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Summary An earthquake in the Northern Sinkiang Province, China, on November 13th, 1965, produced exceptionally strong higher-mode surface waves recorded at the Swedish seismograph stations, especially by the Galitzin seismographs at Kiruna. Group-velocity dispersion curves are deduced for the second Rayleigh and the second and third Love wave modes. The energy content of the second Rayleigh and Love modes is computed, and it is found that the former amounts to about 70 times as much as in average. Various reasons for this exceptional behaviour are discussed, such as depth extent of focus, focal mechanism and properties of propagation path.  相似文献   

用小波方法系统检验强震“前驱波”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用山东省泰安台观测精度达10-9量级的钻孔体应变仪观测资料,深入分析了2001—2005年Ms≥7.5强远震前应变变化,对“前驱波”进行了客观、系统的检验.用高通滤波消除了周期大于128min的固体潮汐影响,然后用回归分析方法消除了气压的干扰.用小波变换方法将2—128min信号分解到6个不同频段进行分析.小波分析结果表明,该方法能提取出信号中微弱变化信息.根据小波变换提取的类似“前驱波”基本特征,提出了“超限率”方法,并对这种波形是否普遍存在进行了检验.该方法将单位时间内超过标准差的数据个数定义为单个超限率,类似“前驱波”波形存在时段内的超限率将高于正常时段.据此得出震前30天的超限率时间序列.用直线拟合该序列,最后对直线斜率进行统计分析.用超限率方法分析了所有小波分解的细节部分,得出了超限率时间序列的回归直线斜率的平均值和标准差,并分析其正负比.这3项统计数据显示,强远震前15天之内不能普遍检测到“前驱波”.   相似文献   

SPH simulation of free surface flow over a sharp-crested weir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the numerical simulation of a free surface flow over a sharp-crested weir is presented. Since in this case the usual shallow water assumptions are not satisfied, we propose to solve the problem using the full weakly compressible Navier–Stokes equations with the Tait equation of state for water. The numerical method used consists of the new meshless Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation proposed by Ferrari et al. (2009) [8], that accurately tracks the free surface profile and provides monotone pressure fields. Thus, the unsteady evolution of the complex moving material interface (free surface) can been properly solved. The simulations involving about half a million of fluid particles have been run in parallel on two of the most powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities in Europe. The validation of the results has been carried out analysing the pressure field and comparing the free surface profiles obtained with the SPH scheme with experimental measurements available in literature [18]. A very good quantitative agreement has been obtained.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH) method for modeling two dimensional waves caused by dam break over a movable bed in two dimensions.The two phase SPH method is developed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations.Both fluid and sediment phases are described by particles as weakly compressible fluids and the incompressibility is achieved by the equation of state.The sediment phase is modeled as a non-Newtonian fluid using three alternative approaches of artificial viscosity and Bingham Model.In this paper,the new formulations for two-phase flows are proposed.The numerical results obtained from the developed SPH model show acceptable accuracy with comparison to experimental data.  相似文献   

Asymptotic methods and numerical simulations are used to examine the evolution of an internal gravity wave packet comprising a continuous spectrum of horizontal wavenumbers and propagating upwards in a continuously stratified shear flow. In the multiple-scale framework for a horizontally localized wave packet generated by stratified flow over a localized mountain range with multiple peaks, there are in general two horizontal scales: the “fast” scale which is defined by the oscillations within the packet, i.e. the number of peaks, and the “slow scale” which is defined by the horizontal extent of the packet, i.e. the width of the mountain range. The focus here is on the specific case of an isolated mountain where the spectrum of horizontal wavenumbers is centred at zero and the multiple-scaling procedure is thus simplified by the absence of the fast spatial scale. The background flow is vertically sheared and critical-level interactions occur. The time frame within which non-linear critical-level effects become significant is determined by the magnitude of the non-linear terms in the governing equations. With the isolated mountain forcing this time frame is significantly longer than in the case of a multiple-peak mountain range forcing and it depends on the horizontal scale of the forcing, as well as on the amplitude. At leading-order, the non-linear asymptotic solution approaches a steady state in the outer region at late time, but the zero-wavenumber component of the solution continues to evolve with time in the vicinity of the critical level.  相似文献   


Adiabatic, two-dimensional, steady-state finite-amplitude, hydrostatic gravity waves produced by flow over a ridge are considered. Nonlinear self advection steepens the wave until the streamlines attain a vertical slope at a critical height zc. The height zc , where this occurs, depends on the ridge crest height and adiabatic expansion of the atmosphere. Dissipation is introduced in order to balance nonlinear self advection, and to maintain a marginal state above zc. The approach is to assume that the wave is inviscid except in a thin layer, small compared to a vertical wavelength, where dissipation cannot be neglected. The solutions in each region are matched to obtain a continuous solution for the streamline displacement δ. Solutions are presented for different values of the nondimensional dissipation parameter β. Eddy viscosity coefficients and the thickness of the dissipative layer are expressed as functions of β, and their magnitudes are compared to other theoretical evaluations and to values inferred from radar measurements of the stratosphere.

The Fourier spectrum of the solution for z ≫ zc is shown to decay exponentially at large vertical wave numbers n. In comparison, a spectral decay law n ?-8/3 characterizes the marginal state of the wave at z = zc .  相似文献   

RandomprocesssimulationofstronggroundmotionXiu-LiDU;XiaoHUandHou-QunCHEN(杜修力,胡晓,陈厚群)(InstduteofWaterAbstract:Thestate-of-arto...  相似文献   

A 3D numerical modeling of the wave generated by the Vajont slide, one of the most destructive ever occurred, is presented in this paper. A meshless Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique was adopted to simulate the highly fragmented violent flow generated by the falling slide in the artificial reservoir. The speed-up achievable via General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GP-GPU) allowed to adopt the adequate resolution to describe the phenomenon. The comparison with the data available in literature showed that the results of the numerical simulation reproduce satisfactorily the maximum run-up, also the water surface elevation in the residual lake after the event.Moreover, the 3D velocity field of the flow during the event and the discharge hydrograph which overtopped the dam, were obtained.  相似文献   

考虑区域地质构造差异、主要活动断裂分布特征和地表附加重力影响,建立反映龙门山地区地表起伏和岩石圈分层的三维粘弹性有限元模型。以GPS为约束重建研究区现今构造应力场,依次模拟龙门山地区1900年以来发生的5次M_S 7.0以上地震,从库仑应力和等效应力角度,分析应力场演化对强震的影响以及强震间的相互作用关系。研究结果表明:从库仑应力角度,有3次地震对后续地震有促进作用,其中汶川地震对芦山地震有触发作用;从等效应力角度,有4次地震对后续地震的发生具有加速作用。  相似文献   

唐山大地震近场宽频带地震动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于唐山地区大量的钻孔和波速测量等资料以及京津唐地区地壳结构模型,建立了唐山地区三维地下速度结构模型.利用宽频带地震动模拟方法模拟了 1976年唐山大地震的近场地震动,给出了极震区加速度时程和反应谱,并与烈度分布以及其他研究结果进行比对,本研究可为唐山市防震减灾提供参考.  相似文献   

The current study tries a new approach to simulating interactions between waves and seagrass through Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). In this model, the plants are defined as a solid that respects Hooke's law, and are assumed to have direct interaction with the fluid. Given the characteristics of the SPH method, especially in terms of computational time, the dimensions of the simulations were limited. The first goal of the current study was to optimize the approach to avoid reaching certain limits such as the rupture of the simulated plant. Plant movements under waves and/or currents have been studied by several authors in various in-situ, physical, and numerical experiments concerning various vegetation species, thus proving that plant movements can be successfully reproduced by SPH 2D/3D. Manning's roughness coefficient, n, was calculated to confirm that the results were in accordance with what had been measured in flume studies. Even though there is still room for improvement, it is shown that this method can be used to estimate Manning's coefficient for coastal vegetation (seagrass and saltmarsh vegetation) and to greatly improve the modeling and forecasting of coastal erosion and storm surge risks by including the effects of vegetation in integrated models.  相似文献   

Two types of modelling approaches for simulating ground motion in Iceland are studied and compared. The first type of models, named discrete‐time series models (ARMA), are based solely on measured acceleration in earthquakes occurring in Iceland. The second type of models are based on a theoretical seismic source model called the extended Brune model. Based on measured acceleration in Iceland during the period 1986–1996, the parameters for the extended Brune models have been estimated. The seismic source models are presented here as ARMA models, which simplifies the simulation process. A single‐layer soil amplification model is used in conjunction with the extended Brune model to estimate local site amplification. Emphasis is put on the ground motion models representing the variability in the measured earthquakes, with respect to energy, duration and frequency content. Demonstration is made using these models for constructing linear and non‐linear probabilistic response spectra using a discretised version of the Bouc–Wen model for the hysteresis of the second‐order system. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ma  Xiaojing  Zhang  Bowen  Chen  Jie  Zhou  Xinchao  Chen  Wei 《Ocean Dynamics》2022,72(2):169-186
Ocean Dynamics - In this paper, a two-phase model based on the SPH method is established using the Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid to describe water and sediment respectively. In this...  相似文献   

基于运动学震源模型,进行了不同震源参数情形下强地面震动数值模拟.结果表明,不同的破裂过程会产生差别甚大的强地面运动分布,一次确定性震源参数的模拟结果不能作为活动断层地震危害性评价的指标,只有通过大量三维地震动场模拟计算,给出地面震动评估的统计结果,才是比较合理的发展方向.由于一次三维地震动场计算耗时很大,因此解决问题的关键是如何考虑合理的震源参数.  相似文献   

以青藏高原为目标采用弹性体本构关系, 模拟印度板块持续向北推进、 挤压对巴颜喀拉块体及邻区的影响. 通过降低强震发生位置处单元弹性模量的方法, 模拟1900年以来发生在巴颜喀拉块体及周缘MS≥7.0强震, 计算序列中前面地震对后续强震的影响. 模拟结果表明: ① 巴颜喀拉块体背景场应力水平大致与块体西部等效应力同等大小, 自西向东逐渐递减, 巴颜喀拉块体西部和中部等效应力从南向北逐渐递减, 东部地区等效应力比较低; ② 模拟的14次地震序列中, 有8次发生在前面强震所引起的等效应力增大的区域内, 2次发生在等效应力增大和减小的过渡区域内, 3次发生在等效应力减小的区域内; ③ 从强震序列所引起的应力相互作用看, 历史地震对1970年以来发生的地震影响结果为: 历史地震加速了1973年亦基台错、 1997年玛尼和2001年昆仑山口西地震的发生, 昆仑山口西地震对汶川地震的影响较小, 汶川地震对玉树地震的发生不具有加速触发作用.   相似文献   

巴颜喀拉块体强震动力学过程数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以青藏高原为目标采用弹性体本构关系,模拟印度板块持续向北推进、挤压对巴颜喀拉块体及邻区的影响.通过降低强震发生位置处单元弹性模量的方法,模拟1900年以来发生在巴颜喀拉块体及周缘Ms≥7.0强震,计算序列中前面地震对后续强震的影响.模拟结果表明:①巴颜喀拉块体背景场应力水平大致与块体西部等效应力同等大小,自西向东逐渐递减,巴颜喀拉块体西部和中部等效应力从南向北逐渐递减,东部地区等效应力比较低;②模拟的14次地震序列中,有8次发生在前面强震所引起的等效应力增大的区域内,2次发生在等效应力增大和减小的过渡区域内,3次发生在等效应力减小的区域内;③从强震序列所引起的应力相互作用看,历史地震对1970年以来发生的地震影响结果为:历史地震加速了1973年亦基台错、1997年玛尼和2001年昆仑山口西地震的发生,昆仑山口西地震对汶川地震的影响较小,汶川地震对玉树地震的发生不具有加速触发作用.  相似文献   

地震槽波的数学-物理模拟初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



厚盖层场地的联合效应和强地面运动随机模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于既缺少深钻孔资料,又缺少数字地震记录资料的厚盖层场地,其场地放大和衰减联合效应(简称“场地联合效应”)用常规方法估计困难。本文依据强地面运动随机模拟方法的预测方程,用近场中小地震的加速度记录,估计新疆伽师厚盖层场地的放大因子和高频滤波因子之积——场地联合效应,非线性矫正结果显示,场地的联合效应因子在O.5—10Hz大于2,在1—4Hz达到4。依此联合效应因子对研究区的强地面运动进行了随机模拟,预测结果与实际记录吻合较好。  相似文献   

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