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With a depth-averaged numerical model, the tidally induced Lagrangian residual current in a model bay was studied. To correctly reflect the long-term mass transport, it is appropriate to use the Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) rather than the Eulerian residual velocity (ERV) or the Eulerian residual transport velocity (ETV) to describe the residual current. The parameter κ, which is defined as the ratio of the typical tidal amplitude at the open boundary to the mean water depth, is considered to be the indicator of the nonlinear effect in the system. It is found that the feasibility of making the mass transport velocity (MTV) approximate the LRV is strongly dependent on κ. The error between the MTV and the LRV tends to increase with a growing κ. An additional error will come from the various initial tidal phases due to the Lagrangian drift velocity (LDV) when κ is no longer small. According to the residual vorticity equation based on the MTV, the Coriolis effect is found to influence the residual vorticity mainly through the curl of the tidal stress. A significant difference in the flow pattern indicates that the LRV is sensitive to the bottom friction in different forms.  相似文献   

The 3D first-order Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) equation is established, and its analytical solution is obtained in a narrow bay. The results show clearly the 3D structure of the first-order LRV. When the exponential bottom profile is assumed, the upper half layer of the water flows in through the deep channel from the open boundary directly to the head of the bay. Then the water will return to the area surrounding the lower half of the inflow area. The downwelling area is located mainly at the deep channel, while the upwelling area occupies both sides of the bay. The inter-tidal water transport, obtained by integrating the 3D first-order LRV through the water column, has a pattern similar to the previous study in which the 2D depth-averaged Lagrangian residual current equations were solved. The inter-tidal water transport is used to analyze the water exchange, and it is found that the water exchange at different cross sections increases smoothly with the distance between the cross sections and the head of the bay until about one wavelength. It is also found that the pattern of the breadth-averaged Lagrangian residual current varies with the length of the bay if a non-flat bottom profile is used. The depth-integrated LRV and the breadth-averaged LRV are mainly determined by the different terms of the tidal body force, with the former determined by the bottom friction related term and the latter by the eddy viscosity related term. When the bay is longer than one wavelength, different results in the outer bay can be observed.  相似文献   

In a weakly nonlinear tidal system, the depth-averaged equations for the first-order Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) are deduced systematically. For the case of a narrow bay, the equations are solved analytically and the results for a specific bottom profile are discussed in detail. According to the pattern of the first-order LRV, the bay can be divided into three parts, namely an inner part, a transitional zone, and an outer part. For the given depth profile, the streamline of the first-order LRV for a shorter bay is a part of that for a longer bay. The first-order LRV depends on a nondimensional parameter that combines the influences of the bottom friction coefficient, the tidal period and the averaged water depth. The form of the bottom friction also has a significant influence on the first-order LRV. The second-order LRV, i.e., the Lagrangian drift, is analytically solved and shows dependence on the initial tidal phase. The LRV differs from the Eulerian residual transport velocity both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is demonstrated that the residual currents obtained according to other definitions may cause misunderstanding of the mass transport in water exchange applications.  相似文献   

Chen  Yang  Cui  Yanxing  Sheng  Xiaoxuan  Jiang  Wensheng  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(6):759-770
Ocean Dynamics - The 3D Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) is solved analytically in a narrow bay employing a vertically varying eddy viscosity coefficient. The nondimensional vertical profile of...  相似文献   

The 3D structure of the tide-induced Lagrangian residual current was studied using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique in a long shallow narrow tank in the laboratory. At the mouth of the tank, a wave generator was used to make periodic wave which represents the tide movement, and at the head of the tank, a laterally sloping topography with the length of one fifth of the water tank was installed, above which the tide-induced Lagrangian residual current was studied. Under the weakly nonlinear condition in the present experiment setup, the results show that the Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) field has a three-layer structure. The residual current flows inwards (towards the head) in the bottom layer and flows outwards in the middle layer, while in the surface layer, it flows inwards along the shallow side of the sloping topography and outwards along the deep side. The depth-averaged and breadth-averaged LRV are also analyzed based on the 3D LRV observations. Our results are in good agreement with the previous experiment studies, the analytical solutions with similar conditions and the observational results in real bays. Moreover, the volume flux comparison between the Lagrangian and Eulerian residual currents shows that the Eulerian residual velocity violates the mass conservation law while the LRV truly represents the inter-tidal water transport. This work enriches the laboratory studies of the LRV and offers valuable references for the LRV studies in real bays.  相似文献   

Liu  Guangliang  Liu  Zhe  Gao  Huiwang  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(4):447-469
Ocean Dynamics - The nonlinear effect of the summer southeast wind and density on the 3D structures of the full Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) was quantified for a generally nonlinear system,...  相似文献   

Wang  Tao  Jiang  Wensheng  Chen  Xu  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2013,63(11):1181-1188

In this paper, a new particle image velocimetry (PIV)-based measurement method is proposed to obtain the high-resolution tide-induced Lagrangian residual current field in the laboratory. A long gravity wave was generated to simulate the tide in a narrow tank full of water laden with PIV particles. Consecutive charge-coupled device (CCD) images were recorded with the studied layer illuminated with a laser beam. Two images separated by one tidal period were processed by applying the pattern-matching algorithm to get the horizontal tide-induced Lagrangian residual current field. The results coincide with sporadic results from the traditional surface-float tracing method, but with much higher spatial resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, it is found that the direct acquisition of the Lagrangian residual current may reduce the error at least by one order compared with those acquisition methods that require the detailed information of the tidal cycle.


In this paper, a new particle image velocimetry (PIV)-based measurement method is proposed to obtain the high-resolution tide-induced Lagrangian residual current field in the laboratory. A long gravity wave was generated to simulate the tide in a narrow tank full of water laden with PIV particles. Consecutive charge-coupled device (CCD) images were recorded with the studied layer illuminated with a laser beam. Two images separated by one tidal period were processed by applying the pattern-matching algorithm to get the horizontal tide-induced Lagrangian residual current field. The results coincide with sporadic results from the traditional surface-float tracing method, but with much higher spatial resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, it is found that the direct acquisition of the Lagrangian residual current may reduce the error at least by one order compared with those acquisition methods that require the detailed information of the tidal cycle.  相似文献   

Liu  Guangliang  Liu  Zhe  Gao  Huiwang  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(5):633-633
Ocean Dynamics - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-021-01459-8  相似文献   

Residual, or tidally averaged, circulation in fjords is generally assumed to be density driven and two layered. This circulation consists of a thin surface layer of outflow and a thick bottom layer of sluggish inflow. However, development of different vertical structures in residual circulation in fjords can arise from wind, remote, and tidal forcing that may modify the two-layer circulation. Particularly, theoretical results of tidal residual flows in homogeneous semienclosed basins indicate that their vertical structure is determined by the dynamical depth of the system. This dynamical depth can be considered as the ratio between the water column depth and the depth of frictional influence in an oscillatory flow (inverse of Stokes number). When the frictional depth occupies the entire water column, the tidal residual flow is one layered as in shallow basins. But when the frictional depth is only a small portion of the water column (>6 times smaller), the tidal residual is three layered. In relatively deep fjords (say deeper than 100 m), where frictional depths typically occupy a small portion of the water column, the tidal residual flow is expected to be three layered. Ample observational evidence presented here shows a three-layered exchange flow structure in fjords. On the basis of observational and theoretical evidence, it is proposed that the water exchange structure in deep fjords (more than six frictional layers deep, or inverse Stokes number >6) is tidally driven and is three layered. The tidally driven three-layer structure of residual flows could be regarded in some cases as the fundamental structure. However, this structure will only be observed sporadically as it will be masked by wind forcing, remote forcing from the ocean, and freshwater pulses.  相似文献   

The nonlinear effects of the eddy viscosity and the bottom friction on the Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) are studied numerically in a narrow model bay. Three groups of the experiments with different eddy viscosity and different forms of the bottom friction are designed and are carried out in the three kinds of the topography. When the eddy viscosity is obtained from a two-equation turbulence closure model, the pattern of the LRV is more complex than that of the time invariant eddy viscosity case and the intensity is from more than 1.3 times to one order smaller than that of the linear eddy viscosity condition. The LRV are also acquired when the eddy viscosity varies from the flood-averaged one to the ebb-averaged one. It is found that when the flood-averaged eddy viscosity is bigger than the ebb-averaged eddy viscosity (flood-dominated asymmetry), the direction of the breadth-averaged LRV and the 3D LRV is nearly opposite to that when the eddy viscosity asymmetry is reverse (ebb-dominated asymmetry). However, the intensity of the LRV for the ebb-dominated case decreases toward the flood-dominated case as the ratio of the maximum depth in the deep channel and the minimum depth on the shoal increases. The different forms of the bottom friction also play a role in the LRV. The structures of the 3D LRV and the depth-integrated LRV are simpler, and the intensity of the LRV is two times smaller when the linear bottom friction is used than those when the quadratic bottom friction is used.  相似文献   

The flow caused by the discharge of freshwater underneath a glacier into an idealized fjord is simulated with a 2D non-hydrostatic model. As the freshwater leaves horizontally the subglacial opening into a fjord of uniformly denser water it spreads along the bottom as a jet, until buoyancy forces it to rise. During the initial rising phase, the plume meanders into complex flow patterns while mixing with the surrounding fluid until it reaches the surface and then spreads horizontally as a surface seaward flowing plume of brackish water. The process induces an estuarine-like circulation. Once steady-state is reached, the flow consists of an almost undiluted buoyant plume rising straight along the face of the glacier that turns into a horizontal surface layer thickening as it flows seaward. Over the range of parameters examined, the estuarine circulation is dynamically unstable with gradient Richardson number at the sheared interface having values of <1/4. The surface velocity and dilution factors are strongly and non-linearly related to the Froude number. It is the buoyancy flux that primarily controls the resulting circulation with the momentum flux playing a secondary role.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of column collapse and pyroclastic density current (PDC) scenarios at Vesuvius were carried out using a transient 3D flow model based on multiphase transport laws. The model describes the dynamics of the collapse as well as the effects of the 3D topography of the volcano on PDC propagation. Source conditions refer to a medium-scale sub-Plinian event and consider a pressure-balanced jet. Simulation results provide new insights into the complex dynamics of these phenomena. In particular: 1) column collapse can be characterized by different regimes, from incipient collapse to partial or nearly total collapse, thus confirming the possibility of a transitional field of behaviour of the column characterized by the contemporaneous and/or intermittent occurrence of ash fallout and PDCs; 2) the collapse regime can be characterized by its fraction of eruptive mass reaching the ground and generating PDCs; 3) within the range of the investigated source conditions, the propagation and hazard potential of PDCs appear to be directly correlated with the flow-rate of the mass collapsing to the ground, rather than to the collapse height of the column (this finding is in contrast with predictions based on the energy-line concept, which simply correlates the PDC runout and kinetic energy with the collapse height of the column); 4) first-order values of hazard variables associated with PDCs (i.e., dynamic pressure, temperature, airborne ash concentration) can be derived from simulation results, thereby providing initial estimates for the quantification of damage scenarios; 5) for scenarios assuming a location of the central vent coinciding with that of the present Gran Cono, Mount Somma significantly influences the propagation of PDCs, largely reducing their propagation in the northern sector, and diverting mass toward the west and southeast, accentuating runouts and hazard variables for these sectors; 6) the 2D modelling approximation can force an artificial radial propagation of the PDCs since it ignores azimuthal flows produced by real topographies that therefore need to be simulated in fully 3D conditions.  相似文献   


The nonlinear equations of motion are integrated numerically in time for a region of x‐y‐z space of volume 3h × h × h, where h turns out to be a height slightly above the level where the wind first attains the geostrophic flow direction. Only the ideal case is treated of a horizontal lower boundary, neutral stability, horizontal homogeneity of all dependent mean variables except the mean pressure, and statistically steady state. The resulting flow patterns are turbulent and the eddies transport required amounts of momentum vertically.

Topics which are investigated include the relative directions of stress, wind shear and wind; differences in Ekman wind spirals for the neutral numerical case and a stable atmospheric case; profiles of dimensionless turbulence statistics; effect of allowing the mean density to be either constant or to decrease with height; effect of the wind direction or latitude upon the turbulence intensities; and characteristic structure of the eddies in the planetary boundary layer.  相似文献   

Tian  Fenglin  He  Qiu  Liu  ZhanPing  Chen  Ge 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(6):641-656
Ocean Dynamics - In this paper, we propose to extract Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) based on MADT data to describe the structure of the Kuroshio Current System, and this method helps study...  相似文献   

A 3D Lagrangian model of the saltation of solid spherical particles on the bed of an open channel flow, accounting for turbulence-induced mechanisms, is proposed and employed as the key tool of the study. The differences between conventional 2D models and a proposed 3D saltation model are discussed and the advantages of the 3D model are highlighted. Particularly, the 3D model includes a special procedure allowing generation of 3D flow velocity fields. This procedure is based on the assumption that the spectra of streamwise, vertical and transverse velocity components are known at any distance from the bed. The 3D model was used to identify and quantify effects of turbulence on particle entrainment and saltation. The analysis of particle trajectories focused on their diffusive nature, clarifying: (i) the effect of particle mobility parameter; (ii) the effect of bed topography; and (iii) the effect of turbulence. Specifically, the results of numerical simulations describing the abovementioned effects on the change in time of the variance are presented. In addition, the change in time of the skewness and kurtosis, which are likely to reflect the turbulence influence on the spread of particles, are also shown. Two different diffusion regimes (local and intermediate) for each of the investigated flow conditions are confidently identified.  相似文献   

The importance of using a non-hydrostatic model to compute tidally induced mixing and flow in the region of a sill is examined using idealized topography representing the sill at the entrance to Loch Etive. This site is chosen since detailed measurements were recently made there. Calculations are performed with and without the inclusion of non-hydrostatic dynamics using a vertical slice model for a range of sill widths corresponding to typical sill regions. Initial non-hydrostatic calculations showed that the model could reproduce the observed flow characteristics in the region. However, when calculations were performed using the model in hydrostatic form, the significant artificial convective mixing that occurred in order to remove density inversions led to excessively high vertical mixing. This influenced the computed temperature field and the intensity of the current jet that separated from the sill on its lee side. In addition it affected the magnitude and spatial characteristics of the lee waves generated on the lee side of the sill. Calculations with a range of sill widths, showed that as the sill width decreased the difference between the solution computed with the non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic model increased.  相似文献   

We study the seismic response of an idealized 2D ‘city’, constituted by ten non equally-spaced, non equally-sized, homogenized blocks (i.e. buildings or groups of buildings) anchored in a soft soil layer overlying a hard halfspace. Our results display strong response inside the blocks and on the ground which qualitatively match the responses observed in some earthquake-prone cities.  相似文献   

为推动电磁剖面(EMAP)技术向找矿勘探领域发展, 本文针对密集阵列剖面(DEMAP)测量方式, 利用三维积分方程法对层状介质中赋存三维地质异常体的电性结构进行了数值模拟, 并在青海野马泉铁锌矿集区西部进行了大地电磁(MT)与DEMAP的野外对比观测实验.数值模拟结果显示, DEMAP观测方式获得的结果受偏移距影响, 造成的视电阻率和相位误差与偏移距大小和地下电性结构的复杂性密切相关, 但在整体上, 统计误差≤10%.通过对野马泉矿集区的实验结果分析可得, DEMAP与MT的视电阻率断面和相位断面具有较好的一致性.本文从理论和实验上都表明DEMAP观测技术是一种有潜力的、经济、快速、有效的找矿手段.  相似文献   

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