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The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of local site conditions in the Adapazarı plain crossing the severely damaged central part of Sakarya during the 17th August earthquake. A two-dimensional model has been used to obtain the free-field motions in the valley and on surface formations. A preliminary geotechnical profile model developed from available but limited soil data was checked using recordings of some specific locations where a strong ground motion accelerometer array was in operation after the main earthquake. The range of validity of the model was assessed and modifications were made to compare with the actual recorded motions. The purpose of building such a model, which was used to study the aftershocks in Adapazarı, is to provide an improved database to be used for the design of structures in the city. This study also attempts to provide greater insight into the local site response phenomena through the use of a two-dimensional nonlinear analysis. Simulated site responses are in global agreement with the recorded data. In general agreement between the amplification functions of the computed and recorded data is satisfactory for the frequencies of engineering interest. Alluvial sites show amplification factors in the range of 4–6 in the frequencies between 0.6 and 2 Hz. A relatively shallow alluvial station, HASTAHANE, experienced considerable amplification for small aftershocks and deamplification for the strongest aftershock in frequencies between 0.5 and 2 Hz. Another station, TOYOTA, with significant deamplification characteristics and a clearly observed peak response frequency shift at the soil resonant frequency may have experienced soil shear failure during the strongest aftershock. Other alluvial stations, SEKER and GENC, show deamplification characteristics at 0.55 and at around 1 Hz. with the peak frequency shifts during the magnitude 5.8 aftershock. In general, site responses are larger in the alluvial basin for all aftershocks except the magnitude 5.8 event.  相似文献   

Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, is located at the confluence of White and Blue Niles. The city is heavily populated. Central Khartoum with its high-rise buildings is the center of governmental and business activities and is located on a strip adjacent to the Blue Nile. Geological and geotechnical data indicate that the subsoil conditions at Central Khartoum are characterized by alluvial deposits underlain by Nubian Sandstone at a depth of 25 m. The alluvial deposits, locally known as Gezira formations, consist of clays grading into silt and sand with depth. Macro seismic zonation of Sudan and its vicinities, developed by the authors, gave the ground acceleration at the bedrock surface. The effect of alluvial deposits in Central Khartoum on propagation of seismic motion parameters to the ground surface is investigated in this study. Correlations are proposed for pertinent cyclic soil properties such as shear modulus, damping, and shear wave velocity. The Equivalent-Linear Earthquake Response Analyses (EERA) Model was used to study the effect of local soil conditions on ground-motion parameters. In the absence of strong-motion records in Khartoum, available worldwide strong-motion records are used. Plots showing the time histories of ground motion parameters at the ground surface are obtained. The results indicate amplification of ground motion of up to 4.93. The predicted fundamental period of soils is about 0.5 s which is typical for these types of soils. The maximum spectral acceleration varied from 0.76 to 0.95 g. For design purposes, a response spectrum curve is proposed.  相似文献   

The Algiers–Boumerdes region has been struck by a destructive magnitude 6.8 (Mw) earthquake on May 21, 2003. The study presented in this paper is based on main shock strong motions from 13 stations of the Algerian accelerograph network. A maximum 0.58g peak ground acceleration (PGA) has been recorded at 20 km from the epicenter, only about 150 m away from a PGA of 0.34g, with both a central frequency around 5 Hz, explained by a strong very localized site effect, confirmed by receiver function technique results showing peaks at 5 Hz with amplitudes changing by a factor of 2. Soil amplifications are also evidenced at stations located in the quaternary Mitidja basin, explaining the higher PGA values recorded at these stations than at stations located on firm soil at similar distances from the epicenter. A fault-related directionality effect observed on the strong motion records and confirmed by the study of the seismic movement anisotropy, in agreement with the N65 fault plan direction, explains the SW–NE orientation of the main damage zone. In the near field, strong motions present a high-frequency content starting at 3 Hz with a central frequency around 8 Hz, while in the far field their central frequency is around 3 Hz, explaining the high level of damage in the 3- to 4-story buildings in the epicentral zone. The design spectra overestimate the recorded mean response spectra, and its high corner frequency is less than the recorded one, leading to a re-examination of the seismic design code that should definitively integrate site-related coefficient, to account for the up to now neglected site amplification, as well as a re-modeling of the actual design spectra. Finally, both the proposed Algerian attenuation law and the worldwide laws usually used in Algeria underestimate the recorded accelerations of the 6.8 (Mw) Boumerdes earthquake, clearly showing that it is not possible to extrapolate the proposed Algerian law to major earthquakes.  相似文献   

Seismicity and volcanic activity in Iceland are related to the Mid-Atlantic plate boundary that crosses the island. Due to volcanic activity, different sea levels through the ages and glacial drift, the geology in Iceland is quite complex at many sites. In June 2000, two major earthquakes of magnitude 6.6 (Mw) and 6.5 (Mw) occurred in southern Iceland. Ground motion from these main shocks and a number of aftershocks were recorded at the Icelandic strong motion network operated by the University of Iceland. At one of the instrumented sites considerable amplification was recorded on lava-rock overlying alluvial deposits. This site fits poorly in the soil classification systems of most earthquake codes. In this paper the recorded data is analyzed with different methods and the results are compared with the results of a one-dimensional site response analysis. The different methods produce the same characteristic of soil amplification at the site. The findings of this study have important implications for design criteria for sites with similar geology.  相似文献   

Non-linear seismic response of soil is studied by comparing the spectral ratios of surface to downhole horizontal accelerations on weak and strong motion. Data from two boreholes are analysed. One is drilled in the alluvial deposits in the south–west quadrant of the SMART 1 array. The second one penetrates Pleistocene terrace deposits in the northern part of the SMART2 array. Observed weak and strong motion spectral ratios are compared with the theoretical ones predicted by the geotechnical soil model which postulates a hysteretic constitutive law. A significant non-linear response is found at the first site for the events with surface peak acceleration exceeding roughly 0–15g. Deamplification of the strong motion occurred in the frequency range from approximately 1 to 10 Hz. The maximum observed difference between the average weak and strong motion amplification functions of an 11 m-thick near-surface stratum is a factor of 2–3. Nonlinear response characteristics are in qualitative agreement with the model. An additional corollary is that the amplification function calculated from the shear wave coda is equivalent to the average amplification calculated over the ensemble of small earthquakes. No statistically significant non-linear response is detected on the second array, that is tentatively accounted for by the stiffer soil conditions and weaker accelerations achieved at the SMART2 site. The results indicate that the non-linear amplification can be detectable at certain soil conditions above a threshold acceleration level.  相似文献   

An Ms ~ 6 earthquake, originating at a normal fault directly underneath the town of Kalamata, caused substantial structural damage to reinforced-concrete and masonry buildings, to contemporary as well as centuries-old churches, and to a major harbour quaywall. Two accelerograms were recorded on stiff alluvial deposits. The seismologic and engineering facts of the earthquake are presented in the first half of the paper. Particular attention is paid to the non-uniform pattern of damage distribution, at both regional and local scale. The second half of the paper investigates the possible role of the ‘local soil conditions’ and of the ‘mechanics of the source’ in the observed pattern of damage and in the amplitude and frequency composition of the two records. To this end, numerical modelling of site-specific motions is attempted using state-of-practice methods, and utilizing the results of an extensive geotechnical exploration programme. It is concluded that substantial evidence does exist indicating that both soil and source effects have contributed to the non-uniform spatial distribution of damage. The effect of through-soil ‘filtering’ of the seismic waves appears most evident in the coastal neighbourhoods of the town, where the underlying loose saturated silty sands in the over-50 m-deep soil deposit may have played a beneficial role in weakening the ground-surface shaking; the structural damage in these areas was insignificant. Qualitative arguments are also put forward for explaining some aspects of the observed pattern of damage in terms of fault orientation and ‘directivity’ effects.  相似文献   

We study local site effects with detailed geotechnical and geophysical site characterization to evaluate the site-specific seismic hazard for the seismic microzonation of the Chennai city in South India. A Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) of magnitude 6.0 is considered based on the available seismotectonic and geological information of the study area. We synthesized strong ground motion records for this target event using stochastic finite-fault technique, based on a dynamic corner frequency approach, at different sites in the city, with the model parameters for the source, site, and path (attenuation) most appropriately selected for this region. We tested the influence of several model parameters on the characteristics of ground motion through simulations and found that stress drop largely influences both the amplitude and frequency of ground motion. To minimize its influence, we estimated stress drop after finite bandwidth correction, as expected from an M6 earthquake in Indian peninsula shield for accurately predicting the level of ground motion. Estimates of shear wave velocity averaged over the top 30 m of soil (VS30) are obtained from multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) at 210 sites at depths of 30 to 60 m below the ground surface. Using these VS30 values, along with the available geotechnical information and synthetic ground motion database obtained, equivalent linear one-dimensional site response analysis that approximates the nonlinear soil behavior within the linear analysis framework was performed using the computer program SHAKE2000. Fundamental natural frequency, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at surface and rock levels, response spectrum at surface level for different damping coefficients, and amplification factors are presented at different sites of the city. Liquefaction study was done based on the VS30 and PGA values obtained. The major findings suggest show that the northeast part of the city is characterized by (i) low VS30 values (<?200 m/s) associated with alluvial deposits, (ii) relatively high PGA value, at the surface, of about 0.24 g, and (iii) factor of safety and liquefaction below unity at three sites (no. 12, no. 37, and no. 70). Thus, this part of the city is expected to experience damage for the expected M6 target event.  相似文献   

Plovdiv is the second largest city in the Republic of Bulgaria. A large part of the city is located on Holocene alluvial sediments and the oldest neighborhoods are situated on syenitic rock outcrops. We believe that local site effects may be an important contributor to the destruction caused by earthquakes. The primary objective of this study was to estimate quantitatively the local site effects in the central area of Plovdiv in terms of fundamental site frequency and amplification factor. Another important objective was to see how these correlate with the geological structures underlying the city. Measurements of the seismic noise at more than two hundred regularly placed points were made in the central area of the city. The H/V spectra were then calculated and analyzed to determine the spatial distribution of the fundamental site frequency and the amplification factor. The results exhibit very good correlation with the local geology. They were also compared with an intensity map from the strong 1928 Plovdiv earthquake. The comparison clearly demonstrates that the local site effects were the main factor in the destruction of buildings—the zones where the most damage was observed are also the zones where we have low fundamental site frequencies and high amplifications. Similarly the areas with high fundamental site frequencies and low amplification factors cover the neighborhoods where less damage has been observed. This study may form a basis for a more comprehensive and systematic microzonation study in Plovdiv.  相似文献   

The study regards an evaluation of site effects on and near the Monte Po hill, located in the north-eastern part of the city of Catania (Italy), an area at high seismic risk. At the beginning of 2007 a seismic station was located in a school building, situated at the slope toe, but no seismic events have been recorded as yet. Therefore, synthetic seismograms have been used to evaluate the ground response analysis at the surface. Because the average slope is moderate (less than 15°), 1-D computer codes have been used to model the equivalent-linear earthquake site response analyses of layered hill deposits, as generally performed by professionals. However, the slope response has also been analysed in greater detail, using a 2-D computer code and the soil characterisation has been evaluated accurately by means of borings, Down-Hole tests, SDMT tests and laboratory tests. Comparing 1-D with 2-D results the stratigraphic site amplification and the Topographic Aggravation Factor (TAF) have also been computed. The aim of the study is that it will form a basis for the design of works to remediate the damage caused by a landslide reactivated by the earthquake in Eastern Sicily on December 13, 1990 (ML=5.4).  相似文献   

Long-term earthquake observations at different tunnel sites within a variety of alluvial soil deposits have clearly demonstrated that a tunnel, which exhibits rather flexible nature within its surrounding soil, follows closely the motion of the soil mass during an earthquake. Therefore, coating a tunnel with a soft material will be a possible measure for minimizing damage to tunnels. This paper provides a clear perspective on the feasibility of this measure by using simple solutions to idealized problems.  相似文献   

Rome is affected by earthquakes associated to three different seismogenic districts: the Central Apennines area, the Colli Albani volcanic area and the Roman area. The major effects were exclusively due to Apennine seismicity and reached in some cases felt intensities up to VII–VIII degree (MCS scale). The predominant role in the damage distribution seems to be played by the local geological conditions. The historical centre of the city is characterized by the presence of two geomorphologic domains: the alluvial plain of Tiber river and the topographic relieves of Roman Hills, where tradition indicates the first site of the city foundation. In particular, the right river side is characterized by the outcropping of the regional bedrock along the Monte Mario–Gianicolo ridge, while the eastern relieves are the remnants of the Sabatini and Albani volcanic plateau, deeply eroded by the Tiber river and its tributaries during the last glacial low-stand (Würm). These domains are characterized by a large difference in seismic response, due to the high impedance contrast between Holocene coarse deposits filling the Tiber Valley and sedimentary and volcanic Plio–Pleistocene units. Seismic damage observed in 150 monuments of downtown Rome was indicating a significant concentration on alluvial recent deposits. This result was confirmed by the geographical distribution of conservation and retrofitting activities subsequent to main earthquakes, mostly related to local geological conditions. The cases of Marcus Aurelius' Column and Colosseum confirmed the influence of the Holocene alluvial network in local seismic response. During 2500 years of history, the monuments of Rome have `memorized' the seismic effects of historical earthquakes. In some cases, the integration of historical and geological research and macroseismic observations may provide original and useful indications to seismologists to define the seismic response of the city. Local site effects represent a serious threat for historical buildings in Rome and in other historical towns with similar cultural heritage and geological characteristics, as in the Mediterranean region, even in areas that are not affected by a local seismic activity.  相似文献   

On March 1993 an earthquake of magnitude Ms = 5·5 shook Pyrgos, a town in Western Peloponnissos, one of the most seismic prone areas in Greece. The damage induced to modern reinforced concrete buildings was rather light in contrast to the damage induced to historic and traditional buildings of adobe, stone or brick masonry which was severe. In order to study the causes of structural damage, detailed data are collected from a rather large statistical sample of 1023 masonry buildings and 22 reinforced concrete framed buildings with visible damage. For each building the number of storeys, the material of construction, as well as the type and the degree of damage are recorded. In addition, consideration is given to the site of the building within the town and the corresponding soil conditions. For reinforced concrete buildings, damage occured mostly in areas with relatively high estimated spectral accelerations and fundamental soil periods of vibration close to those of the buildings. Nevertheless, further analysis is required to explain the selective damage of a very small number of buildings. For masonry houses, the effect of soil conditions is more systematic. Moreover, the effects of the number of storeys as well as the age and material of construction appear to be dominant.  相似文献   

Amplification of earthquake-induced seismic waves by soft superficial deposits often causes significant damages in the urban areas. In predicting this effect for large future earthquakes, the linear elastic response of soils is customarily assumed. To check this assumption, we have analyzed surface and downhole acceleration data from the SMART1 and SMART2 strong motion arrays in Taiwan, covering peak accelerations of up to 0·3 g. First, frequency-dependent amplification induced by the alluvial deposits at the SMART1 array was estimated using spectral ratio technique, where the records at rock site were taken as a reference motion. Statistically validated reduction in soil amplification in the strong motion relative to the weak motion in the frequency range between approximately 1 and 9 Hz was detected. Secondly, relative site responses between the Pleistocene and recent sedimentary deposits at the SMART2 array were studied. Relative amplification was shown to be clearly dependent on the excitation level. Thirdly, we compared experimentally recorded uphole/downhole spectral ratios on weak and strong ground motion with the theoretical response yielded by the geotechnical code DESRA2 which assumes hysteretic constitutive relationship of soil. Major symptoms of nonlinear ground behavior predicted by the model were found in the observed data. Back-calculation of the shear wave velocities to the depth of 47 m shows nearly 50% decrease in the strongest quakes, also accounted for by the nonlinear soil behavior.  相似文献   

Results of two detailed ambient vibration surveys of a 7-story reinforced concrete building in Van Nuys, California, are presented. Both surveys were conducted after the building was severely damaged by the 17 January 1994, Northridge earthquake (ML=5.3, epicenter 1.5 km west from the building site) and its early aftershocks. The first survey was conducted on 4 and 5 February 1994, and the second one on 19 and 20 April 1994, about one month after the 20 March aftershock (ML=5.3, epicenter 1.2 km north–west from the building site). The apparent frequencies and two- and three-dimensional mode shapes for longitudinal, transverse and vertical vibrations were calculated. The attempts to detect the highly localized damage by simple spectral analyses of the ambient noise data were not successful. It is suggested that very high spatial resolution of recording points is required to identify localized column and beam damage, due to the complex building behavior, with many interacting structural components. The loss of the axial capacity of the damaged columns could be seen in the vertical response of the columns, but similar moderate or weak damage typically would not be noticed in ambient vibration surveys. Previous analysis of the recorded response of this building to 12 earthquakes suggests that, during large response of the foundation and piles, the soil is pushed sideways and gaps form between the foundation and the soil. These gaps appear to be closing during “dynamic compaction” when the building site is shaken by many small aftershocks. The apparent frequencies of the soil–foundation–structure system appear to be influenced significantly by variations in the effective soil–foundation stiffness. These variations can be monitored by a sequence of specialized ambient vibration tests.  相似文献   

In western India during the Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.6) on January 26, 2001, the Anjar City at ~30 km southwest of Bhuj experienced three types of damage scenario: severely damaged, less damaged and non-damaged. Similar damage patterns were also observed for the 1819 (Mw 7.8) and the 1956 (Mw 6.0) earthquakes. Microtremor array measurements were conducted in and around the Anjar city to examine the strength of soil structures and damage pattern. Significant differences are observed in frequencies and amplitudes in horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) using microtremor measurements. The severely- damaged site shows two peak amplitudes: 2.8 at 1.2 Hz; and 4.0 at 8.0 Hz. The less-damaged site also shows two amplitudes: 2.5 and 2.1 at 1.4 Hz; and 2.0 Hz, respectively. The non-damaged site, on the other hand, shows that the HVSR curves become almost flatter. Similar results for three types of damage scenario based on analyses of earthquake records are also observed for the study area. The microtremor array measurements has revealed shear wave velocity Vs≥400 m/s at 18 m depth in the non-damaged, at 40 m in the less-damaged and at 60 m depth in the severely-damaged sites. The site amplitudes and the Vs values show a good correlation with the soil characteristics and damage pattern, suggesting that strength of soil layers at varying depths is a dictating factor for the estimate of the earthquake risk evaluation of the area under study.  相似文献   

The earthquake hazard has been evaluated for 10 km×10 km area around Kyeongju. The ground motion potentials were determined based on equivalent linear analysis by using the data obtained from in situ and laboratory tests. In situ tests include 16 boring investigations, 4 crosshole, 12 downhole, 26 spectral analysis of surface waves tests, and in the laboratory, resonant column tests were performed. The peak ground accelerations range between 0.141g and 0.299g on collapse level earthquake and between 0.050g and 0.120g on operation level earthquake, respectively, showing the high potential of amplification in the deep alluvial layer in Kyeongju area. Distribution maps of site amplification for the peak acceleration, amplification factors (Fa and Fv) and dominant site period of Kyeongju are constructed using geographic information system tools. The amplification factor based on the Korean seismic design guide underestimated the motion in short range and overestimated the motion in mid-period range in Kyeongju. The importance of site-specific analysis and the need for the improved site characterization method are introduced.  相似文献   

The site response at 15 stations in the Adana-Ceyhan region (Southern Turkey) is calculated from the recordings of aftershocks of June 27, 1998 Adana-Ceyhan earthquake (MS=6.2) by using the Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR) and the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) methods. While the two methods are in good harmony at a few stations in determining the site effects, they show differences on the estimated amplifications or on the site resonance frequencies at most stations. It was not clear which one of the two methods underestimates or overestimates the amplification values. We observe that at some stations, where the local site conditions are rather complex, the vertical component records are strongly influenced from the local soil conditions. Thus, the HVSR method fails at these stations. The SSR method underestimates the amplifications at some stations since the rock site, selected as reference site, has its own site response and/or the path correction we applied, considering the geometrical spreading factor only, is insufficient. At the sites where high intensity values were observed, we found high amplifications. The fundamental soil frequencies characterize the damage properties observed in the Adana-Ceyhan earthquake. The fundamental soil frequency is nearly at 1.1 Hz at the Ceyhan site, where severe damage was observed in the 5–6 story buildings, while the fundamental soil frequency is between 3–6 Hz at the Adana site, where damage was in the low-story buildings. Therefore, in addition to inefficient construction practices, it is clear that the resonance effects have also contributed to the observed damage.  相似文献   

黄土斜坡动力响应特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
夏坤  董林  李璐 《地震工程学报》2019,41(3):694-701
斜坡动力响应特征与斜坡形态密切相关,若入射地震波主频接近斜坡卓越频率就会放大斜坡动力响应,甚至造成斜坡失稳。汶川地震对远离震中的黄土地区造成了较为严重的破坏,局部场地震害和地震动放大效应显著。选取汶川地震典型黄土斜坡场地,利用地形台阵流动观测和数值模拟计算相结合的方法,系统开展强震动作用下黄土斜坡场地动力响应特征研究。结果表明:坡顶卓越频率最小,其PGA放大系数甚至达到坡底的1.98,这种现象可能与斜坡高差和入射波波长之比密切相关,比值0.2时坡顶放大效应达到最大。随斜坡坡度增加,放大效应增强,坡顶反应谱卓越周期放大系数可达5,说明斜坡地形对强震地面运动有显著影响。数值计算结果与实际强震观测基本吻合,其结果对黄土地区建设工程抗震设防具有重要的科学与实际意义。  相似文献   

2015年7月3日新疆皮山MS6.5级地震灾区地处塔里木盆地南缘,该地自然条件恶劣,经济极为落后,灾区农村的民房除了抗震安居工程建设的房屋外,还有大量抗震性能较差的民居,在地震中受损严重,经济损失较大。灾区大部分位于山前溢出带,地下水位浅、地基土层软弱等场地条件对地震动有放大作用,震害影响范围较大。灾后重建中应继续加大安居富民工程的经费投入力度。灾区北部人口密集,地基土层软弱,工程地质条件差,建议在今后的安居富民建设中加强地基处理。  相似文献   

Modern seismic design allows a structure to develop inelastic response during moderate to severe earthquakes. The emerging performance-based design requires more clearly defined levels of inelastic response, or damage, to be targeted for different earthquake hazard levels. While there are a range of factors that could influence the level of damage and hence the performance, the design strength remains to be a fundamental design parameter that is inherently related to the structural performance. In this paper, the response reduction factor, which is a normalized form of the design strength, is investigated on a direct damage basis. The implications of the damage-based strength reduction factor (SRF), denoted as RD factor, on multiple performance targets are discussed. A series of RD spectra are generated from a large set of ground motions in different groupings to examine the effects of local site condition, earthquake magnitude and distance to rupture on the RD spectra. The overall mean and standard deviation of the RD spectra for different levels of damage are obtained, and simple empirical formulas are proposed.  相似文献   

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