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Arsenic(III) adsorption reactions are thought to play a critical role in the mobility of arsenic in the environment. It is the nature of the As(III) surface species that must be known on a wide variety of minerals and over a range of pH, ionic strength and surface coverage in order to be able to predict adsorption behavior. EXAFS and XANES spectroscopic studies have identified bidentate, binuclear inner-sphere surface species and/or an outer-sphere species, but only a few oxides have been examined. These results need to be integrated with a predictive surface complexation model in order to ascertain the environmental conditions under which the different surface species may be important on a wide range of solids. In the present study, the surface species information from XAFS and XANES studies has been built into a recent extension of the triple-layer model (ETLM) for the formation of inner-sphere complexes of anions that takes into account the electrostatics of water dipole desorption during ligand exchange reactions. The ETLM has been applied to regress surface titration, proton coadsorption, and As(III) adsorption data over extensive ranges of pH, ionic strength, electrolyte type and surface coverage for magnetite, goethite, gibbsite, amorphous hydrous alumina, hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), ferrihydrite, and amorphous iron oxide. Two principal reactions forming inner- and outer-sphere As(III) surface species,

Sulfate and selenate adsorption on iron oxides are important reactions in natural systems under a very wide range of pH values, ionic strengths, and electrolyte compositions. Under such conditions, spectroscopic and theoretical calculations have demonstrated the potential importance of a variety of surface species. Understanding the variations in the surface speciation of these oxyanions is fundamental to prediction of their partitioning between minerals and aqueous solutions. In the present study, published experimental spectroscopic and theoretical molecular evidence of the identity of sulfate/selenate surface species are integrated with a surface complexation model consistent with a wide variety of experimental adsorption, surface titration, and proton coadsorption data to define the surface speciation of sulfate and selenate on iron oxides under a wide range of conditions. The analysis was carried out with the extended triple layer model (ETLM) taking into account the electrostatics of water dipole desorption during ligand exchange reactions. On seven out of eight goethites studied, sulfate and selenate surface reactions can be represented by the formation of a monodentate-mononuclear inner-sphere and a bidentate-binuclear outer-sphere (or H-bonded) species according to

Aqueous iodine species occur mainly as iodide (I) and iodate (IO3), depending on redox conditions. The adsorption of IO3 on naturally occurring oxides under oxic conditions is of environmental concern. The adsorption behaviors of IO3 by hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), α-FeOOH, and γ-Al2O3 were examined in this study as functions of pH, ionic strength, and solid concentration. Adsorption data were analyzed using an extended triple-layer model (ETLM) for surface complexation modeling to infer IO3 adsorption reactions and equilibrium constants. Results of ETLM analysis suggest that adsorption of IO3 is both an outer-sphere and an inner-sphere process, as expressed by the following complexation reactions, which are consistent with the independent pressure jump kinetic results and adsorption enthalpy measurements

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(4):445-454
Processing waters contain up to 10 mg l−1 dissolved As at the Macraes mine, New Zealand, and this is all removed by adsorption as the water percolates through a large earth dam. Laboratory experiments were set up to identify which mineral is the most effective substrate for this adsorption of As. The experiments were conducted using infrared (IR) spectroscopy of thin mineral films adhering to a ZnSe prism. Silicates, including kaolinite, adsorbed only small amounts of As which was readily washed off. Hydrated Fe oxides (HFO) were extremely effective at adsorbing As, particularly the natural amorphous HFO currently being deposited from dam discharge waters at the Macraes mine. An adsorption isotherm determined for this natural material has the adsorption constant, Kads=(1.9±0.4)×104 M−1, and the substrate becomes saturated with adsorbed As when solution concentrations exceed about 50 mg l−1. Saturation is not being reached at the Macraes mine. Arsenic adsorbed on to natural HFO has a distinctive IR spectrum with the absorption peak varying from 800 cm−1 (alkaline solutions) to 820 cm−1 (neutral to acid solutions). Much of this adsorbed As is strongly bound and difficult to wash off. Arsenate ions adsorb in a bidentate structure which may be a precursor for scorodite crystallisation.  相似文献   

The competitive adsorption of arsenate and arsenite with silicic acid at the ferrihydrite–water interface was investigated over a wide pH range using batch sorption experiments, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) modeling. Batch sorption results indicate that the adsorption of arsenate and arsenite on the 6-L ferrihydrite surface exhibits a strong pH-dependence, and the effect of pH on arsenic sorption differs between arsenate and arsenite. Arsenate adsorption decreases consistently with increasing pH; whereas arsenite adsorption initially increases with pH to a sorption maximum at pH 7–9, where after sorption decreases with further increases in pH. Results indicate that competitive adsorption between silicic acid and arsenate is negligible under the experimental conditions; whereas strong competitive adsorption was observed between silicic acid and arsenite, particularly at low and high pH. In situ, flow-through ATR-FTIR data reveal that in the absence of silicic acid, arsenate forms inner-sphere, binuclear bidentate, complexes at the ferrihydrite surface across the entire pH range. Silicic acid also forms inner-sphere complexes at ferrihydrite surfaces throughout the entire pH range probed by this study (pH 2.8–9.0). The ATR-FTIR data also reveal that silicic acid undergoes polymerization at the ferrihydrite surface under the environmentally-relevant concentrations studied (e.g., 1.0 mM). According to ATR-FTIR data, arsenate complexation mode was not affected by the presence of silicic acid. EXAFS analyses and DFT modeling confirmed that arsenate tetrahedra were bonded to Fe metal centers via binuclear bidentate complexation with average As(V)-Fe bond distance of 3.27 Å. The EXAFS data indicate that arsenite forms both mononuclear bidentate and binuclear bidentate complexes with 6-L ferrihydrite as indicated by two As(III)–Fe bond distances of ∼2.92–2.94 and 3.41–3.44 Å, respectively. The As–Fe bond distances in both arsenate and arsenite EXAFS spectra remained unchanged in the presence of Si, suggesting that whereas Si diminishes arsenite adsorption preferentially, it has a negligible effect on As–Fe bonding mechanisms.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the physico-chemical study of cadmium and lead interaction with diatom–water interfaces for two marine planktonic (Thalassiosira weissflogii = TW, Skeletonema costatum = SC) and two freshwater periphytic species (Achnanthidium minutissimum = AMIN, Navicula minima = NMIN) by combining adsorption measurements with surface complexation modeling. Reversible adsorption experiments were performed at 20 °C after 3 h of exposure as a function of pH, metal concentration in solution, and ionic strength. While the shape of pH-dependent adsorption edge is similar among all four diatom species, the constant-pH adsorption isotherm and maximal binding capacities differ. These observations allowed us to construct a surface complexation model for cadmium and lead binding by diatom surfaces that postulates the constant capacitance of the electric double layer and considers Cd and Pb complexation with mainly carboxylic and, partially, silanol groups. Parameters of this model are in agreement with previous acid–base titration results and allow quantitative reproduction of all adsorption experiments.  相似文献   

白冰  李小春  刘延锋  方志明  张勇 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1974-1976
引入煤岩对气体的吸附势函数,并假定吸附势函数是引起多孔介质变形和应力的一个因素,给出了考虑CO2吸附的煤岩热弹性模型的一般形式,分析了CO2吸附对煤岩热弹性模型的影响。结果表明,在弹性范围内,吸附势函数是通过改变热传导方程和热传导的热力学限制条件来间接影响介质的应力和变形的。而对应力一应变之间的关系表达式的形式没有影响。一旦给出自由能函数和吸附势函数的形式,就可以确定考虑气体吸附条件下介质的热弹性本构模型。  相似文献   

The Fe(II) adsorption by non-ferric and ferric (hydr)oxides has been analyzed with surface complexation modeling. The CD model has been used to derive the interfacial distribution of charge. The fitted CD coefficients have been linked to the mechanism of adsorption. The Fe(II) adsorption is discussed for TiO2, γ-AlOOH (boehmite), γ-FeOOH (lepidocrocite), α-FeOOH (goethite) and HFO (ferrihydrite) in relation to the surface structure and surface sites. One type of surface complex is formed at TiO2 and γ-AlOOH, i.e. a surface-coordinated Fe2+ ion. At the TiO2 (Degussa) surface, the Fe2+ ion is probably bound as a quattro-dentate surface complex. The CD value of Fe2+ adsorbed to γ-AlOOH points to the formation of a tridentate complex, which might be a double edge surface complex. The adsorption of Fe(II) to ferric (hydr)oxides differs. The charge distribution points to the transfer of electron charge from the adsorbed Fe(II) to the solid and the subsequent hydrolysis of the ligands that coordinate to the adsorbed ion, formerly present as Fe(II). Analysis shows that the hydrolysis corresponds to the hydrolysis of adsorbed Al(III) for γ-FeOOH and α-FeOOH. In both cases, an adsorbed M(III) is found in agreement with structural considerations. For lepidocrocite, the experimental data point to a process with a complete surface oxidation while for goethite and also HFO, data can be explained assuming a combination of Fe(II) adsorption with and without electron transfer. Surface oxidation (electron transfer), leading to adsorbed Fe(III)(OH)2, is favored at high pH (pH > ∼7.5) promoting the deprotonation of two FeIII-OH2 ligands. For goethite, the interaction of Fe(II) with As(III) and vice versa has been modeled too. To explain Fe(II)-As(III) dual-sorbate systems, formation of a ternary type of surface complex is included, which is supposed to be a monodentate As(III) surface complex that interacts with an Fe(II) ion, resulting in a binuclear bidentate As(III) surface complex.  相似文献   

The mobility of toxic metals in soils or sediments is of great concern to scientists and environmentalists since it directly affects the bioavailability of metals and their movement to surface and ground waters. In this study, a multi-surface soil speciation model for Cd (II) and Pb (II) was developed to predict the partition of metals on various soil solid components (e.g. soil organic matter (SOM), oxide mineral, and clay mineral). In previous study, the sorption of metal cations on SOM and oxide minerals has been evaluated by thermodynamically based surface complexation model. However, metal binding to soil clay fractions was normally treated in a simplistic manner: only cation exchange reactions were considered and exchange coefficient was assumed unity. In this study, the binding of metals onto clays was described by a two-site surface sorption model (a basal surface site and an edge site). The model was checked by predicting the adsorption behavior of Cd (II) and Pb (II) onto three selected Chinese soils as a function of pH and ionic strengths. Results showed that the proposed model more accurately predicted the metal adsorption on soils under studied condition, especially in low ionic strength condition, suggesting that adsorption of metals to soil clay fractions need to be considered more carefully when modeling the partition of trace elements in soils. The developed soil speciation model will be useful when evaluating the movement and bioavailability of toxic metals in soil environment.  相似文献   

Recent studies of uranium(VI) geochemistry have focused on the potentially important role of the aqueous species, CaUO2(CO3)32− and Ca2UO2(CO3)30(aq), on inhibition of microbial reduction and uranium(VI) aqueous speciation in contaminated groundwater. However, to our knowledge, there have been no direct studies of the effects of these species on U(VI) adsorption by mineral phases. The sorption of U(VI) on quartz and ferrihydrite was investigated in NaNO3 solutions equilibrated with either ambient air (430 ppm CO2) or 2% CO2 in the presence of 0, 1.8, or 8.9 mM Ca2+. Under conditions where the Ca2UO2(CO3)30(aq) species predominates U(VI) aqueous speciation, the presence of Ca in solution lowered U(VI) adsorption on quartz from 77% in the absence of Ca to 42% and 10% at Ca concentrations of 1.8 and 8.9 mM, respectively. U(VI) adsorption to ferrihydrite decreased from 83% in the absence of Ca to 57% in the presence of 1.8 mM Ca. Surface complexation model predictions that included the formation constant for aqueous Ca2UO2(CO3)30(aq) accurately simulated the effect of Ca2+ on U(VI) sorption onto quartz and ferrihydrite within the thermodynamic uncertainty of the stability constant value. This study confirms that Ca2+ can have a significant impact on the aqueous speciation of U(VI), and consequently, on the sorption and mobility of U(VI) in aquifers.  相似文献   

Sorption of U(VI) on Hanford fine sand (HFS) with varying Fe-oxide (especially ferrihydrite) contents showed that U(VI) sorption increased with the incremental addition of synthetic ferrihydrite into HFS, consistent with ferrihydrite being one of the most reactive U(VI) sorbents present in natural sediments. Surface complexation model (SCM) calculations for U(VI) sorption, using only U(VI) surface-reaction constants obtained from U(VI) sorption data on freshly synthesized ferrihydrite at different pHs, were similar to the measured U(VI) sorption results on pure synthetic ferrihydrite and on HFS with high contents of ferrihydrite (5 wt%) added. However, the SCM prediction using only U(VI) sorption reactions and constants for synthetic ferrihydrite overestimated U(VI) sorption on the natural HFS or HFS with addition of low amounts of added ferrihydrite (1 wt% added). Over-predicted U(VI) sorption was attributed to reduced reactivity of natural ferrihydrite present in Hanford Site sediments, compared to freshly prepared synthetic ferrihydrite. Even though the SCM general composite (GC) approach is considered to be a semi-quantitative estimation technique for contaminant sorption, which requires systematic experimental data on the sorbent–sorbate system being studied to obtain credible SCM parameters, the general composite SCM model was still found to be a useful technique for describing U(VI) sorption on natural sediments. Based on U(VI) batch sorption results, two simple U(VI) monodentate surface species, SO_UO2HCO3 and SO_UO2OH on ferrihydrite and phyllosillicate in HFS, respectively, can be successfully used to describe U(VI) sorption onto Hanford Site sediment contacting varying geochemical solutions.  相似文献   

The Pb complexes in a synthetic brine solution with a composition comparable to that of the Atlantis II Deep 56°C Brine have been identified by UV absorption spectroscopy. The important species at ambient temperatures are PbCl2?4 and Pb(OH)BrCl22?. At 56°C the former complex partially dissociates to form lower chloro complexes while the latter undergoes halide exchange reactions forming Pb(OH)Br2Cl2?. Evidence has also been found for the following polymeric lead hydroxo complexes: Pb4(OH)4Cl4, Pb6(OH)3Cl12 and Pb3(OH)12Cl4. The predominant polynuclear complex in the brine, Pb4(OH)4Cl4, tends to dissociate at 56°C to form lower polymeric species. The formulation of the limiting binary chloro complex as PbCl42? rather than PbCl64? is supported by the reflectance spectrum of Cs4PbCl6.  相似文献   

We measured the adsorption of Cu(II) onto kaolinite from pH 3-7 at constant ionic strength. EXAFS spectra show that Cu(II) adsorbs as (CuO4Hn)n−6 and binuclear (Cu2O6Hn)n−8 inner-sphere complexes on variable-charge ≡AlOH sites and as Cu2+ on ion exchangeable ≡X--H+ sites. Sorption isotherms and EXAFS spectra show that surface precipitates have not formed at least up to pH 6.5. Inner-sphere complexes are bound to the kaolinite surface by corner-sharing with two or three edge-sharing Al(O,OH)6 polyhedra. Our interpretation of the EXAFS data are supported by ab initio (density functional theory) geometries of analog clusters simulating Cu complexes on the {110} and {010} crystal edges and at the ditrigonal cavity sites on the {001}. Having identified the bidentate (≡AlOH)2Cu(OH)20, tridentate (≡Al3O(OH)2)Cu2(OH)30 and ≡X--Cu2+ surface complexes, the experimental copper(II) adsorption data can be fit to the reactions

Quantitative characterization of the development of proton surface charge on the surfaces of minerals is necessary for a fundamental understanding of reactions between minerals and aqueous electrolyte solutions. Despite many experimental studies of charge development, few attempts have been made to integrate the results of such studies with a theoretical framework that permits prediction. The present study builds on a theoretical framework to analyze a total of 55 sets of proton surface charge data referring to wide ranges of ionic strengths, and types of electrolyte and oxide. The resulting parameters were interpreted with the aid of crystal chemical, electrostatic, and thermodynamic theory, which enable a number of generalizations. Prediction of values of the pHZPC and ΔpKnθ reduces the number of triple-layer parameters to be estimated. New standard states for the equilibrium constants for electrolyte adsorption (KM+θ and KLθ) permit direct comparison of samples with a range of surface areas or site densities. Predicted cation binding on high dielectric constant solids (e.g., rutile) shows KM+θ, increasing in the sequence Cs+, Rb+, K+, Na+, Li+. In contrast, on low dielectric constant solids (e.g., amorphous silica), the predicted sequence is Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+. The opposite sequences are attributable to the large solvation energy contribution opposing adsorption on low-dielectric constant solids. Cation and anion binding constants are in general different, which enables direct prediction of the point-of-zero-salt effect (pHPZSE) relative to the pristine point-of-zero charge. The inner and outer capacitances in the triple-layer model (C1 and C2) are predictable parameters consistent with physically reasonable distances and interfacial dielectric constants for water. In summary, all the parameters in the triple-layer model can be estimated with the revised equations of this study, which enables prediction of proton surface charge for any oxide in 1:1 electrolyte solutions independent of experiments. Such predictions can serve as a complement to the experimental study of new oxide/electrolyte systems, or more complex systems, where additional mechanisms of charge development are likely.  相似文献   

孔亮  郑颖人  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2003,24(2):141-145
简要地介绍了次加载面理论的基本思想、假设及其物理解释。在广义塑性力学的框架内,引入次加载面的思想,把常规的椭圆-抛物线双屈服面模型,扩展为次加载面循环塑性模型,以反映循环荷载作用下土体的曼辛效应与棘轮效应。模型能考虑塑性应变增量对应力增量的相关性,既能反映土体的循环加载特性,又能反映正常固结土和超固结土的单调加载特性。  相似文献   

Uranium(VI), which is often elevated in granitoidic groundwaters, is known to adsorb strongly to Fe (hydr)oxides under certain conditions. This process can be used in water treatment to remove U(VI). To develop a consistent geochemical model for U(VI) adsorption to ferrihydrite, batch experiments were performed and previous data sets reviewed to optimize a set of surface complexation constants using the 3-plane CD-MUSIC model. To consider the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on U(VI) speciation, new parameters for the Stockholm Humic Model (SHM) were optimized using previously published data. The model, which was constrained from available X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy evidence, fitted the data well when the surface sites were divided into low- and high-affinity binding sites. Application of the model concept to other published data sets revealed differences in the reactivity of different ferrihydrites towards U(VI). Use of the optimized SHM parameters for U(VI)-DOM complexation showed that this process is important for U(VI) speciation at low pH. However in neutral to alkaline waters with substantial carbonate present, Ca–U–CO3 complexes predominate. The calibrated geochemical model was used to simulate U(VI) adsorption to ferrihydrite for a hypothetical groundwater in the presence of several competitive ions. The results showed that U(VI) adsorption was strong between pH 5 and 8. Also near the calcite saturation limit, where U(VI) adsorption was weakest according to the model, the adsorption percentage was predicted to be >80%. Hence U(VI) adsorption to ferrihydrite-containing sorbents may be used as a method to bring down U(VI) concentrations to acceptable levels in groundwater.  相似文献   

An elastoplastic constitutive model is proposed for saturated sands in general stress space using the middle surface concept (MSC). In MSC, different features of stress–strain response of a material are divided into different pseudo‐yield surfaces. The true‐yield surface representing the true response is established by using various links between the yield surfaces. In this MSC sand model, several well‐known features of sand response are represented by three different pseudo‐yield surfaces, which are developed in a simple and straightforward way. These features include the critical state behaviour, the effects of state parameter, unloading and reloading plastic deformation, the influence of fabric anisotropy, and phase transformation line related behaviour. Finally, the model predictions and test results are compared for two different types of sands under a variety of loading conditions and good comparisons are obtained. The application of MSC to saturated sand modelling shows the versatility of MSC as a general concept for modelling stress–strain response of materials. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood-Grjotheim (CTSFG) model is developed by combining the framework of the Toop-Samis polymeric approach with the Flood-Grjotheim theoretical treatment of silicate melts and slags. Electrically equivalent ion fractions are computed over the appropriate matrixes (anionic and cationic) in a Temkin notation for fused salts, and are used to weigh the contribution of the various disproportionation reactions of type:

Arsenic(V), as the arsenate (AsO4)3− ion and its conjugate acids, is strongly sorbed to iron(III) oxides (α-Fe2O3), oxide hydroxides (α-,γ-FeOOH) and poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (hydrous ferric oxide). The mechanism by which arsenate complexes with iron oxide hydroxide surfaces is not fully understood. There is clear evidence for inner sphere complexation but the nature of the surface complexes is controversial. Possible surface complexes between AsO4 tetrahedra and surface FeO6 polyhedra include bidentate corner-sharing (2C), bidentate edge-sharing (2E) and monodentate corner-sharing (1V). We predicted the relative energies and geometries of AsO4-FeOOH surface complexes using density functional theory calculations on analogue Fe2(OH)2(H2O)nAsO2(OH)23+ and Fe2(OH)2(H2O)nAsO4+ clusters. The bidentate corner-sharing complex is predicted to be substantially (55 kJ/mole) more favored energetically over the hypothetical edge-sharing bidentate complex. The monodentate corner-sharing (1V) complex is very unstable. We measured EXAFS spectra of 0.3 wt. % (AsO4)3− sorbed to hematite (α-Fe2O3), goethite(α-FeOOH), lepidocrocite(γ-FeOOH) and ferrihydrite and fit the EXAFS directly with multiple scattering. The phase-shift-corrected Fourier transforms of the EXAFS spectra show peaks near 2.85 and 3.26 Å that have been attributed by previous investigators to result from 2E and 2C complexes. However, we show that the peak near 2.85 Å appears to result from As-O-O-As multiple scattering and not from As-Fe backscatter. The observed 3.26 Å As-Fe distance agrees with that predicted for the bidentate corner-sharing surface (2C) complex. We find no evidence for monodentate (1V) complexes; this agrees with the predicted high energies of such complexes.  相似文献   

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