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张光涛  孙松 《极地研究》2001,12(1):75-81
As a structure linking the ecosystem and population, community plays an important role in the marine ecology. Abundance of different species and development stages were used in our classification to the sampling stations with clustering analysis and multi dimension scaling, through which three geographic communities were marked out, respectively as following: the Salp community characterized by presence of Salp thompni in the northern area, the Near shore community by Euphausia crystallorophias in the south and the main ocean community located between the above two communities. Indicator species method was then carried out between every two communities to find out which species or stages differ most. It tells that Rhincalanus gigas , adult cheatognath, late stages of Metridia gerlachei and calyptopis of Euphausiidae are indicators between Salp and neritic communities, between Krill and Salp communities are Salp thompni , adult and larvae of Cheatognath and R.gigas , and the most notable indicator between the Krill and the neritic communities are E.crystallorophias , then nauplii of Euphausiidae and Onceae conifera with less evidence.  相似文献   

东南极夏季中山站邻近固定冰DMS、DMSP分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国第30次南极科学考察期间,在中山站邻近固定冰区采集了两支海冰冰芯并首次分析其中的DMS、DMSP含量。结果表明,两支冰芯上层均含有较高浓度的DMSP+DMS,分别高达114.93及134.41 nmol·L-1。冰芯中DMS、DMSP+DMS浓度随深度的增加而递减。两支冰芯顶部DMSP+DMS高值的成因不同,冰芯1主要受藻类活动影响而产生DMSP+DMS高值,冰芯2主要是由于雪层及薄冰层阻碍,致使DMS在冰芯顶部聚集产生DMS高值。因为海冰底部较高生物量的海冰融化进入水体,所观测的剩余海冰底部Chl a、DMSP+DMS值均较低。在海冰的融化过程中,卤道内的卤水可发生垂向运输,致使冰芯中Chl a、DMSP+DMS的垂直分布有所不同。冰芯的Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量分别为6.79和10.20、51.83和88.41μmol·m-2,与前人研究结果比较,在海冰融化过程中,海冰中Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量变化的总趋势是递减的。  相似文献   

The investigation of phytoplankton standing stock, euphotic layer and photosynthesis rate were carried out in 19 27 of January, 2000 at three longitudinal sections (70°30′E, 73°00′E and 75°30′E). The results showed that the high value of chlorophyll a concentration was in inshore bay, polynya and the continental slope of the investigated sea area. At various investigated stations, average chlorophyll a concentration at sub surface layer (25 m) was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of over 50 m decreased with increasing depth. At anchor station, the maximum chlorophyll a concentration appeared at surface layer in Antarctic summer's afternoon while the minimum value appeared in the morning; chlorophyll a concentration at water layer of 0 25 m was obviously higher than that at deep water layer, being related to the releasing of ice algae. High productivity was in inshore bay and polynya of continental shelf. Chlorophyll a concentration at surface layer is closely correlated to the dissolved oxygen concentration in seawater. The sea area with chlorophyll a concentration of over 1.0 μg/dm 3 may be the convergence of CO 2 and that of below 1.0 μg/dm 3 may be the source of CO 2.  相似文献   

The investigation of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and primary productivity were carried out in three longitudinal sections (63°-69°12'S, 70°30'E, 73°E and 75(30'E) at December 18-26, 1998 and January 12-18, 1999 in Prydz Bay and its north sea area, Antarctica. The results showed that surface chlorophyll a concentration were 0. 16 -3. 99 μg dm-3. The high values of chlorophyll a concentration (more than 3.5 μg dm -3) were in Prydz Bay and in the west Ladies Bank. The average chlorophyll a concentration at sub-surface layer was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of 50 m decreased with increasing depth and that at 200 m depth was only 0. 01 -0. 95μg dm -3. The results of size-fractionated chlorophyll a showed that the contribution of the netplanktion to total chlorophyll a was 56% , those of the nanoplankton and the picoplankton were 24% and 20% respectively in the surveyed area. The potential primary productivity at the euphotic zone in the surveyed area wa  相似文献   

ThedistributionandstandingcropsofAntarctickrilinthePrydzBayregionduringtheaustralsummerof1991/1992and1992/1993ChenXuezhong(陈雪...  相似文献   

刘会莲  孙松  吉鹏 《极地研究》2002,13(2):117-128
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999/2000. The sample - collection was made at 15 sites in 3 longitudinal transects. Although krill were encountered at 14 sites, the abundance was comparatively low in general. The main component of the krill population was of post -larval stages. The mean numerical and weight density of krill integrated for all sampling stations in the survey area were 16. 17 ind. 1000 m -3and 12.02 g 1000 m -3 , respectively. In the survey area, stations with larger krill density are mainly located in the slope zone, except that the largest sample was collected in the open sea zone. No krill occurred in the only station of the shelf zone during our investigation. Krill collected from the slope zone were under better growth condition than those from the open sea zone, but when the survey area is considered as a whole, the growth condition is normal. The results of the comprehensive analysis of the environmental fa  相似文献   

以青藏高原南部的羊卓雍错(简称羊湖)沉积岩芯为研究对象,以较可靠的年代数据( 210Pb和AMS 14C交叉定年)为框架,基于高分辨率的元素地球化学记录,通过数理统计分析方法提取环境信息,结合粒度和磁化率,重建该地区过去2000年来的环境变化。结果显示,该区黑暗时代冷期(DCAP)和小冰期(LIA)气候较为寒冷,降水量较高;而中世纪暖期(MWP)和现代暖期(CWP)气候较为温暖,降水量较低,气候具有冷湿—暖干的特征。其中,重建的温度显示,中世纪暖期的温暖程度似乎持平甚至超过20世纪暖期;小冰期期间可能存在一次百年尺度的温暖事件,而17世纪和18世纪可能是过去2000中最寒冷的一段时期。分析发现,过去2000年以来青藏高原南部存在着冷湿—暖干的气候模式;过去2000年青藏高原南部地区温度的变化可能主要受到太阳辐射的影响,而小冰期期间西风环流的南移和增强可能是导致区域降水增加的重要因素。另外,该时期羊湖的湖泊水位的变化受温度和降水共同控制:当温度降低,降水增加时,湖泊水位上升,反之亦然。  相似文献   

The fossil ostracod associations from a radiocarbon dated sediment core (15.3–0 cal kyr) of the high altitude (4,527 m a.s.l.) hyperhaline Tso Kar lake in North India reveal changes in ostracod species abundances and composition. These document the process of lake formation and ongoing desiccation during the latest quaternary and broadly confirm the results of previous geochemical, geomorphological and pollen analysis. The most striking feature of the core record is a period of freshwater conditions between 9.0 and 6.5 cal kyr BP, as calculated by means of an ostracod-based conductivity transfer function. This early- to mid-Holocene interval of the core correlates with similar ostracod assemblages (Cytherissa lacustrisCandona candidaEucypris afghanistanensis) of an outcrop section at the basin margin, about 98 m above the modern lake level and marks the highest lake level under the influence of an intensified Indian Summer Monsoon. After 6.5 cal kyr BP, Limnocythere inopinata is the sole representative of the ostracod fauna in the sediment core, which suggests rising salinity conditions most probably due to lake shallowing. From 3.2 cal kyr BP to present, the near absence of ostracods in the core Tk106 is most likely a consequence of salinisation of the lake towards the hyperhaline conditions that are realised at present. Although the modern morphology and physico-chemical properties of Tso Kar lake are in contrast to the past lake conditions, most of the ostracod species, except for Limnocythere mirabilis found in the sediment core, are also identified from surface sediment and outcrop samples. In contrast, Heterocypris salina and Eucypris dulcifons are widespread in the shallow surface waters with a total dissolved solids content ranging from 0.6 to 15.0 g L?1, but are excluded from the core record and outcrop strata. At a basinal scale, the lake shrinkage and segregation into the Tso Kar and hydrologically open freshwater lake Startsapuk Tso have forced diversification of ostracod taxa, probably as an effect of the emergence of new ecological niches under enhanced “environmental pressure”.  相似文献   

The island of Lipari is formed by Pleistocene volcanites emplaced during four main periods of volcanic activity. A study has been made of their magnetic properties, primarily with the aim of determining changes in the palaeomagnetic directions. Titanomagnetite is always the primary ferromagnetic mineral and its magnetic characteristics are common to the various lithotypes. However, the concentration of titanomagnetite and the degree of magnetic anisotropy vary systematically and correlate with the types of magma (basalt-andesite in the first and second volcanic periods; rhyolite in the third and fourth periods). All palaeomagnetic directions are of normal polarity (Brunhes epoch). Their mean overall palaeomagnetic pole (86N, 238E; dp = 5, dm = 6) is statistically indistinguishable from the geographic pole.
The variations in declination and inclination with age, however, are marked by some evidence of a discontinuity between 150 ± 10 and 127 ± 8 ka. This age can be correlated with the beginning of the Blake event of reverse polarity. The discontinuity might therefore correspond to magnetic excursions which occurred immediately before.  相似文献   

The summer diet of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in Minqin Desert Experimental Research Station of northwestern China was analysed. A total of 293 individuals representing seven species of rodents, one bird, three reptiles, two families of invertebrates and unidentified invertebrates were identified in 113 pellets and 29 prey remains collected during June and July of 2005. By frequency, invertebrates constituted 77.5% of the diet, mammals 17.8%, reptiles 3.8% and birds 1.0%. In term of biomass consumption, mammals comprised 93.7% of the diet, invertebrates 3.9%, birds 1.9% and reptiles 1.1%. The results suggested that the Little Owls were active at day and night and fed mainly on rodents and beetles related to the desert habitats.  相似文献   

The issue of determining the driving factors in gullying, apart from land use, is somewhat lagging in comparison with the study of their physical modelling and control technology. Available information focuses on the basic ideas of climatic control, anthropic determinism and internal “authigenic” dynamics. High resolution chronology of cyclic systems, common in extensively gullied areas, can provide a clue to the weight of each factor. This paper reports a study of this kind, focusing on two gully catchments in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), but backed by an extensive regional survey. By integrating tracing and correlation of unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units and soils with radiocarbon dating, a detailed chronology was obtained for the last 5000 years. This could be compared with proxy climate reconstructions of similar detail. Clear evidence of climatic control emerged; gully filling is triggered by decreased stream transport capacity and increased sediment supply during transitions towards drier climate phases, while gully entrenchment appears to take place at the start of moist intervals, for the reverse reasons. A broader consideration of geological setting, however, puts forward a more general interpretation. These gullies actually formed, in the beginning, as part of the land surface response to sudden, very recent tectonic events, which created accommodation space for temporary sediment stores. They should then be seen in the frame of the Discontinuous Ephemeral Stream (DES) concept; as such, they are intrinsically non-linear and complex phenomena, whose response is linearized by a strong climatic–vegetational forcing, acting on both channel flow and sediment supply.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns of Barents Sea harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) throughout the year are presented based on existing literature and recent Norwegian and Russian field observations. The harp seals breed in February-March in the White Sea. Moulting occurs during April to June in the White Sea and southern Barents Sea. Feeding.behaviour is closely related to the configuration and localisation of the drifting sea-ice during summer and autumn (June-October) when the seals follow the receding ice edge, retiring gradually northwards and northeastwards in the Barents Sea. The southward movement of the population in autumn probably takes place in November prior to the advance of the ice edge, and is likely related to food-search. Apparently, most Barents Sea harp seals seems to concentrate at the southern end of their range in winter and spring.  相似文献   

The distribution of capelin was mapped in the area east of Hopen. Zooplankton was sampled with Juday net and 1 m2 MOCNESS sampler, and analysed with respect to hydrography and capelin abundance. The capelin "front" coincided more or less with the physical Polar Front, and this complicated the interpretation of the results. Strong indications for a grazing impact by capelin on zooplankton were nevertheless obtained. The zooplankton biomass was significantly lower in the area with high abundance of capelin than in the area with no capelin. This effect was due to a lower biomass of relatively large zooplankton (> 1 mm size fraction) and seen most clearly in data obtained with the MOCNESS. The biomass of zooplankton in the upper 100 m was very low where capelin was present, suggesting rapid depletion of the major prey items. The biomass (m −2) of capelin in the capelin front area was about three times higher than the biomass of zooplankton in areas without capelin. The capelin front would therefore have the potential to graze down the available prey in 3-4 days. Light seems to be an important factor for the predation impact by capelin, resulting in strong interactions between capelin predation and zooplankton vertical distribution.  相似文献   

The (statistical) modeling of the behavior of a dependent variate as a function of one or more predictors provides examples of model-fitting which span the development of the earth sciences from the 17th Century to the present. The historical development of these methods and their subsequent application is reviewed. Bond's predictions (c. 1636 and 1668) of change in the magnetic declination at London may be the earliest attempt to fit such models to geophysical data. Following publication of Newton's theory of gravitation in 1726, analysis of data on the length of a 1° meridian arc, and the length of a pendulum beating seconds, as a function of sin2(latitude), was used to determine the ellipticity of the oblate spheroid defining the Figure of the Earth. The pioneering computational methods of Mayer in 1750, Boscovich in 1755, and Lambert in 1765, and the subsequent independent discoveries of the principle of least squares by Gauss in 1799, Legendre in 1805, and Adrain in 1808, and its later substantiation on the basis of probability theory by Gauss in 1809 were all applied to the analysis of such geodetic and geophysical data. Notable later applications include: the geomagnetic survey of Ireland by Lloyd, Sabine, and Ross in 1836, Gauss's model of the terrestrial magnetic field in 1838, and Airy's 1845 analysis of the residuals from a fit to pendulum lengths, from which he recognized the anomalous character of measurements of gravitational force which had been made on islands. In the early 20th Century applications to geological topics proliferated, but the computational burden effectively held back applications of multivariate analysis. Following World War II, the arrival of digital computers in universities in the 1950s facilitated computation, and fitting linear or polynomial models as a function of geographic coordinates, trend surface analysis, became popular during the 1950–60s. The inception of geostatistics in France at this time by Matheron had its roots in meeting the evident need for improved estimators in spatial interpolation. Technical advances in regression analysis during the 1970s embraced the development of regression diagnostics and consequent attention to outliers; the recognition of problems caused by correlated predictors, and the subsequent introduction of ridge regression to overcome them; and techniques for fitting errors-in-variables and mixture models. Improvements in computational power have enabled ever more computer-intensive methods to be applied. These include algorithms which are robust in the presence of outliers, for example Rousseeuw's 1984 Least Median Squares; nonparametric smoothing methods, such as kernel-functions, splines and Cleveland's 1979 LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoother (LOWESS); and the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) technique of Breiman and others in 1984. Despite a continuing improvement in the rate of technology-transfer from the statistical to the earth-science community, despite an abrupt drop to a time-lag of about 10 years following the introduction of digital computers, these more recent developments are only just beginning to penetrate beyond the research community of earth scientists. Examples of applications to problem-solving in the earth sciences are given.  相似文献   

Sagitta elegans var. arctica , the dominant and locally abundant chaetognath in the Barents sea, was collected from the upper 50 m in Arctic water masses during an ice edge bloom in early summer 1983. In situ sampling was made along a transect at discrete depths with a 375 μm mesh net mounted on a plankton pump. Prey composition and feeding rate were estimated from gut content analyses on preserved specimens combined with data on digestion times from previous studies. No diel variations were found in feeding activity. The diet reflected the composition of available prey in the zooplankton and consisted mainly of nauplii, small copepods (early stages of Calanus, Pseudocalanus, Oithona ) and appendicularians. Prey usually occurred as a single item in the gut.
Mean prey body width related to chaetognath head width yielded a power curve, with a large amount of scatter, showing that chaetognaths in the Barents Sea can use a wide spectrum of prey sizes. Similarly, maximum prey body width was related to chaetognath head width as a power curve, reflecting the existence of an upper prey size limitation due to the chaetognath mouth size. The highest abundance of S. elegans (5 specimens m−3), and the most intense feeding activity, were found within or beneath the maximum zooplankton biomass. Further, distribution and feeding were affected by light intensity, salinity, and the population structure of 5. elegans var. arctica.
Estimated feeding rates ranged between 0.30 and 1.05 prey items per chaetognath day−1. This corresponds to an ingestion of 8-54 μg AFDW day−1, and a consumption of 0.08–0.22% of the zooplankton standing stock day−1. From these rates, the calculated yearly ingestion by S. elegans var. arctica was 3% of the annually secondary production.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(5):863-894
The collision of bathymetric features with modern convergent margins has been investigated with the full range of tools used in geosciences. Hence, a comprehensive picture exists of the characteristic effects of collision events on the evolution of convergent margins. In contrast, much less studies documented past collisions of bathymetric features with convergent margins, as colliding features were generally lost to subduction. The arc‐trench system of southern Central America provides modern and past textbook examples of active margin interaction with incoming bathymetric reliefs. Here, we propose a synthesis which combines basin and terrane analysis of the forearc of northern Costa Rica and takes up the challenge of documenting past episodes of plateau accretion to the active margin. As illustrated in modern examples, our study shows that kilometric uplift of the overriding plate and termination of the volcanic arc activity are the most profound effects of colliding/accreting oceanic plateaus. Kilometric uplift of the forearc is documented by short‐lived (ca. 3 m.y.) occurrences of shallow‐water deposits in an overall deep‐water forearc record. These shallow deposits contain material reworked from underlying sedimentary and basement lithologies. The development of spatial gaps in arc volcanism is deduced from the transition from arc‐derived turbidites to pelagic sediments. Eventually, end of the collision event is evidenced by the subsidence of the whole forearc to deep‐water environments. Basin subsidence is accompanied or followed by renewed volcanic arc activity and coeval arc‐derived sedimentation, which may occur 1–7 m.y. after plateau collision. These past episodes of plateau accretion are archetypal for the following reasons: (a) they may be studied in outcrop, whereas most of the modern collisions of plateaus largely occur underwater; (b) no tectonic or metamorphic imprint has significantly complicated the forearc geological record; (c) the colliding feature and the sedimentary response to its collision are both preserved in the forearc geology; (d) they may be used as analogues for any setting where a bathymetric feature is suspected to have caused rapid forearc uplift and cessation of the volcanic arc activity.  相似文献   

Despite more than 40 yr of research attributing temporal changes in streambank erosion rates to subaerial processes, little quantitative information is available on the relationships between streambank erodibility (kd) and critical shear stress (τc) and the environmental conditions and processes that enhance streambank erosion potential. The study goal was to evaluate temporal changes in kd and τc from soil desiccation and freeze–thaw cycling. Soil erodibility and τc were measured monthly in situ using a multiangle, submerged jet test device. Soil moisture, temperature, and bulk density as well as precipitation, air temperature, and stream stage were measured continuously to determine changes in soil moisture content and state. Pairwise Mann–Whitney tests indicted kd was 2.9 and 2.1 times higher (p < 0.0065) during the winter (December–March) than in the spring/fall (April–May, October–November) and the summer (June–September), respectively. Regression analysis showed 80% of the variability in kd was explained by freeze–thaw cycling alone. Study results also indicated soil bulk density was highly influenced by winter weather conditions (r2 = 0.86): bulk density was inversely related to both soil water content and freeze–thaw cycling. Results showed that significant changes in the resistance of streambank soils to fluvial erosion can be attributed to subaerial processes. Water resource professionals should consider the implications of increased soil erodibility during the winter in the development of channel erosion models and stream restoration designs.  相似文献   

A multi-proxy study of short sediment cores recovered in small, karstic Lake Estanya (42°02?? N, 0°32?? E, 670 m.a.s.l.) in the Pre-Pyrenean Ranges (NE Spain) provides a detailed record of the complex environmental, hydrological and anthropogenic interactions occurring in the area since medieval times. The integration of sedimentary facies, elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and biological proxies (diatoms, chironomids and pollen), together with a robust chronological control, provided by AMS radiocarbon dating and 210Pb and 137Cs radiometric techniques, enabled precise reconstruction of the main phases of environmental change, associated with the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the industrial era. Shallow lake levels and saline conditions with poor development of littoral environments prevailed during medieval times (1150?C1300 AD). Generally higher water levels and more dilute waters occurred during the LIA (1300?C1850 AD), although this period shows a complex internal paleohydrological structure and is contemporaneous with a gradual increase of farming activity. Maximum lake levels and flooding of the current littoral shelf occurred during the nineteenth century, coinciding with the maximum expansion of agriculture in the area and prior to the last cold phase of the LIA. Finally, declining lake levels during the twentieth century, coinciding with a decrease in human pressure, are associated with warmer climate conditions. A strong link with solar irradiance is suggested by the coherence between periods of more positive water balance and phases of reduced solar activity. Changes in winter precipitation and dominance of NAO negative phases would be responsible for wet LIA conditions in western Mediterranean regions. The main environmental stages recorded in Lake Estanya are consistent with Western Mediterranean continental records, and show similarities with both Central and NE Iberian reconstructions, reflecting a strong climatic control of the hydrological and anthropogenic changes during the last 800 years.  相似文献   

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