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Ricketts Hein J Watts D 《Irish geography : bulletin of the Geographical Society of Ireland》2010,43(2):135-147
Recent changes in local food supply systems have attracted substantial research interest, but little consideration has been paid to exactly where they occur. This article combines data from three studies to compare local food system development in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland using a single index of food relocalisation, thereby exploring the usefulness of the Index across different social and political contexts. Four diagnostic indicators suggest that local food systems in the south west of Ireland and Britain are particularly well developed. The Index itself is a useful tool for making international comparisons, being easy to replicate and allowing the integration of different data sets. Perhaps its greatest utility is that it opens up new avenues for further research. 相似文献
Digital photogrammetry and kinematic GPS applied to the monitoring of Vulcano Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Digital photogrammetry and kinematic global positioning system (GPS) techniques are investigated and compared over a volcanic area as operational approaches to map the topography and monitor surface displacements. The use of terrestrial and airborne GPS to support the photogrammetric survey allowed for operational and processing time reduction without loss of accuracy. A digital elevation model (DEM) is obtained from the processing of the high-resolution digital imagery survey, which provides detailed information over a large area. The internal accuracy of the derived DEM has been verified by the comparison of two sets of data obtained from imagery acquired in different epochs; the observed root-mean-square error of residuals ranges from a few centimetres to 15 cm depending on the morphological features. Kinematic and pseudo-kinematic GPS surveys are performed to derive accurate 3-D coordinates at monumented benchmarks and accurate elevation profiles along footpaths. The average repeatability of the GPS measurements on benchmarks is 1 cm for measurement durations of 2–3 min. The standard deviation of interpolated vertical coordinates obtained at the crossings of kinematic GPS profiles is 4.3 cm. The high quality of these GPS coordinates justifies their use also for the validation of the photogrammetric DEM. A comparison of 6000 common points provides a standard deviation of residuals of 18 cm. The results show that the deformation pattern of a volcanic area can be rapidly and accurately monitored even in the absence of geodetic benchmarks. The integration of aerial photogrammetry with GPS kinematic surveys may be considered as an optimal approach for deriving high-resolution mapping products to be used in support of studies of volcanic dynamics. 相似文献
桩顶弧形连系梁通过约束桩顶位移,能够优化桩身的受力状态,且能提高抗滑桩的整体稳定性。与直线型连系梁相比,弧形连系梁的受力性能与拱形结构相似,以受压为主,能够充分发挥混凝土较高的抗压能力,通过抗滑桩及连系梁可将部分滑坡推力传递至滑体两侧稳定岩土体,降低了对滑床岩土体强度及抗滑桩桩身强度的要求。根据抗滑桩与连系梁之间的协同作用及变形协调,利用力法原理,建立柔度方程,求解桩顶与连系梁之间的约束冗力,进而计算连系梁及抗滑桩的内力和位移。通过算例表明,弧形连系梁较直线型连系梁内力分布均匀,与单桩及桩顶受直线型连系梁约束的排桩相比,弧形连系梁对抗滑桩的约束效果明显,而且约束效果随弧形连系梁矢跨比的增加而增强。 相似文献
GRAEME HUGO 《New Zealand geographer》1999,55(2):25-35
New Zealand origin academics have played a key role in the academic study of Australia's population in the post-war period. The paper argues that New Zealanders have contributed not only to the furthering of knowledge of the processes of change in the Australian population but have been important in the teaching of population geography in Australian universities, made inputs into policy relating to population and been influential in the development of the Australian Population Association. Major contributions have been made by New Zealanders not only in the traditionally strong areas of population geography such as internal and international migration but also in the areas of fertility, mortality and ageing. 相似文献
The first Blair administration faced clamorous criticism from some lobby groups for its handling of rural issues. Yet Labour has presented itself as a 'one–nation' party representing both urban and rural areas. This paper examines the basis of recent claims about the parliamentary representation of rural Britain, and analyzes the results of the last two General Elections. It illustrates how the malleability of the category of 'rural' allows for contrasting claims about rural representation, and highlights the continuity of party representation among those constituencies located outside the main urban areas in the 1997 and 2001 parliaments, despite regular rural protest. 相似文献
Rewi M. Newnham 《New Zealand geographer》1998,54(1):46-49
During 1993 advertised geography lectureships in British Universities reached unusually high levels, most probably due to major structural changes in tertiary education and the provision of funding attached to research ranking, superimposed on the general trends of increasing student numbers and an ageing academic population. As the research assessment exercise takes place every four years, and the new academic league tables have just been published, it is predicted that a similar surge in advertised lectureships will occur during 1997 and 1978. Research active New Zealand geographers are well placed to capitalise on this projected recruitment phase, which is likely to peak between April and July and again in November. Some specialist subjects within the discipline are in greater demand than others although their popularity may change over time. Many of the traditional obstacles that have in the past discouraged New Zealanders from targetting an academic position in Britain are now more perceived than real. 相似文献
1960―2011年海陵岛气候与极端天气变化趋势分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据海陵岛闸坡海洋水文气象观测及《台风年鉴》资料,对海陵岛1960―2011年的气候与旱涝、暴雨、台风、极端温度、海面温度(SST)热事件等极端天气变化趋势进行分析。结果显示:海陵岛为边缘热带气候,近52年的升温率为0.21℃/10a;1963年为特旱年,1973、2001、2008年为特涝年;累年平均暴雨日数为9.5d/a,大暴雨日数为2.4d/a;严重影响海陵岛的热带气旋(中心进入海岸线1个纬距以内)累年平均1.43个/a;寒潮未曾出现,但有过严重寒害。在气候变暖背景下,20世纪80年代以来≥35℃极端高温日数总体上呈显著增加趋势,而≤5℃极端低温日数呈减少趋势。SST≥30℃、持续10d以上的热事件共出现23次。 相似文献
厦门岛城市空间扩张特征及其影响因素分析 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
海岸带是目前世界上城市化最集中的区域,海岛作为海岸带的一个特殊地理组成,其城市空间扩张过程可以理解为城市发展与自然地理环境之间相互耦合作用的结晶。本文以中国东南沿海的厦门岛为例,结合厦门岛城市发展的相关政策、城市规划、人口、产业等历史与现状资料的文本分析,通过图片修整和遥感地理信息分析相结合的方法,首先回顾厦门岛近100 年的城市化历程,分析厦门岛海岸线、岛屿形状、建成区、交通、行政区划及主要土地利用类型历史变化及城市空间扩张特征;然后从行政区划、城市总体规划、产业发展、地形、围填海、交通和人口等方面分别探讨影响海岛城市空间扩张的潜在决定因素;总结各种因素对海岛城市空间扩张的作用;以期为中国甚至世界其它沿海城市合理开发海岛,促进海岸带可持续城市化提供科学借鉴。 相似文献
Martin Reyners 《Geophysical Journal International》1980,63(1):1-22
Whanganui Inlet is a low mesotidal environment where wave energy at the shoreline is limited due to a small fetch, a narrow entrance and tidal flat accretion to intertidal elevations. Wave energy is therefore only an erosive force at high tide and under storm conditions. Despite this low-energy environment extensive shore platforms occur within the inlet. They are sub-horizontal and range in width from 4.1 to 185.2 m with an average of 44.9 m. All the platforms are formed in sandstone of low resistance (mean N-type Schmidt Hammer rebound value of 17 ± 8) and have their seaward edges buried by intertidal sediment flats. The majority of platforms occur at around MHWN level, corresponding to the elevation of those flats. Where wave energy is highest, opposite the inlet's entrance and at those sites with the largest fetch, platforms develop to 0.5–1.0 m below MSL. A higher platform level is also found at MHWS elevations, however it appears to be relict with active erosion of its seaward edge occurring and therefore is most likely related to a higher mid-Holocene sea level. Apart from the location of the lowest platforms little correspondence is found between platform morphology and wave energy. Platform evolution appears to be intrinsically linked to the intertidal sediment flats which determine the degree of surface saturation of the bedrock and, hence, the number of wetting and drying cycles the platforms may undergo. As the seaward edge is buried platform development is primarily through retreat of the landward cliff. This process can, however, be complicated by the migration of intertidal water channels onto the seaward edge of the platforms or relative sea level fall which may rejuvenate landward retreat of the low-tide cliff. 相似文献
随着福州东扩南移的城市发展策略的推行,琅岐岛凭借独特的资源优势,经济地理位置日显重要,对其开发建设已成为大势所趋。本文在分析了琅岐岛区域经济发展的资源条件基础上,指出琅岐经济发展的合理定位,提出区域经济发展的若干对策,为琅岐经济持续、健康、稳定地发展提供意见。 相似文献