understanding these complexities is key to predicting landscape behavior in drylands and has important scientific and management implications, including for studies related to paleoclimatology, landscape ecology evolution, and archaeological site context and preservation. Here we use multi‐temporal LiDAR surveys, local weather data, and geomorphological observations to identify trends in site change throughout the 446‐km‐long semi‐arid Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, where archaeological site degradation related to the effects of upstream dam operation is a concern. Using several site case studies, we show the range of landscape responses that might be expected from concomitant occurrence of dam‐controlled fluvial sand bar deposition, aeolian sand transport, and rainfall‐induced erosion. Empirical rainfall‐erosion threshold analyses coupled with a numerical rainfall–runoff–soil erosion model indicate that infiltration‐excess overland flow and gullying govern large‐scale (centimeter‐ to decimeter‐scale) landscape changes, but that aeolian deposition can in some cases mitigate gully erosion. Whereas threshold analyses identify the normalized rainfall intensity (defined as the ratio of rainfall intensity to hydraulic conductivity) as the primary factor governing hydrologic‐driven erosion, assessment of false positives and false negatives in the dataset highlight topographic slope as the next most important parameter governing site response. Analysis of 4+ years of high resolution (four‐minute) weather data and 75+ years of low resolution (daily) climate records indicates that dryland erosion is dependent on short‐term, storm‐driven rainfall intensity rather than cumulative rainfall, and that erosion can occur outside of wet seasons and even wet years. These results can apply to other similar semi‐arid landscapes where process complexity may not be fully understood. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

It is not new to recognize that data from remote sensing platforms is transforming the way we characterize and analyse our environment. The ability to collect continuous data spanning spatial scales now allows geomorphological research in a data rich environment and this special issue [coming just eight years after the 2010 special issue of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (ESPL) associated with the remote sensing of rivers] highlights the considerable research effort being made to exploit this information, for studies of geomorphic form and process. The 2010 special issue on the remote sensing of rivers noted that fluvial remote sensing articles made up some 14% of the total river related articles in ESPL. A similar review of articles up to 2017 reveals that this figure has increased to around 25% with a recent proliferation of articles utilizing satellite‐based data and structure from motion photogrammetry derived data. It is interesting to note, however that many studies published to date are proof of concept, concentrating on confirming the accuracy of the remotely sensed data at the expense of generating new insights and ideas on fluvial form and function. Data is becoming ever more precise and researchers should now be concentrating on analysing these early data sets to develop increased geomorphic insight, to challenge existing paradigms and to advance geomorphic science. The prospect of this occurring is increased by the fact that many of the new remote sensed platforms allow accurate spatial data to be collected cheaply and efficiently, reducing the need for substantial research funding to advance river science. Fluvial geomorphologists have never before been in such a liberated position. As techniques and analytical skills continue to improve it is inevitable that the prediction that remotely sensed data will revolutionize our understanding of geomorphological form and process will prove true, altering our ideas on the very nature of system functioning in the process. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In situ measurement of grain‐scale fluvial morphology is important for studies on grain roughness, sediment transport and the interactions between animals and the geomorphology, topics relevant to many river practitioners. Close‐range digital photogrammetry (CRDP) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) are the two most common techniques to obtain high‐resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) from fluvial surfaces. However, field application of topography remote sensing at the grain scale is presently hindered mainly by the tedious workflow challenges that one needs to overcome to obtain high‐accuracy elevation data. A recommended approach for CRDP to collect high‐resolution and high‐accuracy DEMs has been developed for gravel‐bed flume studies. The present paper investigates the deployment of the laboratory technique on three exposed gravel bars in a natural river environment. In contrast to other approaches, having the calibration carried out in the laboratory removes the need for independently surveyed ground‐control targets, and makes for an efficient and effective data collection in the field. Optimization of the gravel‐bed imagery helps DEM collection, without being impacted by variable lighting conditions. The benefit of a light‐weight three‐dimensional printed gravel‐bed model for DEM quality assessment is shown, and confirms the reliability of grain roughness data measured with CRDP. Imagery and DEM analysis evidences sedimentological contrasts between gravel bars within the reach. The analysis of the surface elevations shows the effect variable grain‐size and sediment sorting have on the surface roughness. By plotting the two‐dimensional structure functions and surface slopes and aspects we identify different grain arrangements and surface structures. The calculation of the inclination index allows determining the surface‐forming flow direction(s). We show that progress in topography remote sensing is important to extend our knowledge on fluvial morphology processes at the grain scale, and how a technique customized for use by fluvial geomorphologists in the field benefits this progress. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past river classifications use incommensurate typologies at each spatial scale and do not capture the pivotal role of topographic variability at each scale in driving the morphodynamics responsible for evolving hierarchically nested fluvial landforms. This study developed a new way to create geomorphic classifications using metrics diagnostic of individual processes the same way at every spatial scale and spanning a wide range of scales. We tested the approach on flow convergence routing, a geomorphically and ecologically important process with different morphodynamic states of erosion, routing, and deposition depending on the structure of nondimensional topographic variability. Five nondimensional landform types with unique functionality represent this process at any flow; they are nozzle, wide bar, normal channel, constricted pool, and oversized. These landforms are then nested within themselves by considering their longitudinal sequencing at key flows representing geomorphically important stages. A data analysis framework was developed to answer questions about the stage‐dependent spatial structure of topographic variability. Nesting permutations constrain and reveal how flow convergence routing morphodynamics functions in any river the framework is applied to. The methodology may also be used with other physical and biological datasets to evaluate the extent to which the patterning in that data is influenced by flow convergence routing. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The availability of high‐resolution, multi‐temporal, remotely sensed topographic data is revolutionizing geomorphic analysis. Three‐dimensional topographic point measurements acquired from structure‐from‐motion (SfM) photogrammetry have been shown to be highly accurate and cost‐effective compared to laser‐based alternatives in some environments. Use of consumer‐grade digital cameras to generate terrain models and derivatives is becoming prevalent within the geomorphic community despite the details of these instruments being largely overlooked in current SfM literature. A practical discussion of camera system selection, configuration, and image acquisition is presented. The hypothesis that optimizing source imagery can increase digital terrain model (DTM) accuracy is tested by evaluating accuracies of four SfM datasets conducted over multiple years of a gravel bed river floodplain using independent ground check points with the purpose of comparing morphological sediment budgets computed from SfM‐ and LiDAR‐derived DTMs. Case study results are compared to existing SfM validation studies in an attempt to deconstruct the principle components of an SfM error budget. Greater information capacity of source imagery was found to increase pixel matching quality, which produced eight times greater point density and six times greater accuracy. When propagated through volumetric change analysis, individual DTM accuracy (6–37 cm) was sufficient to detect moderate geomorphic change (order 100 000 m3) on an unvegetated fluvial surface; change detection determined from repeat LiDAR and SfM surveys differed by about 10%. Simple camera selection criteria increased accuracy by 64%; configuration settings or image post‐processing techniques increased point density by 5–25% and decreased processing time by 10–30%. Regression analysis of 67 reviewed datasets revealed that the best explanatory variable to predict accuracy of SfM data is photographic scale. Despite the prevalent use of object distance ratios to describe scale, nominal ground sample distance is shown to be a superior metric, explaining 68% of the variability in mean absolute vertical error. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

Regulated rivers generally incise below dams that cut off sediment supply, but how that happens and what the consequences are at different spatial scales is poorly understood. Modern topographic mapping at meter‐scale resolution now enables investigation of the details of spatial processes. In this study, spatial segregation was applied to a meter‐scale raster map of topographic change from 1999 to 2008 on the gravel‐cobble, regulated lower Yuba River in California to answer specific scientific questions about how a decadal hydrograph that included a flood peak of 22 times bankfull discharge affected the river at segment, reach, and morphological unit scales. The results show that the river preferentially eroded sediment from floodplains compared to the channel, and this not only promoted valley‐wide sediment evacuation, but also facilitated the renewal and differentiation of morphological units, especially in the channel. At the reach scale, area of fill and mean net rate of elevational change were directly correlated with better connectivity between the channel and floodplain, while the mean rate of scour in scour areas was influenced by the ratio of slope to bankfull Froude number, a ratio indicative of lateral migration versus vertical downcutting. Hierarchical segregation of topographic change rasters proved useful for understanding multi‐scalar geomorphic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent developments in remote sensing (RS) technologies lead the way in characterizing river morphology at regional scales and inferring potential channel responses to human pressures. In this paper, a unique regional database of continuous hydromorphological variables (HyMo DB) based on areal and topographic data has been generated from RS analysis. Key riverscape units with specific geomorphic meaning have been automatically mapped for 1700 km2 of river floodplains from simultaneous very‐high‐resolution (VHR) near‐infrared aerial imagery and low‐resolution LiDAR‐derived products. A multi‐level, geographical object‐based architecture (GEOBIA) was employed to integrate both spectral and topographic information and generate a regional classifier able to automatically map heterogeneous fluvial patterns in different geographical and topographical contexts of the Piedmont Region (Italy). This HyMo‐generated DB offers a unique set of tools for hydromorphologists and can be exploited for different purposes. For the first time, topographic information can be exploited regionally per riverscape unit class, allowing for quantitative analysis of their regional spatial and statistical variability. In this manner, river types can be automatically characterized and classified using objective and repeatable hydromorphological variables. We discuss the potential of quantifying functional links between riverscape units and their driving processes, a valuable source of information to start assessing and highlighting the entity of potential channel adjustments at the regional scale to human pressures. The HyMo DB can also be integrated with historical, field‐based information to better comprehend current fluvial changes at a local scale. In view of future RS acquisitions, the present approach will result in a suitable procedure for quantitative, objective and continuous monitoring of river evolutions over large scales. This type of hydromorphological characterization will allow regional trends and patterns to be highlighted through time and river management strategies to thus be implemented at both regional and local scales. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earth scientists have traditionally conceptualized rivers and streams as geomorphic machines, whose role is to transfer sediment and to sculpt the landscape. Steady‐state relationships between sediment supply and transport capacity have traditionally been considered normative in fluvial systems. Rivers are hydrological entities, however, whose function is to redistribute excess moisture on land. The geomorphic work of the river – erosion, transport, deposition, etc. – is a byproduct of the hydrological job of the river. There is therefore no reason to expect any particular relationship between sediment supply and transport capacity to develop as a normative condition in fluvial systems. The apparent steady‐state equilibrium slope adjustments of rivers are a byproduct of four basic phenomena: (1) hydraulic selection, which favors channels and branching networks over other flux patterns; (2) water flows along the available path of least resistance; (3) energy dissipation; and (4) finite relaxation times. Recognizing converging trends of stream power or slope and sediment supply as common (but far from inevitable) side effects rather than self‐regulation has important implications for interpreting and predicting fluvial systems, and for river management and restoration. Such trends are variable, transient, contingent, and far from universal. Where they occur, they are an emergent byproduct of fundamental physical mechanisms, not a goal function or attractor state. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plants influence river channel topography, but our understanding of the interaction among plants, flow, and sediment is limited, especially when sediment supply is variable. Using laboratory experiments in a recirculating flume with live seedlings in a mobile sand bed, we demonstrate how varying the balance between sediment supply and transport capacity shifts the relationship between plants and bar‐surface topography. Each experimental trial contrasted two sediment conditions, in which initially supply was maintained in equilibrium with transport via sediment recirculation, followed by sediment deficit, in which transport capacity exceeded supply, which was set to zero. For both sediment balances, the topographic response was sensitive to plant size, with larger plants inducing greater aggradation relative to a baseline condition. During sediment equilibrium, the positive relationship between plant size and topographic change also depended on species morphology (multi‐stemmed shrubs versus single‐stemmed plants). Plant morphology effects disappeared when the sediment balance shifted to a deficit, but the presence of plants had a greater impact on the magnitude of change compared to the topographic response under sediment equilibrium. Our results suggest that the interactions among sediment supply, plants, and topography may be strongest on rivers with a balance in sediment supply and transport capacity. Because of the large variability in fluvial sediment supply resulting from natural and anthropogenic influences, these interactions will differ spatially (e.g. longitudinally through a watershed) and at different temporal scales, from single flood events to longer time periods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil loss, fluvial erosion, and sedimentation are major problems in semi‐arid environments due to the high associated costs of decreasing services such as provisioning and regulating water resources. The objective of this research is to analyse sediment yield in a mountainous semi‐arid basin, paying special attention to the sources of sediment, the associated uncertainties, and the transport processes involved. The segregation hypothesis along a reservoir of the sediment coming from hillslopes or fluvial systems is also evaluated. For this purpose, bottom‐set and deltaic deposits of a reservoir (110 hm3 ) in southern Spain have been measured and compared with basin erosion and fluvial transport monitoring over a 12‐year period. The volume of sediment stored at the bottomset of the reservoir shows a relative match with parametric predictions based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation/Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation hillslope models and rating curves, estimated as being between 7 and 13 t·ha?1·year?1. Similarly, the measured volume of deltaic deposit fits the average value of stochastic simulations from different bedload transport equations. These contributions represent 50–65% of the total volume measured regarding suspended sediment inputs, way above that described in previous works. This highlights the importance of considering bedload when estimating the useful life of reservoirs in semi‐arid environments. The major differences in sediment grain size between hillslopes and river systems, and the size fractions measured along the reservoir, support the assertion of segregation hypothesis. Nonetheless, based on the processes observed and the uncertainty related to modelling, that assertion has to be taken with caution. At basin scale, a specific sediment yield of between 19 and 24 t·ha?1·year?1 has been estimated, which includes hillslopes and fluvial contributions. This rate is in the range of sediment yield reported for Mediterranean mountain areas of a torrential character. The pulse‐like nature of the system and the spatial heterogeneity of fluvial and hillslope erosion rates points out the importance of considering mid to long‐term and process‐based approaches and emphasizes the limitations of annual estimations for management purposes.  相似文献   

Erosion, sediment transportation and accumulation in rivers   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
The present paper analyses the interrelation between erosion, sediment transportation and accumulation proposed by N. I. Makkaveyev (1908-1983) and its further development in modem studies of river channel processes in Russia. Spatio-temporal linkages between erosion and accumulation are defined considering channel processes at different scales - river longitudinal profile, channel morphological patterns, alluvial bedforms (bars, dunes) and individual sediment particles. Relations between river geomorphic activity, flow transportation capacity and sediment budgets are established (sediment input and output; channel bed erosion and sediment entrainment into flow - termination of sediment transport and its deposition). Channel planforms, floodplain segments separated by the latter and alluvial channel bedforms are shown to be geomorphic expressions of sediment transport process at different spatial and temporal scales. This paper is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N. I. Makkaveyev, Professor of the Moscow State University, author of the book "River channel and erosion in its basin" (1955). That book is regarded in Russia as the pioneering work which initiated the complex hydrological and geographical studies of channel processes and laid a basis for the theory of unified fluvial erosion-accumulation process.  相似文献   

The concept of the sediment delivery problem was introduced into the literature in 1983 by Des Walling. This concept describes how only a fraction of sediment eroded within a catchment will reach the basin outlet and be represented as sediment yield, and that sediment storage mechanisms operating within a catchment explain this discrepancy. Since this paper was published, geomorphologists have been examining in great detail the fate of sediment eroded from the landsurface, and the pathways and timeframes of sediment transport and storage in catchments. However, to fully understand the internal dynamics of sediment flux requires a ‘fresh look at the sediment delivery problem’. A framework is required that can incorporate the various processes involved in sediment movement from source areas through a basin to its outlet, and can take account of the spatial distribution of, and timeframes over which, these processes operate. This paper presents a conceptual framework for analysis of catchment (dis)connectivity that incorporates both spatial and temporal variability in the operation of the sediment cascade. This approach examines where blockages occur to disrupt these longitudinal, lateral and vertical linkages in catchments. Depending on the position of blockages (termed buffers, barriers and blankets), and their sediment residence time, various parts of a catchment may be actively contributing sediment to the sediment cascade and be switched on, or inactive and switched off. This paper discusses how such a framework can be used to model response times to disturbance and explain the manifestation of geomorphic change in catchments. The paper then highlights challenges geomorphologists face in applying such a framework to understand the internal dynamics of the catchment sediment cascades, and forecast how environmental change might affect the operation of sediment fluxes into the future. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A major challenge for geomorphologists is to scale up small‐magnitude processes to produce landscape form, yet existing approaches have been found to be severely limited. New ways to scale erosion and transfer of sediment are thus needed. This paper evaluates the concept of sediment connectivity as a framework for understanding processes involved in sediment transfer across multiple scales. We propose that the concept of sediment connectivity can be used to explain the connected transfer of sediment from a source to a sink in a catchment, and movement of sediment between different zones within a catchment: over hillslopes, between hillslopes and channels, and within channels. Using fluvial systems as an example we explore four scenarios of sediment connectivity which represent end‐members of behaviour from fully linked to fully unlinked hydrological and sediment connectivity. Sediment‐travel distance – when combined with an entrainment parameter reflecting the frequency–magnitude response of the system – maps onto these end‐members, providing a coherent conceptual model for the upscaling of erosion predictions. This conceptual model could be readily expanded to other process domains to provide a more comprehensive underpinning of landscape‐evolution models. Thus, further research on the controls and dynamics of travel distances under different modes of transport is fundamental. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Source rock lithology and immediate modifying processes, such as chemical weathering and mechanical erosion, are primary controls on fluvial sediment supply. Sand composition and Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of parent rocks, soil and fluvial sand of the Savuto River watershed, Calabria (Italy), were used to evaluate the modifications of source rocks through different sections of the basin, characterized by different geomorphic processes, in a sub‐humid Mediterranean climate. The headwaters, with gentle topography, produce a coarse‐grained sediment load derived from deeply weathered gneiss, having sand of quartzofeldspathic composition, compositionally very different from in situ degraded bedrock. Maximum estimated CIA values suggest that source rock has been affected significantly by weathering, and it testifies to a climatic threshold on the destruction of the bedrock. The mid‐course has steeper slopes and a deeply incised valley; bedrock consists of mica‐schist and phyllite with a very thin regolith, which provides large cobble to very coarse sand sediments to the main channel. Slope instability, with an areal incidence of over 40 per cent, largely supplies detritus to the main channel. Sand‐sized detritus of soil and fluvial sand is lithic. Estimated CIA value testifies to a significant weathering of the bedrock too, even if in this part of the drainage basin steeper slopes allow erosion to exceed chemical weathering. The lower course has a braided pattern and sediment load is coarse to medium–fine grained. The river cuts across Palaeozoic crystalline rocks and Miocene siliciclastic deposits. Sand‐sized detritus, contributed from these rocks and homogenized by transport processes, has been found in the quartzolithic distal samples. Field and laboratory evidence indicates that landscape development was the result of extensive weathering during the last postglacial temperature maximum in the headwaters, and of mass‐failure and fluvial erosional processes in the mid‐ and low course. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A long‐lasting rainstorm event from 20 to 22 August 2005 affected a large part of the northern Alps and Prealps in Switzerland. It resulted in elevated discharges and flooding in many headwater catchments and mountain rivers. The associated geomorphic processes included shallow landslides, deep‐seated slope instabilities, debris flows, and fluvial sediment transport. In many parts of the affected areas human activities are important, including many buildings, traffic lines and other infrastructure. In the steeper parts, geomorphic processes were mainly responsible for flow overtopping and sediment deposition both in and outside of the channel network. In the lower parts, lateral erosion and exceedance of the channel discharge capacity were the main reasons for morphologic channel modification and flooding. Sediment‐related processes contributed a lot to the overall damage. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream power can be an extremely useful index of fluvial sediment transport, channel pattern, river channel erosion and riparian habitat development. However, most previous studies of downstream changes in stream power have relied on field measurements at selected cross‐sections, which are time consuming, and typically based on limited data, which cannot fully represent important spatial variations in stream power. We present here, therefore, a novel methodology we call CAFES (combined automated flood, elevation and stream power), to quantify downstream change in river flood power, based on integrating in a GIS framework Flood Estimation Handbook systems with the 5 m grid NEXTMap Britain digital elevation model derived from IFSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar). This provides a useful modelling platform to quantify at unprecedented resolution longitudinal distributions of flood discharge, elevation, floodplain slope and flood power at reach and basin scales. Values can be resolved to a 50 m grid. CAFES approaches have distinct advantages over current methodologies for reach‐ and basin‐scale stream power assessments and therefore for the interpretation and prediction of fluvial processes. The methodology has significant international applicability for understanding basin‐scale hydraulics, sediment transport, erosion and sedimentation processes and river basin management. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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