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Multiple sulfur isotope system is a powerful new tracer for atmospheric, volcanic, and biological influences on sulfur cycles in the anoxic early Earth. Here, we report high-precision quadruple sulfur isotope analyses (32S/33S/34S/36S) of barite, pyrite in barite, and sulfides in related hydrothermal and igneous rocks occurring in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Our results indicate that observed isotopic variations are mainly controlled by mixing of mass-dependently (MD) and non-mass-dependently fractionated (non-MD) sulfur reservoirs. Based on the quadruple sulfur isotope systematics (δ34S-Δ33S-Δ36S) for these minerals, four end-member sulfur reservoirs have been recognized: (1) non-MD sulfate (δ34S = −5 ± 2‰; Δ33S = −3 ± 1‰); (2) MD sulfate (δ34S = +10 ± 3‰); (3) non-MD sulfur (δ34S > +6‰; Δ33S > +4‰); and (4) igneous MD sulfur (δ34S = Δ33S = 0‰). The first and third components show a clear non-MD signatures, thus probably represent sulfate and sulfur aerosol inputs. The MD sulfate component (2) is enriched in 34S (+10 ± 3‰) and may have originated from microbial and/or abiotic disproportionation of volcanic S or SO2. Our results reconfirm that the Dresser barites contain small amounts of pyrite depleted in 34S by 15-22‰ relative to the host barite. These barite-pyrite pairs exhibit a mass-dependent relationship of δ33S/δ34S with slope less than 0.512, which is consistent with that expected for microbial sulfate reduction and is significantly different from that of equilibrium fractionation (0.515). The barite-pyrite pairs also show up to 1‰ difference in Δ36S values and steep Δ36S/Δ33S slopes, which deviate from the main Archean array (Δ36S/Δ33S = −0.9) and are comparable to isotope effects exhibited by sulfate reducing microbes (Δ36S/Δ33S = −5 to −11). These new lines of evidence support the existence of sulfate reducers at ca. 3.5 Ga, whereas microbial sulfur disproportionation may have been more limited than recently suggested.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) isotope variability in Precambrian chert deposits is significant, but proposed explanations for the observed heterogeneity are incomplete in terms of silica provenance and fractionation mechanisms involved. To address these issues we investigated Si isotope systematics, in conjunction with geochemical and mineralogical data, in three well-characterised and approximately contemporaneous, ∼3.5 Ga chert units from the Pilbara greenstone terrane (Western Australia).We show that Si isotope variation in these cherts is large (−2.4‰ to +1.3‰) and was induced by near-surface processes that were controlled by ambient conditions. Cherts that formed by chemical precipitation of silica show the largest spread in δ30Si (−2.4‰ to +0.6‰) and are characterised by positive Eu, La and Y anomalies and overall depletions in lithophile trace elements. Silicon isotope systematics in these orthochemical deposits are explained by (1) mixing between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, and/or (2) fractionation of hydrothermal fluids by subsurface losses of silica due to conductive cooling. Rayleigh-type fractionation of hydrothermal fluids was largely controlled by temperature differences between these fluids and seawater. Lamina-scale Si isotope heterogeneity within individual chemical chert samples up to 2.2‰ is considered to reflect the dynamic nature of hydrothermal activity. Silicified volcanogenic sediments lack diagnostic REE+Y anomalies, are enriched in lithophile elements, and exhibit a much more restricted range of positive δ30Si (+0.1‰ to +1.1‰), which points to seawater as the dominant source of silica.The proposed model for Si isotope variability in the Early Archaean implies that chemical cherts with the most negative δ30Si formed from pristine hydrothermal fluids, whereas silicified or chemical sediments with positive δ30Si are closest to pure seawater deposits. Taking the most positive value found in this study (+1.3‰), and assuming that the Si isotope composition of seawater is governed by input of fractionated hydrothermal fluids, we infer that the temperature of ∼3.5 Ga seawater was below ∼55 °C.  相似文献   

The stromatolites of the weakly metamorphosed 2.72 Ga Tumbiana Formation present abundant organic globules that resemble in size, shape and distribution the microorganisms observed in modern stromatolites. In order to evaluate the significance of these cell-like organic materials, we characterized organic matter in-situ down to the nanoscale using a combination of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman microspectroscopy, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).These analyses revealed the occurrence of two distinct types of organic matter forming μm-scale textural and chemical heterogeneities distributed in distinct mineralogical laminae of the stromatolites. Type A organic matter, which is by far the most abundant, consists of sulfur-poor organic matter that is located in mud-type laminae at grain boundaries, mostly in association with silicate minerals. In contrast, Type B organic matter is rare and preserved as inclusions in the core of calcite grains forming laminates. It occurs as micrometer-sized cell-like globules containing variable amounts of organic sulfur likely in the form of thiophenes.Different scenarios may account for these compositional heterogeneities in the kerogen. Based on textural and compositional analogies with modern stromatolites, it is argued that Type B sulfur-rich globules may represent microbial cells protected by mineral encapsulation and selectively preserved through polymerization by early diagenetic sulfurization. In modern sediments, this reaction is fuelled by bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). This metabolism has been widely considered as a major driver in modern stromatolites calcification and could thus have played an important role in the formation of the Tumbiana Formation stromatolites. In contrast, Type A sulfur-poor organic matter corresponds to either fossil extracellular polymer substances (EPS) or recondensed kerogen. This pool was likely not sulfurized due to either local and/or timely variations in the concentrations of H2S or adverse pyritization driven by the availability of iron. Our observations thus show the need to use spatially-resolved techniques to complement organic geochemistry analyses and provide a detailed analysis of the organic carbon pools composing Archean stromatolites.  相似文献   

Variations in the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of five cherts from the 1.9 Ga Gunflint iron formation (Canada) were studied at the micrometer scale by ion microprobe to try to better understand the processes that control δ18O values in cherts and to improve seawater paleotemperature reconstructions. Gunflint cherts show clearly different δ18O values for different types of silica with for instance a difference of ≈15‰ between detrital quartz and microquartz. Microquartz in the five samples is characterized by large intra sample variations in δ18O values, (δ18O of quartz varies from 4.6‰ to 6.6‰ at the 20 μm scale and from ≈12‰ to 14‰ at 2 μm scale). Isotopic profiles in microquartz adjacent to hydrothermal quartz veins demonstrate that microquartz more than ≈200 μm away from the veins has preserved its original δ18O value.At the micrometer spatial resolution of the ion probe, data reveal that microquartz has preserved a considerable δ18O heterogeneity that must be regarded as a signature inherited from its diagenetic history. Modelling of the δ18O variations produced during the diagenetic transformation of sedimentary amorphous silica precursors into microquartz allows us to calculate seawater temperature (Tsw at which the amorphous silica precipitated) and diagenesis temperature (Tdiagenesis at which microquartz formed) that reproduce the δ18O distributions (mean, range and shape) measured at micrometer scale in microquartz. The two critical parameters in this modelling are the δ18O value and the mass fraction of the diagenetic fluid. Under these assumptions, the most likely ranges for Tsw and Tdiagenesis are from 37 to 52 °C and from 130 to 170 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

High-precision Pt-Re-Os and Sm-Nd isotope and highly siderophile element (HSE) and rare earth element (REE) abundance data are reported for two 2.7 b.y. old komatiite lava flows, Tony’s flow (TN) from the Belingwe greenstone belt, Zimbabwe, and the PH-II flow (PH) from Munro Township in the Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada. The emplaced lavas are calculated to have contained ∼25% (TN) and ∼28% (PH) MgO. These lavas were derived from mantle sources characterized by strong depletions in highly incompatible lithophile trace elements, such as light REE (Ce/SmN = 0.64 ± 0.02 (TN) and 0.52 ± 0.01 (PH), ε143Nd(T) = +2.9 ± 0.2 in both sources). 190Pt-186Os and 187Re-187Os isochrons generated for each flow yield ages consistent with respective emplacement ages obtained using other chronometers. The calculated precise initial 186Os/188Os = 0.1198318 ± 3 (TN) and 0.1198316 ± 5 (PH) and 187Os/188Os = 0.10875 ± 17 (TN) and 0.10873 ± 15 (PH) require time-integrated 190Pt/188Os and 187Re/188Os of 0.00178 ± 11 and 0.407 ± 8 (TN) and 0.00174 ± 18 and 0.415 ± 5 (PH). These parameters, which by far represent the most precise and accurate estimates of time-integrated Pt/Os and Re/Os of the Archean mantle, are best matched by those of enstatite chondrites. The data also provide evidence for a remarkable similarity in the composition of the sources of these komatiites with respect to both REE and HSE. The calculated absolute HSE abundances in the TN and PH komatiite sources are within or slightly below the range of estimates for the terrestrial Primitive Upper Mantle (PUM). Assuming a chondritic composition of the bulk silicate Earth, the strong depletions in LREE, yet chondritic Re/Os in the komatiite sources are apparently problematic because early Earth processes capable of fractionating the LREE might also be expected to fractionate Re/Os. This apparent discrepancy could be reconciled via a two-stage model, whereby the moderate LREE depletion in the sources of the komatiites initially occurred within the first 100 Ma of Earth’s history as a result of either global magma ocean differentiation or extraction and subsequent long-term isolation of early crust, whereas HSE were largely added subsequently via late accretion. The komatiite formation, preceded by derivation of basaltic magmas, was a result of second-stage, large-degree dynamic melting in mantle plumes.  相似文献   

A 350-km long belt of layered complexes and associated volcano-sedimentary sequences forms a continental-scale feature exposed along the internal portion of the Neoproterozoic Brasília Belt in central Brazil. This study provides new geochronological results and a critical review of the available data of these igneous associations of central Brazil. Precise age dating combined with geological and petrological studies indicate that this belt consists of two distinct igneous rock associations. The 1.25 and 0.79 Ga igneous episodes are constrained by reliable U–Pb zircon ages (SHRIMP and ID-TIMS) obtained in different regions and lithotypes of this belt. Both igneous associations were affected by high-grade metamorphism and tectonism at ca. 0.76 Ga, which partially disrupted the original igneous stratigraphy of the layered complexes and volcano-sedimentary sequences. The present configuration of this belt results from later events, probably caused by final ocean closure and continental collision between the São Francisco and Amazonian continents at ca. 0.63 Ga.  相似文献   

In order to quantify Al transfer in response to fluid-mineral equilibration under evolving metamorphic conditions, isobaric (0.7 GPa) experiments were conducted in the 350-550 °C range. Disequilibrium was induced (1) by holding initially pure water and natural minerals (kyanite + quartz ± muscovite enclosed in a perforated inner capsule) under isothermal conditions and (2) by stepwise temperature variations. In all experiments, secondary Al-bearing phases crystallized in the external tube of a “tube-in-tube” setup (SEM characterization); they are interpreted as witnesses of the evolution of the fluid composition (fluid reaction path). These reaction paths and the subsequent amount of secondary crystallizations were modeled using thermodynamic data from SUPCRT92 and estimates of both starting-mineral dissolution rates and elemental diffusion coefficients from the literature. A major result is that the amount of aluminum transferred to secondary phases is a thousand times larger than the calculated Al concentration in the fluid. Although the crystallization of Al-bearing phases was expected as a response to a temperature decrease, the stepwise temperature increase (20 °C/day) also led to aluminum transfer towards secondary phases. In the course of re-equilibration, the fluid first becomes saturated with respect to aluminosilicates and then reaches silica saturation, due to the low solubility of Al-minerals. Consequently, aluminosilicates partly recrystallize in response to a temperature increase. Crystallization of secondary Al-phases in the external tube implies that aqueous aluminum was efficiently transported from the inner capsule, even in the pure Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system. Therefore, mass balance calculations considering a constant Al reference frame, i.e., postulating Al immobility, should be regarded with caution.  相似文献   

We determined the solubility limit of Pt in molten haplo-basalt (1 atm anorthite-diopside eutectic composition) in piston-cylinder and multi-anvil experiments at pressures between 0.5 and 14 GPa and temperatures from 1698 to 2223 K. Experiments were internally buffered at ∼IW + 1. Pt concentrations in quenched-glass samples were measured by laser-ablation inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). This technique allows detection of small-scale heterogeneities in the run products while supplying three-dimensional information about the distribution of Pt in the glass samples. Analytical variations in 195Pt indicate that all experiments contain Pt nanonuggets after quenching. Averages of multiple, time-integrated spot analyses (corresponding to bulk analyses) typically have large standard deviations, and calculated Pt solubilities in silicate melt exhibit no statistically significant covariance with temperature or pressure. In contrast, averages of minimum 195Pt signal levels show less inter-spot variation, and solubility shows significant covariance with pressure and temperature. We interpret these results to mean that nanonuggets are not quench particles, that is, they were not dissolved in the silicate melt, but were part of the equilibrium metal assemblage at run conditions. We assume that the average of minimum measured Pt abundances in multiple probe spots is representative of the actual solubility. The metal/silicate partition coefficients (Dmet/sil) is the inverse of solubility, and we parameterize Dmet/sil in the data set by multivariate regression. The statistically robust regression shows that increasing both pressure and temperature causes Dmet/silto decrease, that is, Pt becomes more soluble in silicate melt. Dmet/sil decreases by less than an order of magnitude at constant temperature from 1 to 14 GPa, whereas isobaric increase in temperature produces a more dramatic effect, with Dmet/sil decreasing by more than one order of magnitude between 1623 and 2223 K. The Pt abundance in the Earth’s mantle requires that Dmet/sil is ∼1000 assuming core-mantle equilibration. Geochemical models for core formation in Earth based on moderately and slightly siderophile elements are generally consistent with equilibrium metal segregation at conditions generally in the range of 20-60 GPa and 2000-4000 K. Model extrapolations to these conditions show that the Pt abundance of the mantle can only be matched if oxygen fugacity is high (∼IW) and if Pt mixes ideally in molten iron, both very unlikely conditions. For more realistic values of oxygen fugacity (∼IW − 2) and experimentally-based constraints on non-ideal mixing, models show that Dmet/sil would be several orders of magnitude too high even at the most favorable conditions of pressure and temperature. These results suggest that the mantle Pt budget, and by implication other highly siderophile elements, was added by late addition of a ‘late veneer’ phase to the accreting proto-Earth.  相似文献   

Preliminary measurements were carried out of the solubility of the O2-buffering assemblage bismuth + bismite (Bi2O3) in aqueous liquid–vapor and vapor-only systems at temperatures of 220, 250 and 300 °C. All experiments were carried out in Ti reaction vessels and were designed such that the Bi solids were contained in a silica tube that prevented contact with liquid water at any time during the experiment. Two blank (no Bi solids present) liquid–vapor experiments at 220 °C yielded Bi concentrations (±1σ) in the condensed liquid of 0.22 ± 0.02 mg/L, whereas the solubility measurements at this temperature yielded an average value of approximately 6 ± 9 mg/L, with replicate experiments ranging from 0.3 to 26 mg/L. Although the 6 mg/L value is associated with a considerable degree of uncertainty, the experiments do indicate transport of Bi through the vapor phase. Measured Bi concentrations in the condensed liquid at 250 °C were in the same range as those at 220 °C, whereas those at 300 °C were significantly lower (i.e., all below the blank value). Vapor-only experiments necessarily contained much smaller initial volumes of water, thereby making the results more susceptible to contamination. Single blank runs at 220 and 300 °C yielded Bi concentrations of 82 and 16 mg/L, respectively. Measured concentrations (±1σ) of Bi in the vapor-only solubility experiments at 220 °C were 235 ± 78 mg/L for an initial water volume of 0.5 mL, and at 300 °C were 56 ± 30 mg/L and 33 ± 21 for initial water volumes of 1 and 2 mL, respectively, suggesting strong preferential partitioning of Bi into the vapor. The results indicate a negative dependence of Bi solubility on temperature, but are inconclusive with respect to the dependence of Bi solubility on water density or fugacity.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of surface water in the photic zone of the Precambrian ocean is almost exclusively known from studies of stromatolitic carbonates, while banded iron formations (IFs) have provided information on the composition of deeper waters. Here we discuss the trace element and Nd isotope geochemistry of very shallow-water IF from the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa, to gain a better understanding of solute sources to Mesoarchean shallow coastal seawater. The Pongola Supergroup formed on the stable margin of the Kaapvaal craton ∼2.9 Ga ago and contains banded iron formations (IFs) that represent the oldest documented Superior-type iron formations. The IFs are near-shore, pure chemical sediments, and shale-normalized rare earth and yttrium distributions (REYSN) exhibit positive LaSN, GdSN, and YSN anomalies, which are typical features of marine waters throughout the Archean and Proterozoic. The marine origin of these samples is further supported by super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios (average Y/Ho = 42). Relative to older Isua IFs (3.7 Ga) from Greenland, and younger Kuruman IFs (2.5 Ga) also from South Africa, the Pongola IFs are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREE), and appear to record variations in solute fluxes related to sea level rise and fall. Sm-Nd isotopes were used to identify potential sediment and solute sources within pongola shales and IFs. The ?Nd(t) for Pongola shales ranges from −2.7 to −4.2, and ?Nd(t) values for the coeval iron-formation samples (range −1.9 to −4.3) are generally indistinguishable from those of the shales, although two IF samples display ?Nd(t) as low as −8.1 and −10.9. The similarity in Nd isotope signatures between the shale and iron-formation suggests that mantle-derived REY were not a significant Nd source within the Pongola depositional environment, though the presence of positive Eu anomalies in the IF samples indicates that high-T hydrothermal input did contribute to their REY signature. Isotopic mass balance calculations indicate that most (?72%) of the Nd in these seawater precipitates was derived from continental sources. If previous models of Fe-Nd distributions in Archean IFs are applied, then the Pongola IFs suggest that continental fluxes of Fe to Archean seawater were significantly greater than are generally considered.  相似文献   

Humic sulfur is commonly the most important pool of organic sulfur (OS) in marine sediments and also important for the budget of total sedimentary sulfur. In this study, contents and stable sulfur isotopic compositions of hydrolyzable organic sulfur (HYOS), humic acid sulfur (HA-S) and fulvic acid sulfur (FA-S) in one core collected from the East China Sea (ECS) inner shelf were determined to investigate the sources and pathways of OS formation and to compare diagenetic geochemistry of HA-S and FA-S. HYOS in the core is essentially biological in origin and diagenetically refractory, with a fairly low fraction of labile sulfur bearing biomolecules. HA-S in the core is largely terrigenous residual bio-OS, while FA-S is a mixture of marine bio- and diagenetic OS (diag-OS), with the diag-OS fractions between 44% and 71%. Both HA-S and FA-S contents in the core are at the lower ends of the corresponding values reported in the literature. The HA in the sediments is diagenetically inert, subject to neither significant diagenetic sulfurization nor bio-OS mineralization loss, while the FA is reactive, prone to both sulfurization and decomposition loss of diagenetically bound OS. Low contents of humic S [i.e., ∑(HA-S + FA-S)] in the core may suggest that OS burial has only minor contribution to the burial of total sulfur in the sediments due to generally low OM sulfurization.  相似文献   

地下水污染影响碳的生物地球化学循环,碳的演化也能够反映地下水的污染状况。对贵阳城区地下水的水化学、溶解无机碳含量及其碳同位素进行了分析。研究结果表明,地下水化学以SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg型和HCO3-Ca·Mg型为主,化学组分分析结果表明,水化学特征主要受岩性控制。地下水中溶解无机碳表现形式主要为HCO-3,丰水期由于稀释作用其含量减少。而丰水期δ13CDIC较枯水期偏负,生物成因无机碳占比重大。结合碳同位素和NO-3等人为活动输入物质的负相关性尝试对城区地下水污染分区,结论为贵阳市区中部、东北部以及西郊农业区地下水受污染较为严重。  相似文献   

Dissolution of celestite (0 0 1) was studied by atomic force microscopy as a function of solution undersaturation. In solutions near saturation with respect to celestite, dissolution of the mineral took place exclusively by removal of ions from existing step edges. The onset of etch pit nucleation was observed at a critical saturation state of . Below this saturation state, dissolution took place both at existing step edges and via the creation of new steps surrounding the etch pits. The dissolution rates of celestite exhibited a non-linear dependence on saturation state. Basic crystal dissolution/growth models were inadequate to describe the non-linearity, but a model that incorporates a critical undersaturation provided an improved fit to data collected at high undersaturation. A simple model for dissolution at low undersaturation also fit the rate data well, but in light of the conditions necessary to produce new step edges, the rate coefficient in this model is poorly constrained due to the effects of sample surface history. Consideration of the process of topographic relaxation, consisting of changes in the surface microtopography (i.e., step density) resulting from changes in solution conditions, led to predicted relaxation times on the order of days for the celestite-water interface.  相似文献   

This paper presents worked solutions for the fractionations of all four stable sulfur isotopes (32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S) in several models of the sulfate reduction metabolism. We describe methods for obtaining solutions and how the predictions made by these solutions define different compositional fields (phase space) that can be used to gain new insights into sulfur metabolisms, specifically with respect to understanding the structure of and fractionations associated with the network of reactions that describe the transformations of sulfur within the cell. We show how this treatment can be used to evaluate data from experiments with dissimilatory sulfate reducers and to suggest that the expression of fractionations by the metabolic process is largely limited by the fraction of sulfate that is lost from the cell, and that the variation in observed fractionations reflects differences in the proportion of sulfur intermediates that are reoxidized to sulfate. This analysis provides a line of support for this assertion that depends only on the sulfur isotopic fractionations between sulfate and sulfide. This analysis also indicates that internal fractionations are consistent with a relationship given by 33α = (34α)θ where α is the fractionation factor (e.g., 33αa−b = (33 S/32S)a/(33S/32S)b and 34αa−b = (34 S/32S)a/(34S/32S)b), and where θ is restricted to a value between 0.515 and 0.514. This finding is consistent with a control on isotopic fractionation effects within the cell that is rooted in the different partition coefficients (energetics) for the different isotopologs.  相似文献   

Aragonite was precipitated in the laboratory at 25 °C in isotopic equilibrium with Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-CO3 solutions at two different pH values (i.e., pH = ∼8.2 and ∼10.8) by the constant addition method. On the basis of the oxygen isotope composition of the aragonite precipitates, it was demonstrated that the equilibrium aragonite-water fractionation factor is independent of the pH of the parent solution and equal to:
1000lnα(aragonite-H2O)=29.12±0.09  相似文献   

选取西藏冈底斯斑岩成矿带东段的邦铺矿床斑岩矿区2条勘探线上的11个钻孔,进行了详细的岩芯编录和矿物组合、脉体穿切关系研究,将该矿床内与斑岩成矿相关的脉体划分为A、B、D脉3种类型。通过对矽卡岩矿区的详细地表及平硐观察,发现了石榴子石、阳起石、绿帘石等一系列代表流体演化特征的矿物。邦铺矿床具有典型斑岩型矿床的蚀变分带特征,从中心向外依次表现为黑云母化-硅化-绢云母化-青磐岩化,泥化呈"补丁状"无规则分布在绢云母化和青磐岩化之上。矽卡岩化则以典型矽卡岩矿物的出现为特征。A脉中绝大多数包裹体均一温度为320~550℃,盐度主要集中在两个区间内,分别为17.0%~22.0%(气液两相包裹体)和30.8%~67.2%(含子晶包裹体);B脉中绝大多数包裹体均一温度为380~550℃,盐度主要集中在1.6%~10.1%、23.2%~24.5%(气液两相包裹体)和30.8%~67.2%(含子晶包裹体)3个区间内;D脉中绝大多数包裹体均一温度为213~450℃,盐度为7.3%~11.6%。流体包裹体研究表明,与斑岩成矿的相关流体具有从高温、高盐度向低温、低盐度演化的特征;形成A、B脉的流体发生了强烈的沸腾作用,由此导致的压力波动是Mo、Cu沉淀的主要原因。16件与斑岩成矿相关的石英δDV-SMOW=-107.1‰~-185.8‰,δ18OV-SMOW=9.5‰~14.5‰;15件与矽卡岩成矿相关的石榴子石、绿帘石、石英及方解石δDV-SMOW=-184.7‰~-126‰,δ18OV-SMOW=3.9‰~12.9‰;4件斑岩成矿后期的方解石δ18OV-SMOW=-1.6‰~10.4‰,δCV-PDB=-6.5‰~-3.4‰;6件与矽卡岩成矿相关的方解石δ18OV-SMOW=1.8‰~11.9‰,δCV-PDB=-5.1‰~4.6‰。C_H_O同位素分析数据表明,邦铺整个斑岩-矽卡岩成矿系统流体主要经历了岩浆脱水去气和大气降水加入这两大地质过程。  相似文献   

Many geochemical reactions that control the composition of natural waters, contaminant fate and transport, and biogeochemical element cycling take place at the interface between minerals and aqueous solutions. A fundamental understanding of these important processes requires knowledge of the structure of mineral-water interfaces. High-resolution specular X-ray reflectivity was used to determine the structure of the hematite (0 1 2)-water interface. Relaxation of the surface was observed to be minor, and water was found to order near the hematite surface. Two sites of adsorbed water are inferred to be ordered laterally, one bridging between triply coordinated functional groups and the other bridging between the singly coordinated functional groups on the surface, as steric constraints limit the possible arrangements of water molecules occurring at the observed heights above the hematite surface. Relaxations of the hematite and corundum (0 1 2) surfaces, which are isostructural, are similar and limited primarily to the top most layer of the structures. No significant changes to the interfacial stoichiometry (i.e., partial occupancy of surface species) are observed in either case. The structure of interfacial water is similar on the hematite and corundum (0 1 2) surfaces as well, although water appeared to be less well ordered on the hematite surface. This may be due to expected differences in the oxygen exchange rates from surface functional groups or the apparent better matching of the corundum oxygen lattice to the natural structural ordering in water, and suggests that the dielectric constant gradients of interfacial water may differ on the two surfaces. Similar charging behavior is expected for these surfaces as similar types of surface functional groups are exposed. Although generally similar, subtle differences in the reactivity of hematite and corundum (0 1 2) surfaces to arsenate adsorption, and possibly the adsorption of other species, may be related to the difference in ordering of interfacial water observed in this study.  相似文献   

In order to (1) explain the worldwide association between epithermal gold-copper-molybdenum deposits and arc magmas and (2) test the hypothesis that adakitic magmas would be Au-specialized, we have determined the solubility of Au at 4 kbar and 1000 °C for three intermediate magmas (two adakites and one calc-alkaline composition) from the Philippines. The experiments were performed over a fO2 range corresponding to reducing (∼NNO−1), moderately oxidizing (∼NNO+1.5) and strongly oxidizing (∼NNO+3) conditions as measured by solid Ni-Pd-O sensors. They were carried out in gold containers, the latter serving also as the source of gold, in presence of variable amounts of H2O and, in a few additional experiments, of S. Concentrations of Au in glasses were determined by LA-ICPMS. Gold solubility in melt is very low (30-240 ppb) but increases with fO2 in a way consistent with the dissolution of gold as both Au1+ and Au3+ species. In the S-bearing experiments performed at ∼NNO−1, gold solubility reaches much higher values, from ∼1200 to 4300 ppb, and seems to correlate with melt S content. No systematic difference in gold solubility is observed between the adakitic and the non-adakitic compositions investigated. Oxygen fugacity and the sulfur concentration in melt are the main parameters controlling the incorporation and concentration of gold in magmas. Certain adakitic and non-adakitic magmas have high fO2 and magmatic S concentrations favorable to the incorporation and transport of gold. Therefore, the cause of a particular association between some arc magmas and Au-Cu-Mo deposits needs to be searched in the origin of those specialized magmas by involvement of Au- and S-rich protoliths. The subducted slab, which contains metal-rich massive sulfides, may constitute a potentially favorable protolith for the genesis of magmas specialized with respect to gold.  相似文献   

This study is a comprehensive, stable isotope survey of the marine carbonate-dominated, upper Paleo- to lower Neoproterozoic stratigraphy of Jixian County, China. Carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) was extracted and measured for δ34SCAS using the same samples analyzed for δ13Ccarbonate. This integrated proxy approach is a step towards a more comprehensive picture of secular variation in the composition of Proterozoic seawater. We specifically sampled marine carbonate intervals from the lower section of the Chuanlinggou Formation, Changcheng Group (ca. 1700 Ma) to the top of the Jingeryu Formation, Qingbaikou Group (ca. 800 Ma). δ13Ccarbonate values are mostly negative in the upper Paleoproterozoic Changcheng Group, with an ascending trend from −3‰ to 0‰. We observed variation of approximately 0 ± 1‰ in the Mesoproterozoic Jixian Group, and positive values of +2 ± 2‰ characterize the lower Neoproterozoic Qingbaikou Group. Stratigraphic variations in δ34SCAS are more remarkable in their ranges and magnitudes, including conspicuously high values exceeding +30‰ in the three intervals at ca. 1700 Ma, 1300-1100 Ma, and 1000-900 Ma. In the Changcheng Group, δ34SCAS values are typically higher than +25‰, with only a few values of less than +15‰. In contrast, most of the data spanning from the Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation of the Jixian Group to the lower Neoproterozoic Jingeryu Formation of the Qingbaikou Group are highly variable between +10‰ and +25‰, with some values exceeding +25‰.In the late Paleoproterozoic (1700-1600 Ma), a >10‰ decrease in δ34SCAS and ∼3‰ increase in δ13Ccarbonate are coincident with, and likely related to, the breakup of Columbia, a supercontinent that predated Rodinia. Carbon and sulfur isotope data from the Mesoproterozoic, when global tectonic activity was comparatively weaker, fall mostly in the ranges of +15 ± 10‰ and 0 ± 1‰, respectively, but fluctuations of >20‰ for δ34SCAS and >3‰ for the δ13Ccarbonate at ca. 1450-1400 Ma may reflect subduction and large-scale magmatic activity in island arcs marking the end of Columbia breakup. From the late Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1300-1100 Ma) to the early Neoproterozoic (ca. 800 Ma), the δ13C and δ34S of seawater increased gradually with increasing variability. Most impressive areδ34SCAS values that exceed +30‰ in two intervals at ca. 1300-1100 Ma and ca. 1000-900 Ma, which may reflect the assembly and early breakup of Rodinia. Although gaps in the record remain, and studies of even higher resolution are warranted, our results suggest that changes in paleoceanographic conditions linked to global tectonics strongly influenced the biogeochemical cycles of C and S. Furthermore, periods of the Proterozoic previously noted for their isotopic invariability show clear isotopic expressions of this tectonic activity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(2):161-173
The isotope compositions of sulfate in bulk precipitation near Munich (Germany) and of seepage water and soil sulfate in five acid forest soils representative of southern Germany were determined in order to ascertain the sources and dynamics of sulfur. While the δ34 S-values of inorganic sulfate in soil solution and solid phases were found to be nearly identical to those of precipitation sulfate, a depletion of several per mil was observed for the δ18 O-values of sulfate within the uppermost 30 cm of the investigated soils. Mineralization of carbon-bonded sulfur to SO42− in the forest floor and humic mineral soil horizons is the only known process which can explain the observed shifts in δ18Osulfate. The fact that this18O-depleted sulfate recharges the groundwater under forests must be considered, when sulfur and oxygen isotope data of sulfate are used for interpretations of the past geochemistry of groundwater systems.Since the δ34S-values of precipitation sulfate were barely altered during percolation through the soils, sulfate mobilities were inferred from a lysimeter experiment with undisturbed soil cores from the same sites, using the stable isotope composition of the irrigation sulfate as a tracer. Fifteen cores of each of the five forest soils, were repeatedly irrigated over 20 months with34S- and18O-enriched sulfate in three different treatments (35, 63, and 131 kg S ha−1 respectively). Despite the fact that the mean residence time of the seepage water was of the order of only a few months, the throughput of irrigation sulfate did not exceed 34% for all soils and irrigation treatments during the experiment. The low recovery of irrigation sulfate in the seepage water implies mean residence times for sulfur in the uppermost 60 cm of the forest soils of the order of decades, much longer than previously suggested.  相似文献   

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