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Cushion plant dominated peatlands are key ecosystems in tropical alpine regions of the Andes in South America. The cushion plants have formed peat bodies over thousands of years that fill many valley bottoms, and the forage produced by the plants is critical for native and nonnative domesticated mammals. The sources and flow paths of water supporting these peatlands remain largely unknown. Some studies have suggested that glacier meltwater streams support some peatlands, and that the ongoing loss of glaciers and their meltwaters could lead to the loss or diminishment of peatlands. We analysed the hydrologic regime of 10 peatlands in four mountain regions of Bolivia and Peru using groundwater monitoring. Groundwater levels in peatlands were relatively stable and within 20 cm of the ground surface during the rainy season, and many sites had water tables 40–90 cm below the ground surface in the dry season. Topographic and groundwater elevations in the peatlands demonstrated that the water source of all 10 peatlands was hillslope groundwater flowing from lateral moraines, talus, colluvium, or bedrock aquifers into the peatlands. There was little to no input from streams, whether derived from glacier melt or other sources, and glacier melt could not have recharged the hillslope aquifers supporting peatlands. We measured the stable water isotopes in water samples taken during different seasons, distributed throughout the catchments, and the values are consistent with this interpretation. Our findings indicate that peatlands in the study region are recharged by hillslope groundwater discharge rather than stream water and may not be as vulnerable to glacial decline as other studies have indicated. However, both glaciers and peatlands are susceptible to changing thermal and precipitation regimes that could affect the persistence of peatlands.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in surface water chemistry, organic soil chemistry and hydrologic indicators were investigated at three poor‐fen complexes in two boreal catchments in Northern Alberta to provide insight into the dominant controls on surface water chemistry. Improved understanding of these controls is required to enable prediction of runoff chemistry in the region under changing atmospheric deposition conditions. Surface water chemistry exhibited considerable variability; within each fen conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and Cl tended to decrease and pH tended to increase with increasing distance from the lake edge. Variations in evaporative isotopic enrichment in 2H and 18O, expressed as deuterium excess, were used to distinguish between throughflow waters and those that were more evaporatively enriched. Throughflow surface waters were more acidic primarily due to higher concentrations of DOC and NO3. Exchangeable base saturation and pH of organic soils were strongly related to surface water chemistry at two of the fen complexes, demonstrating the capacity for cation exchange to influence surface water chemistry. Fen surface water concentrations of most elements and DOC increased during the summer period (between June and August), while pH of water decreased. Evaporative concentration of the surface waters was a dominant driver, with surface water temperature increasing at both catchments. Localized groundwater discharge was an important contributor of base cations to the fens, while the organic soils are sinks for atmospherically deposited SO42−, N and Cl. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hydrological investigation was conducted in a small headwater peatland located in the Experimental Lakes Area, north-western Ontario, Canada, to determine the subsurface and surface flow paths within the peatland, and between the peatland and an adjacent forested upland during baseflow and storm flow conditions. Distinct zones of groundwater recharge and discharge were observed within the peatland. These zones are similar to those found in much larger flow systems even though the peatland was only influenced by local groundwater flow. Groundwater emerging in seeps and flowing beneath the peatland sustained the surface wetness of the peatland and maintained a constant baseflow. The response of the peatland stream to summer rain events was controlled by peatland water table position when the basin was dry and antecedent moisture storage on the uplands when the basin was wet. The magnitude and timing of peak runoff during wet conditions were controlled by the degree of hydrological connectivity between the surrounding upland terrain and the peatland. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the hydrologic connectivity of northern headwater catchments is likely controlled by antecedent moisture conditions and land cover patterns. A water storage model (EWS), based on water levels (WLs), specific yield (Sy) and surface elevation (SE) changes, was compared with a basic water budget of a small, boreal, patterned fen (13 ha) during the ice‐free period. Results showed that the EWS model reproduced well storage variations derived from the water budget. These results suggest that storage variations can be properly represented by the fluctuations of WLs when we consider the heterogeneous soil properties. However, storage deviations occurred at the daily scale and could be explained by a lack of information on water retention in unsaturated layers, canopy interceptions and preferential flows. Despite the significant impact of SE changes on the different peatland cover storage budgets (strings and lawns), using Sy mean values had a low impact on storage estimations. This can be explained by the large proportion of pools and high WLs throughout the fen. At the fen scale, high storage in the pools seemed to reduce the Sy difference between strings and lawns. The results of this study provide new insights about the complex hydrological behaviour of northern catchments and allow for conceiving new hydrological modelling perspectives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peat specific yield (SY) is an important parameter involved in many peatland hydrological functions such as flood attenuation, baseflow contribution to rivers, and maintaining groundwater levels in surficial aquifers. However, general knowledge on peatland water storage capacity is still very limited, due in part to the technical difficulties related to in situ measurements. The objectives of this study were to quantify vertical SY variations of water tables in peatlands using the water table fluctuation (WTF) method and to better understand the factors controlling peatland water storage capacity. The method was tested in five ombrotrophic peatlands located in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (southern Québec, Canada). In each peatland, water table wells were installed at three locations (up‐gradient, mid‐gradient, and down‐gradient). Near each well, a 1‐m long peat core (8 cm × 8 cm) was sampled, and subsamples were used to determine SY with standard gravitational drainage method. A larger peat sample (25 cm × 60 cm × 40 cm) was also collected in one peatland to estimate SY using a laboratory drainage method. In all sites, the mean water table depth ranged from 9 to 49 cm below the peat surface, with annual fluctuations varying between 15 and 29 cm for all locations. The WTF method produced similar results to the gravitational drainage experiments, with values ranging between 0.13 and 0.99 for the WTF method and between 0.01 and 0.95 for the gravitational drainage experiments. SY was found to rapidly decrease with depth within 20 cm, independently of the within‐site location and the mean annual water table depth. Dominant factors explaining SY variations were identified using analysis of variance. The most important factor was peatland site, followed by peat depth and seasonality. Variations in storage capacity considering site and seasonality followed regional effective growing degree days and evapotranspiration patterns. This work provides new data on spatial variations of peatland water storage capacity using an easily implemented method that requires only water table measurements and precipitation data.  相似文献   

The frequency and intensity of drought is projected to increase within the boreal region under future climatic conditions. Peatlands are widely considered to regulate water loss under drought conditions, increasing surface resistance (rs) and reducing evaporative losses. This maintains peat moisture content, increasing the resilience of these globally important carbon stores. However, the magnitude and form of this important negative feedback response remains uncertain. To address this, we monitored the response of rs to drought within four peat cores under controlled meteorological conditions. When the water‐table was dropped to a depth of 0.30 m and the humidity reduced to ≤40%, a step shift in rs from ~50 s m‐1 up to 1000 s m‐1 was observed within burned and unburned peat, which virtually shuts down evaporation, limiting water loss. We show that measured near‐surface tension cannot be used to directly calculate this transition in peat surface resistance. However, empirical relationships that account for strong vertical variations in tension through the near‐surface and/or disequilibrium between pore air and near‐surface pore water pressure provide the potential to incorporate this negative feedback response into peatland ecohydrological models. Further observations are necessary to examine this response under dynamic atmospheric conditions. We suggest that the link between surface temperature and evaporation provides potential to further examine this feedback in either burned peatlands or peatlands with a low vascular vegetation cover. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The proposed harvesting of previously undeveloped forests in north coastal British Columbia requires an understanding of hydrological responses. Hydrometric and isotopic techniques were used to examine the hydrological linkages between meteoric inputs to the surface‐groundwater system and runoff response patterns of a forest‐peatland complex. Quickflow accounted for 72–91% of peak storm discharge. The runoff ratio was lowest for open peatland areas with thick organic horizons (0·02–0·05) due to low topographic gradients and many surface depressions capable of retaining surface water. Runoff ratio increased comparatively for ephemeral surface seep flows (0·06–0·40) and was greatest in steeply sloping forest communities with more permeable soils (0·33–0·69). The dominant mechanism for runoff generation was saturated shallow subsurface flow. Groundwater fluxes from the organic horizon of seeps (1·70–1·72 m3 day?1 m?1) were an important component of quickflow. The homogeneous δ2H? δ18O composition of groundwater indicated attenuation of the seasonal rainfall signal by mixing during recharge. The positive correlation (r2 = 0·64 and 0·38, α = 0·05) between slope index and δ18O values in groundwater suggests that the spatial pattern in the δ18O composition along the forest‐peatland complex is influenced by topography and provides evidence that topographic indices may be used to predict groundwater residence time. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streamflow response in Boreal Plains catchments depends on hydrological connectivity between forested uplands, lakes, and peatlands, and their hydrogeomorphic setting. Expected future drying of the Boreal Plains ecozone is expected to reduce hydrological connectivity of landscape units. To better understand run‐off generation during dry periods, we determined whether peatland and groundwater connectivity can dampen expected future water deficits in forests and lakes. We studied Pine Fen Creek catchment in the Boreal Plains ecozone of central Saskatchewan, Canada, which has a large, valley‐bottom, terminally positioned peatland, two lakes, and forested uplands. A shorter intensive study permitted a more detailed partitioning of water inputs and outputs within the catchment during the low flow period, and an assessment of a 10‐year data set provided insight into the function of the peatland over a range of climate conditions. Using a water balance approach, we learned that two key processes regulate flow of Pine Fen Creek. The cumulative impact of landscape unit hydrological connectivity and the peatland's hydrological functional state were needed to understand catchment response. There was evidence of a run‐off threshold which, when crossed, changed the peatland's hydrological function from transmission to run‐off generation. Results also suggest the peatland should behave more often as a transmitter of groundwater than as a generator of run‐off under a drier climate future, owing to a reduced water supply.  相似文献   

Coastal peatlands represent an interface between marine and terrestrial ecosystems; their hydrology is affected by salt and fresh water inflow alike. Previous studies on bog peat have shown that pore water salinity can have an impact on the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of peat because of chemical pore dilation effects. In this study, we aimed at quantifying the impact of higher salinities (up to 3.5% NaCl) on Ks of fen peat. Two experiments employing a constant‐head upward‐flow permeameter and differing in measurement and salinity change duration were conducted. Additionally, a third experiment to determine the impact of water salinity on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the studied peat type was carried out. The results show a decrease of Ks with time, which does not depend on the water salinity but is differently shaped for different peat types. We assume pore clogging due to a conglomerate of physical, chemical, and biological processes, which rather depend on water movement rate and time than on water salinity. However, an increased water salinity did increase the DOC release. We conclude that salinity‐dependent behaviour of Ks is a function of peat chemistry and that for some peat types, salinity may only affect the DOC release without having a pronounced impact on water flow.  相似文献   

Despite the widely held assumption that trees negatively affect the local water budget in densely planted tree plantations, we still lack a clear understanding of the underlying processes by which canopy cover influences local soil water dynamics in more open, humid tropical ecosystems. In this study, we propose a new conceptual model that uses a combination of stable isotope and soil moisture measurements throughout the soil profile to assess potential mechanisms by which evaporation (of surface soil water and of canopy‐intercepted rainfall) affects the relationship between surface soil water isotopic enrichment (lc‐excess) and soil water content. Our conceptual model was derived from soil water data collected under deciduous and evergreen plants in a shade grown coffee agroforestry system in Costa Rica. Reduced soil moisture under shade trees during the “drier” season, coinciding when these trees were defoliated, was largely the result of increase soil water evaporation as indicated by the positive relationship between soil water content and lc‐excess of surface soil water. In contrast, the evergreen coffee shrubs had a higher leaf area index during the “drier” season, leading to enhanced rainfall interception and a negative relationship between lc‐excess and soil water content. During the wet season, there was no clear relationship between soil water content and between lc‐excess of surface soil water. Greater surface soil water under coffee during the dry season may, in part, explain greater preferential flow under coffee compared with under trees in conditions of low rainfall intensities. However, with increasing rainfall intensities during the wet season, there was no obvious difference in preferential flow between the two canopy covers. Results from this study indicate that our new conceptual model can be used to help disentangling the relative influence of canopy cover on local soil water isotopic composition and dynamics, yet also stresses the need for additional measurements to better resolve the underlying processes by which canopy structure influences local water dynamics.  相似文献   

Highly seasonal boreal catchments are hydrologically complex and generally data poor and, hence, are ripe for investigation using tracer‐aided hydrologic models. The influence of physiography on isotopic metrics was assessed to identify the catchment characteristics dominating evaporative enrichment. A multiyear stable isotope of water dataset was collected at the outlets of 16 boreal catchments in central Canada ranging in area from 12 to 15,282 km2. Physiographic characteristics were obtained through raster analysis of freely available land cover images, stream networks, and digital elevation models. Correlation analysis indicated that as the percentage coverage of open water increased, so too did the evaporative effects observed at the catchment outlet. Correlation to wetland metrics indicated that increasing the percentage coverage of wetlands can reduce or increase evaporative effects observed, depending on the isotopic metric used and the corresponding drainage density, catchment slope, and presence of headwater lakes. The slopes of river evaporative‐mixing lines appear to reflect multifaceted relationships, strongest between catchment slope, headwater lakes, and connected wetlands, whereas mean line‐conditioned excess is more directly linked to physiographic variables. Hence, the slopes of river evaporative‐mixing lines and mean line‐conditioned excess are not interchangeable metrics of evaporative enrichment in a catchment. Relationships identified appear to be independent of catchment scale. These results suggest that adequate inclusion of the distribution of open water throughout a catchment, adequate representation of wetland processes, catchment slope, and drainage density are critical characteristics to include in tracer‐aided hydrologic models in boreal environments in order to minimize structural uncertainty.  相似文献   

The natural carbon storage function of peatland ecosystems can be severely affected by the abandonment of peat extraction, influencing peatland drainage, leading to large and persistent sources of atmospheric CO2. Moreover, these cutover peatlands have a low and variable water table position and high tension at the surface, creating harsh ecohydrological conditions for vegetation re‐establishment, particularly peat forming Sphagnum moss. Standard restoration techniques aim to restore the peatland to a carbon accumulating system through various water management techniques to improve hydrological conditions and by reintroducing Sphagnum at the surface. However, restoring the hydrology of peatlands can be expensive due to the cost of implementing the various restoration techniques. This study examines a peat extraction‐restoration technique where the acrotelm is preserved and replaced directly on the cutover peat surface. An experimental peatland adopting this acrotelm transplant technique had both a high water table and peat moisture conditions providing sufficient water at the surface for Sphagnum moss. Average water table conditions were higher at the experimental site (?8·4 ± 4·2 cm) compared to an adjacent natural site (?12·7 ± 6·0 cm) suggesting adequate moisture conditions at the restored surface. However, the experimental site experienced high variability in volumetric moisture content (VMC) in the capitula zone (upper 2 cm) where large diurnal changes in VMC (~30%) were observed, suggesting possible disturbance to the peat matrix structure during the extraction‐restoration process. However, soil–water retention analysis and physical peat properties (porosity and bulk density) suggest that no significant differences existed between the natural and experimental sites. Any structural changes within the peat matrix were therefore minimal. Moreover, low soil‐water tensions were maintained well above the laboratory measured critical Sphagnum threshold of 33% (?100 mb) VMC, further indicating favourable conditions for Sphagnum moss survival and growth. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle, and loss of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been shown to be important for peatland carbon budgets. The objective of this study was to determine how net production and export of DOC from a northern peatland may be affected by disturbance such as drainage and climate change. The study was conducted at a poor fen containing several pool–ridge complexes: (1) control site–no water table manipulation; (2) experimental site–monitored for one season in a natural state and then subjected to a water table drawdown for 3 years; (3) drained site–subjected to a water table drawdown 9 years prior to monitoring. The DOC concentration was measured in pore water along a microtopographic gradient at each site (hummock, lawn and hollow), in standing water in pools, and in discharge from the experimental and drained sites. The initial water table drawdown released ~3 g of carbon per square metre in the form of DOC, providing a large pulse of DOC to downstream ecosystems. This value, however, represents only 1–9% of ecosystem respiration at this site. Seasonal losses of DOC following drainage were 8–11 g of carbon per square metre, representing ~17% of the total carbon exchange at the experimental study site. Immediately following water table drawdown, DOC concentrations were elevated in pore water and open water pools. In subsequent seasons, DOC concentration in the pool declined, but remained higher than the control site even 11 years after water‐table drawdown. This suggests continued elevated net DOC production under lower water table conditions likely related to an increase in vegetation biomass and larger water table fluctuations at the experimental and drained sites. However, the increase in concentration was limited to initially wet microforms (lawns and hollows) reflecting differences in vegetation community changes, water table and soil subsidence along the microtopographic gradient. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada.  相似文献   

Large peatland complexes dominate the landscape of the James Bay Lowland in subarctic Ontario, Canada. However, there is not a thorough understanding of the hydrological processes occurring in these important systems, particularly how ladder fens connect large domed bogs to the aquatic ecosystems that drain the peatland complex. Ladder fens consist of a pool‐rib topography where flow downgradient is controlled by the peat ribs. Within the ribs, low‐lying preferential flow paths typically enhance the transmission of water, whereas the elevated ridge microforms impede water flow to downgradient aquatic ecosystems. To assess the hydrological connectivity, we study the role of the water table, peat transmissivity, and microtopography of a small ladder fen for 3 summers (2013–2015) in the James Bay Lowland. The system was manipulated with a sustained hydrological forcing (water addition) to the upslope boundary of the fen during 2014 (38 m3/day) and 2015 (30 m3/day). There was an exponential increase in transmissivity towards the peat surface due to extremely high‐hydraulic conductivities within the upper few centimeters of the peat deposit. At the maximum water table, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the 0.1 m layer of peat below the water table varied depending on peat microtopography (preferential flow paths = 42–598 m/day and ridges = 16–52 m/day), resulting in high‐hydrological connectivity periods. Furthermore, during 2015, there was an abnormally large amount of precipitation (300 mm vs. long‐term average ~ 100 mm) that resulted in complete surface water connectivity of the site. This caused rapid movement of water from the head of system to the outlet (~15 hr) and runoff ratios >1, compared to low‐water table periods (runoff ratio ~ 0.05). This study highlights the profound importance of the transmissivity–water table feedback mechanism in ladder fens, on controlling the water retention and drainage of large peatland complexes.  相似文献   

Harvested sites rarely return to functional ecosystems after abandonment because drainage and peat extraction lower the water table and expose relatively decomposed peat, which is hydrologically unsuitable for Sphagnum moss re‐establishment. Some natural regeneration of Sphagnum has occurred in isolated pockets on traditionally harvested (block‐cut) sites, for reasons that are poorly understood, but are related to natural functions that regulate runoff and evaporation. This study evaluates the water balance of a naturally regenerated cutover bog and compares it with a nearby natural bog of similar size and origin, near Riviere du Loup, Quebec. Water balance results indicated that evapotranspiration was the major water loss from the harvested bog, comprising 92 and 84% of total outputs (2·9 mm day?1) during the 1997 and 1998 seasons, respectively. Despite denser tree cover at the harvested site, evapotranspiration from the natural bog was similar, although less spatially variable. At the harvested site, evaporative losses ranged from 1·9 mm day?1 on raised baulks and roads to 3·6 mm day?1 from moist surfaces with Sphagnum. Although about half of the ditches were inactive or operating at only a fraction of their original efficiency, runoff was still significant at 12 and 24% of precipitation during the 1997 and 1998 study seasons, respectively. This compares with negligible rates of runoff at the natural bog. Thus the cutover bog, although abandoned over 25 years ago, has not regained its hydrological function. This is both a cause and effect of its inability to support renewed Sphagnum regeneration. Without suitable management (e.g. blocking ditches), this site is not likely to improve for a very long time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interactions between headwater aquifers and peatlands have received limited scientific attention. Hydrological stresses, including those related to climate change, may adversely impact these interactions. In this study, the dynamics of a southern Québec headwater system where a peatland is present is simulated under current conditions and with climate change. The model is calibrated in steady state on field‐measured data and provides satisfactory results for transient‐state conditions. Under current conditions, simulations confirm that the peatland is fed by the fractured bedrock aquifer year‐round and provides continuous baseflow to its outlets. Climate change is simulated through its impact on groundwater recharge. Predicted precipitation and temperature data from a suite of regional climate model scenarios provide a net precipitation variation range from +10% to ?30% for the 2041–2070 horizon. Calibrated recharge is modified within this range to perform a sensitivity analysis of the headwater model to recharge variations (+10%, ?15% and ?30%). Total contribution from the aquifer to rivers and streams varies from +14% to ?44% of the baseline for +10% to ?30% recharge changes from spring 2010 data, for example. With higher recharge, the peatland receives more groundwater, which could significantly change its vegetation pattern and eventually ecosystem functions. For a ?30% recharge, the peatland becomes perched above the aquifer during the summer, fall and winter. Recharge reductions also induce sharp declines in groundwater levels and drying streams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water percolation and flow processes in subsurface geologic media play an important role in determining the water source for plants and the transport of contaminants or nutrients, which is essential for water resource management and the development of measures for pollution mitigation. During June 2013, the dynamics of the rainwater, soil water, subsurface flows and groundwater in a shallow Entisol on sloping farmland were monitored using a hydrometric and isotopic approach. The results showed that effective mixing of rainwater and soil water occurred in hours. The rebound phenomenon of δD profiles in soils showed that most isotope‐depleted rainwater largely bypassed the soil matrix when the water saturation in the soil was high. Preferential‐flow, which was the dominant water movement pattern in the vadose zone, occurred through the whole soil profile, and infrequent piston‐flow was mainly found at 20–40 cm in depth. The interflow in the soil layer, composed of 75.2% rainwater, was only generated when the soil profile had been saturated. Underflow in the fractured mudrock was the dominant flow type in this hillslope, and outflow was dominated by base flow (groundwater flow) with a mean contribution of 76.7%. The generation mechanism of underflow was groundwater ridging, which was superimposed upon preferential‐flow composed mainly of rainwater. The quick mixing process of rainwater and soil water and the rapid movement of the mixture through preferential channels in the study soil, which shows a typical bimodal pore size distribution, can explain the prompt release of pre‐event water in subsurface flow. Water sources of subsurface flows at peak discharge could be affected by the antecedent soil water content, rain characteristics and antecedent groundwater levels. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The effect of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall characteristics in the tropical peatland areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, is demonstrated. This research used rainfall data collected between 1978 and 2008. The results suggest a relationship between ENSO events and the trend in rainfall observed in the study area. Further analyses show that El Niño events have a stronger effect on the rainfall compared to La Niña events. El Niño events were also correlated to the increase in the number of days with less than 1 mm of rainfall in the dry season. The analysis reveals that the impact of El Niño events on rainfall in dry seasons is intensifying annually. Furthermore, ENSO events are not the only factors affecting rainfall trends in the observed area. Other factors, such as deforestation, may also affect the trend.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Susilo, G.E., Yamamoto, K., Imai, T., Ishii, Y., Fukami, H., and Sekine, M., 2013. The effect of ENSO on rainfall characteristics in the tropical peatland areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 539–548.  相似文献   

On patterned peatlands, open water pools develop within a matrix of terrestrial vegetation (‘ridges’). Regional patterns in the distribution of ridge–pool complexes suggest that the relative cover of these two surface types is controlled in part by climate wetness, but landscape topography must also be an important controlling factor. In this paper, a functional model that relates relative cover of ridges and pools to climate and surface gradient was developed and tested. The model was formulated in terms of a water budget, based on the differential effects of ridges and pools on losses by evapotranspiration and subsurface flow. It predicts a positive relationship between surface gradient and ridge proportion, with a linear effect related to water supply and ridge hydraulic conductivity, modified at high ridge proportion by differences in evapotranspiration between ridges and pools. The limit to patterned peatland distribution occurs where the surface is completely covered by ridges. The model may be sensitive or insensitive to climate differences between localities, depending on whether hydraulic characteristics of ridge peat co‐vary with water supply. To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses, surface gradient and ridge proportion were surveyed along 20 transects in each of three localities in Scotland that differ threefold in net precipitation to pools. The results of the field survey served to reject the climate‐sensitive hypothesis, but were consistent with the climate‐insensitive hypothesis. Analysis of the residuals suggested that variation within localities was related more to topographic control of water supply than to ridge hydraulic conductivity or developmental stage. Hence, within this maritime climate region, the distribution of ridge–pool complexes and the relative abundance of pools are controlled mainly by topographic variables. Field surveys across both maritime and continental regions are required to confirm a subtle climatic effect that allows pools to occur on higher gradients in drier climates than in wetter climates. Further development and testing of the functional model will provide a stronger basis for assessing potential feedback between climate change, peatland surface structure and methane emission from pools. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The glacially formed northeastern German lowlands are characterized by extensive floodplains, often interrupted by relatively steep moraine hills. The hydrological cycle of this area is governed by the tight interaction of surface water dynamics and the corresponding directly connected shallow groundwater aquifer. Runoff generation processes, as well as the extent and spatial distribution of the interaction between surface water and groundwater, are controlled by floodplain topography and by surface water dynamics. A modelling approach based on extensive experimental analyses is presented that describes the specific water balance of lowland areas, including the interactions of groundwater and surface water, as well as reflecting the important role of time‐variable shallow groundwater stages for runoff generation in floodplains. In the first part, experimental investigations of floodplain hydrological characteristics lead to a qualitative understanding of the water balance processes and to the development of a conceptual model of the water balance and groundwater dynamics of the study area. Thereby model requirements which allow for an adequate simulation of the floodplain hydrology, considering also interactions between groundwater and surface water have been characterized. Based on these analyses, the Integrated Modelling of Water Balance and Nutrient Dynamics (IWAN) approach has been developed. This consists of coupling the surface runoff generation and soil water routines of the deterministic, spatially distributed hydrological model WASIM‐ETH‐I with the three‐dimensional finite‐difference‐based numerical groundwater model MODFLOW and Processing MODFLOW. The model was applied successfully to a mesoscale subcatchment of the Havel River in northeast Germany. It was calibrated for two small catchments (1·4 and 25 km2), where the importance of the interaction processes between groundwater and surface waters and the sensitivity of several controlling parameters could be quantified. Validation results are satisfying for different years for the entire 198 km2 catchment. The model approach was further successfully tested for specific events. The experimental area is a typical example of a floodplain‐dominated landscape. It was demonstrated that the lateral flow processes and the interactions between groundwater and surface water have a major importance for the water balance and periodically superimposed on the vertical runoff generation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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