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This paper describes the similarity between atmospheric fluctuations of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature using data which cover a wide range of instability (0.02 < < 10). The is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect.The spectral analysis shows that the coherency between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and water vapor or temperature is very close to unity, and the phase difference is basically out of phase for whole frequency ranges analyzed. The stability dependence of the normalized standard deviation of carbon dioxide is very similar to those of water vapor and temperature. The normalized standard deviation is about 2.5 under near neutral conditions, and it decreases with increasing instability following the -1/3; power law as (-)-1/3. The skewness factors of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature show a systematic departure with increasing instabilities for 0.02 < s- < 1, and level off at high instabilities for 1 < -\s < 10. The stability dependence of the flatness factors is not so clear as that noted in the standrard deviation and skewness factors. Dissipation rates of carbon dioxide, water vapor and temperature variance are well related to the spectral peak wavelength. This seems to be real since the local production and local dissipation rates are the main terms, almost balancing one another in the variance budget equations for scalar entities.  相似文献   

From measurements in the atmospheric surface layer over a paddy field, the Kolmogorov constants for CO2 and longitudinal wind velocity were obtained. In this study, the nondimensional dissipation rate nc = (1–16 v )-1/2 for CO2 variance and = (1–16 v )-1/4 v for turbulent energy were used, assuming the equality of the local production term and the local dissipation term, and neglecting the divergence flux term in the budget equation. The value of the constant for CO2 was consistent with recent determinations for temperature and humidity. The constant for longitudinal wind velocity showed good agreement with other recent observations.  相似文献   

A calibration equation and some results of the field performance of an infrared instrument, which is designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor, are described. Field observations show that the instrument is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer. Measured values of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes show diurnal variations characterized by crop activity with respect to assimilation, respiration and evapotranspiration. Carbon dioxide is transferred downward during the daytime and upward at night, while latent heat and sensible heat are transferred in the opposite sense. The non-dimensional gradient of carbon dioxide is expressed in the following form under weak unstable conditions: c = (1 – 16 v )-1/2. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect. This relation was originally proposed for temperature and humidity. Thus, the results indicate that the turbulent mechanisms of carbon dioxide fluctuations are similar to those of other scalar entities. This is strongly supported by the high correlation coefficient found between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and temperature or humidity in the air layer over crop fields.  相似文献   

A Field Study of the Mean Pressure About a Windbreak   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To provide additional field data for assessingwindbreak flow models, mean ground-level pressurehas been measured upstream and downstream from along porous fence (height H = 1.25 m, resistancecoefficient k r = 2.4). Measurements were madeduring periods of near-neutral stability and near-normallyincident flow, with the fence standing on bare soil(roughness length, z 0 0.8 cm;H/z 0 160), or within a plant canopy. The mean pressure field,measured far from the ends of the fence, was foundto be quite insensitive to mean wind direction( , zero for perpendicular flow), for| | less than about 25°.In the absence of a canopy, during each measurementperiod the minimum pressure occurred at the closestsampling location to leeward of the windbreak, thepressure-gradient in most cases beingmaximally-adverse in the immediate lee, and decayingwith increasing downwind distance (x). On one day ofmeasurements, however, the pressure gradient over2 x/H 6 (H = windbreak height) resembled theleeward plateau identified by Wang and Taklein their numerical studies. Perhaps thisoccasional feature was only due to instrumenterror. Nevertheless a plateau of sorts wasindicated in similar measurements by Judd andPrendergast (with H = 1.92 m, z 0 1.2 cm;H/z 0 160, k r 3). Therefore,existence of a leeward pressure plateau behind athin fence cannot be definitely ruled out.When the windbreak was placed in a canopy, minimumsurface pressure was displaced downwind. Thisagrees with the wind-tunnel study of Judd, Raupach and Finnigan,and is consistent with a simple simulation reported here.  相似文献   

Wind and temperature profiles in the stable boundary layer were analyzed in the context of MoninObukhov similarity. The measurements were made on a 60-m tower in Kansas during October 1999 (CASES-99). Fluxprofile relationships, obtained from these measurements in their integral forms, were established for wind speed and temperature. Use of the integral forms eliminates the uncertainty and accuracy issues resulting from gradient computations. The corresponding stability functions, which were nearly the same for momentum and virtual sensible heat, were found to exhibit different features under weakly stable conditions compared to those under strongly stable conditions. The gradient stability functions were found to be linear, namely m = 1+ 5.8 and h = 1 + 5.4 up to a limit of the MoninObukhov stability parameter = 0.8; this is consistent with earlier findings. However, for stronger stabilities beyond a transition range, both functions were observed gradually to approach a constant, with a value of approximately 7. To link these two distinct regimes, a general but pliable functional form with only two parameters is proposed for the stability functions, covering the entire stability range from neutral to very stable conditions.  相似文献   

Convective Profile Constants Revisited   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper examines the interpolation betweenBusinger–Dyer (Kansas-type) formulae,u = (1 -1 6 )-1/4 andt = (1 - 16 )-1/2, and free convection forms. Based on matching constraints, the constants, au and at, in the convective flux-gradient relations, u = (1 - au )-1/3 and t = (1 - at )-1/3, are determined. It isshown that au and at cannot be completely independent if convective forms are blended with theKansas formulae. In other words, these relationships already carryinformation about au and at. This follows because the Kansas relations cover a wide stability range (up to = - 2), which includes a lower part of the convective sublayer (about 0.1 < - < 2). Thus, there is a subrange where both Kansas and convective formulae are valid. Matching Kansas formulae and free convection relations within thesubrange 0.1 < - < 2 and independently smoothing ofthe blending function are used to determine au and at. The values au = 10 for velocity and at = 34for scalars (temperature and humidity) give a good fit. This new approacheliminates the need for additional independent model constants and yields a`smooth' blending between Kansas and free-convection profileforms in the COARE bulk algorithm.  相似文献   

Summary Interannual modes are described in terms of three-month running mean anomaly winds (u,v), outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (T * ). Normal atmospheric monsoon circulations are defined by long-term average winds (u n,v n) computed every month from January to December. Daily winds are grouped into three frequency bands, i.e., 30–60 day filtered winds (u L,v L); 7–20 day filtered winds (u M,v M); and 2–6 day filtered winds (u S,v S). Three-month running mean anomaly kinetic energy (signified asK L , K M , andK S , respectively) is then introduced as a measure of interannual variation of equatorial disturbance activity. Interestingly, all of theseK L , K M , andK S perturbations propagate slowly eastward with same phase speed (0.3 ms–1) as ENSO modes. Associated with this eastward propagation is a positive (negative) correlation between interannual disturbance activity (K L , K M , K S ) and interannualu (OLR) modes. Namely, (K L , K M , K S ) becomes more pronounced than usual nearly simultaneously with the arrival of westerlyu and negativeOLR (above normal convection) perturbutions. In these disturbed areas with (K L , K M , K S >0), upper ocean mixing tends to increase, resulting in decreased sea surface temperature, i.e.T * 0. Thus, groups (not individual) of equatorial disturbances appear to play an important role in determiningT * variations on interannual time scales. HighestT * occurs about 3 months prior to the lowestOLR (convection) due primarily to radiational effects. This favors the eastward propagation of ENSO modes. The interannualT * variations are also controlled by the prevailing monsoonal zonal windsu n, as well as the zonal advection of sea surface temperature on interannual time scales. Over the central Pacific, all of the above mentioned physical processes contribute to the intensification of eastward propagating ENSO modes. Over the Indian Ocean, on the other hand, some of the physical processes become insignificant, or even compensated for by other processes. This results in less pronounced ENSO modes over the Indian Ocean.With 10 FiguresContribution No. 89-6, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

Previous results of non-dimensional wind and temperature profiles as functions of ( = z/L) show systematic deviations between different experiments. These discrepancies are generally believed not to reflect real differences but rather instrumental shortcomings. In particular, it is clear that flow distortion has not been adequately treated in most previous experiments. In the present paper, results are presented from a surface-layer field experiment where great care was taken to remove any effects from this kind of error and also to minimize other measuring errors. Data from about 90 30-min runs with turbulence measurements at three levels (3, 6, and 14 m) and simultaneous profile data have been analysed to yield information on flux-gradient relationships for wind and temperature.The flux measurements themselves show that the fluxes of momentum and sensible heat are constant within ± 7% on average for the entire 14 m layer in daytime conditions and when the stratification is slightly stable. For more stable conditions, the flux starts to decrease systematically somewhere in the layer 6 to 14 m. From a large body of data for near-neutral conditions (¦¦ 0.1), values are derived for von Kármán's constant: 0.40 ± 0.01 and for h at neutrally, 0.95 ± 0.04. The range of uncertainty indicated here is meant to include statistical uncertainty as well as the effect of possible systematic errors.Data for m and h for an extended stability range (1 > > – 3) are presented. Several formulas for m and h appearing in the literature have been used in a comparative study. But first all the formulas have been modified in accordance with the following assumptions: = 0.40 and ( h ) = 0 = 0.95; deviations from this result in the various studies are due to incomplete correction for flow distortion. After new corrections are introduced, the various formulas were compared with the present measurements and with each other. It is found that after this modification, the most generally used formulas for m and h for unstable conditions, i.e., those of Businger et al. (1971) and Dyer (1974) agree with each other to within ± 10% and with the present data. For stable conditions, the various formulas still disagree to some extent. The conclusion in relation to the present data is not as clear as for the unstable runs, because of increased scatter. It is, however, found that the modified curve of Businger et al. (1971) for h fits the data well, whereas for m , Dyer's (1974) curve appears to give slightly better agreement.  相似文献   

Summary The standard equations for the theory of atmospheric tides are solved here by an integral representation on the continuous spectrum of free oscillations. The model profile of back-ground temperature is that of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere in the lower and middle atmosphere, and in the lower thermosphere, above which an isothermal top extends to arbitrarily great heights. The top is warm enough to bring both the Lamb and the Pekeris modes into the continuous spectrum.Computations are made for semidiurnal lunar tidal pressure at sea level at the equator, and the contributions are partitioned according to vertical as well as horizontal structure. Almost all the response is taken up by the Lamb and Pekeris modes of the slowest westward-propagating gravity wave. At sea level, the Lamb-mode response is direct and is relatively insensitive to details of the temperature profile. The Pekeris mode at sea level has an indirect response-in competition with the Lamb mode-and, as has been known since the time of its discovery, it is quite sensitive to the temperature profile, in particular to stratopause temperature. In the standard atmosphere the Lamb mode contributes about +0.078 mb to tidal surface pressure at the equator and the Pekeris mode about –0.048 mb.The aim of this investigation is to illustrate some consequences of representing the tide in terms of the structures of free oscillations. To simplify that task as much as possible, all modifying influences were omitted, such as background wind and ocean or earth tide. Perhaps the main defect of this paper's implementation of the free-oscillation spectrum is that, in contrast to the conventional expansion in the structures of forced oscillations, it does not include dissipation, either implicity or explicity, and thus does not satisfy causality. Dissipation could be added implicity by means of an impedance condition, for example, which would cause up-going energy flux to exceed downgoing flux at the base of the isothermal top layer. To achieve complete causality, however, the dissipation must be modeled explicity. Nevertheless, since the Lamb and Pekeris modes are strongly trapped in the lower and middle atmosphere, where dissipation is rather weak (except possibly in the surface boundary layer), more realistic modeling is not likely to change the broad features of the present results.Symbols a earth's mean radius; expansion coefficient in (5.3) - b recursion variable in (7.4); proximity to resonance in (9.2) - c sound speed in (2.2); specific heatc p in (2.2) - f Coriolis parameter 2sin in (2.2) - g standard surface gravity - h equivalent depth - i ; discretization index in (7.3) - j index for horizontal structure - k index for horizontal structure; upward unit vectork in (2.2) - m wave number in longitude - n spherical-harmonic degree; number of grid layers in a model layer - p tidal pressure perturbation; background pressurep 0 - q heating function (energy per mass per time) - r tidal state vector in (2.1) - s tidal entropy perturbation; background entropys 0 - t time - u tidal horizontal velocityu - w tidal vertical component of velocity - x excitation vector defined in (2.3); vertical coordinate lnp */p 0 [except in (3.8), where it is lnp /p 0] - y vertical-structure function in (7.1) - z geopotential height - A constant defined in (6.2) - C spherical-harmonic expansion coefficient in (3.6) - D vertical cross section defined in (5.6) and (5.9) - E eigenstate vector - F vertical-structure function for eigenstate pressure in (3.2) [re-defined with WKB scaling in (7.2)] - G vertical-structure function for eigenstate vertical velocity in (3.2) [re-defined with WKB scaling in (7.2)] - H pressure-scale height - I mode intensity defined in (8.1) - K quadratic form defined in (4.4) - L quadratic form defined in (4.4); horizontal-structure magnification factor defined in (5.11) - M vertical-structure magnification factor defined in (4.6) - P eigenstate pressure in (3.2); tidal pressure in (6.2) - R tidal state vector in (5.1) - S eigenstate entropy in (3.2); spherical surface area, in differential dS - T background molecular-scale (NOAA, 1976) absolute temperatureT 0 - U eigenstate horizontal velocityU in (3.2); coefficient in (7.3) - V horizontal-structure functionV for eigenstate horizontal velocity in (3.2); recursion variable in (7.3) - W eigenstate vertical velocity in (3.2) - X excitation vector in (5.1) - Y surface spherical harmonic in (3.7) - Z Hough function defined in (3.6) - +dH/dz - (1––)/2 - Kronecker delta; Dirac delta; correction operator in (7.6) - equilibrium tide elevation - (square-root of Hough-function eigenvalue) - ratio of specific gas constant to specific heat for air=2/7 - longitude - - - background density 0 - eigenstate frequency in (3.1) - proxy for heating functionq =c P/t - latitude - tide frequency - operator for the limitz - horizontal-structure function for eigenstate pressure in (3.2) - Hough function defined in (6.2) - earth's rotation speed - horizontal gradient operator - ()0 background variable - ()* surface value of background variable - () value at base of isothermal top layer - Õ state vector with zerow-component - , energy product defined in (2.4) - | | energy norm - ()* complex conjugate With 10 Figures  相似文献   

The Langevin equation is used to derive the Markov equation for the vertical velocity of a fluid particle moving in turbulent flow. It is shown that if the Eulerian velocity variance wE is not constant with height, there is an associated vertical pressure gradient which appears as a force-like term in the Markov equation. The correct form of the Markov equation is: w(t + t) = aw(t) + b wE + (1 – a)T L ( wE 2)/z, where w(t) is the vertical velocity at time t, a random number from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance, T L the Lagrangian integral time scale for vertical velocity, a = exp(–t/T L), and b = (1 – a 2)1/2. This equation can be used for inhomogeneous turbulence in which the mean wind speed, wE and T L vary with height. A two-dimensional numerical simulation shows that when this equation is used, an initially uniform distribution of tracer remains uniform.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, the author introduced a new viscous boundary layer, called the mesolayer, in turbulent shear flow. Its importance stems from its location between the inner and outer regions which are controlled by the law of the wall and Reynolds number similarity, respectively. This intrusion prevents the classical overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical logarithmic behavior. The mesolayer has a thickness proportional to Taylor's microscale . This, and the analogy between the energy equation for the spectrum function of isotropic turbulence and the momentum equation for shear flow, suggest the existence of a similar region in wavenumber space with wavenumber k ~ -1. This mesoregion separates the inner region k ~ k s(where k s-1 and is the Kolmogorov length) and the outer region k k e(where k e -1 and l is the energy-containing eddy size) and again invalidates the overlap assumption which appears to be fundamental in the derivation of the classical k -5/3-behavior of the inertial subrange.Incorporation of the mesoregion into the argument leads to a new theory with k -5/3-behavior in two regions (-1 k k s) and (k e k -1) although with two different coefficients of proportionality (Kolmogorov constants). This leads to a wandering of the spectrum curve about the classical k -5/3 line similar to a wandering in turbulent shear flow about the logarithmic curve. This is clearly indicated by the data for the variation of the Kolmogorov constant.Other data support the new theory. In particular, the location of the point k mwhere the curve of the nonlinear energy-transfer function goes through zero shows agreement with the theory, i.e., k m-1.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of agricultural management on the CO2 budget of a typical subalpine grassland was investigated at the Swiss CARBOMONT site at Rigi-Seebodenalp (1025m a.s.l.) in Central Switzerland. Eddy covariance flux measurements obtained during the first growing season from the mid of spring until the first snow fall (17 Mai to 25 September 2002) are reported. With respect to the 10-year average 1992–2001, we found that this growing season had started 10 days earlier than normal, but was close to average temperature with above-normal precipitation (100–255% depending on month). Using a footprint model we found that a simple approach using wind direction sectors was adequate to classify our CO2 fluxes as being controlled by either meadow or pasture. Two significantly different light response curves could be determined: one for periods with external interventions (grass cutting, cattle grazing) and the other for periods without external interventions. Other than this, meadow and pasture were similar, with a net carbon gain of –128±17g Cm–2 on the undisturbed meadow, and a net carbon loss of 79±17g Cm–2 on the managed meadow, and 270±24g Cm–2 on the pasture during 131 days of the growing season, respectively. The grass cut in June reduced the gross CO2 uptake of the meadow by 50±2% until regrowth of the vegetation. Cattle grazing reduced gross uptake over the whole vegetation period (37±2%), but left respiration at a similar level as observed in the meadow.  相似文献   

We present turbulence spectra and cospectra derived from long-term eddy-covariancemeasurements (nearly 40,000 hourly data over three to four years) and the transferfunctions of closed-path infrared gas analyzers over two mixed hardwood forests inthe mid-western U.S.A. The measurement heights ranged from 1.3 to 2.1 times themean tree height, and peak vegetation area index (VAI) was 3.5 to 4.7; the topographyat both sites deviates from ideal flat terrain. The analysis follows the approach ofKaimal et al. (Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 98, 563–589, 1972) whose results were based upon 15 hours of measurements atthree heights in the Kansas experiment over flatter and smoother terrain. Both thespectral and cospectral constants and stability functions for normalizing and collapsingspectra and cospectra in the inertial subrange were found to be different from those ofKaimal et al. In unstable conditions, we found that an appropriate stabilityfunction for the non-dimensional dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy is of the form () = (1 - b-)-1/4 - c-, where representsthe non-dimensional stability parameter. In stable conditions, a non-linear functionGxy() = 1 + bxyc xy (cxy < 1) was found to benecessary to collapse cospectra in the inertial subrange. The empirical cospectralmodels of Kaimal et al. were modified to fit the somewhat more (neutraland unstable) or less (stable) sharply peaked scalar cospectra observed over forestsusing the appropriate cospectral constants and non-linear stability functions. Theempirical coefficients in the stability functions and in the cospectral models varywith measurement height and seasonal changes in VAI. The seasonal differencesare generally larger at the Morgan Monroe State Forest site (greater peak VAI) andcloser to the canopy.The characteristics of transfer functions of the closed-path infrared gas analysersthrough long-tubes for CO2 and water vapour fluxes were studied empirically. This was done by fitting the ratio between normalized cospectra of CO2 or watervapour fluxes and those of sensible heat to the transfer function of a first-order sensor.The characteristic time constant for CO2 is much smaller than that for water vapour. The time constant for water vapour increases greatly with aging tubes. Three methods were used to estimate the flux attenuations and corrections; from June through August, the attenuations of CO2 fluxes are about 3–4% during the daytime and 6–10% at night on average. For the daytime latent heat flux (QE), the attenuations are foundto vary from less than 10% for newer tubes to over 20% for aged tubes. Correctionsto QE led to increases in the ratio (QH + QE)/(Q* - QG) by about 0.05 to0.19 (QH is sensible heat flux, Q* is net radiation and QG is soil heat flux),and thus are expected to have an important impact on the assessment of energy balanceclosure.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1988/89 flights were carried out in the Coorong coastal area of South Australia to investigate sea-breeze fronts. The flights yielded data sets of the structure of the fronts in the cross-frontal direction with a spatial resolution of approximately 3 m. The study is focused on the budgets of sensible and latent heat in the vicinity of the front and on frontogenesis/frontolysis processes which are closely related to budget considerations.The frontogenesis relationships and the budgets were established on a 2 km length scale by low-pass filtering of the space series. As the wind components were measured with high accuracy, all processes which determine frontogenesis could be evaluated and are displayed in x,z-cross-sections: these are the confluence, shear and diabatic effects, all of which play a role in q/x-, q/z-, /x- as well as /z-frontogenesis. A detailed analysis is given for two different states of frontal development. The presented results shed much light on the governing physical processes in the frontal region with strong emphasis on the effects of confluence-generated updrafts, on shear instabilities causing bulges and clefts in the frontal surface as well as producing the elevated frontal head, and on processes related to differential heating and moistening.  相似文献   

From measured one-dimensional spectra of velocity and temperature variance, the universal functions of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory are calculated for the range –2 z/L + 2. The calculations show good agreement with observations with the exception of a range –1 z/L 0 in which the function m , i.e., the nondimensional mean shear, is overestimated. This overestimation is shown to be caused by neglecting the spectral divergence of a vertical transport of turbulent kinetic energy. The integral of the spectral divergence over the entire wave number space is suggested to be negligibly small in comparison with production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy.Notation a,b,c contants (see Equations (–4)) - Ci constants i=u, v, w, (see Equation (5) - kme,kmT peak wave numbers of 3-d moel spectra of turbulent kinetic energy and of temperature variance, respectively - kmi peak wave numbers of 1-d spectra of velocity components i=u, v, w and of temperature fluctuations i= - ksb, kc characteristics wave numbers of energy-feeding by mechanical effects being modified by mean buoyancy, and of convective energy feeding, respectively - L Monin-Obukhov length - % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbqefm0B1jxALjhiov2D% aebbfv3ySLgzGueE0jxyaibaiiYdd9qrFfea0dXdf9vqai-hEir8Ve% ea0de9qq-hbrpepeea0db9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepeea0-as0Fb9pgea% 0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbaqaaeGacaGaaiaabeqaamaabaabcaGcba% Gabeivayaaraaaaa!3C5B!\[{\rm{\bar T}}\] difference of mean temperature and mean potential temperature - T* Monin-Obukhov temperature scale - velocity of mean flow in positive x-direction - u* friction velocity - u, v, w components of velocity fluctuations - z height above ground - von Kármanán constant - temperature fluctuation - m nondimensional mean shear - H nondimensional mean temperature gradient - nondimensional rate of lolecular dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy - D nondimensional divergence of vertical transports of turbulent linetic energy  相似文献   

Meteorological measurements taken at the Näsudden wind turbine site during slightly unstable conditions have been analyzed. The height of the convective boundary layer (CBL) was rather low, varying between 60 and 300 m. Turbulence statistics near the ground followed Monin-Obukhov similarity, whereas the remaining part of the boundary layer can be regarded as a near neutral upper layer. In 55% of the runs, horizontal roll vortices were found. Those were the most unstable runs, with -z i/L > 5. Spectra and co-spectra are used to identify the structures. Three roll indicators were identified: (i) a low frequency peak in the spectrum of the lateral component at low level; (ii) a corresponding increase in the vertical component at mid-CBL; (iii) a positive covariance {ovvw} together with positive wind shear in the lateral direction (V/z) in the CBL. By applying these indicators, it is possible to show that horizontal roll circulations are likely to be a common phenomenon over the Baltic during late summer and early winter.  相似文献   

The aerodynamic classification of the resistance laws above solid surfaces is based on the use of a so-called Reynolds roughness number Re s =h s u */, whereh s is the effective roughness height, -viscosity,u *-friction velocity. The recent experimental studies reported by Toba and Ebuchi (1991), demonstrated that the observed variability of the sea roughness cannot be explained only on the basis of the classification of aerodynamic conditions of the sea surface proposed by Kitaigorodskii and Volkov (1965) and Kitaigorodskii (1968) even though the latter approach gains some support from recent experimental studies (see for example Geernaertet al. 1986). In this paper, an attempt is made to explain some of the recently observed features of the variability of surface roughness (Toba and Ebuchi, 1991; Donelanet al., 1993). The fluctuating regime of the sea surface roughness is also described. It is shown that the contribution from the dissipation subrange to the variability of the sea surface can be very important and by itself can explain Charnock's (1955) regime.  相似文献   

Recently Wilson and Flesch (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 84, 411-426, 1997) suggested that the average increment d z to the orientation = arctan(w/u) of the Lagrangian velocity-fluctuation vector can be used to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. Here it is demonstrated that the specification of d z constitutes neither a sufficient or universally applicable criterion to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. The hypothesis made by Wilson and Flesch that Lagrangian stochastic models with /PE irrotational are zero-spin models, having d z=0, is proven  相似文献   

During spring and autumn, many lakes in temperate latitudes experience intensive convective mixing in the vertical, which leads to almost isothermal conditions with depth. Thus the regime of turbulence appears to be similar with that characteristic of convective boundary layers in the atmosphere. In the present paper a simple analytical approach, based on boundary-layer theory, is applied to convective conditions in lakes. The aims of the paper are firstly to analyze in detail the temperature distribution during these periods, and secondly to investigate the current system, created by the horizontal temperature gradient and wind action. For these purposes, simple analytical solutions for the current velocities are derived under the assumption of depth-constant temperatures. The density-induced current velocities are shown to be small, in the order of a few mm/sec. The analytical model of wind-driven currents is compared with field data. The solution is in good qualitative agreement with observed current velocities under the condition that the wind field is steady for a relatively long time and that residual effects from former wind events are negligible.The effect of the current system on an approximately depth-constant temperature distribution is then checked by using the obtained current velocity fields in the heat transfer equation and deriving an analytical solution for the corrected temperature field. These temperature corrections are shown to be small, which indicates that it is reasonable to describe the temperature distribution with vertical isotherms.Notation T temperature - t time - x, y, z cartesian coordinates - molecular viscosity - h , v horizontal and vertical turbulent viscosity - K h ,K v horizontal and vertical turbulent conductivity - Q heat flux through the water surface - D depth - u, v, w average current velocity components inx, y andz directions - f Coriolis parameter - p pressure - density - g gravity acceleration - a constant in the freshwater state equation - h s deviation from the average water surface elevation - L *,H * length and depth scale - U *,W * horizontal and vertical velocity scale - T temperature difference scale - bottom slope - u * friction velocity at the water surface - von Karman constant - L Monin-Obukhov length scale - buoyancy parameter - l turbulence length scale - C 1,C 2,C 3 dimensionless constants in the expressions for the vertical turbulent viscosity - , dimensionless vertical coordinate and dimensionless local depth - angle between surface stress direction andx-axis - T bx ,T by bottom stress components - c bottom drag coefficient  相似文献   

TheConvectiveDiffusionObserved byRemoteSensors (CONDORS) field experiment conducted at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory used innovative techniques to obtain three-dimensional mappings of plume concentration fields, /Q, of oil fog detected by lidar and chaff detected by Doppler radar. It included extensive meteorological measurements and, in 1983, tracer gases measured at a single sampling arc. Final results from ten hours of elevated and surface release data are summarized here. Many intercomparisons were made. Oil fog /Q measured 40m above the arc are mostly in good agreement withSF 6 values, except in a few instances with large spacial inhomogeneities over short distances. After a correction scheme was applied to compensate for the effect of its settling speed, chaff dy/Q agreed well with those of oil except in two cases of oil fog hot spots. Mass or frequency distribution vs. azimuth or elevation angle comparisons were made for chaff, oil, and wind, with mostly good agreements. Spacial standard deviations, y and z, of chaff and oil agree overall and are consistent at short range with velocity standard deviations vand w 0.6w* (the convective scale velocity), as measured atz>100m. Surface release y is enhanced up to 60% at smallx, consistent with the Prairie Grass measurements and with larger v and reduced wind speed measured near the surface. Decreased y at small dimensionless average times is also noted. Finally, convectively scaled dy, C y, were plotted versus dimensionlessx andz for oil, chaff, and corrected chaff for each 30–60 min period. Aggregated CONDORSC y fields compare well with laboratory tank and LES numerical simulations; surface-released oil fog compares expecially well with the tank experiments. However, large deviations from the norm occurred in individual averaging periods; these deviations correlated strongly with anomalies in measured distributions.On assignment to the US Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, RTP, NC.  相似文献   

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