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An improvement was proposed for the statistical theory of breaking entrainment depth and surface whitecap coverage of real sea waves in this study. The ratio of the kinetic and potential energy was estimated on a theoretical level, and optimal constants were determined to improve the statistical theory model for wave breaking. We also performed a sensitivity test to the model constants. A comparison between the model and in situ observations indicated that the level of agreement was better than has been achieved in previous studies.  相似文献   

We examine the implementation of a wave-breaking mechanism into a nonlinear potential flow solver. The success of the mechanism will be studied by implementing it into the numerical model HOS-NWT, which is a computationally efficient, open source code that solves for the free surface in a numerical wave tank using the high-order spectral (HOS) method. Once the breaking mechanism is validated, it can be implemented into other nonlinear potential flow models. To solve for wave-breaking, first a wave-breaking onset parameter is identified, and then a method for computing wave-breaking associated energy loss is determined. Wave-breaking onset is calculated using a breaking criteria introduced by Barthelemy et al. (J Fluid Mech https://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.06002.pdf, submitted) and validated with the experiments of Saket et al. (J Fluid Mech 811:642–658, 2017). Wave-breaking energy dissipation is calculated by adding a viscous diffusion term computed using an eddy viscosity parameter introduced by Tian et al. (Phys Fluids 20(6): 066,604, 2008, Phys Fluids 24(3), 2012), which is estimated based on the pre-breaking wave geometry. A set of two-dimensional experiments is conducted to validate the implemented wave breaking mechanism at a large scale. Breaking waves are generated by using traditional methods of evolution of focused waves and modulational instability, as well as irregular breaking waves with a range of primary frequencies, providing a wide range of breaking conditions to validate the solver. Furthermore, adjustments are made to the method of application and coefficient of the viscous diffusion term with negligible difference, supporting the robustness of the eddy viscosity parameter. The model is able to accurately predict surface elevation and corresponding frequency/amplitude spectrum, as well as energy dissipation when compared with the experimental measurements. This suggests the model is capable of calculating wave-breaking onset and energy dissipation successfully for a wide range of breaking conditions. The model is also able to successfully calculate the transfer of energy between frequencies due to wave focusing and wave breaking. This study is limited to unidirectional waves but provides a valuable basis for future application of the wave-breaking model to a multidirectional wave field. By including parameters for removing energy due to wave-breaking into a nonlinear potential flow solver, the risk of developing numerical instabilities due to an overturning wave is decreased, thereby increasing the application range of the model, including calculating more extreme sea states. A computationally efficient and accurate model for the generation of a nonlinear random wave field is useful for predicting the dynamic response of offshore vessels and marine renewable energy devices, predicting loads on marine structures, and in the study of open ocean wave generation and propagation in a realistic environment.  相似文献   

Fourier analysis of the monthly mean northern hemispheric geopotential heights for the levels 700 mb and 300 mb are undertaken for the months of April through to August. The wave to wave and wave to zonal mean flow kinetic energy interactions are computed for specified latitude bands of the northern hemisphere during the pre-monsoon period (April to May) and monsoon period (June through to August) for bad monsoon years (1972, 1974, 1979) and for years of good monsoon rainfall over India (1967, 1973, 1977). Planetary scale waves (waves 1 to 4) are the major kinetic energy source in the upper atmosphere during the monsoon months. Waves 1 and 2 in particular are a greater source of kinetic energy to other waves via both wave to wave interactions as well as wave to zonal mean flow interactions in good monsoon years than in bad monsoon years. The zonal mean flow shows significantly larger gains in the kinetic energy with a strengthening of zonal westerlies in good monsoon years than in bad monsoon years.  相似文献   

A large wave event was observed in the three upper-mesospheric (80–105 km) airglow emissions of O(1S), Na and OH by the Boston University all-sky imager, at the Arecibo Observatory, during the night of 3 May 2003. The airglow structures appeared to be due to a large upward propagating internal gravity wave, which subsequently became unstable near the 95 km height level and produced large-scale vertical motions and mixing. Simultaneous density and temperature lidar measurements indicated the presence of a large temperature inversion of 80 K valley-to-peak between 88 and 96 km during the time of the event. Near-simultaneous temperature profiles, made by the TIMED SABER instrument, provided evidence that the horizontal extent of the inversion was localized to within 500 km of Arecibo during the wave event. As the gravity wave dissipated, an internal bore was generated, apparently due to the deposition of momentum and energy into the region by the original wave. Although mesospheric gravity wave breaking has been reported previously (Swenson and Mende, 21(1994); Hecht et al., 102(1997); Yamada et al., 28(2001), for example), this was the first time that the phenomenon has been associated with the generation of an internal mesospheric bore. The event suggested that the breaking of a large mesospheric gravity wave can lead to the generation of an internal bore, as suggested by Dewan and Picard 106(2001). Such behavior is of particular interest since little is known of their origins.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of seismic energy dissipation to ground motion and system characteristics is assessed. It is found that peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity to acceleration (V/A), dominant period of ground excitation and effective response duration are closely correlated with the energy dissipated by a SDOF system. Ductility ratio and damping ratio have no significant influence on the energy dissipation. An energy dissipation index is proposed for measuring the damage potential of earthquake ground motion records which includes the effects of basic excitation and response characteristics contributing to the seismic energy dissipation. The proposed index is compared with several intensity measures for the set of 94 ground motion records considered in the study.  相似文献   

Recent analytic, experimental, and practical studies are developing energy dissipation devices combined with amplifying mechanisms (AM) to enhance structural behavior. This research presents the theoretical and experimental development of the eccentric lever‐arm system (ELAS), a new system generically called amplified added damping (AAD), which is a combination of an AM with one or more dampers capable of supporting large deformations. The proposed AM device is a variant of the well‐known lever‐arm system. This work is divided in four parts: (1) kinematics of the ELAS and definition of an equivalent AAD; (2) parametric analysis of a linear single‐story structure with ELAS; (3) numerical analysis of a multi‐degree‐of‐freedom structure with frictional damping with and without AM; and (4) pseudo‐dynamic tests of a full scale asymmetric one story steel structure with and without frictional AAD. Parametric analyses demonstrate that using high‐amplification ratios and low supplemental damping could be a good practice. On the other hand, similar to systems without AMs, dissipation efficiency increases conformably with the stiffness of the secondary structure. As expected, it was observed that deformation was highly concentrated in the flexible edge of the asymmetric test model without damper. Conversely, the structure with frictional AAD clearly showed uniform plane deformation. The implemented AM, which has a large amplifying ratio of α≈11, performed with close accordance with numerical simulations and a high mechanical efficiency (≈95%) using a frictional damper with a very low force capacity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文建立了用于结构弹塑性时程分析的耗能机构参数优化方法,通过约束条件限制结构体系在整个地震时程中的最大层间位移角和层间侧移延性比,用多层复形法对摩擦耗能机构参数进行优化。本文方法可靠、实用,用于耗能机构的抗震结构参数设计非常有效。  相似文献   

A finite element method for seismic fracture analysis of concrete gravity dams is presented. The proposed smeared crack analysis model is based on the non-linear fracture behaviour of concrete. The following features have been considered in the development of the model: (i) the strain softening of concrete due to microcracking; (ii) the rotation of the fracture band with the progressive evolution of microcrack damage in finite elements; (iii) the conservation of fracture energy; (iv) the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete fracture parameters; (v) the softening initiation criterion under biaxial loading conditions; (vi) the closing-reopening of cracks under cyclic loading conditions. The seismic fracture and energy response of dams and the significance of viscous damping models to take account of non-cracking structural energy dissipation mechanisms are discussed. The influences of global or local degradation of the material fracture resistance on the seismic cracking response of concrete dams were also studied. Two-dimensional seismic response analyses of Koyna Dam were performed to demonstrate the application of the proposed non-linear fracture mechanics model.  相似文献   

Testing dispersant effectiveness under conditions similar to that of the open environment is required for improvements in operational procedures and the formulation of regulatory guidelines. To this end, a novel wave tank facility was fabricated to study the dispersion of crude oil under regular non-breaking and irregular breaking wave conditions. This wave tank facility was designed for operation in a flow-through mode to simulate both wave- and current-driven hydrodynamic conditions. We report here an evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical dispersants (Corexit® EC9500A and SPC 1000) on two crude oils (Medium South American [MESA] and Alaska North Slope [ANS]) under two different wave conditions (regular non-breaking and plunging breaking waves) in this wave tank. The dispersant effectiveness was assessed by measuring the water column oil concentration and dispersed oil droplet size distribution. In the absence of dispersants, nearly 8-19% of the test crude oils were dispersed and diluted under regular wave and breaking wave conditions. In the presence of dispersants, about 21-36% of the crude oils were dispersed and diluted under regular waves, and 42-62% under breaking waves. Consistently, physical dispersion under regular waves produced large oil droplets (volumetric mean diameter or VMD ? 300 μm), whereas chemical dispersion under breaking waves created small droplets (VMD ? 50 μm). The data can provide useful information for developing better operational guidelines for dispersant use and improved predictive models on dispersant effectiveness in the field.  相似文献   

层结海洋中小振幅内行进波的演变和破碎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用高精度的拟谱方法,数值模拟了层结海洋中小振幅内行进波的演变和破碎过程.在演变过程中,导致内波破碎的PSI不稳定机制在共振相互作用中逐渐占据主导地位,能量从初级波向低频、高波数运动缓慢传递并形成一次级波包,随即破碎发生.破碎后产生的层化湍流引起的强烈混合以及湍流间歇性可从总能量和涡度峰度随时间的变化趋势看出.我们分析了层化湍流的一些统计特性,包括动能和有效位能沿垂向波数ky的功率谱.结果表明,动能和有效位能谱都存在一个谱段满足k-3y律,且分别可表示为0.1N4k-3y和0.2N4k-3y(N为Brunt-Visl频率),通常称其为浮力子区.另外,我们分析了Cox数(湍流扩散系数与分子扩散系数之比),在层化湍流维持在一定强度时,计算结果和由海洋内区观测(远离内波强生成源和复杂地形)所推测的结论较为吻合.  相似文献   

Current chemical dispersant effectiveness tests for product selection are commonly performed with bench-scale testing apparatus. However, for the assessment of oil dispersant effectiveness under real sea state conditions, test protocols are required to have hydrodynamic conditions closer to the natural environment, including transport and dilution effects. To achieve this goal, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed and constructed a wave tank system to study chemical dispersant effectiveness under controlled mixing energy conditions (regular non-breaking, spilling breaking, and plunging breaking waves). Quantification of oil dispersant effectiveness was based on observed changes in dispersed oil concentrations and oil-droplet size distribution. The study results quantitatively demonstrated that total dispersed oil concentration and breakup kinetics of oil droplets in the water column were strongly dependent on the presence of chemical dispersants and the influence of breaking waves. These data on the effectiveness of dispersants as a function of sea state will have significant implications in the drafting of future operational guidelines for dispersant use at sea.  相似文献   

Recent estimates of fracture energy G in earthquakes show a power-law dependence with slip u which can be summarized as G u a where a is a positive real slightly larger than one. For cracks with sliding friction, fracture energy can be equated to G f : the post-failure integral of the dynamic weakening curve. If the dominant dissipative process in earthquakes is friction, G and G f should be comparable and show a similar scaling with slip. We test this hypothesis by analyzing experiments performed on various cohesive and non-cohesive rock types, under wet and dry conditions, with imposed deformation typical of seismic slip (normal stress of tens of MPa, target slip velocity > 1 m/s and fast accelerations ≈ 6.5 m/s2). The resulting fracture energy G f is similar to the seismological estimates, with G f and G being comparable over most of the slip range. However, G f appears to saturate after several meters of slip, while in most of the reported earthquake sequences, G appears to increase further and surpasses G f at large magnitudes. We analyze several possible causes of such discrepancy, in particular, additional off-fault damage in large natural earthquakes.  相似文献   

多级变刚度滞变耗能的设计思想和可行性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了一种多级变刚度滞变耗能器,讨论了其设计的基本思想,并进行了初步的试验研究。结果表明,不管是增刚度型还是减刚度型多级变刚度耗能器均具有很好的滞变耗能能力,可以应用于被动自适应(或称为智能)控制。  相似文献   

An inverted 248 kHz two-component side-scan sonar mounted on the sea bed in a mean depth of 34 m has been used to detect the clouds of bubbles produced by breaking surface waves. The sonar has a range of about 150 m. The breaking waves appear on the sonograph records as short-lived intense echoes, and form patterns which can be explained in terms of the behaviour of groups of waves in which the highest are breaking.The bubble clouds are slightly elongated in the wave direction when they are first formed and, in winds of 5.1 m s−1, have lifetimes of up to about 5 min. Soon after a wave breaks, the horizontal motion of the fluid in which the bubbles are formed becomes similar to that of the surroundings, and the bubbles continue to be advected by the near-surface currents. The rate of drift of bubble clouds along the directions of the sonar beams allows the components of the currents to be measured.The sonographs show that large changes in currents can occur over horizontal distances of as little as 5 to 10 m when fronts are passing. The motion of the fronts through the water can be measured. The sonographs have been used to measure surface currents induced by internal waves. Bands of bubbles associated with Langmuir circulation can be detected in strong winds or when moderate winds are accompanied by heavy rain.  相似文献   

High energy, rocky coastlines often feature sandy beaches within headland‐bound embayments. Not all such embayments have beaches however, and beaches in embayments can be removed by storms and may subsequently reform. What dictates the presence or absence of an embayed beach and its resilience to storms? In this paper, we explore the effect of offshore slope and wind conditions on nearshore sediment transport within idealised embayments to give insight into nearshore sediment supplies. We use numerical simulations to show that sand can accumulate near shore if the offshore slope is >0.025 m/m, but only under persistent calm conditions. Our modelling also suggests that if sediment in an embayment with an offshore gradient steeper than 0.025 m/m is removed during a period of persistent stormy conditions, it will be unlikely to return in sub‐decadal timescales. In contrast, sediment located in embayments with shallower gradients can reform swiftly in both calm and stormy conditions. Our findings have wide implications for contemporary coastal engineering in the face of future global climate change, but also for Quaternary environmental reconstruction. Our simple method to predict beach stability based on slope can be used to interpret differing responses of embayments to periods of changing coastal storminess such as the medieval climate anomaly‐little ice age (MCA‐LIA) transition. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

A new computational framework is developed for the design and retrofit of building structures by considering aseismic design as a complex adaptive process. For the initial phase of the development within this framework, genetic algorithms are employed for the discrete optimization of passively damped structural systems. The passive elements may include metallic plate dampers, viscous fluid dampers and viscoelastic solid dampers. The primary objective is to determine robust designs, including both the non‐linearity of the structural system and the uncertainty of the seismic environment. Within the present paper, this computational design approach is applied to a series of model problems, involving sizing and placement of passive dampers for energy dissipation. In order to facilitate our investigations and provide a baseline for further study, we introduce several simplifications for these initial examples. In particular, we employ deterministic lumped parameter structural models, memoryless fitness function definitions and hypothetical seismic environments. Despite these restrictions, some interesting results are obtained from the simulations and we are able to gain an understanding of the potential for the proposed evolutionary aseismic design methodology. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tidal circulation and energy dissipation in a shallow, sinuous estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tidal dynamics in a pristine, mesotidal (>2 m range), marsh-dominated estuary are examined using moored and moving vessel field observations. Analysis focuses on the structure of the M 2 tide that accounts for approximately 80% of the observed tidal energy, and indicates a transition in character from a near standing wave on the continental shelf to a more progressive wave within the estuary. A slight maximum in water level (WL) occurs in the estuary 10–20 km from the mouth. M 2 WL amplitude decreases at 0.015 m/km landward of this point, implying head of tide approximately 75 km from the mouth. In contrast, tidal currents in the main channel 25 km inland are twice those at the estuary mouth. Analysis suggests the tidal character is consistent with a strongly convergent estuarine geometry controlling the tidal response in the estuary. First harmonic (M 4) current amplitude follows the M 2 WL distribution, peaking at mid-estuary, whereas M 4 WL is greatest farther inland. The major axis current amplitude is strongly influenced by local bathymetry and topography. On most bends a momentum core shifts from the inside to outside of the bend moving seaward, similar to that seen in unidirectional river flow but with point bars shifted seaward of the bends. Dissipation rate estimates, based on changes in energy flux, are 0.18–1.65 W m−2 or 40–175 μW kg–1. A strong (0.1 m/s), depth-averaged residual flow is produced at the bends, which resembles flow around headlands, forming counter-rotating eddies that meet at the apex of the bends. A large sub-basin in the estuary exhibits remarkably different tidal characteristics and may be resonant at a harmonic of the M 2 tide.  相似文献   

The convergence and energy-dissipation characteristics of an unconditionally stable implicit time integration scheme that has been adopted for pseudodynamic testing are examined in this paper. A convergence criterion is derived for general multiple-degree-of-freedom softening systems. Furthermore, it is shown that undesired loading and unloading cycles can be avoided in numerical iterations by scaling down the incremental corrections. Finally, it is proved that the total energy dissipation introduced by the residual convergence errors and proposed numerical correction is always positive for any softening structures.  相似文献   

A new methodology based on wavelet analysis is used to estimate steep wave statistics under depth-limited conditions and the corresponding high concentration sediment statistics. Steep waves here are defined as wave crests within the wavelet transform exceeding a root mean square derived acceleration threshold. The method is applied to laboratory data obtained in a large-scale wave-flume experiment conducted in 2005 at Oregon State University's O. H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory from an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and a fiber optic backscatter sensor array above a mobile sand bed. The steep wave and high concentration statistical results for the erosive condition suggest that sand suspensions are intermittent when a wave-breaking timescale (the ratio of breaking wave height and rms wave velocity) is used to detect the concurrence among steep wave, high velocity turbulent fluctuations, and sand concentration events near the bed. More importantly, at 1 cm above the bed, though the accretive case has more steep wave events, the erosive case has more steep waves and concurrent high concentration events, suggesting a more intense breaking wave process near the sensors. The use of a longer time window, based on the dominant wave period in the detection process of steep wave and high concentration events at 1 cm above the bed, does not change the resulting statistics for the erosive condition. However, increased percentages of high concentration events correlated with steep wave and high velocity turbulence events for the accretive condition are obtained. These increased percentages are conjectured to be due to advection of non-local turbulent events and sediment concentration peaks from upstream.  相似文献   

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