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The Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) plays an important role in the climate system of South Asia. Recently, studies about ISMR variations have been going into more depth. In this present paper, we mainly use the Scargle periodogram and wavelet transform methods to study the periodicity of ISMR changes between 1871 and 2004 and review the possible influence of solar activity on the rainfall. Analysis results show complicated ISMR variations have periodicities with remarkable time-variable characteristics. Investigating a possible connection between the rainfall and solar variations, we believe that solar activity affects the ISMR variations to some extent.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found a connection between Indian Ocean Basin Warming and the anomalous Northwest Pacific Anticyclone(ANPWA) during El Ni?o decaying year.This study focuses on the necessary condition for this connection by using observation and numerical simulation.The seasonal transition of the Indian Ocean sea surface wind is critical to the climatic effect of Indian Ocean Basin Warming.When the South Asian Summer Monsoon reaches its peak,the background wind becomes desirable for basin warming,which then affects the climate in the Northwest Pacific.Via the Kelvin waves and Ekman divergence,the wind anomalies exist in the lower atmosphere east of the Indian Ocean warm Sea Surface Temperature(SST) anomalies,and intensify and sustain the ANWPA throughout the El Nio decaying summer.This impact plays an important role in the inter-annual variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon.  相似文献   

Early in the1970s,Madden and Julian[1,2]first re-vealed the existence of eastward propagation of the intraseasonal(or30-60-day)oscillation(ISO)in the zonal wind fields over the tropics.Later on,the northward propagation of the ISO activities over the Indian Ocean was discovered by Yasunari[3,4],which accounts for the seasonal variations of the Indian summer monsoon.Similar studies were carried out on the low-frequency oscillation activities related to the ENSO and the East Asian summer …  相似文献   

This study developed a finite element method with the effect of soil–fluid–structure interaction to calculate bridge natural frequencies. The finite element model includes bridge girders, piers, foundations, soil, and water. The effective mass above the soil surface was then used to find the first natural frequency in each direction. A field experiment was performed to validate that the natural frequencies calculated using the proposed finite element method had acceptable accuracy. The calculated natural frequencies with the fluid–structure interaction effect are always smaller than those without this effect. However, the frequency change due to the fluid effect is not obvious, so using the soil–structure interaction model is accurate enough in the bridge natural frequency analysis. The trend of the frequency decreases with the increase of the scour depth, but the curve is not smooth because of non-uniform foundation sections and layered soils. However, when the scour depth is such that pile cap is exposed, the changes in natural frequency with the scour depth are more obvious, and this is useful for measurement of the depth using bridge natural frequencies.  相似文献   


The Source Region of Three Rivers (SRTR) has experienced wetter summer seasons than before in recent decades due to climate change. As the most important source of surface water, precipitation plays a key role in supplying the three largest rivers. This study investigates the impacts of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and the South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) on precipitation in the SRTR. Using wavelet analysis tools, we found that: (i) summer precipitation in the SRTR showed notably different responses to the monsoon variability among the 14 stations studied; (ii) the influence of the EASM and SASM on summer precipitation was stronger in the southern and eastern SRTR; but (iii) this influence quickly dampened from southeast to northwest and became almost indiscernible in the northwestern SRTR. This research may help to increase the accuracy of long-term monsoon-rainfall prediction and improve water resource management in the SRTR.  相似文献   

Carbonates in loess-red clay sequences consist mainly of calcite and dolomite. The EDTA analysis of carbonates in different size fractions and magnetic susceptibility reveal that calcite is a sensitive index of summer monsoon. The chemical analysis of carbonates and calcite from an 8.1 Ma loess-red clay sequence at Chaona on the Chinese central Loess Plateau shows that the evolution of the Asian summer monsoon experienced four stages, namely 8.1―5.5 Ma, 5.5―2.8 Ma, 2.8―1.5 Ma and 1.5―0 Ma, with increasing intensification and fluctuation, suggesting a possible combining impacts of uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and global changes on the Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The vertical velocity, , and the diabatic heating were computed at 800, 600, 400 and 200 mb surfaces using the Omega equation. The highest contribution to is from the diabatic heating produced by condensation associated with the precipitations appearing to be the main source of diabatic heating. The net radiative cooling and the thermal advection in the upper troposphere over the warm anticyclone result in diabatic cooling over the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal and adjoining northern and eastern regions.List of Symbols Used C p Heat capacity at constant pressure - f Coriolis parameter - g Acceleration due to gravity - P Atmospheric pressure - Q Diabatic heating rate per unit mass - R Gas constant of air - S Static stability parameter - t Time - U, V Zonal and meridional wind components - Specific volume - Relative vorticity - Absolute vorticity - Potential temperature - Geopotential - Vertical velocity (dP/dt) - 1 Adiabatic vertical velocity - 2 Vertical velocity due to certain forcing - 3 Diabatic vertical velocity - Isobaric gradient operator - 2 Laplacian operator - J(A, B) Jacobian operator  相似文献   

Field evidence from recent earthquakes has shown that structures can be designed to survive major surface dislocations. This paper: (i) Describes three different finite element (FE) methods of analysis, that were developed to simulate dip slip fault rupture propagation through soil and its interaction with foundation–structure systems; (ii) Validates the developed FE methodologies against centrifuge model tests that were conducted at the University of Dundee, Scotland; and (iii) Utilises one of these analysis methods to conduct a short parametric study on the interaction of idealised 2- and 5-story residential structures lying on slab foundations subjected to normal fault rupture. The comparison between numerical and centrifuge model test results shows that reliable predictions can be achieved with reasonably sophisticated constitutive soil models that take account of soil softening after failure. A prerequisite is an adequately refined FE mesh, combined with interface elements with tension cut-off between the soil and the structure. The results of the parametric study reveal that the increase of the surcharge load q of the structure leads to larger fault rupture diversion and “smoothing” of the settlement profile, allowing reduction of its stressing. Soil compliance is shown to be beneficial to the stressing of a structure. For a given soil depth H and imposed dislocation h, the rotation Δθ of the structure is shown to be a function of: (a) its location relative to the fault rupture; (b) the surcharge load q; and (c) soil compliance.  相似文献   

Soil–structure interaction is an interdisciplinary field of endeavor which lies at the intersection of soil and structural mechanics, soil and structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, geophysics and geomechanics, material science, computational and numerical methods, and diverse other technical disciplines. Its origins trace back to the late 19th century, evolved and matured gradually in the ensuing decades and during the first half of the 20th century, and progressed rapidly in the second half stimulated mainly by the needs of the nuclear power and offshore industries, by the debut of powerful computers and simulation tools such as finite elements, and by the needs for improvements in seismic safety. The pages that follow provide a concise review of some of the leading developments that paved the way for the state of the art as it is known today. Inasmuch as static foundation stiffnesses are also widely used in engineering analyses and code formulas for SSI effects, this work includes a brief survey of such static solutions.  相似文献   

The evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) during the Holocene has long been of significant interest.Knowledge of past EASM variability not only increases our understanding of monsoon dynamics on a long timescale,but it also provides an environmental and climatic background for research into Chinese cultural development.However,the timing of the EASM maximum remains controversial.The popular concept of an "early Holocene maximum" is mainly based on speleothemδ~(18)O(δ~(18)O_c) records from caves in southern China;however,the interpretation of δ~(18)O_C as a reliable proxy for EASM intensity is being increasingly challenged.The present paper is a critical review of the climatic significance of the δ~(18)O_C record from China.Firstly,we suggest that precipitation in northern China is an appropriate index of EASM intensity,the variation of which clearly indicates a mid-Holocene monsoon maximum.Secondly,an interregional comparison demonstrates that the precipitation record in northern China is quite different from that in southern China on a range of timescales,and is inconsistent with the spatial similarity exhibited by speleothem oxygen isotope records.Furthermore,both modeling and observational data show that the δ~(18)O_C records from southern China indeed reflect changes in precipitation δ~(18)O(δ~(18)O_P) rather than precipitation amount,and therefore that their use as an EASM proxy is inappropriate.Finally,we address several significant monsoon-related issues-including the driving mechanism of the EASM on an orbital timescale,the climatic significance of speleothem oxygen isotopes,and the relationship between atmospheric circulation and precipitation in monsoonal regions.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The effects of the Madden–Julian oscillation and quasi-biennial oscillation in the equatorial stratosphere on the dynamic processes in the extratropical...  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability in soils can be a major factor limiting vegetation growth. Vegetation has adapted to this limitation by efficiently cycling P. Under conditions of limited P, microbes aid in mitigating P losses and enhancing P availability. Deforestation adversely impacts microbial populations. In turn, the loss of microbial biomass increases P losses and decreases P availability. This is important because P is not replenished biologically. Hence, when lost from the system, P only becomes available for uptake over geologic time scales. While vegetation clearly affects the microbial community and P cycling, it is not well-understood whether a loss of vegetation could lead to state changes in the vegetation dynamics. We develop a modeling framework and apply it to a P-limited cerrado ecosystem in Brazil with high intra-annual rainfall variability to examine whether deforestation can lead to a shift to a stable tree-less state. Following deforestation, we observed a decline in the microbial pool, a reduction in immobilization, and an increase in P losses. Although vegetation recovered from deforestation, a significant decline in the recalcitrant organic P pool occurred. A larger reduction in this pool led to a state change to the bare state from which the vegetation and microbial biomass did not recover. Results suggest that systems most susceptible to state changes may be those which have been previously deforested or those where the amount of P stored in the recalcitrant organic pool is low or becomes available very slowly.  相似文献   

Earthquake fault ruptures may emerge at the ground surface causing large differential movements. When fault ruptures emerge at or adjacent to the position of existing foundations, significant damage can be caused. However, the study of recent faulting events revealed that in some circumstances the fault-rupture emergence is deflected by the presence of buildings leaving the buildings intact. A centrifuge modelling study has been conducted to investigate how normal faults interact with strip foundations which run parallel to the strike direction. The study confirms that fault rupture may be deviated by the presence of the foundation so that the foundation is protected from the most serious differential movements. However, whilst the fault propagates to the soil surface the foundation has to withstand initial movements before the final fault rupture emergence mechanism is activated. The centrifuge results suggest that it is the bearing pressure of the foundation which causes the deviation of the fault rather than the kinematic restraint of the foundation. The interaction between the earthquake fault and the shallow foundation depends on the foundation bearing pressure, foundation width, soil depth and position of the fault relative to the foundation and these aspects should be considered in design. Results from the tests are used to validate a series of finite element analyses as reported in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The propagation of reverse faults through soil to the ground surface has been observed to cause damage to surface infrastructure. However, the interaction between a fault propagating through a sand layer and a shallow foundation can be beneficial for heavily loaded foundations by causing deviation of the fault away from the foundation. This was studied in a series of centrifuge model tests in which reverse faults of dip angle 60° (at bedrock level) were initiated through a sand layer, close to shallow foundations. The tests revealed subtle interaction between the fault and the shallow foundation so that the foundation and soil response depend on the foundation loading, position, breadth and flexibility. Heavily loaded rigid foundations appeared best able to deviate fault rupture away from the foundation but this deviation could be associated with significant foundation rotations. However, a lightly loaded foundation was unable to deviate a reverse fault and the fault emerged beneath the foundation. This led to gapping beneath the foundation as well as significant rotations and may cause severe structural distress. As well as providing insight into the mechanisms of behaviour, the data from the tests is used to validate finite element analyses in a separate article.  相似文献   

The Asian-Australian “land bridge” is an area with the most vigorous convection in Asian monsoon region in boreal spring, where the onset and march of convection are well associated with the onset of East Asian summer monsoon. The convection occurs over Indo-China Peninsula as early as mid-April, which exerts critical impact on the evolution of monsoon circulation. Before mid-April there are primarily sensible heatings to the atmosphere over Indo-China Peninsula and Indian Peninsula, so the apparent heating ratios over them decrease with height. However, after mid-April it changes into latent heating over Indo-China Peninsula due to the onset of convection, and the apparent heating ratio increases with height in mid- and lower troposphere. The vertical distribution of heating ratio and its differences between Indo-China Peninsula and Indian Peninsula are the key factors leading to the splitting of boreal subtropical high belt over the Bay of Bengal. Such mechanism is strongly supported by the fact that the evolution of the vertical heating ratio gradient above Indo-China Peninsula leads that of 850 hPa vorticity over the Bay of Bengal. Convections over Indo-China Peninsula and its surrounding areas further increase after the splitting. Since then, there is a positive feedback lying among the convective heating, the eastward retreat of the subtropical high and the march of monsoon, which is a possible mechanism of the advance of summer monsoon and convection from Indo-China Peninsula to South China Sea.  相似文献   

A large meander of the Kuroshio was generated in the region off the southern coast of Japan in August 2004 and continued until approximately July 2005. The formation and decay of the large-meander (LM) path was observed by bottom pressure (BP) sensors installed on inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and a seismic observing system off Shikoku. The variation in BP was examined focusing on the development, persistence, and decay of the LM path. The BP was found to be depressed associated with a Kuroshio path disturbance, called a small meander, and this BP depression led the sea surface height (SSH) depression by up to approximately two months. The temporal phase shift between the sea surface and deep disturbances was significantly greater than those of other small meanders that did not develop into large meanders. After the formation of the LM path, the BP beneath the Kuroshio increased with a lag of approximately two months behind the SSH elevation along with the upward displacement of the main thermocline. The increase in BP is associated with that of the positive southward BP gradient anomaly, i.e., the eastward deep Kuroshio current anomaly, which suggests an enhancement of the topographic steering and stability of the LM path. This is consistent with the fact that no small meanders occurred in the early LM period from late July 2004 to late January 2005.  相似文献   

Estimating the natural frequencies of a wind turbine system consisting rotor, nacelle, tower, foundation and surrounding soil is one of the important design considerations. This paper experimentally investigates the behaviour of a model wind turbine supported on a particular type of foundation called a monopile. Monopile is a single large diameter (2.5–4 m) long slender column inserted deep into the ground. This can be thought of as an extension of the wind turbine tower. In particular, the role of soil/foundation in the dynamics of wind turbines has been investigated. Analytical methods are developed incorporating the rotational and translation flexibility of the foundation. Novel experimental techniques have been developed to obtain the parameters necessary for the analytical model. The analytical model is validated using a finite element approach and experimental measurements. In total, results from 17 test cases is reported in the paper. Experimental results show that the natural frequencies and the damping factors of the wind turbine tower change significantly with the type of soil/foundation. Analytical results for the natural frequencies agree reasonably well to the experimental results and finite element results.  相似文献   

This paper includes an analysis of the influence of soil plasticity on the seismic response of micropiles. Analysis is carried out using a global three-dimensional modeling in the time domain. The soil behavior is described using the non-associated Mohr–Coulomb criterion. Both the micropiles and the superstructure are modeled as three-dimensional beam elements. Proper boundary conditions are used to ensure waves transmission through the lateral boundaries of the soil mass. Analyses are first conducted for harmonic loadings and then for real earthquake records. They show that plasticity could have a significant influence on the seismic response of the soil–micropiles–structure systems. This influence depends on the amplitude of the seismic loading and the dominant frequencies of both the input motion and the soil–piles–structure system.  相似文献   

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