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The axial modes for non-barotropic relativistic rotating neutron stars with uniform angular velocity are studied, using the slow-rotation formalism together with the low-frequency approximation, first investigated by Kojima. The time-independent form of the equations leads to a singular eigenvalue problem, which admits a continuous spectrum. We show that for     , it is nevertheless also possible to find discrete mode solutions (the r modes). However, under certain conditions related to the equation of state and the compactness of the stellar model, the eigenfrequency lies inside the continuous band and the associated velocity perturbation is divergent; hence these solutions have to be discarded as being unphysical. We corroborate our results by explicitly integrating the time-dependent equations. For stellar models admitting a physical r-mode solution, it can indeed be excited by arbitrary initial data. For models admitting only an unphysical mode solution, the evolutions do not show any tendency to oscillate with the respective frequency. For higher values of l it seems that in certain cases there are no mode solutions at all.  相似文献   

Using time evolutions of the relevant linearized equations, we study non-axisymmetric oscillations of rapidly rotating and superfluid neutron stars. We consider perturbations of Newtonian axisymmetric background configurations and account for the presence of superfluid components via the standard two-fluid model. Within the Cowling approximation, we are able to carry out evolutions for uniformly rotating stars up to the mass-shedding limit. This leads to the first detailed analysis of superfluid neutron star oscillations in the fast rotation regime, where the star is significantly deformed by the centrifugal force. For simplicity, we focus on background models where the two fluids (superfluid neutrons and protons) corotate, are in β-equilibrium and co-exist throughout the volume of the star. We construct sequences of rotating stars for two analytical model equations of state. These models represent relatively simple generalizations of single fluid, polytropic stars. We study the effects of entrainment, rotation and symmetry energy on non-radial oscillations of these models. Our results show that entrainment and symmetry energy can have a significant effect on the rotational splitting of non-axisymmetric modes. In particular, the symmetry energy modifies the inertial mode frequencies considerably in the regime of fast rotation.  相似文献   

We investigate equilibrium sequences of magnetized rotating stars with four kinds of realistic equations of state (EOSs) of SLy, FPS, Shen and LS, employing the Tomimura–Eriguchi scheme to construct the equilibrium configurations. We study the basic physical properties of the sequences in the framework of Newtonian gravity. In addition, we take a new step by taking into account a general relativistic effect to the magnetized rotating configurations. With these computations, we find that the properties of the Newtonian magnetized stars, e.g. structure of magnetic field, highly depends on the EOSs. The toroidal magnetic fields concentrate rather near the surface for Shen and LS EOSs than those for SLy and FPS EOSs. The poloidal fields are also affected by the toroidal configurations. Paying attention to the stiffness of the EOSs, we analyse this tendency in detail. In the general relativistic stars, we find that the difference due to the EOSs becomes small because all the employed EOSs become sufficiently stiff for the large maximum density, typically greater than  1015 g cm−3  . The maximum baryon mass of the magnetized stars with axis ratio   q ∼ 0.7  increases about up to 20 per cent for that of spherical stars. We furthermore compute equilibrium sequences at finite temperature, which should serve as an initial condition for the hydrodynamic study of newly born magnetars. Our results suggest that we may obtain information about the EOSs from the observation of the masses of magnetars.  相似文献   

Just as a rotating magnetized neutron star has material pulled away from its surface to populate a magnetosphere, a similar process can occur as a result of neutron-star pulsations rather than rotation. This is of interest in connection with the overall study of neutron star oscillation modes but with a particular focus on the situation for magnetars. Following a previous Newtonian analysis of the production of a force-free magnetosphere in this way Timokhin et al., we present here a corresponding general-relativistic analysis. We give a derivation of the general relativistic Maxwell equations for small-amplitude arbitrary oscillations of a non-rotating neutron star with a generic magnetic field and show that these can be solved analytically under the assumption of low current density in the magnetosphere. We apply our formalism to toroidal oscillations of a neutron star with a dipole magnetic field and find that the low current density approximation is valid for at least half of the oscillation modes, similarly to the Newtonian case. Using an improved formula for the determination of the last closed field line, we calculate the energy losses resulting from toroidal stellar oscillations for all of the modes for which the size of the polar cap is small. We find that general relativistic effects lead to shrinking of the size of the polar cap and an increase in the energy density of the outflowing plasma. These effects act in opposite directions but the net result is that the energy loss from the neutron star is significantly smaller than suggested by the Newtonian treatment.  相似文献   

We obtain equilibrium solutions for rotating compact stars, including special relativistic effects. The gravity is assumed to be Newtonian, but we use the active mass density, which takes into account all energies such as the motion of the fluid, internal energy and pressure energy in addition to the rest-mass energy, in computing the gravitational potential using Poisson's equation. Such a treatment could be applicable to neutron stars with relativistic motions or a relativistic equation of state. We applied Hachisu's self-consistent field (SCF) method to find spheroidal as well as toroidal sequences of equilibrium solutions. Our solutions show better agreement with general relativistic solutions than the Newtonian relativistic hydrodynamic approach, which does not take into account the active mass. Physical quantities such as the peak density and equatorial radii in our solutions agree with the general relativistic ones to within 5 per cent. Therefore our approach can be used as a simple alternative to the fully relativistic one when a large number of model calculations is necessary, as it requires much fewer computational resources.  相似文献   

Both relativistic and non-relativistic two-fluid models of neutron star cores are constructed, using the constrained variational formalism developed by Brandon Carter and co-workers. We consider a mixture of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons at zero temperature, taking into account mutual entrainment effects. Leptons, which affect the interior composition of the neutron star and contribute to the pressure, are also included. We provide the analytic expression of the Lagrangian density of the system, the so-called master function, from which the dynamical equations can be obtained. All the microscopic parameters of the models are calculated consistently using the non-relativistic nuclear energy density functional theory. For comparison, we have also considered relativistic mean field models. The correspondence between relativistic and non-relativistic hydrodynamical models is discussed in the framework of the recently developed 4D covariant formalism of Newtonian multifluid hydrodynamics. We have shown that entrainment effects can be interpreted in terms of dynamical effective masses that are larger in the relativistic case than in the Newtonian case. With the nuclear models considered in this work, we have found that the neutron relativistic effective mass is even greater than the bare neutron mass in the liquid core of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.  相似文献   

An increase in the central density of a neutron star may trigger a phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter in the core, causing it to collapse to a more compact hybrid star configuration. We present a study of this, building on previous work by Lin et al.. We follow them in considering a supersonic phase transition and using a simplified equation of state, but our calculations are general relativistic (using 2D simulations in the conformally flat approximation) as compared with their 3D Newtonian treatment. We also improved the treatment of the initial phase transformation, avoiding the introduction of artificial convection. As before, we find that the emitted gravitational wave spectrum is dominated by the fundamental quasi-radial and quadrupolar pulsation modes but the strain amplitudes are much smaller than suggested previously, which is disappointing for the detection prospects. However, we see significantly smaller damping and observe a non-linear mode resonance which substantially enhances the emission in some cases. We explain the damping mechanisms operating, giving a different view from the previous work. Finally, we discuss the detectability of the gravitational waves, showing that the signal-to-noise ratio for current or second generation interferometers could be high enough to detect such events in our Galaxy, although third generation detectors would be needed to observe them out to the Virgo cluster, which would be necessary for having a reasonable event rate.  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields in relativistic stars can be a cause of crust fracturing, resulting in the excitation of global torsional oscillations. Such oscillations could become observable in gravitational waves or in high-energy radiation, thus becoming a tool for probing the equation of state of relativistic stars. As the eigenfrequency of torsional oscillation modes is affected by the presence of a strong magnetic field, we study torsional modes in magnetized relativistic stars. We derive the linearized perturbation equations that govern torsional oscillations coupled to the oscillations of a magnetic field, when variations in the metric are neglected (Cowling approximation). The oscillations are described by a single two-dimensional wave equation, which can be solved as a boundary-value problem to obtain eigenfrequencies. We find that, in the non-magnetized case, typical oscillation periods of the fundamental     torsional modes can be nearly a factor of 2 larger for relativistic stars than previously computed in the Newtonian limit. For magnetized stars, we show that the influence of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the assumed magnetic field configuration, and simple estimates obtained previously in the literature cannot be used for identifying normal modes observationally.  相似文献   

We derive general equations for axisymmetric Newtonian magnetohydrodynamics and use these as the basis of a code for calculating equilibrium configurations of rotating magnetized neutron stars in a stationary state. We investigate the field configurations that result from our formalism, which include purely poloidal, purely toroidal and mixed fields. For the mixed-field formalism, the toroidal component appears to be bounded at less than 7 per cent. We calculate distortions induced both by magnetic fields and by rotation. From our non-linear work, we are able to look at the realm of validity of perturbative work: we find for our results that perturbative-regime formulae for magnetic distortions agree to within 10 per cent of the non-linear results if the ellipticity is less than 0.15 or the average field strength is less than 1017 G. We also consider how magnetized equilibrium structures vary for different polytropic indices.  相似文献   

We have solved numerically the general relativistic induction equations in the interior background space–time of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The analytic form of these equations was discussed recently (Paper I), where corrections due to both the space–time curvature and the dragging of reference frames were shown to be present. Through a number of calculations we have investigated the evolution of the magnetic field with different rates of stellar rotation, different inclination angles between the magnetic moment and the rotation axis, as well as different values of the electrical conductivity. All of these calculations have been performed for a constant-temperature relativistic polytropic star and make use of a consistent solution of the initial-value problem which avoids the use of artificial analytic functions. Our results show that there exist general relativistic effects introduced by the rotation of the space–time which tend to decrease the decay rate of the magnetic field. The rotation-induced corrections are however generally hidden by the high electrical conductivity of the neutron star matter, and when realistic values for the electrical conductivity are considered, these corrections become negligible even for the fastest known pulsar.  相似文献   

We find general relativistic solutions of equilibrium magnetic field configurations in magnetars, extending previous results of Colaiuda et al. Our method is based on the solution of the relativistic Grad–Shafranov equation, to which Maxwell's equations can be reduced. We obtain equilibrium solutions with the toroidal magnetic field component confined into a finite region inside the star, and the poloidal component extending to the exterior. These so-called twisted torus configurations have been found to be the final outcome of dynamical simulations in the framework of Newtonian gravity, and appear to be more stable than other configurations. The solutions include higher-order multipoles, which are coupled to the dominant dipolar field. We use arguments of minimal energy to constrain the ratio of the toroidal to the poloidal field.  相似文献   

Quasi-toroidal oscillations in slowly rotating stars are examined within the framework of general relativity. Unlike the Newtonian case, the oscillation frequency to first order of the rotation rate is not a single value, even for uniform rotation. All the oscillation frequencies of the r -modes are purely neutral and form a continuous spectrum limited to a certain range. The allowed frequencies are determined by the resonance condition between the perturbation and the background mean flow. The resonant frequency varies with the radius according to the general relativistic dragging effect.  相似文献   

A highly accurate, multidomain spectral code is used in order to construct sequences of general relativistic, differentially rotating neutron stars in axisymmetry and stationarity. For bodies with a spheroidal topology and a homogeneous or an   N = 1  polytropic equation of state, we investigate the solution space corresponding to broad ranges of degree of differential rotation and stellar densities. In particular, starting from static and spherical configurations, we analyse the changes of the corresponding surface shapes as the rate of rotation is increased. For a sufficiently weak degree of differential rotation, the sequences terminate at a mass-shedding limit, while for moderate and strong rates of differential rotation they exhibit a continuous parametric transition to a regime of toroidal fluid bodies. In this article, we concentrate on the appearance of this transition, analyse in detail its occurrence and show its relevance for the calculation of astrophysical sequences. Moreover, we find that the solution space contains various types of spheroidal configurations, which were not considered in previous work, mainly due to numerical limitations.  相似文献   

We discuss the nature of the various modes of pulsation of superfluid neutron stars using comparatively simple Newtonian models and the Cowling approximation. The matter in these stars is described in terms of a two-fluid model, where one fluid is the neutron superfluid, which is believed to exist in the core and inner crust of mature neutron stars, and the other fluid represents a conglomerate of all other constituents (crust nuclei, protons, electrons, etc.). In our model, we incorporate the non-dissipative interaction known as the entrainment effect, whereby the momentum of one constituent (e.g. the neutrons) carries along part of the mass of the other constituent. We show that there is no independent set of pulsating g-modes in a non-rotating superfluid neutron star core, even though the linearized superfluid equations contain a well-defined (and real-valued) analogue to the so-called Brunt–Väisälä frequency. Instead, what we find are two sets of spheroidal perturbations whose nature is predominately acoustic. In addition, an analysis of the zero-frequency subspace (i.e. the space of time-independent perturbations) reveals two sets of degenerate spheroidal perturbations, which we interpret to be the missing g-modes, and two sets of toroidal perturbations. We anticipate that the degeneracy of all these zero-frequency modes will be broken by the Coriolis force in the case of rotating stars. To illustrate this we consider the toroidal pulsation modes of a slowly rotating superfluid star. This analysis shows that the superfluid equations support a new class of r-modes, in addition to those familiar from, for example, geophysical fluid dynamics. Finally, the role of the entrainment effect on the superfluid mode frequencies is shown explicitly via solutions to dispersion relations that follow from a 'local' analysis of the linearized superfluid equations.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of the hydrodynamics in the final stages of inspiral of a black hole–neutron star binary, when the binary separation becomes comparable to the stellar radius. We use a Newtonian three-dimensional smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code, and model the neutron star with a soft (adiabatic index Γ=5/3) polytropic equation of state, and the black hole as a Newtonian point mass that accretes matter via an absorbing boundary at the Schwarzschild radius. Our initial conditions correspond to tidally locked binaries in equilibrium, and we have explored configurations with different values of the mass ratio q M NS M BH, ranging from q =1 to 0.1. The dynamical evolution is followed for approximately 23 ms, and in every case studied here we find that the neutron star is tidally disrupted on a dynamical time-scale, forming a dense torus around the black hole that contains a few tenths of a solar mass. A nearly baryon-free axis is present in the system throughout the coalescence, and only modest beaming of a fireball that could give rise to a gamma-ray burst would be sufficient to avoid excessive baryon contamination. We find that some mass (of the order of 10−3–10−2 M) may be dynamically ejected from the system, and could thus contribute substantially to the amount of observed r-process material in the galaxy. We calculate the gravitational radiation waveforms and luminosity emitted during the coalescence in the quadrupole approximation.  相似文献   

There is now evidence that the cosmological constant Λ has a non-zero positive value. Alternative scenarios to a pure cosmological constant model are provided by quintessence, an effective negative pressure fluid permeating the Universe. Recent results indicate that the energy density ρ and the pressure p of this fluid are constrained by − ρ ≤ p ≲−0.6 ρ . As p =− ρ is equivalent to the pure cosmological constant model, it is appropriate to analyse this particular, but important, case further.
We study the linear theory of perturbations in a Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe with a cosmological constant. We obtain the equations for the evolution of the perturbations in the fully relativistic case, for which we analyse the single-fluid and two-fluid cases. We obtain solutions to these equations in appropriate limits. We also study the Newtonian approximation. We find that for a positive cosmological constant universe (i) the perturbations will grow more slowly in the relativistic regime for a two-fluid composed of dark matter and radiation, and (ii) in the Newtonian regime the perturbations stop growing.  相似文献   

The first results of numerical analysis of classical r-modes of rapidly rotating compressible stellar models are reported. The full set of linear perturbation equations of rotating stars in Newtonian gravity is solved numerically without the slow rotation approximation. A critical curve of gravitational wave emission induced instability, which restricts the rotational frequencies of hot young neutron stars, is obtained. Taking the standard cooling mechanisms of neutron stars into account, we also show the 'evolutionary curves' along which neutron stars are supposed to evolve as cooling and spinning down proceed. Rotational frequencies of 1.4-M stars suffering from this instability decrease to around 100 Hz when the standard cooling mechanism of neutron stars is employed. This result confirms the results of other authors, who adopted the slow rotation approximation.  相似文献   

We present analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background space–time of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with a dipolar magnetic field not aligned with the axis of rotation. With respect to a flat space–time solution, general relativity introduces corrections related both to the monopolar and the dipolar parts of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that in the case of infinite electrical conductivity general relativistic corrections resulting from the dragging of reference frames are present, but only in the expression for the electric field. In the case of finite electrical conductivity, however, corrections resulting from both the space–time curvature and the dragging of reference frames are shown to be present in the induction equation. These corrections could be relevant for the evolution of the magnetic fields of pulsars and magnetars. The solutions found, while obtained through some simplifying assumption, reflect a rather general physical configuration and could therefore be used in a variety of astrophysical situations.  相似文献   

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