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Using a combination of dielectric spectroscopy and atomistic computer simulation techniques, the dynamical behaviour of the
loosely bound (Na+ and K+) channel ions in nepheline has been investigated. The low-frequency dielectric properties of a natural Bancroft nepheline
have been studied from room temperature to 1100 K. At each temperature, the dielectric constant, conductivity and dielectric
loss were determined over a range of frequencies from 100 Hz to 10 MHz. At high temperatures a distinct Debye-type relaxation
in the dielectric loss spectrum was observed; the activation energy for this process was determined to be 1.38 ± 0.02 eV.
Atomistic simulation techniques were used to elucidate the mechanism and energetics of cation migration. A mechanism involving
the hopping of Na+ ions between oval sites and partially occupied hexagonal (K+) sites, via a bottleneck consisting of a distorted sixfold ring of (Al,Si)O4 tetrahedra, was found to give a calculated energy barrier in very good agreement with the experimentally determined activation
energy. These results confirm the nature of the process responsible for the observed dielectric behaviour. Overall, this study
demonstrates the intrinsic, microscopic control of cation diffusion processes in rock-forming minerals. Identifying specific
energy barriers and preferred diffusion pathways is fundamental to the prediction of diffusion energetics.
Received: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 21 July 2000 相似文献
Michihiro Miyake Mutsumi Matsuo Mayumi Hata Shin-ichi Iwai 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1981,7(2):88-90
The phase transition of K2SO4 has been investigated by measurements of the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity, correlated with the structural point of view. Using single crystals, the temperature dependences of the dielectric constants and electrical conductivities were measured at frequencies of 0.3, 1, 3, and 5 MHz in the temperature range from 20° to 640 °C. Within this range, the dielectric constant does not reach a maximum, but near the phase-transition temperature at 587° C, the dielectric constant along the c axis shows a larger discontinuity than those along the a and b axes. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant is consistent with the disordered structure of the high temperature form. Based on the parabolic increase of the dielectric constant in the temperature range from 582° to 587° C, it is likely that the phase transition propagates through an intermediate state. The electrical conductivity coefficients of K2SO4 increase with increasing temperature, exhibiting semiconducting character above the phase-transition temperature. In the high-temperature form, the electrical conductivity along the a axis exceeds that along the c axis. Since the electrical conductivity of K2SO4 is mainly ionic in character, the migration of K+ ions makes a major contribution to the conduction process. 相似文献
Melting and premelting of silicates: Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of Li2SiO3 and Na2SiO3
The isostructural lithium (Li2SiO3) and sodium (Na2SiO3) metasilicates have been investigated from room temperature up to the melting point by single-crystal Raman spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray powder diffraction. The unit-cell parameters and Raman frequencies of Li2SiO3 vary regularly with temperature up to the melting point, which is consistent with the lack of premelting effects in calorimetric measurements. In contrast, Na2SiO3 undergoes a transition at about 850 K from orthorhombic Cmc 21 symmetry, to a lower symmetry (possibly Pmc 21), and shows near 1200 K changes in the Raman spectra that correlate well with the premelting effects as determined from calorimetry observations. In both compounds, a high alkali mobility likely sets in several hundreds of degrees below the melting point. Premelting in Na2SiO3 is associated with extensive deformation of the silicate chains as evidenced near the melting point by similarities in the Raman spectra of the crystalline and liquid phases. 相似文献
The passivation of calcite by acid mine water. Column experiments with ferric sulfate and ferric chloride solutions at pH 2 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Josep M. Soler Marco Boi Jos Luis Mogolln Jordi Cama Carlos Ayora Peter S. Nico Nobumichi Tamura Martin Kunz 《Applied Geochemistry》2008,23(12):3579-3588
Column experiments, simulating the behavior of passive treatment systems for acid mine drainage, have been performed. Acid solutions (HCl or H2SO4, pH 2), with initial concentrations of Fe(III) ranging from 250 to 1500 mg L−1, were injected into column reactors packed with calcite grains at a constant flow rate. The composition of the solutions was monitored during the experiments. At the end of the experiments (passivation of the columns), the composition and structure of the solids were measured. The dissolution of calcite in the columns caused an increase in pH and the release of Ca into the solution, leading to the precipitation of gypsum and Fe–oxyhydroxysulfates (Fe(III)–SO4–H+ solutions) or Fe–oxyhydroxychlorides (Fe(III)–Cl–H+ solutions). The columns worked as an efficient barrier for some time, increasing the pH of the circulating solutions from 2 to 6–7 and removing its metal content. However, after some time (several weeks, depending on the conditions), the columns became chemically inert. The results showed that passivation time increased with decreasing anion and metal content of the solutions. Gypsum was the phase responsible for the passivation of calcite in the experiments with Fe(III)–SO4–H+ solutions. Schwertmannite and goethite appeared as the Fe(III) secondary phases in those experiments. Akaganeite was the phase responsible for the passivation of the system in the experiments with Fe(III)–Cl–H+ solutions. 相似文献
Masamichi Miyamoto 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1988,15(6):601-604
We applied molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to finding likely paths of atomic migration of the Mg ion in forsterite (Mg2SiO4) and the oxygen ion in MgSiO3-perovskite to better understand atomic diffusion in minerals. Our simulations show that there exist two routes of Mg migration in the forsterite structure, that is, paths between the M1 and M2 sites and between the M1 and M1 sites. In the MgSiO3-perovskite structure, some oxygen ions migrate to the next sites all together through the O1 vacant site showing co-operative movements. The O ions are relatively mobile mainly along the b axis in the perovskite structure. Meta-stable sites are often present between a stable site and another stable site on atomic migration. In spite of many assumptions, our MD simulations may show likely paths of atomic migration in crystal. 相似文献
Determination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ concentrations in feldspar by optical absorption and EPR spectroscopy
Ferrous and ferric iron concentrations in feldspars with low total iron content (<0.32 wt% total Fe) were determined from optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra to better than ±15 percent of the amount present. Optical spectra indicate that Fe2+ occupies two distorted M-sites in plagioclases of intermediate structural state. The linear dependence of the Fe2+/Fe total ratio on An content demonstrates that Fe2+ substitutes for Ca (not Na) so that the number of Ca-sites is a principal factor in iron partitioning in plagioclase. EPR powder spectra show that the number of sites for Fe3+ depends on structural state rather than on plagioclase chemistry. The observed linear correspondence of EPR double-integrated intensities with optical peak areas shows that all Fe3+ is tetrahedrally coordinated in both plagioclase and disordered potassium feldspar. Microcline perthites show, in addition to tetrahedral Fe3+, a signal due to axially coordinated ferric iron, which we associate with formation of hematite inclusions. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1972,36(1):99-101
Recent studies on sea water indicated that an increase in pressure of 1000 atm produces a small increase in the concentration of MgSO4 ion-pairs; this is opposite to the effect observed in aqueous solutions of MgSO4 alone. This increase has been assumed to imply a corresponding increase with pressure of ultrasonic absorption due to MgSO4 in sea water, in contrast to the large decrease observed in aqueous solutions. A detailed calculation based on the Eigen and Tamm multistate dissociation model shows, however, that a decrease in ultrasonic absorption with pressure still occurs even though the concentration of ion-pairs increases 相似文献
《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(6):879-889
Direct evidence of the structure of thioantimonide species in alkaline aqueous solutions is provided by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Twenty solutions containing thioantimonide species were prepared by dissolving stibnite (Sb2S3) in deoxygenated aqueous NaHS solutions; the solution pH range was 8–14, the [Sbtot] 1–100 mM and the [HS−] 0.009–2.5 M. The structural environment of the dissolved Sb was determined by EXAFS analysis of the Sb K-edge over the temperature range 80–473 K.Many of the solutions contain a species with Sb bonded to four S atoms at 2.34 Å, consistent with the presence of a [Sb(V)S43−] species, demonstrating that oxidation of Sb(III) to Sb(V) has occurred on dissolution. There is evidence that the complementary reduced phase is H2. In three solutions, the Sb has three nearest neighbor S atoms and two of these solutions have an additional S shell of two atoms at 2.9Å, with one showing evidence of an Sb shell at 4.15 Å. This provides evidence of the presence of multimeric Sb(V) thioantimonide species. Analysis of several solutions reveals the presence of a species with three Sb–S interactions of 2.41–2.42 Å, supporting the presence of a Sb(III) species such as Sb2S2(SH)2. Six solutions have S coordination numbers from 2.7–4 Å and Sb–S distances of 2.37–2.39 Å, and are likely to contain mixtures of at least two species in concentrations such that each make a significant contribution to the EXAFS. There was no clear relationship between either [Sbtot] or [HS−] and the type of species present, but Sb(III) species were only present in the solutions with high pH. The effect of temperature was most significant in one solution, where at 423 K partial hydrolysis occurred and the presence of a species such as Sb2S2(OH)2, with an Sb–O distance of 1.91 Å, is indicated.The study provides new information on the coordination environment of thioantimonide species, complementary to previous studies and provides a basis for a better understanding of Sb speciation in aqueous solutions found in hydrothermal systems, anoxic basins and man-made, high pH environments. In particular it demonstrates the need for Sb(V) to be considered in theoretical and experimental studies of such systems. However, more definitive interpretation of some of the data is inhibited by the presence of mixtures of species and the lack of information on the outer coordination shells that would confirm the presence of multimeric species. 相似文献
Insoluble organic matter (IOM) isolated from 22 carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites spanning a wide range of groups and petrologic types were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Based on common IR spectral features, it is observed that IOM falls into 4 molecularly distinct groups (designated here as A through D). Spectral group A includes type 1 and 2 chondrites and exhibits intense aliphatic C-H and carboxyl vibrational peaks. Spectral group B includes the least metamorphosed type 3 chondrites and Tagish Lake, and exhibits weaker aliphatic and carboxyl vibrational intensity. Spectral groups C and D include metamorphosed type ?3.1 chondrites and a heated CM chondrite. The carbonyl stretching features in spectral groups C and D differ from that in spectral groups A and B and from each other. In spectral group C, the carbonyl stretching is assigned to cyclic unsaturated lactones; in spectral group D carbonyl exists predominantly in the form of unsaturated ketone moieties. Both spectral groups C and D have a relatively narrow band structure around 1210 cm−1 (assigned to aromatic skeletal modes) as compared with spectral groups A and B, which is consistent with the formation of more condensed aromatics by extensive thermal metamorphism. The differences in carbonyl structures in spectral groups C and D are not the result of different effective metamorphic temperatures, rather these differences likely result from variation in the activity of water and oxygen at different stages of parent body metamorphism. Such environmental variations must be local phenomena in the parent bodies as there is no correlation between spectral grouping and chondrite class or group. 相似文献
The solubility mechanism of fluorine in quenched SiO2-NaF and SiO2-AlF3 melts has been determined with Raman spectroscopy. In the fluorine abundance range of F/(F+Si) from 0.15 to 0.5, a portion of the fluorine is exchanged with bridging oxygen in the silicate network to form Si-F bonds. In individual SiO4-tetrahedra, one oxygen per silicon is replaced in this manner to form fluorine-bearing silicate complexes in the melt. The proportion of these complexes is nearly linearly correlated with bulk melt F/(F+Si) in the system SiO2-AlF3, but its abundance increases at a lower rate and nonlinearly with increasing F/(F+Si) in the system SiO2-NaF. The process results in the formation ofnonbridging oxygen (NBO), resulting in stabilization of Si2O 5 2? units as well as metal (Na+ or Al3+) fluoride complexes in the melts. Sodium fluoride complexes are significantly more stable than those of aluminum fluoride. 相似文献
Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs 相似文献
Qiaoyun Wang Akio Makishima Eizo Nakamura 《Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research》2010,34(2):175-183
A method to determine F and Cl in silicate materials by employing pyrohydrolysis and ion chromatography (IC) is described. Pyrohydrolysis involved mixing a pulverised sample (∼ 40 mg) with V2O5 (∼ 160 mg) and heating to 1100 °C under a wet oxygen flow in a quartz tube. Recovery yields of F and Cl were ∼ 97% using a NaF + NaCl standard solution. Detection limits of the pyrohydrolysis-IC method for silicate samples were 0.36 and 0.69 μg g-1 for F and Cl, respectively. Fluorine and Cl concentrations were determined in the reference materials JB-2, JB-3 and JA-1 from the GSJ; BCR-2, BHVO-1, BHVO-2, AGV-1 and AGV-2 from the USGS; and NIST SRM 610, 612 and 614 glasses. Precisions (RSD) for determinations of F were 1–13% (except NIST SRM 614) and 2–19% for Cl, and were dependent on the concentration and blank correction. Most results obtained in this study were in good agreement with those of previous studies. In comparison, the Na2CO3 + ZnO fusion method at 900 °C showed that the yields of F and Cl by alkaline fusion systematically decreased with fusion duration time. The yields were 84% and 83% for JB-3, inferring that F and Cl were lost in this alkaline fusion. 相似文献
Lin-Gun Liu 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1977,41(9):1355-1361
Complete solid solutions with the ilmenite structure from pure MgSiO3 to 75% MgSiO3·25% Al2O3 have been synthesized in the pressure region between 240 and 300 kbar at 1000–1400°C in a diamond-anvil cell coupled with laser heating. The results suggest that complete solid solutions with the ilmenite structure might be formed between MgSiO3 and Al2O3 under high pressure-high temperature conditions. The lattice parameters for the ilmenite solid solutions between MgSiO3 and Al2O3 deviate from ideality in the same manner as those found by Berry and Combs along the FeVO3–Fe2O3 join. For the ordered A2+ B4+O3 ilmenite-type compounds, co is determined primarily by the size of the relatively large A2+ cation, whereas ao depends strongly on the radii of both A2+ and B4+ cations. Such systematics might account for the fact that co and ao for the ilmenite-type MgSiO3 are respectively smaller and larger than those for Al2O3. The lattice parameters ao and molar volumes for the A23+O3 corundum-type compounds and the disordered A2+B4+O3 ilmenites follow a different trend and are, therefore, readily distinguished from the ordered A2+B4+O3 ilmenites. 相似文献
Bernard Henry Grobéty 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,127(3):237-247
Anthophyllite crystals found in ultramafic lenses of the Lepontine Alps (Switzerland) contain coherent, submicroscopic intergrowths
of ordered and disordered biopyribole polysomes. The chain width distributions of disordered polysomes were analyzed using
high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Chains wider than triple were interpreted as intermediate products
in the transformation of anthophyllite to the triple chain silicate jimthompsonite. The concentration of individual chain
types is strongly correlated with the reaction progress. Based on observed zipper terminations and the transformation rules
given by Veblen and Buseck (1980) a scheme of possible reaction paths leading from anthophyllite to jimthomp sonite is proposed.
The reaction scheme and a simple kinetic model for elementary reactions allow modeling of the observed chain width distributions.
The model suggests that the complex reaction paths involving steps with increasing and decreasing chain width are more important
in the formation of jimthompsonite than the direct transformation from anthophyllite. The wide chains (>triple) occurring
as intermediate products of the multi-step paths are structurally closer to talc than jimthompsonite. The back-transformation
of these wide chains to triple chains is, therefore, a strong argument that jimthompsonite is a stable phase and not only
a metastable intermediate product in the transformation of anthophyllite to talc.
Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 13 December 1996 相似文献
Activity coefficient for aqueous silica in saline waters and brines from the Paris Basin was calculated using Pitzer's specific interaction model. Quartz and chalcedony are the only reported authigenic silica minerals in the Dogger aquifer of the Paris Basin (France). However, the measured silica concentrations fall between those of these two phases. The silica concentrations measured in Dogger fluids seem to be controlled by a microcrystalline quartz phase with a grain size computed to be about 20 nm. Studies have shown that pressure can preserve small grain size for a long time at the geological scale. The effective mechanism of pressure action is probably linked to the fact that pressure simultaneously favours dissolution at the grain-contact inducing a quartz supersaturation and prohibits the increase in size of reprecipitated microcrystalline quartz grains. This hypothesis is supported by other studies reported in the literature. The proposed model, which incorporates silica mineralogy and a precise calculation of aqueous silica activity, allows us to explain measured silica concentrations in the deep sedimentary solutions of the Dogger aquifers. In the Keuper brines, silica solubility can in most cases be explained by an equilibrium with either chalcedony or quartz. Another application of the present work is shown by an example, where we examined the importance of precisely evaluating the activity coefficient in basin characterisation, as the goal of reservoir characterisation is to describe the spatial distribution of petrophysical parameters such as porosity, permeability, and saturations. 相似文献
Michail N. Taran Monika Koch-Müller Klaus Langer 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2005,32(3):175-188
Natural Fe2+, Fe3+-bearing spinel solid solutions from the spinel s.s.-hercynite and gahnite-hercynite series were analyzed and studied by electronic absorption spectroscopy in the spectral range 30000–3500 cm–1 in the temperature and pressure ranges 77 TK 600 and 10–4 PGPa 11.0. Two crystals were light-violet in color (type I) and six green or bluish-green (type II). The spectra of both types of spinels are dominated by an UV-absorption edge near 28000 to 24000 cm–1, depending on the iron contents, and a very intense band system in the NIR centered around 5000 cm–1, which is caused by spin-allowed dd-transition of tetrahedral Fe2+, derived from 5 E5 T2. The strong band is in all spinels studied, split into four sub-bands, which can only be observed in very thin platelets. Between the UV-edge and the high-energy wing of the NIR-band there occur a number of very weak bands in type I spinels while the green type II spinels show some of these with significantly enhanced intensity. The intensity of the very weak bands is nearly independent from temperature. Such bands are attributed to spin-forbidden electronic transitions of IVFe2+. Temperature and pressure dependence of the intensity enhanced bands of spinels type II indicate that they are caused by IVFe2+ and VIFe3+. They are attributed to spin-forbidden transitions 6A1g4A1g, 4Eg, 4T2g and 4T1g of VIFe3+, the two latter being strongly intensified by exchange-coupling interaction with adjacent IVFe2+. The pressure dependence of IVFe2+ dd-band system in the NIR caused by spin-allowed 5 E5 T2 transition noticeably differs from that of octahedral Fe2+, an effect which is attributed to a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect of IVFe2+ in the spinel structure.
Monika Koch-MüllerEmail: Phone: +49-331-288-1492/1402Fax: +49-331-288-1492/1402 |
Aluminum Enrichment in Silicate Melts by Fractional Crystallization: Some Mineralogic and Petrographic Constraints 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
The degree of aluminum saturation of an igneous rock may bedescribed by its Aluminum Saturation Index (ASI) defined asthe molar ratio Al2O3(CaO + K2O + Na2O). One suggested originfor mildly peraluminous granites (ASI between 1 and about 1.1)is by fractional crystallization of subaluminous (ASI < 1)magmas; hornblende, having ASI < 0.5, could be a major drivingforce in such a fractionation process. The efficacy of the processdepends not only on precipitation of hornblende and its effectiveremoval from the reacting system, but on the composition andnature of other coprecipitating phases, weighted by their modalabundances in the reactive system. Precipitation of feldspar(ASI = 1), for instance, would retard or even prevent aluminumenrichment in the melt if the ASI of melt is < 1, but wouldenhance such evolution if the ASI of the melt is > 1. Discussionof the efficacy of any mineral must be made in the context ofthe total reacting system. For hornblende to effectively cause a melt to evolve into aperaluminous composition, it must be able to coexist with peraluminousmagmas. Experimental phase equilibrium data show that at pressure> 5 kb hornblende can coexist with strongly peraluminousmelts (ASI {small tilde} 1.5). Scantily phyric volcanic rocksshow that hornblende can coexist with granitic magma havingASI {small tilde} 1.1 1.2. The aggregate ASI of last-stageminerals of a typical granite is less than this value; therefore,even after hornblende has reacted out, the residual magma maybe expected to continue to evolve toward more aluminous compositions. Potentials and problems of using coarse-grained granitic rocksto probe courses of magmatic evolution are illustrated by asuite of samples from the Grayling Lake pluton of southwesternMontana. Such rocks probably always contain a large cumulatecomponent in their texture and should not be used as primarymeans to test the occurrence or efficacy of a fractionationprocess that might lead to peraluminous melts. The process isunlikely to give rise to peraluminous plutons of batholithicdimensions. A simple differential equation is presented thatallows the direct use of petrographic data (mineral chemistryand modal abundance) to predict the path of incremental evolutionof a given magma. 相似文献
W R Taylor 《Journal of Earth System Science》1990,99(1):99-117
Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopic methods are important complementary techniques in structural studies of aluminosilicate glasses. Both techniques are sensitive to small-scale (<15 Å) structural features that amount to units of several SiO4 tetrahedra. Application of IR spectroscopy has, however, been limited by the more complex nature of the IR spectrum compared with the Raman spectrum, particularly at higher frequencies (1200–800 cm?1) where strong antisymmetric Si-O and Si-O-Si absorptions predominate in the former. At lower frequencies, IR spectra contain bands that have substantial contributions from ‘cage-like’ motions of cations in their oxygen co-ordination polyhedra. In aluminosilicates these bands can provide information on the structural environment of Al that is not obtainable directly from Raman studies. A middle frequency envelope centred near 700 cm?1 is indicative of network-substituted AlO4 polyhedra in glasses with Al/(Al+Si)>0·25 and a band at 520–620cm?1 is shown to be associated with AlO6 polyhedra in both crystals and glasses. The IR spectra of melilite and melilite-analogue glasses and crystals show various degrees of band localization that correlate with the extent of Al, Si tetrahedral site ordering. An important conclusion is that differences in Al, Si ordering may lead to very different vibrational spectra in crystals and glasses of otherwise gross chemical similarity. 相似文献
We present a spectroscopic study of the iron \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge for several minerals and compounds to reveal information about the oxidation state and the local coordination of iron. We describe a novel approach to probe the iron \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge bulk sensitively using X-ray Raman scattering. Significant changes in the onset and shape of the Fe \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge were observed on ferrous and ferric model compounds with Fe in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. Simulation of the spectra is possible using an atomic multiplet code, which potentially allows determination of, e.g., crystal-field parameters in a quantitative manner. A protocol is discussed for determination of the Fe oxidation state in compounds by linear combination of spectra of ferric and ferrous end members. The presented results demonstrate the capabilities of Fe \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge spectroscopy by X-ray Raman scattering to extract information on the ratio of trivalent to total iron \(\hbox{Fe}^{3+}/\sum \hbox{Fe}\) and local coordination. As X-ray Raman scattering is performed with hard X-rays, this approach is suitable for in situ experiments at high pressure and temperature. It thus may provide indispensable information on oxidation state, electronic structure and local structure of materials that are important for physical and chemical processes of the deep Earth. 相似文献