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The enstatite chondrites formed under highly reducing (and/or sulfidizing) conditions as indicated by their mineral assemblages and compositions, which are sharply different from those of other chondrite groups. Enstatite is the major silicate mineral. Kamacite is Si-bearing and the enstatite chondrites contain a wide variety of monosulfide minerals that are not present in other chondrite groups. The unequilibrated enstatite chondrites are comprised of two groups (EH3 and EL3) and one anomalous member (LEW 87223), which can be distinguished by differences in their mineral assemblages and compositions. EH3 chondrites have >1.8 wt.% Si in their kamacite and contain the monosulfide niningerite (MgS), whereas EL3 chondrites have less than 1.4 wt.% Si in their kamacite and contain the monosulfide alabandite (MnS). The distinct mineralogies, compositions and textures of E3 chondrites make comparisons with ordinary chondrites (OCs) and carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) difficult, however, a range of recrystallization features in the E3s are observed, and some may be as primitive as type 3.1 OCs and CCs. Others, especially the EL3 chondrites, may have been considerably modified by impact processes and their primary textures disturbed. The chondrules in E3 chondrites, although texturally similar to type I pyroxene-rich chondrules, are sharply different from chondrules in other chondrite groups in containing Si-bearing metal, Ca- and Mg–Mn-rich sulfides and silica. This indicates formation in a reduced nebular environment separate from chondrules in other chondrites and possibly different precursor materials. Additionally the oxygen isotope compositions of E3 chondrules indicate formation from a unique oxygen reservoir. Although the abundance, size distribution, and secondary alteration minerals are not always identical, CAIs in E3 chondrites generally have textures, mineral assemblages and compositions similar to those in other groups. These observations indicates that CAIs in O, C and E chondrites all formed in the reservoir under similar conditions, and were redistributed to the different chondrite accretion zones, where the secondary alteration took place. Thus, chondrule formation was a local process for each particular chondrite group, but all CAIs may have formed in the similar nebular environment. Lack of evidence of water (hydrous minerals), and oxygen isotope compositions similar to Earth and Moon suggest formation of the E chondrites in the inner solar system and make them prime candidates as building blocks for the inner planets.  相似文献   

Fine (?2 μm), Ni-poor (? 10 mg/g) Fe-Ni grains are common inclusions in the olivine in porphyritic chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. The olivine grains appear to be relicts that survived chondrule formation without melting. The most common occurrence of this “dusty” metal is in the core of olivine grains having clear Fe-poor rims and surrounded either by small euhedral clear olivine grains zoned with FeO increasing toward the border of the grains or by large elongated Fe-poor orthopyroxenes oriented parallel to the chondrule surface and enclosing small round olivine grains. Various amounts of Ca, Al-rich glass are always present. The dusty metal is occasionally found in the rims of olivine grains either isolated in the matrix or included in chondrules. A rare occurrence is as bands in highly deformed olivines.This dusty metal appears to be the product of in situ reduction of FeO from the host olivine. Among the possible reductants H2 or carbonaceous matter (CH2)n seem the most likely. Hydrogen may have been implanted by solar-wind or solar-flare irradiation, but this requires that dissipation of nebular gas occurred before the end of the chondrule formation process. Carbonaceous matter may have been implanted by shock. Less likely reductants are nebular CO or C dissolved in the olivine lattice. The large relict olivine grains may be nebular condensates or, more likely, fragments broken off earlier generations of chondrules.  相似文献   

Equilibration temperatures for enstatite chondrites are calculated using a method suggested by Larimer (1968). The temperatures range from 640° to 840°C. The method yields temperatures which, in principle, are correct on a relative scale but the absolute error may be a large as 150°. There is a good correlation between the calculated temperatures and petrologic type as well as other mineralogic characteristics and bulk composition. Partial pressures of sulfur and oxygen at the time of equilibration were: pS2 ~ 10?8?10?12 atm and pO2 ~ 10?28?10?37.  相似文献   

Isotopic heterogeneity within the solar nebula has been a long-standing issue. Studies on primitive chondrites and chondrite components for Ba, Sm, Nd, Mo, Ru, Hf, Ti, and Os yielded conflicting results, with some studies suggesting large-scale heterogeneity. Low-grade enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites represent the most extreme ends of the chondrite meteorites in terms of oxidation state, and might thus also present extremes if there is significant isotopic heterogeneity across the region of chondrite formation. Osmium is an ideal tracer because of its multiple isotopes generated by a combination of p-, r-, and s-process and, as a refractory element; it records the earliest stages of condensation.Some grade 3-4 enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites show similar deficits of s-process components as revealed by high-precision Os isotope studies in some low-grade carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Enstatite chondrites of grades 5-6 have Os isotopic composition identical within error to terrestrial and solar composition. This supports the view of digestion-resistant presolar grains, most likely SiC, as the major carrier of these anomalies. Destruction of presolar grains during parent body processing, which all high-grade enstatite chondrites, but also some low-grade chondrites seemingly underwent, makes the isotopically anomalous Os accessible for analysis. The magnitude of the anomalies is consistent with the presence of a few ppm of presolar SiC with a highly unusual isotopic composition, produced in a different stellar environment like asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) and injected into the solar nebula. The presence of similar Os isotopic anomalies throughout all major chondrite groups implies that carriers of Os isotopic anomalies were homogeneously distributed in the solar nebula, at least across the formation region of chondrites.  相似文献   

Initial 129I/127I values (I-Xe ages) have been obtained for individual mineralogically characterized chondrules and interchondrule matrix from the enstatite chondrites Qingzhen (EH3) and Kota Kota (EH3). In view of the absence of aqueous alteration and the low-peak metamorphic temperatures experienced by these meteorites, we suggest that the I-Xe ages for the chondrules record the event in which they were formed. These ages are within the range recorded for chondrules from ordinary chondrites, demonstrating that chondrules formed during the same time interval in the source regions of both ordinary chondrites and enstatite chondrites. The timing of this chondrule-forming episode or episodes brackets the I-Xe closure age of planetesimal bodies such as the Shallowater aubrite parent body. Although chondrule formation need not have occurred close to planetesimals, the existence of planetesimals at the same time as chondrule formation provides constraints on models of this process. Whichever mechanisms are proposed to form and transport chondrules, they must be compatible with models of the protosolar nebula which predict the formation of differentiated bodies on the same timescale at the same heliocentric distance.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of the total carbon in the enstatite chondrites Indarch, Abee, St. Marks, Pillistfer, Hvittis and Daniel's Kuil and the enstatite achondrite Cumberland Falls has been measured. The empirical relationhip between carbon isotopic composition and total carbon content is distinct from that of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Within the enstatite chondrite group the average 13C content increases with petrographic type: E4 < E5 < E6. Daniel's Kuil shows the largest 13C enrichment in the bulk carbon of any meteorite. The carbon isotopic composition is most clearly correlated with the abundance of the elements Zn, Cd and In. Insofar as these elements may hold the key to the understanding of enstatite chondrites, more detailed combined carbon isotope and trace element studies of these meteorites will play an important role in the deciphering of their history.  相似文献   

We report RNAA results for Co, Au, Sb, Ga, Rb, Cs, Se, Ag, Te, Zn, In, Bi, Tl and Cd (in increasing order of metamorphic mobility) in 22 Antarctic unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC). This brings to 38 the number of UOC for which data for highly volatile elements are known. For elements of lesser mobility (Co to Se, omitting Cs) overall variability in UOC are low, relative standard deviations (one sigma) being no more than a factor of two. For Ag, Te and Zn, relative standard deviations are 2-4×, while for Cs and the four most volatile elements, the variabilities are 8-110×. Elemental abundances do not vary with chemical type (H, L and LL) nor with UOC subtype (3.0-3.9). Contents of all elements reach levels up to, even exceeding, cosmic and all but Cd and the two alkalis, seem unaffected by post-accretionary processes. Contents of highly volatile elements are consistent with the idea that source regions producing contemporary falls and older Antarctic UOC differed in thermal histories. The presence or absence of carbide magnetite assemblages (CMA) generally accords with high or low Cd contents, respectively. This relationship accords with the prior suggestion that CMA formed by alteration of Fe-Ni metal by C-O-H-containing fluids at temperatures <700 K, generated by thermal metamorphism in parent body interiors. The absence of CMA in most UOC (and OC), may indicate that they were subsequently destroyed as metamorphic intensity increased. The high, often supercosmic, Rb and Cs levels in UOC may result from their high solubility in liquid water signalling their redistribution by C-O-H-containing fluid while in the liquid water field. Because of its uniquely high mobility, Cd could have been enriched by the C-O-H fluids and should have been lost from parent regions during later, higher temperature anhydrous metamorphism at temperatures in the 500-600 °C range.  相似文献   

The matrices of sixteen unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (all witnessed falls) were studied microscopically in transmitted and reflected light and analyzed by electron microprobe. Selected specimens were also studied by scanning electron microscopy. These studies indicate that the fine-grained, opaque, silicate matrix of type 3 unequilibrated chondrites is compositionally, mineralogically and texturally distinct from the chondrules and chondrule fragments and may be the low temperature condensate proposed by Larimer and Anders (1967, 1970). Examination of the matrices of unequilibrated chondrites also shows that each meteorite has been metamorphosed, with the alteration ranging in intensity from quite mild, where the matrix has been only slightly altered, to a more severe metamorphism that has completely recrystallized the opaque matrix. Most of the metamorphic changes in the matrix occurred without significant effects on the compositions or textures of the chondrules. The metamorphic alteration probably resulted from a combination of processes including thermal metamorphism and the passage of shock waves. The present appearance of each unequilibrated chondrite is a result of the particular temperature and pressure conditions under which it and its components formed, plus the subsequent metamorphic alteration it experienced.  相似文献   

We report instrumental neutron activation analysis determinations of 19 major, minor and trace elements in three enstatite chondrites. Based on these, and literature data on the bulk and mineral composition of enstatite chondrites, we discuss the history of the type 3 or unequilibrated enstatite chondrites, and their relationship with the other enstatite chondrites. The type 3 enstatite chondrites have E chondrite lithophile element abundances and their siderophile element abundances place them with the EH chondrites, well resolved from the EL chondrites. Moderately volatile chalcophile elements are at the low end of the EH range and Cr appears to be intermediate between EH and EL. We suggest that the type 3 enstatite chondrites are EH chondrites which have suffered small depletions of certain chalcophile elements through the loss of shock-produced sulfurous liquids. The oxygen isotope differences between type 3 and other enstatite chondrites is consistent with equilibration with the nebula gas ~30° higher than the others, or with the loss of a plagioclase-rich liquid. The mineral chemistry of the type 3 chondrites is consistent with either low temperature equilibration, or, in some instances, with shock effects.  相似文献   

Several percent of the olivine in the C2, C3 and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC) can be distinguished by blue cathodoluminescence (CL) and an unusual composition for forsterite. This olivine has the following textural features:
  • 1.(1) forms cores in single olivine grains;
  • 2.(2) shows subhedral to euhedral boundaries against rim olivine;
  • 3.(3) rarely contains inclusions;
  • 4.(4) has embayments containing olivine like that of the rim;
  • 5.(5) occurs within chondrules especially in UOC meteorites.
The blue olivine is always Fe-poor (0.25 < FeO < 1.0%) and shows the following average and maximum values (%): Al2O3 (0.25, 0.5), TiO2 (0.05, 0.09), CaO (0.5, 0.8), Cr2O3 (0.15, 0.5), and MnO (0.02, 0.15); vanadium is present. Within a single olivine and within all blue olivines Al, Ca and Ti are strongly positively correlated as are Mn, Fe, and Cr in olivine surrounding the blue. The blue cores are not zoned but each element shows a marked change at the boundary of the blue with Al showing the most rapid change. These are interpreted as diffusion profiles between rim and core olivine.Textures suggest initial free growth probably from a gas and later addition of olivine by liquid crystallization to form single crystals or chondrules. The unusual olivine composition indicates high temperature growth from a refractory-rich reservoir with Al entering olivine in tetrahedral coordination. Vapor growth is suggested as the process allowing the high minor element levels. The occurrence of blue olivine in all primitive meteorites indicates that it is relic material which was widespread prior to chondrule and hence meteorite formation. Similarities in composition exist between this relic olivine and olivine of cosmic dust and Deep Sea Particles pointing to this olivine being a common component in all primitive extraterrestrial material.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-bearing Fe and Ni sulfides represent a new type of phosphorus compounds and are characteristic accessory phases of CM chondrites. The proportions of atoms in the sulfides can be approximated by the equation (Fe + Ni)/P = 0.965 ± 0.003 (1σ) · S/P + 1.255 ± 0.036 (1σ). Sulfides with high S/P ratios are systematically richer in Fe and poorer in Ni compared with low-S/P sulfides. Their characteristic minor elements are Cr, Ca, Co, K, and Na. The contents of Cr and Ca may reach several weight percent, but their incorporation does not affect the relation between (Fe + Ni)/P and S/P. This is also true of light elements (O and H), which probably occur in the P-bearing sulfides in certain amounts. The sulfides are usually associated with schreibersite, barringerite, eskolaite, and daubreelite. A negative correlation was observed between the Fe/Ni ratios of coexisting P-bearing sulfides and phosphides. Metallic iron was never found in association with the sulfides. It can be suggested that P-bearing sulfide is a primary phase rather than a secondary alteration product formed under the conditions of the CM chondrite parent body. This phase had to be stable in the solar nebula after the formation of Ca-Al inclusions and before the condensation of Fe-Ni metal. At high temperatures, P-bearing sulfide with low Fe/Ni and S/P ratios coexists with schreibersite in the solar gas. During condensation schreibersite is replaced by barringerite, which is accompanied by a decrease in the Fe/Ni ratio of phosphides and an increase in the S/P and Fe/Ni ratios of P-bearing sulfides. Trace element data suggest that the P-bearing sulfides could be formed in the solar nebula by the sulfidization of a precursor phase of extrasolar origin.  相似文献   

A neutron activation analysis technique was used to determine Au, Re, Co, Mo, As, Sb, Ga, Se, Te, Hg, Zn, Bi and Tl in 11 carbonaceous chondrites, 12 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC), and 4 equilibrated ordinary chondrites. The first 6 elements are ‘undepleted’, the next 3 ‘normally-depleted’ and the last 4 ‘strongly-depleted’. Except for Hg, ‘depleted-element’ abundances in carbonaceous chondrites lead to mean relative ratios of C1:C2:C3 = 1.00:0.53:0.29, i.e. those predicted by a two-component (mixing of high-temperature and low-temperature fractions) model. The last 4 nominally ‘undepleted’ elements are somewhat depleted in ordinary chondrites, As and Sb showing partial depletion in C3 and the latter in C2 chondrites as well. This requires a modification of the two-component model to indicate that deposition of elements during condensation of high temperature material was not an all-or-nothing process.Apart from Bi and Tl, the elements studied have similar abundances in unequilibrated and equilibrated ordinary chondrites and only the former are unquestionably correlated with the degree of disequilibrium in silicate minerals. Only some ‘strongly-depleted’ elements exhibit at least one of the following—proportional depletion in UOC, progressive depletion in petrographic grades 3–6 ordinary chondrites and enrichment in the gas-containing dark portion of gas-rich, light-dark meteorites—indicating that such depletion does not ensure that an element will exhibit these trends. Partly or completely siderophile As, Au, Co, Ga, Mo, Re and Sb vary with chemical type in the same manner in both unequilibrated and equilibrated ordinary chondrites and doubtless reflect a process involving fractionation of metallic iron.  相似文献   

Polished sections of 5 enstatite chondrites have been irradiated with 30 MeV 4He ions to produce the alpha-radioactive nuclei 211At and 210Po from 209Bi and 208Pb, respectively. The distribution of alpha activity can be mapped, using cellulose nitrate as an alpha track detector, to give the corresponding Bi or Pb distributions in the meteorite. No strong localization of Bi or 208Pb was found; relatively uniform track distributions were observed. In particular, metal or sulfide grains are not enriched in Bi or Pb (relative to bulk), which is in agreement with the predictions of nebular condensation calculations. While the track distributions appear uniform, the results of detailed, track-by-track mappings of the Bi detectors indicate that the Bi is not totally randomly distributed; the statistical fluctuations in the observed track density are different for the cases where the Bi is totally randomly distributed and where the Bi is localized in point sources. Assuming that the Bi in a given sample is localized in identical point sources which are uniformly distributed throughout the sample, the observed relative population densities of clusters (‘stars’) of small numbers of tracks (2–5) corresponds to Bi being localized, with ~90% in grains with about 10?16g-Bi (~3 × 105Biatoms), and with ~10% in 4 × 10?14 g-Bi sources. If these are elemental Bi, as predicted theoretically, they are ~ 102 Å and 103 Å in size, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of a search for significant (95 % confidence level) inter-element relationships among 13 trace elements in carbonaceous chondrites and 26 elements and the disequilibrium parameter for silicate phases in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC) indicate pronounced differences in the formation processes of these two sorts of primitive chondrites. Twenty-six pairs of elements are correlated in carbonaceous chondrites and these correlations lend support to a model involving mixing in different ratios of material differing in thermal history.Comparison of the 26 elements in UOC shows that 39 pairs of elements are significantly related and only very volatile elements are correlated with the disequilibrium parameter. Each of the inter-element relationships can be specifically ascribed to a metal-silicate fractionation in the solar nebula or to a thermal fractionation. These relationships are about equally consistent with the metamorphism, two-component condensation and simultaneous accretion-condensation models for the origin, of the ordinary chondrites, each requiring adoption of specific ad hoc assumptions for complete consistency.  相似文献   

Fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions (FGIs) in Yamato-81020 (CO3.0) and Kainsaz (CO3.1-CO3.2) chondrites have been studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The FGIs from Yamato-81020 consist of aggregates of hibonite, spinel, melilite, anorthite, diopside and olivine grains with no petrographic evidence of alteration. In contrast, the FGIs from Kainsaz commonly contain alteration products such as nepheline. From replacement textures and chemical compositions of altered and unaltered FGIs, we conclude that the alteration products formed by decomposition of melilite and anorthite. All phases in the Yamato-81020 FGIs are enriched in 16O, with δ17, 18O = ∼−40‰ except for one FGI that experienced melting. Oxygen isotopic compositions of melilite, anorthite, some spinel and diopside in Kainsaz FGIs changed from δ17, 18O = ∼−40‰ toward 0‰ by aqueous alteration. Alteration products in FGIs are depleted in 16O relative to primary phases, with δ17, 18O = ∼0‰. These results show that FGIs in CO chondrites commonly had 16O-rich compositions in the solar nebula. The original 16O-rich FGIs were modified to 16O-poor compositions during aqueous alteration in the parent body.  相似文献   

Optical and cathodoluminescence petrography were coupled with electron microprobe analysis to relate the textures and chemical compositions of minerals in the chondrules and matrix of the Indarch, Kota-Kota, Adhi-Kot and Abee Type I enstatite chondrites. Clinoenstatites fall into two distinct chemical groups with characteristic red or blue luminescence; red crystals are higher in Ti, Al, Cr, Mn and Ca, and lower in Na, than blue ones. Rare forsterites in Indarch and Kota-Kota show distinct compositions associated with orange or blue luminescence. The chemical ranges are indistinguishable for each color type in chondrules of all textural types, and the presence of both color types in a single chondrule or a metal fragment requires mechanical aggregation of both crystals and liquids of both color types. Porphyritic chondrules are ascribed mainly to aggregation of existing crystals because both types of pyroxene and olivine occur in the same chondrule. Large crystals of one color type are surrounded by fine-grained crystals of another type in some barred and radiating chondrules. All types of chondrules are surrounded by fine-grained rims rich in sulfide. The matrix contains many broken chondrules and individual silicate grains but is rich in sulfide and metal. Analyses are given of albite (minor elements and luminescence color vary between chondrites), kamacite, schreibersite, oldhamite and niningerite.Although the mineral assemblages do not fit theoretical condensation sequences in detail, the red pyroxene and orange olivine might result ultimately from near-equilibrium crystallization in which early reduced condensates reacted with a gas, while the blue crystals might result from fractional condensation in which early condensates were removed mechanically from a gas. Subsequent episodes involving mixing, melting, crystallization, condensation, fracturing, and mechanical aggregation would be needed to produce the complex textures.  相似文献   

Enstatite meteorites include the undifferentiated enstatite chondrites and the differentiated enstatite achondrites (aubrites). They are the most reduced group of all meteorites. The oxygen isotope compositions of both enstatite chondrites and aubrites plot along the terrestrial mass fractionation line, which suggests some genetic links between these meteorites and the Earth as well.For this study, we measured the Zn isotopic composition of 25 samples from the following groups: aubrites (main group and Shallowater), EL chondrites, EH chondrites and Happy Canyon (impact-melt breccia). We also analyzed the Zn isotopic composition and elemental abundance in separated phases (metal, silicates, and sulfides) of the EH4, EL3, and EL6 chondrites. The different groups of meteorites are isotopically distinct and give the following values (‰): aubrite main group (−7.08 < δ66Zn < −0.37); EH3 chondrites (0.15 < δ66Zn < 0.31); EH4 chondrites (0.15 < δ66Zn < 0.27); EH5 chondrites (δ66Zn = 0.27 ± 0.09; n = 1); EL3 chondrites (0.01 < δ66Zn < 0.63); the Shallowater aubrite (1.48 < δ66Zn < 2.36); EL6 chondrites (2.26 < δ66Zn < 7.35); and the impact-melt enstatite chondrite Happy Canyon (δ66Zn = 0.37).The aubrite Peña Blanca Spring (δ66Zn = −7.04‰) and the EL6 North West Forrest (δ66Zn = 7.35‰) are the isotopically lightest and heaviest samples, respectively, known so far in the Solar System. In comparison, the range of Zn isotopic composition of chondrites and terrestrial samples (−1.5 < δ66Zn < 1‰) is much smaller ( [Luck et al., 2005] and [Herzog et al., 2009]).EH and EL3 chondrites have the same Zn isotopic composition as the Earth, which is another example of the isotopic similarity between Earth and enstatite chondrites. The Zn isotopic composition and abundance strongly support that the origin of the volatile element depletion between EL3 and EL6 chondrites is due to volatilization, probably during thermal metamorphism. Aubrites show strong elemental depletion in Zn compared to both EH and EL chondrites and they are enriched in light isotopes (δ66Zn down to −7.04‰). This is the opposite of what would be expected if Zn elemental depletion was due to evaporation, assuming the aubrites started with an enstatite chondrite-like Zn isotopic composition. Evaporation is therefore not responsible for volatile loss from aubrites. On Earth, Zn isotopes fractionate very little during igneous processes, while differentiated meteorites show only minimal Zn isotopic variability. It is therefore very unlikely that igneous processes can account for the large isotopic fractionation of Zn in aubrites. Condensation of an isotopically light vapor best explains Zn depletion and isotopically light Zn in these puzzling rocks. Mass balance suggests that this isotopically light vapor carries Zn lost by the EL6 parent body during thermal metamorphism and that aubrites evolved from an EL6-like parent body. Finally, Zn isotopes suggest that Shallowater and aubrites originate from distinct parent bodies.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possibility that chondrules may have had an independent existence in space, we have searched for unusual nuclear track densities in chondrules and studied the compositions of chondrule rims on chondrules from thirteen unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. Our search for unusual radiation features has been negative. Observed track densities can be explained in terms of cosmic ray exposure ages of the respective meteorites. Fine-grained rims that surround chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are heterogeneous in composition consisting of varying proportions of iron sulfide and a poorly characterized silicate phase. The latter phase or phases are roughly chondritic in composition. Fine-grained rims of the kind seen in primitive type 3 ordinary chondrites are absent in higher petrographie grades; more crystalline, coarse-grained and lacy sulfide rims, however, are observed. Our observations can be explained by chondrules having had an independent existence in space during which they acquired rims either by condensation on their surfaces or by accretion of fine particles. However, accumulation of rims while chondrules resided on a meteorite parent body cannot be ruled out at this time. In any case, we do not propose that the chondrules themselves formed by condensation. Absence of a track record of space exposure of chondrules could be due to shielding by matter in space if, for example, chondrules were present in space in clouds made of dust, gas and/or chondrules.  相似文献   

To better understand the role of aqueous alteration on the CI1 parent body, we have analyzed the texture, composition and mineral associations of iron nickel sulfides in four of the five known CI1 chondrites.The most commonly-occurring sulfide present in the CI1 chondrites is the iron-deficient Fe,Ni sulfide pyrrhotite ([Fe,Ni]1−xS), that has a composition close to that of stoichiometric troilite (FeS). Three of the CI1s (Alais, Ivuna and Tonk) also contain pentlandite ([Fe,Ni]9S8), although pentlandite is a rare phase in Ivuna. Cubanite (CuFe2S3) was found in both Alais and Ivuna in this study, although it has also been reported in Orgueil (MacDougall and Kerridge, 1977). The pyrrhotite grains in all four chondrites form hexagonal, rectangular or irregular shapes, and show no evidence of Ni or Co zoning. The pyrrhotite grains in Orgueil and Ivuna are, in general, smaller, and show more “corrosions,” or “embayments,” than those in Alais or Tonk.We suggest that the precursor sulfide present in the CI1 chondrites was troilite which, during brecciation and oxidation on the parent body at a temperature of 100°C or less, converted the troilite to magnetite and pyrrhotite with pentlandite inclusions. Subsequently, continued alteration on the parent body removed pentlandite—partially from Alais, Tonk and Ivuna, completely from Orgueil—leaving behind pyrrhotite with spaces (“corrosions”) where the pentlandite had been. Ni derived from the pentlandite was incorporated into ferrihydrite, onto the surface of which the Ni,Na sulfate Ni-bloedite formed.Based on the size and abundant “corrosions” within pyrrhotite grains, combined with observations from other authors, we conclude that Orgueil and Ivuna have undergone a greater degree of alteration than Alais and Tonk. Further work is needed to assess the conditions under which pentlandite would be dissolved preferentially to pyrrhotite, as the study of terrestrial literature indicates that the latter mineral is preferentially removed.  相似文献   

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