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The marine osmium isotope record   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over the past decade the marine osmium isotope record has been developed into a new tracer in palaeoceanographic research. Several analytical developments, particularly in the past few years, have significantly increased our ability to study the behaviour of osmium in the surficial environment. The 187Os/188Os and osmium concentration of seawater, river water, rain, and hydrothermal vent fluids have been measured directly. Recently, the behaviour of osmium in estuaries–critical for estimating the marine residence time of osmium–has been studied. Our knowledge of the surficial osmium cycle has thus significantly improved. In addition, reconstructions of past variations in the marine 187Os/188Os recently have been extended back into the Mesozoic. This review attempts to summarize our current understanding of the marine osmium system–present and past. The 187Os/188Os of seawater during the Cenozoic to first order mimics the marine 87Sr/86Sr record. It is therefore tempting to interpret both records as reflecting increased input of radiogenic osmium and strontium resulting from enhanced continental weathering regulated by climatic/tectonic processes. However, the marine osmium isotope system differs fundamentally from the marine strontium isotope system. This review emphasizes three important differences. First, large impacts are capable of resetting the 187Os/188Os to unradiogenic values without significantly affecting the marine strontium system. Second, organic‐rich sediments are characterized by high 187Re/188Os; resulting 187Os/188Os ingrowth‐trajectories are similar to the average slope of the Cenozoic 187Os/188Os seawater record. Trends towards more radiogenic 187Os/188Os seawater therefore can be caused by weathering of organic‐rich sediments at a constant rate. Third, the marine residence time of osmium is sufficiently short to capture short‐periodic (glacial‐interglacial) fluctuations that are inaccessible to the buffered marine strontium isotope system. This offers the opportunity to discriminate between high‐frequency (climatic) and low‐frequency (tectonic) forcing.  相似文献   

Concentrations of oceanic and atmospheric oxygen have varied over geologic time as a function of sulfur and carbon cycling at or near the Earth’s surface. This balance is expressed in the sulfur isotope composition of seawater sulfate. Given the near absence of gypsum in pre-Phanerozoic sediments, trace amounts of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) within limestones or dolostones provide the best available constraints on the isotopic composition of sulfate in Precambrian seawater. Although absolute CAS concentrations, which range from those below detection to ∼120 ppm sulfate in this study, may be compromised by diagenesis, the sulfur isotope compositions can be buffered sufficiently to retain primary values.Stratigraphically controlled δ34S measurements for CAS from three mid-Proterozoic carbonate successions (∼1.2 Ga Mescal Limestone, Apache Group, Arizona, USA; ∼1.45-1.47 Ga Helena and Newland formations, Belt Supergroup, Montana, USA; and ∼1.65 Ga Paradise Creek Formation, McNamara Group, NW Queensland, Australia) show large isotopic variability (+9.1‰ to +18.9‰, −1.1‰ to +27.3‰, and +14.1‰ to +37.3‰, respectively) over stratigraphic intervals of ∼50 to 450 m. This rapid variability, ranging from scattered to highly systematic, and overall low CAS abundances can be linked to sulfate concentrations in the mid-Proterozoic ocean that were substantially lower than those of the Phanerozoic but higher than values inferred for the Archean. Results from the Belt Supergroup specifically corroborate previous arguments for seawater contributions to the basin. Limited sulfate availability that tracks the oxygenation history of the early atmosphere is also consistent with the possibility of extensive deep-ocean sulfate reduction, the scarcity of bedded gypsum, and the stratigraphic δ34S trends and 34S enrichments commonly observed for iron sulfides of mid-Proterozoic age.  相似文献   

This survey of magnesium stable isotope compositions in marine biogenic aragonite and calcite includes samples from corals, sclerosponges, benthic porcelaneous and planktonic perforate foraminifera, coccolith oozes, red algae, and an echinoid and brachiopod test. The analyses were carried out using MC-ICP-MS with an external repeatability of ±0.22‰ (2SD for δ26Mg; n = 37), obtained from a coral reference sample (JCp-1).Magnesium isotope fractionation in calcitic corals and sclerosponges agrees with published data for calcitic speleothems with an average Δ26Mgcalcite-seawater = −2.6 ± 0.3‰ that appears to be weakly related to temperature. With one exception (Vaceletia spp.), aragonitic corals and sclerosponges also display uniform Mg isotope fractionations relative to seawater with Δ26Mgbiogenic aragonite-seawater = −0.9 ± 0.2.Magnesium isotopes in high-Mg calcites from red algae, echinoids and perhaps some porcelaneous foraminifera as well as in all low-Mg calcites (perforate foraminifera, coccoliths and brachiopods) display significant biological influences. For planktonic foraminifera, the Mg isotope data is consistent with the fixation of Mg by organic material under equilibrium conditions, but appears to be inconsistent with Mg removal from vacuoles. Our preferred model, however, suggests that planktonic foraminifera synthesize biomolecules that increase the energetic barrier for Mg incorporation. In this model, the need to remove large quantities of Mg from vacuole solutions is avoided. For the high-Mg calcites from echinoids, the precipitation of amorphous calcium carbonate may be responsible for their weaker Mg isotope fractionation.Disregarding superimposed biological effects, it appears that cation light isotope enrichments in CaCO3 principally result from a chemical kinetic isotope effect, related to the incorporation of cations at kink sites. In this model, the systematics of cation isotope fractionations in CaCO3 relate to the activation energy required for cation incorporation, which probably reflects the dehydration of the cation and the crystal surface and bond formation at the incorporation site. This kinetic incorporation model predicts (i) no intrinsic dependence on growth rate, unless significant back reaction upon slow growth reduces the isotope fractionation towards that characteristic for equilibrium isotope partitioning (this may be observed for Ca isotopes in calcites), (ii) a small decrease of isotope fractionation with increasing temperature that may be amplified if higher temperatures promote back reaction and (iii) a sensitivity to changes in the activation barrier caused by additives such as anions or biomolecules or by the initial formation of amorphous CaCO3.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of some sixty samples of penecontemporaneous diagenetic carbonates from marine horizons shows that they are strikingly different from normal marine limestones. The variation of C13 ratio is 5·6 per cent, the lightest carbonate measuring -54%. A mechanism for the formation of such light carbon dioxide is postulated, involving the enzymic decarboxylation of organic compounds at low temperatures. A study of the oxygen isotopic composition of coexisting calcite and rhodochrosite indicates that, whereas the latter has retained its isotopic composition from the time of precipitation, the calcite has undergone equilibration during diagenesis. Isotopic measurements on such diagenetic carbonates would confuse palaeoenvironmental studies but may throw light on the processes of diagenesis.  相似文献   

Secular variations in stable carbon‐isotope values of marine carbonates are used widely to correlate successions that lack high‐resolution index fossils. Various environmental processes, however, commonly may affect and alter the primary marine carbon‐isotope signal in shallow epicratonic basins. This study focuses on the marine carbon‐isotope record from the carbonate–evaporite succession of the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) Red River Formation of the shallow epicratonic Williston Basin, USA. It documents the carbon‐isotope signal between the two major Ordovician positive shifts in δ13C, the early Katian Guttenberg and the Hirnantian excursions. Eight δ13C stages are identified based on positive excursions, shifts from positive to negative values and relatively uniform δ13Ccarb values. A correlation between carbon‐isotope trends and the relative sea‐level changes based on gross facies stacking patterns shows no clear relation. Based on the available biostratigraphy and δ13C trends, the studied Williston Basin curves are tied to the isotope curves from the North American Midcontinent, Québec (Anticosti Island) and Estonia, which confirm the Late Katian age (Aphelognathus divergens Conodont Zone) of the upper Red River Formation. The differences in the δ13C overall trend and absolute values, coupled with the petrographic and cathodoluminescence evidence, suggest that the carbon‐isotope record has been affected by the syndepositional environmental processes in the shallow and periodically isolated Williston Basin, and stabilized by later burial diagenesis under reducing conditions and the presence of isotopically more negative fluids.  相似文献   

Osmium isotope composition (187Os/188Os) and concentrations of Os, Ir and Pt are reported for an early Pleistocene section from the ODP Site 849 in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Using the data obtained in this study, the contributions from detrital and extraterrestrial particulate matter to Os concentration and 187Os/188Os of sediment are estimated. Our calculations show that detrital contributions to sedimentary Os are too small (<2%) to significantly shift measured bulk sediment 187Os/188Os away from seawater values. A moderate but significant negative correlation between 187Os/188Os and 3He/188Os indicate that the average particulate extraterrestrial Os flux to this site is 1.21 ± 0.47 pg cm−2 kyr−1, which constitutes ?3% of total Os burial flux. The estimates of detrital and extraterrestrial Os are used to calculate the seawater 187Os/188Os in the early Pleistocene. The most notable features of this early Pleistocene 187Os/188Os record are: (1) glacial-interglacial 187Os/188Os differences are insignificant within errors of estimates, (2) glacial 187Os/188Os values are higher compared to those reported for the late Pleistocene glacials. Comparison of 187Os/188Os values at Site 849 to the late Pleistocene records suggests that average seawater 187Os/188Os change has been modest (∼5%) since the early Pleistocene. Assuming that 187Os/188Os difference between the glacial periods of the late and the early Pleistocene results solely from temperature dependence of weathering rates, it has been calculated that average surface temperature during the late Pleistocene glacials was 0.8 ± 0.2 °C lower than glacials in the early Pleistocene. This inference is consistent with temperature estimates based on a recent study of pCO2 reconstruction in the Pleistocene. This observation based on limited studies of marine 187Os/188Os records seems to suggest that temperature played an important role in influencing chemical weathering during the Pleistocene glacials. However, more studies are needed to confirm if this temperature-weathering feedback was operational throughout the Pleistocene. A significant down core Ir-3He co-variation coupled with similar burial fluxes of Ir at Site 849 and at LL44 GPC-3 in the north Pacific point to the utility of Ir concentration as a point paleoflux tracer. However, a twofold difference in Ir burial fluxes between the eastern and the western equatorial Pacific suggests that calibration in space and time is required to use Ir concentration as a robust indicator of paleoflux through time. Significant co-variation of concentrations of Os and total alkenone during the glacials coupled with lighter δ13C of benthic foraminifera indicates that productivity and carbon burial played a dominant control on scavenging of Os at Site 849. In a broader context, this data set encourages future investigation of response of PGE behavior to paleoceanographic processes.  相似文献   

Dissolution rate as a function of degree of undersaturation was measured on shells of individual species of coccoliths and foraminifera, various size fractions of sediment from the Ontong-Java Plateau and the Rio Grande Rise, a collection of large pteropods, and on synthetic calcite and aragonite powder.Results of the study indicate that all biogenic and synthetic calcium carbonate follows the rate law R% = k%(1 ? Ω)n where Ω  [Ca2+][CO32?]/K'sp and K'sp is the apparent solubility product of calcite or aragonitic seawater. In the case of all calcite samples, nc = 4.5, while for aragonitic samples na = 4.2. The ‘rate constant’, k%, varies widely between samples and in many cases is inversely correlated with grain size. However, the individual species of coccoliths, E. huxleyi and C. neohelis, which were cultured in the laboratory appear not to follow this rule, with dissolution rates an order to magnitude lower than expected.  相似文献   

The reef-crest coral Acropora palmata from late Pleistocene reefs on Barbados has recorded the same global variations in oxygen isotopes as planktonic and benthonic foraminifera. Although the record of oxygen isotopes in Acropora palmata is discontinuous, it offers several advantages over the isotope records from deep-sea sediments: (1) the coral grows at water depths of less than 5 m; (2) the samples are unmixed; (3) specimens may be sampled from various elevations of paleo-sea level; and (4) aragonitic corals are suitable for 230Th234U and HeU dating techniques. The latter advantage means that direct dating of the marine oxygen isotope record is possible. Oxygen isotope stage 5e corresponds to Barbados III, dated at 125,000 ± 6000 yr BP. Petrographic and geochemical evidence from five boreholes drilled into the south coast of Barbados indicates a major eustatic lowering (greater than 100 m below present sea level) occurred between 180,000 and 125,000 yr BP. The age and isotopic data suggest correlation of this change in sea level to Emiliani's oxygen isotope stage 6. Acropora palmata deposited at various elevations of sea level during oxygen isotope stage 6 vary by 0.11 ‰ δ18O for each 10 m of change in sea level. We further hypothesize a minimum drop of 2°C in the average temperature occurred during the regressive phase of oxygen isotope stage 6. These data indicate that temperature lowering of surface water near Barbados lagged behind a major glacial buildup during this time period. Using the δ18O vs sea level calibration herein derived, we estimate the relative height of sea stands responsible for Barbados coral reef terraces in the time range 80,000 to 220,000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Ana M. 《Earth》2003,60(3-4):261-298
Interest in palustrine carbonates and calcretes has increased over the last 20 years since they contain significant environmental information. Much of the work performed in this area has focused on either of two types of terrestrial carbonate—palustrine carbonates or calcretes (pedogenic and groundwater)—yet their simultaneous study shows there may be a gradual transition from one form to the other, revealing the interplay between pedogenic, sedimentary, and diagenetic processes. Three main factors control the formation of these carbonates: the position of the water table, the host rock, and the period of sub-aerial exposure. In pedogenic calcretes, precipitation of carbonate takes places mostly in the vadose zone above the water table, and within a previous host rock or sediment. In groundwater calcretes, the precipitation of carbonate also occurs within a previous host rock and around the groundwater table. In palustrine carbonates, however, the precipitation of lime mud occurs in a lacustrine water body. Palustrine carbonates necessarily form on previous lacustrine mud, whereas both types of calcretes may form on any type of sediment or soil. The sub-aerial exposure time needed to form palustrine carbonates may by relatively short (even a season), whereas pedogenic calcretes need more time (several years to millions of years). Groundwater calcretes do not form on the topographic surfaces, so there is no need of sub-aerial exposure. However, stable surfaces favour the development of thick groundwater calcretes. Small fluctuations in the water table cause gradual transitions of these three types of terrestrial carbonates and the subsequent mixture of their characteristic features, causing difficulties in the interpretation of these carbonates.

The formation of these carbonates is controlled by palaeoenvironmental factors. Both commonly form in semi-arid climates. Arid climates are also suitable for calcretes, but sub-humid conditions are more suitable for palustrine carbonates. More indications of climatic conditions may be obtained through the analysis of the δ18O content of both calcretes and palustrine carbonates, and from the depth of the horizon containing carbonate nodules in pedogenic calcretes. Vegetation is also important in the formation of these types of carbonates. Data on the prevailing vegetation can be obtained from the analysis of the micro and macrofabric as well as from the δ13C signal of the primary carbonates, which, in pedogenic carbonates, has also been used to estimate atmospheric pCO2 during the Phanerozoic. These terrestrial carbonates are widely distributed on floodplains and distal areas of alluvial basins. Their presence and characteristics can be used as indicators of aggradation, subsidence or accommodation rates, and therefore as indicators of different tectonic regimes.

Even though the study of these carbonates has notably increased in recent years, much less is known about them than about marine carbonates. Presently, there is much emphasis on obtaining a general model for sequence stratigraphy in terrestrial basins, with a need to include the carbonates analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and strontium concentrations for thirty-three samples of marine carbonate rocks of Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic age have been determined. The samples were collected from four measured sections in the areas of Val Camonica in northern Italy. The strontium concentrations vary from 40 to 7000 ppm. Most of the samples are calcitic limestones containing less than 10% of non-carbonate residues. Dolomitic samples and those containing appreciable non-carbonate residues have significantly diminished strontium concentrations. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the carbonate phases of these rocks appear to be unaffected by dolomitization and by the presence of non-carbonate minerals. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the formations vary systematically in a stratigraphic sense. The ratio increased from Early Anisian to Early-Middle Ladinian, declined during Late Ladinian and Carnian, rose again during the Norian and then declined throughout the Late Norian (Rhaetian), Hettangian, Sinemurian and Pliens-bachian ages. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios, relative to 0.7080 for the Eimer and Amend standard, are: Anisian: 0.70805 ± 00019; Early Ladinian: 0.7085 ± 0.00038; Late Ladinian: 0.70791 ± 0.00013; Carnian: 0.70776 ± 0.00015; Norian and Rhaetian: 0.70791 ± 0.00014; Hettangian: 0.70762 ± 0.00021; Sinemurian: 0.7070 ± 0.00038; Pliensbachian: 0.7070 ± 0.00015. These variations reflect changes in the isotopic composition of Sr entering the oceans in early Mesozoic time due to varying rates of weathering and erosion of young volcanic rocks (low 87Sr/86Sr) and old granitic rocks (high 87Sr/86Sr). The data presented in this report contribute to a growing body of information regarding the changes that have occurred in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the oceans in Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

The flux of particulate extraterrestrial (ET) matter to the deep-sea has been calculated using a four-component mixing model based on osmium concentrations and isotope ratios in slowly accumulating pelagic sediments from the Pacific Ocean. Nineteen published bulk-leach osmium isotope data pairs that cover the last 80 million years have been used for the calculation. The calculated annual particulate flux, averaged over several 100 ka by slow accumulation and bioturbation, ranges from ∼18,000 to ∼67,000 tons, with a mean value of ∼37,000 ± 13,000 tons. The data indicate no significant variability in the flux with time, except at the K-T boundary and are thus compatible with results based on Ir accumulation in deep-sea sediments. The inferred constancy of the ET matter flux is in contrast to recent results based on the ET 3He flux that integrates only a small size fraction of the entire ET matter flux. 3He data indicate variability by a factor of 6 over the past 70 Ma and a fivefold increase in the ET flux between 3 Ma and 1 Ma that is not seen in the bulk ET matter flux based on osmium isotope data.The apparent constancy of the cosmic matter flux over the past 80 Ma stands in marked contrast to the dynamic nature of the marine osmium isotope record and indicates that dissolution of cosmic matter does not drive changes in this record, except at the K-T boundary. A comparison between osmium isotope and Ir data from two pelagic sediment cores from the Pacific (DSDP Site 596 and LL44-GPC3) indicates that the seawater-soluble fraction of ET Os cannot exceed ∼36 kg/a and most likely is significantly smaller. The maximum value of 36 kg/a can account for approximately one half of the seawater-soluble ET matter flux necessary to balance the radiogenic continental runoff of Os without any additional unradiogenic source. Simple mass balance calculations indicate that an additional unradiogenic source of Os to the oceans, most likely alteration of oceanic crust, is required to balance the present-day seawater osmium-isotopic composition. This source is probably more important in balancing radiogenic continental runoff than is dissolution of cosmic matter in seawater.  相似文献   

Several techniques have been introduced in the last decades for the dehydration and release of O2 from biogenic silica (opal-A) for oxygen-isotope analysis. However, only one silica standard is universally available: a quartz standard (NBS28) distributed by the IAEA, Vienna. Hence, there is a need for biogenic silica working standards. This paper compares the existing methods of oxygen-isotope analyses of opal-A and aims to characterize additional possible working standards to calibrate the δ18O values of biogenic silica. For this purpose, an inter-laboratory comparison was organized. Six potential working standard materials were analysed repeatedly against NBS28 by eight participating laboratories using their specific analytical methods. The materials cover a wide range of δ18O values (+23 to +43‰) and include diatoms (marine, lacustrine), phytoliths and synthetically-produced hydrous silica. To characterize the proposed standards, chemical analyses and imaging by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also performed. Despite procedural differences at each laboratory, all methods are in reasonable agreement with a standard deviation (SD) for δ18O values between 0.3‰ and 0.9‰ (1σ). Based on the results, we propose four additional biogenic silica working standards (PS1772-8: 42.8‰; BFC: 29.0‰; MSG60: 37.0‰; G95-25-CL leaves: 36.6‰) for δ18O analyses, available on request through the relevant laboratories.  相似文献   

范美彤  葛璐  朱碧  杨涛 《地质学报》2019,93(8):2081-2091
在冷泉的研究中,确定富甲烷流体的来源是非常重要的,Sr同位素对流体来源、混合模式和水岩反应等具有很好的示踪作用。近年来,国际上对冷泉碳酸盐岩Sr同位素的示踪研究越来越关注。本文系统总结了现代和古代冷泉碳酸盐岩Sr同位素的研究进展,简要归纳了Sr同位素分析测试方法,并对化学前处理过程中采用的不同酸溶液溶解样品的方法进行了对比,指出了建立标准化学前处理方法的必要性。现代和古代冷泉碳酸盐岩Sr同位素组成的变化范围较大,不同碳酸盐矿物具有不同的Sr同位素特征。冷泉碳酸盐岩Sr同位素的示踪研究集中在现代和古代冷泉流体来源的定性研究、混合流体来源的定量模型计算、以及古代冷泉碳酸盐岩的Sr同位素定年等方面。尽管取得了一系列进展,但是定量计算端元流体混合比例的准确性还有待提高,同时利用Sr同位素对古代样品进行定年存在不确定因素,其适用条件也需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Ammonium acetate dissolution experiments were performed on shell material of the modern bivalves, Crassostrea virginica (calcite) and Mercenaria mercenaria (aragonite). Their purpose was to determine the order of preferential dissolution of Sr, Mg and Ca; these results subsequently were compared with Sr, Mg and Ca data from other Recent as well as ancient mollusks.Results from these experiments suggest the following relative order of abundance of readily exchangeable Mg and Sr in biogenic carbonates: Mg(arag) > Mg(calc) > Sr(calc) > Sr(arag). It is apparent that incongruent dissolution of minerals with different solubilities cannot entirely explain the observed dissolution patterns for Sr, Mg and Ca in these biogenic carbonates. Secular changes in whole shell Mg and Sr concentrations for Recent and unrecrystallized fossil mollusks suggest an order of “ionic mobility” in diagenesis identical to the order of abundance for readily exchangeable ions found in the NH4Ac dissolution experiments. It is concluded that this “ionic mobility” is due to a post mortem, early diagenetic (pre-recrystallization) approach to equilibrium with the surrounding chemical environment.  相似文献   

The 1982–1983 El Niño event afforded the opportunity to develop criteria for the recognition of ancient El Niños using mollusks from archaeological sites along coastal South America. A combination of growth increment and stable isotope analyses indicated that elevated sea surface temperatures during large scale El Niños leave a record decodable from the growth patterns of selected bivalve shells. The intertidal venerid Chione subrugosa displayed a pronounced break in the valve margin profile following the 1982-1983 event but provided an inconsistent stable isotope pattern. The subtidal carditid Trachycardium procerum, on the other hand, preserved a discernible and diagnostic growth interruption as well as an expected trend in stable isotope indicators of salinity and temperature change. We conclude that some of the major culturally disruptive El Niño events can be recognized in the geoarchaeological record by these techniques, especially if ancillary information, such as faunal distribution patterns, are also considered. Perhaps the most serious constraint upon application of this approach involves microstratigraphic resolution of shell midden deposits. Stratigraphic sampling of midden material should be accompanied, if possible, by sampling of proximal natural strata. The chances of discovery of major El Niño perturbations in the geoarchaeological record of shell middens is enhanced by the catastrophic nature of such events and by the indication that major El Niños have a high probability of being closely spaced in time.  相似文献   

In this paper, the currently accepted correlation of the Early Pleistocene Ludhamian stage of England with the Tiglian‐A sub‐stage of the Netherlands is challenged. Recent investigations of Early Pleistocene marine North Sea deposits from a borehole near Noordwijk (the Netherlands) yielded evidence from molluscs, dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs for an alternation of warm‐temperate and arctic intervals within the Praetiglian and Tiglian stages. Marine equivalents of the terrestrial‐based pollen sub‐stages Tiglian A and B have been recognised in the upper part of the sequence. A Praetiglian age can be assigned to the lower part of the sequence on the basis of mollusc analysis. Within the Praetiglian, an alternation of warm and cold phases has been recognised from both the dinoflagellate cyst and molluscan records. Three cold phases within the Praetiglian are tentatively correlated with marine isotope stages (MIS) 96–100. The molluscan assemblages provide evidence for climate forcing of the sea level: highest sea levels are reached in the warm‐temperate intervals. Within the Praetiglian, an interval with an acme zone of the dinoflagellate cyst Impagidinium multiplexum, is correlated with the Ludhamian and tentatively linked to MIS 97 and/or MIS 96. The cold molluscan assemblages from the Noordwijk borehole include an acme zone of Megayoldia thraciaeformis, the first and only occurrence of this North Pacific bivalve in the North Sea Basin. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present Ca isotopic measurements on Allende Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and an apatite enriched fraction from Orgueil. The results on CAIs show widespread excesses on the neutron-rich isotope 48Ca. All other isotopes agree with the normal within our presently obtainable precision. Seven out of 11 CAIs analyzed exhibit isotopic anomalies ranging up to ~ +6? units (1? = 1 part in 10,000). This abundant occurrence of isotopic excesses places Ca alongside Ti and O, elements which show isotopic anomalies in all Allende CAIs measured so far. However, at present no clear correlation can be found between excesses in 48Ca and 50Ti, the isotopes which are thought to be coproduced by neutron-rich nucleosynthetic processes within stars. We believe that the relatively higher volatility of Ca compared to Ti compounds could have led to a variable dilution with isotopically “normal” Ca in vaporization and recondensation processes in stellar envelopes, the interstellar medium and/or the solar nebula. High precision measurements of 46Ca limit possible anomalies in this 33 ppm abundance isotope to 10? units or less and, together with the observed 48Ca and 50Ti anomalies, constrain possible nucleosynthetic mechanisms capable of producing these neutron-rich nuclei.  相似文献   

The calcium-isotope composition (δ44/42Ca) was analyzed in modern, Cretaceous and Carboniferous marine skeletal carbonates as well as in bioclasts, non-skeletal components, and diagenetic cements of Cretaceous and Carboniferous limestones. In order to gain insight in Ca2+aq-CaCO3-isotope fractionation mechanisms in marine carbonates, splits of samples were analyzed for Sr, Mg, Fe, and Mn concentrations and for their oxygen and carbon isotopic composition. Biological carbonates generally have lower δ44/42Ca values than inorganic marine cements, and there appears to be no fractionation between seawater and marine inorganic calcite. A kinetic isotope effect related to precipitation rate is considered to control the overall discrimination against 44Ca in biological carbonates when compared to inorganic precipitates. This is supported by a well-defined correlation of the δ44/42Ca values with Sr concentrations in Cretaceous limestones that contain biological carbonates at various stages of marine diagenetic alteration. No significant temperature dependence of Ca-isotope fractionation was found in shells of Cretaceous rudist bivalves that have recorded large seasonal temperature variations as derived from δ18O values and Mg concentrations. The reconstruction of secular variations in the δ44/42Ca value of seawater from well preserved skeletal calcite is compromised by a broad range of variation found in both modern and Cretaceous biological carbonates, independent of chemical composition or mineralogy. Despite these variations that may be due to still unidentified biological fractionation mechanisms, the δ44/42Ca values of Cretaceous skeletal calcite suggest that the δ44/42Ca value of Cretaceous seawater was 0.3-0.4‰ lower than that of the modern ocean.  相似文献   

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