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Land cover changes associated with urbanization have negative effects on downstream ecosystems. Contemporary urban development attempts to mitigate these effects by designing stormwater infrastructure to mimic predevelopment hydrology, but their performance is highly variable. This study used in situ monitoring of recently built neighbourhoods to evaluate the catchment‐scale effectiveness of landscape decentralized stormwater control measures (SCMs) in the form of street connected vegetated swales for reducing runoff volumes and flow rates relative to curb‐and‐gutter infrastructure. Effectiveness of the SCMs was quantified by monitoring runoff for 8 months at the outlets of 4 suburban catchments (0.76–5.25 ha) in Maryland, USA. Three “grey” catchments installed curb‐and‐gutter stormwater conveyances, whereas the fourth “green” catchment built parcel‐level vegetated swales. The catchment with decentralized SCMs reduced runoff, runoff ratio, and peak runoff compared with the grey infrastructure catchments. In addition, the green catchment delayed runoff, resulting in longer precipitation–runoff lag times. Runoff ratios across the monitoring period were 0.13 at the green catchment and 0.37, 0.35, and 0.18 at the 3 grey catchments. Runoff only commenced after 6 mm of precipitation at the decentralized SCM catchment, whereas runoff occurred even during the smallest events at the grey catchments. However, as precipitation magnitudes reached 20 mm, the green catchment runoff characteristics were similar to those at the grey catchments, which made up 37% of the total precipitation in only 10 of 72 events. Therefore, volume‐based reduction goals for stormwater using decentralized SCMs such as vegetated swales require additional redundant SCMs in a treatment train as source control and/or end‐of‐pipe detention to capture a larger fraction of runoff and more effectively mimic predevelopment hydrology for the relatively rare but larger precipitation events.  相似文献   

The urban environment modifies the hydrologic cycle resulting in increased runoff rates, volumes, and peak flows. Green infrastructure, which uses best management practices (BMPs), is a natural system approach used to mitigate the impacts of urbanization onto stormwater runoff. Patterns of stormwater runoff from urban environments are complex, and it is unclear how efficiently green infrastructure will improve the urban water cycle. These challenges arise from issues of scale, the merits of BMPs depend on changes to small‐scale hydrologic processes aggregated up from the neighborhood to the urban watershed. Here, we use a hyper‐resolution (1 m), physically based hydrologic model of the urban hydrologic cycle with explicit inclusion of the built environment. This model represents the changes to hydrology at the BMP scale (~1 m) and represents each individual BMP explicitly to represent response over the urban watershed. Our study varies both the percentage of BMP emplacement and their spatial location for storm events of increasing intensity in an urban watershed. We develop a metric of effectiveness that indicates a nonlinear relationship that is seen between percent BMP emplacement and storm intensity. Results indicate that BMP effectiveness varies with spatial location and that type and emplacement within the urban watershed may be more important than overall percent.  相似文献   

Municipalities and agencies use green infrastructure to combat pollution and hydrological impacts (e.g., flooding) related to excess stormwater. Bioretention cells are one type of infiltration green infrastructure intervention that infiltrate and redistribute otherwise uncontrolled stormwater volume. However, the effects of these installations on the rest of the local water cycle is understudied; in particular, impacts on stormwater return flows and groundwater levels are not fully understood. In this study, full water cycle monitoring data were used to construct and calibrate a two‐dimensional Richards equation model (HYDRUS‐2D/3D) detailing hydrological implications of an unlined bioretention cell (Cleveland, Ohio) that accepts direct runoff from surrounding impervious surfaces. Using both preinstallation and postinstallation data, the model was used to (a) establish a mass balance to determine reduction in stormwater return flow, (b) evaluate green infrastructure effects on subsurface water dynamics, and (c) determine model sensitivity to measured soil properties. Comparisons of modelled versus observed data indicated that the model captured many hydrological aspects of the bioretention cell, including subsurface storage and transient groundwater mounding. Model outputs suggested that the bioretention cell reduced stormwater return flows into the local sewer collection system, though the extent of this benefit was attenuated during high inflow events that may have exhausted detention capacity. The model also demonstrated how, prior to bioretention cell installation, surface and subsurface hydrology were largely decoupled, whereas after installation, exfiltration from the bioretention cell activated a new groundwater dynamic. Still, the extent of groundwater mounding from the cell was limited in spatial extent and did not threaten other subsurface infrastructure. Finally, the sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the overall hydrological response was regulated by the hydraulics of the bioretention cell fill material, which controlled water entry into the system, and by the water retention parameters of the native soil, which controlled connectivity between the surface and groundwater.  相似文献   

Infiltration is the primary mechanism in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) systems to reduce the runoff volume from urbanized areas. Soil hydraulic conductivity is most important in influencing GSI infiltration rates. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a critical parameter for GSI design and post-construction performance. However, Ksat measurement in the field is problematic due to temporal and spatial variability and measurement errors. This review paper focuses on a comparison of methods for in-situ Ksat measurement and the causes of temporal and spatial variations of Ksat within GSI systems. Automated infiltration testing methods, such as the Modified Philip–Dunne (MPD) and SATURO infiltrometers, show promise for efficient Ksat measurements. Soil Ksat values can change over time and substantially vary throughout a GSI, which can be attributed to multiple factors, including but not limited to temperature changes, soil composition and properties, soil compaction level, plant root morphology and distribution, biological and macrofauna activities in the soil, inflow sediment characteristics, quality of infiltrating water, and measurement errors. There is evidence that infiltration rates in vegetated urban GSI systems are sustained given an appropriate GSI design, reasonable concentration of suspended sediments in the inflow runoff, and routine maintenance procedures. These observations indicate that clogging can be counteracted by processes that tend to increase the soil hydraulic conductivity (e.g., plant root and biological activities). This self-sustainability underlines that infiltration-based GSI systems are a reliable long-term stormwater management solution. Recommendations on how to incorporate the temporal changes of Ksat in GSI design and on obtaining a spatially-representative Ksat for the GSI design are presented.  相似文献   

Deleterious effects of urban stormwater are widely recognized. In several countries, regulations have been put into place to improve the conditions of receiving water bodies, but planning and engineering of stormwater control is typically carried out at smaller scales. Quantifying cumulative effectiveness of many stormwater control measures on a watershed scale is critical to understanding how small‐scale practices translate to urban river health. We review 100 empirical and modelling studies of stormwater management effectiveness at the watershed scale in diverse physiographic settings. Effects of networks with stormwater control measures (SCMs) that promote infiltration and harvest have been more intensively studied than have detention‐based SCM networks. Studies of peak flows and flow volumes are common, whereas baseflow, groundwater recharge, and evapotranspiration have received comparatively little attention. Export of nutrients and suspended sediments have been the primary water quality focus in the United States, whereas metals, particularly those associated with sediments, have received greater attention in Europe and Australia. Often, quantifying cumulative effects of stormwater management is complicated by needing to separate its signal from the signal of urbanization itself, innate watershed characteristics that lead to a range of hydrologic and water quality responses, and the varying functions of multiple types of SCMs. Biases in geographic distribution of study areas, and size and impervious surface cover of watersheds studied also limit our understanding of responses. We propose hysteretic trajectories for how watershed function responds to increasing imperviousness and stormwater management. Even where impervious area is treated with SCMs, watershed function may not be restored to its predevelopment condition because of the lack of treatment of all stormwater generated from impervious surfaces; non‐additive effects of individual SCMs; and persistence of urban effects beyond impervious surfaces. In most cases, pollutant load decreases largely result from run‐off reductions rather than lowered solute or particulate concentrations. Understanding interactions between natural and built landscapes, including stormwater management strategies, is critical for successfully managing detrimental impacts of stormwater at the watershed scale.  相似文献   

Using water budget data from published literature, we demonstrate how hydrologic processes govern the function of various stormwater infrastructure technologies. Hydrologic observations are displayed on a Water Budget Triangle, a ternary plot tool developed to visualize simplified water budgets, enabling side‐by‐side comparison of green and grey approaches to stormwater management. The tool indicates ranges of hydrologic function for green roofs, constructed wetlands, cisterns, bioretention, and other stormwater control management structures. Water budgets are plotted for several example systems to provide insight on structural and environmental design factors, and seasonal variation in hydrologic processes of stormwater management systems. Previously published water budgets and models are used to suggest appropriate operational standards for several green and grey stormwater control structures and compare between conventional and low‐impact development approaches. We compare models, characterize and quantify water budgets and expected ranges for green and grey infrastructure systems, and demonstrate how the Water Budget Triangle tool may help users to develop a data‐driven approach for understanding design and retrofit of green stormwater infrastructure.  相似文献   

Permeable pavements (PPs) are widely implemented in urban areas to mimic natural hydrologic processes through enhancing infiltration, and reducing, delaying, and retaining surface runoff. However, its performance can be affected by shallow groundwater since high soil moisture may inhibit its infiltration and exfiltration. This study built a numerical model, which was calibrated and validated based on laboratory experiment data, to evaluate the water balance and retention of PP in shallow groundwater conditions. It assessed the impacts of shallow groundwater and the hydrologic effectiveness of different PP design measures (i.e., building a PP with a smaller storage depth, implementing an underdrain at different elevations, and installing an impermeable liner) on relieving the impacts. Shallower groundwater led to larger amounts of surface runoff and underdrain flow, and a higher chance of saturating the PP reservoir. The three design measures had both benefits and drawbacks in mimicking natural hydrologic cycle and retaining the performance of PP under extreme conditions (e.g., areas of very shallow groundwater tables and/or extreme rainfalls). A PP with a smaller storage depth resulted in less underdrain flow but was prone to saturation. It is, thus, more recommended for PP with more-permeable subsoils, which can avoid frequent pavement saturation. Although a shallower PP corresponds to a smaller storage volume and shorter hydraulic retention time, it can increase the applicability of PP to shallow groundwater areas, which is beneficial to the regional hydrologic environment. Installing an underdrain generated underdrain flow, which is a burden to the downstream drainage system. However, it significantly reduced the surface runoff and the chance of saturating the PP reservoir, which, thus, is more recommended for PP with less-permeable subsoils. Comparatively, elevating the underdrain is recommended in areas of shallow groundwater because it can reduce the frequency and amount of groundwater-induced underdrain flow. In addition, a higher underdrain together with an impermeable liner can create a storage depth, increase the retention duration, enhance exfiltration and evaporation without increasing the saturation risk.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a multi‐criteria protocol for appropriately evaluating the predictions of hydrologic models during calibration and evaluation stages. The protocol includes different statistical, analytical and visual criteria such as analysis of peak and low flows, cumulative volumes, extreme value statistics, performance statistics, etc. Furthermore, the protocol assesses the physical consistency of model predictions by filtering the total observed hydrograph into different flow‐components (baseflow, interflow and overland flow) and using these filtered data in the calibration and evaluation processes. Based on the distributed modelling of a medium size catchment, it is shown that application of the suggested protocol, and in particular the use of the filtered flow‐components in model calibration, enhances the physical consistency of model predictions, adding considerable value to the calibration process. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sustainable strategies such as green roofs have been implemented as stormwater management tools to mitigate disturbance of the hydrologic cycle resulting from urbanization. Green roofs, also referred to as vegetated roofs, can improve the urban landscape by reducing heat island effects, providing ecosystem services, and facilitating the retention and treatment of stormwater. Green roofs have received particular attention because they do not require acquisition and development of land and represent an application of biomimicry in design and construction. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), antecedent dry period (ADP), and seasonal variation on the run‐off quantity and distribution of an extensive, sedum covered, green roof on a commercial building in Syracuse, NY, USA. The green roof greatly facilitated retention of precipitation events without significant changes over the 4‐year study. The green roof retained on average 95.9 ± 3.6% (6.5 ± 5.6 mm) per rainfall event, with a range from 75% to 99.6% (33.2 to 3.3 mm). However, as precipitation quantity increased, the retention of water decreased. This high water retention capacity was the result of the combined effects of ET, stormwater storage (plants, growth media, and stormwater retention layer), and limited surface run‐off from the roof deck due to variation in the sloping of the green roof and the tapered insulation to the deck drains. The water retention capacity of the green roof did not change significantly between growing and nongrowing seasons. Slightly greater precipitation during the growing season coincided with increased ET. Average potential ET during the growing season was approximately 3 times greater than during the nongrowing season. The hydrologic performance of the green roof was not significantly impacted by an ADP greater than 2 days.  相似文献   

Controls on the spatio‐temporal extent of groundwater flooding are poorly understood, despite the long duration of groundwater flood events and distinct social and economic impacts. We developed a novel approach using statistical analysis of groundwater level hydrographs and impulse response functions (IRFs) and applied it to the 2013/2014 Chalk groundwater flooding in the English Lowlands. We proposed a standardized index of groundwater flooding which we calculated for monthly groundwater levels for 26 boreholes in the Chalk. We grouped these standardized series using k‐means cluster analysis and cross‐correlated the cluster centroids with the Standardized Precipitation Index accumulated over time intervals between 1 and 60 months. This analysis reveals 2 spatially coherent groups of standardized hydrographs that responded to precipitation over different timescales. We estimated IRF models of the groundwater level response to effective precipitation for 3 boreholes in each group. The IRF models corroborate the Standardized Precipitation Index analysis showing different response functions between the groups. We applied identical effective precipitation inputs to each of the IRF models and observed differences between the hydrographs from each group. It is suggested this is due to the hydrogeological properties of the Chalk and of overlying relatively low permeability superficial deposits (recent unconsolidated sediments overlying the bedrock, such as clays and tills), which are extensive over 1 of the groups. The overarching controls on groundwater flood response are concluded to be a complex combination of antecedent conditions, rainfall, and catchment hydrogeological properties. These controls should be taken into consideration when anticipating and managing future groundwater flood events. The approach presented is generic and parsimonious and can be easily applied where sufficient groundwater level and rainfall data are available.  相似文献   

Seismic damage simulation of buildings on a regional scale is important for loss estimation and disaster mitigation of cities. However, the interaction among densely distributed buildings in a city and the site, ie, the “site‐city interaction (SCI) effects,” is often neglected in most regional simulations. Yet, many studies have found that the SCI effects are very important in regional simulations containing a large number of tall buildings and underground structures. Therefore, this work proposed a numerical coupling scheme for nonlinear time history analysis of buildings on a regional scale considering the SCI effects. In this study, multiple‐degree‐of‐freedom models are used to represent different buildings above the ground, while an open source spectral element program, SPEED, is used for simulating wave propagation in underlying soil layers. The proposed numerical scheme is firstly validated through a shaking table test. Then, a detailed discussion on the SCI effects in a 3D basin is performed. Finally, a nonlinear time history analysis of buildings on a regional scale is performed using the Tsinghua University campus in Beijing as a case study. The Tsinghua University campus case results show that the SCI effects will reduce the seismic responses of most buildings. However, some buildings will suffer much more severe damage when the SCI effects are considered, which may depend on the input motions, site characteristics, and building configurations.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study for the seismic performance of one large‐scaled (1/15) model of 30‐story steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐concrete core wall mixed structure. The study was implemented by both shaking table tests, in which the similarity ratio for lateral and gravitational accelerations was kept to 1:1, and numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis. The test observations presented herein include story displacement, interstory drift, natural vibration periods, and final failure mode. The numerical analysis was performed to simulate the shaking table test procedure, and the numerically obtained responses were verified by the test results. On the basis of the numerical results, the progressions of structural stiffness, base shear, and overturning moment were investigated, and the distributions of base shear and overturning moment between frame and core wall were also discussed. The test demonstrates the seismic performance of the steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐core wall mixed structure and reveals the potential overturning failure mode for high rise structures. The nonlinear analysis results indicate that the peripheral frames could take more shear forces after core wall damaged under severe earthquakes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using the multi‐scale entropy analysis (MSE), we study the effects of water reservoirs on the river flow records based on long streamflow series covering January 1, 1954 and December 31, 2009 at four representative hydrological stations, i.e. the Longchuan, the Heyuan, the Lingxia and the Boluo stations. Hydrological effects of two major water reservoirs, the Xinfengjiang and the Fengshuba water reservoirs, are evaluated. The results indicate that: (1) before the construction of the water reservoirs, the complexity of the streamflow series comes to be decreasing from the upper to the lower East River and which should be attributed to the topographical properties and buffering effects of the river channel; (2) construction of water reservoirs greatly increases the complexity degree of the hydrological processes, and this influence is subjected to a damping process with the increase of distance between the water reservoirs and the hydrological stations; (3) power generation is the major function of the water reservoirs in the East River basin. The results of this study should be of theoretical and scientific merits in terms of conservation of the ecological environment and also water resources management under the influences of climate changes and intensifying human activities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, the repetition of medium–strong intensity earthquake ground motions at brief intervals of time has been observed. The new design philosophies for buildings in seismic areas are based on multi‐level design approaches, which take into account more than a single damageability limit state. According to these approaches, a sequence of seismic actions may produce important consequences on the structural safety. In this paper, the effects of repeated earthquake ground motions on the response of single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems (SDOF) with non‐linear behaviour are analysed. A comparison is performed with the effect of a single seismic event on the originally non‐damaged system for different hysteretic models in terms of pseudo‐acceleration response spectra, behaviour factor q and damage parameters. The elastic–perfect plastic system is the most vulnerable one under repeated earthquake ground motions and is characterized by a strong reduction of the q‐factor. A moment resisting steel frame is analysed as well, showing a reduction of the q‐factor under repeated earthquake ground motions even larger than that of an equivalent SDOF system. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the phenomenon of dynamic soil‐structure interaction (SSI) with a probabilistic approach. For this purpose, a twofold objective is pursued. First, the effect of SSI on inelastic response of the structure is studied considering the prevailing uncertainties. Second, the consequence of practicing SSI provisions of the current seismic design codes on the structural performance is investigated in a probabilistic framework. The soil‐structure system is modeled by the sub‐structure method. The uncertainty in the properties of the soil and the structure is described by random variables that are input to this model. Monte Carlo sampling analysis is employed to compute the probability distribution of the ductility demand of the structure, which is selected as the metrics for the structural performance. In each sample, a randomly generated soil‐structure system is subjected to a randomly selected and scaled ground motion. To comprehensively model the uncertainty in the ground motion, a suite of 3269 records is employed. An extensive parametric study is conducted to cover a wide range of soil‐structure systems. The results reveal the probability that SSI increases the ductility demand of structures designed based on the conventional fixed‐based assumption but built on flexible soil in reality. The results also show it is highly probable that practicing SSI provisions of modern seismic codes increase the ductility demand of the structure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The separated and combined effects of land‐cover scenarios and future climate on the provision of hydrological services were evaluated in Vez watershed, northern Portugal. Soil and Water Assessment Tool was calibrated against daily discharge, sediments and nitrates, with good agreements between model predictions and field observations. Four hypothetical land‐cover scenarios were applied under current climate conditions (eucalyptus/pine, oak, agriculture/vine and low vegetation). A statistical downscaling of four General Circulation Models, bias‐corrected with ground observations, was carried out for 2021–2040 and 2041–2060, using representative concentration pathway 4.5 scenario. Also, the combined effects of future climate conditions were evaluated under eucalyptus/pine and agriculture/vine scenario. Results for land cover revealed that eucalyptus/pine scenario reduced by 7% the annual water quantity and up to 17% in the summer period. Although climate change has only a modest effect on the reduction of the total annual discharge (?7%), the effect on the water levels during summer was more pronounced, between ?15% and ?38%. This study shows that climate change can affect the provision of hydrological services by reducing dry season flows and by increasing flood risks during the wet months. Regarding the combined effects, future climate may reduce the low flows, which can be aggravated with eucalyptus/pine scenario. In turn, peak flows and soil erosion can be offset. Future climate may increase soil erosion and nitrate concentration, which can be aggravated with agriculture scenario. Results moreover emphasize the need to consider both climate and land‐cover impacts in adaptation and land management options at the watershed scale. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding and representing hydrologic fluxes in the urban environment is challenging because of fine scale land cover heterogeneity and lack of coherent scaling relationships. Here, the impact of urban land cover heterogeneity, scale, and configuration on the hydrologic and surface energy budget (SEB) is assessed using an integrated, coupled land surface/hydrologic model at high spatial resolutions. Archetypes of urban land cover are simulated at varying resolutions using both the National Land Cover Database (NLCD; 30 m) and an ultra high‐resolution land cover dataset (0.6 m). The analysis shows that the impact of highly organized, yet heterogeneous, land cover typical of the urban domain can cause large variations in hydrologic and energy fluxes within areas of similar land cover. The lateral flow processes that occur within each simulation create variations in overland flow of up to ±200% and ±4% in evapotranspiration. The impact on the SEB is smaller and largely restricted to the wet season for our semi‐arid forcing scenarios. Finally, we find that this seasonal bias, predominantly caused by lateral flow, is displaced by a systematic diurnal bias at coarser resolutions caused by deficiencies in the method used for scaling of land surface and hydrologic parameters. As a result of this research, we have produced land surface parameters for the widely used NLCD urban land cover types. This work illustrates the impact of processes that remain unrepresented in traditional high‐resolutions land surface models and how they may affect results and uncertainty in modeling of local water resources and climate. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainwater harvesting could increase the resilience of ecosystems on the Loess Plateau and thus ensure the sustainability of livelihoods that depend on them. As such, it is a key component of strategies for adapting to global climate change. In this study, we used a new method to quantify the rainwater harvesting potential (RWHP) across the whole Loess Plateau and to characterize its spatial and temporal variation over the last four decades on the basis of the variable infiltration capacity model. It was found that that the mean RWHP of the study region was 731.10 × 108 m3, and the average water layer thickness was 114.34 mm. There is considerable scope for rainwater harvesting across the Loess Plateau as a whole, to the extent that it could potentially provide enough water to implement the ‘Grain for Green’ Project. The annual average RWHP decreased slightly from 1971 to 2010, and Hurst exponent analysis indicated that this trend will exhibit long‐term persistence. The annual RWHP was highest in the southeast of the Loess Plateau and lowest in the northwest. Areas with high RWHP values tended to be clustered around the middle reach of the Yellow River. For most areas, there was no significant change between 1971 and 2010. Those areas for which there was a significant decrease in RWHP were primarily located around the upper–middle reaches of the Weihe River, the upper reach of Jinghe River, the eastern Guanzhong Plain, the Qinhe River watershed and the area around Dongsheng. Quantitative assessments of RWHP are likely to be useful for guiding the development and use of innovative rainwater harvesting technologies around the world and could help to relieve the problems caused by water shortages on the Loess Plateau while simultaneously eliminate the major cause of soil erosion. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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