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Since the 1960s, most of the studies on groundwater flow systems by analytical and numerical modelling have been based on given‐head upper boundaries. The disadvantage of the given‐head approach is that the recharge into and discharge from a basin vary with changes in hydraulic conductivity and/or basin geometry. Consequently, flow patterns simulated with given‐head boundaries but with different hydraulic conductivities and/or basin geometry may not reflect the effects of these variables. We conducted, therefore, numerical simulations of groundwater flow in theoretical drainage basins using flux as the upper boundary and realistically positioned fluid‐potential sinks while changing the infiltration intensity, hydraulic conductivities, and geometric configuration of the basin. The simulated results demonstrate that these variables are dominant factors controlling the flow pattern in a laterally closed drainage basin. The ratio of infiltration intensity to hydraulic conductivity (Ric) has been shown to be an integrated pattern‐parameter in a basin with a given geometric configuration and possible fluid‐potential‐sink distribution. Successively, the changes in flow patterns induced by stepwise reductions in Ric are identical, regardless of whether the reductions are due to a decrease in infiltration intensity or an increase in hydraulic conductivity. The calculated examples show five sequential flow patterns containing (i) only local, (ii) local–intermediate, (iii) local–intermediate–regional, (iv) local–regional, and (v) just regional flow systems. The Ric was found to determine also whether a particular sink is active or not as a site of discharge. Flux upper boundary is preferable for numerical simulation when discussing the flow patterns affected by a change of infiltration, the hydraulic conductivity, or the geometry of a basin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow advects heat, and thus, the deviation of subsurface temperatures from an expected conduction‐dominated regime can be analysed to estimate vertical water fluxes. A number of analytical approaches have been proposed for using heat as a groundwater tracer, and these have typically assumed a homogeneous medium. However, heterogeneous thermal properties are ubiquitous in subsurface environments, both at the scale of geologic strata and at finer scales in streambeds. Herein, we apply the analytical solution of Shan and Bodvarsson ( 2004 ), developed for estimating vertical water fluxes in layered systems, in 2 new environments distinct from previous vadose zone applications. The utility of the solution for studying groundwater‐surface water exchange is demonstrated using temperature data collected from an upwelling streambed with sediment layers, and a simple sensitivity analysis using these data indicates the solution is relatively robust. Also, a deeper temperature profile recorded in a borehole in South Australia is analysed to estimate deeper water fluxes. The analytical solution is able to match observed thermal gradients, including the change in slope at sediment interfaces. Results indicate that not accounting for layering can yield errors in the magnitude and even direction of the inferred Darcy fluxes. A simple automated spreadsheet tool (Flux‐LM) is presented to allow users to input temperature and layer data and solve the inverse problem to estimate groundwater flux rates from shallow (e.g., <1 m) or deep (e.g., up to 100 m) profiles. The solution is not transient, and thus, it should be cautiously applied where diel signals propagate or in deeper zones where multi‐decadal surface signals have disturbed subsurface thermal regimes.  相似文献   

In the context of the heterogeneity in the unsaturated or vadose zone, accurately representing the analytical mechanisms and in-situ water content within the soil layer poses a significant challenge. Particularly in shallow layers, thermal conditions exhibit rapid changes in response to evolving surface temperatures. This study proposes a hypothesis suggesting that the in situ heat mechanism may notably impact the soil water layer. The research introduces an innovative approach to theoretically uncover thermal conditions, including soil temperature, soil temperature gradients, and heat flux, within the shallow Quaternary gravel layer at various depths through spectral analysis of temporal observations. The study presents a stochastic inverse solution to estimate thermal conductivity by leveraging spectral analysis of soil heat flux and temperature gradients. The findings reveal that thermal conditions exhibit the most prominent periodic fluctuations during the diurnal process over a 24-hour cycle. The soil temperature gradients and heat flux measurements at depths of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 m demonstrate their ability to capture changes in soil temperature and air temperature to a certain extent within the frequency domain. Furthermore, the analysis highlights the intrinsic uncertainty and sensitivity of estimating thermal conductivity in heterogeneous soil environments. The wide variability observed in thermal conductivity values, coupled with their dependence on soil type and environmental conditions, underscores the need for careful consideration of these factors in future studies and modeling efforts. Applying the derived inverse spectral solution allows for determining thermal conductivity throughout the soil-water system across depths ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 m. As a result, this research demonstrates the feasibility and practicality of assessing the thermal conductivity of the soil layer in conjunction with heat flux and temperature gradients through spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are significant wetland environments found on coastlines throughout the world. Groundwater seepage may be a key component of lagoon water balances, though only a few studies have investigated large (>100 km2) coastal lagoons. In this study, we combined airborne thermal infrared imagery with continuous measurements of radon (222Rn—a natural groundwater tracer), conductivity, water temperature and dissolved oxygen to map groundwater seepage to a large coastal lagoon in New Zealand. We found evidence of seepage along the margins of the lagoon but not away from the margins. Our findings confirmed previously known seepage zones and identified new potential locations of groundwater inflow. Both point source and diffuse seepage occurred on the western and northwestern margins of the lagoon and parallel to the barrier between the lagoon and sea. These observations imply geologic controls on seepage. The combination of remote sensing and in-situ radon measurements allowed us to effectively map groundwater discharge areas across the entire lagoon. Combined, broad-scale qualitative methods built confidence in our interpretation of groundwater discharge locations in a large, dynamic coastal lagoon.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins is crucial to the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This study explores the temporal sampling issues and the role of flux measurements in the characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins using numerical experiments. The experiments involve a digital basin imitating the groundwater basin of the North China Plain (NCP), where the groundwater exploitation reduction program is ongoing. Using the experiments, we champion that the reduction program could collect groundwater level information induced by operational variations of existing pumping wells at different locations in the basin. Such a dataset could serve as a basin-scale hydraulic tomography (HT) to characterize the basin-scale heterogeneity cost-effectively. Both steady-state and transient-state inversion experiments demonstrate the advantage of HT surveys in characterizing basin-scale heterogeneity over conventional pumping tests at fixed well locations. Additionally, head data at the early, intermediate, and late time from well hydrographs should be selected for the HT analysis to maximize HT's power and save computational costs. When accurate geological zones are incorporated in prior information, flux measurements significantly improve parameter estimates based on conventional pumping tests. However, their effects are less noticeable for long-term HT surveys in such basin-scale aquifers without fissures or fractures. This basin-scale tomographic survey example serves a guide for field data collection and optimization of the analysis of future basin-scale HT.  相似文献   

A key parameter used in the assessment of bank filtration is the travel time of the infiltrated river water during the passage through groundwater. We analyze time series of electrical conductivity (EC) in the river and adjacent groundwater observation wells to investigate travel times of young hyporheic groundwater in adjoining channelized and restored sections of River Thur in North-East Switzerland. To quantify mixing ratios and mean residence times we perform cross-correlation analysis and non-parametric deconvolution of the EC time series. Measurements of radon-222 in the groundwater samples validate the calculated residence times. A simple relationship between travel time and distance to the river has not been observed. Therefore, we speculate that the lateral position and depth of the thalweg as well as the type of bank stabilization might control the infiltration processes in losing rivers. Diurnal oscillations of EC observed in the river and in nearby observation wells facilitate analyzing the temporal variation of infiltration. The diurnal oscillations are particularly pronounced in low flow situations, while the overall EC signal is dominated by individual high-flow events. Differences in travel times derived from diurnal and overall EC signals thus reflect different infiltration regimes.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) plays an important role in coastal biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycles, particularly off volcanic islands in oligotrophic oceans. However, the spatial and temporal variations of SGD are still poorly understood owing to difficulty in taking rapid SGD measurements over a large scale. In this study, we used four airborne thermal infrared surveys (twice each during high and low tides) to quantify the spatiotemporal variations of SGD over the entire coast of Jeju Island, Korea. On the basis of an analytical model, we found a linear positive correlation between the thermal anomaly and squares of the groundwater discharge velocity and a negative exponential correlation between the anomaly and water depth (including tide height and bathymetry). We then derived a new equation for quantitatively estimating the SGD flow rates from thermal anomalies acquired at two different tide heights. The proposed method was validated with the measured SGD flow rates using a current meter at Gongcheonpo Beach. We believe that the method can be effectively applied for rapid estimation of SGD over coastal areas, where fresh groundwater discharge is significant, using airborne thermal infrared surveys.  相似文献   

Fluxes of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) were investigated into two tidal rivers on the north and south shore of Long Island, NY, during July 2015. Ground‐based handheld thermal infrared (TIR) imagery, combined with direct push‐point piezometer sampling, documented spatially heterogeneous small‐scale intertidal seepage zones. Pore waters were relatively fresh and enriched in nitrogen (N) within these small‐scale seeps. Pore waters sampled just 20 cm away, outside the boundary of the ground‐based TIR‐located seepage zone, were more saline and lower in N. These ground‐based TIR‐identified seeps geochemically represented the terrestrial fresh groundwater endmember, whereas N in pore waters sampled outside of the TIR‐identified seeps was derived from the remineralization of organic matter introduced into the sediment by tidal seawater infiltration. A 222Rn (radon‐222) time‐series was used to quantify fresh SGD‐associated N fluxes using the N endmembers sampled from the ground‐based TIR pore water profiles. N fluxes were up‐scaled to groundwater seepage zones identified from high‐resolution airborne TIR imagery using the two‐dimensional size of the airborne TIR surface water anomalies, relative to the N flux from the time‐series sampling location. Results suggest that the N load from the north‐shore tidal river to Long Island Sound is underrepresented by at least 1.6–3.6%, whereas the N load from SGD to a south‐shore tidal river may be up to 9% higher than previous estimates. These results demonstrate the importance of SGD in supplying nutrients to the lower reaches of tidal rivers and suggest that N loads in other tidal river environments may be underestimated if SGD is not accounted for.  相似文献   

本文研究了2010年2月27日智利8.8级地震前后地球表面潜热通量的时空演化过程, 并分析了可能的潜热通量异常及其与地表温度变化的关系.结果表明:(1)此次地震及其强余震前出现了三次明显的潜热通量异常,第一次潜热通量异常出现于主震1个月前,主要分布在震中及其东南陆区,第二次潜热通量异常出现在主震前7天,异常区分布在震中西南的海域,呈北西向分布,指向俯冲带,第三次潜热通量异常出现在强余震前,异常区分布在震中西南的海域及北段俯冲带上;(2)相似于2004年印度尼西亚地震海啸前潜热通量的异常演化特征,潜热通量异常从弧后向俯冲带迁移,此次地震前的潜热通量异常首先出现在弧后火山活动强烈地区,然后迁移到海域俯冲带附近,可能反映了临震前的构造变形过程;(3)当陆区出现潜热通量异常时,同时也可见地表温度异常,但在海域出现潜热通量异常时,却未发现有地表温度异常,这可能是由于海域水的热容量较大,不易出现红外温度异常所致.  相似文献   

Monitored groundwater level data, well logs, and aquifer data as well as the relevant surface hydrological data were used to conceptualise the hydrogeological system of the Densu Basin in Southern Ghana. The objective was to numerically derive the hydraulic conductivity field for better characterization of the aquifer system and for simulating the effects of increasing groundwater abstraction on the aquifer system in the basin. The hydraulic conductivity field has been generated in this study through model calibration. This study finds that hydraulic conductivity ranges between a low of 2 m/d in the middle sections of the basin and about 40 m/d in the south. Clear differences in the underlying geology have been indicated in the distribution of aquifer hydraulic conductivities. This is in consonance with the general assertion that the hydrogeological properties of the aquifers in the crystalline basement terrains are controlled by the degree of fracturing and/or weathering of the country rock. The transient model suggest aquifer specific storage values to range between 6.0 × 10?5 m?1 and 2.1 × 10?4 m?1 which are within acceptable range of values normally quoted for similar lithologies in the literature. There is an apparent subtle decrease in groundwater recharge from about 13% of the annual precipitation in 2005 to about 10.3% of the precipitation in 2008. The transient model was used to simulate responses of the system to annual increment of groundwater abstraction by 20% at the 2008 recharge rates for the period 2009 – 2024. The results suggest that the system will not be able to sustain this level of abstraction as it would lead to a basin wide drawdown in the hydraulic head by 4 m by the end of the prediction period. It further suggests a safe annual increment in groundwater abstraction by 5% under business as usual recharge conditions. Identification and protection of groundwater recharge areas in the basin are recommended in order to safeguard the integrity of the resource under the scenario of increased abstraction for commercial activities in the basin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chloride in excess of State of New Hampshire water‐quality standards (230 mg/l) have been measured in watersheds adjacent to an interstate highway (I‐93) in southern New Hampshire. A proposed widening plan for I‐93 has raised concerns over further increases in chloride. As part of this effort, road‐salt‐contaminated groundwater discharge was mapped with terrain electrical conductivity (EC) electromagnetic (EM) methods in the fall of 2006 to identify potential sources of chloride during base‐flow conditions to a small stream, Policy Brook. Three different EM meters were used to measure different depths below the streambed (ranging from 0 to 3 m). Results from the three meters showed similar patterns and identified several reaches where high EC groundwater may have been discharging. Based on the delineation of high (up to 350 mmhos/m) apparent terrain EC, seven‐streambed piezometers were installed to sample shallow groundwater. Locations with high specific conductance in shallow groundwater (up to 2630 mmhos/m) generally matched locations with high streambed (shallow subsurface) terrain EC. A regression equation was used to convert the terrain EC of the streambed to an equivalent chloride concentration in shallow groundwater unique for this site. Utilizing the regression equation and estimates of one‐dimensional Darcian flow through the streambed, a maximum potential groundwater chloride load was estimated at 188 Mg of chloride per year. Changes in chloride concentration in stream water during streamflow recessions showed a linear response that indicates the dominant process affecting chloride is advective flow of chloride‐enriched groundwater discharge. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are seldom considered in models of mire hydrology. We investigated the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity on groundwater flow in bog peat using a steady‐state groundwater model. In five model simulations, four sets of K data were used. The first set comprised measured K values from an anisotropic and heterogeneous bog peat. These data were aggregated to produce the following simplified data sets: an isotropic and heterogeneous distribution of K; an isotropic and homogeneous distribution; and an anisotropic and homogeneous distribution. We demonstrate that, where anisotropy and heterogeneity exist, groundwater flow in bog peat is complex. Fine‐scale variations in K have the potential to influence patterns and rates of groundwater flow. However, for our data at least, it is heterogeneity and not anisotropy that has the greater influence on producing complex patterns of groundwater flow. We also demonstrate that patterns and rates of groundwater flow are simplified and reduced when measured K values are aggregated to create a more uniform distribution of K. For example, when measured K values are aggregated to produce isotropy and homogeneity, the rate of modelled seepage is reduced by 28%. We also show that when measured K values are used, the presence of a drainage ditch can increase seepage through a modelled cross‐section. Our work has implications for the accurate interpretation of hydraulic head data obtained from peat soils, and also the understanding of the effect of drainage ditches on patterns and rates of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the applicability of selected pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen) as anthropogenic indicators for the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the hyporheic zone of an alluvial stream. Differences in transport behaviour and the resulting distribution of the pharmaceuticals in the riverine groundwater were evaluated. The investigated field site in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe is represented by low permeable sediments and confined aquifer conditions. Water samples from single‐screen and multilevel observation wells installed in the riverbank at the field site were taken and analysed for selected pharmaceuticals and major ions for a period of 6 months. Surface water and groundwater levels were recorded to detect effluent and influent aquifer conditions. Nearly all pharmaceuticals that were detected in the stream were also found in the riverine groundwater. However, concentrations were significantly lower in groundwater than in surface water. A classification into mobile and sorbing/degradable pharmaceuticals based on their transport relevant properties was made and verified by the field data. Gradients with depth for some of these pharmaceuticals were documented and a more detailed understanding of the system stream/riverbank was obtained. It was demonstrated that the selected pharmaceutical compounds can be used as anthropogenic indicators at the investigated field site. However, not all compounds seem to be suitable indicators as their transport behaviour is not fully understood. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nutrient fluxes from developed catchments are often a significant factor in the declining water quality and ecological functioning in estuaries. Determining the relative contributions of surface water and groundwater discharge to nutrient‐sensitive estuaries is required because these two pathways may be characterized by different nutrient concentrations and temporal variability, and may thus require different remedial actions. Quantifying the volumetric discharge of groundwater, which may occur via diffuse seepage or springs, remains a significant challenge. In this contribution, the total discharge of freshwater, including groundwater, to two small nutrient‐sensitive estuaries in Prince Edward Island (Canada) is assessed using a unique combination of airborne thermal infrared imaging, direct discharge measurements in streams and shoreline springs, and numerical simulation of groundwater flow. The results of the thermal infrared surveys indicate that groundwater discharge occurs at discrete locations (springs) along the shoreline of both estuaries, which can be attributed to the fractured sandstone bedrock aquifer. The discharge measured at a sub‐set of the springs correlates well with the area of the thermal signal attributed to each discharge location and this information was used to determine the total spring discharge to each estuary. Stream discharge is shown to be the largest volumetric contribution of freshwater to both estuaries (83% for Trout River estuary and 78% for McIntyre Creek estuary); however, groundwater discharge is significant at between 13% and 18% of the total discharge. Comparison of the results from catchment‐scale groundwater flow models and the analysis of spring discharge suggest that diffuse seepage to both estuaries comprises only about 25% of the total groundwater discharge. The methods employed in this research provide a useful framework for determining the relative volumetric contributions of surface water and groundwater to small estuaries and the findings are expected to be relevant to other fractured sandstone coastal catchments in Atlantic Canada. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaluating the flow paths that contribute to solute flux in stream networks can lead to greater understanding of the linkages between biogeochemistry and hydrology. We compared the contributions of groundwater in spring brooks and in seepage through the streambed to nitrate flux in the Emmons Creek network in the Wisconsin sand plains. We predicted that spring brooks would contribute disproportionately to nitrate flux due to the presumed higher advection rates in springs and less opportunity for nitrate removal relative to seeps. Nitrate flux was measured in 15 spring brooks that entered Emmons Creek. Nitrate flux from seepage was measured at the locations of 30 piezometers, based on Darcy's Law, and by a reach‐scale injection of Rhodamine water tracing (RWT). When seepage discharge was estimated from the RWT release, groundwater inputs from seepage and springs accounted for the discharge gain in the Emmons Creek channel. Springs brooks and seepage (based on the RWT release) contributed 37% and 63%, respectively, to nitrate flux inputs in the study reach. Contrary to our prediction, seeps contributed disproportionately to nitrate flux relative to their discharge. Relatively high rates of seepage discharge and higher than anticipated nitrate concentrations in the shallow pore water at seepage locations contributed to the unanticipated result.  相似文献   

Water balance variables were monitored in a farmed Mediterranean catchment characterized by a dense ditch network to allow for the separate estimation of the diffuse and concentrated recharge terms during flood events. The 27 ha central part of the catchment was equipped with (i) rain gauges, (ii) ditch gauge stations, (iii) piezometers, (iv) neutron probes, and (v) an eddy covariance mast including a 3D sonic anemometer and a fast hygrometer. The water balance was calculated for two autumnal rain and flood events. We also estimated the uncertainty of this approach with Monte Carlo simulations. Results show, that although ditch area represents only 6% of the total study area, concentrated recharge appeared to be the main source of groundwater recharge. Indeed, it was 40–50% of the total groundwater recharge for autumnal events, which are the major annual recharge events. This indicate that both, concentrated and diffuse recharge should be taken into account in any hydrological modeling approach for Mediterranean catchments. This also means that, since they collect overland flow that is often largely contaminated by chemicals, ditches may be a place where groundwater contamination is likely to occur. The uncertainty analysis indicates that recharge estimates based on water balance exhibit large uncertainty ranges. Nevertheless, Monte Carlo simulations showed that concentrated recharge was higher than expected based on their area.  相似文献   

A thin layer of fine‐grained sediment commonly is deposited at the sediment–water interface of streams and rivers during low‐flow conditions, and may hinder exchange at the sediment–water interface similar to that observed at many riverbank‐filtration (RBF) sites. Results from a numerical groundwater‐flow model indicate that a low‐permeability veneer reduces the contribution of river water to a pumping well in a riparian aquifer to various degrees, depending on simulated hydraulic gradients, hydrogeological properties, and pumping conditions. Seepage of river water is reduced by 5–10% when a 2‐cm thick, low‐permeability veneer is present on the bed surface. Increasing thickness of the low‐permeability layer to 0·1 m has little effect on distribution of seepage or percentage contribution from the river to the pumping well. A three‐orders‐of‐magnitude reduction in hydraulic conductivity of the veneer is required to reduce seepage from the river to the extent typically associated with clogging at RBF sites. This degree of reduction is much larger than field‐measured values that were on the order of a factor of 20–25. Over 90% of seepage occurs within 12 m of the shoreline closest to the pumping well for most simulations. Virtually no seepage occurs through the thalweg near the shoreline opposite the pumping well, although no low‐permeability sediment was simulated for the thalweg. These results are relevant to natural settings that favour formation of a substantial, low‐permeability sediment veneer, as well as central‐pivot irrigation systems, and municipal water supplies where river seepage is induced via pumping wells. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity is the key parameter that controls near‐surface temperature where periodic temperature variation is progressively attenuated and delayed with depth. This article presents the results of apparent thermal diffusivity using temperatures recorded by a bedrock temperature measurement network in the fault zones of western Sichuan. High sensitivity temperature sensors (10?4 K) were installed at a maximum depth reaching 30 m. The apparent thermal diffusivities were deduced from both amplitude damping and phase shifting of annual temperature variations between two different depths. Under pure conduction, the thermal diffusivity determined through the phase method (αΦ) should be equivalent to that determined through the amplitude method (αA), whereas effects of the upward (downward) water flow are evidently reflected in the amplitude decay to make αΦ larger (lesser) than αA. The discrepancy between αΦ and αA can thus be a tracer of water movement or convective heat transfer. The calculated αΦ of the measurement stations varies from 1.22 × 10?6 to 3.00 × 10?6 m2/s, and the estimated αA ranges from 0.93 × 10?6 to 2.41 × 10?6 m2/s. Two regimes of heat transfer underground were suggested from the results. Conductive heat transport prevails over the nonconductive processes at five stations, which is characterized by αΦ coincident with αA for the same depth pair. On the contrary, the values of αΦ differ from αA at six stations in the intersection area of the Y‐shaped fault system, implying that convective heat transfer also plays a comparably important role. This finding is consistent with the hot springs distribution of the area. The results also indicate that water moves upward with an average Darcy velocity of approximately ?1 × 10?7 m/s in this region. Our research provides new evidence for the hydrothermal activity in the fault zones at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone by travelling along deep flow paths may deliver high concentrations of fertilizer‐derived NO3? to streams, or it may be impacted by the NO3? removal process of denitrification in streambed sediments. In a study of a small agricultural catchment on the Atlantic coastal plain of Virginia's eastern shore, we used seepage meters deployed in the streambed to measure specific discharge of groundwater and its solute concentrations for various locations and dates. We used values of Cl? concentration to discriminate between bypass water recharged distal to the stream and that contained high NO3? but low Cl? concentrations and riparian‐influenced water recharged proximal to the stream that contained low NO3? and high Cl? concentrations. The travel time required for bypass water to transit the 30‐cm‐thick, microbially active denitrifying zone in the streambed determined the extent of NO3? removal, and hydraulic conductivity determined travel time through the streambed sediments. At all travel times greater than 2 days, NO3? removal was virtually complete. Comparison of the timescales for reaction and transport through the streambed sediments in this system confirmed that the predominant control on nitrate flux was travel time rather than denitrification rate coefficients. We conclude that extensive denitrification can occur in groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone, but a residence time in biologically active streambed sediments sufficient to remove a large fraction of the NO3? is only achieved in relatively low‐conductivity porous media. Instead of viewing them as separate, the streambed and riparian zone should be considered an integrated NO3? removal unit. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stemflow was evaluated in a water balance and its contribution to groundwater recharge determined. Gross precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured for one year in a pine forest (Tsukuba, Japan) to determine each component of the water balance in the forest. Groundwater recharge rates by stemflow and throughfall were calculated from a mass balance method using chloride in subsurface waters. The stemflow in the water balance was relatively small when estimated as a value per canopy projected area of the tree in the forest. However, the results for the mass balance of chloride in subsurface waters indicated that it was impossible to disregard the stemflow in determining groundwater recharge. Although the ratio of stemflow to the net precipitation was small in the water balance, the effect of stemflow on groundwater recharge was relatively large.  相似文献   

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