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Energy and thermal transfers in active volcanoes can play an important role incontrolling their dynamics depending on the hydrothermal state. Much geothermalenergy is released through the groundwater circulation, hot gas emission and thermalconduction. Therefore, it is very important to know the hydrological and thermalenvironments associated with volcanoes from the volcano-energetic point of view.However, it is difficult to evaluate these because of the availability of only a fewborehole data on the summit of volcanoes. Recent studies reveal that self-potential(SP) anomalies (up to some hundreds of mV) are observed on volcanoes, activefissure zones and/or fumarolic areas, suggesting that the SP anomalies are closelyrelated to heat-triggered phenomena such as thermoelectric and electrokinetic effectsdue to hydrothermal circulations. Therefore, SP studies can be appropriate for sensingthe thermal and hydrothermal states of volcanoes. In addition, monitoring SP anomaliescan be an efficient method for describing the change of thermal state and the evolutionof the hydrothermal (and volcanic) activities.In this paper, we have reviewed the origin of the SP anomalies associated withvolcanic phenomena theoretically as well as experimentally. Subsequently, wehave presented the results of many case studies and have classified the types ofanomalies in accordance with possible mechanisms. We have also described theresults of time variations of SP anomalies associated with volcanic activities. Timevarying SP fields exhibit the dynamic aspects of volcanic activities correspondingto the evolution of hydrothermal activity, changes in ground water circulation andmagma displacement. These morphological insights should lead to a quantitativeinterpretation of SP anomalies in volcanic regions.  相似文献   

Simple models, like the well-known point source of dilation (Mogis source) in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic half-space, are widely used to interpret geodetic and gravity data in active volcanic areas. This approach appears at odds with the real geology of volcanic regions, since the crust is not a homogeneous medium and magma chambers are not spheres. In this paper, we evaluate several more realistic source models that take into account the influence of self-gravitation effects, vertical discontinuities in the Earths density and elastic parameters, and non-spherical source geometries. Our results indicate that self-gravitation effects are second order over the distance and time scales normally associated with volcano monitoring. For an elastic model appropriate to Long Valley caldera, we find only minor differences between modeling the 1982–1999 caldera unrest using a point source in elastic, homogeneous half-spaces, or in elasto-gravitational, layered half-spaces. A simple experiment of matching deformation and gravity data from an ellipsoidal source using a spherical source shows that the standard approach of fitting a center of dilation to gravity and uplift data only, excluding the horizontal displacements, may yield estimates of the source parameters that are not reliable. The spherical source successfully fits the uplift and gravity changes, overestimating the depth and density of the intrusion, but is not able to fit the radial displacements.  相似文献   

We have developed a new numerical method to determine the shape (shape factor), depth, polarization angle, and electric dipole moment of a buried structure from residual self-potential (SP) anomalies. The method is based on defining the anomaly value at the origin and four characteristic points and their corresponding distances on the anomaly profile. The problem of shape determination from residual SP anomaly has been transformed into the problem of finding a solution to a nonlinear equation of the form q = f (q). Knowing the shape, the depth, polarization angle and the electric dipole moment are determined individually using three linear equations. Formulas have been derived for spheres and cylinders. By using all possible combinations of the four characteristic points and their corresponding distances, a procedure is developed for automated determination of the best-fit-model parameters of the buried structure from SP anomalies. The method was applied to synthetic data with 5% random errors and tested on a field example from Colorado. In both cases, the model parameters obtained by the present method, particularly the shape and depth of the buried structures are found in good agreement with the actual ones. The present method has the capability of avoiding highly noisy data points and enforcing the incorporation of points of the least random errors to enhance the interpretation results.  相似文献   

The Ellog auger drilling method is an integrated approach for hydrogeological data collection during auger drilling in unconsolidated sediments. The drill stem is a continuous flight, hollow-stem auger with integrated electrical and gamma logging tools. The geophysical logging is performed continuously while drilling. Data processing is carried out in the field, and recorded log features are displayed as drilling advances. A slotted section in the stem, above the cutting head, allows anaerobic water and soil-gas samples to be taken at depth intervals of approximately 0.2 m. The logging, water, and gas sampling instrumentation in the drill stem is removable; therefore, when the drill stem is pulled back, piezometers can be installed through the hollow stem. Cores of sediments can subsequently be taken continuously using a technique in which the drill bit can be reinserted after each coring. The Ellog auger drilling method provides detailed information on small-scale changes in lithology, sediment chemistry, and water, as well as gas compositions in aquifer systems–data essential to hydrogeological studies.  相似文献   

火山地震学是火山监测的一种重要方法,同时也是预测火山喷发最有效的方法。本文首先回顾了火山地震监测的历史,分析汇总了火山地震的类型和特征,并介绍了各类地震的形成机理。然后,对近年来发展起来的火山地震学方法进行了简要介绍,如地震活动性分析、实时振幅比测量、地震波速度变化和重复地震等,同时列举了具体的应用实例。最后,介绍了火山地震学方法在中国大陆火山监测中的应用。  相似文献   

Ground water flow associated with pumping and injection tests generates self-potential signals that can be measured at the ground surface and used to estimate the pattern of ground water flow at depth. We propose an inversion of the self-potential signals that accounts for the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer and a relationship between the electrical resistivity and the streaming current coupling coefficient. We recast the inversion of the self-potential data into a Bayesian framework. Synthetic tests are performed showing the advantage in using self-potential signals in addition to in situ measurements of the potentiometric levels to reconstruct the shape of the water table. This methodology is applied to a new data set from a series of coordinated hydraulic tomography, self-potential, and electrical resistivity tomography experiments performed at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site, Idaho. In particular, we examine one of the dipole hydraulic tests and its reciprocal to show the sensitivity of the self-potential signals to variations of the potentiometric levels under steady-state conditions. However, because of the high pumping rate, the response was also influenced by the Reynolds number , especially near the pumping well for a given test. Ground water flow in the inertial laminar flow regime is responsible for nonlinearity that is not yet accounted for in self-potential tomography. Numerical modeling addresses the sensitivity of the self-potential response to this problem.  相似文献   

Volcanic ash clouds threaten the aviation safety and cause global environmental effects. It is possible to effectively monitor the volcanic ash cloud with the aid of thermal infrared remote sensing technology. Principal component analysis (PCA) is able to remove the inter-band correlation and eliminate the data redundancy of remote sensing data. Taking the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash clouds formed on 15 and 19 April 2010 as an example, in this paper, the PCA method is used to monitor the volcanic ash cloud based on MODIS bands selection; the USGS standard spectral database and the volcanic absorbing aerosol index (AAI) are applied as contrasts to the monitoring result. The results indicate that: the PCA method is much simpler; its spectral matching rates reach 74.65 and 76.35%, respectively; and the PCA method has higher consistency with volcanic AAI distribution.  相似文献   

Surface displacements and gravity changes due to volcanic sources are influenced by medium properties. We investigate topographic, elastic and self-gravitation interaction in order to outline the major factors that are significant in data modelling. While elastic-gravitational models can provide a suitable approximation to problems of volcanic loading in areas where topographic relief is negligible, for prominent volcanoes the rough topography could affect deformation and gravity changes to a greater extent than self-gravitation. This fact requires the selection, depending on local relief, of a suitable model for use in the interpretation of surface precursors of volcanic activity. We use the three-dimensional Indirect Boundary Element Method to examine the effects of topography on deformation and gravity changes in models of magma chamber inflation/deflation. Topography has a significant effect on predicted surface deformation and gravity changes. Both the magnitude and pattern of the geodetic signals are significantly different compared to half-space solutions. Thus, failure to account for topographic effects in areas of prominent relief can bias the estimate of volcanic source parameters, since the magnitude and pattern of deformation and gravity changes depend on such effects.  相似文献   

中国火山温泉主要分布在吉林长白山、云南腾冲和黑龙江五大连池等火山区。这些火山虽然处于休眠状态,但大面积的温泉分布指示着岩浆房存在的可能性。本文总结了前人研究成果,分析了中国主要火山区温泉气体地球化学特征,并探讨了温泉气体在火山监测中的应用。长白山、腾冲和五大连池火山区温泉气体地球化学性质类似,都以CO2为主要气体,含量在80%以上,最高可达99%以上,其它气体组分包括CH4、N2、O2、SO2、H2S、He和H2等。长白山火山温泉气体中氦同位素比值(3He/4He)最高,约为4—6RA,CO2中碳同位素比值(δ13C)为-7.9‰—-1.3‰,CH4中碳同位素为-48.0‰—-28.7‰;腾冲火山温泉气体氦同位素比值为3—5.5RA,CO2中的碳同位素为-6.49‰—-2.07‰,CH4中碳同位素为-23.5‰—-9.3‰;五大连池火山温泉气体氦同位素比值约为3RA,CO2中的碳同位素比值为-9.6‰—-3.1‰,CH4中碳同位素为-47.2‰—-44.4‰。3个火山区的温泉气体均显示地幔来源的岩浆气体特征,并在上升运移过程中受地壳或古俯冲物质的影响。  相似文献   

Analysis of Methods of Hydrogeological Mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Novoselova  L. P. 《Water Resources》2004,31(6):610-616
Present-day approaches to the mapping of various hydrogeological processes and phenomena are analyzed. Groundwater maps of different scales are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对云南省建水县多次地下水宏观异常实例的分析,提出充分了解当地水文地质情况,掌握不同地质条件下地下水的运移规律以及不同类型地下水的物理、化学特征等基本知识,可以对地下水宏观异常是否属于由构造活动引起的地震异常作出判断。  相似文献   

城市地下空间的开发利用不可避免地在基础设施建设中造成土体流失或土层沉降,形成的地下“病害体”易导致城市道路塌陷的发生。文章以滁州琅琊大道为例,采用地质雷达法和浅层地震勘探法对城市老城区排水管网周边进行探测。结果表明:①在探测深度不超过7.0 m范围内,地质雷达法可以满足探测要求;②在场地条件复杂、干扰较多的情况下,需辅以浅层地震勘探法。利用上述方法,可以更准确地查明地下“病害体”的位置,防止了路面塌陷的发生。  相似文献   

A structural hydrogeological model of the Crimea based on the assumption of the leading role of faults in groundwater distribution is discussed. Areas with intense submarine groundwater discharge are outlined. The existence of water streams related to the faults in the area of the Chernaya River, Mramornaya Gully, Varnautskaya Depression, Batiliman Bay, and Nikitskii Cape is substantiated. The sites for drilling hydrogeological wells are recommended.  相似文献   

Climate change threatens water resources in snowmelt‐dependent regions by altering the fraction of snow and rain and spurring an earlier snowmelt season. The bulk of hydrological research has focused on forecasting response in streamflow volumes and timing to a shrinking snowpack; however, the degree to which subsurface storage offsets the loss of snow storage in various alpine geologic settings, i.e. the hydrogeologic buffering capacity, is still largely unknown. We address this research need by assessing the affects of climate change on storage and runoff generation for two distinct hydrogeologic settings present in alpine systems: a low storage granitic and a greater storage volcanic hillslope. We use a physically based integrated hydrologic model fully coupled to a land surface model to run a base scenario and then three progressive warming scenarios, and account for the shifts in each component of the water budget. For hillslopes with greater water retention, the larger storage volcanic hillslope buffered streamflow volumes and timing, but at the cost of greater reductions in groundwater storage relative to the low storage granite hillslope. We found that the results were highly sensitive to the unsaturated zone retention parameters, which in the case of alpine systems can be a mix of matrix or fracture flow. The presence of fractures and thus less retention in the unsaturated zone significantly decreased the reduction in recharge and runoff for the volcanic hillslope in climate warming scenarios. This approach highlights the importance of incorporating physically based subsurface flow in to alpine hydrology models, and our findings provide ways forward to arrive at a conceptual model that is both consistent with geology and hydrologic principles. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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