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The morphological features of wave-like ionospheric disturbances with periods of 1–2 h and the spatial extent exceeding 1000 km are studied. Oblique-incidence sounding data of the ionosphere, obtained in eastern Siberia during several continuous monthly experiments on three radio paths from 2006 to 2010, have been used. Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances generated during magnetic storms and large-scale wave-like ionospheric disturbances registered during geomagnetically quiet periods are considered. Small-scale ionospheric structures were also observed against a background of large-scale traveling iono-spheric disturbances considered in this study.  相似文献   

电离层斜测数据集包括F2层临界频率数据和最大电子密度空间分布图,来源于中国地震电离层监测试验网观测数据。2008年汶川地震后,中国地震局地震预测研究所和中国电子科技集团第22研究所,在国防科技工业电波环境观测站网原有的稀疏发射站网基础上,根据地震重点监测区带分布和区域数据覆盖能力的双重需要,利用电离层对地基发射信号的反射特性,在华北5个电离层垂测发射站的基础上,建立了20个电离层斜测接收站,形成100条发射—接收链路,达到以经济手段取得电离层加密监测的效果。数据由接收台站接收后,汇聚到北京数据中心,并建立Oracle数据库,将数据入库。通过人工判读,生成可应用的电离层斜测观测数据。此数据集通过数据共享网站提供数据共享服务,可为地震系统内部各省地震局和研究所进行地震监测预测研究以及系统外部科研机构和院校电离层观测研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

大地电磁阻尼粒子群优化反演法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
粒子群优化算法(PSO)是模仿鸟群寻找食物的社会行为的一种全局最优化算法,在多维空间函数寻优、动态目标寻优等方面有着收敛速度快、解质量高且需要设置的参数较少等优点.本文在研究常规粒子群优化算法的基础上,对常规的粒子群算法进行了改进,提出了一种新的惯性权重ω参数振荡递减策略,加快了PSO算法的收敛速度,构造的新算法称为阻尼粒子群优化算法.在MATLAB 6.5 编程环境中对阻尼PSO算法进行了数值实验,并对大地电磁测深的理论模型和实测数据进行了反演试算,结果表明,阻尼PSO算法不依赖于初始模型、能够搜索到全局极值,不易陷入局部极值,是一种快速有效的地球物理反演方法.  相似文献   

Continuous observations in the ionospheric E and F regions have been regularly carried out since the fifties of this century at many ionosonde stations. Using these data from 31 European stations long-term trends have been derived for different parameters of the ionospheric E layer (h E, foE), F1 layer (foF1) and F2 layer (hmF2,foF2). The detected trends in the E and F1 layers (lowering of the E region height hE; increase of the peak electron densities of the E and F1 layers, foE and foF1) are in qualitative agreement with model predictions of an increasing atmospheric greenhouse effect. In the F2 region, however, the results are more complex. Whereas in the European region west of 30° E negative trends in hmF2 (peak height of the F2 layer) and in the peak electron density (foF2) have been found, in the eastern part of Europe (east of 30° E) positive trends dominate in both parameters. These marked longitudinal differences cannot be explained by an increasing greenhouse effect only, here probably dynamical effects in the F2 layer seem to play an essential role.  相似文献   

It is well known that ionospheric perturbations are characterised by strong horizontal gradients and rapid changes of the ionisation. Thus, space weather induced severe ionosphere perturbations can cause serious technological problems in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS. During the severe ionosphere storm period of 29–31 October 2003, reported were several significant malfunctions due to the adverse effects of the ionosphere perturbations such as interruption of the WAAS service and degradation of mid-latitudes GPS reference services. To properly warn service users of such effects, a quick evaluation of the current signal propagation conditions expressed in a suitable ionospheric perturbation index would be of great benefit. Preliminary results of a comparative study of ionospheric gradients including vertical sounding and Total Electron Content (TEC) data are presented. Strong enhancements of latitudinal gradients and temporal changes of the ionisation are observed over Europe during the 29–30 October storm period. The potential use of spatial gradients and rate of change of foF2 and TEC characterising the actual perturbation degree of the ionosphere is discussed. It has been found that perturbation induced spatial gradients of TEC and foF2 strongly enhance during the ionospheric storm on 29 October over the Central European region in particular in North–South direction exceeding the gradients in East–West direction by a factor of 2.  相似文献   

广义S变换及其在大地电磁测深数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广义S变换是一种优于短时窗傅立叶变换和小波变换的时频分析方法,利用广义S变换能够准确定位大地电磁资料中存在的噪声,通过定义时频窗对噪声进行滤除,从而明显提高阻抗视电阻率与相位的估算质量.本文基于S变换和大地电磁测深资料处理的基本原理,研究了基于广义S变换的大地电磁测深资料的处理流程和方法.对理论模拟信号及实测大地电磁场时间序列数据的处理,证实了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The problem of radiosignal reflection from a plane layered isotropic ionosphere has been considered. The vertical sounding ionograms for ionospheric layers with a complicated structure have been modeled. It has been demonstrated that the structure of reflected signals depends on the degree of ionospheric irregularities. Diffuse reflection of radiosignals, caused by the vertical irregularity of the ionosphere, has been detected.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm of body waveform inversion is presented for better understanding of crustal and upper mantle structures with deep seismic sounding (DSS) waveform data. General reflection and transmission synthetic seismogram algorithm, which is capable of calculating the response of thin alternating high and low velocity layers, is applied as a solution for forward modeling, and the genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal solution of the inverse problem. Numerical tests suggest that the method has the capability of resolving low-velocity layers, thin alternating high and low velocity layers, and noise suppression. Waveform inversion using P-wave records from Zeku, Xiahe and Lintao shots in the seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction survey along northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibeteau) Plateau has revealed fine structures of the bottom of the upper crust and alternating layers in the middle/lower crust and topmost upper mantle.  相似文献   

DIAS (European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server) effective sunspot number — R12eff was recently introduced as a proxy of the ionospheric conditions over Europe for regional ionospheric mapping purposes. Although a pre-processing step for the real-time update of the Simplified Ionospheric Regional Model (SIRM) to real-time conditions, R12eff is available in real time by DIAS system (http://dias.space.noa.gr) for independent operational use. In this paper we discuss the efficiency of R12eff to specify ionospheric conditions over Europe. For this purpose, the diurnal R12eff’s reference pattern was determined on monthly basis and for different solar cycle phases. The deviation of the real-time R12eff estimates from the reference values, ΔR12eff was found to be highly correlated with the foF2 storm-time disturbances, especially during large scale effects indicating that DIAS-R12eff can provide a reliable estimator of the ionospheric activity level over a substantial part of Europe and a powerful tool for ionospheric specification applications.  相似文献   

多级中值滤波器在地震数据处理应用中,其滤波长度越大,消噪效果越好,但同时也会破坏有效信息. 如果为了保护有效信息而减少滤波长度,又会造成大量的噪声不能消除. 本文提出一种新的模糊嵌套多级中值滤波器,设计一个阀值作为判断参数,使滤波器能够在消除随机噪声时采用长滤波器滤波,而在保留有效信息时采用短滤波器滤波,从而既能很好地消除随机噪声,又能最大限度地保护有效信息,保留有效信息的细节结构. 经过模型分析和实际资料处理都取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

在地理坐标系下推导出二维电离层发电机理论方程,采用逐线迭代法求解得到全球二维电离层发电机电流函数,进而得到电离层发电机电流和电场.模式中使用的电导率是根据外部经验模式给出的背景大气和电离层参数,采用理论公式计算得出;输入的中性风场和磁场分别由HWM93和IGRF2000模型给出,该电离层发电机理论模式很好地给出了全球Sq电流形态及电离层E层发电机电场的基本特征.利用该模式研究了外部模式风场以及地磁场随高度的变化对模拟结果的影响,发现在90~180 km高度上,风场随高度变化对电流影响较大,而地磁场影响较小;重点模拟研究了地磁平静时期,Sq电流涡旋中心位置和总电流强度的变化规律,初步研究发现,电流中心位置在地理纬度±30°附近,不同的地方时电流随地磁纬度线平行移动,且南北半球两个电流涡中心电流强度之和变化不大.分析发现这种规律与发电机高度上的磁场总强度及地磁倾角的全球分布有很好的相关性.  相似文献   

震前电离层TEC异常探测新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种利用时间序列法(ARIMA模型)进行震前电离层异常探测的新方法.首先,对比分析了该方法与传统探测方法(四分位距法、滑动时窗法)预测TEC背景值的精度.结果表明,时间序列法预测背景值的精度要明显高于传统方法,且预报背景值的平均偏差要比传统方法小2倍左右,说明传统探测方法预测的背景值具有较大系统偏差.为更准确地探测震前电离层扰动,除了得到准确的参考背景值,还需得到更加合理的探测限值,由此本文提出一种更为合理的限差确定策略.最后,以2012年1月10日苏门答腊岛7.2级地震为例,利用该方法分析了其震前电离层的异常扰动情况,并验证了该方法的有效性,实验结果表明:在震前第13天、第8~9天、第1~2天和地震当天电离层均会发生较为明显的异常.而且,其正异常(观测值高于正常值)一般发生在震中以北,距发震时间相对较远;负异常(观测值低于正常值)则在震中各方向均会出现,且距发震时间较近.同时,通过对异常结果分时段统计,发现在发震时刻前,距发震时刻越近的时段发生异常的频率越高,此规律将会对未来更为准确的预报发震时段提供重要参考.  相似文献   

A spherical model of the Earth including a heterogeneous upper mantle and excited by the magnetic field of a magnetospheric ring current is constructed. The obtained synthetic data are used for testing a new approach to gradient geomagnetic sounding ensuring the immunity of the sought impedance to distortions caused by lateral heterogeneity of the Earth. It is shown that this approach significantly increases the informativeness of deep electromagnetic sounding.  相似文献   

Previously unknown phenomenon was detected during the ionospheric radiosounding on board the MIR space station when the station was below the F region maximum. The work is devoted to describing the most general properties of this phenomenon in terms in concepts prescribed by the URSI Handbook of ionogram Interpretation and Reduction in order to consider and analyze the phenomenon using the known categories and concepts of this handbook.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed to inverse normalization data of hidden variables in a dynamical system by embedding a time series in multidimensional spaces and applying a normalization analysis to the conditional probability density of points in the reconstructed phase spaces. The method is robust in the application to Lorenz system and 4-dimensional R?ssler system by testing quantitatively and qualitatively the correlation coefficient between inverse data and original data in time domain and in frequency domain, respectively. By applying the method to analyzing the South China Sea data, the normalization data of wind speed is extracted from the sea surface temperature time series.  相似文献   

电离层GPS掩星观测改正TEC反演方法   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
电离层掩星观测中,当低轨卫星(LEO)轨道高度较低时,轨道以上的电离层电子总含量(TEC)对掩星反演的影响不能忽略.目前,一般采用指数函数等外推方法来处理该问题,对反演结果可能引起较大误差.为提高电离层掩星反演精度,本文研究利用LEO处于非掩星一侧GPS观测数据的改正TEC新反演方法.用三维射线追踪程序计算出电离层掩星观测模拟数据,分别应用改正TEC方法和外推方法进行反演,将反演结果与所用模式值进行比较.结果表明:对于轨道高度约800km的GPS/MET掩星模拟数据,外推方法和改正TEC方法反演结果都与模式值基本一致;对于轨道高度约400km的CHAMP掩星模拟数据,外推方法误差较大,改正TEC方法反演结果与模式值相符得较好.将改正TEC方法应用于GPS/MET实测数据的反演,取得了合理的结果.这些说明,改正TEC算法是一种有效的电离层掩星反演方法,尤其是对于轨道较低的LEO的电离层掩星观测反演特别有用.  相似文献   

Computer modelling is used to investigate the possibility of determining ionospheric parameters from slightly oblique ionospheric soundings, using absorption data for decametric radio waves of different polarization. It is shown that with mean square measurement errors of 0.5 dB, and using regularization algorithms to solve the inverse problems, electron collision frequency profiles can be obtained for the night F-region with errors of less than 30%. Both temperatures of electrons and neutrals are also determined to within 10%.  相似文献   

电离层层析重构的一种新算法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
闻德保  吕慧珠  张啸 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3611-3616
自适应联合迭代重构算法是电离层层析成像中一种收敛速度较快的反演算法.然而,在电离层电子密度重构过程中,该方法对迭代初值的精度要求较高.针对上述问题,本文提出了一种约束自适应联合迭代重构算法,该方法通过附加合理的平滑约束,减弱了没有观测信息的格网对迭代初值精度的依赖性,有效地提高了反演结果精度.数值模拟实验和实测数据的反演结果证实了该算法的可行性和在重构精度上的优越性.  相似文献   

Regional correction of the IRI ionospheric model using the data of the satellite radio sounding from the Mir manned space station (MSS) is considered. The kriging method of interpolation is applied to the data of both, ground-based and satellite radio sounding. On the basis of the experimental data obtained, charts of the critical frequencies of the corrected IRI model are drawn. A numerical evaluation of the method accuracy and of the strength of association between real and corrected values was performed and demonstrated a reliability of the obtained results.  相似文献   

By analyzing hundreds of capillary pressure curves, the controlling factors of shape and type of capillary pressure curves are found and a novel method is presented to construct capillary pressure curves by using reservoir permeability and a synthesized index. The accuracy of this new method is verified by mercury-injection experiments. Considering the limited quantity of capillary pressure data, a new method is developed to extract the Swanson parameter from the NMR T2 distribution and estimate reservoir permeability. Integrating with NMR total porosity, reservoir capillary pressure curves can be constructed to evaluate reservoir pore structure in the intervals with NMR log data. An in-situ example of evaluating reservoir pore structure using the capillary pressure curves by this new method is presented. The result shows that it accurately detects the change in reservoir pore structure as a function of depth.  相似文献   

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