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VLA observations at 6 cm have been obtained for three hydrogen-deficient objects υ Sgr, V 348 Sgr, and A bell 58. A bell 58 was also observed at 2 cm. Only upper limits to the flux density could be set for these sources. A new radio source at 6 cm was found in the field of υ Sgr. The upper limit for 6 cm flux density of V348 Sgr sets an upper limit to its reddening asE(B–V) ≤ 0.65. The hydrogen deficient planetary nebula A 58 shows much lower radio flux than expected from the infrared-radio flux density relationship of planetary nebulae. National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Very Large Array is operated by Associated Universities Inc. under contract with National Science Foundation, USA.  相似文献   

We obtained U BV R photometric and spectroscopic observations during the outburst of V838 Mon. Before its outburst, the B brightness of the star had been stable ( $\tilde15.^m 85$ ) for 45 years. This was a blue star with the color index $(B - V)_0 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 03 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 1$ and may have been a cataclysmic variable. In the middle of March 2002, the outburst amplitude reached $8\mathop .\limits^m 1$ in B. The star has the counterpart V 1006/7 in M 31 in luminosity at maximum and in spectrum. The unusual spectrum at the premaximum stage originated in the expanding photosphere of a cool K-type giant. The expansion velocity of the photosphere was 150 km s?1; the maximum velocity in the expanding stellar envelope reached 500 km s?1. The absorption components of neutral metal lines were enhanced by a factor of 3 or 4 compared to a normal K-type star. No overabundance of s-process elements was found. One day before the brightness peak, an intense Hα emission line with broad wings, FWZI=3100 km s?1, and numerous lines of ionized metals appeared in V838 Mon, which is characteristic of normal classical novae. We show light, color, and spectral variations of the object.  相似文献   

Composite-spectrum binary stars generally consist of a late-type giant and a main-sequence star of type A or B. Their spectra are therefore rather confusing; but by a technique of digital subtraction of the spectra of appropriate single late-type giants, composite spectra can be split into their individual components. In favourable cases the radial velocities of both components can be measured and the mass ratio determined. The procedures are illustrated by reference to HR 6902, a fifth-magnitude composite-spectrum binary. Its components are shown to have spectral types of G9 II and B8 V, with a mass ratio of 1.31, and its orbit is determined. There is some evidence that the system shows eclipses. If it does, the masses of the components are 3.9 and 3.0M⊙ respectively, and HR 6902 becomes the sixth known member of the important class ofζ Aur binaries.  相似文献   

The photometric monitoring of Nova V 1494 Aql at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and at the Special Astrophysical Observatory in July and September 2002 has confirmed that the star is an eclipsing system. Its orbital period was improved, \(0\mathop .\limits^d 1346141(5)\). Light elements and eight mid-eclipse times are given. The light-curve shape suggests that the star is an intermediate polar.  相似文献   

The infrared photometric observations of V4334 Sgr in 1996–1999 are presented. Together with optical data, they have allowed us to accurately estimate the bolometric flux from this star and to investigate the structure of its dust envelope over the above period. The star is shown to have passed through four well-defined stages in these four years as it moved backward along the post-AGB track, and it now appears to have started moving forward after a halt. At the first stage (1996), there was no dust in the star’s envelope. Its visual brightness slightly increased, and it reddened in the entire observed spectral range. The bolometric flux also gradually rose. At the second stage (1997), an optically thick dust envelope condensed around the star, which, however, essentially did not manifest itself at optical wavelengths. The bolometric flux continued to rise through an increase in the star’s infrared brightness alone; the rate of its rise also increased. At the third stage (1998–March 1999), V4334 Sgr entered the R CrB phase. First two shallow minima and then two deep minima were observed at optical wavelengths. The star appreciably reddened during the deep minima. The bolometric flux ceased to rise and began to gradually fall in the second half of 1998. At the fourth stage (since March 1999 up until now), V4334 Sgr has been at a protracted deep minimum, which is atypical of the R CrB stars. The bolometric flux between March and October underwent no significant variations. We describe the structure of the dust envelope around V4334 Sgr since its formation. From June 1997 until July 1998, the optical depth of the dust shell, its inner and outer radii, and its mass increased by factors of ~2.2, ~2.0, 2.3, and ~10, respectively. In July 1998, τ(V)≈2.3, R d, in≈7.4×1014 cm, R d, in/R d, out≈0.7(R d, in/R *≈47), and M dust≈1.6×10?7 M .  相似文献   

The systematic UBV observations of six variable post-AGB supergiants in 1991–1999 are presented. Their variability is analyzed. The coolest stars V1027 Cyg and V354 Lac exhibit bimodal pulsations with variable amplitudes. Apart from pulsations, the hotter stars V887 Her and IRAS 19386+0155 show light variations associated with a stellar wind. A variable stellar wind appears to be mainly responsible for the photometric variations in the still hotter stars SAO 163075 and IRAS 20572+4919. Distinct trends in the yearly mean brightness have been found in three of the six supergiants studied, with the trend amplitude being independent of the spectral range. They are interpreted as the result of dust envelopes composed of large grains with R=A V /E(B?V)≥7 becoming optically thin.  相似文献   

We present the equivalent widths of the Hβ and Hγ absorption lines in the spectrum of V1057 Cyg measured from 1978–1990 spectrograms. The mean equivalent widths of these lines decreased approximately twofold during 1978–1985 and somewhat increased during 1987–1990. Using published UBV photometry, we show that there has been a correlation between the Hβ equivalent width and the ?U-B? color since 1983, with ?W λ(Hβ)? increasing with decreasing?U-B? Based on our spectroscopic and photometric observations in 1978–1990, we assume that V1057 Cyg has passed to a qualitatively new stage of its development after 1985.  相似文献   

We presents the results of our study of new spectroscopic components in the visual binaries ADS 10683 (HD 160 239=BD?154 635=HIP 86412; G6/G8V; \(V = 9\mathop .\limits^m 08\); \(B - V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 76\); 2000: 17h39m24s, ?15°46′) and ADS 11791 (HD 175039=BD?054 798=HIP 92726; G5; \(V = 8\mathop .\limits^m 78\); \(B - V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 72\); 2000: 18h53m42s, ?05°33′). ADS 10683B and ADS 11791A are single-lined spectroscopic binaries; their orbital periods are \(6\mathop .\limits^d 9171 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^d 0002\) and \(50\mathop .\limits^d 514 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^d 004\), respectively. We constructed their radial velocity curves and computed their spectroscopic orbital elements.  相似文献   

We have computed a combined spectroscopic-interferometric orbit for the nearby binary Gliese 600 discovered by us. The orbital period is 2.78 years, and the semimajor axis is 100 mas (0.1″). Its M0 V components are almost identical and have a mass of 0.5M . The mass ratio is uncertain because of the low radialvelocity semiamplitude (7 km s?1) associated with the low orbital inclination (37°). The orbital parallax of the binary (52±11 mas) matches its dynamical and photometric parallaxes but differs significantly from the Hipparcos parallax (44.3±1.6) mas; the latter was probably distorted by the orbital motion that was not taken into account.  相似文献   

The infrared photometric observations of V4334 Sgr in 2000 are presented. They show that a gradual, but nonmonotonic increase in the optical depth of its dust envelope, which was formed early in 1997, had continued until the mid-summer. In July 1999 and July 2000, τ(1.25 µm)≈7.7 and 11.3, respectively. From July through October 2000, the optical depth decreased appreciably. From October 1998 (the first deep minimum of visual brightness) until now, the amplitude of the bolometric-magnitude variations in V4334 Sgr is $ \sim 0^m .5$ . The relation between the bolometric and L magnitudes (m bol, L) can be fitted by a linear function, m bol = 1.25L + 4.04. In the dust-envelope model chosen, the percentage of large (a gr=0.2–0.3 µm) dust grains by particle number increased by a factor of ~4. In the summer of 2000, their fraction by mass was ~78%, and they mainly contributed to the optical depth of the dust envelope. No appreciable correlation between optical depth and bolometric flux was observed.  相似文献   

Based on high-dispersion echelle spectra taken with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope, we study the IR source IRAS 20004+2955 identified with the variable star V1027 Cyg. We have determined the star’s fundamental parameters (T eff=5000 K, logg=1.0), metallicity ([Fe/H]=?0.2 dex), and atmospheric abundances of 16 elements. Its metallicity, carbon underabundance, and slight overabundance of the heavy elements Zr, Y, Ce, and Eu suggest that V1027 Cyg belongs to the Galactic disk population.  相似文献   

The photometric JHKLM observations of the symbiotic novae V1016 Cyg and HM Sge in 1978–1999 are presented. Parameters of the cool stars themselves and the dust envelopes are estimated. The periods of 470±5 days (for V1016 Cyg) and 535±5 days (for HM Sge) are reliably determined from the entire set of our photometric J data for V1016 Cyg and HM Sge. In addition, monotonic light and color variations are observed on a time scale of several thousand days, with the increase in infrared brightness occurring with the simultaneous decrease in infrared color indices; i.e., the dust envelopes in which both components of the systems were embedded before the outburst of their hot sources in 1964 and 1975, respectively, had continued to disperse until late 1999. The amplitudes of these variations for HM Sge are almost twice those for V1016 Cyg. For HM Sge, the dust envelope reached a maximum density near JD 2447500 and then began to disperse. In the case of V1016 Cyg, a maximum density of the dust envelope was probably reached near JD 2444800, and its dispersal has been continuing for about 20 years. Thus, in both symbiotic novae, their dust envelopes reached a maximum density approximately eight years after the outburst of the hot component and then began to disperse. An analysis of the color-magnitude (J–K, J) diagram reveals that grains in the dust envelopes of V1016 Cyg and HM Sge are similar in their optical properties to impure silicates. The observed [J–K, K–L] color variations for the symbiotic novae under study can be explained in terms of the simple model we chose by variations in the Mira's photospheric temperature from 2400 to 3000 K and in the dust-envelope optical depth from 1 to 3 at a wavelength of 1.25 µm for a constant grain temperature. The observed J–K and K–L color indices for both symbiotic novae, while decreasing, tend to the values typical of Miras. The dust envelopes of both symbiotic novae are optically thick. The dust envelope around HM Sge is, on the average, twice as dense as that around V1016 Cyg; the Mira in V1016 Cyg is slightly cooler (~2800–2900 K) than that in HM Sge (~2600–2700 K). The dust-envelope density decreases as the Mira's temperature increases. The absolute bolometric magnitudes are $ - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 15$ for V 1016 Cyg and $5\mathop .\limits^m 27 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 17$ for HM Sge. Their distances are 2.8±0.6 and 1.8±0.4 kpc, respectively; the luminosities and radii of their cool components (Miras) are 8.6×103 L , 1×104 L , 500R , and 540R . The radii of their dust envelopes are 1400R and 1500R ; the masses are (3?3.3) × 10?5M and (4?8) × 10?5M The dust envelope of V1016 Cyg disperses slower than that of HM Sge by almost a factor of 25.  相似文献   

Photoelectric (UBVR) observations of the eclipsing variable EQ Ori are presented. The ephemerides of primary minima are refined, and the range of the star’s light variations is determined. All light curves are solved by Lavrov’s direct method, and highly accurate photometric orbital elements are obtained for the system. The magnitudes and colors of each component are calculated and analyzed in two-color (U-B)-(B-V) and (U-B)-(V-R) diagrams. The system’s primary component is classified as a metallic-line Am star. The absolute parameters of the components are estimated, and the binary is classified as a detached system with a subgiant: A0 V and K2 IV. EQ Ori has a faint physical companion, which causes the epochs of primary minimum to be systematically displaced with a period of about 30 years. The expected parameters of the distant companion are estimated. The system’s components are at a pre-ZAMS evolutionary stage, with their age being 2×106 years. EQ Ori is thought to be a member of the Ori I association.  相似文献   

The refraction of radio waves as they traverse through the terrestrial ionosphere and troposphere introduces a differential phase path which results for a radio interferometer in variations of the visibility phase. Though refraction due to troposphere is significant for synthesis radio telescopes operating at 1.0 GHz and above, ionospheric refraction is dominant at lower frequencies. This problem is important in the case of Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope (OSRT) operating at 326.5 MHz, due to its proximity to the magnetic equator. This paper deals with the nature of phase variations suffered by OSRT due to refraction and explains the methodology evolved to alleviate them.  相似文献   

Multicolour and multiaperture photometry of 22 late-type Virgo cluster galaxies in a newV (5500 Å),r (6738 Å),IV (10500 Å) system confirm the previously known correlations between the luminosity and H1 velocity width, and show them to be strongly wavelength dependent with the slope of the relation reaching a maximum value of ~ ? 10 at 10500 Å and remaining constant at longer wavelengths. The scatter in the luminosity-H1 width relation is nearly the same, whether we use (V)c ?0.5, (r)c ?0.5, (IV)c -0.5, or (H)c -0.5 magnitudes. The error in the determination of the corrected magnitudes is much less than the scatter in the luminosity-H1 width relations as evidenced by the fact that the residuals of individual galaxies inV, r, IV, andH are correlated with one another. An attempt to use a ‘kinematic magnitude’ instead of an isophotal magnitude shows the slope of the luminosity-H1 width relations to be reduced substantially. Observations in theV, r, andIV system for fifteen field galaxies and three galaxies in the Cancer and Zw 74-23 clusters have been obtained and combined with the H1 velocity width to derive their differences in distance modulus, between the galaxy and the Virgo cluster, through the luminosity-H1 width relations of the Virgo cluster galaxies. The three independent differences in the distance modulus of each galaxy agree with one another indicating that the relations usingV, r andIV magnitudes have the same zero point in absolute magnitude, independent of the wavelength of observations. The distance modulus difference from the Virgo cluster to the three galaxies U 4334, U 8942 and U 8944, which are outside the Local Supercluster, are +1·50, +3·45 and +2·81 mag respectively and are in agreement with those of +1·75, +3·23 and +2·46 mag derived for the same galaxies by Aaronsonet al. (1980) throughH magnitudes. The scatter in the velocity distance relation of the field galaxies compares well with the mean error derived in the luminosity-HI width relations and hence is intrinsic.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the poorly known B[e] star AS 160=IRAS 07370-2438. The high-resolution spectrum obtained with the 6-m BTA telescope exhibits strong emission in the Hα line with a two-component profile, indicating that the gaseous envelope of the star is nonspherical. Previously nonanalyzed photometric data suggest the presence of a compact dust envelope. The fundamental parameters of the star (log L/L = 4.4 ± 0.2, v sin i = 200 km s?1 and its distance (3.5±0.5 kpc) have been determined for the first time and are in agreement with published estimates of the MK spectral type of the object (B1.5 V:). Analysis of the object's properties leads us to suggest that this is a binary system that belongs to our recently identified type of Be stars with warm dust.  相似文献   

An examination of the existing period searches for 2CG195 + 4 leads to the conclusion that the 59 second periodicity is highly significant only for the 1981 March 17–18 detection of Bignami, Caraveo & Paul (1984). The statistical significance is increased substantially if the pulsation period is half the previously reported value. The period derivative is not well determined. Here we propose that 2CG 195 + 4 is a neutron star powered by accretion from a low (≲ 1M ) mass main-sequence companion. A distance of a few hundred pc would imply that the neutron star is a fast rotator and is spinning down.  相似文献   

The Hα observations of a flare-associated surge prominence on 1980 October 30 have been described. Morphology and dynamics of the surge prominence have been presented. From our observations and analysis we have estimated the magnetic field associated with surge material to be about 35 gauss which is in good agreement with the earlier result of Tandberg-Hanssen & Malville (1974). It has been determined that coronal pressure is not acting as a resistive force on the outward expansion of the surge into the corona. The kinetic energy of the surge was about 1028 erg, which is 2 orders less than required for the mass to escape the chromosphere. It appears that the flare-associated surge prominence was perhaps a result of kink instability in the flaring region.  相似文献   

The conditions for the source functions of a multiplet to be equal are studied for plasmas with and without magnetic fields. It is found that source function equality holds—in addition to the case of collisional predominance—only when the redistribution functions are all identical and no interlocking with other lines occurs. When magnetic fields are present, the assumption of source function equality leads to a violation of the invariance conditions of the scattering matrix and should therefore not be made.  相似文献   

It is shown that the infrared flux method for determining stellar effective temperatures (Blackwell and Shallis 1977; Blackwell, Petford and Shallis 1980) can be applied to cool carbon stars. Although the spectra of cool carbon stars are highly line blanketed, the spectral region between 3 and 4 μm (L-band in the infrared photometry system) is found to be relatively free from strong line absorption. The ratioR L of bolometric flux toL flux can then be used as a measure of effective temperature. On the basis of the predicted line-blanketed flux based on model atmospheres, with an empirical correction for the effect of 3 μm absorption due to polyatomic species (HCN, C2H2), it is shown thatR L is roughly proportional to T3 eff. The high sensitivity ofR L to Teff makes it a very good measure of effective temperature, and the usual difficulty due to differential line blanketing effect in the analyses of photometric indices of cool carbon stars can be minimized. It is found that the majority of N-type carbon stars with small variability (SRb and Lb variables) are confined to the effective temperature range between 2400 and 3200 K, in contrast to M-giant stars (M0 III - M6 III, including SRb and Lb variables) that are confined to the effective temperature range between 3200 and 3900 K. The effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method show good agreement with those derived directly from angular diameter measurements of 5 carbon stars. On the basis of the new effective temperature scale for carbon stars, it is shown that the well known C-classification does not represent a temperature sequence. On the other hand, colour temperatures based on various photometric indices all show good correlations with our derived effective temperatures. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

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