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Natural Resources Research - The Albertine Graben, an active sedimentary petroliferous basin, has gained global attention as the unexplored areas are recently being targeted for hydrocarbon...  相似文献   

刘会莲  孙松  吉鹏 《极地研究》2002,13(2):117-128
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999/2000. The sample - collection was made at 15 sites in 3 longitudinal transects. Although krill were encountered at 14 sites, the abundance was comparatively low in general. The main component of the krill population was of post -larval stages. The mean numerical and weight density of krill integrated for all sampling stations in the survey area were 16. 17 ind. 1000 m -3and 12.02 g 1000 m -3 , respectively. In the survey area, stations with larger krill density are mainly located in the slope zone, except that the largest sample was collected in the open sea zone. No krill occurred in the only station of the shelf zone during our investigation. Krill collected from the slope zone were under better growth condition than those from the open sea zone, but when the survey area is considered as a whole, the growth condition is normal. The results of the comprehensive analysis of the environmental fa  相似文献   

Clout, H. D. 1974. Agricultural plot consolidation in the Auvergne region of Central France. Norsk geografisk Tidsskr. 28, 181–194.

Plot consolidation has made great progress in the Paris Basin and has accentuated the agricultural contrast between northern innovation and southern backwardness. The Auvergne contains a wide range of agrarian structures, with environmental conditions being most favourable for farming in the lowland Limagnes. Detailed examination of Puy-de-Dôme département shows that most of the Limagnes have been consolidated, but little has been done in the uplands, which require other forms of structural change, including enlargement and re-afforestation. Plot consolidation is not a revolutionizing process since it cannot change land ownership, which is the ultimate constraint on its success.  相似文献   

Igneous sills and laccoliths emplaced in sedimentary basins may significantly impact petroleum systems, both positively and negatively. Igneous intrusions provide heat to maturate regionally immature organic-rich host rocks, act as fractured reservoirs hosting commercial accumulations of hydrocarbons, and form structures affecting fluid flow and trapping at different scales. Nevertheless, the petrophysical implications of igneous intrusions on their host rock are poorly known. In this study, we analyse 200 wells in the Río Grande Valley oil field, Neuquén basin, Argentina, where the main reservoirs are in fractured igneous sills. This dataset represents a globally unique possibility to characterize the igneous–host rock interaction using both wireline logs and core material. We identify a systematic Contact Low Resistivity Zone (CLRsZ) at both the upper and lower contacts of the sills emplaced in the organic-rich Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations. We characterize the nature of these CLRsZ and their petrophysical properties by integrating resistivity and gamma ray well logs, petrographic analyses, petrophysical tests and geochemical analyses. The low resistivity signal of the CLRsZ is dominantly carried by massive-sulphide deposits, mainly pyrite, observed both in the host rock and the chilled margin of the sills. Well log images and porosity-permeability analysis on core plugs show that both the sills and their associated CLRsZ can act as carrier for fluid flow and reservoir for hydrocarbons storage. The thickness of the upper and lower CLRsZ correlates linearly with the thickness of the sill, and the volume of both the upper and lower CLRsZ represents ca. 40% with respect to the volume of their associated sill. The thickness of the CLRsZ represents ca. 13% of the thickness of contact aureole induced by the sills. In the CLRsZ, a great proportion of kerogen was transformed to hydrocarbon, so that CLRsZ were restricted to the innermost contact aureole of the sills. Our results show that the CLRsZ can have major implications on fluid flow and should be considered in reservoir models in volcanic basins hosting sills emplaced in organic-rich formations.  相似文献   

Young Vietnamese men who witnessed their mother's changing economic and labour market situations through the early years of Ð?i m?i (the policy of economic liberalization in Vietnam after 1986) have developed conceptions of masculinity that are ambivalent to notions of male power and authority within what is often termed the ‘traditional’ neo-Confucian family. On the basis of the life narratives of a small group of men in their early twenties, the author suggests that the value young men place on their mother's work and familial influence during Ð?i m?i contrasts with the findings of much gender scholarship on women's social and economic (im) mobility in the 1990s in Vietnam and on young men's own masculinist narratives. Most gender-sensitive research in this area has suggested that Vietnamese women remained curtailed in the early 1990s by a resurgence of male-oriented kinship systems and patriarchal structures at household level. However, the author discusses the young men as being equivocal. While invoking broad Confucian tropes, these men remember their mothers as economically dynamic relative to their fathers. This led to the informants citing their mother's histories of economic risk-taking as exemplifying free-market capability. Further, the finding suggests that Vietnamese women's social and economic mobility in the 1990s strongly affected young men's contemporary ideas and practices related to masculinity.  相似文献   

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