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姻袭成矿与特大型矿床   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
裴荣富 《矿床地质》1997,16(1):93-94
姻袭成矿与特大型矿床AfiliationalMetalogenyandGiantOreDeposits裴荣富(中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所,北京)烟袭成矿或称亲缘成矿。这一成矿概念早在中世纪(16世纪中期以前)的矿石成因猜想年代就已萌芽[1]。例如当...  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of Kargapole meteorite, which was found in Kurgan oblast in 1961, are presented. It has been established that the meteoritic material is represented by olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (oligoclase), chromite, Fe and Ni metal particles (kamacite, taenite, tetrataenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. For the first time, diopside, tetrataenite, pentlandite, chlorapatite, and merrillite were identified in the Kargapole meteorite. The chemical compositions of all minerals studied are given in Table 1. In terms of petrology, the meteorite is classified a common H4 chondrite.  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of the Ozernoye meteorite, found in the Kurgan region in 1983, are presented. It has been found that that the meteorite’s matter is composed of olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (augite), maskelynite, chromite, ilmenite, metals Fe and Ni (kamasite, taenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. Augite, taenite, pentlandite, and merrillite were identified in the Ozernoye meteorite for the first time. The chemical compositions are given for all these minerals. The meteorite itself is an ordinary chondrite stone belonging to petrological type L5.  相似文献   

Genesis of deposits in the world’s largest Witwatersrand auriferous region (South Africa) remains a debatable issue over several decades. Based on geological and mineralogical-geochemical investigations, we previously proposed a sedimentary-exhalative hypothesis for its origin. In the present communication, we have attempted to develop and scrutinize this concept based on the study of organic matter in ore and nonore conglomerates, quartz in conglomerate pebbles, and fluid inclusions in quartz from pebbles and cement of ore and nonore conglomerates.  相似文献   

秦岭地区主要金属矿床成矿系列的划分及区域成矿规律探讨   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22  
本文根据我国公路建设项目投资、融资体制改革的发展趋势,阐述了改进公路建设项目可行性研究财务评价工作的重要意义及改进财务评价方法的原则,提出改进财务评价方法的途径。针对当前公路建设项目可行性研究财务评价的现状,提出了财务评价工作应注意几个问题,供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

The study of deep structure of the Kirovograd ore district proceeds from a broad treatment of its geological boundaries and combination of metasomatic uranium, pegmatitic lithium, and hydrothermal gold deposits, as well as lodes of magmatic titanium ore within these boundaries. The spatial juxtaposition of the Novoukrainsk-Kirovograd granitoid massif and the Korsun-Novomirgorod rapakivi granite-anorthosite massif is a distinguishing feature of the Kirovograd ore district. The former massif along with stratified metamorphic rocks forms an intrusive-ultrametamorphic basement, whereas the latter massif is autonomous with respect to the basement. Taken together, both massifs make up the Novoukrainsk-Korsun-Novomirgorod composite pluton, which determines the architecture of the Kirovograd ore district not only at the present-day erosion surface but also at deeper levels of the lithosphere. The uranium, lithium, and gold deposits are localized in the intrusive-ultrametamorphic basement and controlled by various combinations of intrinsic and superposed structures; the vertical extent of mineralization is also controlled by their combinations. Some combinations are unique. Primarily, these are triple junctions of superposed faults, which host the largest metasomatic uranium orebodies. At the same time, the deposits are spatially related to the local mediumscale trough in topography of the Moho discontinuity. This mantle trench is discordant relative to the Novoukrainsk-Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton. These and other data discussed in the paper allow us to consider the Kirovograd polymetallic ore district as a Paleoproterozoic center of crustal-mantle magmatic activity and ore formation. This center was formed 2.1-1.7 Ga ago in the course of juxtaposition of three development stages differing in associations of intrusive rocks, style of deformation and metamorphism of rocks, origin and localization of ore deposits.  相似文献   

Barite has previously been found only in the oxidized ores of the Kerch deposits. The author adduced some facts that prove the presence of barite in the ores of the reduction zone. Here barite forms fine crystals and grains. Phythmorphosis occurs here very seldom. In this case barite is accompanied by pyrrhotine. In the drag ores horizontal sheets of cryptocrystalline barite were found. The origin of such sheets can be explained only by the vertical migration of barium and sulfur. The conclusion is drawn that all the described details of the occurrence of barite can be explained by the migration of hydrosulfide barium. — Author.  相似文献   

Metalliferous sediments of the Triassic siliceous formation of the Sikhote-Alin (manganese-silicate rocks and cherts with dispersed rhodochrosite, silicate-magnetite ores, and jasper) and skarns of the Dalnegorsk and Olginsk ore districts were initially the wash away products (Late Anisian-end of the Triassic) of the lateritic weathering crust on ophiolite in the islands. Manganese, iron, and other metals were deposited in the sediments of both lagoons (present-day, skarns) and island water areas (manganese-silicate and siliceousrhodochrosite rocks, silicate-magnetite ores, and jasper). Skarns contain boric and polymetallic ores thus indicating the occurrence of both shallow (periodically drying up) and quite deep (with hydrogen sulfide contamination zones) lagoons. Lead was deposited in protoliths of the skarn deposits in lagoons from the beginning of the Carboniferous to the beginning of the Late Anisian (initial island submergence). Tin, tin-leadzinc (with Ag), and silver-lead-zinc (with Sn and Au) vein deposits (Late Cretaceous-Paleogene) of the Taukha and Zhuravlevka Terrains contain lead deposited in the sediments flanking the islands of water areas with the hydrogen sulfide contamination zones, in the Carboniferous-Permian and Triassic metalliferous sediments.  相似文献   

石英是刺猬沟金矿重要的脉石矿物,也是金的主要载体.借助于电子顺磁共振、成矿溶液电导度和红外光谱方法对刺猬沟金矿区石英进行了分析.结果表明,电子顺磁共振吸收峰强度、成矿溶液电导度和红外光谱测定的Dco2与石英中Au含量呈正相关关系.成矿溶液电导度>35.7 μS,DCO2>0.2矿化好.上述研究获得的信息,对该区找矿和矿床评价具有指导意义.  相似文献   

天山-阿尔泰地区古生代构造及相关的内生成矿作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万天丰 《矿床地质》2013,32(4):705-714
探讨天山-阿尔泰地区大地构造及其相关的内生成矿作用是一个重要而又有趣的研究课题.阿尔泰地区属于早古生代碰撞带,天山地区属于晚古生代早期(晚泥盆世一早石炭世)碰撞带,均为区域性近南北向缩短-碰撞作用的结果.在晚泥盆世一早石炭世,阿尔泰地区近NW向区域性断层呈现右行走滑的特征,天山地区近EW向的区域性断层表现为逆断层的活动.但在晚石炭世一早二叠世,受乌拉尔碰撞带挤压作用远程效应的影响,该地区受到较弱的向东挤压的作用,阿尔泰地区NW向断层转变成左行走滑断层,天山地区近EW向断层则转变为右行走滑断层,使该区岩石发生适度的破碎,以致形成大量世界著名的内生金属矿床.对于亚洲大陆来说,碰撞作用最强烈的时期并不一定是内生金属成矿作用最有利的阶段,应该审慎地对待所谓的“造山带成矿作用假说”.最后,笔者还对该区深部隐伏内生金属矿床的找寻提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

夏瑜  冯吉福  马荣锴  袁江涛 《地质论评》2024,70(S1):327-328
<正>赞比亚是世界重要的铜矿资源富集区域,国内外已对其成矿地质背景、成矿规律、矿床成因等方面进行了详细研究(任军平等,2021;盖寿山等,2015)。随着矿山开采和生产的不断深入,矿石和尾渣物质成分的相关研究也逐渐成为近年研究的重点。  相似文献   

Iron, tin, tungsten, copper, and polymetallic deposits are examined and the paper investigates the mineral distribution of indium in mineral deposits in central Kazakhstan. Indium is a relatively rare element; of the 18 formations examined only five revealed high concentrations of indium. Economic accumulations were discovered only in Early and Late Variscan skarnitic formations with lead-zinc, copper, and bismuth mineralizations. Among the hypogene minerals, indium was found in sulfides, and silicates. Among supergene minerals indium was found only in oxides, carbonates, and silicates. Sphalerites are the principal collector of indium. No connection between the enrichment in indium and the typomorphic peculiarities of different varieties of sphalerites could be established. In mineral deposits with higher indium concentration, a paragenetic connection of this element with tin is noticeable. Regular enrichment of sphalerites in indium would admit as most probable an isomorphous replacement of zinc and bivalent iron by indium. — A.W. Bellais  相似文献   

朱裕生 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z1):59-62
矿产预测理论研究始于20世纪50年代,在近60年的预测实践中,始终是研究的热门课题。中国学者在全国第一、二轮区划的实践和相关研究成果基础上,完善了矿产预测理论的基本内容,形成矿产预测的理论体系,推动了区域成矿学向矿产勘查延伸新领域的探索。矿产预测理论概括为:矿床成矿作用“异相定位”预测理论;矿床成矿系列“缺位”预测理论;多元信息“类比-求同”预测理论和地质体“对等求异”预测理论。认为成矿作用的“异相定位和矿床成矿系列”缺位预测理论是矿产预测的地质理论依据,又是对成矿学理论的补充;多元信息“类比-求同”理论是传统的预测理论,本文赋以新的内含;地质体“对等求异”理论补充了“类比-求同”理论的不足,是前三项理论内容无可比拟的。矿产预测理论已受矿产勘查实践的检验,证明是有效的,在当前已经成为提高矿产预测成果的准确性和勘查效益的科学依据。  相似文献   

Information on the speciation of uranium minerals in ore of the recently discovered Ulziit uranium deposit in Mongolia is given for the first time. The ore composition has been studied by analytical scanning electron microscopy and local laser luminescent spectroscopy. The ore formed as a result of epigenetic redox processes. Transition from permeable variegated fan sediments to poorly permeable gray-colored coalbearing lacustrine–boggy sediments is the main ore-controlling factor. High-tech uranium mining with borehole in-situ leaching is feasible.  相似文献   

This work discusses the complex characteristic of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Lower Maastrichtian) section recovered by two boreholes in the southern part of the Volgograd region (right side of the Volga River) in the Gremyach??e potash deposit. Lithological and paleontological data (benthic foraminifers, radiolarians, and dinocysts) suggest several lithological-facies and biotic reorganizations. The analysis of the distribution of these microfossils through the section allowed the ages of the Zakharovo Group, Mozhzhevelovyi Ovrag, Mezino-Lapshinovka, Pudovkino, Zarya, Nalitovo, and Bereslavka Formations to be specified. Benthic foraminifers characterize zones of the Upper Cretaceous high-resolution scale available for the East European Platform and local (facies) units, while radiolarians and dinocysts reveal stratigraphic units in a bed rank. Using complex paleontological characteristics (benthic foraminifers, radiolarians, dinocysts), the defined biostratigraphic units are correlated between each other and with their counterparts in neighboring and remote regions of different paleobiogeographic regions and provinces. The Upper Cretaceous biostratigraphic scale is supplemented by the first defined dinocyst and radiolarian biostratigraphic units of the East European Platform. The new data provides evidence in favor of a three-substage division of the Campanian Stage instead the two-substage system presently accepted in Russia. It is shown that the traditional position of the lower boundary of the Maastrichtian Stage in the East European Platform is close to that of this boundary in the Standard Stratigraphic Scale. Some aspects of environmental and biotic evolution in the Volgograd region through the Late Cretaceous Epoch are considered.  相似文献   

蔡嘉猷 《矿床地质》1983,2(1):33-42
Magmatism with its relation to mineralization has long been considered one of the important topics in geotectonics and metallogeny. Based on a rough summary of the geotectonic features of this region, a tentative investigation has been made on Mesozoic granitic rocks as related in time and space to mineralization. This region has experienced three major periods in its geotectonic evolution: the Presinian geosynclinal period, the platform period spanning from Sinian to Middle Triassic, and the diwa period beginning from Late Triassic. In accordance with these periods, three principal tectonic stages with their successive substages have been identified (See Fig. 1). During Late Triassic, the platform collapsed and yielded its place to a new type active region.-the diwa region. According to the present geotectonic features, this paper has divided the region into tectonic areas of various classes, indicating that EW and NE trending structural systems together with their combinations make up the basic tectonic framework. This paper has also described quite in detail some basic characteristics of diwa type granitic xocks and their related endogenic ore deposits, denoting that tectono-magmatic-matallogenic zones were formed spatially under the control of tectonic stages, tectonic areas and tectonic systems. ln the Jingyu geodome series, granitic rocks occur chiefly in diwa; in the Hunjiang diwa series, there exists JianFusong intense tectono-magmatic zone-one of the major endogenic metallogenic zone in this region. Different tectono-magmatic periods have been indicated in this paper with their respective ore types illustrated. The evolution in time and space of granitic rocks have been further demonstrated petrologically and geochemically. Petrochemical data of 164 samples from 35 intrusive bodies reveal that SiO2, K2O+Na2O, Fe2O3+FeO+MgO and Fe2O3/FeO increase regularly from early to late periods, accompanied by an apparent evolution of rocks and minerals. All this implies that this region bears the basic characteristics of magmatic activities of Cathaysoid diwa in eastern China while has its own regional peculiarity in rock and ore formation-and geotectonic evolution. The earliest intrusion of the Early Yenshanian Period has quite different qualities as compared with intrusions of other periods in such aspects as rock types, petrochemistry and metallogenic specialization, suggesting the probale existence of another independent evolution series of magmatic source. The contents of minor elements reflect the geochemical characteristics and the inherent metallogenic evolution trend in this region. They are direct indicators for ore-bearing parent rocks, as evidenced by the coincidence of the high concentration of these elements with the anomalies of geochemical exploration and of heavy placer mineral prospecting.  相似文献   

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