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The ionospheric responses to a large number (116) of moderate (?50≥Dst>?100 nT) geomagnetic storms distributed over the period (1980–1990) are investigated using total electron content (TEC) data recorded at Calcutta (88.38°E, 22.58°N geographic, dip: 32°N). TEC perturbations exhibit a prominent dependence on the local times of main phase occurrence (MPO). The storms with MPO during daytime hours are more effective in producing larger deviations and smaller time delays for maximum positive deviations compared to those with nighttime MPO. Though the perturbations in the equinoctial and winter solstitial months more or less follow the reported climatology, remarkable deviations are detected for the summer solstitial storms. Depending on the local times of MPO, the sunrise enhancement in TEC is greatly perturbed. The TEC variability patterns are interpreted in terms of the storm time modifications of equatorial electric field, wind system and neutral composition.  相似文献   

The variability of Total Electron Content (TEC) at Trivandrum, located within equatorial anomaly region at the dip equator, with respect to a reference level derived from the TEC measurements at Shimla, located outside the region has been studied during low solar activity period. Chapman function is assumed to hold good for regions outside the anomaly extent. It shows that the difference of total measured TEC at the equator from the derived reference is highly correlated with equatorial electrojet. The observations conform to the previous investigations and are interpreted in light of established relations. A stochastic relationship with electrojet is derived and validated.  相似文献   

王慧  高洁 《地球物理学报》2022,65(3):830-842

本文利用秘鲁和印度地磁台站的观测数据,结合全球电离层-热层模型的模拟结果,研究了地磁场强度的减弱对赤道电激流的地方时和经度分布的影响.这对理解地球空间天气和行星演化具有重要的科学意义.结果表明,当地磁场强度减弱一半时,东向电激流和风发电机电场的峰值时间均提前1 h,而低层大气潮汐使峰值时间延后了1 h.其主要原因是,随着地磁场减弱,E层当地激发和来自低层大气迁移潮汐的上传过程均发生了变化.当磁场减弱50%时,电离层Cowling电导率增加为真实地磁场条件下的3倍,而峰值电激流增加为真实地磁场条件下的1.3倍,这与理论值比较接近,但明显弱于秘鲁和印度地磁台站的长期观测结果.与印度扇区相比,秘鲁扇区的电流随地磁场的减少趋势更加明显,说明地磁场强度的变化对秘鲁扇区的影响更大.磁场强度的减弱对低层大气非迁移潮汐DE3和SE2分量的上传影响并不明显,但增强了电离层E区一波和三波分量的幅度,这导致经度90°和120°的电流峰值随着地磁场的减弱而明显增加.


A meridional scanning OI 630.0-nm dayglow photometer was operated from Ahmedabad (17.2°N dip lat.) scanning a region towards the south in the upper atmosphere extending over \sim5° in latitude from 10.2°N to 15.2°N dip latitude. From the spatial and temporal variabilities of the dayglow intensity in the scanning region we show for the first time, evidence for the passage of the crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) in the daytime by means of a ground-based optical technique. The relationship between the daytime eastward electric field over the dip equator in the same longitude zone as inferred from the equatorial electrojet strength and the evolutionary pattern of EIA is clearly demonstrated. The latter as inferred from the dayglow measurements is shown to be consistent with our present understanding of the electrodynamical processes in the equatorial region. The present results reveal the potential of this ground-based optical technique for the investigation of ionospheric/thermospheric phenomena with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

The subsolar elevation of the equatorial electrojet has been produced from satellite solstitial data available from 09 to 15 hr LT using a new approach with the general style of the overhead equivalent current system. It shows the bunching of the current around the dip equator; the return currents of the equatorial electrojet close to the flanks of the dip equator; the fast growth of the electrojet to its diurnal peak followed by a slow decay; and the contraction of its latitudinal extent around the meridian of its highest intensity. Comparison with the results of other workers using ground data suggests that the elevation from satellite data agrees better with that from ground data when the worldwideSq is removed from the ground data.  相似文献   

The unique geometry of the geomagnetic field lines over the equatorial ionosphere coupled with the E–W electric field causes the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) and equatorial spread-F (ESF). lonosonde data obtained at a chain of four stations covering equator to anomaly crest region (0.3 to 33 °N dip) in the Indian sector are used to study the role of EIA and the associated processes on the occurrence of ESF. The study period pertains to the equinoctial months (March, April, September and October) of 1991. The ratios of critical frequency of F-layer (f0F2) and electron densities at an altitude of 270 km between Ahmedabad (33 °N dip) and Waltair (20 °N dip) are found to shoot up in the afternoon hours on spread-F days showing strengthening of the EIA in the afternoon hours. The study confirms the earlier conclusions made by Raghava Rao et al. and Alex et al. that a well-developed EIA is one of the conditions conducive for the generation of ESF. This study also shows that the location of the crest is also important in addition to the strength of the anomaly.  相似文献   

Equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) are field-aligned depletions of F-region ionospheric plasma density that grow from irregularities caused by the generalized Rayleigh–Taylor instability mechanism in the postsunset equatorial sector. Although they have been studied for some decades, they continue to be an important subject of both experimental and theoretical investigations because of their effects on trans-ionospheric radio communications.In this work, calibrated data of slant total electron content (sTEC) taken every 10 min from EGNOS System Test Bed Brazzaville (Congo), Douala (Cameroon), Lome (Togo) and N’Djamena (Chad), and International GNSS Service Ascension Island, Malindi (Kenya), and Libreville (Gabon), stations are used to detect plasma bubbles in the African equatorial region during the first 6 months of 2004. To identify these irregularities, the trend of every curve of sTEC against time is subtracted from the original data. The size of the EPBs is estimated by measuring its amplitude in the de-trended time variation of sTEC.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the TEC data during 1998–2007, observed by the AREQ (16.5°S, 71.5°W) GPS station to investigate the equatorial ionospheric variations under geomagnetic quiet-conditions. The diurnal TEC values generally have a maximum value between 1330 and 1500 LT and a minimum around 0500 LT. For the seasonal variation, the semi-annual variation apparently exists in the daytime TEC with two peaks in equinoctial months. In contrast, this semi-annual variation is not found in the nighttime. Furthermore, the results of the annual variation show that the correlation between the daytime TEC value and the solar activity factor is highly positive.  相似文献   

Neutral gas composition and ionospheric measurements taken by the Dynamic Explorer 2 satellite at F2-region heights during two geomagnetic storms are used to analyze the role of some possible physical mechanisms responsible for the changes of electron density at equatorial and low geomagnetic latitudes. The storms considered occurred on October 2, 1981 (storm 1) and July 13, 1982 (storm 2). During storm 1 (weak), vertical plasma drifts and equatorward storm-time winds operated increasing of the electron density at the trough of equatorial anomaly and the decreases at the crest region. During storm 2 (intense) changes of composition (increase of molecular nitrogen and atomic oxygen) played a fundamental role for the changes of electron density observed at low latitudes in summer hemisphere. It is concluded that different physical processes seem to have varying degrees of importance depending on the intensity of the storm.  相似文献   

本文收集了1982年3月印度、中国、菲律宾低纬地区9个地磁台的静日月均值资料。经分析对比后绘出了Sq(H),Sq(Z)变幅与离磁赤道距离的关系图。结果显示赤道电射流对Sq(Z)的影响可达500km,对Sq(H)的影响范围小于400km。这个结果与PARKINSON(1983)书中的论述基本一致。离磁赤道远达1000km的琼中台资料没受赤道电射流的影响,广州台资料则更不可能受影响。  相似文献   

1987年1月28日和29日连续出现赤道逆向电射流。本文对比了这两天9个地磁台的X分量日变化曲线,结果显示琼中台的X日变曲线不受赤道逆向电射流的影响。  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the numerical simulation of the dynamo electric field and its effects in the Earth’s ionosphere within the scope of the thermosphere-ionosphere-protonosphere global self-consistent model developed at WD IZMIRAN. The new electric field calculation block, which was used to obtain results of the self-consistent calculations of the electric field potential generated by the dynamo effect of the thermospheric winds (the dynamo field) and the equatorial electrojet for March 22, 1987, is briefly described in this work. A comparison of the obtained results with the experimental data showed a satisfactory agreement. Moreover, the proposed model was used to calculate the diurnal variations in the ionospheric parameters for Jicamarca equatorial station under the same conditions with the help of the new block of the electric field. The results of these calculations are also presented and discussed in this work. It has been indicated that the new model satisfactorily describes the specific features of electric field distribution at the geomagnetic equator and the well-known phenomenon of equatorial electrojet.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2003,65(14-15):1265-1282
An empirical model of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), including local time and longitude dependence, has been constructed based on the surface magnetic data recorded at 26 stations located in six different longitude sectors that were set up or augmented during the international equatorial electrojet year (IEEY). The model reproduces the characteristic signatures of the EEJ-associated horizontal and vertical magnetic components at ground level. The model-predicted variations at the orbit of the POGS satellite are generally in good agreement with the onboard magnetic signatures, although strong discrepancies are also often seen. The nature of the differences suggests that the global scale magnetospheric or field-aligned current systems may sometimes dominate the satellite data. The nature of the longitudinal inequalities in the EEJ strength indicates that the equatorial electrojet is strongest in South America (80°–100°W) and weakest in the Indian sector (75°E) with a secondary minimum and a maximum centered, respectively, in the Atlantic Ocean (30°W) and in western Africa (10°E). The EEJ strength is shown to be inversely correlated with the main field intensity along the dip-equator.  相似文献   

Median hourly, electron content-latitude profiles obtained in South East Asia under solar minimum and maximum conditions have been used to establish seasonal and solar differences in the diurnal variations of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly (EIA). The seasonal changes have been mainly accounted for from a consideration of the daytime meridional wind, affecting the EIA diffusion of ionization from the magnetic equator down the magnetic field lines towards the crests. Depending upon the seasonal location of the subsolar point in relation to the magnetic equator diffusion rates were increased or decreased. This led to crest asymmetries at the solstices with (1) the winter crest enhanced in the morning (increased diffusion rate) and (2) the same crest decaying most rapidly in the late afternoon (faster recombination rate at lower ionospheric levels). Such asymmetries were also observed, to a lesser extent, at the equinoxes since the magnetic equator (located at about 9○N lat) does not coincide with the geographic equator. Another factor affecting the magnitude of a particular electron content crest was the proximity of the subsolar point, since this increased the local ionization production rate. Enhancements of the EIA took place around sunset, mainly during the equinoxes and more frequently at solar maximum, and also there was evidence of apparent EIA crest resurgences around 0300 LST for all seasons at solar maximum. The latter are thought to be associated with the commonly observed, post-midnight, ionization enhancements at midlatitudes, ionization being transported to low latitudes by an equatorward wind. The ratio increases in crest peak electron contents from solar minimum to maximum of 2.7 at the equinoxes, 2.0 at the northern summer solstice and 1.7 at northern winter solstice can be explained, only partly, by increases in the magnitude of the eastward electric field E overhead the magnetic equator affecting the [E×B] vertical drifts. The most important factor is the corresponding increase in ionization production rate due to the increase in solar radiation flux. The EIA crest asymmetries observed at solar maximum were less significant, and this is probably due to the corresponding increase in ionization densities leading to an increase of the retarding effect of ion-drag on the daytime meridional winds.  相似文献   

根据资料分析了中国低纬地区地磁场H分量的静日变化规律。结果表明,H分量日变幅在中午12点左右达到最大值,在夜间达到最小值,而且,这种受赤道电射流影响的现象还随着季节和太阳活动变化而变化。  相似文献   

Ionospheric two-stream waves and gradientdrift waves nonlinearly drive a large-scale (D.C.) current in the E-region ionosphere. This current flows parallel to, and with a comparable magnitude to, the fundamental Pedersen current. Evidence for the existence and magnitude of wave-driven currents derives from a theoretical understanding of E-region waves, supported by a series of nonlinear 2D simulations of two-stream waves and by data collected by rocket instruments in the equatorial electrojet. Wave-driven currents will modify the large-scale dynamics of the equatorial electrojet during highly active periods. A simple model shows how a wave-driven current appreciably reduces the horizontally flowing electron current of the electrojet. This reduction may account for the observation that type-I radar echoes almost always have a Doppler velocity close to the acoustic speed, and also for the rocket observation that electrojet regions containing gradientdrift waves do not appear also to contain horizontally propagating two-stream waves. Additionally, a simple model of a gradient-drift instability shows that wavedriven currents can cause nonsinusoidal electric fields similar to those measured in situ.  相似文献   

The equatorial ionosphere responses over Brazil to two intense magnetic storms that occurred during 2001 are investigated. The equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) and variations in the zonal electric field and meridional winds at different storms phases are studied using data collected by digisondes and GPS receivers. The difference between the F layer peak density (foF2) at an equatorial and a low latitude sites was used to quantify the EIA; while the difference between the true heights (hF) at the equatorial and an off-equatorial site was used to calculate the magnetic meridional winds. The vertical drift was calculated as dhF/dt. The results show prompt penetration electric fields causing unusual early morning development of the EIA, and disturbed dynamo electric field producing significant modification in the F region parameters. Variations to different degrees in the vertical drift, the thermospheric meridional winds and the EIA developments were observed depending on the storm phases.  相似文献   

Between 100 and 120 km height at the Earth's magnetic equator, the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) flows as an enhanced eastward current in the daytime E region ionosphere, which can induce a magnetic perturbation on the ground. Calculating the difference between the horizontal components of magnetic perturbation (H) at magnetometers near the equator and about 6–9° away from the equator, ΔH, provides us with information about the strength of the EEJ. The NCAR Thermosphere–Ionosphere–Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) is capable of simulating the EEJ current and its magnetic perturbation on the ground. The simulated diurnal, seasonal (March equinox, June solstice, December solstice), and solar activity (F10.7=80, 140 and 200 units) variations of ΔH in the Peruvian (76°W) and Philippine (121°E) sectors, and the relation of ΔH to the ionospheric vertical drift velocity, are presented in this paper. Results show the diurnal, seasonal and solar activity variations are captured well by the model. Agreements between simulated and observed magnitudes of ΔH and its linear relationship to vertical drift are improved by modifying the standard daytime E region photoionization in the TIE-GCM in order to better simulate observed E region electron densities.  相似文献   

Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - Ground and space-based geomagnetic data were used in the investigation of the longitudinal, seasonal and lunar phase dependence of the equatorial counter...  相似文献   

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