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The present work aims to study the main chemical and physical water parameters in the upper and middle Volturno river catchment (southern Italy), between the Capo Volturno springs and the confluence with the Calore river. This study makes use of morphology, geolithology, tectonic, land use, and physico‐chemical (pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, temperature, major ions, and 222Rn) data for the identification of the main sources of surface and groundwaters in the Volturno catchment and of their evolution and mixing both in base flow and peak flow conditions. The study was also performed to assess whether the alteration due to potential anthropogenic contamination may hamper the identification of natural “primitive” sources of surface waters, especially in the populated and farmed plains far from the river headwaters. Our data suggest that water chemistry of this stretch of the Volturno river is dominated mainly by lithology and, only marginally, by the intense exogenous activities and that this trend is appreciable in both base flow and peak flow conditions. The proposed simple geochemical approach based on easy‐to‐sample matrices and on cost‐effective standard methods is a valuable tool to address catchment functionality especially in upland areas, where complex geologic and structural settings, heterogeneous groundwater flow, and logistical issues are the rule rather than the exception. Because the upper and middle Volturno catchment is comparable with numerous valleys of the Mediterranean area, this study could be a reference for analogous applications.  相似文献   

A thin layer of fine‐grained sediment commonly is deposited at the sediment–water interface of streams and rivers during low‐flow conditions, and may hinder exchange at the sediment–water interface similar to that observed at many riverbank‐filtration (RBF) sites. Results from a numerical groundwater‐flow model indicate that a low‐permeability veneer reduces the contribution of river water to a pumping well in a riparian aquifer to various degrees, depending on simulated hydraulic gradients, hydrogeological properties, and pumping conditions. Seepage of river water is reduced by 5–10% when a 2‐cm thick, low‐permeability veneer is present on the bed surface. Increasing thickness of the low‐permeability layer to 0·1 m has little effect on distribution of seepage or percentage contribution from the river to the pumping well. A three‐orders‐of‐magnitude reduction in hydraulic conductivity of the veneer is required to reduce seepage from the river to the extent typically associated with clogging at RBF sites. This degree of reduction is much larger than field‐measured values that were on the order of a factor of 20–25. Over 90% of seepage occurs within 12 m of the shoreline closest to the pumping well for most simulations. Virtually no seepage occurs through the thalweg near the shoreline opposite the pumping well, although no low‐permeability sediment was simulated for the thalweg. These results are relevant to natural settings that favour formation of a substantial, low‐permeability sediment veneer, as well as central‐pivot irrigation systems, and municipal water supplies where river seepage is induced via pumping wells. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The water level of five river stages and seven groundwater wells in the Taipei Basin were analysed by spectral analysis in the frequency domain. The diurnal, semi‐diurnal and quarter‐diurnal tidal components of the Tanshui River appear to relate closely to astronomical tides as K1, M2 and M4, respectively. It is also found that the diurnal component reveals a reversed phase angle in the middle section of the Tanshui River; the phase of the quarter‐diurnal component is also found to be reversed at stations upstream in the Tanshui River and Hsintien Stream. It is believed that these phenomena could be caused by local variation in the river channel topography. The autospectrum and cross‐spectrum between groundwater elevation and nearby river stage were observed to correlate highly with the frequency of the astronomical tides K1, M2 and M4. From the study of the phase shift and time lag of water level fluctuations at river stages and groundwater wells, it was found that the tidal effects of diurnal, semi‐diurnal, and quarter‐diurnal components were significantly different. The relationships between phase and the fluctuated range of atmospheric pressure and water level imply that change in atmospheric pressure does not affect water level fluctuation in the river stage and groundwater well. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The water quality of urban drainage ditches in lowlands in the Rhine‐Meuse delta was analysed with principal component analysis (PCA) during a dry period and a rain storm, and related to the seepage of polluted river water and effective impervious area (EIA). This was done in order to test the hypothesis that seepage of river water and storm water runoff from impervious areas strongly determine the water quality of urban drainage systems along large lowland rivers. Our analysis revealed that upward seepage of groundwater originating from rivers Rhine and Meuse was positively correlated with nitrate, potassium, sodium and chloride and negatively correlated with alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and iron. EIA was correlated with very few environmental variables (i.e. phosphate, pH and iron in the dry period and iron during the rain storm). Nickel and zinc concentrations generally exceeded the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), while lead and phosphorus concentrations were just above the nutrient standards and MAC in a few locations during the rain storm. To optimize water quality in urban water systems, attention should be paid to all sources of pollution and not only to EIA. The impact of local groundwater seepage originating from large rivers in lowlands on the chemistry of urban water systems is often underestimated and should be taken into account when assessing water quality and improving water quality status. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mountain front catchment net groundwater recharge (NR) represents the upper end of mountain block recharge (MBR) groundwater flow paths. Using environmental chloride in precipitation, streamflow and groundwater, we apply chloride mass balance (CMB) to estimate NR at multiple catchment scales within the 27 km2 Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (DCEW) on the Boise Front, southwestern Idaho. The estimate for average annual precipitation partitioning to NR is approximately 14% for DCEW. In contrast, as much as 44% of annual precipitation routes to NR in ephemeral headwater catchments. NR in headwater catchments is likely routed to downgradient springs, baseflow, and MBR, while downgradient streamflow losses contribute further to MBR. A key assumption in the CMB approach is that the change in stored chloride during the study period is zero. We found that this assumption is violated in some individual years, but that a 5‐year integration period is sufficient. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the shallow groundwater areas of the North China Plain (NCP), precipitation infiltration and evapotranspiration in the vertical direction are the main processes of the water cycle, in which the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the transformation process between precipitation and groundwater. In this paper, two typical sites in Cangzhou (CZ) and Hengshui (HS) of Hebei province with shallow water tables were selected to analyse the relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater. At each site, precipitation, soil water at depths 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 cm, and groundwater were sampled to analyse the stable isotope compositions of hydrogen and oxygen. The soil water potentials at the corresponding depths were observed. Although the climates at the two sites are similar, there are some differences in the infiltration process, soil water movement and groundwater recharge sources. Evaporation occurred at the upper depths, which led to the decrease of soil potential and the enrichment of heavy isotopes. At the CZ site, precipitation infiltrated with piston mode, and an obvious mixture effect existed during the infiltration process. Preferential flow may exist in the soil above 100 cm depth. However, at the HS site soil water moved in piston mode, and groundwater was mainly recharged by precipitation. When precipitation recharged the groundwater it experienced a strong evaporation effect. The results of the soil water movement mechanism provides the transformation relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater in the middle and eastern NCP. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

引调水是改善平原河网地区水环境的重要方法之一,通过构建太湖流域走马塘东南片平原河网区一维水动力水质数学模型,研究不同引调水方案对区域水环境改善效果,确定引调水过程中的异质性因子.从决策目标、水质指标、空间指标3个层面综合考虑,构建环境效益与经济效益结合的多目标函数及评价体系,对引调水方案进行评估优选.结果表明:引调水流量较大时,能够在一定程度上改善区域水环境状况,规划方案下引调水5 d后,高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷的平均改善率分别为30.7%、22.2%、26.4%;引调水时,区域河网中不同空间点位、不同水质指标之间的水质改善过程与效果都存在一定异质性;引调水水量、调度模式及污染源分布都会对调水后的河网区水质产生差异性影响;本研究建立的多目标评价体系较现有方法能够有效涵盖引调水中存在的异质性因子,从多个目标层面优选引调水方案,实现水量水质综合优化调控,为平原河网地区水环境长效管理与科学决策提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Seasonally variation of water salinity is observed worldwide, the mechanisms of water salinity are not well understood due to natural factors and anthropogenic activities. Quantification water salinity source are challenging since complex influence factors, especially in agricultural regions irrigated with multi-water sources. In the lowland area of North China Plain, transferred water, brackish shallow groundwater and fresh deep groundwater were combinative utilized to relieve prominent contradictions between regional water shortages and grain production. In this study, influence factors of surface water (canal water, pond water) and shallow groundwater salinity were identified and quantified through statistical analysis, deuterium excess, and ionic relationship. Salinity of canal water and pond water increased in dry season and decreased in rainy season, while salinity of shallow groundwater decreased in dry season after water transfer and rainy season, but increased in dry season. Evaporation and mineral dissolution were main factors for surface water salinity in dry season, with mineral dissolution was the more important one. The contribution ratio of evaporation and mineral dissolution for canal salinity were 4.4 and 49.1% in dry season after water transfer, 7.1 and 34.4% in dry season, and that for pond water salinity were 12.4 and 18.3% in dry season, respectively. Precipitation and surface runoff were main factors for surface water salinity in rainy season. The contribution of surface runoff for canal water and pond water salinity were 66.1 and 45.8%, respectively. Salinity of canal water and shallow groundwater was temporary decreased by water transfer. Domestic sewage from rural areas had larger influence than agricultural activities for salinity increase of pond water and shallow groundwater. Mineral dissolution was the main contributor for shallow groundwater salinity, with contribution ratio larger than 60% in different periods. This study demonstrated and quantified salinity source of surface water and shallow groundwater and may deepen our understanding of water management under multi-water resources utilization.  相似文献   

Water temperature is an important habitat factor in river ecosystems that exhibits the characteristics of continuous change. Dam construction disrupts the continuity of river water temperature and reset it, thus exerting sharp rise/decrease on the characteristics of water temperature change. The effect of a dam on river continuity is directly related to the dam size. To explain this relationship, two rivers in China were selected: one river without reservoirs and one river with cascade reservoirs. Through the analysis of the longitudinal change of water temperature in free-flowing rivers, we found that water temperature changes continuously and steadily in the longitudinal direction. Based on this, a temperature trend hypothesis in river was proposed, and the discontinuity of the water temperature in the reservoir section was evaluated. The results are as follows: (1) In mixed reservoirs, river water temperature remained as continuous as free-flowing rivers. However, the river water temperature had a large discontinuity in the stratified reservoir. (2) Water residence time was used as an indicator of the continuity of reservoir water temperature. (3) Selective withdrawal of stratified reservoirs in January could not remove the discontinuity caused by itself, but it worked in June.  相似文献   

To deal with the accidental release of pollutants into frozen rivers, those rivers in high-latitude regions should be treated differently. Pollutants could be stored up in the ice and released when the ice melts in spring, perhaps resulting in secondary pollution in the river. A water quality model of nitrobenzene has been developed in this paper to assess the influence on river water quality due to the freezing process. The model is made up of three modules: thermodynamic module, hydrodynamic module and water quality module. The thermodynamic module considers the complex heat exchange processes between the water body and the atmosphere, the water body and the river bed, the water body and the ice cover, and so on. The growth of the ice cover is simulated in a simplified form whilst taking consideration of heat balance. The hydrodynamic model uses the Saint-Venant equations in non-constant flow and the influence of the ice cover is measured. The degradation, diffusion, absorption and desorption, and the influence of the freezing process are incorporated in the water quality module and the concept of Continuously Stirred Tanked Reactors (CSTRs) model is applied in the model construction. The model has been applied to supporting the management of accidental pollution in the Songhua River. The model was calibrated and validated with monitored data. Regional sensitivity analysis based on a task-based Hornberger-Spear-Young (HSY) algorithm was carried out to examine the model structure and the result showed that the model could describe the system very well. Then the conditioned model was applied to predicting the concentration of nitrobenzene in the water when the ice melted in spring. The predictive result showed that the release of pollutants in the ice could lead to an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the water, but the increase would be very small because there was only a small amount of pollutants stored in the ice. A secondary pollution could therefore be avoided. Also, with necessary modifications, the model established in this study could be applied to the water quality management in rivers that freeze in winter.  相似文献   

Research to date affirmed the key role of stream–aquifer interactions in integrated water resources management. The importance of river hydrodynamics on the spatial and temporal behaviour of groundwater was, however, not yet fully investigated. In contrast to the common approach where topography-based estimates of riverbed elevation may lead to inappropriate discretization and constant river stages, this study couples a fully hydrodynamic and one-dimensional river model to a two-dimensional catchment hydrological model. The surface and subsurface runoff, groundwater, and river components are integrated into a single modelling framework. The coupled model was applied to a medium sized catchment in Belgium with three model setups, in which the level of detail of representation of river hydrodynamics varies. Further model iterations were carried out for the most exhaustive setup to assess the importance of the bi-directional interactions between model components. Results show that higher details of river hydrodynamics help to improve the simulation of time-averaged groundwater levels. However, the impacts were not that clear for the time-varying groundwater levels. Moreover, visual and statistical model performance evaluation indicates a strong enhancement of the coupled models compared to the output from the hydrological model with respect to river discharge observations at catchment outlet and at internal stations. It also reveals the impact of river hydrodynamics on groundwater discharges when the most detailed setting delivered the highest performance among the three coupled models.  相似文献   


In many arid and semi-arid countries, wastewater irrigation is becoming a common practice in agriculture. In this study, the effect of long-term (40 years) wastewater irrigation on selected physical and hydraulic properties of soil in different parts of a landscape was investigated. The performance of some infiltration models, including Philip (Ph), Kostiakov (Kos), Kostiakov-Lewis (Kos-L), Horton (Ho), Huggins and Monke (Hug-M), and linear and nonlinear Smith-Parlange (S-P(L) and S-P(NL)), was compared. This study was performed in the Urmia region, Iran, where flooding wastewater irrigation has been practised for at least 40 years. Five paired sites, each of which contained a measurement location at the wastewater-irrigated (WWI) and adjacent control area were studied. Accuracy of the infiltration models was evaluated using several statistical criteria, including root mean square error (RMSE) and Akaike information criterion (AIC). The models were classified into groups using cluster analysis based on level of similarity in their performance. The cumulative water infiltration into soils after 1 h (I1h) was calculated using the selected most accurate models and introduced so as to use only one term to compare the infiltration behaviour of soils. Based on RMSE and AIC, the performance of the Ph, Ho, Kos and Kos-L models was considerably better than that of Hug-M, S-P(L) and S-P(NL). The ranking of the models in terms of their AIC values was: Kos-L > Ho > Kos > Ph > S-P(L) > Hug-M > S-P(NL). The models were classified into two distinct groups. The similarity among Ph, Ho, Kos and Kos-L models was more than 80% and for Hug-M, S-P(L), and S-P(NL) models, it was more than 79%. However, the similarity between these two groups of models was less than 58%.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Complete daily water budget information was assembled for a 105 km segment of the South Platte River in the plains region below Denver, CO, for the period 1983–1993. The data were used in testing the possibility that dependence of alluvial exchange mechanisms on stage height, as shown by models of alluvial exchange, allows alluvial exchange to be predicted continuously over a given reach through use of statistical information on river discharge. The study segment was divided into an upper and a lower reach; daily alluvial exchanges for each reach were estimated by the method of residuals. The two reaches show small (15%) but statistically significant annual differences in rates of exchange. For each reach, there is a seasonal pattern (2·5‐fold oscillation) in alluvial discharge to the channel, reflecting seasonality in recharge of the alluvium by irrigation. At discharges up to 40 m3/s (82nd percentile), alluvial discharge to the channel occurs at a rate independent of river discharge. Above 40 m3/s, net alluvial discharge into the channel is progressively reduced; at 60 m3/s (92nd percentile) there is no net alluvial exchange. At still higher river discharges, water is lost to the alluvium through bank storage at a rate that is linearly related to the logarithm of discharge. Annually, alluvial discharge accounts for 15–18% of water entering the study segment, and alluvial recharge through bank storage accounts for 2–4% of water leaving the segment. Alluvial recharge through bank storage at the highest discharges can, however, exceed low‐flow alluvial discharge rates by five‐fold over short intervals. Even though daily alluvial exchanges vary widely, they can be estimated at r2 values above 80% on the basis of reach, season, and river discharge. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太湖流域平原水网区浅层地下水动态特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐羽  许有鹏  吴雷  王强  高斌  周毅 《湖泊科学》2018,30(2):464-471
鉴于浅层地下水在维持区域生态功能方面的重要作用,基于2005-2015年太湖平原水网地区苏州市的14个浅层地下水监测井水位及2005-2014年降水、河道水位和蒸发等日尺度数据,开展浅层地下水埋深动态特征及影响因素研究.结果显示:苏州市浅层地下水总体呈由北往南、自西向东的流场方向,主要受地形因素的影响;年际及丰水期埋深有所减小,枯水期反之,各区域变化过程不一致;枯水期浅层地下水动态特征受不同量级降水总量和次数的显著影响,且与地表水过程关系密切,汛期反之.此外均受到引排水和下垫面变化等因素的影响;浅层地下水埋深对降水具有滞后性,多滞后1~2 d;通过对地形地貌条件、土地利用类型、河湖密度以及浅层地下水埋深状况等因素的综合分析,浅层地下水动态特征可表达为耕地区、水网密布区、高度城镇化区及低山林区4种特征类型.  相似文献   


Many of the hydrological and ecological functions of alluvial flood plains within watersheds depend on the water flow exchanges between the vadoze soil zone and the shallow groundwater. The water balance of the soil in the flood plain is investigated, in order to evaluate the main hydrological processes that underlie the temporal dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. The soil moisture and the groundwater level in the flood plain were monitored continuously for a three-year period. These data were integrated with the results derived from applying a physically-based numerical model which simulated the variably-saturated vertical water flow in the soil. The analysis indicated that the simultaneous processes of lateral groundwater flow and the vertical recharge from the unsaturated zone caused the observed water table fluctuations. The importance of these flows in determining the rises in the water table varied, depending on soil moisture and groundwater depth before precipitation. The monitoring period included two hydrological years (September 2009–September 2011). About 13% of the precipitation vertically recharged the groundwater in the first year and about 50% in the second. The difference in the two recharge coefficients was in part due to the lower groundwater levels in the recharge season of the first hydrological year, compared to those observed in the second. In the latter year, the shallow groundwater increased the soil moisture in the unsaturated zone due to capillary rise, and so the mean hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil was high. This moisture state of soil favoured a more efficient conversion of infiltrated precipitation into vertical groundwater recharge. The results show that groundwater dynamics in the flood plain are an important source of temporal variability in soil moisture and vertical recharge processes, and this variability must be properly taken into account when the water balance is investigated in shallow groundwater environments.

Citation Pirastru, M. and Niedda, M., 2013. Evaluation of the soil water balance in an alluvial flood plain with a shallow groundwater table. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 898–911.  相似文献   

The interaction between surface water and groundwater is an important aspect of hydrological processes. Despite its importance, groundwater is not well represented in many land surface models. In this study, a groundwater module with consideration of surface water and groundwater dynamic interactions is incorporated into the distributed biosphere hydrological (DBH) model in the upstream of the Yellow River basin, China. Two numerical experiments are conducted using the DBH model: one with groundwater module active, namely, DBH_GW and the other without, namely, DBH_NGW. Simulations by two experiments are compared with observed river discharge and terrestrial water storage (TWS) variation from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). The results show that river discharge during the low flow season that is underestimated in the DBH_NGW has been improved by incorporating the groundwater scheme. As for the TWS, simulation in DBH_GW shows better agreement with GRACE data in terms of interannual and intraseasonal variations and annual changing trend. Furthermore, compared with DBH_GW, TWS simulated in DBH_NGW shows smaller decreases during autumn and smaller increases in spring. These results suggest that consideration of groundwater dynamics enables a more reasonable representation of TWS change by increasing TWS amplitudes and signals and as a consequence, improves river discharge simulation in the low flow seasons when groundwater is a major component in runoff. Additionally, incorporation of groundwater module also leads to wetter soil moisture and higher evapotranspiration, especially in the wet seasons.  相似文献   

江苏新沂河河漫滩表面流人工湿地对污染河水的净化试验   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
通过对环太湖水文巡测资料水量统计方法比较入手,计算分析2000-2002年环太湖河流进出湖水量、水质、污染负荷量变化.结合太湖水质变化分析,得出自2000年后环太湖进出湖河流的水质污染恶化趋势总体得到初步遏制,湖州、苏州地区环太湖河流水质保持稳定并呈一定改善趋势,但无锡、常州地区的环太湖河流水质浓度仍呈升高趋势,尤其是常州地区入湖河流的TP、CODMn浓度升高较快.与此相对应,太湖水质在总体保持基本稳定中有所好转,水质总体恶化趋势已经得到初步控制,但位于西北部的竺山湖各项水质指标进一步恶化,明显劣于梅梁湖水质,应当引起当地有关部门重视,加大治理力度.环太湖河流的入湖和出湖污染负荷量总体呈现增加趋势,但从净入湖污染负荷量分析,CODMn呈波动性减少趋势,TP和TN呈增加趋势.  相似文献   

太湖流域快速城镇化、水利工程等一系列人类活动对流域水文过程产生了深刻影响.本文以快速城镇化的杭嘉湖地区为例,基于1961-2014年逐日降雨、水位观测资料,构建了水位涨幅(ΔZ)、水位增长速率(k1)和退水速率(k2)等指标,旨在揭示变化环境下该地区降雨过程中水位的变化特征及可能的驱动因素.结果表明:1)变化环境下杭嘉湖地区近54年降雨量呈微弱的增加趋势,但降雨过程中的水位涨幅呈下降趋势,尤其是平均水位涨幅呈显著下降趋势,且于2000年左右发生明显变化;突变后水位涨幅下降主要集中在10~50 mm/d的降雨过程中,而大于50 mm/d的降雨过程中突变后水位涨幅较突变前有所升高.2)从空间分布上来看,各站降雨量与水位涨幅存在明显的空间差异,降雨量总体呈增加趋势,增加趋势东强西弱;大部分站点的水位涨幅却呈下降趋势,其中位于区域南部站点的平均水位涨幅下降趋势较东北部更为明显,水位涨幅呈显著下降站点的空间分布与杭嘉湖南排工程等水利工程的分布较为一致.3)通过对杭嘉湖地区降雨过程中水位增长速率和退水速率的变化分析发现,突变后较突变前退水速率有所提高,说明近年来水利工程等设施的完善和有序调度使得杭嘉湖地区的排洪能力有所提高,该变化可能是导致杭嘉湖地区地区突变后一定强度的降雨过程中水位涨幅下降的主要原因.而杭嘉湖地区强降雨过程中水位涨幅依然较高,可能是该地区洪峰水位居高不下的主要原因.此外,由于该地区近年来起涨水位抬升明显,对洪峰水位的抬升也有一定影响.  相似文献   

Water infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity in vegetated soil are two vital hydrological parameters for agriculturists to determine availability of soil moisture for assessing crop growths and yields, and also for engineers to carry out stability calculations of vegetated slopes. However, any effects of roots on these two parameters are not well‐understood. This study aims to quantify the effects of a grass species, Cynodon dactylon, and a tree species, Schefflera heptaphylla, on infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity in relation to their root characteristics and suction responses. The two selected species are commonly used for ecological restoration and rehabilitation in many parts of the world and South China, respectively. A series of in‐situ double‐ring infiltration tests was conducted during a wet summer, while the responses of soil suction were monitored by tensiometers. When compared to bare soil, the vegetated soil has lower infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity. This results in at least 50% higher suction retained in the vegetated soil. It is revealed that the effects of root‐water uptake by the selected species on suction were insignificant because of the small evapotranspiration (<0.2 mm) when the tests were conducted under the wet climate. There appears to have no significant difference (less than 10%) of infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and suction retained between the grass‐covered and the tree‐covered soil. However, the grass and tree species having deeper root depth and greater Root Area Index (RAI) retained higher suction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater circulation is known to be one of the agents responsible for the redistribution of geothermal energy by acting as a source or sink in the course of its movement through porous media. Heat transport in groundwater systems is considered to be a coupled process and the theory based on this was used to analyse temperature profiles of 30 thermally stable observation wells in a deep, semi-confined aquifer system in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Vertical water fluxes in the semi-confined aquifers and the associated upward heat fluxes were estimated from a heat flux equation that describes convection and conduction processes of heat transport in one dimension. The vertical downward water fluxes in Shitamachi lowland, Musashino and Tachikawa terraces were × 10?9, 1.46-70.92 × 10?9 and 2.61.2204 × 10?9 m/s, respectively. A vertical upward water flux of 1.80-33.60 × 10?9 m/s was estimated in Shitamachi lowland. The water flux generally decreased with increasing depth for observation wells which intercepted more than one semi-confining layer. The estimated upward heat fluxes for Shitamachi lowland, Musashino and Tachikawa terraces were 0.32-1.12, 0.49-1.21 and 1.00-11.62 W/m2, respectively. The heat flux was highest in Tachikawa terrace where a major fault, the Tachikawa fault, is located. Generally, the estimated heat flux was higher in the semi-confining layers than in the aquifers. Areas with heat sources and sinks as well as groundwater flow patterns in the semi-confined aquifers were revealed by heat flux and temperature distributions in the study area.  相似文献   

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