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张昕  乐金朝  刘汉东 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):240-248
群锚是常见的基础形式应用较为广泛,由于群锚之间的相互作用,群锚上拔过程中锚周土体的变形破坏机制比较复杂。采用非接触式数字图像相关方法(DIC)对群锚上拔过程开展模型试验研究,分析了群锚上拔过程中上拔力-位移关系曲线特征和锚周土体变形破坏机制。试验结果表明,密实度和埋深对群锚上拔力-位移关系曲线特征具有显著影响,在相同密实度、相同埋深率下浅埋与深埋群锚与同条件下的单锚具有相似的上拔力-位移关系曲线特征;群锚抗拔承载力具有明显的叠加效应,且砂土密实度、埋深和锚间距等参数因素对群锚效应具有显著影响。通过变形场的研究,得出了砂土密实度、埋深以及锚间距对群锚效应的影响规律。  相似文献   

Uplift capacity of horizontal strip anchors in soil embedded under an inclined ground surface has been obtained under seismic conditions. Limit equilibrium approach with logspiral failure surface together with pseudo-static seismic forces has been adopted. The results have been presented in the form of seismic uplift capacity factors as functions of ground inclination, embedment ratio, angle of internal friction of the soil and seismic acceleration coefficients. The uplift capacity factors have been worked out separately for cohesion, surcharge and density components. Effect of the vertical seismic acceleration coefficient has been found to always reduce the uplift capacity whereas the effect of horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient has been found to reduce the uplift capacity in most of the cases. The obtained results of seismic uplift capacity factors are found to be the minimum when compared with the results available in literature on the basis of planar failure surface. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Vertical loads effect on the lateral response of a 3×5 pile group embedded in sand is studied through a two-dimensional finite element analysis. The soil-pile interaction in three-dimensional type is idealized in the two-dimensional analysis using soil-pile interaction springs with a hysteretic nonlinear load displacement relationship. Vertical loads inducing a vertical pile head displacement of 0.1-pile diameter increase the lateral resistance of the single pile at a 60 mm lateral deflection by 8%. Vertical loads inducing the same vertical displacement applied to a pile group spaced at 3.92-pile diameter increase the overall lateral resistance by 9%. The effect on individual piles, however, depends on the pile position. The vertical load decreases the lateral resistance of the leading pile (pile 1) by 10% and increases the lateral resistances of piles 2, 3, 4, and 5 by 9%, 14%, 17%, and 35%, respectively. Vertical loads applied to the pile group increase the confining pressures in the sand deposit confined by the piles but the rate of increase in those outside the group is relatively small, resulting in the difference in a balance of lateral soil pressures acting at the back of and in front of the individual pile.  相似文献   

冯君  张俊云  朱明  江南 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):94-104
高承台群桩基础是高速铁路桥梁基础的一种常用形式,受到风、地震等荷载作用影响,常常需要承受较大的横向荷载。采用室内物理模型试验和三维有限元程序ABAQUS对软土地层中单桩、群桩的横向承载特性进行了研究,软土采用修正剑桥黏土本构模型,试验结果与有限元计算结果吻合较好。群桩研究方案包括了桩数的变化以及桩间距的变化。结果表明,群桩基础的基桩平均横向承载力(总承载力/桩数)较单桩基础显著增加,且水平荷载方向桩间距越大,其横向承载力越大;群桩基础基桩受力存在三维空间效应,不同位置基桩受力大小排序为角桩最大,其次为边桩,最小为中间桩,弯矩极值差异可达20%,群桩基础桩周土影响范围距外围基桩边缘净距离约为16D (D为桩径)。桩与桩相互影响效应对群桩水平承载不利,承台约束效应对水平承载有利。探讨了考虑上述两种效应的群桩效应系数计算方法,通过计算验证了该方法在软土地区高承台群桩基础横向承载力计算中的适用性。  相似文献   

水平锚板极限抗拔力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾了水平锚板抗拔极限承载力计算方法的发展历史。考虑对数螺旋线的破坏面并结合特征线理论,提出了一种新的浅埋条形板极限上拔力的计算方法并编制了程序。对无粘性土,通过与前人的试验资料和Meyerhof andAdams计算理论得出的结果进行了比较,表明了本文方法是正确可行的。  相似文献   

张琰  郑卫锋  朱照清 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):367-371
针对中风化砂岩地质条件,开展了单锚基础和承台式群锚基础的现场足尺试验研究,得到了荷载-位移曲线,分析了基础的破坏模式和承载性能。通过锚筋应变测试,研究了锚杆基础的内力分布规律和有效锚固深度。研究结果表明,岩石锚杆基础应用于中风化砂岩地基分布地区,满足输电线路上部结构对基础承载力的要求,具有良好的经济和社会效益;当锚杆锚固深度小于有效锚固深度时,增加锚固深度和承台嵌岩深度能够有效地提高基础的抗拔承载性能;水平荷载不是基础发生破坏的控制因素,但水平荷载对群锚基础上拔稳定存在不利影响。  相似文献   

Pile group interaction effects on the lateral pile resistance are investigated for the case of a laterally loaded row of piles in clay. Both uniform undrained shear strength and linearly increasing with depth shear strength profiles are considered. Three-dimensional finite element analyses are presented, which are used to identify the predominant failure modes and to calculate the reduction in lateral resistance due to group effects. A limited number of two-dimensional analyses are also presented in order to examine the behaviour of very closely spaced piles. It is shown that, contrary to current practice, group effects vary with depth; they are insignificant close to the ground surface, increase to a maximum value at intermediate depths and finally reduce to a constant value at great depth. The effect of pile spacing and pile–soil adhesion are investigated and equations are developed for the calculation of a depth dependent reduction factor, which when multiplied by the limiting lateral pressure along a single pile, provides the corresponding variation of soil pressure along a pile in a pile row. This reduction factor is used to perform py analyses, which show that, due to this variation of group effects on the lateral soil pressures with depth, the overall group interaction effects depend on the pile length. Comparisons are also made with approaches used in practice that assume constant with depth reduction factors.  相似文献   

注浆成型螺纹桩采用后注浆技术形成桩侧螺纹,有利于在软土地区施工,目前已开始应用。基于螺纹桩上拔过程中螺牙附近土体的应力条件改变,采用摩尔应力圆分析螺牙附近破坏滑裂面的开展,得到了螺牙间距与螺牙突出尺寸的比值与滑裂面展开角之间的关系,给出了螺牙间土体从圆柱形滑裂面破坏向圆台形滑裂面破坏的判别条件。根据滑裂面的开展,将螺纹桩的抗拔承载力计算分为3种情况,采用极限平衡法得到了相应的螺纹桩抗拔承载力计算公式。最后,通过与有限元数值模拟以及实际工程算例对比,验证了文中方法的合理性。  相似文献   

The concept of the equivalent free surface has been extended to determine the seismic horizontal pullout capacity of shallow vertical strip plate anchors buried in sand. The analysis has been done rigorously by using the method of stress characteristics. The results have been expressed in the form of non-dimensional charts. The pullout resistance has been found to reduce quite extensively with increase in the magnitude of horizontal earthquake acceleration. The results were compared with the previously published data, and it was seen that the computed pullout resistance with the proposed method was found to be lowest. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plate anchor is one of the most common varieties of anchors used in the construction and maintenance work of various on-land and offshore structures. An accurate estimation of the uplift capacity of anchor foundations is necessary for an economical design as well as for the safety and stability of structures. This paper outlines the effect of shape of anchor plates on their breakout capacity, through a series of model tests. Both shallow and deep anchor behaviours were investigated under conditions developing suction force and without suction force. The results of these tests are presented in terms of load-displacement behaviour, variation of breakout factors (with and without suction force) with depth of embedment, the critical embedment depth of anchors and variation of suction force with embedment ratio. Further, the variations of breakout factor ratio with aspect ratio and embedment ratio are reported. Based on the experimental results and the model test results of other investigators an empirical relationship has been suggested to determine the shape factor and holding capacity of plate anchors buried in saturated cohesive soils.  相似文献   

Pseudo-static approach is adopted in this paper to determine the seismic uplift capacity of an inclined strip anchor using upper bound limit analysis. Two different failure mechanisms are considered to obtain the magnitudes of unit weight component of uplift factor fγE for different values of soil friction angle, interface friction of anchor plate, anchor inclination, embedment ratio and horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient. The failure mechanism 1 consists of a triangular and quadrilateral rigid blocks; whereas the failure mechanism 2 comprises a logarithmic spiral failure zone with varied focus, sandwiched between a triangular and quadrilateral rigid blocks. It is observed that the magnitude of uplift factor fγE decreases significantly with the increase in seismic acceleration but increases with the increase in embedment ratio and roughness of the anchor surface. However, a mixed trend in the values of fγE can be observed for different inclination of the anchor, which is clearly discussed in this paper. The results are compared with the existing values in the literature and the significance of the present methodology for designing the inclined strip anchor is discussed.  相似文献   

锚板在正常固结黏土中的承载力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于龙  刘君  孔宪京 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1427-1434
在岩土工程中,锚板通常被用来提供竖直或水平抗拔力,比如发射塔的基础、板桩墙结构和悬浮式海洋平台的基础。采用弹-塑性有限元方法对正常固结不排水黏土中的条形锚板进行数值分析,以图表形式给出了不同埋深率、不同上拔倾角、不同锚-土黏结形式下条形锚板的承载力系数和周围土体的流动机构,分析了土体自重对锚板承载力的影响,并给出了不同情况下锚板的极限承载力系数。采用基于重新划分网格并插值状态变量的大变形分析方法(RITSS),分析了正常固结黏土中锚板在连续拔出过程中的承载力变化以及土重对锚-土分离模式的影响。  相似文献   

Uplift capacity of single piles: predictions and performance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper pertains to the development of a simple semi-empirical model for predicting the uplift capacity of piles embedded in sand. Various pile and soil parameters such as length (L), diameter (d) of the pile and angle of friction (ϕ), soil–pile friction angle (δ) and unit weight (γ) of the soil which have direct influence on the uplift capacity of the pile are incorporated in the analysis. A comparative assessment of the ultimate uplift capacity of piles predicted by using the proposed theory and some of the available theories are made with respect to each other and with reference to the measured values obtained from model tests in the laboratory. For this purpose experimental data have been collected from the literature and also from model tests conducted as a part of the present investigation. The study shows the proposed model has an excellent potential in predicting the uplift capacity of piles embedded in sand that are consistent with model pile test results.  相似文献   

程星磊  王建华  王哲学 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3285-3293
开展了张紧式吸力锚在侧壁最优系泊点处遭受平均荷载和循环荷载共同作用下的模型试验,着重研究了软黏土中吸力锚在等幅及变幅循环荷载下的变形失稳过程。研究发现,循环累积位移过大是锚发生破坏的主要原因。对于等幅循环加载试验,由于竖向附加荷重的施加,锚在水平向的循环累积位移要明显大于竖向,表现为明显的水平破坏模式。在特定的平均荷载水平下,循环荷载水平越高,锚的累积位移发展得越快,达到破坏所需的循环次数就越少。循环位移随循环次数的增长变化不明显,但随循环荷载水平的增大而增大。对于变幅循环加载试验,系泊点各方向的循环累积位移与循环位移均与循环荷载水平成正比。不同的循环加载时程下,锚的竖向累积位移均比水平累积位移大,表现为偏向于竖向破坏的中间破坏模式。锚前期的循环加载历史对后续加载产生的累积变形有明显影响。与静力加载相比,循环加载时锚的运动方向角有所增大,这可能是由于锚底孔压的累积要大于锚侧孔压的累积,从有效应力的角度分析,锚底有效应力的减少相对锚侧明显,进而使得锚竖向承载力减小得更多,导致锚的竖向运动更明显。  相似文献   

群桩条件下桩土相互作用实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨进  彭苏萍 《岩土力学》2004,25(2):312-315
根据海洋钻井实际工程情况,开展了粘性土质条件下群桩模拟实验,研究分析了群桩条件下的桩-土相互作用问题,得出了群桩作用对土应力场的影响关系,模拟实验结果对海上隔水导管的施工具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The vertical uplift resistance of two interfering rigid rough strip anchors embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depths has been examined. The analysis is performed by using an upper bound theorem of limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming. It is specified that both the anchors are loaded to failure simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (ξγ) is determined. On account of interference, the magnitude of ξγ is found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors. The results from the numerical analysis were found to compare reasonably well with the available theoretical data from the literature.  相似文献   

软土地基中扩底抗拔中长桩的极限承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郦建俊  黄茂松  王卫东  陈峥 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2643-2650
扩底抗拔桩的研究和应用以短桩居多,并且大都以砂土或软岩为持力层,对于软土地基中扩底抗拔桩的承载力研究较少。基于扩大头局部剪切滑移面假设的极限平衡法,推导出扩底抗拔中长桩在分层地基中极限承载力的简化计算公式;结合有关工程实例的原位试桩结果,对扩大头影响高度进行了确定,同时还探讨了所提出方法在超长桩中的适用性。研究结果表明,提出的简化分析方法能合理地揭示上海软土地区扩底抗拔中长桩的破坏机制,并获得承载力变化的一般规律。  相似文献   


This paper shows the development of a partial factor design method on the bearing capacity of pile foundations for Japanese Specifications for Highway Bridges. Firstly, estimation design equations on the bearing capacities of pile foundations are improved by analysis of pile load test results and uncertainties in the bearing capacities are evaluated. Secondly, the reliabilities of pile foundations designed by the former specifications are evaluated based on reliability analysis considering the uncertainties in the bearing capacities and coefficients of subgrade reaction. Finally, a partial factor design method is developed based on the target reliability index obtained based on the conventional pile installation method by the pile installation methods. The factors are different for each pile installation method.  相似文献   

金属装配式基础因施工方便与综合造价低而被越来越多地应用于风积沙地区输电线路基础工程。针对中密风积沙开展全模和半模抗拔模型试验,研究了不同深宽比下基础的上拔荷载-位移特性和抗拔破坏模式。结果表明,抗拔荷载-位移关系曲线随着基础深宽比λ变化而改变。当λ=1.0时,曲线呈缓变型;当λ=2.0~5.0时,曲线呈软化型。随着λ的增大,抗拔拔承载力随之增大。在加载过程中,地表以基础顶部为中心逐渐形成近似为圆形的隆起区域,隆起程度随着上拔位移增大而不断增加,最终形成整体破坏,此时滑动面贯穿地表;通过半模试验观测的上拔土体滑动面子午线可用直线方程近似描述,且抗拔角随着λ的增大而减小。根据上述试验结果,基于Veesaert滑动面摩擦强度理论和极限平衡原理,提出了金属装配式基础的抗拔承载力改进计算方法,计算结果相较于土重法和剪切法更接近试验值,且离散程度更小。  相似文献   

为了分析未经处理倾斜桩的承载力特性,以连云港海相软土地区为例,经过对倾斜桩的现场调查及实测数据的分析,建立了承台-倾斜桩体系数值模型,通过数值计算分析得到:桩体倾斜程度对承台-倾斜桩体系承载力的影响存在阀值,且桩体倾斜方向不同时其阀值也不同,当倾斜程度为4%之后承台-水平向倾斜桩的承载力有所降低,当倾斜程度为6%之后承台-垂直向倾斜桩的承载力有所降低,另外从位移及内力分析来看,桩体垂直向倾斜时的承台水平向位移及桩身弯矩较水平向倾斜时要小。  相似文献   

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