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This paper reports on the use of a small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV) carrying a standard compact camera, to construct a high resolution orthomosaic (OM) and digital elevation model (DEM) over the lower reaches of the glacier Midtre Lovénbreen, Svalbard. Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques were used to build the OM and DEM, and together these reveal insights into the nature of supra‐glacial drainage. Major meandering supra‐glacial drainage pathways show clear dynamism, via meander cutoffs and abandoned channels. In addition, the imagery reveals a very extensive network of smaller channels that may well carry substantial amounts of water. This network of channels is in part controlled by the structure of the glacier, but in turn, these channels have a significant impact on the ice surface. Roughness of the ice surface is higher where channels are most extensive. In addition, we find a relationship between channel density and surface reflectance, such that greater channel density is associated with lower reflectance values. Given the role of surface reflectance and roughness in the energy balance of glaciers, it is therefore apparent that extensive networks of small supra‐glacial channels across such glaciers have the potential to have an important impact on energy exchanges between the atmosphere and the ice surface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Point measurements of flow rate, depth or velocity are not sufficient to validate overland flow models, particularly when the interaction of the water with the soil surface creates a complex flow geometry. In this study, we present the coupling of two techniques obtaining spatial data of flow depths and surface velocity measurements for water depths as low as 1 mm. Overland flow experiments were performed in the laboratory at various flow rates and slopes on two surfaces. The first surface was 120 cm by 120 cm showing three undulations of sinusoidal shape with an amplitude of 1 cm and a wavelength of 20 cm, while the second was a 60 cm by 60 cm moulded reproduction of a seedbed with aggregates up to 2 cm in size. Large scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) was used for velocity measurements with a sub‐centimetre spatial resolution. An instantaneous‐profile laser scanner was used to map flow depths with a sub‐millimetre spatial resolution. A sensitivity analysis of the image processing of the LSPIV showed good robustness of the method. Comparison with measurements performed with hot film anemometer and salt velocity gauge showed that LSPIV surface velocities were representative of the flow. Water depths measured with the laser scanner were also in good agreement with single‐point measurements performed with a dial indicator. Spatially‐distributed flow rates could be computed by combining both presented techniques with a mean relative error less than 20%. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In gravel‐bed rivers, the microtopography of the bed is known to exert a significant influence on the generation of turbulent flow structures that owe their origin to fluid shear generated near the bed. Although field and laboratory measurements have indicated that flows over gravel beds contain a range of coherent flow structures, the kinematic and dynamic properties of these structures are still poorly understood. This paper describes a new experimental methodology to quantify simultaneously both the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of coherent flow structures based upon combined planar laser‐induced fluorescence and particle imaging velocimetry (PLIF‐PIV). The results confirm that the primary generative mechanism of coherent flow structures is at the bed, where merging hairpin vortices form around bed clasts and generate larger‐scale fluid motions that advect downstream. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydraulics of overland flow on rough granular surfaces can be modelled and evaluated using the inundation ratio rather than the flow Reynolds number, as the primary dimensionless group determining the flow behaviour. The inundation ratio describes the average degree of submergence of the surface roughness and is used to distinguish three flow regimes representing partially inundated, marginally inundated and well-inundated surfaces. A heuristic physical model for the flow hydraulics in each regime demonstrates that the three states of flow are characterized by very different functional dependencies of frictional resistance on the scaled depth of flow. At partial inundation, flow resistance is associated with the drag force derived from individual roughness and therefore increases with depth and percentage cover. At marginal inundation, the size of the roughness elements relative to the depth of flow controls the degree of vertical mixing in the flow so that frictional resistance tends to decrease very rapidly with increasing depth of flow. Well-inundated flows are described using rough turbulent flow hydraulics previously developed for open channel flows. These flows exhibit a much more gradual decrease in frictional resistance with increasing depth than that observed during marginal inundation. A data set compiled from previously published studies of overland flow hydraulics is used to assess the functional dependence of frictional resistance on inundation ratio over a wide range of flow conditions. The data confirm the non-monotonic dependence predicted by the model and support the differentiation of three flow regimes based on the inundation ratio. Although the percentage cover and the surface slope may be of importance in addition to the inundation ratio in the partially and marginally inundated regimes, the Reynolds number appears to be of significance only in describing well-inundated flows at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. As these latter conditions are quite rare in natural environments, the inundation ratio rather than the Reynolds number should be used as the primary dimensionless group when evaluating the hydraulics of overland flow on rough surfaces. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gang Liu  Fuguo Tong  Bin Tian 《水文研究》2019,33(26):3378-3390
This work introduces water–air two‐phase flow into integrated surface–subsurface flow by simulating rainfall infiltration and run‐off production on a soil slope with the finite element method. The numerical model is formulated by partial differential equations for hydrostatic shallow flow and water–air two‐phase flow in the shallow subsurface. Finite element computing formats and solution strategies are presented to obtain a numerical solution for the coupled model. An unsaturated seepage flow process is first simulated by water–air two‐phase flow under the atmospheric pressure boundary condition to obtain the rainfall infiltration rate. Then, the rainfall infiltration rate is used as an input parameter to solve the surface run‐off equations and determine the value of the surface run‐off depth. In the next iteration, the pressure boundary condition of unsaturated seepage flow is adjusted by the surface run‐off depth. The coupling process is achieved by updating the rainfall infiltration rate and surface run‐off depth sequentially until the convergence criteria are reached in a time step. A well‐conducted surface run‐off experiment and traditional surface–subsurface model are used to validate the new model. Comparisons with the traditional surface–subsurface model show that the initiation time of surface run‐off calculated by the proposed model is earlier and that the water depth is larger, thus providing values that are closer to the experimental results.  相似文献   

Large‐scale flow structures (LSFS) in the streamwise direction are important features of gravel‐bed river flows, because they may contribute to sediment transport and gas exchange. In the present study, these structures are detected using Huang's empirical mode decomposition and reconstructed with phase‐averaging techniques based on a Hilbert transform of the velocity signal. The analysis is based on the fluctuating component of 15 quasi‐instantaneous velocity profiles measured with a three‐dimensional (3D) acoustic Doppler velocity profiler (ADVP) in an armoured gravel‐bed river with a low relative submergence of 2.9 (ratio between flow depth and bed grain diameter). LSFS were identified in most of the measured profiles and consistently showed similar features. We were able to characterize the geometry of these large‐scale coherent structures: the front has a vertical linear shift in the time domain and a vertical profile corresponding to a first quarter moon with the apex situated at z/h ≈ 0.4. In the vertical, the front scales with flow depth h, and in the streamwise direction, LSFS scale with three to seven times the mean flow depth. On the bed, the effect of LSFS is a periodic non‐linear variation of the friction velocity on average between 0.90 and 1.10 times the mean value. A model for the friction velocity cycle resulting from LSFS oscillation is presented. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering river temperature regimes, modifying the dynamics of temperature‐sensitive fishes. The ability to map river temperature is therefore important for understanding the impacts of future warming. Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing has proven effective for river temperature mapping, but TIR surveys of rivers remain expensive. Recent drone‐based TIR systems present a potential solution to this problem. However, information regarding the utility of these miniaturised systems for surveying rivers is limited. Here, we present the results of several drone‐based TIR surveys conducted with a view to understanding their suitability for characterising river temperature heterogeneity. We find that drone‐based TIR data are able to clearly reveal the location and extent of discrete thermal inputs to rivers, but thermal imagery suffers from temperature drift‐induced bias, which prevents the extraction of accurate temperature data. Statistical analysis of the causes of this drift reveals that drone flight characteristics and environmental conditions at the time of acquisition explain ~66% of the variance in TIR sensor drift. These results shed important light on the factors influencing drone‐based TIR data quality and suggest that further technological development is required to enable the extraction of robust river temperature data. Nonetheless, this technology represents a promising approach for augmenting in situ sensor capabilities and improved quantification of advective inputs to rivers at intermediate spatial scales between point measurements and “conventional” airborne or satellite remote sensing.  相似文献   

The traditional direct method (i.e. metric ruler and rillmeter) of monitoring rill erosion at plot scale is time consuming and invasive because it modifies the surface of the rilled area. Measuring rill features using a drone‐based technology is considered a non‐invasive method allowing a fast field relief. In the experimental Sparacia area a survey by a quadricopter Microdrones md4‐200 was carried out, and this relief allowed the generation of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), with a mesh size of 1 cm and a resolution elevation equal to 2 mm, for three plots (L, G and C) affected by rill erosion. At first for the experimental L plot, which is 44 m long, the rill features were surveyed by a ‘manual’ method which was carried out by drawing on the PC screen the rill paths obtained by a visual orthophoto interpretation. This manual method was not applicable for the plots in which rills of limited depth occurred and were not detectable. Then, for both L plot and the other experimental plots having a length ranging from 22 to 44 m, an ‘automatic’ extraction method of rills from DEM was applied. Using an appropriate calculation routine, a vector coverage of transects orthogonal to the main flow direction (i.e. the maximum slope steepness path) was generated. The intersection of each plot DEM with the transect coverage allowed to obtain both the cross sections and the main rill morphological features. For the L plot the comparison between the rill morphological features obtained by the two different methods (manual, automatic) was carried out. Finally, the length–volume relationship and a dimensionless relationship proposed in literature were tested for all studied experimental plots. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Low altitude flights by a micro‐drone were made in 2012 and 2013 over two boulder beaches in north‐western Spain. Geographical information system software was used to map the data. Boulder outlines from the first flight were recorded on 4796 clasts at Laxe Brava and 2508 clasts at Oia. Changes in location were identified by overlaying these outlines on the 2013 images. About 17.5% of the boulders (mean surface area 0.32 m2) moved at Laxe Brava and about 53% (mean surface area 0.23 m2) at Oia. Most movement on both beaches was between the mid‐tide to about 2 m above the high tidal level. The location and elevation of the highest points were also recorded on the 2012 images on 4093 boulders at Laxe Brava and 3324 boulders at Oia. These elevations were compared with the elevations at the same locations in 2013. The occurrence and scale of the elevational changes were generally consistent with changes in the boulder outlines. The study confirmed that boulder beaches can be cheaply and effectively monitored using high resolution, micro‐drone technology. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key aspect of large river basins partially neglected in large‐scale hydrological models is river hydrodynamics. Large‐scale hydrologic models normally simulate river hydrodynamics using simplified models that do not represent aspects such as backwater effects and flood inundation, key factors for some of the largest rivers of the world, such as the Amazon. In a previous paper, we have described a large‐scale hydrodynamic approach resultant from an improvement of the MGB‐IPH hydrological model. It uses full Saint Venant equations, a simple storage model for flood inundation and GIS‐based algorithms to extract model parameters from digital elevation models. In the present paper, we evaluate this model in the Solimões River basin. Discharge results were validated using 18 stream gauges showing that the model is accurate. It represents the large delay and attenuation of flood waves in the Solimões basin, while simplified models, represented here by Muskingum Cunge, provide hydrographs are wrongly noisy and in advance. Validation against 35 stream gauges shows that the model is able to simulate observed water levels with accuracy, representing their amplitude of variation and timing. The model performs better in large rivers, and errors concentrate in small rivers possibly due to uncertainty in river geometry. The validation of flood extent results using remote sensing estimates also shows that the model accuracy is comparable to other flood inundation modelling studies. Results show that (i) river‐floodplain water exchange and storage, and (ii) backwater effects play an important role for the Amazon River basin hydrodynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Draining soil water is an important runoff generator. This study aims to describe runoff‐generating processes on a plot scale (1 m2) in hydromorphic soils with different initial soil water contents. We irrigated 16 hydromorphic soils in the northern Pre‐Alps in Switzerland and recorded the variations in water content with time domain reflectometry (TDR) at five different depths per plot. Sprinkling was repeated three times at approximately 23‐h intervals and lasted for 1 h with a volume flux density of 70 mm h?1. The comparison between the measured water content of the drainages with two physically based models revealed which of the flow processes dominated during water recessions. We distinguished between vertical drainage, lateral outflow and infiltration without drainage. Approximately 45% of all recorded time series of soil water content did not drain within approximately 20 h after the end of irrigation, about 25% drained laterally and 10% of the outflow was vertical. The drainage of the remaining 20% was the result of both lateral and vertical water flow (≈12%), or was not interpretable with the approaches applied (≈8%). Vertical flow was only observed in layers without any or with just a few hydromorphic features. Lateral draining horizons had approximately half the storage capacity and amplitude of water recession of those with vertical flow. Vertical flow was only observed in the upper soil horizons. Thus, vertical flow transmitted water to layers with lateral outflow and did not delay runoff by deep percolation. Increasing initial soil moisture increased the percentage of water content recordings according to a lateral outflow slightly, while vertical flow was less frequent. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotope variations are extremely useful for flow partitioning within the hydrologic cycle but remain poorly understood throughout the tropics, particularly in watersheds with rapidly infiltrating soils, such as Andisols in Central America. This study examines the fluctuations of stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) in the hydrologic components of a tropical coffee agroforestry watershed (~1 km2) with Andisol soils in Costa Rica. Samples were collected in precipitation, groundwater, springs, and stream water over 2 years. The local meteoric water line for the study site was δ2H = 8.5 δ18O + 18.02 (r2 = 0.97, n = 198). The isotope ratios in precipitation exhibited an enriched trend during the dry season and a notable depletion at the beginning of the wet season. The δ18O compositions in groundwater (average = ?6.4‰, σ = 0.7) and stream water (average = ?6.7‰, σ = 0.6) were relatively stable over time, and both components exhibited more enriched values in 2013, which was the drier year. No strong correlation was observed between the isotope ratios and the precipitation amount at the event or daily time‐step, but a correlation was observed on a monthly scale. Stream water and base flow hydrograph separations based on isotope end‐member estimations showed that pre‐event water originating from base flow was prevalent. However, isotope data indicate that event water originating from springs appears to have been the primary driver of initial rises in stream flow and peak flows. These results indicate that isotope sampling improves the understanding of water balance components, even in a tropical humid location, where significant variations in rainfall challenge current modelling efforts. Further research using fine‐scale hydrometric and isotopic data would enhance understanding the processes driving spring flow generation in watersheds.  相似文献   

The effects of large floods on river morphology are variable and poorly understood. In this study, we apply multi‐temporal datasets collected with small unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) to analyze three‐dimensional morphodynamic changes associated with an extreme flood event that occurred from 19 to 23 June 2013 on the Elbow River, Alberta. We documented reach‐scale spatial patterns of erosion and deposition using high‐resolution (4–5 cm/pixel) orthoimagery and digital elevation models (DEMs) produced from photogrammetry. Significant bank erosion and channel widening occurred, with an average elevation change of ?0.24 m. The channel pattern was reorganized and overall elevation variation increased as the channel adjusted to full mobilization of most of the bed surface sediments. To test the extent to which geomorphic changes can be predicted from initial conditions, we compared shear stresses from a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model of peak discharge to critical shear stresses for bed surface sediment sizes. We found no relation between modeled normalized shear stresses and patterns of scour and fill, confirming the complex nature of sediment mobilization and flux in high‐magnitude events. However, comparing modeled peak flows through the pre‐ and post‐flood topography showed that the flood resulted in an adjustment that contributes to overall stability, with lower percentages of bed area below thresholds for full mobility in the post‐flood geomorphic configuration. Overall, this work highlights the potential of UAS‐based remote sensing for measuring three‐dimensional changes in fluvial settings and provides a detailed analysis of potential relationships between flood forces and geomorphic change. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cellular automata model of surface water flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous cellular automata models of surface water flow have been constructed to reflect steady, gradually‐varied flow conditions. While these models are extremely important in showing the near‐equilibrium forms that result from the interactions of water and boundary material, highly dynamic forms and processes require models that represent unsteady flow conditions. In order to simulate unsteady flow in a cellular model of surface water flow, the conservation of mass and the Manning's equations are coupled with an algorithm to delay the movement of water from one pixel to the next until the correct timing is reached. This approach yields highly realistic flood wave hydrographs when compared with flood observations in the Walnut Gulch Experiment Watershed. Coupling this unsteady flow model with simple laws of sediment erosion, transport, and deposition should allow event‐based simulations of watershed and river channel geomorphologic change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quality of digital elevation model (DEM)‐derived river drainage networks (RDNs) is influenced by DEM quality, basin physical characteristics, scale, and algorithms used; these factors should not be neglected. However, few research studies analyse the different evaluation approaches used in the literature with respect to adequacy, meaning of the results, advantages, and limitations. Focusing on coarse‐resolution networks, this paper reviews the use of these techniques and offers new insights on these issues. Additionally, we propose adaptations for selected metrics and discuss distinct interpretations for the evaluation of RDNs derived at different spatial resolutions (1, 5, 10, 20, and 30 km) considering the Uruguay River basin (206,000 km2) as a case study. The results demonstrate that lumped basin/river characteristics and basin delineation analysis should not be used as evaluation criteria for RDN quality; however, some of these metrics offer useful complementary information. Percentage of the DEM‐derived RDN within a uniform buffer placed around a river network considered as reference and mean separation distance between these two networks are more suitable metrics, but the former is insensitive to serious errors. The change in reference from a fine‐scale network to a coarse‐resolution manual tracing network significantly augments the discrepancy of these largest errors when the mean distance metric was applied, and visual comparison analysis is necessary to interpret the results for other metrics. We recommend the use of the mean distance metric in combination with a detailed visual assessment, the importance of which increases as the resolution coarsens. In both cases, the impact of network quality can be further refined by quantifying the basin shape and river length errors.  相似文献   

Two distributed parameter models, a one‐dimensional (1D) model and a two‐dimensional (2D) model, are developed to simulate overland flow in two small semiarid shrubland watersheds in the Jornada basin, southern New Mexico. The models are event‐based and represent each watershed by an array of 1‐m2 cells, in which the cell size is approximately equal to the average area of the shrubs. Each model uses only six parameters, for which values are obtained from field surveys and rainfall simulation experiments. In the 1D model, flow volumes through a fixed network are computed by a simple finite‐difference solution to the 1D kinematic wave equation. In the 2D model, flow directions and volumes are computed by a second‐order predictor–corrector finite‐difference solution to the 2D kinematic wave equation, in which flow routing is implicit and may vary in response to flow conditions. The models are compared in terms of the runoff hydrograph and the spatial distribution of runoff. The simulation results suggest that both the 1D and the 2D models have much to offer as tools for the large‐scale study of overland flow. Because it is based on a fixed flow network, the 1D model is better suited to the study of runoff due to individual rainfall events, whereas the 2D model may, with further development, be used to study both runoff and erosion during multiple rainfall events in which the dynamic nature of the terrain becomes an important consideration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SPH simulation of free surface flow over a sharp-crested weir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the numerical simulation of a free surface flow over a sharp-crested weir is presented. Since in this case the usual shallow water assumptions are not satisfied, we propose to solve the problem using the full weakly compressible Navier–Stokes equations with the Tait equation of state for water. The numerical method used consists of the new meshless Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation proposed by Ferrari et al. (2009) [8], that accurately tracks the free surface profile and provides monotone pressure fields. Thus, the unsteady evolution of the complex moving material interface (free surface) can been properly solved. The simulations involving about half a million of fluid particles have been run in parallel on two of the most powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities in Europe. The validation of the results has been carried out analysing the pressure field and comparing the free surface profiles obtained with the SPH scheme with experimental measurements available in literature [18]. A very good quantitative agreement has been obtained.  相似文献   

We present an approach based on local‐slope estimation for the separation of scattered surface waves from reflected body waves. The direct and scattered surface waves contain a significant amount of seismic energy. They present great challenges in land seismic data acquisition and processing, particularly in arid regions with complex near‐surface heterogeneities (e.g., dry river beds, wadis/large escarpments, and karst features). The near‐surface scattered body‐to‐surface waves, which have comparable amplitudes to reflections, can mask the seismic reflections. These difficulties, added to large amplitude direct and back‐scattered surface (Rayleigh) waves, create a major reduction in signal‐to‐noise ratio and degrade the final sub‐surface image quality. Removal of these waves can be difficult using conventional filtering methods, such as an filter, without distorting the reflected signal. The filtering algorithm we present is based on predicting the spatially varying slope of the noise, using steerable filters, and separating the signal and noise components by applying a directional nonlinear filter oriented toward the noise direction to predict the noise and then subtract it from the data. The slope estimation step using steerable filters is very efficient. It requires only a linear combination of a set of basis filters at fixed orientation to synthesize an image filtered at an arbitrary orientation. We apply our filtering approach to simulated data as well as to seismic data recorded in the field to suppress the scattered surface waves from reflected body waves, and we demonstrate its superiority over conventional techniques in signal preservation and noise suppression.  相似文献   

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