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A three-dimensional model based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been implemented to study the circulation of the west coast of India. The model uses a curvilinear orthogonal horizontal grid with higher resolution near the coast (3–9 km) and a terrain following sigma coordinate in the vertical. The model is able to simulate Lakshadweep High and Lakshadweep Low (LL) during the winter and summer monsoons, respectively. During winter, the downwelling processes noticed along the coast help in the formation of temperature inversions. The inversions can be seen even up to the depths of ~50 m, which agrees with the available ARGO data in the region. Model simulations show that coastal upwelling off Kerala is at its peak in July. The intensity of upwelling reduces along the coast towards north. During the existence of LL, there is a cyclonic eddy in the sub-surface waters over the South-Eastern Arabian Sea, with vertical extent up to the depths of 100–150 m and it is strengthened due to the presence of northward counter current in the shelf region. The southerly coastal jet formed along the southern coast as a result of upwelling is noticed a westward shift along with LL. The location of the eddy off Kerala is tilted towards the open ocean with depth and our experiments suggest that this flow can be understood as a first baroclinic mode.  相似文献   

Chlorination of sea water used as cooling and feed water in the combined desalination-power plants of Kuwait leads to the formation of appreciable quantities of halomethanes. Significant concentrations of these compounds (up to 90 μg l−1 as total haloforms) are present in the sea in the immediate vicinity of the out-falls from these plants. Beyond the point of discharge, the distributions of these compounds are consistent with the hydrography of the area, concentrations falling to below the detection limit (0.1 μg l−1) within a few kilometres as a result of mixing and evaporation. Bromoform generally accounts for 95% of the total halomethanes, almost all of the remainder being dibromochloromethane.  相似文献   

An upwelling system exists in the coastal waters of the northern South China Sea (NSCS), a region that is frequently affected by tropical cyclones in summer. This study investigates the evolution of the NSCS monsoon-driven upwelling system and the effects of the Talim and Doksuri tropical cyclones on the system using in situ observational data obtained at three mooring stations, one land-based meteorological station, and concurrent satellite remote sensing data for the NSCS coastal waters from May to July 2012. The results show that the occurrence and evolution of the upwelling system were mainly controlled by the Asian southwest monsoon, while the eastward current also made important contributions to the upwelling intensity. A decrease in the bottom water temperature and shifts in the along-shore and cross-shore currents were direct evidence of the establishment, existence, and recovery of this upwelling. Tropical cyclones have significant impacts on hydrodynamics and can thus influence the evolution of the NSCS upwelling system by changing the local wind and current fields. Variations in water level and local current systems impeded the development of upwelling during tropical cyclones Talim and Doksuri in the study area, which have low-frequency fluctuations of approximately 2–10 days. These variations were the results of the coupled interactions between local wind fields, coastal trapped waves, and other factors. The hydrodynamic environment of the marine water (including coastal upwelling system) rapidly recovered to normal sea conditions after each cyclone passed due to the relatively short duration of the impact of a tropical cyclone on the dynamic environment of the waters.  相似文献   

The toxicity of 175 sediment samples from Commencement Bay, Washington, was measured by the survival of marine infaunal amphipods (Rhepoxynius abronius) during ten-day exposure to test sediment. Survival was high in sediment from offshore, deeper parts of the Bay, including two designated dredge material disposal sites. Within each of the major industrialized waterways there was a wide range in amphipod survival. Both acutely toxic and relatively nontoxic samples were collected from various areas within the Hylebos, Blair, Sitcum and City Waterways. Habitat differences, sedimentation rates, proximity to contaminant sources and sinks, and disruption of the seabed by prop scour and dredging could contribute to this variation in toxicity. Community structure data show a correlation between amphipod distribution and sediment toxicity, with lower amphipod density and species richness in the waterways than in the deeper part of the Bay. Phoxocephalid amphipods, a family that includes the bioassay species, were ubiquitous in the deeper Bay, but absent from the waterways. This correlation between laboratory and field results indicates the ecological relevance of the sediment bioassay.  相似文献   

As part of Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB), cruise-based measurements of near-surface CO were carried out over Bay of Bengal (BoB) covering the latitude–longitude sector 3.5°N–21.0°N and 76.0°E–98.0°E, during winter months of December 2008 to January 2009. These in-situ measured CO mixing ratio varied in the range of 80–480 ppbv over this marine environment with the distinct spatial pattern. The highest mixing ratios were measured over southeast-BoB with mean value of 379±58 ppbv. CO mixing ratios were high over north-BoB compared to southern BoB. These in-situ measurements were compared with the satellite-measured surface CO obtained from Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) onboard TERRA and found to be in good agreement over most of the regions, except at southeast-BoB. Surface CO and column CO from MOPITT data showed a similar spatial pattern. Based on the analysis of airmass back-trajectories, satellite-based spatial map of CO distribution over Asian region and Potential Source Contribution Function analysis, different pathways of transport of CO were identified. Transport from northern landmass as well as from south-east Asia has a significant influence in the spatial variation of CO over BoB. Winter-time mixing ratio of CO was found to be higher compared to those measured during other campaigns conducted during February–March 1999, 2001 (pre-monsoon) and September–October, 2002 (post-monsoon).  相似文献   

New data on iron concentration and distribution in solution and suspension in the water of the Amur and its major tributaries (the rivers of Bureya, Sungary, etc.) collected in 2006?C2009 are given. The distribution of iron over river gauges and along the Amur was found to be uneven. The correlation between iron and humic acids was for the first time assessed in rivers and lakes of the Middle and Lower Amur basin.  相似文献   

This study presents trace elements levels in surface and deep sediments of the Toulon bay (SE France) subjected to anthropogenic inputs (navy base, harbors, etc.). The studied elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) are defined as priority contaminants in aquatic systems. Fifty-five points scattered on the entire bay were sampled, allowing the determination of contaminants distribution with a high resolution. Several approaches were used to assess the degree of contamination and the potential toxicity of the Toulon bay sediments: comparison to the French legislation, surface-weighted average metal concentrations, enrichment factors (EF), geoaccumulation indices (Igeo), trace element stock calculation and comparison to sediment quality guidelines. A principal component analysis was performed to reveal common behavior of the studied contaminants. Results demonstrated the very high contamination of the small bay, especially in Hg (EF up to 1500), Cu, Pb and Zn, with export to the large bay further governed by hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

For reliable monitoring of environmental improvement, the PCB contaminated bay Orserumsviken on Sweden's Baltic coast was investigated prior to remediation. We examined PCB congener patterns and the relative toxic potential of PCBs in extracts of three matrices: bottom sediment, settling particulate matter and the dissolved phase (obtained from semi-permeable membrane devices). Congener patterns were similar in all matrices. Three fractions were isolated from the extracts: (1) aliphatic and monocyclic aromatic compounds (MAC-fraction), (2) dicyclic aromatic compounds (DAC-fraction), including PCBs, and (3) polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC-fraction), including PAHs. Total extracts and fractions were injected into newly fertilised rainbow trout eggs. At larval stage, hepatic EROD activities were quantified. Though high, the PCB contamination could explain only an estimated 1-5% of the total EROD induction. The order of EROD induction potential was: total extract > PAC-fraction > DAC-fraction > MAC-fraction in all matrices, suggesting that in Orserumsviken PACs made a larger contribution to the EROD induction potential than PCBs and other DACs.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved lead in the coastal waters of the East China Sea was investigated seasonally. The average concentrations in surface waters during the spring and autumn were 0.52 nM and 0.27 nM, respectively. In the spring, the concentration of dissolved Pb in the surface waters and bottom waters ranged from 0.13 to 1.86 nM and from 0.15 to 0.94 nM, respectively. For both the surface water and the bottom water, the highest values were observed at the Yangtze River Estuary. Seasonal variability of D-Pb between spring and autumn in the ECS was observed. These results suggested that riverine inputs and atmospheric inputs may be the main sources of lead in this area, while adsorption and co-precipitation on suspended particles at the river estuary and biological process may be the major sinks.  相似文献   

Coastal embayments located downwind of large rivers under an upwelling-favorable wind are prone to develop low-oxygen or hypoxic conditions in their bottom water. One such embayment is Mirs Bay, off the Guangdong coast, which is affected by upwelling and the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) plume during summer. The relative importance of physical and biochemical processes on the interannual variability of hypoxia in Mirs Bay and its adjacent waters was investigated using statistical analyses of monthly hydrographic and water quality monitoring data from 2001 to 2015. The results reveal that the southwesterly wind duration and the PRE river discharge together explain 49% of the interannual variability in the size of the hypoxic area, whereas inclusion of the nutrient concentrations inside Mirs Bay and phytoplankton on the shelf explains 75% of the interannual variability in the size of the hypoxic area. This finding suggests that the interannual variability of hypoxia in Mirs Bay is regulated by coupled physical and biochemical processes. Increase of the hypoxic area under a longer-lasting southwesterly wind is caused by increased stratification, extended bottom water residence time, and onshore transport of a low-oxygen water mass induced by stable upwelling. In contrast, a reduction in the size of the hypoxic area may be attributed to a decrease in the surface water residence time of the particulate organic matter outside Mirs Bay due to increased discharge from the PRE. The results also show that the effects of allochthonous particulate organic matter outside Mirs Bay on bottom hypoxia cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

The microbiological pollution of coastal waters is a major problem, especially in shellfish areas. This article shows the faecal contamination in bivalves from the Ria Formosa Lagoon (south coast of Portugal) along 20 years (1990-2009). The highest values of Escherichia coli in bivalves were obtained during the 90s, related with the discharge of untreated wastewaters and agricultural runoff. In the 2000s contamination levels decreased, with 83% of the population already served by new or remodelled sewage treatment plants. The highest levels were found in bivalves close to the largest city, where punctual and diffuse contamination sources still exist. Bivalves from the less impacted site showed the lowest contamination, an area with more water renewal. Seasonally, the highest levels were in autumn and winter, due to the runoff of waters from rainfall. These were opposite to those in spring and summer, when the highest temperatures and salinity showed a bactericidal effect.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model is employed to derive the magnitude of on-shelf fluxes through a shelf-break canyon for a wide range of canyon sizes and ambient oceanic conditions. Predicted canyon-upwelling fluxes are of the order of 0.05–0.1 Sv (1 Sv=1 million m3/s), being several orders of magnitude greater than upslope fluxes in the bottom Ekman layer on the ambient continental slope. On the basis of ∼150 simulations conducted, a bulk formula of upwelling flux in a submarine canyon is derived. For typical conditions, the upwelling flux varies quadratically with forcing strength (speed of incident flow), linearly with canyon depth, and is inversely proportional to the buoyancy frequency of the density stratification inside the canyon. Other parameters such as density stratification above shelf-break depth and bottom friction are found to have minor influences on the resultant canyon-upwelling flux.  相似文献   

The 1991 Gulf oil spill heavily impacted the coastal areas of the Saudi waters of the Arabian Gulf and recent studies have indicated that even 15 years after the incident, macrobenthos had not completely recovered in the sheltered bays in the affected region such as, Manifa Bay. This study investigates the community conditions of macrobenthos in the open waters in one of the impacted areas, Al-Khafji waters, about 14 years after the spill. Diversity measures and community structure analyses indicate a healthy status of polychaete communities. The BOPA index reveals that oil sensitive amphipods were recolonized in the study area. This confirms that the benthic communities of the oil spill impacted area had taken only <14 years to recover in the open waters of the impacted areas. The study also reveals the existence of three distinct polychaete communities along the depth and sediment gradients.  相似文献   

The king scallop (Pecten maximus) is one of the most important benthic species of the English Channel as it constitutes the first fishery in terms of landings in this area. To support strategies of spatial fishery management, we develop a high-resolution biophysical model to study scallop dispersal in two bays along the French coasts of the English Channel (i.e. the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine) and to quantify the relative roles of local hydrodynamic processes, temperature-dependent planktonic larval duration (PLD) and active swimming behaviour (SB). The two bays are chosen for three reasons: (1) the distribution of the scallop stocks in these areas is well known from annual scallop stock surveys, (2) these two bays harbour important fisheries and (3) scallops in these two areas present some differences in terms of reproductive cycle and spawning duration. The English Channel currents and temperature are simulated for 10 years (2000–2010) with the MARS-3D code and then used by the Lagrangian module of MARS-3D to model the transport. Results were analysed in terms of larval distribution at settlement and connectivity rates. While larval transport in the two bays depended both on the tidal residual circulation and the wind-induced currents, the relative role of these two hydrodynamic processes varied among bays. In the bay of Saint-Brieuc, the main patterns of larval dispersal were due to tides, the wind being only a source of variability in the extent of larval patch and the local retention rate. Conversely, in the bay of Seine, wind-induced currents altered both the direction and the extent of larval transport. The main effect of a variable PLD in relation to the thermal history of each larva was to reduce the spread of dispersal and consequently increase the local retention by about 10 % on average. Although swimming behaviour could influence larval dispersal during the first days of the PLD when larvae are mainly located in surface waters, it has a minor role on larval distribution at settlement and retention rates. The analysis of the connectivity between subpopulations within each bay allows identifying the main sources of larvae which depend on both the characteristics of local hydrodynamics and the spatial heterogeneity in the reproductive outputs.  相似文献   

The results of studying the elemental composition of surface continental waters in the European Russia from tundra to arid zone are discussed. The relative concentrations of elements in the solid residue of waters from various natural-climatic zones are evaluated, and the enrichment or dispersion of continental waters by these elements are analyzed as compared with their clarkes in the rocks that occur in the catchment areas. The coefficients of migration in water are evaluated, and the major elements with respect to which surface waters enrich under anthropogenic load are identified. The territorial distribution of higher concentrations of the most hazardous elements in waters of lakes is characterized.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study dealt with the interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait, based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. Three datasets were used for the analysis: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature dataset from 1985 to 2005; hydrographic records at two coastal stations from 1970 to 2001; and cruise measurements in 1988 and 2004. The results indicated that the first mode (85.3%) of the spatial variance showed a persistent front, which was generally aligned northeast–southwestward in the western Taiwan Strait. This front separated colder water on the west side from warmer water on the east side. The eigenvector time series showed that the variability of this front with time was closely correlated with the change in the wind stress anomaly of the alongshore wind component, derived from 17 years of the European remote sensing (ERS) satellite and QuickScat wind dataset from 1992 to 2005. Records of water temperature and salinity anomaly at Pingtan Island (Is.) located in the northwestern Taiwan Strait, and Dongshan Is. located in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, showed that a negative temperature anomaly appeared along with a positive salinity anomaly in some years. This suggested a dominant influence of cold and saline upwelling water at the surface. The years of notable cooling events derived from the station measurements were generally consistent with the time series of the EOF Mode 1. The change in upwelling derived from cruise measurements further confirmed the change shown by the EOF Mode 1 time series. These 1985–2005 results indicated that for the entire western Taiwan Strait summer coastal upwelling was strong in 1987, 1993, and 1998, and that upwelling in the northwest and the southwest Taiwan Strait showed different behavior. A delayed ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) effect was suggested as a major mechanism for the interannual variability of Taiwan Strait coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

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